Episode 43: Scanner and Calls (HackRF/PortaPack Mayhem)

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hi welcome back to my channel so in this video I want to answer to some of my viewers requests and he asked me to do a video about the scanner functionality of the poor topic extension of the hacker f with the new maíam firmware so by the way if you haven't seen my previous episode episode 39 I talked about in that video I talked about the new firmware mayim for the port apakah it has come out very recently and it's under active development and in a video I also show you how to quickly install it so just go there if you if you want to install it very quickly and also by googling havoc poor topic mayhem you will find this pager and this contains some weekly informations about about this project ok so anyway I'm going to talk about the scanner functionality and those about the calls of functionalities that are available on this firmware and to do the experiments I'm going to use this baofeng radio to transmit signals so as you can see these mouthing radio is at the moment connected a truly antenna and between the radio and the antenna I have an attenuator this is a 50 watt attenuator 30 DB and also no the attenuator here also 30 DB so there is a total of 60 DB of attenuation and the idea is that this is going to reduce by 1 million times the power radiated by the by the by the radio and so we are not going to overload at the intent of the a carafe ok so this is both as a measure of precaution and to not damage the carafe and also to simulate a senior that is a bit more distant than just you know 20 centimeters okay so let's let's start with discussing the the scanner application first so let me see if I can zoom in on okay see should be visible it's not yet ideal let me see okay maybe maybe now is better yes now it should be kind of visible at the moment as you can see the poor topic is running out of a battery and that connected it to a small speaker here so we can hear what we transmit with a bang okay so let's start the this kind of application yeah by the way as you can see here we are running AM version 1.0 3 which is the latest version so let's go to the scanner app and so the scanner application is basically very simple it is scanning a true a number of frequencies at the moment as you can see I have 50 frequencies are set by the way let me let me show you if you go to the wiki page wiki page of the Mayim firmware and go here scanner and features you find this page and this tells you where the file with the frequencies to scan is located in the SD card that is a you know that you insert on the Porter Park and so in my case this this file is just a sequence of frequencies with this a format F equal frequencies and then new line and you have 50 of them energy star here okay so at the moment the scanner is looping through these frequencies until it finds some seniors that is strong enough okay so that basically I have some transmission I can suck the level of what I mean by strong and after by modifying this quality value it's going to be a number between 0 and 99 okay so as you can see if I reduce it a little better now I have you know what was before was found as a channel with some senior now is considered not carrying any senior okay or not sufficiently strong so now the scanner is coming and with scanner until it finds something sufficiently strong so here it looks like squelches the lower the teaser the higher the power he wants in order to stop there okay so again if I increase above yeah at the level of 26 it looks at this frequency 119 Macker there is some senior there perhaps but if I decrease it just a little bit it will start let's say yes coming okay so let me put at 15 just okay so the moment as you can see it's not finding anything I'm going now to transmit using the bow thing and I'm going to transmit first and one of the frequencies registered at the moment in the SD card of the porta pack in the file that I showed you and so let me do this transmission it's there here it says four three eight eight so 438 maggots and 800 kilo Hertz and as you can see here it's exactly the frequency where I was transmitting so yeah it it works perfectly well and of course when it's locked so I can also hear what's going on so if I touch some buttons you can hear you know the sounds so perfect and when I release the button it starts coming again so the functional is very simple and of course you can regulate here the volume of the speaker and you can also regulate the amplification settings of the hacker I've saw Alan a VGA and dump and that's it basically that's the scanner functionality now if I try to transmit on another frequency I'm going now to try to transmit on this frequency here 145 point 0 90 megahertz this frequency by the way let me show you it's not yeah it's not in the list of frequencies that I have here ok the order by increasing video frequency so it's not there so let's see what happens I'm now so let me close this file I'm now going to transmit and as you can see this is not stopping okay because yeah the frequency where I'm transmitting is not one of the frequencies being scanned okay and so we can this is the end for this kind of application and we now reach the point of this call application the idea is that if you don't know the frequency maybe you are trying to find some communications but you don't know at which frequencies they are transmitting right so that's the point of this call application you basically set these two values at the moment this is set to 144 makers point 31 and that's the starting frequency where you just want to start searching and the old reset at the moment at 146 point 31 and and so yeah now the this application is scanning through this wall spectrum so this is basically 1 2 megahertz and trying to find a senior that meets this trigger value at the moment this is set to 90 out of her 255 okay when it finds something that value it will report that something happened so let me reduce this value maybe we find some things and actually by somebody let's wait a second maybe we're lucky and we will receive something probably nothing is going on around me anyway let's increase it again to 90 and I'm going to try - trust me - with my mouthing so let's see what happens I'm going to trust me now and as you can see it records distant transmission it even says that it lasted 20 seconds and sorry that it happened at this time 8:20 so at the moment the time of my poor topic here is not configured correctly but anyway but the duration of this transmission was a 6.8 seconds it's also tells you the frequency 145 point 0 75 and if we look at here we look that we see that it's not completely correct okay so there is a 15-kilowatt difference but that's fine so this application is not supposed to be a super precise the idea is just to tell you more or less where to look to to find to find a senior so yeah that's a the point of this application and if I change the frequency let's say I'm going out to transmit on 140 4.96 for example let me transmit now as you can see here it will record all the transmission and I can scroll up and down to see what happened so this can be basically function as a logger so you leave it it will log all the transmissions that are above this 90 out of 25 power level and that's it basically that's the functionality of this of this application personally also like to simply use this audio app in the receiver the receiver set of applications okay so if I go to this out application at the moment is set to receive in a Yemma okay but I can change on the upper left part there to the civils in our OFM which is what these walkie-talkies like the bow finger transmitter or why Defamer in this case I have a very wide as you can see more than 1,200 the kilohertz waterfall but it's very interesting that you actually can go to spectrum here such back on the top left there and then you have more than 10 megahertz of waterfall display and that's pretty cool because if the moment that the waterfall is centered at 140 1.88 50 megahertz and so suppose I'm searching from seniors let me now transmit with a bow thing you will see I don't know if you can see it from the video but it's clearly visible by my me at the moment that there is scene that is a singing out there so I can just basically with the cursor cursor searcher which frequency that T's and and identify it and then I can go listen with it with the appropriate the appropriate mode and yeah that's it ur for for this video I hope it was useful and see you next time bye bye
Channel: The RF Noob
Views: 78,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HackRF, Portapack, Mayhem, firmware, Scanner, Calls
Id: BmNW8oX4E3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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