Hacking Muck To Do 7,947,573,892 Damage

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today we turn this beautiful idiot into an Unstoppable God and that all starts by finding a sea with green grass that's literally just for aesthetic reasons then we pick up a rock and murder the old growth forest until we have enough wood to make a workbench but before we're gonna place that we're gonna steal from these chests in the cave which actually gave me some pretty good stuff but what I've really been looking for are the black free chests because when I open those now I get to pick Whatever item I want as long as it's of the Lesser quality because it's free I'm gonna lift some weights that adds base strength and if you direct your attention to the upper right we got two of them out of a single chest so I can murder rocks with intensity and fury now but that's kind of the basic principle I think it's going to escalate and we've got a lot of new stuff to build and I guess I did get 34 out of that cave so we get a slightly better quality item or we don't but we'll take extra damage anyways since we have managed to pick up a gold pickaxe already we can mine iron which is a good start then we're going to take another free chest for another free power up let's get a little more movement speed in this netballs we have our first idiots coming to fight us we're one shouting them because we already have four strength upgrades and the gold pickaxe doesn't hurt hello welcome uh the waves will get pretty increasingly hard by the end and the point where the game is going to break for now I've murdered four or five things and we call it a night and just to mock them I'm just gonna start crafting stuff right now I'm gonna pay nor no attention to them whatsoever what I need right now is the smelter so I need more rocks and I've a good more idiots around wandering around so that's a very rare drop I have no idea if my mods made that drop but I'll take it oh we get a blue item this time I'm able to take a little bit of Life still that's always been a favorite of mine that's gonna help us stay alive dealing damage heals me and we're gonna deal a lot of damage my DPS currently has 12. we can do better than 12 another free item let's take some orange juice because I can't remember what that does more attack speed yes okay anyways there's my furnace time to start smelting some iron so we can make new stuff we're gonna burn coal while that's melting I'm gonna go Harvest more coal and I think there's another black chest over there that's such a good find canadilla chance to deal chunky damage already so we got two of those so that's an insane upgrade this early on I wish I remembered more so what these did ow can you not I'm busy so that increases draw speed Aero speed and damage that's more of a ranged attack thing but we'll probably have a ranged weapon at some point uh yummy nuts we'll try some of those I think that's Health stamina Wayne whoops didn't mean to attack him no they're all gonna attack me but that's okay I think I'm already strong enough just with a pickaxe to mow these guys down mercilessly I would have preferred to trade with them but if I gotta kill someone I gotta kill someone that's the way it goes sometimes they were loaded I got rich off them anyways back to Turning garbage into other garbage we got our first iron bars which means I can make my first Anvil which means I can start to make new things like a steel drill we do need an ancient core for that so it's probably gonna take a while to get there then since we need some Birch I've made my very first ax to be able to get some better wood and I've unlocked an Obama and pickaxe already I mostly just wanted to build a sword that we could kill idiots a little bit easier tonight here's our first volunteer now they're already getting a little bit stronger but our damage is a little bit unreasonable TPS is still hovering around the 17 meter depends on how many things I'm hitting naturally there's a big hit dps1 up to 60. these guys are just wandering around randomly I just want my GPS to go up so I'm going to hit them as much as I can per sec we're going to take some Hefty damage I'm going to build some armor pretty shortly the abominium stuff will take a little bit because we need obam and dark oak which takes a while to get but we can make iron stuff for now and we'll use that to mine gold and then we'll upgrade to whatever's after that whatever is after that for now I will settle with making a little bit of iron armor uh we're just gonna protect the important stuff because that's all we can afford downstairs and upstairs anything in between not worth my time and after that night we'll open up a few more chests to get us I don't know whatever this one is I think that's Health okay that one is Health regeneration this one's damaged we need a little more damage here is a blue chest that's going to have a potential for better items again so we're gonna take maybe milk I think that one is more Health strong bones that's armor or health there's another blue chest it only costs 80 to open so I'm going to keep opening them we're gonna take a maybe more jump why not double jump why yes I'll take more free stuff let's take more attack speed the faster I can swing the faster and kill things including gold and with that gold I can use to make a better golden ax and golden sword as soon as the idiot stop attacking me DPS is up to more like 25 at this point so it's already gone up by a considerable margin 25 there's my golden ax and I've got lots of gold to work with and we're gonna use the gold to make a better gold sword which as it turns out brings our DPS up a lot it was up to almost 100 murdering whoever that was this is a strangely spawned area there is a chest floating on whatever this is oh that's the chief's chest yeah I'll take your stuff then we'll also rate a few more chests there's a blue item uh we're gonna take the piggy bank because I don't remember what it does I'm feeling lucky time to hog all the loot that might actually get this extra loot every time we pick it up what I would really like is an ancient core I need a bossy spawn to be able to get one of those what does X shoes do I don't remember get Juiced up when Landing a crit yeah I think if I land a crit I go into like range mode so that's just gonna stack on top of itself a whole bunch anyways what I really should be mining right now is this with my gold pickaxe this is the next tier of tools and armor and everything else I did find a little bit initially but I'm gonna slowly mind some of it until I can make more because I have a massive deposit of it right in front of me there is a big chunk here DPS is holding 66 against the powerful rocks then it's already Nightfall so we're on to the next idiots by using our uh super sword our gold sword we're going to tear through these guys no problem oh and this guy's a Little Bit Stronger you have a skull over your head and he's dead uh the most annoying part about them is they attack my stuff instead of me I'd rather them come for me than I can kill them if they break my stuff it's really annoying to have to rebuild it but we did unlock the Amber tooth blade I need one glow Crystal 15 dark oak and two amber fangs which means I probably need more better stuff to be able to even mine most of those things and fur is what I need to make nitro tools so let's hope for some lucky damage I mean we already attacked so ridiculously fast that it's kind of a joke got lucky out of this chest 80 gold we're gonna take whatever this is chance to knock back enemies two of them I wonder how big of a hit you could make before the game breaks that was only 500 but I can get probably into the millions and his I was clear cutting my way across the world I can't open notice what I think is another Village over there but before we go over there and murder his inhabitants we're gonna take just a little more stop more attack speed please I want machine gun attack more attack speed again so those jump kits by themselves made a big difference actually the more those we get the faster this is gonna go yeah we've smelted plenty of mithril so now we can hopefully start to make some of the better tools so there's a myth will act so we can chop better with there's a mythical pickaxe we can Harvest better stuff and there is a mythical sword so we can murder things better testing our damage on the cows 57 not sure what the second hit was but it seems adequate for now yeah we're one shotting cows at least I did want to come over here to see if I could Harvest any of this stuff yet I cannot but Adamantite is the next level of tools and it still takes forever to mine even with all my current upgrades and I should be activating these these basically give you challenge idiots but if you manage to kill them uh easier said than done because they're a challenge you'll get a free upgrade if you're supposed to hit these guys with pickaxes I think it actually does more damage because they're big stupid rocks but once they're dead they're gonna drop me a a yellow item please uh Lumberjack I think that's more resources oh I'm almost dead oh we already started on these guys now uh so they're gonna be a little bit harder to kill again but if I get a critical hit I melt them I probably need better armor though because they're really hurting me but I also want this increased damage dealt to resources that's going to be important just so I can actually Harvest stuff and I just got a rare drop from these guys I don't know if my mods two ancient bones I don't know if my mods have actually changed a drop rate or not but I'm seeing unreasonably lucky so far oh damage is well over 100 by now so when it comes to basic enemies we're absolutely obliterating them so we'll try it again some Elites uh more of these guys yeah DPS isn't as high against these 80 but still we just destroyed these guys especially if I land a crit then I go bananas or if I do big chunk it will absolutely obliterate them but for now when they stand no chance and we get a blue item so we're gonna take the magnet increase chance to Critical Strike yes since I do have a little bit of extra material I'm going to give myself an actual breastplate finally it doesn't match I don't care now will we go searching for Adam antium I'm also going to go destroy this Village over here before murdering them all I'm going to see if they have anything worth trading for he does actually have an Adamantite ax I'm going to go ahead and buy that now that's just gonna save me having to make one and I'm pretty sure that allows me to cut down the dark Oaks so I can make really really powerful stuff now I just need an Adamantite pickaxe but dark oak is the start of it all DPS is up to 300 now thanks to this ax and I suppose extra damage to resources but you get the idea I didn't see there was two free chest sitting right here the entire time uh more attack speed and more damage but since we did pick up a few more updates we're gonna take on some Elite lover wolves and uh so far we're up to the task of killing them they can't hurt me really bad so I don't want to get hit very many times there's another one of those things thank you and for my effort I get a blue upgrade let's take one of these permanently increase Max HP on kill so every time we kill something more hit points it's another night already so we got fire idiots coming in and an elite level Golem great this should take slightly more hits nope he died and while I'm taking my idiots for a walk I've spotted a gold chest over here I do have enough gold to open one of these 275 but that gives me yellow item I want more from resources right now I've mostly been smelting all night this stuff is very slow so I'm actually gonna split it in half while also maybe updating my armor set that way I don't have to wait quite so much when I'm being attacked but there's a full blue set while we're at it we're gonna open one of these we got a yellow item I don't think we've got one of these yet so every once in a while when we hit things I think we do a big electric attack it does a lot of damage so for this we still need a glow Crystal whatever that is I don't know where to find those for now we'll settle for an Adamantite sword which is probably pretty adequate damage for me I can't mind the rubies now which should unlock me something potentially oh we got our first boss who's probably gonna hit really hard but I also hit hard ow Chief stopped hitting me there we go we're chewing it okay once we hit him with the big hit he really went down quickly then I'm gonna take some lifesteal because you can never have too much of that other ways we're gonna die horribly now I know we saw some obamium around here somewhere it's only day seven and we're already here well I'm gonna go ahead and open these because we're gonna take this for I don't know more damage I guess and this one also for more damage and then we hit him for 86. so today we're gonna challenge a few of these things uh just because we can one shot them occasionally and that feels really good we're gonna get upgrades all while looking for aubameyum uh for this we're gonna take some what is a broccoli Health regeneration also good is it the red pill that gives me health yep in fact we'll just take a few more of those now there's two and we'll take this one for another two 222 Health feels a little better and we'll open one of these for a good upgrade take a blue one uh milk maybe how about another free upgrade this time we're gonna take more attack speed finally found the obamium I'm looking for took all day but we're so powerful by now we can't mine it in a hurry so that's a nice touch sadly I'm not seeing a great amount of it out here but it's another night we just put our DPS up to like 1500 because we hit that thing so hard so our damage is already in ridiculous levels and it's gonna get so much worse I still haven't been able to get started on any of my drills like why do they even have a golden midrail one where do you find ancient cores well I'm at it since I have lots of Adamantite I'm gonna upgrade whatever I can to add a mandate armor which is all of it then we'll take an obamian pickaxe not really sure what we're gonna do with that yet and an obamian ax we're definitely doing big damage to resources speaking of which we're gonna gather a few because I have the money for it okay let's get some more movement speed because that's been annoying me for quite a while so we decided four things worth movement speed that feels a little better and we'll add one more so we just added six chunks of movement speed when we want to mine coal we do huge damage and it's time for another battle so 220 feet per hit we're two shotting these and these are Elite strong guys the pickaxe I probably do a lot to these guys three regular hits to kill them DPS didn't go super high there uh we can still do a lot better and a free chest I would say these aren't worth it anymore but that would be a lie what is the beam do again hunger drains slower and we're in need of more of a challenge so we're gonna hit a few of these so we also need the items DPS is perfectly adequate uh there's a blue one that fell out of its chest will take uh probably this one get more Health when you kill something on this one we're gonna take more attack speed which uh yeah it was already pretty good I don't know what I've got on me at this figure since I was in the area I could just use whatever resources I have to hopefully repair anything at all okay I've gone ahead and changed something so now when I get a power up uh we're not only gonna get two of them they're also each gonna have 10 times their normal Power and the reason I kind of wanted this one was for this that way when resources Tuesday quicker resources will die quicker because to make some of these newer weapons I need to find a rare drop from some of the uh or outcrops that I haven't found yet and I've killed a lot about Crocs plus also it's just really funny to have 10 times power out of things so like if I pick a damage upgrade from these guys my DPS is going to go from like 300 and something okay I'm gonna need more jumping because this is just annoying but DPS went up to like a thousand or something on one little hit so we're gonna break the game just with DPS probably and while we're at it we'll take a little bit more attack speed actually that's going to be 20 attack speed upgrades so yeah that's a little better come here Gronk you and you can have a little fight to the death okay he's doing a lot of damage look that I was able to heal through that and he gave me two item pieces oh here we go buff big chunk he'll surely have the pieces I want we're gonna uh you know what that's fine we can get hit by you we're just gonna go ahead and give you a few hits and you're dead there's a power oh look at all of you what's happening suddenly why are there so many bosses but there's funny the power cores I've been looking for and a whole bunch of other things mostly this is important too we're gonna take what whatever this one is deal bonus damage when falling because we weren't doing enough already also this we're gonna take piggy bank so now we're feeling a little bit better about ourselves I still didn't find any of the glow crystals I suppose that doesn't really matter much at this point but I do want to see the new stuff so if that stuff wanted to appear at any point I wouldn't say no uh we're gonna take milk again strong bones that's hopefully gonna help stay alive because when the bosses follow me like that I really actually can die but since they do have a chance of dropping stuff big chunk it's you and me please spawn in so I can kill you quickly three hits no good drops did look at all the fun stuff we can make we can make uh obamian armor helmet but one of the things I do want to see is the X Buster but also the obamian stuff we need an ancient Core 10 iron bars 10 obamian bars okay we've got the stuff we need now for an obamian drill for the first time I've not played with any of these drills so I don't really know what this does I would assume it's hard to make uh because it's hard to make it's really powerful and so far that kind of seems to be the case come here I'm gonna drill the whole world now we can drill not trees but we can drill rocks apparently yeah rocks get hit cows get hit I think it's more of a resource thing seems to be okay night's about to fall uh I'm gonna challenge the guardian I'm gonna see if I can drill the guardian to death real quick I can I gotta stay really close the knockback hurts because I keep knocking him away but he's getting drilled real hard uh he's also gonna do that and we're drilling the buff Guardian to death uh the regular sword's better for now but we still got more things to try uh we're also up to 740 uh HP every time we kill something we're getting like 24 HP okay in the bottom left it says I received a rare drop glow Crystal oh it's still on the ground that's why I couldn't find it that makes a lot of sense finally a glow Crystal took that long to find one which means I can now make the Amber tooth blade which may or may not be better than mine luckily we can test that out if we had something with our sword 203 damage if we had something with the Amber blade which is really really big 203 203 so it's about the same on cows 271 on the crit 95 on that so yeah probably pretty similar damage to my obamian sword which is really good oh there's also a glow saber now and an asphidel Scythe there's also the Gronk sword which you might as well make just to clear up resources if anything but we can still do better than that we got lots of new items to build on I'm curious to see what the X Buster is though I think it's going to require some arrows okay it even says equip at least one Arrow it does not consume arrows okay I got this it's like a launcher uh seems to be doing a lot of damage from a distance and it can actually rapid fire a little bit so that's fun plus it doesn't consume arrows so if I want to make something expensive like Adamantite arrows I can and I can fire away on it well we're waiting for idiots to come at night wow yeah that does hit hard DPS was up to ten thousand I'm gonna be gonna take the frog jump because I think that means I can jump like basically as many times as I want which is going to be helpful I think the key to this is how quickly I can fire it DPS Goes Bananas okay I've got a way we can turn things up a little bit again I turned the power effect multiplier up to 100 so whatever we get out of this is going to give us a hundred times item which is just a basic one but I mean we'll just take damage and now we're doing 100 times damage so if we hit this tree 13 598 so let's take 100 times attack speed so I thought that would be more dramatic there I mean it's not slow but it's not as quick as I thought for a hundred times oh I just took the DPS for the first time in a while when I hit them it goes up by the thousands okay then we're gonna spawn in these guys how are you doing good luck dying 40 000 DPS oh gold chest these are good I haven't even gotten all of these items yet uh we're gonna do more chance to do big jump damage uh so that's probably gonna be lots of big chunks 25 000 on the basic kit is not bad though all right well I think now at this point I'm gonna uh go ahead and Wander over to the boat 200 000 DPS let's challenge the chief one more time to see your damage oh okay we just one shot it I'm in a real big hurry and we unlocked his spear uh I guess for now I'll take I don't know milk chronic is waiting for me on the boat come here okay we're one-shotting everything at this point there was a hit for was that 1.1 million did I see that right great this is working out real good but big chunk oh gave me one shot at him before DPS could go crazy oh I did find a glow Crystal from him though so things are looking up okay I added power like a million or something so if we do that again for the resource does that help that was 3.7 million if I said that correctly I thought it'd be a lot bigger considering what we just did but let's add to some basic damage to our Arsenal also and maybe some attacks people were at it you can never swing things too fast so numbers are getting pretty big that was just kind of a regular hit and that was really big yeah we're starting to get the weird Decimal System going oh look at DPS it's up to 50 million and this is on the downfall of it yeah 50 million DPS seems pretty good we can still do better more damage so when I smack a tree 40 million DPS uh 30 40 50 million DPS those are still baby numbers we can get way bigger added I think a few more zeros so we'll just take more damage okay we also said we're going to pick up a million of these all at once and then multiplier is absolutely absurd oh the game didn't like that very much at all all right DPS do your worst ow what what happened it's hurting me now when I hit things uh yeah my health there went into the Super negatives when I hit a tree for some reason uh I don't know what we've done we've just broken everything entirely the number has stopped now I don't know what's happening anymore the DPS is minus 500 million uh okay hold on that was yeah 1.3 billion DPS all right we're still okay if we're hitting things with swords apparently a billion DPS I can live with though we didn't pick up any state of damage things alright so we're gonna pick up one million of these just for straight up damage the game is going to lay here just a little bit but it accepts it alright so what happens if we hit you now three billion DPS yeah 1.5 3 billion DPS not bad I guess I need to kill these guys too buff Guardian uh yeah we're gonna one shot them really really badly those power-ups make the game think awfully hard for a second okay we need a little more movement speed the game's gonna lag real hard on this one might not even let me pick that up oh we crashed well we got up to like 3 billion DPS so I think that's okay for now we can still do better [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,949,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pxLBUQl7BTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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