I Created A Slime That Ends All Life

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most people start by just killing after until they get their first upgrade and then they just accept what they're given not me I end my run and start again and I don't stop until I get something amazing to begin with and yes this can take potentially hours but I have time if you do this didn't take nearly as long as I thought but we're gonna summon ghosts two percent chance for enemies to turn into ghosts upon dying and hurting other enemies I was already turning them into ghosts but not the ghosts are gonna help me and to start nothing's gonna be that difficult the enemies are very weak we just need to keep going with the upgrades and be sure to stay killing them one by one by one then we're going to increase the damage of all AOE items by 15 we're gonna make our ghosts more dangerous I haven't yet seen a ghost but it's a 1 in 50 chat so far we just need to fire more bullets or kill more idiots and we'll get there there's our first ghost it's a great one rampaging around he has just an AOE attack there's another one the ghosts are coming out strong now yeah that actually helps in a big way I'm gonna increase my damage by 15 I just want to be sure to one shot things and kill them quickly the more we kill the more ghosts we're gonna get we're gonna create the most dangerous slime in the entire universe we have two gold upgrades here this one can summon things this one attacks fire plus one additional projectiles but deal 20 less damage we currently deal a mature 6.9 damage if we do this we're now going to deal 5.52 but times two so we would put them 6.9 to 11 damage and now if we get one shot two things at once then we're gonna get more goes and we're just gonna have more fun but we got two gold upgrades already we're up to a good start and if I can get a ghost to spawn in amongst all these idiots it'll really do some damage in there 150 chats we really need some piercing attacks that way we can peers deep in there some good penetration and then explode at one in the middle here's another golden upgrade Salvage energy Upon finishing a combo streak and explosion of energy erupts from within dealing damage equal to the combo streak that sounds like my kind of thing because like we get up to an eight combo already so if that breaks or something happens I don't know how long the combo has to go for but that's gonna help we got so many gold upgrades already we're stacking the deck in our favor we could use some more ghosts though and we're starting to get stronger idiots spawning in uh these guys are going to cause a bit of a barrier so I need to focus on the little grapes we'll hit the little grapes when ignore the big ones will keep them at the back of the line for now because we can really tear into these guys for easy quick experience 25 chance to spawn a chain of two Lightnings dealing 5 damage one and four that means basically two of my shots we're gonna get a lightning bolt that's gonna hurt things and that actually breaks through a lot of enemies that's actually really really strong for what it is so that's gonna help in a big way and it's gonna pop idiots at the back that are gonna spawn ghosts at least I hope it is we had to take some damage there because I made a bad maneuver I might have to increase my speed because I'm not feeling super uh strong this slow and it's definitely hard to get a combo going when I can't One-Shot things anymore especially with these big idiots so I'm gonna have to circle around and get to the weak part of this mob or the lightning can soften them up enough either way I don't care we'll just dive on in here and uh hope to kill all the babies in any battle always Target the babies first they're the easiest to kill that lightning is doing tons of damage now we have rolly balls those explode I believe when they die so we need to keep a healthy distance from them we have Magnus spawning in apparently he has 950 HP there's one of our ghosts okay we've got something that's straight up increasing my movement speed but I also have one that gives us more speed per damage done I think we're gonna go for that and hopefully we can just get enough damage to increase our speed that way then we solve two problems and because there were so many explosions I already got another upgrade we can increase damage I think we're just gonna straight up increase damage by another 20 that's going to add a full one damage I think so we should be up to 6.5 damage and somewhere up here should be uh Magnus who seems to be spawning magma balls or something uh okay don't touch those all projectiles deal plus one more damage that's actually a really big increase that would have taken us from 6.5 to 7.5 yes uh where is this Magma's character can I have a word with him because I really need to kill him because I don't like his lava balls very much is it you are you Magnus yeah you're Magnus I get it okay he was disguised as a magma ball himself it's very clever I think I could probably mostly clear with the little guys and sit in his face and damage him though I just got to uh avoid his lava vomit and we should get some lightning strikes and stuff it also just hit him uh randomly and there's an explosive ball I could try and turn into him but that's going to be hard to time I already took him down to about half Health though so we're doing pretty good I just need to avoid the damage and this isn't going to get any easier the damage to give us extra speed though which is particularly helpful now attacks have a 20 chance of spawning a row of 4 spikes dealing 4 damage yes that's just simply going to add the most damage I just saw pure damage right now to clear out you idiots so this isn't getting any easier as it goes on we're at about half Health but that's fine we should be able to avoid most of the damage for a minute and we gotta watch where he's facing because if he's facing us then that's gonna be bad when he spawns his thing and I'm starting to figure out his attack pattern now so yeah we'll actually we do a lot of damage when we can't get close to him it's just a matter of getting close and not getting blown up by anything and I need to remember that these rocks I cannot actually move through them they are a physical barrier so they will get me stuck I'm gonna try to make my way back toward him a little bit he's firing his lava in the wrong direction protect L's deal plus two more damage that takes me from uh 7.5 all the way up to 8.5 that's per and we fire two of those per shot so we're really dealing 17 damage per shot and then you can factor in all the AOE and stuff on top of that but that's yeah you can see we're starting to chunk him away finally and even our lightning is starting to get to him we're able to clear these guys out much quicker now so they're less of an obstacle more of just something to hilariously Slaughter we almost have him dead but the enemies are getting a little heavier I need to like stay out here where it's nice and open otherwise I'm gonna get trapped and if they do manage according to me I'm gonna be in trouble quickly I think I might be able to finish him here we're getting nice and close I'm gonna do all damaged Health has an additional 10 crit chance and a little bit more crit damage too so that's just gonna be lots of crits and lots of damage when they do fire off I think he's about dead can you finish him off now can you shoot the big guy shoot him there he goes Magnus has been defeated and we got a two times twenty percent crit chance so yes critical chance is now 55 so we're gonna do a lot of crit so our damage is actually really strong think about all the ghosts we're gonna have yet now we're getting somewhere whoops those guys explode okay cool everyone's exploding okay it's explosion time everyone's exploding and killing each other there's also a big pink slime coming to eat me I'm a little worried about that chain lightning can get an upgrade now it's gonna deal three there's a 25 chance of that so it's gonna happen often yeah that's better uh I get the feeling that this is actually beneficial to us oh it took us to a new level where we start with half health so that's uh not great but we do eight and a half times two for damage so let's see what the locals here on level two thinking wow this level is way harder okay hopefully this is just uh an intimidation Factor at the beginning and we'll start oh if we get an explosion going no that's gonna chain react really hard perfect there we go that's satisfying we get ghosts too look at all the ghosts uh I know this is a golden all but I'm not really sure how much I like this I'm not sure I'm understanding what it's doing I'm gonna get one piercing saw blade around the player instead Dutch is gonna help keep me a little bit safer because anyone gets closer is going to get saw bladed we're gonna try and slip out of here really quick ow our health is dropping I'm not really sure how you're supposed to uh not take damage in these situations maybe I just need to be way quicker or tougher like even now I'm in a really bad spot because I've got to push through all of these things I guess if we just leave them in a really big circle though I cannot believe this Chain Reaction them and thin them out plus if I get into these thinner weaker guys over here I shouldn't melt them much quicker I don't know what that thing is the tentacles are arriving for us getting a little bit harder to pick up experience there's a lot down here though wow look at all that we could upgrade chain lightning again we could also uh get a piercing attack I think I want to get piercing no actually once this gets to level three it gets stronger there's a 25 chance to spawn four Lightnings now dealing damage but also a 50 chance to spawn in a lightning strike and we like lightning strikes gotta keep moving uh I'm gonna try and lead them around okay I didn't okay we're probably in trouble now because I hesitated run oh we survived we're gonna be okay for a moment I gotta remember too the more damage I do the faster we move so I need speed attacks have a 20 chance to Splinter three times uh yes and I'm gonna walk through all this blue stuff hoping to level up hoping to get some heals out of this deal I'll projectiles deal more damage uh bigger radius would be nice too maybe the radius because AOE is gonna help keep me alive right now our ghosts and our lightning strikes wow how am I uh okay we're gonna slip out the side here this level is way harder than the first one we're gonna need some real good items to help us with this and I'm in trouble big trouble we're going to keep moving we're gonna pull them this way I'm hoping I get yeah massive chain reactions like that to just clear out everyone so I can move into experience and hopefully get something that oh I forgot those spawn idiots inside of them increase your movement speed yep I need more movement speed to be able to maneuver around these idiots I think you're supposed to set up a chain reaction that's how you're supposed to survive because then you can slip through the gaps that the Chain Reaction opens at least that's my half-witted strategy to surviving this I should probably also be killing them more than I am because then I just what is happening I just get mobbed like that suddenly I probably need to stay always hitting them just to thin them out okay that hurt attacks have a one percent chance to make you enter a frenzy a frenzy would help I'll do more damage and be all the better for it I gotta remember those guys explode and not idiots at me oh that was good yeah that was a big combo finally that was that golden item finally doing some work it's gonna be okay we're okay your initial attack is a 25 chance ooh it's a chain yeah so it's gonna chain and chain lightning the big exploding boys right in my face though so we're going to remember that this time and be able to never know before they get to me hopefully uh the lightning is really doing a lot of work right now I'm really happy for the lightning uh okay this is uh not great uh okay we're going up here we're gonna Circle keep circling keep attacking we've been at like one HP forever now it gets hard to survive suddenly I probably build this really stupidly but we're gonna be okay we can add more speed uh with damage as I was saying as we walk right into a shot this time we can start with this soul of Alma attacks have a three percent chance to whatever so one in 30 instead of the one in 50 we had last time so this would be higher odds of this happening and then I'm gonna increase damage by 15 I'm pretty sure that's just that across the board so everything gets an extra 15 damage I think we just basically need to make a machine gun if we can fire really really quickly and do some decent damage in chain lightning will be unstoppable here's another good early find there's also attack speed by 10 which is actually tempting we want a better version of that your initial attack has a 25 chance to chain up to one enemy dealing six damage that's gonna help kick us ahead right now now we decided to clear out everything right away so we get their experience and we just need to get well ahead of the curve and stay ahead increase your damage by another 20 so we're already up to 8.1 damage and we get the chain thing too and I see now the the 1 to 30 chance is that little pink jellyfish looking thing that fires off every once in a while it goes along it hits a bunch of enemies and causes an explosion based on how many enemies it hits I put myself in a really stupid spot considering we're getting the rolling bombs coming in at this point but I might be able to use that to my advantage enemies have a 10 chance to explode on death dealing six AOE damage that's perfect if I can get them all exploding and chain reactioning even harder I've turned the enemies into bombs that might also hurt me that guy spawns bombs there goes a jellyfish in the lower right that's at legendary upgrade that guy really likes exploding to run five percent more XP that's actually tempting uh let's just get another projectile we're gonna shoot a Disney ball as well oh that's interesting he's actually really firing away that's a really good upgrade I wish I knew that did that sooner because now we can just out freeze the boss sort of um which probably shouldn't get hit I'm gonna get this this attacks have a 10 chance to conjure a frostbolt that slows all enemies it deals damage but more importantly it slows them because part of the problem was we're starting to get swarmed by enemies and I couldn't really help maneuver them if I can slow them down a little bit much easier to maneuver especially the ones that are close so my little frostballing might also help with that and then I'm going to increase my attack speed by 10 the more these attacks we get going out the better obviously really gotta get that special guy I'm also going to get this a text of a five percent chance to implode upon impact drawing in enemies and stunning them so that could pair with the explosion thing they'll get sucked into a black hole and then explode it together everyone should be with a friend when they die even these things I also once again put myself in a really stupid spot oh Blobby has been slaying so we're gonna get two times 15 AOE radius I would prefer to damage multiplier but AOE is okay too eventually we'll get something stupid for AOE I guess our exposure AOE so maybe we'll make nuclear-sized explosions and black holes that could actually pair really nicely together enemies have a 15 chance to explode on death dealing 12 damage that's actually going to really start to add up one of many times I can level that up and what that turns into wow that's actually really strong so far that's melting them okay we're gonna increase the damage of all AOE by 15 then also since a lot of our damage is AOE right now the explosions are gonna do much more I think they were doing 14 before so add another three uh two damage to that yeah and especially when there's already exploding idiots on the board we just explode everything in front of us attacks have a 50 chance to conjure homingu which seeks an enemy and causes a small explosion that's just basically a guaranteed extra projectile that's going to find something and exploded it's gonna explode on them and also make them explode or at least soften them up a bit then they're closer to real exploding kinda like that then we can hopefully set off chain reactions of explosions I'm making a nuclear slime we're gonna need more attack speed those guys don't handle very well and I need to remember that you can turn away from them they're faster than me but if I keep turning they can't get me they're also very susceptible to explosions and I'm being stupid here I'm just gonna go grab a bunch of that we are going to take a bit of damage that whoops don't stand under the enemy it's Magnus again I hope Magnus likes bombs attacks everything 17 chance percent chance to spawn two things that are going to be homing Goose the more homing Goose we have the better okay we're gonna sit right on Magnus for a sec we're doing much better this time around our just damage is way higher so far we're gonna go past him though so he stops looking at us because he's gonna spawn that thing uh we're doing much better he's already known to have health perfect uh I might be better off actually not killing him quickly though because I could sit here and farm small idiots for a while to get stronger but I'm impatient anyway lets me know he's gonna drop by something good so we're gonna focus a little bit more damage on him he's about to Lava Beam us in the face but we're gonna Circle away from that and he's about dead couple more hits hello can you hit Magnus now he's kind of the guy we're focused on here got him Magnus blesses us with luck three times three is a good multiplier what is this all attacks have a 20 chance to conjure a hail storm perfect that's actually a really really good one for us we generate a HP every three seconds and take five percent less damage yeah that's gonna help us a little bit too we're also melting whatever this guy is so our damage is actually getting really good now die octopus us no creature is supposed to have that many legs and we got two times gumballs so we're gonna release a small Sonic howl every 0.75 seconds dealing damages surrounding enemies that's just gonna be a little bit of extra damage around us to help keep us safe now on to level 2 where I'm gonna be sure to be a little bit more careful about uh cleaning out the enemies but we have a lot more AOE damage this time we have a lot more damage in general like we just absolutely Chain Reaction everything down here in our little Sonic howl will probably help clear out little guys okay let's just increase our crit chance at this point because I don't think we've got any upgrades to that yet our crit chance is currently 15 so when in seven is gonna be a crit that's extra damage and extra damage is what we're here for we kill them they explode and all is well I don't know if those explosions hit me I feel like they do probably all explosions hit me enemies have a 15 chance to explode on death uh yes the more explosions we can have the better explosions equal black holes equal it better things okay this is not a good spot for me to be in uh we're really surrounded here okay yep great great are we alive we're alive I completely panicked there and just sort of ran around doing nothing but that somehow worked for me where's skating by unlock once again increase your damage by 60 now so our base damage is 9.6 so we're actually doing pretty good damage that should help uh give us an exit Lane everywhere we want yeah we're gonna try and bring these idiots in a big old Circle so the more I can pull them this way the more I'm able to circle around them in a second but those explosions are huge now I don't know if I can walk in the orange stuff or not I'm a little confused as to what that is and I'm really trying hard to avoid any damage at all I wouldn't complain with a little more HP at this point our damage feels fairly adequate but her HP feels scary we need to get some of these exploding guys to explode that way it'll give me a freedom okay we're back under control again these are all really really good items I think I'm going to take the extra projectile that is going to take us down 20 damage but then it's going to double us so it really gives us like 160 damage or something and we're firing more shots we have more chance of black holes and yeah so far we've seen the results in this Quaker what is that thing oh heels there are heels on the map okay I'm gonna try and regenerate more HP I forgot I did regenerate and we're gonna take less damage that's gonna make me feel this a little tougher but I'm feeling pretty good sadly because whoops we're uh melting a lot of idiots and we're gonna have two dizzy balls that are gonna shoot now so we're doing lots of extra projectiles they're just gonna help we just need to be constantly killing something as soon as we kill something we have a chance of explosions which chain react and then good things happen we're turning this into an absolute bomb build everything's exploding everywhere even those big tough guys are dying in a hurry and these guys can get right in their face and just focus on them they'll die and no more lava bombs they become the bomb there's a lot of good things here I think I'm going to to chain lightning this does get an upgrade at this point but I didn't think I want some extra attacks going out too because enemies are definitely getting more frequent suddenly they can't really get that close to me that easily right now so it definitely gives me some more freedom to just March straight through the armies I gotta get those glue dots real bad I'm definitely way stronger than last time I don't really know how I did okay I'm gonna upgrade my dizzy balls again uh they now have a 30 chance of ricocheting and I think they maybe do slightly more damage but they're firing so quickly too that their ricochets are gonna really really help keep me safe I think they're the one thing keeping the enemies right out of my face they'll get close but then they have to get blue bald and I really gotta go get those lava spiders those are super annoying because they're what the lobster got me from so far away and it's also getting hard to see past the explosion so I feel like I'm walking into enemies way more than I should be each Critical Strike is a 25 chance to cause up the two slashes dealing extra damage our crit chance isn't that high but uh we still do a reasonable amount of Crips okay the lava spider is dead he's not gonna annoy me anymore I just got hit by the exploding idiot there's lots of idiots coming in toward me but I'm gonna put them all in one direction so they're all exploding together and they're gonna drop me a whole lot of experience I'm just gonna uh get a little bit closer to them cheers to get up some experience yeah we're still fine and then we're gonna get soft blobs your initial attacks Pierce one time but they deal 25 less damage well 25 less but that's okay because we're hitting that many more enemies and the more enemies we hit we have the chance on hit so we just seem to be hitting as many things as possible I respond he spawned right on top of me and end of demo uh I feel like he's trying to tell me something he has a million HP if we're really strong we could actually take him down for a million HP I'm kind of tempted to see if I can do that we've already taken out 1 000 so we have we're one thousands of the way there each Critical Strike is a 40 chance of causing extra damage what is that this big idiot slowly follow me around he's gonna be in the way a lot but we're going to do a weekend he's already lost 2 000 HP we're going places we just gotta keep circling we'll lead him in a big circle we'll kill what we can we'll pick up what experience we can I don't know if he's getting faster or uh if I'm just not moving the same he's getting closer to me he's he's definitely getting closer to me he's I think he gets quicker as we go because it's um I don't think he's defeatable we'll do it while we can we've gotten 5000 of his HP gone I don't know what's happening now I'm just walking away attacks have a 20 chance to conjure a hail storm of 15 damage and all sorts of extra stuff perfect yes that's doing extra damage to him for sure but we're also starting to take some damage ourselves that's not a surprise I have a giant orb sitting on top of me attacking I could probably get him stuck somewhere and cheese it but I don't think we can outrun him we took off ten thousand of his health we made it to the end of the demo but by the time you see this the full game is out anyway go play it foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 413,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1qej5XK8YgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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