Only 0.0000001% of People Get This Secret Item

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like any normal person when I see a treasure chest I need to know what's inside it so we're going to click on it until it opens and we get a handful of coins we're gonna find a lot bigger better treasure chests by the end of the day 20 clicks opens one chest it spills the coins out and they drop on the ground we already gotta reinforce chest we're gonna scoop up the gold on the ground and increase our click damage by now we're doing 2.3 per click we've got no passive income so far but we're gonna get into the reinforced chest I think the reinforced opened I actually missed it because I looked away but we've got 21 dollars to our name so we're gonna get some passive income going another 12 gold there so passively we're getting a quarter of a click per second and I'm very excited to see how big we can make that number today and the chest video the first Crystal that means we can increase our tap damage by five percent that won't mean anything yet but it's going to eventually I'm having fun just clicking on things and watching the gold pile up that's very satisfying and this is basically how I spend my days for the bigger chance we can use an auto clicker that's going to make things a little bit faster and eventually all of the gold piles up and sucked up into the void but we can also adjust that number damage gold we're allowed to pile up we're going to go for the max 200 and then I'm going to use my auto clicker to ruin the game but I want to see 200 pieces of gold pile up gotta be getting close to 200 pieces of gold on the ground now look at it all that just looks like so much fun and we can still put more on the ground okay that was officially 200. but I noticed we can also buy this chest for 175 uh it's gonna take a few more clicks to unlock but it's really not going to be that bad that's also giving us a lot more gold every time we open it like a lot so the only thing to do now is start Max buying clicker upgrades so we're now doing 47 click damage okay so that's going to be pretty much instant to open these I feel like we're not supposed to be doing it this quickly but I'm perfectly okay with this and we're about to level up for the first time level two that that's gotta unlock something we just don't know white yet probably a log pick 30 chance to instantly open a chest yes oh that already upgraded by one percent when we got a chance to instantly upgrade open a chest and uh we're opening these in a few clicks anyway next is a thousand dollar chest rock down chest all right well let's see how hard it is it's not going to be very hard for us to get into these either we're back up to 1340 so that means we're gonna Max buy this again we're now doing 98 click damage we basically doubled our click damage ooh look at the size of that thing what is that I don't know where that went but I want it oh that unlocks radiant touch eleven percent active damage 11 passive speaking of passive we should probably actually upgrade that at some point to help us with the background stuff when I'm too lazy to use even my auto clicker so we're not making 0.38 in the background we need to Max by that 84 per second even that's really strong the auto clickers is really over the top but that's actually doing work when we combine the two dads and we're really gonna start making the money we're gonna build the entire world with gold and we've officially dropped a thousand gold coins in total I thought we would have hit that number a while ago that was a reinforced version of this chest now we have four thousand dollars the next one costs 7 000 so we've got work to do we're gonna Max by our upgrades in our 212 per click so we're instantly opening this the chests do get strong quickly though whenever reinforced it doesn't instantly evaporate and that's saying something considering how quick we can click I also just found my first amethyst I don't know if we can put that into use yet actually we can if we touch this that's going to give quick chance and 200 crit damage oh I've got to pick which one of these we use though so we're sticking with that one but we can also uh spend these to get a slightly better chance to instantly open a chest and we hit level four so that means we'll find more gold or better treasure or something amazing there is also a trophy that we uh one rare treasure okay that has a point zero zero five drop percent chance to celebrate we're gonna buy the next chest bronze chest this one's gonna be a lot tougher it doesn't die absolutely instantly so that's actually quite tough I'm gonna turn this back down to five for a little bit that we would collect the money quicker that way as soon as five drops it goes straight into the money and I don't need to curse you over it we're in a hurry another we saved up about nine thousand dollars we're gonna Max buy this we went from 212 to 376. which is going back to almost instantly open the pumpkin chest and we just found our first albite looks like a diamond to me we're also gonna spend 11 000 on passive damage upgrade so we're gonna go from 98 to 1400 1400 damage per second I don't have to click anymore the next chest is gonna cost 23 000 though so we're still gonna help it along I also didn't realize along here I could actually be buying these so we just bought a loop potion we've also bought a damage potion and there's an XP potion plus we just found a skull on the ground which I think is a rare one it's not as where is a trophy but it gives me three percent passive damage oh so I can actually upgrade these as I go I see how this works basically I need to do a lot more clicking and upgrade everything we've also got enough topazes to upgrade radiant touch so that's going to give me a nice bonus our damage is up to 462 376 comes from the base so we're getting a lot of bonus and with that we can afford the next chest Sequoia it's definitely more damage resistant again but every one of those coins going up there gives me 70 80 and plus we found new things like energy surge that can give me 25 active damage which we definitely want because active damage is where we get all our power from when you spend a few diamonds that's now at 41 active damage so our damage is up to 530 and I just realized for the first time I had this muted the entire time we didn't hear the sound of tapping or money jingling we're going to spend 20 000 gold and more damage that put us up to 666 face damage but we're hitting for 50 more because of our bonuses almost a thousand per click these red Sequoia chests are also giving me a lot of gems what comes after XP potion golden touch chest spawn more gold coins for 15 seconds that sounds fun and all but I'm probably mostly just gonna keep clicking on this chest oh a key that's gotta be fun you found a Prestige key yes I did now let me get back to clicking oh I finally found where to use all my items at they're actually over here so we get a loop potion if we want for 30 seconds we get extra loot so we can really rake it in plus I can upgrade energy surge that's going to give us even more damage 992 we're so close to 1 000. we quickly made 85 000 the next chest Ironbound we're gonna hit the loot potion again just to make sure to get lots of stuff out of this and we're also going to use a damage potion just so we can get lots extra damage means faster money and more money in this case every coin going up there now is worth hundreds though the chests are getting harder to break so we're gonna need more damage so let's celebrate by spending 68 000 line upgrades again we go over 666 to 1500 we over doubled our damage with our bonuses that's 2127 per click and I'm clicking like someone on all the drugs in the world plus a boatloaded caffeine I think we're probably supposed to prestige sometime around now maybe even before but with another clicker it really doesn't feel necessary we broke 100 000 gold for the first time so we're going to spend that on active clicking damage 2200 let's call it 2300 so we're doing about 3 400 damage in total which is a lot faster I'm also going to buy a loot potion and then we're gonna go ahead and use that because we'll get extra gold and then I'm gonna come back when we have the fortune one short commentator we have three million dollars and two pieces of treasure the spell book is extraordinarily rare .0006 drop chance leveling up special upgrades makes them stronger more importantly we can lock the next chest but where else it is going to skip right over there for this chest the ocean chest which is obviously a little bit tougher to open so we're gonna go ahead and upgrade our attack damage from 2300 to 9600 four times the damage four times the fun this one's gonna make us rich every coin going up there is worth at least a thousand dollars the reinforced version of this chest is still super hard to get through even with all this damage but that's probably worth a few bucks I guess I can afford Golden Touch at this point because I wanted to see what's next spawns a small clickable chest every 300 seconds so every five minutes it would spawn a mini chest so I should probably do that for only a million gold I've also just clicked on all the potions on the left I figured I might as well stack them up now to see what happens then let's spend a million dollars on the mini chest the next one's 15 million dollars but where to get the first one there's 142 000 gold let's take a breather to spend six hundred thousand dollars on clicker upgrades that's gonna take us from 9600 to about 12 000 so that's actually a pretty big increase I didn't realize I can also get steel strike right now that's going to be a 70 increase to damage plus we can level it up so now we have an 85 uh damage bonus plus cursor bonus more gold more XP so we're hitting for about 22 000 damage per strike I never before thought to hover over the eye and it actually tells you everything you need to know about the chest but I can upgrade steel strike again that's going to give me an extra 15 damage and extra crit I've also bought some more various kinds of potions and also level them up a bit so we get more gold experience and damage and we can also use the hammer we've had for a while to also do extra damage 75 000 per hit so the chests are getting evaporated that propelled is not only to level 17 but to the point where we could spend 5.5 million dollars on the next chess poisonous chest doesn't really sound like something you'd want to unlock this one does give a lot more XP a lot more gold coins and a lot more coin value it is a little bit tougher but we get so much more value out of it but since this chest isn't evaporating in the blink of an eye we need more damage we're gonna spend 1.7 million dollars in damage upgrades to take us on 12 000 to 13 000 oh we need to Max buy that 18 000. so that was a 50 increase right damage which is actually huge plus we're gonna upgrade steel strike for next to 15 damage 38 000 damage per click the chest isn't instantly evaporating but it's going away quick enough that we can live with that what I really want to do is find some of the stuff that down here at the bottom because if this one has a 0.006 chance of being found how rare is this since we in search that treasure I've actually gone back to the energy surge every toucher gains a plus point one percent drop chance which is a huge increase over what they are plus when I want more damage it's really not a problem I just buy more damage we can go from 18 000 to 24 000 just like that and we should revisit our damage per second because it's currently 1250. if I go ahead and buy this it's going to go up to 176 000 I should have done this a while ago I didn't realize that was that good it's actually given me a big boost I could completely ignore it and walk away for a while but that kind of background earnings is monstrous so I should probably go ahead and spend another 1.4 million dollars on that that's going to add an extra 20 uh 30 uh I don't know a lot we'll put it this way we're up to 450 000 DPS in the background which is actually enough to melt even these chests out by itself but if I had my clicking even easier again I've also slowly been collecting these yellow sapphires I can actually use these to upgrade my mini chest thing that's just gonna make them spawn quicker not a ton quicker but every second helps that gave me a free 300 000 gold it's strange but I really feel like I should be upgrading passive more 450 848 000. we basically doubled our DPS for two million dollars and about a bunch of items and I upgraded them whoops didn't know I shouldn't buy that one first so there we go we're gonna put them all together and get a bunch of good stuff for a little bit look at the money rolling when I did that the hammer uh these bonds pretty quickly because it's not super upgraded I need damage I'm going back to Steel strike at this point I realize the treasure energy search gives you is actually just the gems not the cool stuff so let's go ahead and spend 5.1 million dollars on damage to take us from 24 000 to 36 000 at 50 increase and the reinforest Chesterfield is a little bit slow but the rest of them melt almost instantly for instant money and let's spend five million dollars on passive damage it takes us from 848 000 to 2 million we do 80 000 per click so we would have to click 25 times to keep up with the damage 25 times per second our Auto clicker might be able to do that but it actually might not so I should probably actually switch to lethal touch that'll give extra passive damage it gets a 60 passive bonus we're going to get way more earning just by doing this now with the 4 million DPS just from the game doing it my auto clicker doesn't really make much of a difference now so we let the game grind itself for a little bit I might have overshot my number by a little bit we're at almost 69 million but I did also find some more cool stuff a demonic sword which isn't nearly as rare as I hoped for but still quite rare at a 0.1 chance to drop I also found the Mystic ring which gives a 0.05 treasure drop chance and that's all well and good but we're gonna buy the next chest now golden chest this one's obviously absolutely full of treasure and it's very tough to break through it does give a lot of gold and XP so wisely we're going to spend 50 million dollars on upgrades to take us from 2 million damage per second to 12.5 million damage per second and now we're opening that little chest aside from that we're going to do the same thing to click damage to take us from 37 to 56 000 damage we've also unlocked a Precision point which gives us 150 bonus to both active and passive damage we don't get any crit bonus but we don't need it we can just melt away the gold chests except for the reinforced ones but the rest of them they go quick and every time we're able to level this up with one of the pink gems you get a 35 bonus so at 36 million DPS in a background 162 000 damage per click and we're just gonna let this run many hours later we're a billionaire and we've done some more cool stuff a guitar and a metal in somewhere in the past 12 hours we also found a myth room look at that low Drop chance that gives me plus 15 gold the guitar gives me 20 active and passive damage and the Victory Medal has a 0.00042 drop chance I'm very happy I found such a very stuff but we should probably go ahead and unlock the new chest which is actually still going to take up a little bit of our money for sure we are able to melt through this fairly quickly we do still 4.6 billion to spend on upgrades we can get through this one without any upgrades but we were pretty strong from before especially with their rare Treasures still we could probably skip right over that go to the 620 million dollar version this one this chest also came with Vortex tap which gives me a 320 passive boost we currently have 185 so we're going to upgrade this and then buy that then our acid damage goes way up and we're gonna need that because we're going to unlock a chest for 3.3 billion dollars called the crystal chest the gold coins it drops are worth 520 to 600 000 each the chest is a little bit durable at this point we're gonna need some upgrades to get through it so we'll go to passive damage we'll Max it out we're gonna go from 14 million damage 277 million damage so we just increased it by well over 10 times the damage look at our money go up now every time we kill one of these we go up by like five million dollars so we'll help that out by doing the same thing with our clicking damage for 125 million dollars went from 56 to 268 so about five times the damage then if I upgrade my Vortex tap we get an extra 60 passive it'll take us some 894 to 1 billion DPS it was about a 15 increase overall to our passive damage which is great with our income it really doesn't take long for us to make back another three quarters of a billion dollars and we're gonna add another 60 passive damage so that took us from one billion to 1.1 10 damage increase and then we're gonna spend that 770 million dollars on more damage upgrades or 177 wow that actually went up a lot we're at 2.2 billion damage per second that doubled our damage since experience in progress has slowed down even with the auto clicker we're gonna Prestige and that's perfectly okay because we keep our rare treasures and I've saved up 158 points I don't think we're supposed to have this many so gold coins are worth 30 more plus 25 passive damage that's actually really expensive but 115 passive damage yes we're gonna melt our way through this we're gonna get a little more experience and then we're also going to get more gold coins no we're not we can't even afford that at this point okay we're gonna get some cheap upgrades so we get a higher chance of treasure we'll take extra active damage for our clicking abilities I'm also going to buy the auto clicker it's just gonna work in the background to help us along probably hopefully in a huge way leveling up curses with passive damage makes them stronger I think that's also going to be really good we have 10 points left to spend on who knows what uh the only things we can afford really are all item start out stronger why not back to the wooden garbage but we'll absolutely tear through this I think we quickly made 540 so now we're doing 27 damage per second and it pays for itself it literally only takes us a few seconds to unlock the thousand dollar chest and before you know it we're right back to our favorite chest but our damage is already at 2 billion without the extra upgrades so even to stacking on 350 million dollars is going to push us all the way up to 3 billion PS3 because we need to open these things in a hurry we're also going to increase our click damage up to 450 000 and I'm also going to buy a treasure bag because I might as well so we're gonna go ahead and actually we're going to utilize some of these Keys as well that's going to give us some extra stuff there's our treasure bag full of rare treasures and then we're going to hit these and let it all keep going and that is realized from something we just did we just got a gem way down here that's in very rare but then scrolling down even further we're into the legendary tanzanite it's right at the very bottom we can't utilize it for anything yet but it is Mega rare it is categories above where we're at right now but we can also upgrade our Vortex tap again that's going to give us an extra 90 so we're gonna go from 3 to 3.2 billion DPS and I guess since I have so many aquamarines I might have suspended on Golden Touch chess spawn more gold coins for 16 seconds uh same with the loot potion I've got like a million of these so I'm just gonna auto click my way through these and then we'll buy some of these and then we'll really be getting some extra gold before getting carried away on that we're gonna upgrade our damage again that upgrade took us up to 9 9.8 billion DPS so 10 billion DPS so it's time to put some of these into practice and we're going to auto click and that's going to get us time look at all this look at the money going up uh we're making about maybe close to 100 million dollars per second right now okay we made 15 billion 16 billion dollars in that little flurry I'm also going to upgrade the mini chest as many times as I can because I have a boatload of these charms anyway now I can spawn a chest and they're only costing a few million dollars but they'll give us nice rewards that wasn't a good one so we'll try that again we sent 50 million dollars we got Treasures we're gonna try another one for 167 million dollars that one just gave us more Treasures again so let's try a few Keys up to 20 billion dollars I did notice this Lupe hiding down in the corner I don't know how long it's been there for but we definitely got a new type of gem Violet which is rare plus kyanite which is extremely rare not quite legendary but it's a top of extremely rares so with that we will upgrade our damage by an extra 90 that puts us to 10.4 billion DPS so the only logical thing to do now is spend 20 billion dollars on damage upgrades that's going to take is from 10.4 billion DPS to 70 billion we just increased our damage by seven times so no the chests are just getting one-shotted they're basically existing for a frame then disappearing so we'll let the game Run just like this for a little while we've now saved of 69 billion dollars I've also found some probably very rare things but I can also unlock the next chest for 67 billion and even at 92 billion damage per second it's putting up a pretty good fight each coin that drops though is worth between 7 and 8.2 million dollars the gem we found was Payne it's legendary I suspect if sniper click starts out at 290 passive damage with a few upgrades it's gonna be able to go beyond our vortex but for now we'll go ahead and spend 20 billion dollars on damage upgrades that's going to take us from 81 to 132 billion DPS 132 billion and we're making billions of dollars back so quickly there's 15 billion there 16 billion there is 17 billion I'm glad this earns money so quickly we've already made 71 billion it took us forever to save up the 68 billion we needed for this one so to celebrate that we're gonna spend 73 billion dollars on damage upgrades again 132 to 311 billion DPS 220 billion dollars later let's do some more damage upgrades to go well we're up to 827 billion DPS now even this chest is evaporating as it goes and we're finding more treasure bags and while we're at a little bit another 160 billion dollars into damage that puts us up to 1.35 trillion damage per second so that's a perfect point to let this run for the next year and see how much stuff Stacks up [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 260,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bjfCQrV43DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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