H3 Podcast #67 - Drake vs Pusha T & Skippy vs Kyle

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/isonotlikethat 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

i was promised tommy wiseau and got skippy and kyle =(

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/cjm0 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

At this point I feel bad for Skippy. His behavior reminds me of kids in school who would get bullied so much that they join in so that it doesn't feel like bullying, if that makes sense?

Of course, most people don't carry that behavior into adulthood, the guy clearly needs some help. I hope everything works out for Skippy, he seems like a well-meaning person even if he has problems.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/ACertainShadeOfRed 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Fuck youtube garbage ass chat

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Jg_Tensaii 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

What happened to Tommy and Greg coming on?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/smithdog223 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Kyle saying he'd smash Skippy's mom was an unbelievable turn of events. I believe it was in response to Skippy openly dissing his grandma banging lifestyle. What a ride.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Claxxons 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Even thought both chats are pretty bad at least on Twitch is more controllable through Sub mode and mods are able to ban people more effectively. Overall, I do enjoy the podcast however I also enjoy chat interaction but when said interaction is a bunch of idiots spamming Cx over and over again I would take the Twitch Emote spam instead. #BringBackTheKappa's

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Glerann 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I received no notification of this steam despite smashing that bell.

Hi Youtube, great moves, keep it up, proud of you.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/voidvector8 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Very Jerry Springer episode today huh?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MammothTusk 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
come one and all thank you for joining us today on the h3 podcast live look who's back in the studio your girl today's episode is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club quip and honey I gotta say we have been slamming all day we're a little bit late only four minutes but I was thinking I was like man we used to be like an hour late and we also didn't even prepare like we've been here since 8:00 a.m. I like I say I'm proud of all the guys back there we've been slamming and jam I know we've had all kinds of weird beginnings before on YouTube how do we stick it how did we do yeah we've been really trying sir YouTube's a different game man you get it right you get one shot so Dan how'd we do well it felt good out here I don't hear you and the wood everything said shits hit in the Flint okay there yeah we're all good I will have to go back and check it felt pretty good though timing felt good on y'all good we will have to all right what's today's show we've got a slammin hot one you guys let me tell you what's coming up in the intern whose birthday it is today congratulations to him has put together a PowerPoint presentation for us on the Drake verse push a tee drama there's been some real ugly back-and-forth between the two of those freestyle battle that's reminiscent of the good old 90s when rappers would just were straight-up killing each other so let's hope that it doesn't escalate there but the fireworks are setting off and Ian is really he's the keeper of culture and knowledge and he's gonna come in he's gonna tell us really what's going on because break down the lyrics hopefully as well what makes him the keeper of culture well he's a young man and he's basically he's weirdly obsessed with Kanye and sometimes he he concerns me he concerns me to some degree for example yesterday he's on the freeway he pops a flat tire he rolls over to the side of the 101 freeway probably one of the most dangerous places to be in the world there's there's there's side of the 101 and running the bolts number two he pulls over and he's like I know I should call triple-a to come change my tire but I'm I have to watch this Kanye stream because he was streaming his new album so he's sitting there watching this Kanye livestream cuz he's so into it while cars zip past him on the one-on-one yeah so he's he's he's in deep that would get you qualified for the keeper of culture yeah he's the keeper of culture like an important detail here's to ya the livestream for about two hours was just a open field with horses so that that's what kept him on the side you know are you on the mic yeah yeah so tell me when you were on the side of the 101 we did anything danger did you ever feel that you were in danger at that point it didn't really matter because the stream was up right there and and and as nothing happened in the stream did you find yourself more more frustrated and confronted with the you know actuality that you were gonna have to call triple-a and possibly miss something once that started to come into play I did get a little worried but my battery looked good so I was okay what I tell you is this guy qualified or won so he's coming in he's gonna let us know what's going on up after that we've got Kyle the cougar champ and Skippy the virgin we got these two great minds on the phone together these two guys are the founding members of our great minds league the league of extraordinary minds and we got him on the phone together to see how they interact cuz I thought hey you know Kyle he's a cougar champ he's seen the ropes he's been there he's done this maybe he can give Skippy some advice yeah well yeah fireworks flew I have to say I did not expect what happened because they ended up actually getting in a bit of a fight yeah Skippy got super angry at Kyle so that was that was really something so we're actually recorded that this morning because I always have all these technical difficulties when I have calls and I wanted to make sure when you have two beautiful minds like this you want to make sure that everyone every word is hurt right it's that important so I cannot wait to share that with you guys and finally we've got a new segment called Ethan go to your room where I face the music I've said look when you're on a podcast you say a lot of dumb [ __ ] that's kind of the nature of the beast I'm sitting here with an open mic for two hours okay so I've said a lot of dumb [ __ ] here and a lot of the stuff that we should I I'm not even throw you I should correct the record okay so Ethan go I just don't say anything so which is I wish I had that option not much to correct yeah you're smart so that's coming up and not only that we've got voice messages and news and so much more to get to my guys so what that being said let's get right to flip into it now today we were supposed to have Tommy Weis oh and Greg Sestero on but once again Tommy Wiseau is probably the most challenging guest ever to book of all time I didn't want to say anything the first time because I was trying to keep a professional you know but he literally we had him booked and that the it was the morning of or the evening of I was like I had a bad feeling I was like I get the feeling Tommy's not coming and you know in that week I prepared so much for him I was like I was knee-deep and all this Tommy wise oh listen you can only watch so much Tommy wise oh and I had watched a lot of Tommy wise oh that's me yeah so that morning I was like Danny I got a feeling man I don't know can you just reach out to them and make sure they're coming so Dan reaches out them in the morning up and they're like oh yes sorry Tommy is really busy he's not gonna make it so I was gonna be polite and be like a scheduling issues but this time it happened again I'm not exactly this time right it kind of happened again and this time was a little stranger but they're I don't know you couldn't make it in well the only time they could make it was right when I was coming off the plane basically but we call it and we emailed and everything he's got this receptionist at a yahoo.com email that apparently says receptionist but I have a feeling it's just him was that your impression damn that we were just talking about yeah yeah we were skeptical right from the get-go it the the at Yahoo just seemed suspect from the beginning I don't so where we'll get him in here eventually but so anyway he's really uh he's we all considering doing it but it was so tight with my flight that I don't think it would have worked no it wouldn't work yeah anyway god bless tom thank you thank you I wish you were here to it so we could expand on it but hopefully soon looking guy dougie yeah we can get them in here and get the true real story of Tom and wise Oh Eva how was your trip you just got back on Tuesday mm-hmm it's weird every time I go back I guess I get more used to the states the longer I'm here you know every time I go back it gets weirder and weirder for me right Mike oh you realize how loud everyone is oh yeah I think everyone is yelling all the time I don't want their Israeli stereotypes or real like the stereotype is that they're these bald shouting Hermes rocky you know everyone's doing this you go there yeah it's real it's real man I remember the last time we were there this is such an Israeli experience we took a taxi I'm Tel Aviv de les parents house why don't you tell me where you were speaking Hebrew with him I was I was like I need to go to this address my parents house and it's like it's near a famous Junction so I was like near this Junction but I'll tell you how to get there when we get there because no one knows the exact address right they don't really put ways not all do not all the drivers it's like old school her old school you also can't pay with card um which is like I got used to it here they beat their kids in Israel their old school they don't do that subdue sound but so anyway we get to that Junction and then he's like he's about to continue straight when you need to make a left and I'm like you gotta go left here and he he just refused he's like no I'm going straight here this is not what you told me just make a left it's like we're two minutes away and you wouldn't do it and then we just I don't I don't even remember any system we we had that it was on the meter which what I didn't understand right you're paying him we weren't not trying to scam him he picked this out basically on the side of the freeway it was a super it's busy junction we basically got kicked out because it's got refused to drive another five minutes dealers house and then and then it was like putting on the you know the receipt like here's what I'm what I'm gonna charge you you know when they like close it and prints the receipt and I was like I'm not paying you you're not thinking me what I need to go yeah yeah that was being Israeli you guys seen it she's shouting in Hebrew he's shouting in Hebrew is all this going on can you shout at Hebrew say stood me favorite say I'm not I'm not [ __ ] paying you say that in Hebrew I don't I don't curse in here I'm not paying you say that in Hebrew and you'll always showdown at likhaan that's good but too happy yeah we got off at the junction and then I had to call my dad and he came and pick this out yeah but that's that's just one little thing that would happen to you that's typical yeah that's Israel but one thing that did happen that is worth talking about is that elos brand-new wack book air I don't think you're gonna correct me now that you drop $3,400 on stopped working it it wouldn't charge yeah I don't know why I plugged it in left for the whole day I was like I'm gonna come back here to be fully charged and then it was dead I just found the total area you know I'm sorry when you sped a converter yeah I I don't know what happened it was supposed to work yeah I know and you spent $3,400 it's gotta work it's only been like a month yeah I gotta say that my razor laptop that costs $1,000 less has been kicking butt yeah cuz once I you can take it to Israel so what there's just something in the air there get yelled at by too many Israelis stops working but the razor laptop is really slammin I got to say 2000-3000 I've been loving I set this up at my TV in our bedroom I plug in a wireless keyboard a mouse and I game PC games on my TV with this baby and it crushes I don't know what to tell you I well I need to go through the whack folks tour yeah too good I'm this is not my charger right now still don't have a charger but actually I think we have a whoa we have a call in from somebody from Apple you're calling in right now that the more they actually wanted to talk to you about what happened to your computer ill oh okay oh hello yes hello hey is this someone from Apple this is Apple yes how are you I'm fine we've just have been having this issue with ILA's laptop and it just doesn't seem right that that you know this piece would break for three four hundred dollars oh I'm sorry that you don't know how to use it I'm sure I can assist you with that did you take it anywhere did you take it somewhere yellow yes I took it to Israel okay Israel did any Israelis yell around it no are you sure because this I mean it's Israel Who am I speaking to oh this is Ringo Ringo why does it sound like you're in heaven what is this angelic music I'm at the Genius Bar oh the Genius Bar okay okay this is just how it sounds so what do we do how do we fix this well first of all you're gonna have to become certified to use an Apple charger we offer a program though would you like to get signed up for it it's a how do I fix it I just want to fix this piece what you you want to fix it we don't fix things at Apple okay all right all right I hang up on this on this kalam that was Apple apparently called into the show and go well unbelievable did they just pile it in like that little shocking is that your personal number yeah I just I'm dialed in you know we're on tight all right we've got I saw this video this is so good Ryan Seacrest Ryan Seacrest he seems like such a wholesome guy right yeah he's not well right I don't know if we can well well here's here's the clip and this is just so good I actually thought he was gay I almost didn't even have a doubt about it but on what is the show American Idol or what was it well sooner they show top one of these talent shows whatever they're all the same I don't know how they [ __ ] up this bed he doesn't know that they came back and he's flirting with Katy Perry like in a really creepy way and it just blows my mind that a show this big could blunder like they didn't know they were bad well just go ahead and play it then I think we're back I've seen I've seen people saying you know they thought maybe it was a bit but there's a moment when he looked crazy I doesn't he's right and you're like that's real he says to her he says your mom's hot yeah and then he and then he says you're not a mom yet do you want to talk about it it's weird but it's so beautiful that this was captured why Ryan Seacrest create like bro this is not the time or place even like if is this a me to a moment is this a subtle me to a moment to have the balls to creep on her that blatantly here right where there are locations about him to me to stuff I think there was something about a hairdresser I don't remember what the allegations were but yeah you want to talk about it I love that are you mom let's talk about it hey hey I am I'm gonna see you to see that again Dan there you go rod the mom's pretty is this the conversations that take place off I [Laughter] think we're back yes that is so weird like you know this is like I'm the biggest production in the world makes me feel a bit a bit better about what we're doing here you want to talk about it it's so awkward so so saddling me to a moment well I have to say a very subtle one I have to I kind of agree because I have to say to have the balls to talk like that - not only anyone but Katy Perry like the biggest most famous powerful woman in Hollywood but also of other dudes it's hey you want to talk about it damn what happened his face his face looks kind of looks like there were you were right his there's a what do we got stylists that has accused television host of multiple instance of sexual harassment abuse over seven years as she worked for him well if you worked for him for seven years it's almost kind of hard to be like take those very seriously I had I was so miserable for seven years my off the mark you quit right after seven [ __ ] years of being sexually her maybe a year maybe two years seven that's high school and college it's hard to do better as a stylist than ryan seacrest though right i mean that's that's a hard gig to walk away from it's probably good money well I don't know what she accused him off what do we got here just making comments like that you want to talk about it yeah hey look what you do with my hair see you're not a mom yet you want to talk about it what can I do can I help you become a mom see it says right secrets groped her vagina rubbed his erect penis against her while clad only in his underwear and slapped her buttocks so hard that it left a large welt still visible hours later I'd say after seeing that I believe it oh my god I believe it after I saw that that was like a really creepy weird thing you want to talk about it your mom's hot your mom's hot can I rub my boner on you you want to talk about making a baby kind of interesting but but if I'm Ryan Seacrest I wouldn't even like you know that it's a hard cut back to live television I wouldn't even [ __ ] blink if you're gonna be creepy weirdo who would like you know after the show yeah I wonder if she's so like protected that he almost doesn't even have access to her he's like [ __ ] this is my only tonight to make a pass on Katy Perry in between uh in the commercials yeah also it takes a lot of I mean I know you're Ryan Seacrest and you're you're kind of a big deal but come on dawg you're not you're not Katy Perry material right no I I don't think he has a chance with her he's got a [ __ ] chance but maybe just you know he can help her be a mom and nothing more yeah you could help me be a mom let's talk about that a little bit later if you want to put your dick in me and then I'm pregnant me nice all right you've been on this long enough but I just thought that was real uh I thought it was an interesting glimpse inside yeah find the camera right I believe it god we've been talking about Ian a lot but Ian was actually banned from the Kanye subreddit dan was telling me that and I just I get worried about that boy I feel like I'm caring for him I feel like is in my custody and I just I get worried about him sorry yes you were banned from posting how the I don't think it wasn't the subreddit right oh yeah I was like here your mics open go ahead no it's the main Kanye fan site it's called Kanye to the calm Kanye to the calm and you've been basically thrown out of this community in yeah they got me out of there pretty quick why are you come in here come in here we were goes we're gonna get into the Drake Pusha T thing but let's let's get your ass in here we got a lot to talk about I'm worried about you and you're you're it you're in too deep you're pulling over on the side of the road to watch Khan you're getting banned from Kanye why were you banned from a Kanye forum to not go too much into it I posted a leak to an unreleased song mm-hmm and that is not in the rules did you know it wasn't in the rules when you posted it yes so why did you do it to seem like I was in the know there is their street cred and in these forms that you're trying to impress other people they're in the digital streets right and it and was there talk about you being banned are you big contributor to this forum I thought I was but they forgot me pretty clearly nobody cared about your ass disappearing interesting did you have you made any please to get unbanned with them I have tried yes no response well see they banned my IP address and so I tried to make an account under a different IP and somehow they knew and they banned me again well they're serious about it now when you when you knowingly broke the rules did you expect that just had enough street cred that you could go into the radar yeah I was like I'm I'm big dog you know what was your user name on their forum I can't say that oh really I can't reveal it really I'll meet him no no I can't I can't why not that it's bad but it all still exists there and all the Pug you wanna dig in like I don't care about your post history I'm just curious what you're you may not but who knows I can't have these can you get me out all right fair enough fair enough I don't want people to know you could be like banned from a fan sighs oh yeah I don't even well Ian you take things too far quite clearly yeah they went we like fans but you're a little too near too much of a fan let me ask how did you feel when you when you realize you were banned I went no I'll get back on thank you they need me they can't ban me yeah I'm valuable to this community right no are you looking for like other artists no stupid to be joining their friend yeah no one has no one really is doing it for me I'm not getting that interesting alienated now do you feel like you don't have any place to belong now that you've been banned no I'm just floating around I tried read it doesn't cut it Kanye subreddits too lightweight not far enough what's interesting Kanye fact you could share with us the deepest seediest weirdest one the weirdest one uh he spent two years in China as a toddler live guy that's a weird one I am I'm knocking someone won't take that away from you definitely hit me on that one by the way we made a stinger for Ian dan can you leave and come back in come back in would you please we have we had hot dad put together all stinger claw don't pretend close the door come back in all right go ahead everybody now [Music] [Applause] very good very nice by the way I'm announcing anybody out there who's up for the challenge I want to make an e in the interne song competition so if you have any if you want to take a stab at it and give your submissions send them on over to Dan dan what is it what's the email podcast at HP productions.com do it okay sinew product I want stingers I want full remakes I want to hear everything you've got and we'll go over all the top submissions so ian has put together basically you know what we should take a quick break where it's about that time so we're gonna take a look right when we come back ian is going to give us a presentation on Jake verse Pusha T all the drama and all the juice that is transpired I'm looking forward to it better not be boring I'll try my best all right I'm counting on you we're gonna need all the help we can get here today don't go away we'll be right back Dollar Shave Club delivers everything you need to look feel and smell your very best you name it shampoo conditioner body wash toothpaste hair gel even a wipe that will leave your tush feeling tingly clean which is the perfect adjective to describe my anus tingly I'm a big fan of their amber amber and lavender calming body wash I got to tell you it's masculine but it smells good people will give you a sniff and they'll say yes it smells flowery and lavender but it's still masculine right and I know you know what I mean helos she cuddles up to me sometimes she smells me I'm like this come on no I'm never that that lavender that amber Mike all right dude give me some space for chrissake crowding me it's that good all of dollar shapes clubs products are made from top-shelf ingredients that won't break your budget you'll feel the difference plus shipping is included with your membership and here's a great way to try a bunch of Dollar Shave Club products for just 5 bucks you can get their daily essential starter set it comes with body cleanser one wipe Charlies their amazing tingly inducing butt wipes they're world-famous shave butter and their best razors you know and even the love it the six blade executive weighty meaty handle them make your face tingle you'd be tingling all over boy how about this your anus isn't the only place you'll be tingling good pitch for Dollar Shave Club keep the blades coming for a few bucks more a month and add in shampoo toothpaste or anything else you need for the bathroom check it all out at dollarshaveclub.com slash h3 that's dollarshaveclub.com slash h3 thank you guys so much for supporting our sponsor thank you Dollar Shave Club let's get right back into it shall we [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you guys for sticking around we're back first of all before we get into this in it is your birthday and how old are you today 24 well yes you know we're very we are worried about you you have some strange habits we love you you we appreciate you you do good work and we want us to show a gesture and take care of you can you look under your seat please I have repeatedly said that I am Oprah and as an Oprah does you know that I always come bearing gifts I thought you were drinking me nope no Joe read it okay read it read what's on the front it says happy birthday in the intern from the entire age three gang open it up he's opening the envelope I've always wanted to go ahead come on describe what's okay happy birthday from the same thing actually alright really drill it in only use on salmon burritos what is it a 50 dollar Sharky's car 50 dollar shark is gift card you you think that I'm gonna let that go you're dead wrong I swear to God if I I'm in cooked in with Sharky's and I'm gonna check that gift card on a daily basis nice thing you bought anything that's a member he does well no I I just finished using the other one and I was like I'm free oh I'm out you have to use all three I got a couple shared it a little bit 50 bucks well thank you I should have got a thousand just never-ending Simon forever happy birthday thank you enjoy that enjoy that okay you have put together a presentation for us in yeah take us away all right so as most of you know push it T verse Drake yep Clash of the Titans here is push it to you Titan he's a Titan in in my eyes okay okay but he is then here's a Titan yeah okay alright so to understand this conflict we must go back okay mm - wow this has been brewing a while now Jesus Christ hold on hold you this was comprehensive this is this is possibly more than I bargained for here a simpler time the rapper Birdman aka baby aka the number one stunner releases his debut album it features Pusha T on the Pharrell produced track what happened to that boy it is a jam I'd say so it's a great song but these happy times are not here to stay you wrote it's a jam I wrote it said you don't like to assign it to Jane okay because you're like it's a jam I'd say so it's a really good song what the PowerPoint says it's a jam so I agree with make sure that you wrote that cuz it was in 2006 disaster strikes right rap superstar and Birdman protege little Wayne is photographed for the cover of vibe magazine wearing Bape clothing really is that a problem can you imagine the nerve of this man well what's the issue well the issue is next slide slide then push it t is known for often wearing babe clothing alongside Pharrell he believes that mr. Wayne is stealing his style Rancic cold give me a freakin break it's tough out here there he is there he is upset that little wheezy is wearing bait yes I bet you I know who's not upset he's wearing babe who babe oh definitely not so then push it t responds on the sister Reader's Digest version of this I mean if you wanna sip through it there's just not too much a couple slides thirty fourteen and you know okay so anyways there's some beef pusher attacks am still in my style Lil Wayne says who the [ __ ] is Pharrell do you really respect him he wore babe and y'all thought he was weird I wore it and you thought it was hot so he's calling him out Pusha T and Lil Wayne are having some struggle okay he's looking sad here oh I was like very careful laser pointer this thing is actually illegal to possess it's so powerful there are casualties in these beefs Wow would have expected it was nice first one down so things seem to quiet down for a bit you know everyone seemed to be like it's cool do you still have vision are you okay I'm seeing I'm not gonna lie I'm seeing I'm seeing a green dot yeah I'm seeing a dot but go ahead don't don't let me interrupt you mhm okay push the t drops Exodus 23:1 the diss track that shakes things up he attacks lil wayne birdman he's upset things are looking dicey not what caused this over the babe situation oh I thought it cooled down it cooled down for a bit and then he came back a little late I have to say he so let me get this straight push it too was upset that they were wearing babe yeah I have to say point against your boy pushup because that's some petty ass [ __ ] it is but then little Wayne in that interview says you know who is he I don't give a [ __ ] about him right now he's he's not me and that and that did make it worse but I mean okay so push it to you touch the air that's his catchphrase can you get a sample of that do we have if I can track down that I'm sure you can get a couple X okay so Birdman and Lil Wayne are on Young Money Entertainment and Cash Money Records mm-hmm the next slide down real quick Drake is signed to both Young Money and cash money oh those are his guys didn't take very long for Lil Wayne to respond in the next one it's a very small text there you go [ __ ] Pusha T and anybody that loved them Lil Wayne is not happy Lil Wayne has a lot of weight in his words right like how do people respond to this tweet this is from 2012 we are really going way back yeah mu I have to say I even underestimated you knowing that you're the keeper of culture and knowledge you've going back to 2012 on my ass impressed there's a lot there's a lot to him did you have to do Rio just since last night yes did he put this together in like an hour off the top of that well actually I kinda have slideshows just for me I don't get any scenario so Lil Wayne and Drake are really close Lil Wayne's pissed off Drake is mad he wants to defend his mentor who is Lil Wayne you could skip it you say no it's just some just some information some stuff I'm just as famous as my mentor but that's still the boss don't get what is what is that we don't need to read all this this is Drake kind of sending the little shots and kind of his 2012 song I'm as famous as my mentor he's talking about Lil Wayne that's still the boss get hype on tracks and jump in front of the bullet you weren't meant for so he's kind of going push it t leave Lil Wayne alone you don't want to mess with me right right right so then things cool off until 2015 fast forward 2014 jumping up Meek Mill I won't use the laser pointer I almost don't know I found it I stole it did you find it on the Kanye fan site no I can't go back there go back now let me tell anyone ask when you go to the website is it just straight blocked out or you can't or doesn't allow you to log in can you view other people can't view it yeah they let you give a taste have you tried a VPN yes and they found out yeah is [ __ ] if I could make like a plea will you guys let me back now are you kidding or is it really that important to you well I mean it's like album time there's a lot of discussion I can't get in on but you can read it but you can't participate is that really a big deal for you I've got the insights I've got right stuff to say I've got power points right how many and I want to know specifically how many hours a week do you spend on that website before you were banned I don't know if I want to think about that information it's it's a lot it's a lot I gotta say you're interesting you're an enigma you know I don't know I mean I'm mesmerized by that guy so I might know a lot about him but anyways I want to know what your form name something interesting is it something that would make me a lot no it's just some random so yeah just random okay would you tell me if it was okay all right let's go okay so Meek Mill comes in you guys may have heard of this back in the day Meek Mill tweets this out stop comparing Drake to me he don't write his own raps ouch that's why he ain't tweet my album because we found out Wow big shots fired he exposes Drake says he uses ghost writers can I point something out yeah I find interesting more retweets than likes I find that to be bizarre that was also the case with a little Wayne tweet there was more retweets how do you explain that that to me says BOTS if I'm being honest because who-who would retweet this and not like it I find that very bizarre more people would like then not retweet then retweet am I wrong I I think so unless there's people who are trying to like stir the pot as well I'm just gonna so maybe they're like maybe they're supporters of Drake and they're like I want everyone to see this idiot yeah I don't like ya interesting I want to make sure controversial therefore more retweets could possibly be justified mm-hmm interesting okay so Meek Mill accuses Drake offending Ghost Rider by the name of Quinton Miller on this 2015 track reco and now can you tell me the backstory on ghost writing that's frowned upon in the hip-hop world yeah why is that which is strange because most most musicians use writers I'm sure but for some reason hip-hop kind of has this thing where that is very very frowned upon right but they all still do it you think that a lot of I feel like they all do well I think I don't know I've heard stories of like you go into Dre's office so you go to Kendrick or some big boy calls you in and they make you cut right there lyrics in front of you on the spot so they know that it wasn't ghost written by somebody I think part of it if I'm understand it correct me if I'm wrong as the keeper of quoting your knowledge is that it's poetry it's personal it's your own expressive art and so it is a little elitist I have to say when you're making music but I suppose that's where it comes from right yeah and also in a world where they're all like I'm better than you you can't really say oh I'm better than you when other people are making it for you right maybe that's something do with it that's the thing no one's really going like who are the top five pop artists but it's always the debate of who's the best rappers there so yeah they like that person personality just shining through so it's very frowned upon yeah next so through a whirlwind of memes and the release of the grammy-nominated diss track back to back meek was defeated by the almighty Drake he was you just crowned him Victor yeah everyone kind of did whirlwind of memes and releases so I do have more detail I'm Michael I think Drake kind of won that beef because of the memes he had the power of me it's like High Noon so the people won that battle firm I think are you participating in that battle no I was a spy standard you are a bystander yes were you interested at the time vaguely yeah I was interest you weren't on forums or anything like that I was around okay but I was Kanye's not evil Kanye's yes he's in this new one so I'm very sure but no and then the song was good the diss song he released against Meek Mill was very good however Pandora's box had been opened regarding the ghost riding allegations pusha t did not forget sure so what yeah you think it's already been stained on his name cut to 2016 right Pusha T releases the song hgtv freestyle with the following lyrics it's too far gone when the real estate real and next with each of these lines did the slide Drake has a project called so far gone Wow I walk amongst the clouds so your ceilings ain't real that they think that's reference to Drake's interesting album nothing was the same these blank and words Call of Duty cuz their killings ain't real with the questionable pen so the feeling a real so people think he's pretty obviously calling out what's your opinion when you sing Kanye songs do you say that and word when you're at you're by yourself at home no definitely not what do you what how do you not skip it or do you say and how do you approach this when you're singing by yourself in the shower what do you say I take a moment to pause and reflect seriously what do you do it's such a dicey thing I mean you're in the shower by yourself there's not even anybody home you're singing the lyrics to a Kanye song that you love you know every word what do you do when the ad word comes up see that's the thing is because everyone says it that you say everyone say it because it's like you get it you have a cadence let it be known I agree by the way you're singing you're by yourself what can you do you get in passion I'm just curious I'm glad thank you for being on to you not me no no no never know all right [Laughter] next slide damn please let's get let's just drop the crying Drake so two weeks later Drake replies on his song two birds one stone questioning the legitimacy of Pusha T's drug-dealing past Pusha T is always rapping about how he sells cocaine okay that's his thing Drake is yeah he's not happy about the disses thrown his way the accusations yeah he's he's getting kind of annoyed of everyone saying he writes are we milking this is this going to long I'm actually interested I'm intrigued you guys everybody stopped watching by now I'm actually in deep play the stinger play the sting [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you Drake replies really it's you with the drug stories that's got a stop though you made a couple of chops now you think your chapo mmm you ask me though you ain't lining the trunk with kilos you bagging weed watching Pacino with all your words and words like this is what we need to be on but you never went live you're a middle man in this you're not one of those guys Wow so he's saying all of this does not hard yeah everything you rap about is is fake sure he also attacks Kid Cudi on the song who also brought up his ghost writing allegations on Twitter okay so so Drake is attacking Pusha T for being affiliated with Kid Cudi who's been alleged to have to have ghost riders as well no Kid Cudi called out Drake for having ghost riders Oh everybody's piling on Trey yeah and Pusha T and Kid Cudi are close they're interesting so Drake kind of goes you were the man on the moon now you're going through your phases you stays and and perked up so when reality sets in you don't have to face it look what happens soon as you talk to me crazy is you crazy that's it that's a strong those are those are pretty strong words to accuse a man of being a drug addict and that's right before that with the next slide Dan Cudi had recently checked into a rehabilitation clinic for substance abuse and suicidal tendencies pretty mean spirited now was his words before after the check in I think it was after okay so that's so that's putting salt in the wound yeah Cuddy is in a rehab at the time and he tweeted this at Drake say it to my face [ __ ] you think it's a game I want to see you say it to my face I'll be out soon whoa that's I didn't real okay this is interesting now this is actually heating up quite a bit it goes eating slides in let me ask you what kind of guy do you think Drake is do you think that he's misunderstood because this is what this is mean and I see Cuddy is taking it really very personal well that was the thing at which I wanted to include this because so many people are going is getting attacked too hard right now and I'm like he had it coming kind of if you go back a little he called out kid cudi who couldn't respond he was in a rehab clinic at foreign or suicidal tendencies about things you know and earnest understanding at that point yeah and in his lines he's like you talked to me crazy are you crazy right and and people kind of cold on my first reaction to the Pusha T this was that while maybe he went too hard ya know maybe was one of my reactions but this is the whole context is fascinating yes proceed yeah so after this Pusha T drops a bombshell Daytona the 7 track coke rap homerun album of the Year contender well was it a cat well we know that the year is over so album of the year is you know this came out last week we did there was a quiet period yes yes every since the infamous picture so this just happened yes album of the Year contender I think so yes in contention with Kanye's yeah yeah I think who's edging out right now I mean I haven't heard Kanye's album enough okay look at continue so on this this is what really got it kicked off there's a track on there called infrared where Pusha T says it was written like nas but it came from Quinton his infamous ghost writer Quinton Miller do we know who Quentin Miller is yeah he's a rapper from Toronto and he wrecks hometown yeah and he helped write a couple of Drake's songs from his 2015 album and then after all this came out he kind of disappeared Drake dumped him real quick after this you think Drake dumped him mm-hmm but you but allegedly he has more ghostwriter swooping in and helping him out yeah I think people kind of think that in this case well the accusation that is from Quentin Dennis is black as blamele false well it's just that he's bringing back because Quentin's the only he's the most known name so it's just saying you had a ghostwriter yeah got it yeah exactly so this was no more subliminal shots this was a blatant swing at the champagne poppy six God himself right Trey push I also used the try to further attack Birdman and Lil Wayne he calls them out by name in this song who Drake is you know very close with sure so the game was afoot the game was afoot and we're getting close we're almost all caught up this is exciting stuff you guys are the numbers still going up okay yeah we're almost lost no longer yours is everyone invaded is everybody in bated breath go ahead in less than 24 hours after this song comes out Drake fires back on the song Duffy freestyle what's the significance of dubby dubby is it means ghost and I think like patois I think what's patois it's a ghost it's like a slang term for a slang term for ghost so what is the significance he's saying he's a noob like saying I'm making you into a ghost okay you're good okay interesting yeah interesting so he releases this he attacks bush at E he wrote lobs projectiles he loves projectile yeah he says so if you rebuke me for working with someone else on a couple of verses what do you really think of the blank that's making your beats I've done N word yeah I've done things for him I thought he never would need father had to stretch his hands out and get it for me I pop stop for 30 hours then let him repeat so he's saying he wrote for Kanye which he did he wrote lyrics for coming West so there was a tweet there a crow for Kanye yeah interest and Kanye's push to tease boss so he's essentially go it's the difference between writing for someone but in ghost writing goes right well that's the thing is Kanye clearly acknowledged he tweeted saying I want to thank my brother Drizzy for helping me on 30 hours and father stretch my hands those are the songs we're ghost writing is you don't tell anyone because you take the credit yeah so in the rap world is it okay if you acknowledge people it's [ __ ] up when you don't acknowledge and you act as if it's your own work yeah I mean the distinction even if you have writers though people still kind of looked down on that a little bit so just did someone like Kanye get B for a tweet like this no because because he's like a producer as well he produces a lot and he's kind of the same as dr. Dre Dr Dre has a lot of writers as well okay but he he does a lot of production sure so people kind of forgive it he's a jack-of-all-trades yeah so when you do that they're kind of okay well he's got a lot on his hands yeah interesting so so that happens though this is a little more aspect of the drama that Kanye who's on the other side of Drake now was once thinking trick for his input mm-hm and Drake is using that against Pusha T yeah because Drake also in this song mentions that he just was in Wyoming like a few weeks ago writing for Kanye interest for his new album which came out today Wow so he's kind of pissed off because he's like I keep helping you guys and your your guys are just attacking me all the time so he's getting kind of fed I can tell it's boiling up this is not this is not jokes this is not like them just playing around this seems to be real beef that these guys actually really hate each other if I had to guess yeah yeah so it's pretty much and then with the next slide of some other lyrics leo you know it's gonna be a cruel summer for you I told Wayne and Birdman I'll I'm not done him for you can I ask you you have in parentheses Wayne and Birdman you've substituted out and noted it properly yeah look seeing that correctly to bring it back to because I was mentioning them earlier because he kind of he says he's alluding to them but you want to be clear so yeah you've done us the favor of putting it in and properly annotating I just wanted know it to that yeah I hope I'll get good marks at the end of all these very things we got an invoice coming to you considering we just sold another 20 for you so he sends them an invoice for promotional assistance and career reviving 100 now e 100,000 is that a good deal kind of yeah it's not a bad deal yeah I think so and there's some other lines he calls out his drug dealing again and go ahead read yeah I'm intrigued don't don't let's hear it he says your brother said it was your cousin him than you so you don't rap what you did you just rapped what you knew got it Pusha T's brother was he's saying he was more involved in the business and he was watching God yeah and he's yeah he just keeps saying you might have sold two college kids for Nike and Mercedes but you act like you sold drugs for Escobar and the a that's pretty brutal yeah so that's a good line yeah that's a good line it's a it's a good song so basically what's happened is these guys were kind of flirting with each other but suddenly you know and Pusha T's recent album he took a more overt shot and as you say the game was afoot and that set Drake off and now the gloves are off and Jake is Drake is saying you know what [ __ ] this guy I'm dedicating a song just to him yeah they've been going back and forth for like six years now so this is it yeah so on the next one is it a coincidence that both of them are dropping albums no I don't think so you think that there's some acknowledgment of each other and like hey this is good publicity for us yeah they already know it's worth coming his album comes out this month okay but they both putting albums out this month do you find that that's not going sit out do you think that they talked on the phone behind the scenes I don't think so some people think that I don't think it's as explicit at that but I think they're kind of like okay this is gonna help me a little bit this isn't a bad but the thing is when I heard Pusha T's that to me well that's coming up but what that felt to me was like these guys are not friends they hate each other yeah I think maybe Drake came into it with okay this will be a good little boost like the last one he got was being more playful yeah let's just he's like I'm gonna kill you yeah the last diss track he got nominated for Grammy for so I think he was like okay this will just be some summer pearl that's continued so things are quiet for four days people think it's a rap and Drake is one again that is until but I gotta say Drake spent 24 hours that's not a long time to build a craft a song yeah I have it ready to go well people think the review copies went out like five or six days or so people think Drake had a copy he was ready to go with it yeah oh wow cuz he heard the diss song and everyone's going oh he released a diss in 24 hours that's but he knew he had it because he's so now push the t took four days to prepare his which is actually impressive yeah Drake doesn't really get credit for doing it in 24 hours well I mean he's he probably was still around like four or five days four or five days I think it was about the same time okay so he drops this song the story of a deed on this now we're up now we are fully up to date yeah and this is a picture that he dug up of Drake when he was younger in black in blackface and their significance to the clothing as well yeah he's wearing kind of this yeah it's it's a it's from a clothing brand that's supposed to be kind of like an artistic depiction but just Blake blatantly seemed like this it does look very offensive let me say this before we get deep into the story of ID doll when things really heat up let's throw it to a quick commercial break and we'll be right back stay tuned y'all you know the stories about Buddha are told wrong the truth is he was enlightened once he used the quip electric toothbrush and only until then that's right this isn't toothbrush that Buddha was reincarnated with and he took up to heaven it's that great let me tell you I'm obsessed with oral hygiene and I hate shopping for toothbrush Goods it's too firm it's too soft it's all wrong you get an electric toothbrush it's good it costs $200 and it's got a huge battery pack that fits in your garage you have to charge it in your garage not this this is a clip electric toothbrush it's incredible if you push the button it vibrates brush brush brush it goes for how long two minutes two minutes after one minute it pulsates and reminds you hate idiot brush the bottom that part needs to be clean too so you get a perfect clean brush just like your doctor doctor recommends or your mother there's a little voice inside here it's your mom and your dentist it says hey switch it up and let you know when you're done it's bristles are soft and perfect it gives me a perfect clean every time I love this toothbrush I can't endorse it enough the best part about this truth brush is that it just starts at 25 bucks go to get quipped calm slash h3 right freaking now when you get your first refill pack which is this top part here it just pops off and every couple months you just put a new one on Bob's your uncle you get that first refill pack free with a quip electric toothbrush listen it's a game changer it's really one of those perfect little inventions that's so brilliant I'm saying just give it a shot you're gonna love this thing that's your first refill pack free at get quick calm slash h3 spelled g ET q UI p.com slash h3 don't take it from me give it a shot ela tell me about quick brush wants transcend into the afterlife and enlightenment you're gonna die essentially I'm that's a bad way to phrase it you're not gonna you're gonna think you die how about that you get quit thank you for sponsoring us god bless america i'm close the door hey we're back I had to pee I had to run okay real quick we have a just a important update that happened during the break there I received an email from a moderator of the Kanye fan site who is offering to unban in controlling I don't know but some of it some proof uh well he no he didn't offer any proof but there's no what you are hoping for yeah okay let me ask this would you know his username if he said it do you know them what all the moderators username no I don't think okay I mean well if you're still listening moderator I saw your email email again with some proofing yeah let's get going but wouldn't that be a wonderful birthday gift here I'll be great all right where were we the story of a d-don't so we've got Drake and black face to explain explain the significance how he's a black man so what so I mean what's going on here yeah I think there's maybe more nuance to it but it's very kind of people are having very visceral reaction obviously it's like blackface they're really ever he does you there he said that it's from a photo shoot there was about yeah that right like I personally can't see any other reason why Drake a person who's half black with done blackface other than as some you know social yeah and he does I have the his explanation about diversity yeah let's blast through this so he releases the story of a deed on he attacks Drake's father his mother Drake's best friend for having the disease MS a stuff that's not really something to criticize yeah you MS having son of a gun yeah the way he says it you have lines yeah his producer his name is 40 and he's like he's hunched over like he's 80 tick tick tick that man is sick sick sick and then he kind of says he's done he's dying right so brood on the tripe yeah [Music] he also reveals that Drake has a secret child with porn stars Sophie Brousseau and really yeah and kind of says that Drake is a deadbeat dad hmm and someone dug up a tweet of hers where she said that she said you know [ __ ] Drake he's a deadbeat dad about his about the baby daddy yeah saying that yeah Drake isn't really involved well so and that was like really moving shakin and that's like the significance of the song title a deed on Drake was supposed to release a line with adidas called a deed on that's the rumor mm named after his son and he was going to kind of reveal his son to the world about his son I find that a strange play and I guess that's what he's happening into that his estranged son is being used as a marketing ploy and Khan in conjunction with Adidas his son's name is Adonis yeah and Pusha T's is basically saying that Drake's upcoming line a deed on is kind of playfully named after his son and Pusha T's like you should give your son a better treatment than using him as like a marketing tool sure and who knows if that's true if he was going to do that but it's brutal either way to say because it's kind of ruined his Adidas brand fair so when when addy Dawn comes out everyone's gonna associate it with you know right okay anyways and that brings us to now Drake brought out the iPhone knows app to try and explain himself in the attention behind the blackface photos yeah and so he said I know everyone's enjoying this you go you go ahead and read it I know everyone is enjoying the circus but I want to clarify this image in question this was not from a clothing brand shoe or my music career this picture is from 2007 a time in my life where I was an actor and I was working on a project that was about young black actors struggling to get roles being stereotyped and typecast the photos got it I got it okay but I find that I find that a little bit questionable to attack a black man for going in blackface when he did it as part of a shoot to bring aware to to the issue of black people having troubles getting jobs seems a little bit underhanded I mean that's what he says that's what it says but I can't imagine why why else would he do what Locke faced as a bad guy but it is a great little dish I mean if he's looking to destroy the guy so is that is that uh yeah that's it wraps it up yeah so who's winning right now and you're in your push it to you should eat the last is the last one really put it over the top once anyone opens the iPhone Notes app it's you lost already yeah already explaining in the iPhones note and no one's ever used that to explain something good right so basically that alone has just qualified Drake from this round yeah and push it T tweeted last night actually saying that he hears Drake is offering a hundred grand for anyone who has dirt on Pusha T that's pretty desperate a and push the t's like you're not gonna find skeletons that aren't their interests though and so do you think that Drake is gonna fire back are you anticipating it I think you will but he's kind of running out of time I guess okay all right thanks so well with that being said Ian thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and I thank you for coming out of birthday thank you I can't believe you put this together so fast yeah I like I said this boy he ain't right but we love you here regardless of that okay yeah exactly all right whoo well I have to say it was long it went on a very long time a lot of details I was intrigued I learned yeah I did feel like I was finally learning cuz I've seen it everywhere lately and I didn't know write anything about it right well now we all know many people like follow the details right now we all know TV's worst makeover disaster this clip is great we're gonna watch this clip and then we'll jump into the Skippy AK I'll call you guys could probably tell we're trying to produce this thing a little better right I don't know if it's working exactly but we've got clips we've got segments we're trying to be more organized and less loose you know I don't I don't know how it's going but we're trying I think there's probably a happy medium between like being like super [ __ ] prepared mm-hm and being more loose that we'll figure out yeah but our intention is to you know we want to elevate the show we're trying stuff out trying to spice it up we're trying to spice it up here I hope you guys are enjoying it you know you ready for this cringe so we've got here the TV let's get good I gotta set this up this will form on some reality shows yeah all these make it's like a Home Makeover huh that's what it is this [ __ ] is so funny like I feel like almost everybody's always like uh it's okay right when you see they like go into a tiny room and they like repaint it and they move the furniture and they turn a fireplace into a wall and they're like what do you think it's like you can tell they're like I love it that's like it's okay in this case this is truly truly a disaster that this woman who collects antiques and well let's just go ahead and wash it then roll it no yes when they seconds after finishing in Linda's room disaster struck the added weight of all those books proved too much for the freestanding shelves [Music] I don't know Andy I think we just have to put our hands upon this one I think you better go sit down or better tidy this up the combination of two days hard riding I'm the shock of what a gentleman yeah can you get a screen grab of when the shelves were hanging from the ceiling like the I have to say that was one of the most precarious things I've ever seen in my life bring it back give me the just go back to where they were hanging from the roof there you go what are these 90 little strings yeah also what kind of room is this where you just have a shelf hanging in the middle of the room like how is no one gonna bump into it and it's just free swinging with the antiques you know I have to say that's one of the dumbest things I've ever really not that's a tiny room the doors right there I mean what the hell were you guys thinking yeah a shelf is supposed to be against the wall you optimized this space a free a free swinging shelf with antiques on it I love that they said it broke within minutes - it's not like it even today they're like you know what the antiques aren't enough let's put all of our books on here as well I think the books done it yeah it's a wonderful makeover it's really almost yeah it's almost wonder they should they should have a show I would watch the [ __ ] out of this called the ultimate home makeover and what they do is they come in and they [ __ ] your house up Oh what was that showed that there was well that one was real it was a show about how it's kind of like that but they don't mean it to be but they do like crazy room makeovers like the Caymans his house and converted it into like a chuck-e-cheese kind of thing or like a spaceship room and it's just so [ __ ] I'll just ruin your house yeah they base but like in my world you come and you just put holes in the wall and you like you upholster all the furniture like hot pink you know what I mean put the sink so the water shoots out on the floor when you turn it on and just get the reaction like it's beautiful we part our souls into this I hope you love it it's very I mean this would this is pretty much what everybody that show old ultimate room makeovers that feel confident these guys are you even qualified like look at this guy in the red sweater acting like he's actually measuring and doing something are you just some dude off the street do you have a license or qualifications of any kind a couple strings couple buh two-by-fours forget about it I told you guys about when I worked on a home improvement reality show like a decade ago yeah oh yeah yeah I was just a PA and at least in my I don't know if this show was like this but in my experience they would shoot the contractor like you know the guy in the red sweater literally just doing what he's doing like pretending like he's hooking something up and then as soon as the cameras stopped they just make the PAS do all the work so the PAS who don't know anything about building did they make do that yeah oh [ __ ] they would like having me laying concrete and like leveling they explain to you how to do it over they give me like a brief little like yeah you got it Wow never actually care about did you ever hold anyone's house up I didn't one I remember there was an incident where another PA dragged this it was like an appliance like a what do you call a dishwasher thing just dragged it across a wooden floor and just annihilate oh yeah he didn't come back did they ever fix the floor yeah they the production had to pay for it yeah they're like your fire we expect more of our unpaid interns than that all right up next we've got the main dish fireworks we said to ourselves hey we've got brilliant idea let's get the great minds together we've got Skippy the Virgin and we've got Kyle the grandma [ __ ] they're almost there almost like the TLC boys they are we posted today a new video about a do to us sex with his car or even well that's you know I'm not giving enough credit he's in an intimate relationship he loves the car mm-hmm it's not just about sex me it's about so much more sorry to him if I offended him I want I really hope he reaches out one of my favorite things is we talk about these TLC videos and then and then add it up you know out of the woods comes these wonderful characters so Skippy was on TLC yes I was the virgin and Carl yeah so it's almost like the the learned the the learn ed boys I'm trying to think of a good name for them for the for the gang we've got here the great minds of TLC so we said to ourselves we have these great larger-than-life personalities Kyle who's had sex with so many grandmas who's literally broken vaginas in his time we talked to him last night trying to set this up he says hey guys I just got done [ __ ] a 79 year old he sent us a picture of them together Skippy who did who tapes his dates do we have footage of that Dan ooh we do I don't think I have it cued up though Skippy recently he got he does this thing where he goes on dates any films the whole thing and let me tell you folks that is not I do have it it is not easy city you have some like a supercut of it yeah it's just so Skippy the Virgin who's a devout Mormon he defines himself by his virginity yet he's waiting for marriage good and I have to say Skippy you're not getting any closer with videos like this let's watch this is my date her name is Deanna we are going to a comedy show it's laughs but they're all getting skimpy rape whistle no sex for you bracelets kidney stickers you don't what so what's the wildest thing you would do for a contact mark would you kiss a guy for a Klondike court we're getting can you pause it I mean Skippy you're basically you're you're approaching her for prostitution in exchange it for all things a Klondike bar it's a you know it's one thing to get paid $1,000 to suck a guy's dick it's a whole nother thing to do for a Klondike bar it seems like they're having fun though you think so go back look at her face well we everything we saw up to this point was before the date like on the way to the date right here is where we're at the attitude changes a little bit dan can you go back 10 seconds and everyone watch her face has he propositioned her for a Klondike bar right here what's what's the wildest thing you would do for a contact mark would you kiss a guy for a Klondike bar we're getting this woman a Klondike bar okay progressed when was the last how long since your last relationship over a year ago how long is the longest is really to eat leave you have like a two to five year relationship in yet let's ooh I think I've had technically three girlfriends and I've made out with I want to say yeah Wow no girls ever grabbed his dick 49 make outs you never touched at it I guess that's not sex yeah okay go ahead sorry sorry to pause we've thought about like people in relationships kissed the same person over and over again it's like one person 2,000 times as opposed to yeah or 49 people you know what people asked me was like hey Skippy are you still a virgin the title of the video oh yeah big secret I'm yeah we didn't have sex you were there you were you were conscious for the whole I shouldn't normally have to ask this but can you let people know I didn't roofie you once on a scale of one to ten how do you think the date went good possibility I think we should okay hey nothing needs to be more said about this legend she was into it at first it was a long [ __ ] night it was daytime yeah I did something when they came back she was just like take me yeah I mean alright let's let's roll it we've got--we've so we got them together these two great minds this morning and I says Kyle you've got the knowledge you've got the experience and the and the [ __ ] the old ladies is kind of a easy one in - so can you talk to Skippy I want to get this guy some play mm-hmm so without further ado let me tell you fireworks it started one way and it ended a whole nother way with them it was Skippy actually yelling at Kyle unbelievable what a treat what that being said let's let's enjoy the show I am on the phone with Skippy the Virgin and Kyle the cougar champ here I thought that you know with the knowledge that Kyle the cougar champ has he could really share and improve on Skippy's life but before I get into that whole thing I kind of just want to check in with everybody Skippy are you there yeah hey hey Skippy how are you you guys you know what you guys have made my life much more enjoyable and entertaining I deliver pizzas and I get like I've had experiences where I've shown up and they're like wait you're Skippy and I'm like yeah and they're like can I get a photo and like I said before or after the photo right now are you getting more - awesome are you getting more tips as a result of being associated with us yes we know that you get the money if I'm never gonna move out I'll have dant contact you about collecting our commission on that but we can deal with that Skippy have you seen our new video we covered one of your contemporaries a TLC documentary about a young man that has sex with a car did you catch that no I avoid that but yeah is putting your dick let me ask you this I can you have sex with the cars that's something that your religion would allow cuz I know you're waiting for marriage but are you allowed for your dick and a tailpipe before marriage I think you could do that as long as it's consensual and but if in a month what am I talking about only consensual people would be yeah yes only object sir can you do the boat so your bishops okay with that yeah I any well you know I would still tell them that oh yeah yeah Skippy if you can you get up and before we check in with your next can you check with your bishop and get his take if you are allowed to put your dick in the tailpipe I'd like to follow up on that as possible I would gently be super embarrassed to ask him that so from that won't happen but that that's something that they we've Skippy if you buy it if you put your dick in a car's tailpipe would you tell your bishop yeah of course I would course I would think that means I have mental problems and I need psychological help so yeah sure or of course of course okay Kyle for help is what it is Kyle the Cougar chimp nice to have you here god bless you how have you been doing telling you update me yeah just wow this what you guys are saying I'm Les Miles being on the 76 your grandma singer picture that um when I was talking on your producers yeah I saw a picture of her she's I saw her and my reaction was like damn she's really old Kyle like that's impressive he's recently got a came 70 surgery later on this month kyle is the cane turn you on more or less like how do you physic ain't enhance the sexual experience mm-hmm hot I'm wondering like okay if he's getting recognized and whatnot why isn't anyone [ __ ] them at the door okay yeah sure so well yeah okay let's let's go ahead and get right into it here we've got questions for all of our ourselves Kyle let's start there Skippy you don't have sex because you are waiting for marriage is that correct exactly exactly it's not that I can't it's that I want to wait until I get married now Kyle yeah it's a religious thing y-yeah but cut okay Skippy I thought that maybe it's been a long time we checked in with you it's been a minute and there's been no progress right you don't have a girlfriend in fact we've seen a date that you went on you recorded it we're gonna we've watched it before we went in personally I don't I thought it was entertaining but I don't recommend that if you're actually trying to start our meaningful relationship but what I'm pitching to you is that Skippy we haven't seen much progress and I think the Kyle has a good pitch for you for dating older women if I want it I'll listen to the pitch I will listen to the pitcher with an open mind okay that's all we I just have I have built-in reservations but I will try and listen to his advice as openly as I can okay I will say I'll never try and have sex with a grandma that the reverse what I want I get them out you don't know what you want you just said you be opening your okay skip you do know what's a GJ a what Skippy do you know what the ecstasy that is a GJ @ GJ I wanna grandma takes her dentures out and gums on your [ __ ] Skippy don't tell me that doesn't [ __ ] to give you add Sam H up right now oh my goodness take that repulses isa that's that is me what my bellybutton went into everyone out right okay well Kyle I wanted to ask you something Kyle have you ever used a cane as a sex object or any of these kind of assisting Walker's dentures do you ever use that as as a sex toy yeah I don't know never a wheelchair before at home they never a walker but I think it's really cute that dudes just said on built-in reservation but I think you you don't really have the the ground to stand on for options I know I mean this whole thing this whole thing that way from there is man look do this 2018 there is no God and you know not trying something L before you buy it or wear it rights just you're sitting here you're setting yourself up for a ridiculous disappointment and failure wedding how do you respond to that Skippy I would way rather set myself up for that than to ever get a GJ so well to be fair give no Michael options are diverging or get a DJ I would diverge in it so fast I would be totally okay with that skin if I'm understanding Skippy right he is calling out your lifestyle calling in sick I mean I I mean I don't know that necessarily agree but I mean I'm wondering how you're gonna respond you know I was debating whether or not I'm gonna bring this up that's why I didn't even email it to your producer we're talking what--like my actual thoughts on this see I really I really don't want to hold you out but I kind of think do to troll I mean 40 reasons I mean but for the reasons why stick to the ears Austin Utley the boss thing is not for the same reasons I was looking at the on the YouTube page look at the TV stuff so whatnot you know dude has this little moment just like I have my little moment same thing you know I've caught grandma's you don't [ __ ] at all that's cool that's well that's my book and my little stick whatever yeah yeah but I was looking I was looking at the YouTube page and I know I see just trying to get far enough in a guy's Twitter what not but then the reason I think these natural is because none of us monetized so one times you have look at me look at me I'm a virgin but I must say I'm not getting out of this foam kind of life but kind of confused us to what's going on here this is a really good act but you're not getting compensation for so it probably isn't so I'm not sure what's fun I guess I'm a little bit confused I don't understand your theory necessarily you're saying that you think he's trolling because he's I get because he's not making money is though you said so no no no no what I'm saying I'm not sure what side of the fence the falls are like it's so look at me look at me aversion but you're not being you're not being monetized so it's kind of like confusing us of what's going on here what's your theory Kyle and I really good I I see that in the comments sometimes from people also where they where people are like he's just playing a character there's no way that this is him he's like saying that he's a virgin and then he's probably you know like using the microcosm of notoriety that he gets to be able to one person had to quote one person to plow tons of chicks right which is not what it is and I understand people thinking that but my counter to that would be like anyone that knows me like yeah I am good at three things in this life I'm good at meeting celebrities up at Sundance I am good at I was I think that I have one over the counter to your point there Kyle it's like a button he has a jar full of belly button lint we actually have we have a we have a sample of that so I I can't think of anything of a more sincere evidence that a man has never put his dick inside of a vagina than that may be possible but I'm calling out I'm calling out is it a shake is it something like but you don't you think he's playing it up that's this is interesting point Kyle raises Skippy why is your whole identity you know defined as Skippy the virgin why is that your whole identity if you're not with if you're waiting for marriage why is it all about me the version if you won't just like put your dick in the next hole you see and yeah and you would mine you would dare to decline a G job again I find a D job as repulsive as you find my belly so you say so there's so ya know i 100% say God you describe Kyle can you briefly describe the ecstasy that is a G job to Skippy yes well no I couldn't because I was gonna say it's currently [ __ ] a [ __ ] but like it can move around that can squeeze you more because they can more pressure cuz I am a [ __ ] mandible they're still the [ __ ] you know labia minora mature squeezing you what not right you wouldn't you don't have a point of reference Skippy how do you respond to that there's a part of me that feels like with if this is what my life has come to where my virginity is looked at as the same as a guy who wants to have sex with grandma there's something really wrong with how I've been doing things in my life if that white virginity is compared to like on a spectrum it's wet at the one end of the G job and at the other end is virginity yeah it's not give me it's not even barely wrong Skippy it's not virginity it's defining yourself as a virgin like how do you come then I would say that if the first TV show like so the very first show I was on reality show look when I was 24 MTV month pounds of town asking what are you doing on Saturday night in your hometown and I was on a super super tiny MTV show that was one episode that ran once back when I was 24 right okay and then the next reality show I was on I was like older and a virgin so that was what so you that wasn't even human eek about me you were identified as the virgin during one of your previous appearances and it's stuck mm-hm now Skippy yep can I ask you this have you ever used a fleshlight or any masturbatory toys to help aid to make it feel like you're having sex no I didn't even masturbate for the first time until I was 26 or 27 describe that experience to me I'm curious how what was that like after waiting that long my first I masturbate yeah and disgust with myself that I hadn't waited longer like others that I had known and and even when I was like okay it's natural this is how you know like instead of having wet dreams kind of thing but there's still that part of me that is like okay the goal is still to get married so that I'm not having wet dream you do that kind of thing did you tell your bishop did you masturbate it what was his feedback aha see so I'm forking out I was 27 the first time I did I know that I did can I think cuz I know it's something where where the underlying principle of it is that you're you know you know in the Bible he that looks on a woman to lust after her you know is committing a sin in his heart kind of thing so I get the reasoning behind it and it's tough to go I mean like I went like five months without doing that there's to be huh I was really proud of myself let me ask you this Kippy if we bought you a flashlight would you use it no not even y-you said you put your dignity yeah what's the difference you're willing to but you said you could put your dick in a tell by but you can't use a flashlight I'd like to hear your bishop explain that okay okay okay so I was joking about that because I thought that you guys were joking also because our Jedi never Skippy what I ever put my dick in a tail product of a car no not once not ever like if we're being if you're asking me a serious question the reason why I would never tell my bishop about that because I would never do that kind of thing I would never have sex with inanimate objects okay I thought you guys were kidding and I thought you could tell that I was kidding with that too Skippy does that make no no I were on the same page we're just were World War two okay I know I know you would never do such a thing but on the on the flood guide I do think that if we sent you some kind of masturbatory toys if you're already masturbating I think would be interesting feedback I know for example they have flush lights that look like buttholes you can even get weird with one of those would you use that I mean no no not like why Kyle we need to get blessed we've got yeah we need to get flashlights with teeth less gums that's a great idea as far as I know that's all exist yeah that's a [ __ ] great idea okay well I don't I don't feel that this conversation is going anywhere Skippy I have to say although I love you you're not very flexible you're not willing to help yourself if you I mean you I really want you to have sex Skippy I really want you to have sex yeah um how's mom and cosmos I really am so tempted to hang up on the guy right now because you're talking about my mom so get the button ready [ __ ] you dude and if I that's disgusting and guys at this point I'm legitimately pissed off at you if you're going to not tell him over saying that to me okay that's my mom we're not about some generic grandma's right dude yeah you right Kyle is his mom and I do think that was way about you that's what I call it it's his mom it is his mother I think that we should respect those boundaries Mormons are very family friendly you know they they have units what you said that about your mom man this part sorry mother is it a problem Skippy if someone finds your mom attractive like hey Kyle's attracted to older women like if you had a really cute sister and I said your sisters attractive is that a problem for somebody to say to you I mean it's you know what I mean like Kyle he is attracted to older women okay I just boarded it terribly i warded it terrible I could have said a million other ways what I mean yeah I I guess I would say put yourself in my shoes and what would you I mean like if it's and I get that not everyone is the same where people were not allowed to be tracted yeah mother are they not allowed to be attracted to your mother yeah but just just put just put yourself in your name what I like you heard someone talking about I can't I can't no because you know I know tvp's come out there's pictures with me and my mama a nice girl already and I went on Reddit and I was holding YouTube they were ridiculous sexual comments about my mom and you know what haha that's fine enough I can do it though but I'm not gonna like it I said go big and you're right that's me and that's just how I just look this role off why though what I said was [ __ ] if I said the wrong way send it the wrong way yeah I hope he thinks your mom is hot let's leave it at that I think it's fine he has no intention of having sex with her Skippy he thinks she's a tractable lady that's what he's into and we could just leave it at that cool leaving it at that I look forward to our next act yeah me as well any time Skippy god bless you appreciate you Kyle keep doing what you do Skippy keep not doing what you do which is having sex Kyle the cougar chap thank you so much for calling in and helping to contribute you know I feel like we've been through a lot we kind of went through a lot we started somewhere we entered somewhere very different that I didn't expect but it's all been good we've covered a lot of garlic dicing by the way thank you for apologizing I appreciate I appreciate him doing that that was very mature yeah overall that was really mature I'm like I'm gonna get up and take a piss and I'm gonna go bang this grandma gonna be awful anyways good place here she actually walked in while you were talking I'm like I'm busy but I'm gonna go smash go smash that but be careful with the Kyle I don't want any more broken [ __ ] all right okay all right bye guys thank you all so much ego bye boy that was crazy yeah we're gonna roll to a commercial we right back to talk about that as well as voice messages news and of course go to your room Ethan right Treader see you guys soon oh thank you too honey for sponsoring us millions of people are using honey to save money while shopping online and why wouldn't they it's free takes just two clicks to add to your browser and saves you tons of money it's ingenious and one of my favorite things about honey is how much better it makes shopping on Amazon let me give you an example you install this cute little plugin it's cute because it's so easy to install click boom it's there 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people yeah Mormons and Israelis but I like how he takes it as such an obvious given that like what if you said it about your mom you know I mean it's like I'd be relatively fine with well guys I hope you enjoy that are you team Skippy are you team Kyle it really ended up in a verse to this moment there but they work it out Kyle apologized he's very polite you could have doubled down everybody but you yeah and escaped at first I thought that Skippy was kidding when he was a fellow he was not I guess part of the reason was that mom was like in the room right next to me didn't want to like yeah don't upset mom what did you say that yeah he was like and especially when you're talking about someone that's really close to me right good name yeah Mormon moms must be scary as hell she probably still like slaps him with rulers yeah that makes the whole thing so much worse why would he have his mom there for that call its Skippy dude you saw the video he took his mom on dates and [ __ ] you know we still have a little jar with his belly button you can carry it around with you everywhere I'm just waiting for the right moment to I think when we have a child either we can pass that heirloom to them you cherish this will say to him or her in our wheel chair forever didn't we sell that off for charity no there was the big one as a little 100k we robbed me of his lint vault I kind of wonder what see if he's replenished that now hmm probably started a new one yeah I wonder what's he up to well anyway um thank you to Skippy and Kyle I think they're both champs and I love the beautiful minds that they had TLC heroes yeah TLC Heroes is really I'm trying to think of a good name we've seen what catches TLC heroes is great all right let's go do voice messages all right boys we gotta get rid of that guy's woman he's way too [ __ ] happy that's like the sound that's the song there's no Bell hears in his head right mm-hmm comes out of the Children's Hospital gotta get it that changed all right what we got here and what up Ethan and uh Sheila it's your boy Nick over in the Sacramento area of California I'm a parapsychologist so I work with a lot of poop and with all the [ __ ] you guys talk about it's good [ __ ] versus my bad [ __ ] so it's nice listening to you on my on my graveyard shift so keep up the good work I haven't seen any new moves lately so it'd be a good idea make sure nice and move under your mouth like yeah have a great day thanks for sharing you glad to hear that there's good [ __ ] out there I haven't worked on new well I did have a move in uh you gotta work on those moves yeah the new ones the right parties mm-hmm that shit's crazy I'm do I tried doing that [ __ ] you're gonna be like it's tough not fat first of all first and foremost and there's like an age that goes with the dentist right you have to be a bright young man kind of or should be a little red shirt boy if you want to trip up sorry I'm saying if you want to transcend the age gap that goes with the dance you're gonna need to work harder that's true I don't know if I've got it in me but I'm like to transcend my moves dr. rudi johnson here and i just want to just give you a heads up like it's time to stay away from the road and bars and people like that not because we need to keep people separate but because they're going to destroy your career and tweening like that's a bad idea so don't do that okay thank you to my podiatrist yeah very safe advice so now on appreciate that thanks for stopping in thank you okay Ian from Toronto Ontario Canada and I just had to say I can easily replace your other Ian sorry he's irreplaceable do you see what he just sat here and dead I'm not I'm not gonna sit here and listen can you put that PowerPoint presentation in one hour are you freaking kidding me and the battles of the ants no one will ever defeat him I hope you're listening in you know there's this movie with John chow yun-fat where he has to go and parallel universes and kill all the other versions of him so he gets stronger you know what I'm talking about and on yeah I'm gonna look is going on and in this world enos rushing you okay all other Ian's I invite you to challenge are in Ian's like my Pokemon he's like my star Pokemon I dare anybody to step to me with a better in my and they can battle that uh is that bulletproof monk no no no okay give me a break let's move on hey I'm Cameron from Central Missouri calling in regards to what happened to Iraq I felt like Amazon like this stuff like that just in regards to it's not something that's solely on Amazon Walmart and Target or starting to experience the same problems as well with all the other parties he's talking about there online because Walmart and Target and all these other retailers are starting to have third-party sellers on their website as well trying to compete with just so stupid if I go to Walmart I don't want to buy like you can't he's talking in regards to the fake Amazon by the way I was listening to that podcast and I was really regretting not being what do you want to add what do we miss just that I hate this the garbage that they're selling you know I stopped buying from them it's immoral honestly I hadn't I ended up returning like every everything I bought from them recently it needs to be addressed like recently we bought I'm like okay I need a net for our pool to clean our pool and I sorted by ratings and price because I know there's so much [ __ ] so I says okay I'm gonna buy the most expensive one to avoid buying garbage so I just find one that's like 25 bucks which is a lot for something like that it's got five stars I can get it okay it's such [ __ ] garbage it's in three pieces and you you screw it together for Christ's sake and it's wobbly and unstable wobbly it's just falling apart like seriously I don't know it needs to be addressed it's a huge problem the Amazon I bought I bought shelves that I was gonna put together remember yeah and I start to put it together and so whole thing and it's like heavy and there's a lot of pieces and once I start putting it together the pieces don't actually fit over each other right because like cheap plastic and they didn't do quality control or whatever the pieces are supposed to fit and they don't and it's just like all the progress I did so far just there's nothing to do now I had to undo it pack it back together so I can return it and then you gotta return this like heavy package the nightmare it became nobody's talking about this this is a huge existential crisis this is the one this is the one then the one no one was the one and it's it's gently this the plot of this movie is [ __ ] off the wall dude he goes and killing alternate universe versions of himself but and they're all trying to kill him because when you kill alternate version already it really is you become more powerful so ian is the one I hope you I want to toss the gauntlet of there and what was this guy hey it's a free shipping Walmart Target approve of this so you should totally buy from this random company something on their site some companies like Best Buy like I worked at Best Buy and I have a lot of issues with customers coming in demanding like give me this price on this font that Amazon from one but it's sold by those third parties where it's like you can't trust them yeah we don't know just like the customers you guys talked about where you don't know if it's the real product or it's a fake product just that had the prime swap he's saying people come in for price matches on all this garbage mm-hmm third party [ __ ] it's a mess it's a hole man but it used to be on Amazon that if it was prayin you knew that this is like a poor boy youth right yeah that's what I always thought that's what I always thought too and I didn't have a problem up until like a year ago yeah especially recently like the past few months everything I bought from them was like broken even [ __ ] as shitty as like medicine this is fake yeah unbelievable somebody's got to talk about it and if that person has to be mints well then I guess I'll be that hero all three later I'll be the one [Applause] I take it very seriously because I came here from Israel where you don't have Amazon and here I was like Amazon this is like heaven you can it's it's amazing yeah and now it's all ruined it's ruined we're back in the dark ages this is now we got a go shop at Home Depot speaking of the dark ages we have one here about bidets what up poops just taught me long as from Seattle's I wanted to spread the good word of the bidet you guys had one don't be afraid the thing will clean your [ __ ] I do have a very very hairy [ __ ] so give it a try get one of the warm water ones spray straight in your [ __ ] will be clean of the whistle I have a bidet and it is has warm water I have never used it because I don't understand when you scored it with the water how do you clean you have shitty water on your ass I'm suppose I've been advice to use a wet towel my bottle white I really wanted to call in to explain okay so here's what I propose but is not available right not a flight yeah your brother he's he is unbelievable proponent of the bidet he thinks though even with the wet wipes you're not as clean as you can get whatever they're apparently I'm not I just don't understand the process of drying your ass with [ __ ] in it like I take [ __ ] I know that [ __ ] gets caked on dude what are you still supposed to use toilet paper in conjunction with the bidet or once it's wet you can use toilet paper or toilet paper first toilet paper first thing if this court rinse down well what I want to do is bring your brother in he can't we can't debate this you can give me instructions and then the following week I'll use it and we'll come back and report in because I feel like the bidet we need to get yeah you wanted to call in and he's got he's gotta know it's already prepared he's really yeah well I need to prepare it's [ __ ] up cuz your bathrooms the one with the bidet we have two bathrooms and I can and now once I start loving the bidet the captain going over [ __ ] in running between bathrooms you think I'll just use yours I never thought it was mine anyway it's it's a bathroom that I'm gonna [ __ ] your bathroom you made yours and mine ladies bet I'm thinking in training from ripping bumpers off of trucks I'm hanging with truck nuts you know down to my knees you know what I mean thank you very much for that I thought it was the hater but it's just a ladies fan all right let's bring it back I'm right there with you buddy come hey yeah Ethan and Ella loves the show just gonna say it's Jordan from Melbourne Australia not to be confused with the Jordan the frequently called in so I just wanted to let you guys know just what's the previous podcast though what your well I work I work for a major water company out here in Jalan little little off state of Victoria down Australia and just we have a massive campaign going on right now where basically we just want to educate people and that people know that flushable wipes aren't actually flushable even though they they're advertised that way so I thought I'd just bring that up with you guys things I've been working for this company for a while now and it's pretty pretty clear to everyone that work in this industry that they're not actually flushable it's just I also just want to say how much I love the show and thank you for telling me how she loves the show but you can't you can't have it both ways you can't be like Oh crush your dreams over there this whole thing with baby wipes it's like all absurd and I talk about baby wipes and people are like I've seen snow it's it's just happening now everywhere were people are waking because they're advertising it as flushable well if but okay if if flushable baby wipes are somehow like a destroying the plumbing worldwide and they are that's [ __ ] up that these people are able to say hey flush yeah that's why it's becoming illegal you know what I noticed on these packages of these yeah maybe maybe it's time to start squirting - straight up false advertising is what I was that's kind of what they say on the packaging is only only one at a time yeah come on you think I can clean up my [ __ ] one way get real I'm flushing like eight at a time do you really I'd on a grill no more I would say Viet Mo's I'll go one and all I can serve the space I'll do like five wipes you know what I mean mm-hm and then like if I have to go in for the second one it's like all right usually going for the second one if I was going for a third one it's like this was a third one third is like ish but I usually wrap it up to three I think I can't live without it no I'm addicted to baby whoops you don't understand if I take a [ __ ] without baby wipes its it's you don't understand I can't get my [ __ ] clean I'll believe with toilet paper by the time it's clean you don't understand I think you gotta throw it in the trash can I don't like to I gotta tell you I don't like the idea of a bunch of shitty rags and the you know I've got bin right next to me but hey sometimes you got to do do you know what it because the thing is like you've got your hand under there and you're wiping [ __ ] and there's a real beautiful thing about just letting it go but when you have to do all this and then you bring it out and you're confronted with what you've done for me you're confronted with what you've done and then you have to not do a whole new act of this it's like you know I don't want to see I don't want to see the murder scandal okay I relate to that I don't want to be confronted with my crimes when you when you're wipe you don't look at it I look yeah you look at it yeah do you look every wipe well I don't know but you gotta track the progress right certainly at the end you got to know right now what's the difference let me ask you when are when are you done wiping when there's no poop left art will you quit when there's a little poop left or do you wipe until it's all clean no usually there will be no nothing left how deep do you like I'm sick or something right if you have diarrhea then you don't want it good two figures but how deep do you go in when you're wiping what do you mean do something where certain levels of deepness like you can do a surface level clean but sometimes you scoop in a little bit no no sometimes you scoop you know what I mean no does anyone out there know what I mean sometimes you scoop a little bit no no you're doing well okay sometimes you can rub a little bit deeper all right I guess so I I just saw I just missed a call from your mom Ethan but she then she texts me you you rinse with the bidet and dry with the toilet paper is what she's saying so that must be nice for her my asshole's Harry if wet weather paper touches my [ __ ] it disintegrates and sticks to my hair all right let's move well we should try it it's actually I hear Dan my dad says mom my mom wanted to call in about something I was like that's too off-topic my dad goes what about how she lost her virginity that's a funny story I was like no your mom just called and she's got strong opinions on this I don't know if you alright let's take it put it through we got a we got a dollar in on your okay no it's too much okay next time we'll be ready it sounds like we need a whole episode the rest of 2018 is gonna be you'll have to get it's gonna be like a full court case of like we're gonna plaintiff and defendant we need to have representation we have to have adequately both of your families it seems like this is everybody agrees but me basically is just me against the world as usual well I haven't tried to be there yeah never I'm gonna try it ice we should try it before we start it's kind of a calling that we just moved and while we have it it is a calling it's a calling yeah big Ethan in Hilo this is a twitch dot here to calling in to get your thoughts on going from [ __ ] the shower after that hygienic and if you've ever done Ethan in Gila he's ever done [ __ ] the shower how do you feel about it [ __ ] the showers pretty standard shoot the show you take a [ __ ] you take a shower I wouldn't do that unless it was just like running down my leg because I got [ __ ] to do is he asking about like know why opinion between that's a good question but what I would guess is yes no wiping well if you're okay with that I mean isn't that just I always a shower just a giant bidet in a way yeah except that year no it's not it's not I would not only why I'm opposed to no wipe into the shower because you understand that well it depends on the severity of your [ __ ] how severe was your [ __ ] as a [ __ ] running down your leg and you didn't even give it do one courtesy wipe is there like a psycho scene where Bloods down the drain with [ __ ] on the bottom of your shower you left the question to open yeah expand more okay what else we got talking about a piece from Los Angeles and Ethan in ela I only handle one question for you when are you gonna release a solo Antonio song with post Malone that [ __ ] is straight fire so flow like Antonio flow like Antonio thank you oh gosh Austin is so [ __ ] busy these days he's been on tour yeah pretty much since the watch yeah he's been yet basically since the live show you know he's playing actually we have 30,000 Cedars now yeah well we're gonna see him soon hopefully when you from when he finishes I have a dream that we were hanging out with him really just remembered were we making so flow like Antonio no honestly I think you might be too big of a started to debase himself to doing like meme rap but maybe not we're honestly I'll work on it I'll try to make a pin but it's very unlikely I'll say that we need a ghostwriter - yeah we need a what was in Quincy what was his name in Quincy Jones or whatever Quentin Quentin Quinn Miller hi this is Metro podcast and I'm gonna call them talking about how you know it's like Skippy and the Cougar chance you guys are making their own wack pack and I thought that was really awesome he said you didn't want to be whack pack because it'd be like a beast at Howard so I couldn't help but think of the gas pack gasps back then gasps back um I like it's it's not bad but I like I think we need to give credit to their beautiful minds and I'd like to play in the TLC gang as well the TLC heroes steal someone years of TLC but but what if they yeah that's what that's the thing like Joey salad yeah maybe we could be like the learn Edmund Joey is part of the gasps pack in a way isn't it he definitely gasps Becker all right there's one left here Jenna this is Josh from Iowa I was hoping I catch you before the podcast just let you know don't go to the office today thank you it's a little too late I wish somebody with 104 in two hours too late all right well thank you everyone for calling in if you have messages where that were where's the freaking number you got it on the screen or something for the voicemail box yeah we could throw that up on screen I dropped it into our script earlier it is where'd it go I guess I'm a 1/8 to 1/4 8 5 0 4 if you want to leave a voicemail read it again that's eight one eight take over one four eight five zero four all right do it 10 more times please don't we got a couple videos you want to go on to Ethan go to your room you want to just get on with it or should I watch these videos I have to we're not let's just do what we got we're deep in now this is the it's been two hours already yeah it's been two hours this is the part this is my favorite part of the show because there's no pressure and it's just like anyone who's listening now yeah is in it for the long haul I feel that too I wonder if we could ever feel that from the beginning I know cuz I feel like the first 30 minutes is always the most like rigid and tough yeah but I don't know if it's like going back to our how we had this show out like let's review how we how we did this show we started with Ian coming out wait that's not we started we started with the tongue wise Oh thing whatever just like housekeep ILA's back apple verse razor it's like what can you really do it that I had a troubles I was like is this interesting you know what I mean like is this meaty enough but sometimes you got to open light mm-hmm how do you hit the ground running with these podcasts I don't know Ryan Seacrest was great you know we should do ela maybe start it and watch our like the top cringe video of the week like if we open with the Ryan Seacrest that might be an interesting way to like lube up you got to lube up with some top cringe yeah to grease up a little bit and then be like oh he'll is bad like that's kind of a good idea right yeah nice I kind of like that hey guys welcome to podcast let's jump right the flip into it by the way heel is back alright where was I just take to the whole podcast go back to the top sure whoever's watching now Dolph clearly doesn't care we could talk about anything at this point I mean alright let's watch some [ __ ] how many people are watching right now Dan 17,000 well the Loyalists the truth there's nothing of value left here my my doggies mmm you know we do have some guests coming and finally we've been doing log2 well next week we've got Tom Segura nice that's exciting yeah I'm a fan of Tom he's a funny funny guy that's and then in in and uh then the nice it on my calendar ever and then the week after that we have actually know Tom is the week after that oh oh yeah and that's why I don't see it in a book up next week okay should say that you guys were gonna be on Monday with my Tiger belly right yeah Bobby Lee's it's your boy Bobby Lee I'm excited love those guys check them out there all right let's get on with it jerk off video go ahead Dan Julie jerk off forgive me her calls great awesome okay but like imagine we started the show with that everybody's like that was a [ __ ] terrific I'm hooked instead of like Oh apple verse razor everybody really [ __ ] cares about this people people care people wanted to know what update with ela cuz she was gone last week you know see I don't know if it's more the psychological thing before I not loose we're not Lewis I don't think it matters what we talk about her but maybe not know there's there's probably something to that look we talked about your update but we didn't really get into the nitty-gritty because there's a lot to talk about with your family but we're like oh that's too much at the beginning yeah you know we're overthinking it people don't watch podcasts to get hooked do they who cares or do they I don't know who knows how do we make this show that I've never watched a podcast so I have no idea right hmm me either clearly that's why it's run like this I just watched it for the first time the last episode yeah on my flight back I want I listen to it for the first time that weird for you to like it was very weird yeah she says I just felt like I wanted to do respond to anything about stuff it was weird to not be able to and we should we should had you call in or something didn't we do know I was up I was literally on a airplane oh no when it was live it's too late there it's like right no the night I was I don't it's a podcast so it's like almost boring by nature but I personally want it to be more more active I wanted to I don't know I'm trying to i want to elevate it but i don't know if I'm making a mistake maybe just let it be mm-hmm I mean there's we trying too hard I don't know there's some people here's a comment in the chat just now this is a long-form podcast I think it's good that it naturally builds you set a tone that way mm-hmm-hmm my fear is that the first like 50 minutes are the most boring and that sucks because that's when you want people to keep watching but maybe that's normal with podcast is it I don't know cuz I don't know that that maybe I don't know I find like when I listen to Bill burrs and and Rogen's and while Howard who not podcast necessarily but I I'm always usually pretty hooked in on the first 15 minutes mm-hmm you know by the way anyone who complains about our ads listen to Joe Rogan that guy reads ads for [ __ ] days I'm not complaining I like listening to him read ads because it's like interesting for me saying how other people do it it's it's crazy though he gets in there for like 15 minutes you just see people saying in the chat they don't need to be to get hooked my god these are the guys that lasted two hours into this lame-ass conversation that's most of everyone almost I mean we at most we had 20,000 and now we're at 17,000 yeah it's the vast majority you're sticking around right but still like I'm talking about growth somebody turns it on who's never listened to before and we're like a razor is a well yeah but it's it's gonna be hard no matter what a razor is really crushing it don't you think I'm figuring I'm trying to figure it out I'm reading the chat to get some feedback and this guy says I disagree I enjoyed every bit the very beginning of the podcast mmm okay thank you are you reading the ones that are like well I but again there's a lot of nonsense comments but everyone already closed it who was bored and I mean you're not looking at the and the bright side not hear you I never do I mean I'm not a bright side well anyway my pension is to try to elevate this show we got it I think for my sake I think I want to find a way to further the beginning to snap like imagine this play this again Dan play this again you open the video hey welcome a street podcast Julie jerk-off amazing welcome everybody to the extra three back Adam who's not who's closing that that's right there whose wasn't it no commentary we could just edit this one to just start right here we can't we're on YouTube we can't edit it take it down re-upload probably get double the views these guys saying we're here because we love watching you guys thank you I love you Iran and macaroni for an hour for all we care that's what I want to hear I don't want to hear criticism I don't want criticism I want to hear people who say you could literally just eat a bowl of cereal and scratch your ass will not watch I like the bar being a slowly I don't know it scratch your eye sure well maybe that's interesting to someone I don't know but I like to hear that thank you appreciate that a lot how did you get the jerk off from kerkhof well she's obviously got something else on her mind Julie and everyone in the crowds like ooh Kirk oh um this person who's saying I think most of the growth comes from offense my laptop's about sucks yeah all right that's the thing with the razor actually hear that I don't know it's just it's not doing it okay sorry you know what basically he was saying that it it's the growth comes from like friends telling friends I guess you know I know I appreciate I listen I don't get me wrong I love all you guys I love all you mother at flippin efforts you guys are the greatest you can't want to do the best show you can dad I read I just by the way Oh should we address the shipping on Teddy fresh because someone was just asking about it I don't know if that's the right medium you can at this point we could talk about anything I'll give you [ __ ] nobody's listening what you want to talk about it but just we had a lot of issues with the International shipping being carry fresh highly vaunted fresh and the reason is that we were trying a certain plugin that allows you to pay the customs ahead of time and so the shipping was including that mm-hmm but we realized it wasn't the best so we now we cancelled it so now it's back to normal shipping front yeah the shipping on international was insane but we fixed it it's still expensive but that's out of our control well that's what it cost the Bennett International shipping sucks because you don't understand that all these countries have doll these different tariffs and duties themself so what the plug-in did is their pre charge you for duties so that so that it doesn't get held up if you're in Canada for example or the UK and you order something from Teddy fresh there's a there's a chance that they're gonna hold it at the post office and make you come and pay a duty this this circumvented that which is helpful for some but honestly just and ended up and a lot of people paying more money for no reason so whatever we leave it up to chance but if you were discouraged by the shipping price then maybe check again maybe it's better because we didn't make some changes oh we should maybe we should open with that what's the news what's the milk about shipping uh hello everybody and welcome we've got an update about shipping for us yes did you know that FedEx has given us a discount recently just make me fall asleep anyway I think those 15 minutes are crucial and I want to find out because we're upping our production quality as you guys can tell our least we're trying I don't know if we are but we're trying to be more organized you know have everything more put together it's a lot of extra work we've been here on these days now in the podcasts we're here since like you know yesterday we're working all day we get here at 10:00 a.m. these guys are here earlier been working all last night I mean we're here for hours and hours and hours like five how many memories back days in Alex dancera four for backstage and me and HeLa grinding and I'm wondering is it worth to like all this work we're putting in like God oh we work into our let I don't know 15 first 50 minutes are crucial I'm wondering I want to find a way to move on play the [ __ ] whatever we got next damn people stealing stuff by that bolt stealing stuff I jerk off I would have crushed our views would be a 40,000 right now okay excuse me all right here we go go ahead is that yours little love oh you need some help yeah this is our stuff yes this is your yeah it is this is all ours all of it the chairs the back of our stuff my kids yep that's my kids I'm sorry yeah shocking they just can't believe it [ __ ] sake okay I'll let it slide I'm glad I made it in time no no step away from my [ __ ] how about I like how it ends with the camera being slapped and then it just ends there's some hoods blood like is that really the heist is that a heist moment to steal somebody's like Beach canopy apparently sell it for 50 bucks awesome like what what is the State of Mind where somebody has this epic beach set up with a canopy and towels and boogie boards and you're like I'm gonna disassemble all of it and walk like that's not an easy operation that's not grabbing a wall at us like somebody's shoe mm-hmm was it an honest mistake no way well what kind of theft is that what kind of mistake is this your walk into someone else's like that wrap my head around trying to disassemble and steal a beach canopy is it kind of a thing though that like any bags just start stealing like that it's kind of a you're quiet oh my bad I turned it down for for that video yeah isn't it a thing that you know like older people I haven't heard of such a thing is that a thing yeah all those people steal they steal a lot all right I'm looking for the elderly I guess they weren't necessarily what's the theory they need they need some money they don't get a lot of elderly people have money problems and everything and they also just kind of happen they don't give a [ __ ] are you here about a race let me let me pull some statistics I'm pretty sure this is this is a magic dancing that about a race of people and they just don't really inspire this is an age thing so come at me come at me elderly I'll take you all as old people still [ __ ] who knew you know people say when I'm old I'm just gonna take heroine and enjoy myself is that a real thing the or I think like that's not because like yeah I don't think that that that would really be enjoyable I used to think that I would be like you know what when I retire I'm just gonna play World of Warcraft it's gonna be beautiful you don't enjoy the same stuff that you enjoy when you were a kid yeah when when I was in college I was playing or like high school I was playing EverQuest world Warcraft like you know for 12 hours a day and that was my bliss I have never enjoyed anything as much like you know when I retired that's all I'm gonna want to do right now I'm afraid of that when I retire yeah what is it that like when you're 20 and the prime years of your life you can spend 15 hours playing World of Warcraft but when you're 60 and you have nothing to do you feel like you're wasting your life is that twisted why don't you tell us when you're 60 okay report I will check in then thank you I'll be checking in for sure it's an update on that it's it's not necessarily that that like most shoplifters are elderly or anything like that but many people who have never committed crimes in their life start to do it when they're older and the study that I'm seeing I guess it has more to do with mental illness and Alzheimer's and things like that my it the rate kicks up 60 plus so that is a bit of an ageist thing I mean you're blaming old people for stealing but it's actually just mental illness that's kind of twisted its able us do I know I'm on it it's I got a pee really bad okay let's move it on we have we have two more segments here we got Ethan go to your room and we've got ela does the news so let's let's bump it to Ethan go to your room okay let me eat some crow here let's pump go to your room [Music] all right welcome everybody to the new and create a segment here on the HP podcast where I face the music I say a lot of dumb [ __ ] here on the podcast over hours and hours of open mic time and a lot of this stuff you know you come out here you say stuff ends up not being right okay fine there's a couple of things I want to address the record on okay first of all this one I frankly feel bad about this was egregious this was very bad so I'm gonna clear there no I need to make a correction on this one do you have the clip up Dan can you play the the original one about the London acid attacks my statement yesterday I let me grab that real quick by the way someone suggested to start with the news maybe [Music] interesting suggestion by the with no we don't have that clip we have we have to cook for the other one right for Christ's sake for the next one that's the one that you had Ian me why I wanted both I don't think I have the other one mm-hmm alright well what I said what we were talking about I read an article that acid attacks were all on the rise in London well it was related to that dumb prank you remember right there was a young Arab man who was a youtuber who got banned off YouTube or pretending to throw acid in people's faces and I just well what I was saying is that acid attacks were on the rise in London apparently it's a very common thing and so he was kind of piggybacking off that which was really [ __ ] up and I assumed because he was a young Arab man that it was scaring people more because there I thought the acid attacks were acts of racism Mormon terror sorry terrorism I was dead wrong on that and this truth of matter here I'll read this statistics released by the London metropolis police in the BBC provide a breakdown of every recorded acid attack over 15 year period by age gender ethnicity borough hate crime and outcome it's the false picture of the findings so here we go the suspects were 74 percent of the time the suspect was male 7 four percent of the time and the victim was male 67 percent of the time just six percent of the suspects were Asian I guess the the assumption was that they were because you have these honor attacks and then at the Arab world or the Southeast Asian world were or is it's like in Pakistan or somewhere it's like a Muslim thing I'm probably making a idiot correct what I asked them what did the ayah it happens in India too which is you know primarily Hindu so it's it's it's cross-cultural let's say unfortunately the point is I can't come to Ethan's go to your room Ethan and then make I can't do corrections on my correction I'm counting on you guys to help me out here what what it says six percent Asian what country are we talking about India Pakistan the continent so I think all all of it all of in Middle East Middle East is in Asia the Middle East is Asia okay alright so I'm okay the point being that it's not Muslims primarily doing yeah I'm London right that's the point so that's the point the point is that it's actually what's happening here is that there's gangs in London biker gang as I read who who are doing they're throwing acid in each others face some kind of retribution and it's not terrorism or it's not you know Arabs or Pakistanis or anything like that so I made a absolutely wrong conclusion on that one so that was just my bad okay it does say well something though that I would assume that you know well yeah to be fair you lived with me in Israel for five years and it is in Israel that is the reality usually when I'm saying there's some sort of an attack like that is it is usually terror right related and and that kind of stuff so I can see why you made that assumption but that was a bad one I felt bad about that one I want to correct the record the other one this one's a weird one big catching a lot of flak I've noticed for apparently sending out Nazi propaganda that's interesting accusation to level against me specifically had spoken about the bombing and raised him oh here here's the clip I can't hear it yeah let me resize it this is a super big for some reason here we go started over oh my god come on dead air after the Nazis surrendered low quiet the Allies went and bomb Drazen was like a historic City German Germany said to be one of the most beautiful cities that ever exists and it was untouched by the war because it was just a civilian city there was no military there two days after the war ended the Allies England specifically and I think America they firebomb the whole [ __ ] City just out of straight revenge and they killed 300,000 civilians something like that so anyway basically I had said that now the real story is that we are talking here about the book yeah one of my favorite books of all time this slaughterhouse-five written by Kurt Vonnegut where he details in his novel being stuck in a meat locker and raised in as the fire bombs are falling and he comes out afterwards and the moles on fire everyone's dead and then and the Germans there are making him and other American prisoners of war literally shovel the corpses of the families and the children and all these people that were just absolutely destroyed during that bomb okay so I'm Paul anyway the truth is that apparently the German government issued some propaganda that estimated the figures of dead to be around 200,000 I guess to better equate war crimes of the Nazis against the Allies death tolls have been estimated as high as 500,000 but a 2010 study commissioned by the city estimates that it was only 25,000 now the thing is people saying like I'm saying Nazi propaganda but in Kurt Vonnegut's book he says on June 35,000 you know I spent a month in Germany and I'm pretty sure when I was touring Hamburg you know in Hamburg in northern Germany there's cathedrals that were bombed during the war that they left intact as a reminder our tour guide there and the Germans were saying that the Allies were blowing up civilians cities and we left these cathedrals to remind us of what happened and I'm pretty sure that the tour guide there at the head also told me about Dresden and it was this horrible crime against humanity but it's in the book that I'm talking about so it's kind of rich of them to be able to accuse me of like [ __ ] talking about Nazi propaganda for Christ's sake and this is just from 2010 I'm just quoting Vonnegut but to correct the record it was 25,000 not one hundred thirty-five thousand or three hundred thousand or whatever I said so clearly the Nazis are on the rise and they're really using me for for reference here so I'm not a Nazi yeah and Kurt Vonnegut is my favorite author and that's where that came from so that's it was that interesting nice feel like you just want to clear the air on those does that you know what the it is good to say but spit that that one doesn't bother me that much I don't I don't I'm I was wrong on it I don't think anybody's taking that information being like the Allies were just as bad as the Nazis that was my point no I'm curious I genuinely am curious what about the whole aspect of it being after the war was over damn I'm clear about but I I was reading on Wikipedia the other night they were saying the Americans who called the bombing were saying it was just the fight in retrospect because I guess what the way that I heard it told and Vonnegut was that it was just this it was a just a straight-up revenge attack right I'd always heard that you know it was criticized because it wasn't really it wasn't really a military target and yes and it wasn't but I just looked it up really quick and the war in Europe ended in May of 1945 and this bombing happened in February so it was a few months before the war was technically over so I mean it was still work I guess it begs the question of well at any rate it doesn't begged I mean 25,000 people still died I think it's an interesting lesson by the way but the whole thing that I found interesting about it I was not to equate Nazi crimes against allied crimes first of all you know we've all seen a Vietnam that were perfectly capable of committing horrible atrocities and World War two with Japanese internment camps but I find I found the whole comparison interesting in that like when you fight the monster you have to be careful not to become the monster yourself 25 thousand civilians got charred is that much better I don't think so you know I mean I I don't know it's it's still yeah let's not talk people died in the end you know it's justified sure but like you know [ __ ] sake there's like a video of me talking about it like this huge expose about like h2 h3 talking about Nazi propaganda I was like dude give me a [ __ ] break as a Jewish guy they're saying that you're not see that I don't think anyone actually thinks I'm a Nazi but that like I'm a mouthpiece for propaganda anyway I was wrong okay whatever that does for you but the the acid attacks was definitely a mistake that I honestly should have corrected sooner that was just [ __ ] flat-out wrong and with that being said we just have the news left all right instead of news my scene that's right yeah just the names Guardiola do we have a new so roll the bumper oh we have a bumper all right let's do it [Music] [Applause] all right I can't see it but it sounded like a hoot ela you're all set up to go all right first story Trump implements tariffs on Canada Mexico and you well honestly that one I have to say I don't know much about it so well I'm sure it's complicated but I also know that you know Canada and Mexico are like our close trade allies so yeah my feeling is it's not a good thing cuz they're gonna retaliate and it's just gonna turn into a bunch of isolationism which generally isn't a good thing but I don't know yeah believe Canada has already announced that they're they're hitting us back dollar dollar basically generally when the world and the countries start shrinking into themselves it's not a good thing mm-hmm but again I don't know I guess they think it's I don't know it's supposed to help with there's a trade deficit know what's next yeah a lot of enthusiasm for that stuff Netflix briefly Netflix tops Disney as the biggest media company in the world that's crazy that is pretty nuts Netflix um surpassed Disney in market value Thursday hitting a high market value of 156 billion one hundred and fifty six billion that's their value the the dollar value of their company it's their market cap so it's it's their value on the stock market essentially mmm one hundred and twenty five million subscribers that's half of the whole country of America they they their where's that oh yeah they are now accounted for thirty-six percent of all down stream Internet traffic and YouTube is second and 15% Wow twice as much as YouTube yeah over twice I got much time on Netflix but we have it I think but they're talking about usage yeah clearly people are using it yeah I find it harder and harder to use Netflix if I'm being honest you know what I mean i-i've enjoy you put Netflix I don't have a beef I just have a hard time fine I have like choice paralysis I got going on there and I'm like I don't know what to watch III find myself spending more time on Hulu personally it keeps changing it's like one month you'll do all of sound on Hulu yeah I enjoy both though I always feel like there's nothing to watch on all of them just straight up you're a tough cookie um friends did you hear about the spider-man I have her story what's the story then do we have the video yeah let me cue that up so there was a child hanging from a balcony and well that's it [Music] [Applause] watch this clip I wonder why didn't that guy yank him up cuz he had a hand on him third guy in the balcony yeah yeah yeah it's I mean I've seen that debate a lot it's it's it's kind of hard to Dan you're quiet I'm sorry I turned it down for the video um yeah it's kind of I think there's like a barrier there so he's like afraid you know I'm surprised the kind of strength the whole yeah that's what I was thinking too [ __ ] well either way that guy is unbelievable here oh man yeah so now is action now he's called the spider-man of this century and um they're gonna give him citizenship because that's Odell would that happen America do you think somehow I don't think that would happen do we even have the ability to be like hey you're a citizen good job what's the legality of that either way I love it god bless the French um the next story is about the televangelist who we talked about before he he had the whole story about him wanting a private jet yeah and now he wants to upgrade the private jet or what wouldn't a new one and he basically said that he wants his followers to pay for it right of course it cost fifty four million dollars fair and his reasoning was that if Jesus was here would he want to travel in like a shitty airplane with no room for the legs seriously yeah that's serious yeah it is and he said he said it'd be on an airplane preaching the gospel all over the world what is he just walking down on the earth below huh you know I mean apparently it says here it's his fourth plane yeah what a [ __ ] dick you know yeah Oh what didn't Jesus want a fly first class it's like bra do you understand anything about Jesus for planes so he did clarifies 54 million you could yeah so many people with that how much II airplanes cost that's a lot of money well it's like the craziest private jet you can buy it's not just like a starter kit no yeah and you did say that he's not keeping all four of them he's good he passes them so now he only has one currently in his possession but he wants to pass this one and get the new one like an iPhone you wants the new iPhone it that's now that's that's a that's a man of God he's sharing the wealth he's passing down who is he passing down the jet still how do you get even with that where was it he said somewhere I think it was other ministries oh god plus god bless Rhett what's his name Jesse Duplin dupes in his name for Christ's sake Dhupia Duplin reverend Duplin can i please oh there's also video he made in response today to the backlash the guy if you can call it you got the vid thank god us friends i guess you've noticed all right why doesn't he go you know the whole thing is being said about me concerning this plane first thing I want to say this they never started the story his idea is T Thurs was I wanted to be completely honest and friends like you who's supportive this religious person I started it they did not how he's God by being honest so you'd know that I've owned three planes I don't have four planes right now I don't have a 50 different planes okay I've had it for 12 years this wild that's a long way away because we believe in God for the 7x to come in now what's so amazing about this we had a partner right man I think it's really wonderful and I'd like to read what he said he said I'm a long time following for it your ministry I'm disturbed by the huge volume of negative press you are getting reporting you're trying to dupe followers and do complain I'm sure there's a lot more to the story I'm not looking for a lengthy explanation but can you help me figure out what to say to people who say you are doing wrong that is a great thank you for say that first thing first I've never raised money for the plane I put it in our magazine and said believe not with me it's a vast difference between believing me and asking for money I takes money to run anything that's common sorry but believing God was some people don't believe that when I say the Lord said it so I'm gonna say because I believe it he said you don't need to raise money for this this will just come now I've raised money for a lot of other things and there's nothing wrong with that because religious organizations do that but this one he said this one will just come little did I realize that people would pick this story up and you know when you start picking up a story people start adding things to it taking things away things of that nature and it gets all mixed up because it again this is coming this is the truth here because I'm the one that's turned here by first I've always believed in you and you've always believed in me many of you know that I preached a 106 million households in the United States of America our total outreach of our ministry is fine people get a load of this this is the spitting image of like a fake-ass religious person everything's gilded he's got white shiny ass teeth here trying to defend his decision to buy 50 million dollar playing with congregation money a preacher Duplin can I please can I get a lot for that jet bye can I get an amen for my jet you know Jesus wouldn't walk the earth with a donkey yeah he said that he says Jesus you think Jesus would write a donkey no he'd be first-class yeah that's basically what he said that's not the Jesus that I think I know but you're more touched he said actually many people hold Jesus to be a simple humble guy but truthfully he [ __ ] he drinks and you know he rides first-class so that's why I do it Jesus Jesus had the new pair of Yeezys let me tell you and he was all decked out in off-white and Gucci so imma be needin that 50 million I might need that 50 million to preach that good word but cannot get a Amen No next up Bob G is suing for tonight for coffee right sore loser if you ask me mmm we've talked about it before but I guess now it's happening so what are the details what exactly are what they're saying is that for tonight didn't have the battle royale mode only until like they saw that pop G was that a violation I honestly don't see how it could because it's not probably doing an event but it's that broad of a lawsuit like I mean I mean that's just like you can't it's like trying to copyright reaction videos yeah what happened with the rack brothers it's so pathetic guys stop like I don't think anyone would look at this and be like you know what stop dude it's you invented a genre cool sadly invented well no okay so the mod Brendan green was on our show yeah he invented the battle royale format as far as I understand in his previous game hmm he invented it in a mod of a previous game then he made a full game pub G surround about that mod and then blue hole bought it and they made pub G together but there were other battle royale games no I'm not a hundred percent sure he may have entered he may have invented the genre but I mean what you--what like half my like that's like saying you know Wolfenstein or doom Sonic is a ripoff of mario like whoo yeah like what you know Mario owns platfor gamers I don't want the first three two shooter I think goes Wolfenstein I don't know but it's like saying Oh doom ripped us off yeah it's the same company your point stands right sure okay I I specifically don't like this because it stands in the way of innovation it's like yeah yeah let the world move on you know what I mean your competition should be run by who makes the best game pudgy's player ship has been dropping off like steadily because listen the game it's it's it's been static you guys don't make it better you guys don't my ears bleed when I play it I've literally get hearing damage when I play it it's not fun was he involved in the h1z1 yes that was his [ __ ] right that was as long as the model that one was a donor regional so he and so he invented it but when I yeah the problem is when you try to not allow anyone else to just curious like is there some more specific well anyway whatever what I understand that is it that is what the lawsuit is about i I don't like it I really don't like it mmm by the way the game is different enough I play both you know the mechanics of 49 is completely different than the mechanics of pubsey there are two very different games mm-hmm yeah the whole building thing in fortnight is like completely absent from pub G yeah the way that you played that two games are entirely different it's just I don't know it's wack what else we got next up is in Ukraine there was a fake death and that they staged basically a Russian journalist was somehow they figured out that they put like a hit on him Russians put a hit on this Ukrainian journalist I think he's actually Russian brain fake the murder okay so it's a Russian exile living in Ukraine that they were trying to kill right thanks okay and so they wanted him dead and I guess he knew it and then they decided that the best way to solve this whole situation was to fake his death that's great and then catch the basically they put any hit on him so they faked his death and then they asked the person who was gonna kill him to say that he did it and once he said that they would they would pay him right because there was like a hit on him even though he didn't do it he would pretend to to say that he was the guy who killed him and once he was gonna get the money they had proof that there was someone that was willing to pay for his death doesn't make sense not really then do you want to explain it well from what I understand it's that you know they knew of this guy that had supposedly was offering money to kill this guy and so one of the people he had offered money to betrayed him he that that was the guy that like alerted this journalist to it and everything and so he played along in this whole ruse he he said yeah oh I killed the guy and they announced it in the news and the dude was they hired the guy who was paying who paid this fake assassin right they they hauled him in this plot and so how about that yeah and then the guy came to pay up he's like hey thanks for often this guy here's here's a hundred grand or however much it was they came and arrested him got him sting sting operation that's crazy that's some James Bond [ __ ] yeah well Danny shows up in like there's a video right ah let me see that you've got a video of him showing up from the dead the no that's crazy no sound is there sound there's no sound on this one cuz it's one of those stupid people ideas like I got the original that guy's got the most Russian looking face I've ever seen in my life if I can say that a little bit yeah no I got vetoed on that you know all right this isn't it very interesting without any sound cool that's pretty wild that was hard to explain but interesting Snoop Dogg set a Guinness record for Jane and juice plus they made the biggest gin and juice drink Snoop Dogg made the biggest gin and juice drink oh we have got a video oh that is a big one [Applause] Snoop Dogg is giving us just another reason to love him the 46 year old rap legend helped cry yeah that's a big-ass chin in g1 they got a whole audience for this [ __ ] I can do that I can get a big-ass glass and put a bunch of gin juice in it called together like 2030 pointed out his the straw has a watermelon garnish like an entire watermelon that's dope oh they crossed the line even mmm god bless - peace out you Snoop Dog's the best he's out there you know what I mean he's active he's breaking World Records I can't think of a better thing to do with my time to make the biggest Jin [ __ ] ever and get a whole crowd together for it you know mmm I can't think of anything better to do really by the way Warren G was also there of course he was German Zoo escaped lions tigers and jaguars caped a zoo and a bear and then they captured them apparently it was part of like there was a flawed and that was the reason it happened but it just sounds so funny like two lions two tigers and a jagger escaped the zoo not ostriches not not monkeys predators alpha predators whoops and did anyone get hurt did anything happen the bear did right yeah was it what kind of bear was it I'm not sure it just says that a bear also escaped but um they shot him that for some reason here's some footage of the flood this is this is why it happened right here oh [ __ ] first your city floods and now you got Tigers on the prowl for your ass and they're probably hungry too whoops okay Sue's be crazy am i right Sue's keep a track of your animals am i right people right pound it keep those last story was no effects the band oh yeah had said some crazy [ __ ] about the Vegas shooting so and what he got into trouble what I wanted to say was you know what I'm not even gonna say it I'm not even gonna go there I just I when I saw this I record I was like there's been a lot of people talking about certain things to be an offensive I saw this and I was like now that's offensive um well word the stuff they said for example good they were they did a show in Vegas and they just kept going on and on about the in regards to the Vegas shooting they're like at least those fans were country fans are not in Vegas good yeah I'm not saying that to a Vegas audience man about that Vegas shooting at least they weren't at least they were country fans and not punk rock fans and what he said it to be exact was I guess you only get shot in Vegas if you are in a country band or they also said we played a song about Muslims and we didn't get shot hurry play those are the quotes of it I know there's clips at least they were country friends and no Punk is there no clips I'm trying to find the cell phone footage it's pretty bad but alright and then there was a bunch of they lost some really big sponsor that was gonna do a festival with him and they they apologized on their social media Facebook Twitter and oh they're thinking of like an even better apology I saw a video that was like really brutal ah all right whatever we don't have it yeah so that's it that's all we got um what do we do we have anyone coming next week on the show no not yet but we've got some great big ass guests coming I will let you know when we figure out who those great big ass gets are we know uh well you said that tom is coming Thompson you are next and then I think it's the week after that we've got I know it's two weeks after that uh Chris D'Elia it's coming in very excited for that yeah that should be fun and then Bobo is coming in yeah we got bo burnham I believe the week after that you really yeah there's July 6th item and July 6th we got Bo Burnham and on Monday evening we were gonna be I don't know if this does Bobbie livestream his podcast that's a good question well either way we're never caught it live yeah well night yeah I'm not sure either way we're gonna be doing that on Monday we just posted a new video on h3 if you guys haven't seen it a lot of fun there there's some new t-shirts on Teddy fresh can check him out and that's about it guys thanks for bearing with us this was a steady decline it got it was started bad it got good and then it just steady decline maybe that's the way to do it either way thank you for watching we will be here next week shredder is literally pulling up the carpet yeah shredders like let me the hell out of here guys have a great weekend love you thanks for sticking around wish you the best Tata appreciate you all the great things in the world the best to you love happiness and so much more everything you ever desired a beautiful tailpipe to put your dick in a butthole fleshlight a hot mom whatever it is in your heart's desire this weekend I hope you attain it with that being said I am gonna enjoy this weekend I know I will either you can enjoy this weekend yup Dan oh yeah and oh yeah he's back on the conic forum so he's gone making a new PowerPoint guys we'll see you next week thank you for watching top of less [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,305,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drake, pusha t, skippy, kyle, drake vs pusha t, skippy vs kyle, h3h3 podcast, h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein
Id: Vx85Bx5tpVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 32sec (10172 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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