H3 Podcast #79 - Post Malone & Grandma Taken Out

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[Music] welcome welcome welcome the Tuesday episode of the h3 podcast this is the experience that you need you may hear other people talking about current events giving their opinions on things but let me tell you there is no other place on the internet with the cutting edge informed opinions correct opinions like here on the h3 podcast Tuesday's edition so welcome one and all to the current events experience oh that's the wrong one there you go today's episode is sponsored by better help and just to remind you guys you all better hurry on down to Teddy fresh because we're having a crazy sale we have completely lost our minds end of season sale fusing 50% off long sleeves hoodies jackets trinkets beanies hats y'all better head on down to tell you fresh cops lush collections / sales Wow some of these are even sold out so there is serious urgency here this is serious let's just get right into it we have the best opinions here at the HD podcast you're gonna find out just what I'm talking about actually for the rest of the month we have gas booked and booked booked so the idea was that we're gonna deliver to you guys a Tuesday episode with current events cutting-edge well-thought-out well informed opinions that are correct every time they're expressed and if you disagree it may be time to switch the channel because these are correct opinions good for the day let's start from the top baby you know I was told I was joking with ela yeah just a week ago I said you know what is a funny joke maybe to tweet ela with back to school a kevlar backpack I was like hey get 50% off your kevlar backpacks back to school sale and it looks like tasteless don't tweet it yeah I thought it's probably too far I was like okay maybe you're right maybe I'm just twisted sick individual guess what we saw where what what what new station was the song here let me pop this up Fox News Fox Business one of those fox business are we separating those others different singing yeah that's pretty much the same thing well anyway on fox news this is there's so many layers of greatness to this this is the goof of the day by the way if you guys if we need to regiment it out there you go so they're selling bulletproof vests a bulletproof backpack while playing bulletproof the song sponsored by Chrysler I was just gonna make a little joke here they're selling it on the new sponsor by Chrysler you know it's like damn it's like Chrysler like the car company yeah this all sponsored by car Chrysler school shooting sponsored by Chrysler yeah high-end bulletproof backpacks and clothing revenge oh boy just shoot her point-blank that'll that'll that'll teach the kids how to make sure their backpacks works and remember kids if you want to insure that your backpack is indeed bulletproof bring a gun to school and shoot your friend point-blank it is anticipated to reach more than 5 billion oh they're really projecting a lot by 2025 you cannot project out what seven years in seven years I'm projected to be the President and see if that happens so I thought this was just a goof I thought this was a total blast so next time you guys go to the Chrysler dealership remember think school shootings sing of a Mack Mack pickup it with your new Chrysler get a Kevlar backpack how much is that gonna do and that's just like well imagine there's like an active-shooter you like call your backpack around run trying to like dodge the bullet and [ __ ] brought to you by Chrysler so whose tasteless now Gila do you think about my ideas now don't do it kind of a forward thinker aren't I see I did it as a joke but these guys are serious as a I want to say school she traditional saying is as serious as a heart attack and I want to revise it do as serious as a school shooting for as much extra tastelessness as possible now illa you've heard the saying they're taking our jobs robots are taking our jobs I've expressed concern on this very podcast that automation are taking our jobs now this video is going to haunt you it is going to really concern you and hopefully everyone watching at home this is not to be taken lightly okay what we have here is a golfing robot if they can golf better than us then we are really [ __ ] look at this golfer yesterday they robot boom taking a swipe at this one really you know it's true you know it's real look at these guys jumping and cheering for their for the heralding the end and ten years was not gonna be golfers anymore so gonna be a bunch of robots on the field hitting balls my would go robots are killing it no football basketball just me robots that is actually pretty cool though you won't see that again yeah yeah really cool down Robin kind of looks like the guy that would play that's insane shot robot dudes his name is Eldrick hole-in-one so value your jobs they're coming for him all of them posts Malone our dear friend I don't know if you guys followed this has just happened this morning well last night he won song of the year yeah VMAs very proud of him congratulations yeah he won it for rock star and just I just I want to congratulate him I want to say I love him he's a sweet dear great guy he deserves it and it's insane to see what he's accomplished since we met him I mean even just this year we probably met him like two years ago now but like this year alone since his new album came out it's crazy mm-hmm damn and it's easy to forget was he's 23 years old okay that should make everybody at home depressed that depresses the hell out of me when I was 23 years old mmm I was probably playing World of Warcraft and it's in a disgusting dormitory room with like leftover burritos I mean I was going nowhere fast pretty incredible yeah what a 23 year old can accomplish so love and pride for him let's watch his acceptance speech here you go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] popular choice on this Punk hold up we go everybody give it up for 21 give it up the post well I just want it you know you go to bed and you dream about maybe winning and then whenever you get up here you don't remember what the hell to say because you wrote it all but you know thank you so much my solo yeah he's not that tall he's a tall guy he's not that tall why are y'all making him I'll act like he's five - for Christ's sake I mean the guy it's his big moment why are you making them hunched over like that that's a good point you look damn the song thank you everybody for listening it's fine I would never you know expect to do this ever so this is sick and thank you so much he seems Oh 21 they closed the mic on us Thank You Tazawa lower than rank more can we lower the mic they felt like a button er like can we lower the mic on savage by the way I have we were at his birthday party and I was like man I want to get him a sick birthday gift cuz he's like such a good friend he bought you a really beautiful gift on your birthday mm-hmm he got ela like this Limited Edition supreme Fender Strat guitar there's only like 30 of them in the world yeah I don't I don't have anything that is so valuable other than that I didn't know what to do I don't know it's a new want to take it on the wall but he just shows up he shows up like a couple hours after he shows up some dude shows up with a guitar yeah and it was like this incredible Fender Strat supreme limited-edition and I was like oh wow really cool guitar I didn't even understand that he was giving it to you I thought the guy just delivered it to pulse and then he left I was like oh we forgot his guitar hmm and he was like it's for me no I didn't get that but anyway I was like damn how the [ __ ] do we top that so well you can't so right you I can't really but I was like how I gotta get him a really nice gift so I got I went down he's a fanatic we've been to this gun store together and I got him this cool little snipey what you just linked me dad what I think is the guitar that you're talking about no let's show it we got pictures on deck yeah is this one did we are so interactive we are so this is such an experience that we can just talk about something and show it to you at the same time cutting-edge technology yeah this is such an experience if only I could do it with him pretty incredible stuff here folks party pretty incredible stuff here folks okay I I'm still I don't know how do you display it do you do you frame it cuz it also comes in a nice box keep it in the box get out of the box you take it out of the box I think you you mean there's mounts for guitars I think I'm just like a wall piece I don't think you I think you just hang it mm-hmm but anyway I'm a co-owner whose birthday ELA was gone so I was kinda on my own by the way taking care of myself which is hard enough as it is and so I go to this gun shop I'm like what can I do what can I get post so he had ordered this this really cool Glock from them and I was like I want to get him something dope so I got him just a little snipey cool asked leiserson IP that you put on top of the Glock right not the official name are you just calling it an IP it's called a snipe II know it's a it's a scope it's a sick-ass scope by the way because you only see it if you look through this night be whole so if you got someone locked on they don't see the laser right here like in the movies only you see it this might be dead right and I got him like a thousand rounds I thought I was feeling pretty good I had like two ammo boxes a snipey a bunch of rounds and I was like you know what's the thoughtful gifts personal it's pretty weird to shop in to a party where I know it was a big party and I felt a little bit strange filling up with ammo at that gun store I was like are you sure this is okay it's funny I actually went in there to buy ammo weapon I was like I'm gonna buy him a gun they're like - you can't like what are you [ __ ] stupid you can't buy him a gun and bring it to a party how's like oh I guess that does make sense I guess that's probably a good thing I guess that's like the one thing you can't do in America I was like that's probably yeah that's probably a good thing it's funny on one hand I'm like here on the show being like gun control yeah I'm like can I buy a weapon and then on the same day give it to somebody else they're like no dude okay I guess that makes sense anyway I bought him a bunch of ammo a thousand rounds of sniper I probably spent like $1,500 pretty good for us yeah I was like damn I hooked him I'm to do it up and then I calmed and I was like hey man check out what I got you and he was very gracious isn't about post at all this is more a rant against 21 Savage because I had beef with that guy he doesn't know it so I mean pulse was very gracious very sweet as you know he's a perfect angel probably the closest thing to perfect human being and then savage shows up and he gives him I [ __ ] you not like five minutes later $100,000 watch yeah and I'm like okay mr. [ __ ] hip-hop you got to know my broke ass up you know what kind of watch was it you remember I don't know it but it was like on the news and now it on Twitter news where's my snipey in there and now I see Austin walking around with his sick ass hundred thousand dollar watch I don't see him walking around with this snipey look it's not about how much the gift cost it's about the the gesture in this case it was most definitely about well he loved the watch it was a great watch it was a great gift I just honestly wish maybe you could have waited and giving it to him before the party you know like maybe a different time Savage I mean it's kind of rude to me personally and I do take it as a kind of a problem so if you see Savage let him know that we do have beef don't let everyone know about anyway congratulations to post Malone and then morning that happened last night and this morning I see my brother-in-law who's like somehow like we got to hire my brother to do research this guy is like in tune with the world yeah he sends me a TMZ article it's like post Malone's airplane is stuck in the air the wheels blew out when they take off by the way what how the wheels should blow up when you're taking off how's that a thing so he's circling around doing an about to do emergency landing there in the air doing circles trying to burn up fuel to reduce the weight so they can you know land more safely and so anyway he landed he is safe we're all very happy about that we were watching live here in the office he made this tweet I landed guys thank you for your prayers cannot believe how many people wish death on me [ __ ] you but not today I can't believe that when I read that I was like whoa I didn't see anything I mean I wasn't looking well yeah I wasn't leaving but people are so insane be like imagine he's on the airplane like super scared and he's reading [ __ ] like I hope he crashes and dies I'm like whoa y'all [ __ ] me Jesus no I mean I would never say that to anyone but if you said that to him you need Jesus can you diagnose that ELA why are people saying that to him do they need Jesus or what are they missing just knew their life okay yeah so anyway love congratulations appreciation to post Malone safe and he's alive and he's looking good he's got all this suits lately yeah I know it's crazy you look thin in that VMA video - yeah it's a lot of weight I think he's losing weight he's slamming he's jamming he's a rock star love is us now moving on to something more interesting than that somebody emailed over the past couple of days an email that kind of stood out to me and shocked me he said to me hey I've been listening a lot to your conversation about wiping and anal you know cleanliness and hygiene mmm-hmm and he says you know what I do is I near my [ __ ] I was like whoa there is a topical cream that you apply to the hair and then you and then basically it burns it off and you just wipe it clean so this guy was like I use sensitive Nair on my [ __ ] ring and I wiped the Hara I was like whoa that is so insane and hilarious I think I have to try it and I think you shouldn't because this stuff is like you could burn your skin I actually I didn't know what it was I went on Amazon just to check the reviews and like most of the reviews our pictures of people who got burned see any [ __ ] no [ __ ] more resilient or less resilient right no really cuz it touches [ __ ] I think they know well I think that's part of the charm is that to them first of all this is very I mean in the pursuit of knowledge this is like forbidden fruit forbidden knowledge mm-hmm biblical and the biblical or an omission it's more important it's not just a mission this is God's work you read the messenger if you read the Bible the story of Adam and Eve the Apple is the forbidden knowledge people don't always talk about how they wipe their ass and clean their ass and these are important things that we need to collectively share our knowledge so I think of myself as kind of a trailblazer of a kind of a Magellan mmm-hmm Columbus I don't know I think he was someone who explored okay I'm an explorer I'm kind of a darling if you will I'm a great thinker they said Isaac Newton he Isaac Newton said of himself I'm not a giant I just stand on the shoulders of those before me mmm that's what I'm how is that related because I'm not swiping giant I I stand on the shoulders of the wealth of knowledge of those who have come before me nobody has dared in the history of mankind as far as I can tell to collect this knowledge and to share it with the world this is important stuff Fela mm-hmm so I think the pursuit of the forbidden fruit and the biblical tale of Adam and Eve there is much the same and so I will near my [ __ ] in Hebrew and there is like something you put inside your ass really when you do that on what is it and let's say you need to take a pill but through your ass like medicine how'd you call a suppository yeah so that's what that's called in there oh that's so the first time you said it to me I was like what do you mean mm-hmm you good that's almost a sign from God I mean Hebrew is God's language right so NER in a way it was almost a Destiny the destiny all use of NER was yeah so you kind of supporting my my no no well I think before not as we come in there my [ __ ] for better or worse if it burns if it cures I I mean I have never had a wipe in recent memory that wasn't Harry and I think that this could be a gun has the Metamucil been helping you love it mm-hmm it's not a cure-all like a lot of people asking for updates on the meta music's fiber supplement I've been taking it to cuz it's so so just fiber we should be good but like when I didn't notice any difference in my really yeah see the first time I took I swear to god it was like Teflon : I just slid right out yeah but for me it's not the end-all situation like Chris had mm-hmm III have a hybrid situation I I'm using less baby wipes but I'm still ending what suppose well he takes more because there's these huge pills and they say you have to take lucky them and thinking whoa yeah well I'm curious what are you guys you know I I want not just the the great thinkers who join us here today I'm looking for the great thinkers out there the great minds out there that have interesting wiping techniques there's a lecture dark web yeah exactly so guys give us a ring today eight oh eight hot meme and we're looking for great great thinkers okay so give us a call at eight oh eight hot meme and share your techniques I'm very curious to hear what you're doing okay with that being said we've got so many great videos come up we're gonna take a quick break but coming up next do drinks his own calm in a video that's fully monetized the channel name is gay God beautiful and he is living up to that name he drinks his own come maybe I don't know if I give you a reason to close it but it's very funny very I don't think you wanna miss this with that being said my dudes Les Cayes could do a break we'll be right back thank you to better help for sponsoring this episode they shoot podcasts I need some better help I am anxious right now God seriously but but this is one of these genius services it's online counseling mmm they've got fully licensed counselors ready to consult with at anytime you get access to licensed trained fully accredited counselors and therapists lgbtq+ friendly basically whoever you are what religion you are couples anything boom they've got you covered with fully trained therapists to talk to you all you have to do is go to better help calm slash h3 fill out a brief questionnaire about what's going on with you and they match you up with a counselor who is a perfect match for you and you can start counseling pretty much right away after they hook you up with a counselor it's affordable therapy is expensive which is kind of such BS because everybody needs help yeah in fact you might even say poor people are the ones that have more [ __ ] to deal with because everybody needs money but guess what it's way cheaper than in-person counseling there's a therapist cost like $300 an hour okay I'll sure I'll spend half my paycheck to talk to you but here's the thing pricing is between 35 to 65 dollars a week for unlimited counseling meaning you are connected with a counselor the entire time via your phone or a computer you can schedule video phone or text sessions when necessary usually once per week they also have financial aid available that you can apply for if you need help you can't afford it great wonderful beautiful what a great service with better help you're not wasting time traveling going to and fro a lot of people have trouble face-to-face with people it's embarrassing it's tough it's hard but this is a beautiful thing about this the service you're online you can have a video you can have a chat whatever you're comfortable whatever level with they're there to help you out a lot of people are not comfortable talking to therapist so that best way to do it to get in the door is with better help when I was at my worst with anxiety it was so it was impossible for me to go into an office and get the the help that I needed that's the beautiful thing about better help so guys if you want me to talk to somebody for any reason at all this is the way to try it out go to better help calm slash h3 give it a shot you deserve it help yourself out with better help thank you for sponsoring us welcome back to the basically if you're looking for opinions look no further there's not a rotten guess and this is the h3 opinion podcast experience whatever that means I honestly I'm a little flustered because I just not used to just three minute breaks just bring back from the bathroom literally Yan was like hurry up they like jumped into the seat at literally four seconds got my paper towel we got in here okay so as promised guys we've got a thrill ride here lined up this video shocked me okay it's got been educated that's good it wasn't before this video shocked me frankly like no video I've seen in a long time and the story the scoop originally was that um it was fully monetized for a long time which I get I guess you can only blame you two so much it's called do vegans actually taste better so it's like how does YouTube know that a dude is guzzling his own jizz on camera the part that really gets me about this video you were hit by the way gay god I mean yeah damn imagine me called like Jew God is nothing I kind of like that time did you god so the thing that really pitting like gets me is that he's kisses in like a little kind of medicine cup and then he tastes it and then he's like he loves it but then he drinks it three more times and he finishes the cup and I'm actually getting nauseous as I said that too for you definitely if you're gonna drink your hunches on camera like that you're definitely the gay God not many people can step to you on that actually tastes better and I have actually been vegan for 12 years like over 12 years so theory than me right I haven't really tasted myself in quite a while well what the [ __ ] is wrong is this nothing weird myself like it like you're supposed to know what he's talking about he's just drank his own jizz nobody didn't say that yet it's just saying I haven't tasted myself in a while like you're supposed to know what that make people watching readily gay God know what that means huh I'm subscribed to gay God challenge I not a serious on his channel but like how frequently are you drinking your own con yeah huh but how is this not like a weird fetish like drinking your calm in front of people publicly it's kind of probably is yeah and I kind of wanna be open and honest with you guys and tell you actually taste like suggested my first time experiencing ten inches that's what it says in the top right this is certainly the gay God might do but like what I just don't understand like you're you can be gay like obviously no one cares that you're gay in this day and age but like when your whole identity everything you do and talk about and every is like about like that you're gay it's like there's got to be more to you than that everything's about like I drank my own chiz I took a ten-inch cough it's like there's got to be more to you than that YouTube game that everyone's trying to play now and like everything's got to be so crazy like we used to or we did this video of tasting different sodas you know in weird flavors I forgot to tell you that one now this is this is no it's like gun this far so did tasting grow sodas is not enough anymore know what he should have done it feel like this is a black guys Cheers a white guys is a vegans cheers now well I'm not done you know I watched it all no we do videos in five times because face right now all right well anyway whoa I'll have to bookmark her than my first time I took ten inches for related to another day he's not just kidding though he drinks at all like throughout the video when I saw that I was like oh thank god it's not as actually just clickbait but I promise he drinks at all and I don't know if I even need to necessarily yeah I'll know I'll keep watching and I'll know when I've had enough you tell me when you're done watching this okay cuz I don't you know I'll shut the gate up with a whole bunch of different guys not a whole bottom small with making myself sound a little [ __ ] but I know you're holding a cup of your own cheese and you're about to drink it you don't need help sounding [ __ ] meat-eaters they're so salty which is weird because I I eat a lot of salt but all my exes are like yeah you're really sweet tasty and I'm like how things are like I eat like ten times as much salt as you but I guess it has to do with like a red meat consumption and all that stuff so they are Oh wouldn't go had enough you've had enough you want to see him drink or should we not really oh yes did it you did it here yeah let's say Jim let's hit a drink here potent smelling like it kind of oh he drank them already it looks like less and William oh there you go so basically I like taking the wipe sniff of his own kids okay I'm getting nothing we see enough yeah give us hitting the button on this you don't want to see him hit it you don't want to see him throw it back you don't see a bit you know what see him throw it back yeah like like warm sunny d like warm sunny day all right I'm gonna bounce out of this yeah you guys want to continue this SOG on your own head on over to gay God he's the god of the gays gage okay god I want to be jugaad jugaad the great thinker of the dark web what was that group of people you're saying yella yeah intellectual dark web yes I'm the guy I'm the Jew god of the intellectual dark web what is this intellectual dark web it's like a collection of the movies Jordan Pederson and finally and others in others so am I gonna be inducted in that for my research into wiping and we'll see more results you bring back when your research mm-hmm how would do we have any interesting calls yet Ian he's in the middle of screening right now Dan I don't think I'm logged into the call oh my I'll tell you right now yeah he's still looking for one okay next up break invasion is back he's dodging I'm alive I'm trying to get a hold of him and he's been dodging me a little bit that's okay once I tell him I'm did you god he'll have to uh a little bit more [Music] how all the audio is like so that's his style his style it's like torn and destroyed audio as much as possible let's take a decision I'm telling you watch this past 20 vids they're all like peaked out of this planet why is there a group of what's going on behind you crazies are trying to look like here what is this oh so there's this rapper 6:9 don't look like y'all shut you a 6 9 this guy you've seen him he's like a meme busy tube guaranteed to come on yeah let's do it all right so here's the game guys I have gotten the word that if you can somehow smash a hundred thousand likes on this video if we can get a hundred thousand live viewers right now prank invasion will come on the show as a guest and kiss me what if I kissed Chris would that be shocking will that be good TV yeah if we do a quick game for a quick and if he comes in here we kind of do need to play a quick game for a quick kiss huh me and him yeah no not me not you know I went through I wouldn't volunteer you for that but would you you're kind of damaged fine honestly once you kiss Chris I wonder if we could also get a girl in here like actor no no okay I'll do it I'll [ __ ] do it I swear to god I'll do it I'll do a quick game for a quick kiss I swear to God and noises I'll do it dude you think I'm not I'll do it with this fully neared [ __ ] too and he would grab your ass full in aired [Laughter] dexia turn see how he pulls this girl in 6-9 style hey can sound like 6-9 you gotta give me a really really quick kiss you down okay here I go she's like yep nailed it irresistible man you know where it goes from here I gotta say I love Chris it's getting to the point where it's just so good it's making parodies of himself at this point ya know it's turn it's really turning into something special we've got current events we've got everything to talk about everything going on in the world I'm gonna tell you guys about it now enter the current events experience mm-hmm drug overdoses up 10% in the US what is going on well it's mostly from prescription drugs actually shouldn't really surprise anyone but I have been following this story I mean here you can see by year a chart basically since 2016 and and to this date it's shot up these are all synthetic opioids basically paint prescribe first yeah prescription painkillers way worse than herring yeah like almost double the debt and if you go it's interesting if you go back to like 2012 2013 it was the least deadly mm-hmm although what kinda going on in the US if you go back to 1999 people weren't really dying from drugs but somehow unliked and it turned the end of this century everybody's what's going on people are profiting from it and heroin cocaine but it's like all going up is this a cultural issue or is this well you could you could say that the whole graph going up maybe is a cultural issue but yeah that one spike on the synthetic opioids right it's not I am I am very curious about the cultural issue of why in the past twenty fifty fifteen to twenty years or is everybody dying from like what the father I wonder if there's some explanation or visit just life has become so unbearable you know it's like yeah I don't know let's take away health care let's put everyone in debt and let's just give them some opiates to [ __ ] kill themselves on it's become a lot harder if you go back to nineteen ninety nine people could buy houses didn't go to for Brent and over these past two decades it's gotten a lot harder to live a lot more expensive a little harder to get medical treatment I don't know if that's a relation by that's pretty sad there's a bigger conversation here besides the fact everyone's dying on opioids but that is the distort here now I've been watching I just find it so ironic like let me open this again that there's this war on drugs like marijuana first of all I'm not a marijuana user and I think that it's benefits and it's greatly exaggerated I don't think marijuana is an innocent truck but I do find it absolutely the greatest probably the single greatest problem with our society is the fact that 1 percent of Americans are in prison most of them for harmless drug offense so it's like we're locking up marijuana users and meanwhile doctors and pharmaceutical companies are openly poisoning people yeah and I mean we're talking about thirty thousand deaths that's a small subset of people who are addicted who's the lives are being ruined because they're taking so many of these opiates and doctors are just giving them out like [ __ ] candy because they're getting kickbacks there's like three big companies who distribute all this and they know exactly what they're doing and oh yeah that's just what it is we saw the 60 minutes report about this yeah how it was like little pain clinics opening up probably seen them I've seen them all over the place I'm like what is that pain clinic and all family you can just walk in and a doctor will prescribe you a painkiller and it's like it's all super addictive don't give you anything they'll give you oxy cotton dope yeah any Opia any crazy [ __ ] you want just like hey my hey doc my back hurts and these crooked ass doctors are just writing prescriptions all day long my dad he um he had like some arthritic pain in his wrist and this doctor gave him like an unlimited supply of like really intense painkillers yeah and I was like whoa look if you're actually two kids so eat and I mean this is an ongoing issue it's not like it's not like doesn't debilitate his life right yeah he doesn't there's nothing in my opinion that a little Tylenol or ibuprofen couldn't resolve but like that's insane it's so crazy what's going on there and anyway in the 60 minutes report that I highly recommend they were showing how these huge pharmaceutical companies are basically always lobbying Congress to not enforce or regulate or control at all this this growing issue they showed like for example like there was a one-town like this is really ravaging like poor white communities it seems like in like rural America like Arkansas and Alabama and Mississippi there was like a small town in Mississippi or somewhere that had imported so many and sold so many painkillers that it was something like 50 pills for every resident of the city which means that they were probably just selling it to drug dealers but like there's glaring problems here of everyone drop it like this this is this is so sick and and the government's not doing anything about it because there's so much lobbying money and meanwhile we're locking up marijuana users yeah so that's pretty nuts um that really grinds my gears you know I just hate this whole like moral there's always this moral argument from like army I mean Jeff Sessions the attorneys general thinks that marijuana should be like a federal crime like he's staunchly against legalizing marijuana it's like okay dude what are you doing about this [ __ ] yeah like glad that you've got your moral imperative about marijuana and and relatively harmless drugs what are you doing about this [ __ ] so twisted man [ __ ] can't believe that it's like Tijuana up there I've driven past these places when I'm driving around town you see like pain clinic I was like what does that mean a pain clinic what are you what do you do there I never imagined that it was actually just people giving prescription drugs out like nothing I had no idea so I'm just writing away you were talking about and yeah like all of a sudden there is a small town and the pharmacy will be buying 50 times the amount right that a normal pharmacy right is buying yeah and it's like they're just turning a blind eye or just letting it happen because the pharmaceutical drug companies are lobbying the [ __ ] out of them yeah and blocking it it's like God Congress is so twisted these guys are so [ __ ] corrupt it's like scary not to mention that the water is turning frogs gay that's a whole other issue see do you want to talk about this airplane story yeah or what do we find it - a little too sad you already brought it up yeah what come on is this the video you put together where's the one you put together down the the edit it's it's shared with you share with me we're here I'll drop it in inner chat right now this story is a weird and wild one man and it's kind of sad it's very sad um this guy I'm not sure how he even got in the car works an airplane well like how is it so easy to John there's no key you think he masterminded this it's not easy this guy works at an airplane in Seattle and he just stole the airplane and went for a joyride but his intention was was to commit suicide and what's so intriguing about it is basically this conversation was recorded between him and air control of air control being like hey man you know bring it bring it down and he's just he's just so casual about it he seems like he's having a good time Dan I don't see it just drop the Lincoln disk or it didn't work I clicked it I think I need it but here I've got it in your you know so here almost pop this up 21 year old right for departure just hold hold on with me for a second yeah so so I'm fisting about this today just flying the plane around you seem comfortable with that I like hitting around yeah what's so crazy is this what you guys are seeing is all footage people shot from the ground mm-hmm cuz this guy was like I'm gonna try doing barrel rolls and all this tricks because his intention was to die so he's almost just like but he was he was performing some pretty amazing sleeping like I don't want to hurt people on the street so he was also careful of that yeah really interesting no he definitely wasn't going to hurt yeah anyone okay and and you can see all the terrain around you you've got no issue with visibility or anything I think I got some guests to go check out the Olympics and yeah okay and rich you know able to tell what altitude you're at you just know I'm not taking it any jets I'm actually keeping you away from aircraft that are trying to land at sea-tac you know screwing up everyone else's day like a charter plane it's going down quick this is probably like jail time for life huh I would hope it is for a guy like me I'll return that we're not gonna worry to think about that but could you start a left-hander 718 I believe so to go working on an issue I don't really know II really need to do that fixture Irish Sean don't say stuff like that George I don't want her do it I just want you to whisper sweet nothings in my ear be better than that trying to land it by the way the plaintiff and he's all on that plant for the record you know I think they would give you a job of doing any second you think it pull this off right if you want it to land it just sounds like just bad your left yeah McChord Field there's none right here if you wanted to try that might be the best way to set up and see if he can land there dang cuz I don't think I'd be happy with you telling me I could land like that cuz I could put some stuff up to here that I did this [Applause] since to you that I did this I would like to apologize to each and every one of them screws loose I guess never really knew it till now hey by the guy can this make you a thing like damn I know what's going on dude it's crazy thing yeah it's amazing it's sad it's a hell of a way to go but guys it's seriously [ __ ] get out if you're [ __ ] feeling bad man definitely don't steal a plane but a little follow-up to that somewhat depressing story this is a charming charming stuff here I'm just like these two guys are proposing at the same exact time it is come on you gotta love that they both they double for bugs come on give me a [ __ ] break would you would you please give me a [ __ ] break we got a double proposal here at Disneyland for Thursday all right people are luck they're crying they're freaking out that's at the Magic Castle come on give me a [ __ ] break here we got a double proposal am i right this warped my heart I'm about to wipe I said you know what he pulled a ring out ring she was very cute about it - she was like I don't know what to do with this you know both of them were very much like hmm love it so there you go guys we get it balance we bring balance here on the HD peaks and valleys this I told you this is the premiere experience on the Internet today maximum highs maximum lows better help this one okay we went from sadness to joy and now to rage like this next story is really has really made me rageful we're covering the whole spectrum of emotions here we have some college before we take this damn we let's get some serious yeah we got a few you want me to put one through yeah yeah what's their name all right let's see actually how do I do it cuz I mean I want to make sure that I can I can shoot you the link if you want to right now yes any on discord if you would please okay I do you want more story while you got that set up in the background that sounds good hey why don't you uh once you set me up all right and 87 year-old woman gets tased while cutting flowers mm-hmm damn all right thank you that's what we got coming this [ __ ] doesn't work you know what listen oh yeah and I just has logged out this is a mess I mean how long is it gonna take you what do we got it we got two seconds here on the clock guys I hope you're all doing good and having a great time here at the h3 podcast experience we're logging into our call studio so we can get the feedback of the geniuses frankly that listen to the show and click the right minds the great minds out there that listen to this show dan how do you wipe since we've got you here i I do it the opposite of you actually then norm what what I would say is traditional yeah you're you're a righty I'm a lefty let's be frank it's not that now do you go dry or wet I guess I go try I mean I I feel kind of ashamed and and we've kind of shame that we shamed normal-dry now Dan do you ever feel that you just can't clean it oh yeah and do you give up or do you wipe to the point where it's like because usually with dry wiping you're at it you come to a crossroad where you're like I give up too early or do I injure my anus so where do you where do you fall in that crossroad yeah no I've been there and it definitely it's a risky road I mean I can I'm like you I mean I'm I've got hair so you know it gets rough it gets real rough sometimes you take you take the under wiping or the over harming I I gotta say I probably do the over harming because that I mean the other way it's not okay that's not tolerable so it's not really an option not for me either no have you bled from wiping and maybe maybe I probably don't check enough I'm a little like I don't I don't turn around and check out my business after I'm not ashamed to admit that I've bled from wiping I have to I have to think what's going on here we've dis we've corrected in you've bled from wiping I have en have you bled from wiping he said he said yes now Dan you say madam probably did yeah I think everyone maybe is an insufficient answer and I don't I don't turn around and check do you not look every time you wipe ah do you look humble at what point do you look you don't look you don't look at the last wipe how do you know you clean oh I see what you're saying well yeah I guess I guess in that sense I do look yes but I'm not like taking thank you to glance thank you I fully take it out I inspected thoroughly they frankly I even look I I generally even look at the first way right yeah thank you now Dan would you say that we all got our fresh uniform dan has your finger ever slipped through the toilet paper because the wet during the dry what happened to me I don't know Dan yeah and then and it's if so it's followed by like 30 minutes of scrubbing my hands afterwards all right we're in thank you thank you for the anecdotes they can fix my computer thank you specifically to charms for the flushable wipes oh I gotta hear this um Kyle I don't know if you're on the air tell me about tell me about your life or not I don't want to know everything Kyle but specifically about the Lyme disease oh man you open right from the chaser yeah so I'm a geocache sure you don't know what geocaching is a little like GPS based treasure hunt scavenger hunt type game and a lot of geocaching takes place out in the woods you know I own trails and whatnot so before I started doing this I was never never a hiker never spent much time outdoors so I quickly learned that you know down the trail for a while sometime nature calls and let me literally and you know if you're like a couple miles from your car or something a couple miles from a restroom you just got to find a take care of business so so yeah the first time this happened I'm a I'm a hairy guy much like you so you know it's not it's not it's never good never comes out clean so the first time that's happened I you know you always hear this and I I always thought it's kind of like a joke but I don't always hear this but yet I use the lease to kind of clean up the business back there and is not preferable so I quickly learned because I mean as far as my normal wiping routine goes I'm a dry wet guy so I'll go my first first one would be toilet paper and then I got the baby words right by the toilet that second and then I just kind of go back and forth you kind of it's a good way to kind of feel out the situation without okay I thing to inspect it after every what you know and so let's go so yeah let's go to the the pivotal moment of the story yeah so this wasn't so on another occasion because I start attacking toilet paper in my like hiking backpack but on this one particular occasion I I had run out where I forgot it so I do not have it with me right so you know I live up in Rhode Island we take takes are very prevalent thing up here and Wendy's as well so so I've never had an issue with ticks in my life but on this particular occasion when I popped the squat did my business didn't have the toilet paper so I just did the leaf technique to do you know I'll kind of take their things a little bit Kyle did you get a tick on your penis not on my anus but like two days later I I felt something uh I think actually I felt something odd in my groin area say that I don't want to talk about what I was doing what were you doing by hand in the groin you you noticed the tick when you were jerking off you said that were you able to finish did you finish jerking off when you when you found the tech error or did you decide to go in there at the time or later oh no I mean that that ruined the moment yeah so I had I couldn't see what's going on I was in bed by now well we're on your groin was the tick located it was like right in there like I'm a big dude so you know like I got some I got six I'd sure I got the like you so it wasn't that's why I probably missed it cuz I always do like a check it was like like between us I was deep it was like it was it it was in there any but like when you say deeper was it was it under the balls was it between the balls in the thigh was it next to the pitchers right it was like yep in the ball between the ball thigh area I felt I thought you might agree in an area you might have been cupping your balls or something when you were jerking off right to feel that now you gotta treat yourself yeah definitely most definitely good question oh yeah so I mean you know it's someone you know you spend time clanking and whatnot especially around here you know you always hear about it so I mean I was freaking out first of all because I never had a tick bite before so I already knew the when you want to get rid of when you want it when yes when you take it out you don't want to like break the tick's body or leave it he bred in like underneath it's like it's burrowed in the skin like some of it so did you the technique yeah I use like tweezers to roll it out that's like and it you spin it right you grab it and then you rotate it right right right yeah it was thought you know tricky and hard to see yeah I mean I start do you look do you trim your pubic hair are you fully pushed it depends when when when the time you know and when it was probably some bush happening at that's right visibility was low oh yeah there's a lot of bushwhacking going on man when and so this this son of a [ __ ] gave you Lyme disease yeah I started found really shitty Oh horrible and now it's like it's not you know why I'm is a terrible thing I mean I don't have it as bad as some people but it's kind of just with me now like everything wrong well a year this happen about three years two years ago maybe and yeah so like once every you know when's the twice a year now like I always have like really bad migraine like body ache it kind of shuts me down for like a day it's just like with me even though I went on antibiotics one nice it's something that sometimes it gets rid of it completely sometimes it just lingers with you so what is the kind of moral of this story I'm wondering don't hike don't cut don't go I gotta tell you well I'm sorry you got Lyme disease awful but on the plus side I mean the masturbating probably was was definitely worked in your favor and this time really so is that it the longer that takes in you the worse the Lyme disease yeah because I had a fight another time like and I noticed I know for a fact I noticed it with him like you know an hour so for the most part people say it have to be in there for like 24 to 72 hours learn that to be transmitted I'm very glad you decided to they're very glad you decided you masturbate that on that when you did and I thank you for sharing for sharing that story with me but I'm also curious what is it you said what the hell are you doing out in the forest you're looking for treasure I guess my call it's called geocaching so basically what it is is someone like me or whoever else geocaches hides a container somewhere out in the woods or out there's foam in this I mean there are over three million of these geocaches around the world basically people go look for them they use like GPS coordinates to find where they are once you're in the location the try to find a no is it is there something valuable yeah what do you find what's going on in this box is other than just well ticks with Lyme disease do you still do you still geocache always a run-through yeah god bless I definitely have ruined being outdoors I'm Way more paranoid now whenever I am out in the woods I used to like do tick tick check only whenever I got back to the car after you know I was done now it's like every 20 to 30 minutes of the trail I'm like well let me check yeah and well thank you Kyle for sharing your story I hope this is a cautionary tale everyone out there don't go outside I mean that's the moral that I pulled from this Yeah right exactly the graphical clean and covered my dear thank you for sharing that wonderful story with us and I wish you all the best and I hope that Lyme disease you know yeah keep cash in my dog always always end with the wet one my dude thank you well that was an interesting ride man we've got Travis here who uses female razors for [ __ ] shaving only that's not that surprising but favorite author says he's a sandpaper Ian what the hell is this he's shaking his head no I don't know he said he said where's the box guy that guy still don't know I just need Travis he's talking about razors and John Oh bummer well we can't that was a great one now that's not happy with Kyle hard to top this story I mean it didn't it didn't really add to our knowledge base was oh great yeah I don't know if we can join the great minds he's not a great way elect I mean he's a poor minds collective he got on a dick but he's a great guy and he's a funny guy you know interesting guy can't believe you guys never did the geocaching thing that was you know about it yeah I went on a few of those then we don't it was big like while ago have you have you have you done have you ever done this thing walking outside forget about geocaching that's way too high level for us um Wow Thank You Kyle that was a great story damn you don't I've got I've had a ticket before of you sorry you didn't maybe I have Lyme disease maybe that's why I'm so lazy when that be great to have an excuse yeah now it's dramatic man it's awesome oh god it's a [ __ ] little creature I hear that but Lyme disease is more prevalent on the East Coast oh yes you're good why did ya anyway Kyle love you let's move on 87 year old woman taste take the old [ __ ] out what'd I say she had it coming I love these stories about police no let me let me let me say this okay I respect police officers I respect the job I respect what they do but I have a lot of busts first of all you signed up for a dangerous job and you're well compensated you can go work in a [ __ ] cafe if you don't want to be in harm's way okay nobody asked you or forced you to sign up to be a cop the same goes for the military and I'm sorry but my opinions are the right opinions and if you disagree with me you're just clearly wrong why do I first of all I respect well I felt this story so people can join your 87 year old woman pace while cutting dandelion there's no justification so I'm gonna tell the story though but I'm onna I wanna I want to okay should be blah about the rant about the military okay let me just say that finish this one point as you know to save me being in the military doesn't make you a hero by default but thank you for your thank you for your service you signed up did it it's a risky job it's there it's the first part you go you travel around with a gun and hostile territory same with a cop you walk off the gun on your hip for a reason it's dangerous and you signed up for it it doesn't make you automatically a hero and it doesn't mean that you have the right to never be in harm's way because the police training in the United States is basically if you are an any risk shoot to kill a deadly force when you're confronted with the 87 year old woman with a steak knife in her hand that was used to cut dandelions which is adorable as [ __ ] gas to make a salad for a husband God so she's out there cutting dandelions and the police first of all that she wanders across the street she's probably a little she doesn't speak English and she was on some guys property she probably didn't know it was a it was the YMCA or some [ __ ] or the Boys and Girls Club okay but they call she was probably a little dementia core a little senile right so the guys calls I have a record him but he says she's over here with a knife and she seems lost that's why he called they're like is she trying to stab people he said no she's not dangerous she's not trying to harm anyone she seems lost that's why he calls so the police show up with arms their guns drawn screaming you know drop the door can you imagine that a sweet old lady with a little like steak knife cutting dandelions like what's going I'm at a zoo shredder like you cannot you have to draw the line somewhere you signed up for a dangerous job okay you have to draw the line somewhere if some 87 the choice between tasing an 87 year old woman and possibly receiving a knife strike from an 87 year old women you have to weigh the severity of these two situations can you imagine this Olli 87 year old to [ __ ] a ah she's all fast to jet all of a sudden she's like oh I'm an 87 over she's all strong it fast out to kill no the training is [ __ ] it's [ __ ] you are not entitled to a perfect harmless existence because you're a cop you signed up for that job and I appreciate that you're serving the community and you're doing this wonderful dangerous job that somebody has to do but you could have gone you know you could have could have done anything I just feel like any normal person in that situation would like the thing was that she was walking towards them when they said drop the knife and she didn't drop the knife but it's like if you were in that situation what would you do you just shoot you'll let her walk to you and you'll deal with it don't draw a gun don't say hi can I help you or you okay it's like an old lady knife down how about you just go and grab her hand yeah takes a knife out of her hand because she's an 87 year old woman how about you just do this are you okay drop the [ __ ] gun take what's affordable will chew you [ __ ] it's a problem here guys there's a problem with our police killing people she didn't die but let's watch the story boiler alert either you've ruined the story yeah now two major questions after an officer in Georgia tased an 87 year old woman who was cutting the Lions with a knife Steve osunsami is annotate you take what's up for debate tase your ass imagine that imagine that mmm just look at her that's so sad mm she probably hit the floor like a bag of dirt she probably hit the floor like a bag of dandelions she probably got injured alive to fall in this age yeah you don't heal very fast if you think the price she's alive I mean frankly speaking I mean God look at that threat than that menace to society damn she had it comin woman is actually facing charges this morning oh that's the best part I didn't even tell you the best part well I'll let them speak for it she's getting charged it is this is a misunderstanding on so many different levels it's not our tasting charges but she has a court appearance next month this 87 year old grandmother who doesn't speak English and bail man my wife is charged this morning with criminal trespass and obstruction of an officer a worker at a Boys and Girls Club in Chatsworth Georgia called police Monday after seeing her walking with a knife in a field on their property it turns out she lives across the street and is from Syria it was a steak knife and she was basically mad and all this which her family experience it was a steak knife like a kitchen knife and she was there picking dandelions which her family explains was meant for a salad for her husband police say she even had a bag full of cut weeds even the worker who called not weed the old [ __ ] got weed take her out sprinkle a little crack on her she was mysteriously found with crack on her this 87 year old crack addict pulled a weapon with a bag of weed on said she wasn't threatening police arrived with guns drawn telling her to put down the knife but say she wouldn't they say they even threw a knife to the ground trying to explain put down the knife she won't put the knife down they explained she wouldn't put the knife down mmm got him being what they wanted her to do when she kept walking towards them they shot her with a stun gun the police chief was there during the incident to pull the Taser rather than using deadly force he says his officer acted appropriately her family says at her age the shock could have killed her she's recovering you know still killing anyone nobody should be tasered but especially boy yeah I mean if it's like a 30 year old man a young 18 year old man woman sure protect yourself but I love that the police chief comes out and is like oh yeah no they they reacted perfectly we we we endorsed fully tasing Grandma's children really if you're stepping towards us we're gonna take or if you're walking away from us we'll still things yeah will tase you in the back mm little sore from what she's gone through facing charges and there's one thing we should add about that young man who is speaking out for the family Robin he is the nephew of this woman and he's a former police officer and he says while he understands why the officers used their taser he wishes they had used a little more common sense yeah thanks for bringing that up Steve very much yes the nephew said procedurally the officers did the right thing but it's kind of like being aware of the surf exactly that's a problem procedurally it's all good but it's like it's an 87 year old woman loved it yes and maybe it was a little sometimes everything is not exactly by the book mm-hmm well the best part she's being she has to appear in court for like cruising around with a knife now they're gonna charge her to make it look all kosher it's like let's just let's not waste the justice system's time either she's being charged with criminal trespassing and obstruction of an officer you've tasered her bro so how was that was that rageful you could say that polls reveal in the UK that people want Edra Elba to replace Daniel Craig as double-oh-seven James Bond but here's the catch ela yeah he's black oh he's a black man apparently that's caused a lot of drama people say James Swan has to be white here's my take you want my opinion here mm-hmm you want to know you guys want to know how to feel about this I love it I love I love a dress Elba I mean people voted for it well what else do you need that's the best part this was a public vote in the UK with a list of five names and people voted for a dress and I love that now and ones like oh you can't be born because you're black when I heard that I was like oh I love that not not even this is why I love this story so much it's almost like heartwarming how much people haven't thought about race in this because when I heard that I was like this ed I just loved him as an actor he's suave he's cool he's a badass ever since I saw him in the wire I've been in love with him as an actor I think he's great and I think he'd be an awesome dope like double-oh-seven I thought it was great but apparently a lot of people are unhappy with the with the scoop in fact there's a video that some girl made was it you said Dan about it about her this is well in general it's like well here this guy James Bond let's watch this video first I guess but that's dude somebody made a really great point here they're like James Bond English Americans Scottish Australian Welsh Irish it's like all of the other actors that play him yeah it's yeah it's like he's an idea he's cool he's suave he's a spy he's a badass of all the things I think about when I think of double-oh-seven white is not like number one oh he's a white guy double-oh-seven white cool suave like down at like number 15 or something I don't it's not on the list list right you're like think you can hop if you ask someone right top ten attributes of James Bond if you write what you're kind of weird white wanna make some great points also I love her intro Dan pointed out to me the world is in crisis Wow look at this everything is going to hell all right the stage is set Hopkins world is really powerful why is it okay here we go thanks bones you will not be why do you say it like you will not be like is that a woman how do you know why are you so sure about that over my dead body but so how many tweets you put out saying I'm Elba dedra's elbow it's not because you're a gentleman of color it's because a gentleman of color you don't like black people do you lady a gentleman of color James Bond isn't he's written as an upper-class arrogant white top born with a silver spoon in his mouth why can't that person be black do you hear what you're saying he's written as an upper-class snobbish silver spoon in the mouth okay is that just white people okay should buy eaten and Sandhurst well-connected by his Swiss Family fortune and it's not about Talent Idris many people love I love how she was like ranting at him it was all in there I didn't even ask to be included in this ball and he just made a tweet joking about it and now all of a sudden like he's getting [ __ ] for this poll when people made a popular vote they they would like to see him in it almost more than you do yourself but please can someone on your team come up with their own ideas or their own material must we perpetually crowbar in gender and color where it doesn't fit our imagination apparently it wasn't his idea first of all and second yeah it's like it's like she's the one crow boring in yeah race isn't a part of James Bond he's just a guy he's a spy he's a cool-ass spy the fact that he's black is incidental and he's British by the way he's got a cool slick Ashe British accent when I think James Bond British is what I think right not black or white or whatever he's a British spy he's got a dope accent that sounds cool he [ __ ] like crazy he's a badass spy and you looked down the you know that wise might be yeah this might be can we stop making everything about race it's like no one was sounds good to me man the way we love these characters matters as evidenced by the outrage when someone attempts to mess with the things we love so you see Idris it's not about your color or you it's about bond James Bond how dare she say that I love how she's directing it towards him he's like what the [ __ ] did I do and it was just an actor I had some other thoughts but it's already been a long something about it you know I disagree I didn't he'd be great and I hope he gets it and I'd like to see what she's gonna do about it you will not Yvonne I like to see what you're gonna do about it lady it's gonna find the footage right sounds like a threat does matters I love this I love the term gentleman of color why do you why do you have to put it like that just say black dude it sounds less weird he's a gentleman of color have you met my friend Tony he's a gentleman of color really right that's weird - don't say that Oh the black guy excuse me they preferred gentleman of color no evidence by the outrage when someone attempts to mess with the things we love so you see Idris it's not about please don't attempt the thing and to mess with the things I love which is being white okay how did I do they get through that you need a rating after every I don't know why yeah guys listen that's just my opinion I don't think James Bond needs to be white oh she was saying wait where did I saw this one a video of someone saying that it was like as if a white person played a black role what was that I didn't see that clip what did I see that Dan hmm I remember that too it cracked me I was just thinking the last little chunk of that did you finish out that there was this great clip that just had me rolling or she was like what did I miss she says like that's like having a what that's like having a white person play Kunta Kinte from roots right and I was like that's about race where it's explicitly about that's about race it's not the same get dumb-dumb let me try to find it I don't wanna watch this video oh we watch this short one on Twitter yeah alright let's finish this [ __ ] damn we watch the wrong one damn how could this happen why did this happen the Cold War era and that's the glory of the thing a throwback I mean watch okay it's because James Bond isn't he's written as an upper-class arrogant white top born with a silver watch again well-connected to play Winnie Mandela bender and color where it doesn't fit and how come it does work the other way if I was to play Winnie Mandela how would that go down she's a cat I don't know why would you even swai would you want to play mad I don't know what she's talking about it looks like she's like what if I played a black slave how would that go down pretty bad cuz it's about race James Bond has nothing to do about race and pot and identity and she's talking about the wife of Nelson Mandela so it's like explicitly about apartheid it's a fictional character that's a real person that's black about apartheid and what if I played Hitler and a film I think I would upset a lot of white supremacist and that's just not right frankly Oh I'm seen as a cow what's the issue watch her a white shaft [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up shaft was a film I don't need a play with us anymore I think we get it played the wrong one I would like to see uh would you watch white shaft dealer I actually don't know them I don't know if I've seen shaft what is Jeff sick Grand Jury Oh God not this one we can skip cuz there's a lot of stuff grand jury report no Allah our duty is to report the news we are here to report Kern events and news and culture and to tell you guys how to can feel grand jury report Catholic priests ran a child porn ring and six Pittsburgh basically throughout Pennsylvania this this is shocking to me I guess let's start with this video this this is horrifying wait is this in here yeah now this is this is just plain evil I mean I don't really know what how else to describe this in Pennsylvania there is an epidemic an actual pedophile ring okay a priest 300 priests I don't know how many priests are in Pennsylvania but I can't imagine more than like a thousand I mean I don't know it's the number but what is that what is that thirty percent that's a whole state and it just it kind of pisses me off because you're seeing a lot of people all these conspiracy theories about like satanic pedophile rings like this queue and on and pizza gate and all the [ __ ] Alex Jones goes off he says like the world is run by sick man and pedophiles Roe look at your own [ __ ] church this is the most evil [ __ ] I've ever heard in my life yeah how can you talk about pizza gate when the Catholic Church is literally a satanic cult when you have three hundred priests systematically abusing kids in Pennsylvania everybody in that organization knows it's happening everybody the priests that's part of the stories that they were covering up but how are they and I'm am I supposed to believe that they're not all participating how can you let that evilness slide in the church like their whole thing is community and serving God and like and so how am I supposed to believe that over the course of many decades you can have that many pedophile priests you're covering up and you're moving them around and you're not all in on it not just covering it up who's only everybody what do you mean everybody if 30% of the people that work for you are [ __ ] kids like what what what reason do you have to keep that system moving if you find a pedophile you can't come out and you apologize when you have 300 and you're covering a lot you're perpetuating a system that you probably want to keep going I think there's a lot more of these guys [ __ ] kids than just the 300 yeah and it's just so funny and ironic to me that people will go slander and and say dangerous [ __ ] like pizza gate and basically make up you anon and all the [ __ ] say Obama's a pet we know when you have this wrong like and and the [ __ ] that you're gonna hear is gonna make your sprinkle I mean this is really evil stuff so just prepare for this is shocking do I sound like a conspiracy theorist like I'm basing it on something well I'm not sure what are you everybody's in on the [ __ ] everybody the whole church not the not the people not the congregation but like all the priests the bishops well yeah I don't know I'm hunger and the Pope I don't know the Pope people were saying what was the last Pope that resigned that never happened people speculate that he was [ __ ] kids and he didn't want it to come out imagine the Pope is raping children and you're talking about pizza gate what do you really that it makes me think it do you really care about kids or is it just a political attack yeah did this [ __ ] is so upsetting numbers about child sex abuse by priests it found credible allegations exist against more than 300 priests and that more than 1,000 child victims were identifiable what is worse because of lost records or fear of coming forward it is likely the true number of victims is deep into the thousand Gingka Soros has been working this for us in tens of thousands mostly our massive investigation and it was with countless numbers of law enforcement prosecutors other attorneys within the office of the Attorney General and of course the grand jurors officials are saying that this report is the largest most comprehensive document into child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church that has ever been produced in the United States this report took two years it was written by 23 Pennsylvania grand jurors who listened to dozens of witness testimonies and which is just in the state's abuse in six diocese which is about 54 of Pennsylvania 67 counties the report states that the testimony was heard from dozens of witnesses and half a million pages of internal documents were subpoenaed it also states that there were credible allegations found against over 300 priests over 1,000 child victims were identifiable but it's believed that the true numbers are way more thousands way more priests waymarsh's boys but girls were also victims some routines some were younger some were manipulated with alcohol or pornography they were raped in various forms and fashions and grand jurors found that church leaders in every part of the state preferred to protect the abusers and their institution above everything else they listened to that every part of the state every part of the institution every single time as a church policy to protect the institution at the cost of the abusers perpetuating a system it's basically what exactly does the Catholic Church do except rape kids I mean what exactly would you say you do Catholic Church are you enjoying that tax exemption I mean I'm disgusted I'm repulsed like I think it's time to close it down I think it's time to walk shop up on that church imagine any other [ __ ] I mean I'm really upset imagine Scientology I mean which I [ __ ] my eyes imagine any organized religion being like oh yes sorry we raped all your kids you need to imagine what Scientology yeah I'm but I'm saying imagine this scope of like all the kids are being raped in Scientology yeah watched A&E sorry is that example no need to imagine yeah okay that example they're all [ __ ] up but what exactly do they do there why are we giving them a tax exemption and this is evil you guys this is just actual evil it's like like all the weird conspiracies you hear about pizza gay and like weird child sex torture and basements is happening in the Catholic Church yeah wait do you hear say because the cover-up was most important for these petitioners is Alex Jones ranting about this I don't know maybe he is I hope he is I'll be pretty weird if he wasn't I don't know how you can bring up pizza gate or queuing on and not this all day I don't know you can't talk about this all day if you care about pedophilia and for a time some of the diocese sought to prevent the entire report from ever seeing the light of day in effect they wanted to cover up the cover-up they sought to do the same thing that senior church leaders in the diocese we investigated who have done for decades burry the sexual abuse by priests upon children and cover it up forever the report states that because of the cup of it almost all of the be abused is too old to be prosecutors were story has issued presentment against two priests so out of the 300 300 plants they're only they cover for so long that these guys have passed the statute of limitation and can no longer be charged except for - I mean that's a criminal law organization that knows what it's doing folks right round of applause to these guys let's give them tax exemption let's make sure they never have to pay taxes it gets crazier here I'm gonna read some facts here I've got about this this is a quote from one of the victims George claims that's that the priests began taking photos of him on a camera all the priests giggled so there's many priests involved in this one location then added photos of him to a collection of other teen boys according to the grand jury these men and another priest were part of a ring of predatory priests that rape children shared intelligence of potential victims and manufactured child pornography in parishes and rector ease this group of priests used whips violence and sadism and raping their victims reads one line in nearly 900 pages of documents hello is the whole world talking about this I mean I know people are talking about it but Dan just looked he said nothing on Infowars about it I mean the story's a couple days old but like hello this is kind of insane you guys yeah and this isn't just the United States there's crazy in Argentina in Ireland this I mean there was huge stories about child abuse mm-hm it's like pedophiles are literally just joining the organization we shocked sadism she whips violence and sadism and raping systematic raping what I want to religious people after hearing this would still send their kids do whatever it is they're sending them to I don't know it's a good question it's the Catholic Church I mean it's the Catholic Church the Pope where does the buck stop where's the buck stop who's taking responsibility for this are we as a society taking responsibility for this that our kids and our citizens and our fellow our fellow citizens our children are being raped and the guys who did it are being covered up for so long that they can't even be charged these guys are chilling dude mm-hmm they're at our local parks and I'm not and I'm not I'm being serious see it wasn't the what was i saying earlier serious is what as the school shooting I forgot what it was thank you this world is so [ __ ] you guys why are we not pizza gate we have sir if you imagine being this [ __ ] they're only there was an email about a pee a handkerchief with the pizza and upside down it looks like a pedophile are you [ __ ] kidding me let me read this again the group of priests use whips violence and sadism and right raping their victims but at the hankerchief upside down why aren't you talking about this genius you don't need any more [ __ ] evidence my skin is crawling and there's more in and like the details of what they've done it's horrible it's even just horrible to read the report said the mint here this is this is so [ __ ] dude if you could top sadism I mean this is part of the state report said that the priests gave a specific gift to children they favored something they could wear that would mark them as prime targets for abuse he said they told me that they the priests would give their boys their altar boys were the favorite boys these crosses he'd George told the grand jury so he gave me a big gold cross to wear that marked him so all their other priests knew he was fair game for abuse can I get another look at that handkerchief there's no need for conspiracies guys this is as [ __ ] as anything your imagination can comprehend almost every instance abuse we found is too old to be prosecuted mmm here's some more highlights in green burl a priest impregnated a 17 year old girl forged a pastor's signature on a marriage certificate and divorced the girl months later another precinct greensboro groomed middle school students for sex according to the grand jury by telling them that Mary had to bite off the cord and lick Jesus clean after the Nativity what does Q and onl have to say about the well never mind this I can't wait to see why what what what Obama and George Bush and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton let's hear more about their sex ring in Harrisburg a priest abused five sisters from the same family and collected samples of the urine pubic hair and menstrual blood this is like you've seen that show true detectives how it's like so sick and twisted beyond imagination this is real nothing yeah you know the this the phrase stranger than fiction can't make this [ __ ] up yeah in Harrisburg a priest raped a seven-year-old girl who was in a hospital after her tonsils were removed in Pittsburgh this this is just the highlights that they got yeah this is just one state one area in Pittsburgh Church officials said that a 15 year old boy pursued and literally seduced a priest church officials that was their statement and defense of the priest that a 15 year old boy pursued and literally seduced a priest well I guess that clears that up a Church report later acknowledged that the priests had admitted to Sado masochistic activities with several boys are you sick yet yes I feel like people forget about this everyone's just like oh man there goes the Catholic Church again I'm ready to lock it up I don't think these guys their library card is being revoked what's going on this is the most evil [ __ ] I've read in Allentown a priest admitted sexually molesting a boy and pleaded for help according to documents but was left in ministry for several more years priest rapes a child he begs for help and they leave him there for several more years hmm it's just it's so horrible it's like how do you even what do you even say what I want to see action because we've been talking about this [ __ ] for like decades mm-hmm and it's just getting worse and worse here this is a wonderful one Allenstown a priest who had abused several boys according to the grand jury was given a recommendation to work at Disney World by the church they conveniently left out the part where he was a convicted child rapist would this priest be good can we get a reference for his job at Disneyland he's gonna be in a Mickey Mouse outfit taking photos with kids great guy loves kids really really loves kids great with kids highly recommend well he wasn't convicted right none of these guys well the church knew right no no it's going to them yeah that's too old right and Scranton isn't that where the offices sure is the electric city mm-hmm I pray my god a priest who was later served prison time for abusing children was found to have been HIV positive for years like he would [ __ ] care according to CBS the Pennsylvania grand jury report investigating the matter States the church officials gave a former priest a positive reference to work at Disneyland even though officials fielded at least one allegation about a sexual abusing a boy the report says he worked at the theme park for 18 years driving the train to the Magic Kingdom well isn't that a nice little analogy pretty creepy all aboard the ride to the Magic Kingdom his favorite ride Peter Pan where boys never grow up likes you know this reminds me when I was a kid and my neighborhood that was like a a religious neighbor I guess they had like a a I don't know what you call where you go to like classes when they teach you there they talk about the Torah and they teach you mm-hmm so like on Saturdays they would tell all the kids in the neighborhood to come and do they give popsicles mhm so I remember wanting to go and my dad was like he was up you're not going to this stuff cuz like now that I think about it's pretty weird why you're inviting kids and giving them popsicles why you want all the kids over there yeah with like this irresistible invitation yeah oh yeah it's so easy to be deviously hide behind religion that was really slick of your dad by the way yeah I wonder if people knew or if you just had the insight or Yeti and that was always very paranoid about this stuff and for good reason mmm-hmm I mean it's it's so ironic obviously that like under the guise of God and this whole institution of cracka is the most evil evil evil [ __ ] we all agree in this society everybody agrees like child rapists are like the worst right look we all agree mm-hm somehow I mean at this point if you give your church if you give your kid over to the church I mean you're pretty much taking a crapshoot pretty much there's like a really good chance they're gonna get molested [ __ ] that should really I don't know man it just pisses me off because there's all these stupid [ __ ] conspiracies that are ruining with like so little evidence that it's there's no evidence it's a total conspiracy that are [ __ ] with people that have nothing to do with this [ __ ] and they're ignoring it's making a joke of this serious actual well they're just using it as political attack and it can't be more obvious than this because they're not talking about the church but somehow Obama is a pedophile Hillary Clinton's a pedophile okay it's shocking man it's so evil it's so [ __ ] you how can you allow organization that's covered up that treachery that evilness for so long continue to exist they should be ran out I really wonder like what did the normal people think like actual religious people well I would like to know yeah can we get calls of Catholics like you gotta assume that your priest is most likely a pedophile I'm really curious what people are gonna think I mean everybody's covering it up okay what's it what's the number eight eight eight oh eight Dan hot meme eight oh eight hot meme which seems if there's any Catholics listening I'm gonna clear the call queue if you're on the if you if you've been holding sorry guys getting hung up on deal with it if there's a Catholic listening there's a strong opinion about this give me a call I'm interested in people that disagree with me I want to hear how you think I'm wrong about the church well they know well I'm saying like close it down so is it not as bad as I mean it seems like an arguably bad buy either way I want to know what Catholics think about this so meanwhile as we populate some calls we've got the casting thing that I don't really care about honestly and then we've got the this I do like Kevin Spacey billionaire boys club movie came out and it earned a hundred and twenty six dollars on opening day it was a limited release it was on like ten theaters but no okay but Adele $126 that's like ten people it's actually less probably that's just friends and family that's that's not even friends and family there was like thousands of people involved in that movie probably yeah 126 bucks [ __ ] you could made that work in that damn it's [ __ ] up that one person can [ __ ] up a whole project you know for everyone involved apparently it was a really awful movie though mm-hmm I saw in Rotten Tomatoes they had like 5% or something so I mean the name billionaire boys club got a better name that's got to be embarrassing though you should wish I'm not gonna say it I was gonna make a joke it's probably inappropriate as inappropriate as raping kids as a priest though no I feel like I should get a little more leeway on things well I am he's been a longtime favor of the podcast not the podcast of the show of HD reproductions we've I've enjoyed will.i.am antics because he's as far as I mean he's musically talented I guess not my style but he's very socially challenged and and he thinks he's very suave enjoying it wants to be Kanye he thinks he's Kanye I think you're right he is Kanye but I'm afraid he might be Kanye but without the yay he's more of like a straight-up con I don't know I don't know I'm not gonna call him a con but he's definitely a goofball just kidding so bite my - the joy of this rabbit hole we're gonna go down right now is that I saw this video and then I found out that there's actually a subreddit dedicated called cringe I am I was like wow this guy's prolific Cringer if he's got his own subreddit [ __ ] well let's start with this video you know tell me if you think this is interesting because this is a welcome voice you can like you just can't decide we don't figure out how we work together so this is for the show and what I think will be great for the finals there's nothing to do with how I feel about you being an artist moving forward so they're running out of time like really running out of time [Applause] [Applause] no it's tough [Music] yeah it's really not cute but we need a man that's its I will buy the - it's gonna be [Applause] oh my god get on with that and then when he says it nobody cares though whatever kind of a goofy and not that bad but like it's really more about the fact that there's a cringe I am subreddit and so then I might opt on over to there and I was like wow there is some good stuff here so kind of want to go down the list of cringe I am top of all-time and now this one is really poignant I would say it's very educational and might inspire you a little bit as well startup of the Year guys tip of the week what makes a great logo hmm first off your logo has to be just as impactful in black and white he so much reminds me of that kid is like you will you what you got you got my dream is do it you if your logo is not Pablo right like his icon then the ways know very very slick his eyes are you can't make eye contact and he starts all around or is on drugs or something collapses when you blow it up a really really big then there's a problem if your logo can't transform itself to other things and you still know what that logo is and there's a problem so your lunch should be able to have all those things what are they doing in the editor - camera they have a camera there and he's looking through that camera and companies he's not supposed to dart between here and now they show it when he's not I know but you're not supposed to dart between the cameras they just wanted like a nice profile shot and he's doing this he's doing like that I mean what'd I tell you supposed to do with that he's looking kind of in between them though company's objective on a symbolic level right because it you have to think of what India is going to do to the world right we know what Silicon Valley did to the world what we know what China does for the world we do but what India's gonna do for the world is they're gonna create this symbolic language because India is unique because they speak English he's talking about that logo talking about the logo damn he's awesome he's on he's on to something I wonder what his I wonder how he wipes easy a red jamming or what was it green jamming yeah know what green green jamming so they I don't want to pick up a red gentle going to add a whole new type of visual connecting language to the planet you know and symbology and logos are gonna put a big role on that understanding something just by looking at a logo or different symbols a new language a new type of get this dial up is where you can talk and talk about doesn't say anything well it's like it's really that that ultimate saying all you need in life to be successful is confidence and ignorance it's like if you have that unshakable confidence if you don't even think about anything you're saying you never consider what you're saying you're gonna sound to some people smart anyway do we have any callers let's see looks like we got one what's his name yam what do you think is this a call he's saying he's got one on deck that he thinks will be better so maybe hold off for a second okay guys well we've pretty much reached the end but I want to take this call I'm canceling cable I'm so sick of [ __ ] cable me neither well you know what guys let's get cable we got it for the first time ever like a few months ago right and it's so stupid well we said you know what people like cable let's try it out it was almost that's it nostalgic for me because I used I remember like at my parents house you could just turn on the TV and something will play right like you don't have to choose all the time right what to watch with Netflix and those kind of services but oh my god it's just commercial well first of all it costs like a hundred and twenty dollars a month okay which is more than double pretty much what it would cost to have every streaming app including like HBO and Showtime mm-hmm so then there are so many commercials like the other day I sit down for breakfast and it's at the tail end of the show and I'm sitting I'm eating and I'm just watching commercials and it's like five minutes long by the time I'm done with my breakfast the show's back on and then let's say you don't like the show you waited five minutes to see what it's about yeah then you want to switch a channel yeah always it turns on on commercials yeah then I can notify pretty much if you just go Channel up through all the main channels you're gonna hit commercials about 50% of the time the other 50% of time you're about to go into a commercial yeah like I can watch the same shows on Hulu without commercials why am i on cable why do I have cable I don't get it the only thing is that you can record shows but I mean if they never invented that dude but like and then the other day our recording thing wasn't working and it's not recording the show as we want there really is no reason to have this then the [ __ ] that's on there flip flop flip and flop you Pawn Stars it's like the dumbest [ __ ] that you didn't even know existed like I'm happier knowing that these shows don't exist there are so many house flipping shows do we need more house flipping shows you've got a gay couple you've got a black couple you got a white couple you got one Asian one a redhead couple you've got a couple that's divorced they're in Las Vegas they're in California they're in Houston they're in Florida with the lottery the lottery that was one have we talked about this before and there's we talking about it I don't believe these shows that exist there's a show on home on the so we must have talked about it there's one called my lottery Dream House where they get lottery winners and follow them to build their dream house with the lottery winnings I'm like how niche do you get there's so many news 24-hour news all day every day so many news so many people with opinions so many commercials so many commercials what am I missing hmm what am I missing why do people like cable do we have a call yet I'm just dragging on trying to waste time ok Gabrielle here here oh this is a good one right Gabriella that's the one all right let's bring her in Gabriella thanks for giving us a ring no problem so tell me about so ok you you've been listening to our conversation about the Catholic Church I have yes so what's your reaction to to what I've been saying um a lot of reaction so it's very interesting I went through 12 years of Catholic school and I'm still practicing Catholic my personal reaction is usually to just disconnect myself a little bit from kind of what's going on in the Catholic Church and just I still go to Mass there kind of work to disconnect that piece of it disconnected the priests the people the institution itself because then it kind of gets a little bit pulpy and weird but for me there's since I grew up going to church there's something calming about it but you really have to work to remove yourself and what's going on because I guess sounds like telling the priest will tell you how to go and what you should believe politically and you know there's a lot of things that I don't agree with with the Catholic Church for they still practice and I still believe in the fundamentals of that so what as far as all that yeah go ahead I was just gonna say it was there anything I said that upset you no I think that I think that the sex scandals has been going on since I've been very young and part of the way that the Catholic Church works is that there the priest moves around from congregation to congregation before the sex scandal started for me to be because they started but they move around from congregation to congregation to kind of mirror how the Possible's moved around and preached so a way of covering it up was this priests is moving to a different congregation when in reality I'm originally from Long Island New York they would use them to upstate New York so they would all be in one facility and then that's when the cover-up would happen so my high school is actually they just closed it down and one of the bishops from that whole Pennsylvania scandal is actually coming to Long Island that has been in the news quite a bit for us so it's just I don't even the cover up on some of this stuff I don't know if you soak learn to some of those Netflix series that go into some of the crimes but there's one called the keepers about the cover-up of in Baltimore right where people were killed yep and I have friends that went to that church and knew that priest and it's their reaction to kind of the whole thing it's just it's easy because the whole little cover-up went through beyond the Catholic Church and into if you have Catholics in the police force that it you know it you just gotten fella oh so inch but you you sound sympathetic to what I'm saying you don't seem to have it much conflict with with my claims no I it sounds very clunky though the way you're describing is like we've got Catholics in the police force you've got them all over the place they're all covering up I mean it sounds very cold like yeah some of my family that's very Catholic very by-the-book well what are your parents think about it because they're probably more old-school like I want to know what's the dissenting opinion yeah cuz I'm sitting here saying shut down the Catholic Church I want to hear someone be like yes I want to hear somebody say that's your [ __ ] that's [ __ ] up for saying that yeah I mean I would disagree with that right like I wouldn't want the Catholic Church shut down I would want to see some of the priests that were molesting children go to jail I think that it you're not above the law you know what I mean but don't but if you talk to like I'm sorry I mean if you talk to look go ahead I am my so you talk to like my stepdad he's very conservative it's kind of like there's all over now this one happening anymore it's all over now they're in denial about it they think it was a past problem the people are still digging up dirt yeah yep it's like if you're yeah I'm assuming you don't have kids right now right I don't but I have a nephew this was just baptized hmm are you worried about your nephew being around priests I mean I feel like you have to be careful with it right like the Catholic schooling is a lot different now because there are a lot less nuns and priests period which means that there's a lot of lay people that are teaching those classes there's not really a heavy you know presence of priests like yes we go to school depends when you're in the service I was like doing the altar serving and the things like that that it seems a little bit more intense and sketchy but I did I did date one person that any time it was brought up with like lie off the handle so you know that something happened and something like not great so the results like the long-term results of it you know even if you in a therapy to deal with it I mean it's still there it's like any sort of abuse sure abuses of you that doesn't matter well you sound it sounds sympathetic and yeah so well thanks for sharing your story yeah I mean well the truth is if you have an instant I I don't want to get an argument with you specifically because I mean you didn't come to argue with me so that's fine but like if you have an instant you say you don't shut down the church well first of all constitutionally I can't shut down to church anyway but it's like if you have systematic cover-up I feel like the institution has proven that it can be like why does it exist why does it exist at all anyway we don't have to I'm not trying to get argument through but thank you for calling god bless you appreciate you and we should I got put I'm not looking for people to agree with me for Christ's sake why I don't think you know most rational people would have well I feel like what I'm saying is [ __ ] up in a way because everybody outside all over the world and being like shut down the Catholic Church so I'm trying to understand why what I'm saying is [ __ ] up well I think that the one point she made that was interesting and it's probably true for most is that because you know that this particular story is about instances that happened in the past yeah I think a lot of people probably think oh we we clean this up it's not like this anymore you know what I mean which may or may not be true I don't know but that's probably how they rationalize it mm-hmm it's hard to know it's tricky it's really tricky gotta be careful in there when do your kids but isn't that [ __ ] up the first someone who's an active member of the church be like you got to be careful well yeah all right I've said my piece about it so disturbing story um shreddies gone nuts starting to shred cables here so guys thanks for listening hope you enjoyed this Tuesday episode this is the let me tell you what to think and feel episode those are the Tuesday episodes the right opinion episodes remember guys there's not much time left on these represent shirts you got it in black you got it in tie-dye you got a hoodie you got the extra thick hat sewn like four days left or not even less right then yeah I think it ends 3:00 Friday at noon so yeah about three days mmm and make sure to go to Teddy fresh calm slush collection slash sale that's up figuring out having a 50% off sale that's insane in it and how'd we do really some new items finally pretty soon in about two weeks oh yeah we're gonna make a video kind of a preview for Ethan in yellow before maybe not maybe definitely I'm excited you don't want to I just say maybe because we haven't posted in so long I don't even if it's like a vlog I just feel like a lot how do we do how was this episode it was good emotional rollercoaster like you said you look at I feel like feel like an [ __ ] like expressing strong opinions this is this is the strongest a therapy that's why you wanna know this show and I will be spending a lot of time a better help I need so much time on better help it was fine it was good you see how [ __ ] up I am you guys I'm having a dialogue on on camera we need to do this off camera I usually shuffle is that okay you guys was that show okay I want you guys to see just how insecure and how neurotic and anxious of a person I am on camera because that's what this podcast is about people say you know look now he's chewing on the car that is so cute you're so [ __ ] cute look you can say I'm an [ __ ] you can say I'm a Jew when you says an insult that's not okay that's true you can say whatever you want about me you know but I feel like this is as real as it gets this is live baby there's no take-backs I might sound like an [ __ ] I might sound like an idiot I might sound uneducated my tongue racist but this is as realizing it there's no take-backs this is live okay so forgive me if sometimes I sound stupid or offensive or you think I mean there's no editing it out mm-hmm it's all off-the-cuff this is live this is Who I am just like Garth Brooks said and that's just who I am there's no hiding from me when it's live me for myself there's no hiding from there's no be high for myself when it's live and so I want you guys to see how neurotic and insecure and anxious I am because the truth is you guys probably think I'm a perfect cool ass dude it just it's confident always all right just [ __ ] good what is it but the truth is boy I don't feel like that guy ever and think is important for you to know that right yeah all right [Applause] the only soundboard I need is don't get in my that's shut my ass down alright I hope you guys enjoyed it please let us know if you did or didn't you really want to know if they didn't I mean if everyone's like I didn't enjoy that that I should probably listen Dan will filter comments me that's not insecure and fragile I am I don't I can't be comments it I literally can't even see it that's how fragile I am you guys I want you to know I'm a fragile I am petty I am insecure and I'm deeply unhappy let you know I brought in the the podcast theme song which is very upbeat so doesn't remember that guys I'm not a I'm [ __ ] probably more than you are it's not a dick measuring contest I was gonna say you have a nice weekend but have a no it's not a weekend yeah that's what I'm saying but this Friday we've got Bert Kreischer which I'm excited about super funny the super great guy you finally get him in the podcast he's one of my favorite comedians I'm hilarious and shirtless I'm one if he's gonna wear a shirt it's good question actually I prefer shirt speaking frankly but I leave the choice to him and thinking where is the shy probably a today he sure did so tune in on Friday at our usual time I hope you guys enjoyed this and you've been filled in with the right opinion thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,084,276
Rating: 4.6474037 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3productions, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, ethan klein, hila klein, top of the week, post malone, post, malone
Id: mSmhbFr9zO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 1sec (8161 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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