H3 Podcast #74 - FouseyTube Meltdown & RIP DaddyOFive

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[Music] welcome everybody to the premiere experience in the podcasting world the h3 podcast experience all other experiences are lesser to our own this is the premiere experience today's episode is sponsored by stitch fix mint Mabel and empty empty movement i am ethan klein your grand wizard host of loneliness last week I was the Wizard of loneliness ela was supposed to be back this week she had to delay her return by another 10 days or so so I've taken on the title of Grand Wizard of loneliness not to do with the Klu Klux Klan by the way just my loneliness I will talk more about Ella's extended trip it is quite sad and unfortunate so I will save that for the end of the show and I'm not gonna lie to you guys I'm not wearing underwear today eel has been gone for three weeks I've never been away from her for this long she's finally coming back on Wednesday ela please come home I am come almost completely I'm out of underwear I have no underwear dude I just came out of the bathroom there's piss drip I'm dribbling down my leg onto my pants you know what I'm talking about that's why you wear underwear right that's the whole point that it catches your piss I don't have that protection anymore ela please I need you with that being said let's get right into it so I got a really exciting announcement announcing a new game we've got here know your meme we're going to be taking calls today and one very lucky caller is gonna chance to win a brand-new slammin hot samsung galaxy s 9 Plus what's the value of that Dan it's like around $1,000 now we who personally my favorite phone on the market and if you can call in and guess 3 out of 5 answers about Joey salads you're gonna win a brand-new phone here's the number if you guys think you have what it takes to know your meme with Joey salads call eight one eight two one four eight five zero four we'll be taking that one lucky caller after the break very very excited about that and true we want true salad heads by the way if you're not a true salad head will know and Ian will hang the F up on you quick okay so don't be wasting his time okay loving the sound board by the way this one's dedicated to you EULA but before I've got a lot I want to talk about today okay Lucy to Daddy oh five and so many more goofs and gaffes along the way but I really like as we did last time I was in here the trenches by myself you start off with a great video video of the day does that have a that work feel like it was a better the better title I was thinking video of bliss it's a bit over the top isn't it video of bliss I'm gonna think on it but I actually had two that I thought were so great I wanted to watch it at the top with you this one I got to tell you you're gonna you're gonna love this I can't I I'm such a skeptic I feel like part of me thinks this is fake but I have to believe in my soul and heart that it's real here we go this crawfish caught the [ __ ] penny Oh show that again yeah and that guy's just like I mean how do you react when you throw a penny at a crawfish and it catches it it's claw how do you react that's pretty much the only way but then it begs the question why was he filming to begin with right yeah yeah that's why are you filming a crawfish on a bathroom floor and then throwing a penny at it like what in what world is this something that you film that makes me suspicious yet again I've come full circle that being said I don't know I feel like it's real it [ __ ] looks real but I love why why why we need we need the captain we need the captain back yeah when the captain disillusion don't worry but like why would someone film this I mean what oh it's from Instagram yeah everything there's fake anyway I love it regardless and then there's one other one that I had to share with you guys this is one of my favorite videos to come from the internet in these past weeks this guy went to City Hall and gave an impassioned speech not about you know traffic or politics or whatever city ordinance tax [ __ ] you would hear at City Council no this man came was something much more important and pressing he came asking that massage therapist be able to jerk you off sometimes you got to go with sometimes you have to go to City Hall to get to fight for your rights why can't a massage therapist touch my dick if I pay her an extra 20 bucks 20 bucks is that it that's probably a good deal it's probably more than that anyway here yeah anyway this guy obviously says it better than I ever could so with that you know here you going seems quiet Dan it's a little different dude are you why is it different than you know you're right why is it different hell we let ask doctors finger men basically finger men all day not basically literally literally finger men's [ __ ] all day this guy's a hero dude don't question him I love that his in the crutch of his argument is what's worse I got to go back is that really was the argued he's like it's more nasty for the proctologist so let just let him jerk him off right he's saying what's the difference you're already getting in the folds when I just touched his dick along the way compelling argument I'd like to see a counterpoint made to that right right hey man brother what a patriot right Wow Wow full circle right there amen brother that guy's definitely a comedian right he's got the socks and sandals that would truly be a happy ending for everyone [ __ ] amen brother Danny fuer have you ever had got a massage like like a full-body Swedish massage Dan I have not I have seriously yeah never done it I was gonna ask if like I've gotten a couple times but I was [ __ ] applause sound effect I was gonna ask if it's ever moved when you were getting a massage I mean I can't say in a professional setting I mean you know obviously in private that's a different that's a different tale altogether but no I it's it's too weird I don't know I have like I have a some time I'm just saying it sometimes it moves sure I mean it's a natural what are you gonna do can you do anyway god bless - this guy Ian has it ever moved for you have you ever had a massage in he's off at set right now he's starting sprinkles all right ah God let's just say that he has though okay um so anyway I salute this Patriot and I'm all about it all right but that being said let's get let's get into them the main event here fouseytube I feel like it's like a repeat almost of last week when we talked about Connie tannic on just trying to decode and explain what's happened so fussy fouseytube if you guys don't know who he is he's a he began as a prankster and he faked a lot of pranks he almost he invented almost like the moral the righteous fake prank where it was like what was the example you gave me dan where he had one more oh yeah he's like he stands in the street and he's yelling at people for not having like their seatbelt on or something I don't know just like he's always got to have like a moral twist on it he kind of invented that whole thing so anyway he fell off I'm pretty sure he's been having a lot of mental issues and it seems like he's in a full-blown manic state right now I mean he let's start here let's start from the top yeah he says with two million viewers Drake is going to grace the stage of my concert he's only got two thousand likes that seems like a far away off two million views anyway he keeps saying that Drake's gonna be at a show Drake's gonna be at a show he's never he never talked to Drake he's ever known Drake he's he sells out the Greek a free show and he says Drake's gonna be there and obviously Drake never shows up but basically what ensues is a lot of insanity a lot of confusion and a very little crowd and him stalking Drake which is probably the best and I mean the best the most entertaining and concerning thing to come out of this whole thing this video pretty much sums it all up for me let me throw this up here for you this this video really has it all its got stalking it's got a Jarama let's hear it quiet dant can you turn it up yep got you to the people by the way he's taking this clip from someone else's show an upload this is a video on his channel right now so to put it in frame here so that this is when it gets really good so I think he probably spent about $100,000 reserving the Greek and I will say to his credit I mean I don't want to compare it to Tana Kong because what Tana did was basically sell supposedly free tickets and didn't even give on the event or refund people his was free so at least there's there's the a big separation to be made there I mean he's not scamming people he's just misleading people but it's a free show but what's really fascinating is just his clear mental decline here watch this is he is he I mean I can't tell if he's just like cracked out or if he's just on a manic rant yeah it it seems very manic yeah it seems very American and isn't he he publicly has a history of that does he not he yes yeah he's bipolar he said right so I just yeah I don't know I think people give fousey well let's keep watching let's get the whole frame of reference here great I'm trying to find some thought of item I'd like this please so tomorrow we've had theater I love that he included that I don't know who it was I don't even know if it was a police officer could have just been normal guy who's just like [ __ ] this idiot get back in your car he goes from being like a total badass to being like oh I'm sorry dude it's or nothing but he leaves it in which I find curious he clearly could have edited that out he finished his statement but he got and I and I hate to say this but he got cooked a little bit by whoever was on the street you know what I mean and he left that in find the interesting now this is when it get takes a really dark twist I mean first of all dude if there's a setting for any video talking to a celebrity this is him I mean look at look at this frame he's mean dude this is straight out of like a horror movie like are you in my basement right now foo see I mean listen what he says he's got the dongles hanging out those dongles are not a good look for anybody by the way let alone a celebrity stalker but let's watch cool you've acknowledged stop there I literally look and I'm acting like a crazy person right now cuz I'm outside of the house you're at stop there dude you just you just summarized it but he knows that it's not actually crazy even though it is don't ask me how I found it I've got ways creepy creepy ways you're probably wondering how did I find you you're probably wondering to yourself right now how did I find you and do I need to call the police and get a restraining order do I need to have my bodyguards bodyguards escort them out you're probably wondering don't worry about that don't worry it's interesting how we on one hand acknowledges all this how creepy he's being right and on the other hand fully committed it seems so manic is it doesn't see yeah doesn't seem like he's intoxicated or like on drugs or anything he's very clear-headed about it it's just nuts well symptoms of a manic episode I mean here let's read it off abnormally upbeat jumpy or wired boom increased activity energy or agitation boom exaggerated self sense of well-being and self-confidence yes unusually talkative racing thoughts distractibility I mean yeah yep it's extras the little layer of creepy that he keeps playing that God's plan loop this is like such a creepy stalker video of like a weird fan food.if who see ends up killing Drake I'll be like 10% surprised God's plan baby you might be thinking to yourself he's like over him Drake's sleeping in his bed and foo sees like hovering over him you might think this is a little strange Drake but this is God's plan for me to murder you right now in fact if you look down you'll notice is already a knife in your stomach I mean you know what he does meanwhile he's got on his phone God's plan looping God's plan little bit psycho and God's plan damn damn he's he's gonna come down to earth and cut in like I don't know how I don't know how long manic episodes last but he's gonna be like oh I don't know if Uzi he's an interesting guy like I don't know if I feel bad for him in a way because it's like he's it's it's such a strange situation with him because he has a fan base like when you're when you're having a manic episode and having delusions of grandeur the fact that he actually has a fan base and people encouraging him right that makes it all so much more [ __ ] dot so much worse he's just enables his delusions it's crazy can you imagine how [ __ ] having a 30-second conversation this never happened I promise that this event is gonna be huge but I need you for it to be huge it's like yeah [ __ ] obviously he doesn't need you though unfortunately he goes one way I'm like I'm like listen guys I'm putting on the hugest show of the year all I need is two POC and biggie to return from the grave and co-host it with me and it's gonna be the biggest concert ever put on yeah sick hype bro how long to take you to make that and premiere oh hey now my video can get copyrighted just [ __ ] me up thanks really thanks foo see you're [ __ ] all of our monetization up now now I got beef with you where's my mouse so he uploaded on his channel I mean it's still up of him literally here's a this always trips me out when I can see myself it's still up of him publicly stalking a celebrity on his channel which just shows you how unaware he is of how strange is his behaviors so that's that's where that's kind of where it began he's now withdrawn from from the internet right I don't know he's retreated back into into his cave yeah I don't know he he he posted a diss track on rice gum which I find strange like I clearly acting's not working out for your dog that was a pretty corny read clear clearly acting uh not working out for me like I just acted that out better than him when I was trying to act that can I and that was really Khaled on the phone crazy crazy so anyway it's just it's really just another YouTube hip-hop fit it you guys seen a thousand of these rap video but what I found fascinating about this was the vision board here let me play for a second just so you can kind of put into perspective what he hoped for this song it's a rice gum district so anyway you get that I mean really get the idea that's all you need to see so his vision for this rice come district is number one song on Billboard Hot 100 can you imagine the country banking to a race come dis track 350 million views in under three months when what [ __ ] planet it's a race come dis track bro like if you wanted to actually make an accessible song why would you just write it about anything else club banger on radio in the entire world at least once a day manifest your dreams just as I did man I swear to god I'm I feel like I'm entering the mind of madness reading this help each other achieve each other's dream kill your ego you got a long way to go there buddy so I thought that was pretty pretty cute pretty interesting well guys I mean we can get it there we got to get this on top billboard number one I'm sure it's really close it's climbing it's climbing fast god I really need a look back I need a live a kid next week next week next week baby Wednesday no [ __ ] underwear I always joke about people getting [ __ ] stains I'm like who gets [ __ ] stands I'm in pants with [ __ ] and piss inside of it I'll show you if you don't believe me there's little [ __ ] streaks I've got shmegmer building up on my penis I didn't have foreskin Eva changes my diaper and cleans my dick telling you ela please come back where was I event yada yada yada he holds the event at the Greek a free show how many C's does a Greek have like 10,000 not quite where's this video okay whatever Greek holds I believe around six or seven thousand okay pretty big show so this this is my favorite thing cut so this is the show it's happening the fousey hasn't even showed up but this this is the [ __ ] crowd I mean what is that like 20 people there at the stage and this DJ man god bless his soul crushing it huh look at the employees they're like what is this like these guys are you still like assuring like huge so how depends what the [ __ ] is this I swear to God food CMOS I I mean getting the Greek we were gonna spend twenty five thousand just to rent out the ACE which is a two thousand seat theater right that was twenty five thousand this on all this [ __ ] I'd say at least a hundred thousand he spent on this yeah and I mean the Greek is it's an iconic venue it's very very much in demand yeah it's not not cheap well on a weekend - oh yeah on a weekend damn yeah that's that's a pretty penny right there it's trying to hype up the crowd well I don't know man you're mixing doesn't sound that good I love that even the DJs in on this ludus delusion what if Drake just walked on stage right now to the hundred of you huddled around the stage he'd be so mad no dude it's because you not drink killing it brushing it damn that's a that is a coal to crowd my dudes that that's the vibe there there's basically nobody there and then someone calls it because it's live-streaming it's got like 60,000 views he said he was gonna get two million Drake was gonna come out there's like a thousand people there sixty thousand people watching online that's kind of a lot to be honest but I think most people are watching just for the beautiful train wreck that they knew it was gonna be and somebody called a bomb threat which is just like cherry on top I mean it's like I'm not surprised I'm not surprised there are conspiracy theories and I have to say they're compelling because you always have to ask yourself who benefits the most from this crime bomb threats called could totally be anyone on the internet I mean that is a that's a juicy mean but a fousey called the bomb threat he wasn't at the venue yet he was waiting to see how big it got if Drake would just I don't know what he thinks happen if like Drake was just like materialized he's like two million I'm here but if he called it in himself I wonder if he was able to get a refund to be like oh man the show never happened or oh I have to be embarrassed because Drake never showed up you know what I'm saying he kind of benefited the most from that bomb threat which is why it's a compelling conspiracy theory and I'm not saying that how dare you say I would never say or implicate or say and it make any statement like that there's an opinion you know what I'm saying there's a thought experiment I'm merely asking questions I've been through enough lawsuits one by the way and that's plenty that's plenty there is some sense in it you know I mean he benefit he really he did frankly I can see him benefiting from that bomb threat but like you said I mean you know people get swatted all the time they literally could be somebody else just generally yeah easily whoever was by the way [ __ ] that person and I hope they get caught if it does end up being food soup wouldn't that be like the greatest twist in this epic saga ever am i explaining this to people understanding this making sense who gives a [ __ ] it's all so stupid there's just another thing of like YouTube is just devolved into such like why is he famous you know what I mean like YouTube is YouTube has turned into this like engine for creating Fame for people who should never had even a taste of Fame the most fousey should have ever been famous for his stockinged rake like there's so many people and when you give Fame in like because Fame it has it has a lot of power and frankly a lot of responsibility that comes with that and when you give it to somebody like that and many others on YouTube it's like you're giving a bazooka to a monkey Lucy should not be famous man so many other people the Khans Tanna should not be famous my god Tanna should be working at Wendy's specifically Wendy she does the other fast foods for some reason don't ring true to me she should be serving up Wendy's and yet here she is you know well she might be serving on burgers in prison pretty soon somebody's got to cook them you think they get burgers in prison maybe I think they probably do that's pretty dope it doesn't sound that bad after all I don't know this is why I'm like I feel like I don't I don't like I love the podcast coz I I really feel like we're doing our own thing but I just feel like youtuber is becoming and YouTube itself is just like what is this it's like always the same [ __ ] like this is [ __ ] stupid I'm I've been talking about this I got to finish this story though it's reality show you know it's the same I guess right but it's almost I mean maybe it's not worse I don't know I guess you're right it is the same impulse but people look at Kim Kardashian I mean I guess a lot of people look to them as role models I guess it's the same kind of Danna not that I know so then basically the bomb threat shuts this whole [ __ ] down and he shows up gets on his gets on a car of his uber drivers was fired by the way after this so good he's like I'll give you he said this isn't the video but I'm not gonna bother showing it to cuz it's like come on give me a [ __ ] break but he says I'll give you $50,000 if you let me stand on your car and deliver a monologue to everybody and he's like okay you know so it goes on the car he makes him hit a blunt he gets fired obviously and then Lucy's sharing their text messages of the uber driver being like dude I got fired I really need this job I need the money and he's like talk to my accountant my accountants gonna hook you up whatever I can't tell if that's flab or six-pack he's got it rolled up though why does he have it rolled up what is you're already wearing a wife-beater it's the most a breathable shirt you can possibly wear so it's like it makes it look like he's wearing a sports bra it does got some nice titties boy there's some support right I can tell his flab or its muscle but he's real hold up just take it off I mean take off the [ __ ] shirt at that point your you've gone 70% of the way training bra you've got a training bra on for some luscious breasts you've been grilling it sounds weird to say up training bra and luscious breasts next to each other you know I mean there's like ten years apart let's move on I love that line it's really not a great insult heating up my breath you're heating up your breakfast well anyway let's watch this [ __ ] I'm you know don't drag this out too much by the way his event is called like hate thighs Love Wins or whatever I've arrived yeah and he just gets on this car and he's [ __ ] talking [ __ ] to everybody [ __ ] you well to be fair he there's a lot of love sprinkled in there seemingly at random to little love a little hate no he should call his vent a little love a little hey that would have been accurate I would have accepted that is a more accurate just coming to throw a convention call a little love little hate it's a balanced meal anyway this this is an image of a man on the verge of a complete you know this reminds me of remember the Kony guy the Kony guy he became the biggest meme on the internet right then he was jerking off at the corner some corner in San Diego mm-hmm he was like the most important guy and then he was jerking off in public [ __ ] is a couple is a couple stressful days away from full-blown masturbating in public I mean I wouldn't be at all surprised if he whipped out his dick right now on that car he's just sharing the love did now that's what I call love arriving give me three seconds my love is about to arrive baby anyway you get the [ __ ] idea who gives a [ __ ] yeah anyway I really for me he's he's having a mental breath there's really no question about it definitely he's he is bipolar and he said that so the do needs help he needs intervention man he needs someone who loves him and cares about him to step in and be like dude let's wrap this up before you get your dick out in public cuz there's no going back once you go that far absolutely yeah the top of this week when we heard about all of this and I started investigating it I was laughing my ass off I thought was hilarious in the mirror I watched the laughter was fading as well oh this is this is actually kind of sad this event is called the the laughter dies and the concern arises all right let's take a quick break we got we're gonna come back with know your meme featuring Joey salads I'm so excited to play this game we've got two all prepared Joey himself has recorded answers so you are not gonna want to miss this guy's see you soon it's hard enough to dress myself let's be honest especially with Iligan it's impossible talk about going to a store buying stuff making decisions it's it's unfathomable that's why stitch fix is changing the game so convenient stitch fix is an online site you go you tell them your style your preferences your budget and they have a 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minimalist again don't take it from me take it from the two million people that are wearing this right now and getting tons of people touching their dick probably tons of that so get 15% because the watch looks so good they're just like oh [ __ ] let me grab your dick not in a sexual assault way just like oh my god it's like you want it and then they touch it it's not like a crime get 15% off today with free shipping and free returns by going to nvm t.com / h3 cyn VMT keeps growing check out their expanding collection go to and VMT dot-com / h3 and join the flippin movement welcome back everyone to the experience I miss us so much god I wish it wasn't [ __ ] my [ __ ] diaper right now I you know what I feel like feel like Bo Anil is my Papa I should tell you got we were goofing around on Twitter a little bit that Drake was gonna be here where that's not real he I just I have to stalk him a little bit later I have somebody I have a bunch of goons stalking him right now so if we can get up to a hundred thousand live viewers on the stream right now I don't know what we're at but Drake will as I understand it from fousey he will basically materialize into the podcast studio so you know tell everybody to tune in so I just told I'm really excited for love to arrive I should tell you guys by the way that fousey reached out to me yesterday I almost had him on the show today I almost had him on he reached out to me and said something like only you can cut through the [ __ ] if you ever want me on like said he'd save himself for you he said that his virginity I mean you want should we find out I see I wonder if he's into giving happy endings which is every American's god-given right you should take all of this manic energy he has and go he's not gonna at the City Council meeting get all that manic energy and put it into rubbing my dick anyway he can't he contacted me and I almost had him on but I was like I I don't know I'm I miss my I feel like with ela gone I gotta play it straight I get into trouble when he was gone you she's back home dealing with some really heavy-duty stuff I got a good do it straight I wanted to talk about what's going on with ela so I was I don't I don't want that circus coming in here and and like I don't really care that much fun being honest you know I mean really good until I mean what's there to say yeah what's her to say the guy's insane really he's a lunatic right there's not really anything more a breakdown than that you know alright let's go let's get on with it no you're mean guys alright here we go here we go I'm excited you guys are gonna love this I really we we put effort okay so here we go welcome everybody to know your meme the first episode featuring Joey salads do you know your meme let's find out with our first caller Dan the music seems too loud okay I mean it sounds good on the stream but I'll pull you there let's take our first call Laura Laura you're on the air how are you Laura keep it together we're playing a game here alright are you ready to play know your meme all right here we go question number one all right let me turn this music off to get a bit much Joey's most embarrassing recorded act is it a his dick pics leaked online be pinging in his own mouth or seed being caught race baiting fake pranks go ahead what do you think a B or C take you this is based on his own answer peeing in his own mouth is that final answer alright hit us with it Dan what is his answer damn really good try really really good try I would have guessed peeing in his mouth that's embarrassing for most people but sadly Joey is a host to many embarrassing moments and you were very close so based by the way you need three points we've got five questions so all hope is not lost okay you're good so we're moving on to number two okay what does Joey salads like most about Donald Trump is it a his policies B his swagger or C his hate for Hillary Clinton take your time well stop getting the mind of Joey salad enter the mind of madness swagger is that your final answer go ahead and roll it that's right Swagger's correct all right Joe you take you explaining to I yeah yeah we got it we got it yeah that is correct his attitude his swagger you have crew you have successfully gotten the mind of salad and you're doing great you've got one point you need two more we've got three more questions okay you feel how are you feeling feeling confident you're holding it down you're doing great here we go question three what percentage of Joey salads pranks are faked a 50/50 B they're all fake or C they're all real enter the mind of salad take your time a B they're all fake that's a debt that's a very definite answer it's all answer well take cube take a moment think about it [Music] Jenny 10 cents man running out you have 10 seconds on the clock a B or C 50/50 your final answer is it 50/50 Dan congratulations Laura you are just one correct answer away from this brand new Galaxy S 9 plus do you need this phone will you cherish and enjoy this phone that's a good answer it's a really good answer alright there's two more left you only need two ones needs one right you know we got this we got this okay what is Joey salads real last name is it a salah' T no cell a teeny oh sorry Sal a teeny Oh B salad or C Saladino take your time that's a tricky one Salatin yo salad or Saladino enter the mind of salad what does your heart say [Music] let the final answer to the mind meditate you have one more chance so don't stress but we are running low on the clock what is your answer saladin oh is it Saladino dan do we have any winning music Dan we've been winning music I guess it's a little salad do you know that is 3 correct congratulations you're a winner we've got one bonus question if and let's just say it let's do this ok cuz I you know we've got these answers from Joey they're all terrific so let's do this if you get this wrong you lose the phone no I'm kidding I won't do that to you I'm kidding but let's just play it let's just play it for fun alright if you get this right we're gonna include some swag some extra swag you're gonna love crazy [ __ ] dude it's ranges Drake basically Drake's gonna show up to your house mm-hmm are you I don't know if he'll do anything you want literally talked about it so that's what I'm offering you is yeah I don't know if you're into that but that's what's on the table what no no no he's coming with much more than singing okay so there's really nothing on this table but I love the tension so let's melt it Joey what is Joey salads favorite type of salad dressing is it a ranch be Italian or see does he hate salad itself and a stunning you're confident a true fan hmm a true listener hmm I like you very much Laura and I'm glad we're giving you this phone because gee I have to say Dan what is the answer yes you are the ultimate winner Laura crushing no you're mean coming through with a staggering four points out of five this brand-new Samsung Galaxy S nine plus is yours unreal and Drake is gonna come he's gonna sing for you and so much more and that's my personal guarantee do dan how do we keep her on the line can we pass her over to Ian to get our details yes we will yeah stay on the line and we'll stay on the line Laura thank you for the first winner of know your meme everyone give a round of applause that was a lot of fun thank you very much and God bless you god bless all right all right I think that went pretty well hey that was a lot of fun we were worried that people wouldn't be you know up to snuff on the flora Joey trivia she entered the mine of salad four out of five was stressful when she missed the first one which is kind of exciting yeah yeah know that there was ups and downs oh my god we got it gutters I want to do one with like Ethan Bradberry and Moe hmm yeah I got to think who else would be really good at this but that was that was a blast I'll do the Bradbury's we could do we could do mr. Antonio Bradbury farms forever guys I want to look back in Memorial today daddy of five as you all know was the great and wonderful youtuber who filmed himself abusing both physically and verbally his children for the amusement of everyone on YouTube and if I can continue my thesis of youtubers being garbage that shouldn't be famous he is really the main exhibit there here you have a man like if we can pull up just an image so that you all know kind of what I'm talking about here you have a man white trash as as as humanly possible who has found fame and fortune on YouTube daddy of five I mean give it up I mean there's nowhere else in the planet where a man like this ladies and gentlemen a man like this could ever find Fame look at that he he and his wife who won't say much but man she is something him and his wife we're abusing their kids actually had quite a fan base half a million subscribers hundreds of thousands of views on every video and there was one that really crossed the line the police got involved they actually they're convicted for child neglect he had some kids from a previous marriage right they were removed they were removed yes right and he was convicted from for child neglect and his first channel was shut down but being the Intuit that I won't say the industrious the ingenuity the great daddy-o 5 rebranded himself he returned triumphantly to YouTube under the flag of family of five beautiful he's back he's been back at it for several months until recently his name came up again and I'm sad to say after posting another video of abusing his poor son who I'm sure and I hate to say this about his son is probably gonna shoot up a school in five years and I don't enjoy saying that but I would I mean I keep an eye on that kid and I appreciate I mean I know that I've been through a lot and I love that kid he's a sweet guy but when you make your kid dress like this this kid's name is Cody this kids [ __ ] they just bully on this poor kid he's like man it's crazy they make him wear glasses with like look at this [ __ ] they make him wear these glasses and it's got like the tail so he can't drop them but it's like really tight around his head and you cannot wear the sunglasses protectors and not get your ass beat all the time you guys know what I'm talking about why the [ __ ] bro why the [ __ ] is the god of cringe blowing up Google Images talk about someone's who's challenged should be erased this guy's sitting naked in the [ __ ] Google Images I'm trying to run a show here he got me the god of cringe he got you he [ __ ] he got boo me how is he so high in the ranking for daddy of five I don't get that anyway he's back it came up again and YouTube finally has said daddy a five more like daddy of not having a channel Wow [ __ ] roasted crickets on that one so I thought we would look back and cherish the moments we had together so this is from him one of his new channels actually I thought you guys might enjoy this once again Cody is the subject of his ridicule the title of the video this is a reupload dad destroys sons Nintendo DS and well I don't know about you but that's pretty much the title of a loving family if I've ever heard long absolutely only on YouTube can you enjoy actual child abuse on the many fine tastes available here among many others this is like an episode of police except nobody's arresting him by the way and his crime his crime is that he just keeps taking his dad's D s and playing it this kid nothing better to do in his life what wants to play his dad's D s when he's not using it [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] that need nerd needs to go down and guess who's gonna be the one to do it his dad hosted so this is just the screeching [ __ ] war zone and hundreds of thousands of views this is good [ __ ] this is good [ __ ] dan his wife sounds like the [ __ ] Wicked Witch by the way I was like unlike I mean listen to this piece of work what are you cooking kids she's got a crazy voice man I got to tell you if you could make the most white-trash hick ass hillbilly [ __ ] and sin they wouldn't compete with family of five I got guys can you imagine your dad screaming at you like that so you know everyone in his school is watching this dude sometimes you got a teacher can a lesson the worst part is like oh it's somehow they drunk that he's putting on a good show damn this guy must have the emotional maturity of like a real 12 year I mean he's bowling imagine bowling your own kids like not like being rough with them or tough with them actually bullying your own child and then and then sitting down at a computer with that footage editing and editing it well dan I have to tell you you're gonna appreciate where this goes because his editing comes into play in a really terrific way it's an accent you know okay the best editing is usually invisible you know this videos is marinated finally all right someone save this poor child it looks like a merc he looks oh yeah you terribly yeah yeah yeah yeah II imagine that's your dad I feel like he's putting it on for the video too but he can't tell the difference the kid certainly can't you know no same to them he's thinking right now this is good drama again some good [ __ ] right now I've squeezed some good drama out of these kids right now teach him a lesson teach that little piece of [ __ ] nice you got him good man really good it gets good it gets really good there's a scene I want to find a great scene he goes to uh the scene where he goes to the garage and starts hitting it with a mallet notice his brother flank jump kicking him in the head with no intervention from his parents he goes through the garage with a mallet and starts smashing it where's that well regardless this is when it gets really good down this is what I was referring to I hope you enjoy this editing feat wow I really wonder why so poorly adjusted to the world I don't know man I just thought if I had a kid and beat the [ __ ] out of him in Yoda and all the time and destroyed his stuff he'd grow up to be a good kid I'm gonna work for him right yeah he died great yeah okay he edited and sad [ __ ] music and cherished this when I heard that I was like no [ __ ] way put that in he's a guard away it's not for him it's not for Cody it's for the dad the dad's heart is broken I see but watch you'll see he lays it down alright we've seen enough Cody it's about you know watch he's suffering being a dad of five is tough sometimes you have to discipline your kids for the greater good because they're liars and they're thief's by no fault of your own life stuff and you need sad music to help the audience understand how stressful life is and you're gonna act really sad and upset Wow very consciously putting on vlog camera yeah thank you make sure the framings nice let's let's forget it was to his selfie camera work there though well here good he's a pro but I have to say let's let's definitely forget that he's holding a vlog camera on one hand pointed at his face while having a breakdown in the other hand damn that music is really gut-wrenching and I feel so bad he's so sympathetic yeah I feel so bad for this daddy-o five he's forlorn oh oh he doesn't care about the camera anymore how long he's gonna care fade to black he died listen his torture room man if you thought he's a shitty guy listen where is he I had to do it it really hurts him and upsets him that he had to do that and you got it anyway [ __ ] good riddance you [ __ ] psychopath [ __ ] that guy god damn this is okay again this guy's famous on YouTube this guy has made a healthy living on YouTube and I get I don't know what my point is because there's plenty of legit people on YouTube too but um well in he's gone now what I don't understand why was he a while back yeah I don't know he is it the family of five channel after being a convicted child neglect er was allowed to continue I don't know I don't know but they just shut it down finally so who knows who knows I mean I guess better late than never but [ __ ] so give it up to daddy of five rest in peace I fear blip when he loses his livelihood I fear for what will become of that family speaking frankly well we're at the bottom of the show and I had mentioned at the top of the show that um heelas alou's dealing with some stuff back home and I didn't want to talk about it cuz it's really happy but I do want to talk about it right now is that Ella's dad passed away about I guess it was probably like three or four days ago now so it's great it's so crazy like she went there for two weeks she planned to go there for two weeks and when she went there he was it wasn't fine he was terminally ill but I mean nobody expected that he was gonna die during her stay there like he he picked her up from the airport it's just I don't know it's been it's been really a wild ride for her I mean she knew her dad was like terminally ill but like the day she arrived they were giving him radiation treatment because his lung cancer has spread to his brain and the doctor was like we really need to kill this tumor with radiation the chance of success is really high and it takes eight weeks for it to work so they and a week after that he [ __ ] passed away it was just so crazy man like I don't know she's been she's been going through a lot and I do want to say about Ella's dad I have talked about him on this podcast a couple of times some wonderful moments I'll say fondly now because they were always kind of like not taken very seriously the first great one being that he told me he said ela don't ever let Ethan come in this house if he's coming over here with socks and sandals that was my move back then I was wearing not just like sliders but flip-flops the one with the string in the middle so I was wearing a white sock all the way up and the string like shoving the sock in it was not a good look and frankly I understand it's embarrassing this is my son-in-law I thought it was funny but he was serious and frankly he's a he's an old-school guy he's all about respect and integrity but I didn't wear sandals to house again and frankly I don't do that anymore because it is pretty insane way to walk around the world so I can if I can in retrospect appreciate that that was a changing point for me straighten you out the next great moment Jochen on moment was um god we've told the story but it's like back in the day when we first started YouTube there was this one video called shake that dick and it was so obscene when I can't watch it's so vulgar and like our videos weren't particularly vulgar but this is the one for some reason the one that he actually saw and it was a parody of shake that ass and it was the lots of close-ups of me wearing like basketball shorts without underwear shaking my dish was disgusting and obscene and he saw a that's the one he had to see and he says ela if you guys keep making videos like this I will I'm gonna disown Ethan from being my son-in-law and once again I I get it you know I don't know why that had to be the one but that's the one but that's he's a guy that was all about he's old school he's all about respect and integrity and upholding the family name but I have to say he was he was always good to me I mean when I when we moved to Israel from America he's like a really old-school dude he let me move in with them he had never met me before and he let me come and stay with them and sleep in their house and he always treated me well and he always welcomed me and he fed me and he gave me a chance to to be there and work there and make it work with ela and he definitely could have been like weird guy coming saying my house I mean that's that was a huge stretch for him but it definitely me definitely gave us a chance that that made it all work but it's for it there was something that ela told me that was like really I guess heartbreaking in a way not really but nice is that you know he from that moment where he was like Warsaw shake that dick at the funeral ever all of his friends and family were telling yo that he was yeah he was telling all of the friends and family how proud he was of her and us in particular of what we we had accomplished since then and they were saying like he was always bragging about you guys sharing your videos on Facebook talking about you and with everybody and we unfriended him after the the shake that dick thing because we're like all right we can't you can't be seeing these well we didn't even know every time we posted a podcast or video or a post or whatever he was really was sharing it on his own Facebook page to his family his all school traditional conservative family this was like the last picture they took to get together like right when you went in the hospital was like a week left and he's got a big-ass [ __ ] smile on his face and he's rocking that Teddy fresh and he's basically one week from death I mean he's in pain all the time and like I don't know just the fact that he mustered that big smile for EULA rocking that Teddy fresh I mean he was he was a great one he was a true supporter and he really enabled us to to thrive and succeed in Israel I know I got thinking about like I've been thinking a lot about just this whole concept of like saying goodbye it's like we're always it's like it's so hard like we're not ready we're not trained at all like we don't ever think about death or like how to say goodbye to loved ones or even for us to say goodbye we don't confront death it's always like swept under the rug and my bandmate and my really good friend Isaac's mom also passed away suddenly earlier this year so we made a little song that we dedicated to Ella's dad and Isaac's mom so that's the end of the show I hope you guys enjoy the song thanks for watching [Music] everyone can say hello everyone knows I say hello to leave you ways to say goodbye I'll see you on the other side everybody know [Music] the place we're all bound to go nobody knows nobody knows [Music] to say goodbye I'll see you on the other side everybody know everyone knows today is just a day buried in the blanket of time he taught me how to say hello didn't teach me how to say good goodbye is just a pile of stone I walk along a row of stone everyone knows the row of star to see you and to say goodbye laid across the moon that side everybody know I see you when I close my eyes nobody knows nobody know when the dream will fade away I walk along the roads you think everybody everyone knows today is just a day buried in the blanket of time you taught me how to say hello they teach me how to say goodbyes just a pile of stone goodbye just a pile of star [Music] you you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,444,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fousey, FouseyTube, h3h3productions, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, ethan klein, hila klein, h3h3
Id: 2MJLPgGbyY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 4sec (4744 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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