H3 Podcast #90 - Celebrity ASMR & Elon Musk Suspended From Twitter

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[Music] welcome my dudes my doggies and my Kazee boys to the gazebo only zone I'm your host ethan klein i am sick as a dog this is my beautiful pregnant wife who I love and adore she's the angel of my life in the light of my life she's everything that I've ever hoped to find a partner and so much more Lila climb I am so sick I'm delirious I'm out of it you know you're still embarrassed by my introduction I see yeah it's true it's all true and so much more thank you I am so sick I am completely out of it yeah I've been pumped with all the quills the bacon wheels the knight coils the Twilight quills what do you get when you combine nyquil and dayquil I'm in the Twilight well right now and start a Wiccan quill oh yeah after today I'm gonna be weekend coiled out oh and thank you to our sponsors audible me undies LinkedIn I almost forgot about those great dudes I'm so out of it so this is gonna be a roller coaster ride guys thank you for joining us on this beautiful blessed Friday Oh Friday don't we all love it so much yes I'm happy to share this special day with you all we had Tom Segura and Christina P two of my favorite people on the planet were scheduled beer on Wednesday I was sick unfortunately we're gonna get him back on here soon I love those guys went to Disney yesterday with my family which made my illness worse so but you know what that's enough about what's going on in my life let's get to the science of why we're all here today last week and it's been part of the show mythology I would say is we have these Twitter polls which really illuminate I would say some of the darker parts of our society not dark in the sense of being tat being unethical or nothing to be feared but I'm on dark in the ocean shadows in the shadows and that it hasn't yet been uncovered or looked at yeah we are we are great searchers weirdoes great discovers we are now all the pranksters do like social experiments this is real [ __ ] she's the parent dude I want to be surprised to see some of these Twitter polls being quoted in such reputable articles as Wikipedia so we have one last week about do you smell on your hand and you fart on your hand and smell it I'm so out of it do you fart on your hand and smell it so first we did do you like the smell of your own farts and most overwhelming obviously yes and there was some nice don't understand it like I got it kind of upset because I feel like you were kidding but you're saying that you're serious but like you're kidding well the poll speaks for itself yeah so first of all there was some disbelief that people liked the smell of their own farts but then we took it a step further we said do you fart on your hand and smell it and most of the people in here except for Zach who's only honest being here was like what is wrong with you they say they say Ethan you are a you shouldn't exist they say to me so let's go to this poll because this was a prolific vote I would say this was a paramount benchmark vote we took place here have you ever smart farted on your hand and smelled it a hundred and twenty four thousand votes that is a huge number and let me say 51% yes mm-hmm and after this poll I bet you it's gonna go even higher we even saw a couple when we were at Disneyland and the guy had to tell me that he does it too yeah an ex-girlfriend I said can I smell your head Eleni stew I sniffed his head he had a turkey leg in it and it was a fart and a turkey leg it was a great time we had there Disneyland so there you have it guys this is science this is real science we're doing here amazing but then so I got an email from a fan a podcast at age six reproduction calm and she blew my ass out with a new one she wanted to broach with us mm-hmm let me read this email from autumn autumn gee hello Ethan and Ella lately on the show you guys been talking about your girls habits in ela almost every time has said she does not share these strange routines so as a heel kleiner I admit when I'm on my cycle I will often smell my blood nope sometimes I find it satisfying and sometimes I find it gross lately my blood has smelled similar to red wine and I've never smelled my blood when it's in it oh she says and I never smell my blood when it's in a tampon well how does she smell it this so I hate the smell and that is why I usually prefer to wear a tampon cuz I think you don't smell it as much but how does she smell it you just from the toilet if you wear like a pad yeah oh then you take it off and it's kind of like a walk it's like a strong odor I hate it what does it smell like gross like body odor or like blood but I guess you like like stink it's gross woah see as men I think all the middle listening to this are like wow I know we're not supposed to talk about this it's like the ladies pack girls don't poop they don't for it and they don't have their area stink did you all know that period stink [ __ ] no what did you think I never thought about odor being involved don't know maybe I'm not describing it right but I find it bro it sounds like you're right I mean she says herself she sniffs her period blood sometimes satisfying some do you ever find it satisfying I always gross sometimes more gross than other times if I smell it more but you think it's all equally gross because she sinks sometimes it has extra stank I guess that's possible I never thought like it smelled like red wine does it have anything to do with the volume of blood that's in it probably and does it have anything to do with the wounds last time you changed your tampon like if how much body odor and sweat gets mixed in I don't know fascinating wow this is new so you're saying that it uniformly always smells bad and you even go so far as to wear tampons to avoid smelling it altogether yes so what I want to post to our female listeners today is um do you ever smell your period but so we are gonna make a Twitter pull Dan you've got the sugar for ladies only head on over to a street podcast on Twitter if your lady and cast your vote do you ever smell your period but now these are fully anonymous votes so you don't have to worry about being outed or being discovered or mhmmm anyone knowing about your disgusting habits which we all have so don't worry but I am truly fascinated by this period blood smell it's a new concept it's a paradigm shift my understanding of periods how was their early voting I'm very curious so my initial refresh fifty three votes and it's about 50/50 it's 49 51 right now we're gonna be 50/50 no yeah of course no there's been huge swings there's been huge we've had 70 30s and yeah yeah we had a 60-40 with the front wiping yeah no that's what I thought it would be I think would be I expected that cuz I if I'm a woman and I have stinky periods I'm smelling it because I'm already saying I smelling my farts I bounced climbing in that that 50/50 ratio in Houlton it's holding steady I would think that I would be smelling my period blood you think so yeah I would be because I scratched my balls and smell my hand I think I think there's just two type of people in the world I think so probably the people like are in denial like me yeah you're in I I do think that true you look yeah because it sounds I don't want it to be true because it sounds like you do smell your period you're aware of this man I hate it I know but you but on some level you still do smell and assess it and make some analysis of it the fact is that you're in denial and you don't embrace it as something you know that you can get into on a personal level right I don't know I'm happy that I got nine months right now period went out yeah but then it's almost like the baby is almost like the nine months of period throw it up and it's just like sounds like a break and then a burst you got something going on just wave at least it has a happy ending yeah periods don't necessarily have happy endings except that they're over I'll be right there with you I haven't I tell you I have so much admiration and so much respect for nothing you have to go through that and I'm not jealous of that at all I'm truly appreciative date yeah you need to do that because my god myself no I know I know that's another thing I'm in denial about that has to happen yeah well it's really just something it's like up the baby's coming let's just do it you just have to do it you just have to do it but you're gonna get drugged then you're you're gonna be smart about it and just not the only thing because a lot of women are like I'd want to do it natural I got halfway through when they're in the excruciating pain they're like anything depending my sister is crazy she she was like no pain killers and she she really didn't take anything throughout well your your sister's a superhuman yeah she's a frickin nature but in your case because the the reason women don't better get is because it could take longer right yeah thank you are afraid that you because you're Nam you won't push hard as much as you would if you're not I prefer thank you from my perspective to not feel pain and have it take an extra five hours well well I'm just saying that's an exaggerated comparison but I think that you'll be but I agree with you uh you know you don't want to trust me trust me a guy that knows something about it I have a friend who was like I don't want it and then halfway through she decided she wanted it but then it took longer because they didn't have it prepared for her oh man and the whole time she was just like give me when you get the painkiller is it like no pain like total numbness no probably helped I think it helps but I don't think because when I I had a young I don't know I had a huge mole removed on my back as a kid I think I must have been uh you know 12 or 11 but it was a really big surgery where they cut it out and um when they gave me numbing shots it was extreme extremely painful it was so painful these shots I was it fries cuz it was just a shot I think this one is also painful but I felt nothing like zero sensation and I was awake but I think I think you're already in so much pain from the country what do you call it contraptions oh the contraptions yeah so I think the pain of that shot is like driving yeah compare actions yeah so I think I think they have amazing medicines that I think will really minimize the pain you experience but the thing is like when I had the surgery on my back so I felt no pain at all but then when they finish they had to sew me up and the doctor had to cut what do you call that when you electrocuted categorise cauterized he had to cauterize my flesh together so he basically he literally like burned my flesh together and that was [ __ ] it wasn't paid I couldn't feel the pain but it felt so weird those being electrocuted how'd that smell I didn't smell flesh I just found it was just a wild sensation dude but um yeah so there's a couple people who responded I do and I secretly think it smells okay yeah there you go exactly I don't think exactly I think there's a very interesting and healthy discussion guys as of this moment it's actually exactly 50/50 and then there I'm not sure what to choose but you can't avoid smelling it but it still grows mm-hmm so there you go I think there really are two types of people in the world you know and I think now is exactly 50 I think that's what it boils down to you know people who are in denial as you said and some people that are like I'm on board with smelling your variable Mike I bet you the same people to smell their fear Perry Bloods also smell their farts and they probably catch their vagina and smell their hand probably you know all right well fascinating stuff here guys this is a science experience experience beautiful beginning fascinating yeah I love it what else we got here oh another fan submission this was the best freakin video I've seen in such a long time you guys oh my god talk about TLC we've been talking about TLC a lot so this comes from Discovery oh and it's a reader yeah yeah I know they're like hang on guys we got to stop make wait planet Earth [ __ ] cancel that we're working on a new show show called diagnosis or diagnosed me and we're gonna do epic reenactments of these of these diseases now this guy run suffers from ceaseless belching and cause he cannot stop burping he cannot stop burping and they reenact it and oh my god this is from Devon Mears oh god but this is the best thing I've seen its own before his condition began it's kind of scratch you hear that yeah here I think I might know what's up hold on one sec we're all set up here very professional always prepared and very live that's right folks how you feeling you feeling pregnant I feel really tired and I think that's part of this yeah stage how was Disney for you yesterday as a pregnant lady I couldn't go on all the fun rides like a boring mom I felt so bad for you as I rode all the awesome rides and I'm already lame yeah you're not lame it's not your fault you're amazing you have a [ __ ] you get you're growing a human body in your stomach that's amazing as a guest pretty cool yeah you know laying your freakin awesome wife recently that's love baby and horse this is the reenactment I was confused that was like what am I watching so the burping sound is insane it's always like and what I soon learned is that the burping sound bite they use is a sound bite from the actual guy it is so he's actually so what they're doing is playing the actual girl and the guy every time no you can tell because they show one brief clip of actual guy burping and so they use that one sound bite and they use it every time in this reenactment and it sounds it's the same sound it's amazing I'm sorry ma'am it started gradually and east though like it's like you just burp yeah it's tiny and he's always like I'm so sorry ma'am control you know when I was at the customer's house and then when I was done truck I've just Belgium Belgium Belgium so we've got the pressure off me it seemed crazy maybe 20 30 minutes but what I don't understand is why do you have to burp so loud just close your mouth well you don't have to burp loud I don't think he can control it that's a show about it I don't think I can control it he's burping a lot but sure I mean you could control how loud you burp you can go or you can be like not always really never heard you burp what do you know about it I see people burp but you burp quietly right because you're a lady I don't burn yeah one of us should sleep you know all of that line at least one of us should sleep look at his waist anyway to the neighborhood during series of tests his doctor had a bowel obstruction and suggests it's all in Ron's head stop thinking about it so much belching non-stop for months that's cuz that's that's a burp I've never heard of birth play at my life and so yeah has to be they're using that sound by going to dozens of doctors the one cure this yeah they get out look at that babe vengeance look at this reaction that seemed to work just stopped working leaving Ron so desperate he wants to kill himself and then well I know I feel bad for the guy but like they do this sound editing where they'll take the sound by burp like here and then they'll like dampen it so it seems like he's far away but they're just using the same sound buddy Ron so desperate he wants to kill himself no they're making them look like all the time just turning into it's like a Stephen King novel but yeah he's like a werewolf what is happening to me dude finds out what's going on she panics and calls 9 1 1 records they said there's nothing we can do for you look at this gas is a sign to mental health counselor Lisa Gus in her questions open up although he does this doctor when he burped I didn't see the guy do that he just fit every criteria for anxiety and depression he my way turns out he needed an antidepressant really and he was a manifesting anxiety in an unusual way and he's cured now fry believe it you do know what's on discovery you can't be wrong they wouldn't lie to us hit me with that soundbite Zach that's the burb the first time I stopped I wish I could watch the first time with you guys because the first time I saw this I was just crying he does this [Music] think he's worth being like a thousand times a day and he's surprised every time it happens baby D disorder combined with clinical depression I poke through those things where I'll burp I guess I got out of the problems stimulates the brain in a certain area I love that that video can gem my dudes so shout out Wow having a lot of fun here dan what's the pull out let's take a look we've got refreshing 4951 man at this this tree and favorite what well yes is going down you actually the yes is slightly down but I mean oh yeah it's 48 52 48 for yes 52 now oh so no is slightly edging so that makes it feel more realistic um I feel like the margin error though like you got to say that's it that's a split well the problem is that you have to vote to see the results and so a lot of dudes out there one is that right when I see the result it says ladies only so I I know any dudes are voting there's got it I wish there was a way to view the results I agree about it's so messed up because oh you know what you got to add a third option that says I'm a dude though then it doesn't affect the fricken you know what yeah that's no new everyone do a new one erase that one Dan and start over with a third option I'm a dude no vote impressed Thank You Mila I've been trying to say for many years that I'm a brilliant mind because there's a couple guys here including Ian from Smosh what did he did well they said I'm a guy so this is sexist oh well do you smell your period blood here you smell Pam's period blood I don't want to like I won't do I'm kidding okay I don't know anymore your excrement I mean you go cookie live I'm so you got a cookie just straight on the table like that we have plates um alright the tweets the tweets back up anybody that already voted you got to go back you're obligate you should leave a comment and explain why we reposted it I don't go and [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] stick and I don't give a [ __ ] the Ian's brought cookies I'm like him every time I see Donuts or cookies or something on the table well who the [ __ ] brought these I get angry as I eat them cuz I'm like I don't need this [ __ ] and it's always eating he was trying to feed me oh it is always the end I know he's a feeder and I yell at him every time I say don't bring this [ __ ] here as I eat three of them okay we go to a break or should we move on to the YouTube oh great system is broke pretty early for a break time I think YouTube too we're at 24 minutes okay you Paul yeah what is it is it a big difference well I'm a dude is winning but if you remove that we have yes 28 yes that's true and no 24 oh this is this is so important this is so important for social experiments are flawed violent fundamentally flawed in a violent well no not all of them just gender specific ones it seems like oh not fart on your hand and smell it that's the big one okay kela don't throw up my science I think it's the only guys in my um can I get another cookie those are incredible okay I got something to complain about here everyone who likes to hear me complain about YouTube this is just a fun little anecdote so I got a claim oh you actually brought me a cookie laughing I didn't need that oh yeah so I don't know if you could hear that Ethan's mom delivered all of her babies naturally but I think that was just the time back then isn't it I feel like my mom did too like my mom would have a lot to say about this so I can call she can call it gives me more time to eat cookies I'm just trying to buy time to eat more cookies these are same the [ __ ] wrong - all right serese let me focus it got this off is the worst episode we've ever done the ball needs to everybody sorry sorry sorry everybody sorry apology all right here I'm gonna complain about YouTube okay yay Papa John mutiny okay this is a highlight claimed by whoever these [ __ ] are for a song sex on fire okay here's an interesting little fact we didn't use that song it's not even in the clip so I filed a diss field and there's not even an option for this whatever you claimed isn't even in my video mm-hmm so yeah there's not even an option of like [ __ ] off right so anyway I I what I don't remember what I did I think I did like I think you just did like it's fair uses my my use is something I know you didn't use it I don't know what I did how the hell would that even get in there well I didn't know what I did but I just basically said in the description this song did not appear in the video so release your claim and here's the best part these are these huge media companies they're just go on rampages of claiming videos because there's no there's no recourse there's no accountability they get free money and they have no reason not to claim every single video I've been waiting for one of these guys should just claim every single video on YouTube they like thought yeah no you use sex on fire the way the law is written there's there's no recourse or or well technically or a false claim it's so broad it says in good faith so I mean you could I think that a claim like this for something that's not even in the video isn't any good faith but you're you bringing a lawsuit against the company for something so you know it's just and there's no damages it's like it's pointless what do you wouldn't you know what I'm saying you would need to have like a huge class-action lawsuit to show like tons of damage over like thousands of users would be so complicated to actually but that we litigate that way so expensive and complicated to litigate that and they know it and as far as I'm aware they've never been held recount accountable for this yet here's the options these are all these except for fair use I think or well most of them except for fair use are just like YouTube's way of being like see you later idiot here's what you get when you try to dispute it I own the CD that's YouTube being like SIA I think if you click that they're like you don't have a reason you don't know what you're talking about yeah I'm not selling the video I'm making any money that's the skip I gave credit in the video that's the skip video is my original content I own all the rights to it so that one's fine I have a license of permission that one's fine meets fair use that one's fine content is public domain so those ones are all fine actually find claims to make so I don't remember which one I did but add their response is what really makes this powerful they responded by I disputed it and they responded by rejecting my dispute who is they and there's this huge media companies I don't know YouTube no not YouTube news media company I don't know what sp a you know there's like seven of them so I said hey this is your songs not even in the video that's the first level you dispute that and then they come back they rejected my dispute and they said ah I don't [ __ ] care I'm keeping it sex on fire I thought worst thing is that they accused us of using Kings of Leon I didn't even know what that was some pop song I never it's like what so I'm like okay that's insane the fact that they would dispute it so now I am forced to go one step further in the process and at this point you basically say your songs aren't in the video leave me alone and they help the option to strike and remove the video so there's something wrong with YouTube though because three of our last three videos have been claimed like the frequency of claiming videos and just erroneous and shameless claims have Scott I mean three of our last view any it sounds like there's like a bunch of new companies that have like a whole division that is just this I think they claiming stuff I think they have tools because you cannot go watch videos they have some kind of automated tools that match it in this case it's wrong and they don't even put in the effort to reviewing it I mean YouTube has got to regulate these people because they're running amok right now it has not been this bad ever I don't think and then just to show you guys where was the video of all of our t monetized videos dan the PDF I don't see the PDF I opened a tab of it you should stop eating here it is again for you it doesn't work Tim all right forget about it you got to put on my desktop next time so that's about it I'll show this pic when we get back this is the best episode of everything this is the one that will be remembered for so we will be back with that picture that you're promised we've got a lot to talk about celebrity ASMR a bunch of amazing videos Elon Musk is a weeb and a call from GB ASMR who is got some channels that we've talked about he's got choice words for me she's got a beef with what I've said about a smart and we're gonna squash that beef here today or ramp it up you know bro so stay tuned y'all there's so much more h lee podcast after these messages thank you to audible for supporting the h3 podcast what would it look like if we all listened more listening to audiobooks motivates us inspires us and brings us closer together for our audience audible is offering a free audiobook with a 30-day free trial if you want to listen to it audible has got it just go to audible.com slash h3 podcast or text h3 podcast to 500 500 and browse their unmatched selection of audio content start your 30-day trial download an audiobook for free and start listening it is that easy my dudes there is no better place to listen than audible because now audible members get even more exclusive audio fitness programs audiobooks audible originals and more and now with audible originals you can experience even more custom content made exclusively for audible members I'm gonna recommend a book to y'all that I absolutely love it's called the subtle art of not giving a 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feminist gets triggered that's so cringy to the different time wasn't half featuring humongous dicks out for Harambee we're just like a kids I mean it's like give me a break that video is demonetised yeah because it has a asterisks I think all we do is a face one no it's the most wholesome Joey salads the deleted social experiment prank invasion the dangers of social media girl virtually assaulted in GTA SIA Israel a vlog it's a vlog baby love your body Alison gold DJ Khaled Exe kissing pranks the original DJ Khaled celebrates hold you down Alison gold abcdefg and so many more it's just older stuff but like these are a lot of our main big videos the people yeah 71 I mean a lot of them are old probably like twenty or thirty of them are but these these are our cream of the crop these are our money earners I mean yeah cuz they still get views over that's a big a lot of the old ones are unlisted okay and but the ones I'm showing you are our big earners and some of our most viewed videos so and and the they don't tell you they just like just a day ago I saw just randomly in my email like five new videos like of our biggest ones like not suitable it's like okay it's weird why yeah why who cares so shout out to YouTube and to the copyright system for helping to encourage creators and to be a very encouraging environment now since we created this do you smell your period blood pull and added option for I'm a dude the results have swung quite a bit yes because I can see a lot of just being like no that's gross right let me see the results but the majority is giving us yes in this in this scenario here how do you feel about that EULA I'm surprised but after doing this podcast not surprise surprise nope alright where were we yada-yada-yada we got the mail bombers car we gotta chase his criminal down let me get a some more let me do this a small segment cuz we got GB standing by to give us her opinion I came across this celebrity ASMR playlist who put this together it was like a huge magazine oh it's a W Magazine yeah W ever heard what the hell what did they do actually what does any magazine do 20:18 trying to make a viral videos so they have celebrities do ASMR but I don't really they have a lot by the way Cara I don't notice they're never you guys don't know who she is dauveen gal gadot Aubrey Plaza Kate Hudson Ashley Graham Emily Ratajkowski cardi B and so many more some like they're all females by the way which kind of supports my theory there's a bear Jake Jill yeah well there's one guy but otherwise it's all females which ports my theory that Gibby is gonna try to dispute which is fine G me that this is largely used by men that like the commercial companionship of females and I feel like especially the one with cardi B when you show it oh but first I want to show what most of them this is actually the most viewed one by Cara that's five million views and I don't think they will she's just whispering yeah you really mean what did you say um I don't know I'm Cara Delevingne but she's just whispering and I don't know why she has two mics why does she keep switching mics it's not really a tomorrow yeah that's a big part of it it's because they're panned hard left and right so like us in the back right now is the headphones we're hearing her in one year and that's like that's part of it yeah but I think you're supposed to like use it for like but she's no excellent we have an expert on the lot of us at any rate it's ditch it's just it's just a celebrity whispering you know yeah a cardi B on the other hand does give it a fair shake I'm actually impressed she didn't know if it was like she's answering yeah look at this did my Vickers straight up at full half-mast right now yeah wonder if she smells her period blood she probably does Party beat probably next time you're approaching a girl that you're interested in you're like gosh she's amazing she's so out of my league I can't even talk to her just remember most likely she smells her period blood life too yeah dude just remember she's here when she sniffs her period blood I'm getting tingles I like the hand gestures she's got her hand out and she kind of flaunt like scratching my back or something virtually right dude she's so into it oh yeah [ __ ] it stroke it no don't you think it's kind of weird with the mics in there oh she's doing welding she's [ __ ] oh god she's taking both of them at once I decided and I was like what the [ __ ] I am tingling in all the right places but she is actually doing it I feel like she is okay I want to know what would you be think so but yeah so I think we've properly set it up so let's get the expert on the line GB ASMR is with us here today GB how are you god bless you thanks for joining us hi nice to meet you thanks for joining us here today is our resident ASMR expert now your channel is quite big and it is very popular you're very good at what you do apparently and so thank you first of all I have to ask you do you smell your period blood we were just talking about that in the room because we were watching the beginning of the podcast here kind of like you have a preference to that that would have come off really weird if you didn't know what I was talking well we were saying that like that's the that's the consensus is you don't really have a choice right but the question really well okay let's we don't we don't need a diver you do but you think you you smell it against your will seems to be your answer no wait she said no she doesn't know who's you know it's not pleasant I would not voluntarily okay excellent crit I'm glad we got to the bottom of that now what did you think about these celebrity ASMR segments that I just shared if you're watching those yeah I've actually seen those for the W it's a women's magazine yeah it's actually really cool to see celebrities doing a Tamar because you know just a couple years ago it's something that no one was talking about Warren had her had heard of like I've been watching it for like eight years mmm-hmm on YouTube and so I know my channel saw like two years old I've been watching it forever and like I was always embarrassed to talk about it because when you come in on it at first like this is kind of weird like objectively but when you see people like cardi B like doing ASMR it's it's less weird so they're sort of mm-hmm making it more normal and so what is it that I got wrong or what did I miss in my original segment about ASMR videos because it to me I think people I've previously spoken that it does seem to be like the popular ace of our channels are ones of cute you know cute young girls not not young young you know what I'm just young ladies an attractive young ladies and it seems you know as a guy it's a nice kind of way to get a companionship and relax and you have kind of a wave spending time intimate time with a girl do you contradict that I don't think you're wrong I don't think that's everything though okay I think most like most people who have never seen it before they jump in on it and they're like oh this must be a sex thing mmm and while you can absolutely find ASMR videos with sexual overtones you can find sexual anything you know people will always utilize that to get views or you know to gain popular too quickly or maybe it's just how they like to do it but a smart though like I keep asking people like over and over again I'm like so why do you watch it why do you watch it and just like the overwhelming response it's just people need to de-stress you know like they need to relax and it's free and it's accessible and more people enjoy ASMR like like nightly like they just want to sleep I think but I have heard and I'm even myself like I've used ASMR when you feel like lonely mmm and you just want somebody talking for a while on a video but I just think you could do that with any YouTube video yeah but there's this kind of the whispering you know this there's a sense of intimacy and like the ticking and all this stuff you know it's it's it's you know you know what what is a popular misconception about ASM more people get wrong you want to correct that it's not just sexual you said you said intimacy because it I think that we can all agree that it's intimate yes but I would say like it's more intimate in the way that like like when your mom like put you to bed and she's like rubbing her back and singing you a song you wouldn't want a stranger do that to you but it's not sexual and so I think like when somebody gets I think you know it's not sexual what I think yeah I think for a lot of guys it might be like that but I I agree that I agree that it's not only sexual though but I know like within the intern it is dead like no I don't want to embarrass too much about it but he in it is a fan of yours yeah he was just watching you the other day right here I'm honored in well let's move on then he'll build up the courage as we could say to talk so how do you feel about this one would cardi B it is very sexual yeah my ex are like dude she was phallic I don't not he was given a double blow that's an unfortunate microphone shape but she was like yeah but she she listens to ASMR a lot I'm like we've known that before like she's not surprised how because you can tell them somebody's actually seen it before and they get it yeah I think it's hard to explain why like I know she gets it but she does no no you can tell me good with those love that do you know what's your demographic between male and female on your analytics mm-hmm I'm sixty percent male and forty percent female interesting pretty good spread my male skews way more than that got like 85% male people are watching your videos do you ever get any creepier emails or tweets from guys that get like there's got to be some guys to get like overly attached with you right probably a fringe I'm sure about literally so what's the craziest [ __ ] you seen there have been a couple people where I had to like get police involved whoa people are unable to sort of separate the distinction of like I'm speaking to an audience and not to you specifically hmm I know a lot of people have had that issue not it's a lot of like personalities and you know people who talk to their audience and stuff like that but I had this one person who sent me like tens of thousands of messages before I even saw it Wow where did they stalking as if I was responding to him oh my goodness that wasn't freaked you out when she first thought that's very freaky where did what what platform were the messages sent on facebook messenger yeah like a friend like they were a facebook friend well I had a page for a gba tomorrow okay and people could just send messages to it but I wouldn't get notified Wow hazards of the job now finally I want to say again in is a big fan of you he's I mean I don't know if you're familiar with Dean he's a big important part of the show and he's a really cool guy we like him a lot in would you like to say anything to G B here since we've got her on the phone I know you're a fan seriously in wait he was just talking about the good word I can't hear you we can't hear you and they hear you can every well yeah yeah yeah he said keep up the great work and and also and also he in was wondering if you're single well we appreciate you we appreciate you know getting on the phone and talking with us and yeah bring some clarity because it is interesting it's wild it's oh it's weird like you acknowledge from the outside it's strange but I have to tell you that I do when I put it on you know you do kind it is nice it is nice you know oh yeah I do kind of like yeah and is there and do you know if like there's a the opposite kind of people who hate whispering yes I think that likes misophonia I think that's you know there's two type of people in the world some people you know like you you hear the sounds and you get like the tingly feeling and it's like oh this is really nice some people hear the sounds and they're like I want to die exactly yeah I'm saying well what do you know I'm you know I'm not that I feel like I wanted to die when I see your channel and I think of someone whispering is not pleasant sure I don't necessarily feet tingles but I do feel kind of like a lightness and a pleasant sensation you know it's like extra relaxation yeah it's nice it is nice q are you gonna do some guess some more for me do you ever do a one like for your boyfriend would you ever do like a one person a samar sesh he doesn't get ASMR those like super unfortunate well I feel like that's kind of ironic I guess and unfortunate that your boyfriend doesn't experience any some more I feel like that's going expert for a girl really could've been something there yeah that could have been some great there but it would be interesting to do like a one person ASMR show or like you could actually like it's almost like a massage in a way like if you have like a ASMR therapy right huh yeah ASMR spa keeps popping up there's so many using and some in New York it's call it a whisper launch I think whoa about yeah yeah so people are really exploring with it now and chairman Singh and doing live shows and things like that do you think it will ever become mainstream or is there going to be something that's always hard to explain to people it's compare it to a couple years ago like it is crazy mainstream now compared to so I think it's really only going I mean because every time it sort of comes up in the media we get more people in the community who are like oh my god wait this is really relaxing yeah right we've even seen like Howard Stern talked about it all this celebrity doing it's like yeah what if there was anything like ASMR that was so weird but now is like our seemed so weird but it's now fully accepted by everyone right a lot of people didn't get like twitch when it came out like gaming like live straight like why would you want to watch somebody play video games just we can't make that joke and we were like we have got GB ASMR GI bi ASMR check her out she is the best in the game I've listened it's I get I feel it's nice it's relaxing he's a huge huge fan and we wish you all the very best yeah and thank you been a blessed weekend so thank you all right that was GB ASMR and so we learned a lot from GB didn't we yeah it was interesting that she acknowledged that it is because I thought she was refuting that it's like it is not sexual but are not sexual but like intimate or like a lot of guys are like like the intimacy mm-hmm not sexual but like intimate but she did acknowledge that it's that and it's more which I think I agree yeah but um she's a professional you know yeah so there you go there you have it mm-hmm GB ASMR all right Ian how was that for you he like his hair yet I can't Wow I can't hear him through the speaker yeah no there you go yeah that was incredibly embarrassing yeah and I was trying to talk it wasn't working that didn't help okay like you do find her attractive right Ian I think she's very talented at what she does it's such a diplomat it's okay though but she does have a boyfriend in so we realized guys for that take it easy [Laughter] she's cool yeah moving it makes me wish that I enjoyed it I feel like I'm missing out have you tried though you know I just know that I don't like cuz I actually I gave it like a good shot for five or ten minutes and I it was very pleasant it was nice and then cuz like I was watching like a cute girl and I was like okay I'm gonna find a dude yeah and I and there's this one I showed it like a gnarly bearded dude and he's like insane like he's all over the place and that guy is like a king mm-hmm so I wanted to be like alright it's not about that but yeah that guy was was just as good mm-hmm but also you're not really supposed to watch it you're supposed to just listen right put it in the background yeah let's be frank being cute helps you in any field that's true if I was more handsome you think that I wouldn't have 20 million subscribers if I wasn't more handsome you think that people that I wouldn't have more subscribers in PewDiePie he's handsome that's why he has 60 million all right I mean well it's well known my quit actors be attractive they say the first rule of dating be attractive second rule of dating don't be unattractive third rule ask them if they smile in their period yeah third real sniff the period blood the sniff test as it's cold why wasn't there a Seinfeld about period blood ah you're slipping actually the difference is about the same but 18% yes for 10% no yeah 68% i'ma good I love it I love that I love it all right moving on Elon Musk is a weeb this is an incredible story that needs to be shared with the world he was banned recently from Twitter because he was shitposting so hard that Twitter was sure he was hacked his security was compromised and they said there's no way these are genuine tweets we need to shut this down there were no it's okay so let's see what was it that got him banned he first begins with I heart anime 40 or 50 thousand likes I own a chibi Wolverine now by the way how did you feel about it cuz you're you have any man and you're a fan of villain I love anime so do you love him in him even morning well he's just shitposting I don't know do you like him less no I don't like him less I just think I just don't know what what's with the tweeting I just don't really get him like like he's so I just don't know why he's trying to be like an edge lord all the sudden it's like a midlife crisis maybe it's like dude you're the coolest [ __ ] greatest dude ever you don't need to shitpost I don't have to try yeah you don't need to try I mean it doesn't make me like I think it's funny I think I think that I'm I like him just as much as I ever did I love you on Musk I support him and his company's on 2% and I always will I just don't know what you know it's just a little unnecessary maybe but yeah and then he tweets his favorite anime love your name I haven't actually seen this one but apparently it's like a drama I don't really like news this I don't really like anime dramas that's I like like action enemies because for me it's I like the fantasy aspect I like the magic the power that's what I I didn't watch drama anime I can watch drama in any form cartoons is not real that's what you get sick ass [ __ ] magical powers because you can't actually do that in real life skip so acts that one Elin calls himself Elon Chand Elon Musk is a weeb and he responds ahem Elon Chan what I mean what like where is he picking up this terminology what does trolls read it all day that's what I'm saying like what form is he spending because the problem that that makes me concern is the people that talk with these kinds of memes people who like joke around like this are not the people that I want getting inside Elon Musk's beautiful pristine brain right like I don't want him spending time on 4chan or anime subreddits that's maybe that's what it concerns me it's more than what it means that what he's why does he know all this stuff like you can what you could I like anime but I'm not you know hard it would be more fun for me by the way then it on musk we need his brain to be in good clean pristine beautiful shape not ahem he launched in look wherever he learned that I don't want him there and I'm not genesis evangelion that's amazing and I'm not what you say I just noticed that the meme that I don't know if he posted or somebody else below but what it said yeah it said million mean it's whatever okay thank you Dan oh this I don't know that or the origins of this one it's just a pun off of a famous anime um so Ilan continues hey what's going on with two-factor for Tesla count which is weird because it's actually like a business related question although it's not directed to the right place so justifiably he says you want to buy some Bitcoin which i think was probably when Twitter was like this shit's weird yeah again Yvonne I don't know where you what's going on what forums you're browsing and we got to keep your brain beautiful and unaffected and I'm not criticizing the people that do spend their times on that forum I'm just saying some people we need to protect Elon Musk is one of those people you know I'm a cat girl what is this [ __ ] it keeps getting weirder every time I click here ok show us your bow that cosplay he says actually I'm actually cat girl here's a selfie right now ok now your Twitter right now what's your call suspend or keep open exactly see where they came from to whatever ends up spending is suspending his account because he assumed he was hacked and then finally we end on send me your dankest memes he tweeted what the [ __ ] and then feet up I said meme review when he said midnight I don't think that happened Elon Musk there you go what a world what a world we live in you know what I'm saying my god but I will say on the on the on a beautiful positive note of Ellen's yeah Tesla the most exciting progressive risk-taking future forward company that this world has seen in so long Tesla the automaker of electric cars has finally become their there they have blasted the expectation everyone was expecting them to lose those those those money they were expected to lose 19 cents per share their quarterly earnings came in it went up two dollars 90 cents per share they made a profit for the first time ever smash expectations model 3 has become the best-selling car in the United it's in terms of revenue and the fifth best selling car in terms of volume the most revenue best selling car in the United States unbelievable the model 3 these guys I love Tesla everything you doing I'm so happy that they're making it and they're making money and they're turning a profit and it's pretty amazing I mean especially here in LA you see it everywhere I know everywhere brand-new model threes everywhere I have a lease on a s and it's open a year and I'm gonna I think I'm gonna get a Model 3 but I find it so amazing that as a company they released the model 3 with same features even better and for a lower price the thing is the model 3 the performance version of the model 3 is way less than the Model S that I have it's faster has a longer and longer battery life which are the two things I care the most about mm-hmm it's a little smaller but I don't really give a [ __ ] mostly and it's more modern it's more futurist that's why it's gonna be so huge so like the model the model 3 performance is like the craziest version you can get is like seventy thousand dollars I know that probably sounds like a lot to most of you but comparable cars that go that speed could be like ten times that much yeah yeah like a Model 3 go zero to 60 and like like three seconds the closest thing to that is like crazy like Porsches and Maseratis and [ __ ] there you're looking at two three hundred thousand plus dollars seventy thousand bucks and it's got like three hundred and twenty miles per charge but then it's just it has so much more and this is not a commercial no everyone knows far past everything else and the auto drive is so useful and then it's fully electric but the real the real thing the real genius too is the infrastructure they've built there's so many superchargers now that you can actually go on a long distance drive which we've done many times and charge a car fast and reliably is that is that the case outside of California yeah yeah you can drive your problem do ya huh you can do a road trip is really impressive I mean that's the main as the main hurdle that everybody we drove cross-country for a long time we drove to Vegas and they're adding more and more every you know all the time but yeah lots of people drive cross-country in their Tesla's now wow it's really cool so that's cool and and anyway I will be sending my dankest meme studio on Moss who will congratulate him on his excellent performance so what else we got here I got a lot of videos but I'm so freaking owned my throat is so [ __ ] I wasn't even sure how you were gonna do this I wasn't sure either because we first started this I was like delirious I was saying something to Ella she's like I don't even understand why you're here I was like all right well let's go alive hope you were to come with talking today I can't that is true it really happened my throat really hurts though I probably shouldn't talk that much because it's not gonna help spending 14 hours at Disney yesterday was not helpful but we were planning that trip for a year so I would be god damn hmm if I wasn't going let me see I'll save this stuff for next week but let me see and hopefully oh maybe we could get Tom and Christina next week oh yeah that we will definitely reschedule cuz I saw some people worried I hope we can do it next because I have so many great videos I want to watch with them mm-hmm I've got questions but a lot of more videos the period blood we talked about obviously congratulations what is this one wiping technique this guy said this was funny from that by the way questions video suggestions anything send them to podcast at h3h3 productions I'll come love to hear from you guys this one comes from Andrew Bentley he said he learned about the wiping technique and he tried it out but unfortunately on my third try with front wiping it ended in such tragedy I had revert back to back wiping well I was trying to utilize the scoop technique my my wrists accidentally make contact with poo poopy water wide and needless to say it solidify my trust and the tried and trued method of backward then how do you get he says unfortunately I have to conclude Ethan's wiping method is too dangerous second well what how deep are you yapping like that when I am NOT when I say you have to lift your balls I'm not kidding dude you have to like lean back though no II do you cup your balls when you wipe for back to front and a little you don't but you great I mean you have to like grab your dick and balls right in one hand you can go around well the way I do it I lift my junk with one hand I stretch it up and I can I don't dump into the toilet that's for sure I mean yeah obviously keep your head out of the toilet bowl dude me my god I can't we need to like get a life-size mannequin and like have like a full-on demonstration don't you bring this up and you just you scoop right under like that you got your leg up right now though see this is what Oh in objects he's actually he's got a different technique you want to come show us yeah come in here are you coming god you're spent yeah you're being so lamb come shows how you wipe your eyes come on good get in here wide your legs and then side around you go directly under wait what how do you go you go you go under the balls yes are you guys spread the legs wider and go around round he goes around the mountain like from here sure come show us come on I'm genuinely curious this is the science episode you shakin is that no way to embarrass I'm not blaming hold on okay well at least let me understand because now I'm intrigued you go from like this no you go from the front so you come like from like this yeah I can't see oh you open your wet legs using a wider leg out super wide right right right right and you don't go under them you go around them you figure sit like super well you got homework - no wait hold on do you [ __ ] with your legs that wide in that's a wide stance see guy I don't go that way oh oh oh I understand so you scoop it your dick and balls - like the left cuz I put them up against my gut you say well what I'm trying to understanding is you're not coming in here and showing up all right I'm tired playing pictionary with you the Solidarity between the front wipers is cracking you know you're the worst pictionary partner I've ever had switching to back after the conversion Ian's mad at me today I embarrassed a little bit but her boyfriend doesn't even feel ASMR in so there is a chance and I think I did Laius skied heels shaking ahead very disappointed what else we got so that's about it I have a lot of other submissions but I think I'll save it with the hopeful hopeful that Tom and Christina will come next week so again a somewhat light episode I am very sick I should stop talking immediately and get in bed now you are a champion for all right through this day when you walked in today look at you it's like [ __ ] that dude it should be a better thank you for saying that Dan the show must go on you know the show must go on and I'm and I appreciate everybody who tuned in on this blessed mm-hmm blessed Friday and I appreciate all the boys and back who I want to always express my appreciation to Dan the producer in the interns act the sound boy love them all and they're all worked so hard to make this show great and you know cheers to him and I hope that in with his new I think there's uh I think there was a spark between him engineer I really do so I'm looking forward to see how that develops and blessed blessed weekend it's Friday my dudes yeah it's a beautiful thing hell yeah week and of course a huge appreciation to all you Kazee boys who come and spend your day with us I hope I've entertained you I hope you've laughed I hope you've thought I did not intend to make you cry I hope you didn't cry but if you did I don't know why wasn't my fault here boy tears of joy from laughing so hard and enjoying yourself so much all right make sure to burp yeah right where hate me with it so here comes here comes can you crank it Discovery's crazy alright guys have a blessed weekend and we shall see you next week right here on your favorite Podcast is the music playing oh yeah your favorite but the h3 podcasts the only place where we do science and we take polls and we're getting to the bottom of it real time real science real people I've said it all bye everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 620,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube copyright, copyright, elon musk, elon, musk, suspended from twitter, weeb, h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3 podcast, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila, ASMR, Gibi ASMR
Id: El-AR39Wwr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 19sec (4819 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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