The Hidden Costs of Gun Ownership

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and Chad here with Iraq veteran 8888 and today we want to make a special video that's a little bit outside of the norm some of you may remember the video that I posted recently on firearm safety for the new gun owner where we discuss all different types of safety for your new gun acquisition and not to mention loading magazines and some other intricacies related to the most common firearms actions what we wanted today to be about is now that you've kind of gotten the grasp of that we want to dive into the true cost of gun ownership and and sort of look at this as a total sort of thing that people need to consider ok being a gun owner is not just buying your firearm and then buying a box of ammo and then loading it and putting it on the bedside like there are other costs if you want to look at being a firearms owner from the aspect of being a full spectrum firearms owner then these are many bullet points here that you're going to need to consider and we want to break this down in a way that is easy for people to understand especially that might be new to the firearms world there are many things to consider being a well rounded gun owner is a pretty intricate thing but once you get the basic concepts down I believe you'll find that not only does it make you more well well-rounded person and make you more responsible as an individual it'll also allow you to appreciate your new purchase that much better and to be safer and then and that's the thing we always drive home is for everyone to be safe the last thing we want somebody doing is you know doing something that is going to harm themselves or their families or anybody around them that's just an innocent bystander right with the ownership of firearms come certain responsibilities that we owe it to ourselves to adhere to just like we wouldn't buy a power tool and not read the manual and go out and use it and cut our foot off our hand or some heinous thing like that any tool can be misused and we want to make sure people are using the tools in a safe manner but they also understand the upkeep of that tool and what's required to not only keep it going but for you to get the absolute amount of use out of the that you have recently found yourself in possession of now whether or not you're a new firearms owner or if your guide that's owned a gun for 30 years this video will still help some of you in some way shape or form so bear with us this is going to be kind of a long video but we want people to be informed of the hidden costs of being a gun there there are some hidden costs that people may not consider okay this is like one of those little ads you see when you're browsing online it's like you know you're scrolling down through an article and you see the hidden cost of governorships like whoa but but look hey I mean there are some costs that some people may associate as not being something they thought about and that's what we want to clear up in the no absolutely video I'm so so so with with gun ownership you can really compare gun ownership to car ownership okay when you think about owning the car you don't just go to the dealership and you buy a car and then that's it you just drive the car and you're all happy-go-lucky it doesn't work that way you know you have to feed the car right you got to put gas in it you have to change tires you got change brakes there's all sorts of consumables that you use up on a regular basis there's accessories and things like that that you want to do there's big problems that you have that you'd have to take it to a mechanic ie a gunsmith okay there's all these things that are very very comparable to vehicle ownership so when you go to the gun shop you initially buy your gun okay well what do you buy with your gun ammunition obviously you need to feed your gun right so that's pretty much the first initial cost that most new gun owners are gonna have they're gonna go to the gun shop buy their gun pick it out and they're gonna get some ammunition to go with it and they're immediately gonna go where to the range right yeah they're gonna go to the range or there they're gonna usually purchase some form of an accessory and that accessory usually is additional magazines now that's the first barrier that you're gonna run into when it comes to the true hidden cost of owning a firearm is that some magazines you're gonna notice are not very expensive some are really expensive so you need to consider magazine cost and factor that into a gun like don't get me wrong I love agent case but like if I bought it in Kmart 23 that wouldn't be a good first handgun for somebody but let's just say in fantasy world I bought a mark 23 and then I get sticker shock when I find out that the additional magazines are 80 or 90 bucks so some magazines are more expensive than other magazines so that is certainly a consideration and you need to consider not only the cost of your additional magazines you need to consider the cost of the ammo that you are getting your gun chambered in right you know there's gonna be a big price difference in shooting five seven by twenty eight or shooting 9-millimeter forty five forty Cal or getting a handgun chambered in a real oddball cartridge like 357 sig or forty five gap or something like that that's more specialized the ammo is the higher the price is going to be unsuited so those are two very important distinctions and those costs are going to follow you for the life of that firearm when it's in your ownership right ammunition are like the batteries of a gun and you're going to consume that ammo and need to buy more okay I know that goes without saying but ammo is a really important thing to consider is the cost of the ammo for your gun and the magazine cost so two very important things yeah so depending on whether you buy like a pistol to start with or a rifle you're gonna have some other accessories are gonna be specific to that particular firearm if you buy a handgun and you're looking to maybe concealed carry it you're probably going to purchase a holster at the same time so that's another accessory cost and holsters can range anywhere from twenty dollars on up to over a hundred dollars depending on the make model manufacturer material materials things like that you know inside the waistband outside the waistband hybrid holsters you can get into all these different rabbit holes sure um if you're buying a rifle you might purchase a sling or you might buy an optic okay so when you get an optics cost that adds on an additional call sometimes a high cost on top of the rifle a lot of times if you purchased a $600 AR you might want to put a high quality optic on there well high-quality optic might run you four or five hundred dollars if you're talking about a red dot if you're talking about a variable power optic you might get on upwards of five six hundred dollars if you're talking about an ACOG you might be talking about eight hundred nine or thousand dollars for something like that so you have all these costs that stack on top but they do make the firearm itself a lot more useful and enhance the capability of that particular platform right weapon lights some people will choose to pick up like a weapon light for their concealed carry handgun or something this for home defense they might decide to put on a weapon light on their rifle if they're gonna carry it in the vehicle or have it for home defense so you have all these things that pipe on there you know you might want to buy a suppressor okay to keep it quiet longer tack on probably more cost than the gun was itself so absolutely you know I would consider and this is just me talking here and and and don't get sticker shock when you hear this oh I would I would factor in if you're wanting to put an optic on a rifle you're probably gonna need to factor in at least what you pay for the rifle absolutely I mean I know that's a hard thing to the hard pill to swallow a lot of people are like oh wow $699 AR but it comes to know sights and you've got to have an optic and like even just dropping on like a basic aim point or a Trijicon mro or something to that nature like a good basic red dot I mean you're talking that kind of money again that you gonna have to spend so don't factor in just the cost of the gun factor in the optic and then of course there's many other costs that kind of intrinsically go along with this as well I feel like any good home defense longer needs a sling mmm it's super important you don't know if maybe the situation is under control and you just need to sling the gun to keep it handy you might need to call the police or use your phone or check on your baby or use both your hands for some tasks it's important to be able to have that gun slung and have the ability to sling the rifle or shotgun and what type of sling you go with is dependent on a bunch of different factors but in your budget make sure you factor in at a minimum at least a sling for your home defense long gun okay he mentioned weapons lights I feel like beyond anything else especially for a home defense unit weapons lights are super super important and it's something that I believe is commonly overlooked and the price on weapons lights can really very a heck of a lot depending on what you buy okay different brands cost more than others some are more expensive some units are super ruggedized and super tough I know like the cloud defense units are probably on up there in terms of really good quality okay well the cloud defense is also a really expensive light surefire makes a really rugged light you'll see every every type of weapons light from prices ranging from 80 bucks all the way up to 500 bucks depending on what you buy mod light makes an exceptional light I will say that's actually one light that I haven't had a chance to physically play around with just yet but I've heard a lot of people saying great things about the mod lights and the cloud defense lights I don't own the cloud defense yet but I do want to get one eventually I've just gotten into buying some sure fires I just picked up a three forty and a six forty which are there new somewhat modular lights that also include an EM lock rail section in addition to the Picatinny mounts it gives you a little bit more flexibility out of the box they're finally giving at the time they are getting with the times now now granted surefire does represent a considerable cost many people would associate stream light with being kind of like not the price level of a sure-fire but still excellent quality where the stream lights are gonna lose a few points they're going to be on the switching some people you know the switches might fail after a certain amount of actuations compared to a surefire do your research don't take someone's word for something if you're gonna put a weapons light on your gun especially if you're only going to buy one weapons light do the research spend the money by one scry once and get the absolute best thing that you can afford that you feel is going to protect your family I mean and that's really just the bottom line on that but I feel like any home defense firearm whether it involves a long gun or a pistol you can put lights on pistol you need to have a weapons light because identifying your target properly it's not only the responsible thing to do but you don't want to just blindly shoot at something that you can't properly identify that's just not responsible right like we all want to identify what we are going to potentially shoot or not shoot how do you know if what you're aiming at is something you want to shoot if you can't properly identify in the middle of the night weapons light pretty important and you need to consider that into the cost especially if you're the kind of guy that's only going to buy one or two guns and that's it you owe it to yourself to spend a bit of extra money and put a light on your gun it will help you drastically in the long run absolutely another thing to consider when you're purchasing a firearm given what type of firearm it is you need to think about port support parts availability parts cost because eventually there are consumable parts on firearms that will wear out over time and with use things like extractors recoil springs firing pins strikers firing pin spring striker Springs recoil spring assemblies all these parts constantly in motion okay they're constantly getting worked they will wear out over time metal on metal contact will wear things down over time you'll have to have spare parts to keep these guns running hundred for some we've talked about this in other videos but given whichever type of firearm you you choose the parts could be more expensive that could be less available or they could be in plentiful quantities available everywhere we have an entire gun gripe episode dedicated just two parts support and some of the things that you need to consider so if you want to if you're curious about part support for your particular gun we go into a lot of detail in that video go check that video out we go into that much much more than what we're gonna go into here but yeah Chad's absolutely right on that spare parts is really important the next time to consider is okay your new gun owner hurrah awesome alright cool well you need some training you may have to have training in order to own that firearm given where you live permitting things like that but you know training is a big part of firearms ownership because you want to know how to use your gun just going to the range and getting some pointers here and there most time folks will give you some pointers on just proper firearms handle and stuff like that if you're a new shooter where the might be gun owners are usually very helpful with that sort of thing but some professional level training would benefit you in the long run especially if you are considering carrying a firearm for self-defense and training classes things like that range fees all that stuff can add additional cost to the firearm ownership total amount that you're that we're talking about here and then when you get into talking about like concealed weapons permitting and such unless you live in a state that has Constitutional Carry where you can just legally carry a firearm just with the Second Amendment as your license you know that's awesome but if you live in a state like we do like in Georgia there is a permitting scheme here so you do have to be permitted to legally carry a firearm concealed and save Georgia and average permit costs usually is about 80 bucks normal time for per minute expiration is about five years different states require different requirements so you may have to have a specific class that you'll have to pay an additional fee for in order to get that permit you may have to have a live-fire class as well so that might be additional cost plus the ammo cost so you have to just look at your own individual state but you know the cost of a permit might cost you three or four hundred dollars by the time it's said and done just to get that concealed weapons permit where you live so that is definitely a cost that is tacked on top of everything else that we've already discussed every jurisdiction is a little bit different in terms of how they handle the permit so it's on you no matter where you live to understand if permits are required and what is required to get in so the cost of the permit is certainly something you need to figure into the entire equation of firearms ownership and then also I'll mention on the classes and training and stuff like that there are tons of qualified trainers out there that are wonderful guys and do great work okay many of them make videos right here on YouTube John Lovell is an excellent trainer Rob Pincus is great on the training end Reid Hendricks at valor Ridge does a great job of course JJ ger does a great job and there's tons of dudes out there that are doing lots of great training and if you want to take like that level of training you can even if you don't take an advanced you know type of pistol or rifle class usually the classes are going to be set up in a specialized type of environment right so it's going to be you know a hand a combat handgun specific course where it's gonna be hey here's combat shotgun like there are certain things to running a shotgun that you need to know car carbine class all of those classes are going to be tailored to that specific type of rifle pistol shotgun whatever so that's something to consider that there are specialized training out there that can go down the rabbit hole if you want if you don't want to get any type of you know specialized training I would strongly recommend at least at a minimum just go to your local range if you're especially if you're a new gun owner and you don't have any friends that know about guns take a basic class to at least learn the basics and learn the fundamentals of marksmanship sight alignment trigger squeeze controlling your breathing you know all of these things are gonna make you a more competent shooter now it may not be the training level you need to operate under stress but at least to keep you safe where you're not gonna hurt yourself or someone else that's important so even if your jurisdiction doesn't require a training course I'd probably go get at least some simple basic instruction if you're a new gun owner it can't hurt and that's gonna be an extra cost okay in addition to the permit I will say - like there are some training aids that are available out there like we did a video recently about the mantis X training system where you can either live fire or dry fire your guns and it'll tell you kind of what you're doing wrong and what to work on and there's a little bit of an initial cost with that but it saves you time and money if you're not going to the range and you just dry firing them home and your training that way so when you go to the range and expend some ammunition and spend that extra money you're using your time a little bit more wisely and you know saving yourself a buck or two but um another thing to when you're considering cost of gun ownership is storing your guns safely so most people will offer like a gun storage cabinet or a gun safe of some kind so when you're talking about storage cabinet you know storage cabinets can be had for a couple hundred bucks on the low end but they don't provide any sort of fire protection or anything like that when you get into gun safes cheap gun safe might be three or four hundred dollars but you got really got to think about a lot of things and we've we've talked about this in a previous video we did a complete episode on storing your guns safely we go over cabinets save spy ratings tips and tricks and things like that where to store your safe and just some other things to think about so if you interested in that topic in more detail go check that video out yep good call I forgot that we did that video but gun safes are a popular item especially if you have small children home we'd like to keep our guns locked up and you know out of the hands of our children unless we are there to supervise him ok you don't want to have unauthorized access to your firearms I mean let be your children your immediate family whatever the case might be or people who are not supposed to be in your house ok when you're not there you don't want people just getting into your safe and just taking the guns or whatever I mean you don't have a way to store your guns they're just gonna pull them out of a closet or something like that and a lot of people just store guns in their closets or like up under a bed or something like that and it's just it's it's a way to protect your investment more than anything else you know especially if you don't have kids it's just protecting your investment that's the whole idea so yeah the storage needs are gonna vary greatly based on your individual situation all right and I believe the most important factors are whether or not you have children especially small children and where you live ok if you're in a crowded apartment complex and you're around a lot of people and they see you going in and out with gun cases or something chances are you probably need to keep your guns locked up right yeah if I live out in the middle of the sticks and I don't have any neighbors I could carry a scar heavy or or or a barrett m107 and out of my truck and no one's gonna care ultimately all right it's on you to make sure you're storing your firearms properly not only do you not want them to fall into the hands of small children or something but you also don't want your investment being stolen I mean guns are obviously a very popular item for theft for many many reasons which won't go into here but yeah thieves love guns and we don't want people to steal our guns there are very big differences between a simple gun storage cabinet and a safe that actually has a fireproof rating that's designed if your fire occurs in your home or safe that is designed to be like physically bolted down to the you know foundation whether it's like down in the concrete or whether it's to the floor so there are various levels of safes and not all safes are created equal but check out our video and you'll learn everything you need to know in that so and storage is something to consider whether you own one gun or whether you own 20 you need to try to have some form of storage to keep them safe and you can also put your valuables laptops whether it's your jewelry gold or coins or rare photos or maybe your your licenses and marriage certificates or important documents many things can reside within a gun safe especially a fireproof gun safe can protect many valuables not just firearms absolutely something to consider so moving on if you own a home okay and your firearms owner you can place some of your firearms on to your homeowners insurance policy however they are gonna cover everything okay so say your house burned down or whatever and you had some firearms added on your policy well they're only gonna give you X number of dollars I mean that in the case of my policy it was like sixty-five hundred bucks and I'm like well you know that ain't gonna work so there are fire specific insurance policies out there that cover guns optics suppressors all kinds of accessories and things like that Erik is a little bit more familiar with that we've talked about this in a previous video yes well yes yeah we have talked about this but I want this to be in this video as well and I'm just going to briefly mention it I use core veins core veins is in my opinion one of the best firearms insurance companies that there is and you know I don't have like a relationship with core veins I'm a customer of core of Ames that's a I don't there's no connection to that if you decide to utilize their services that has nothing to do with me but I'm a core veins customer and I have been for several years and it they're great a great setup so basically you know you just select a policy that works for you and you pay your premium just like you do any of the type of insurance policy but core vein specializes in gun collections so if you have a collection worth a certain amount of money usually when you start getting into a collection of guns that's over like ten or twenty thousand dollars then you probably want to look at a firearm specific insurance clause because you're homeowners just and some homeowners policies if the bank is real douchebaggery they might not even want to cover the guns just because they're anti-gun so it's important to have a firearm specific policy because they understand they understand that your that your scar has an optic on it that's worth as much as the gun they understand that the suppressor costs a lot of money they understand accessories and things so they factor in accessory value as well as the value of the physical gun and as you see because you're understanding the breakdown of the cost of being a gun owner now you are seeing that there are other costs and yet just because you've got a gun doesn't mean you don't have a thousand dollar suppressor on it or a two thousand dollar optic so they factor in accessory value into what they pay in the event of loss all right so that's important consider a firearm specific insurance policy especially if you own more guns than your homeowners will cover yep absolutely pretty simple now legal costs all right so you carry your firearm okay everyday for self-defense well you use your firearm in self-defense who are you gonna call alright so we've been members of us all shield for a good long while they are a concealed carry specific like insurance policy so they have teams of lawyers all across the United States that will come to your aid okay if you are ever in a self-defense situation and they will help you get through that without saying the wrong thing doing the wrong thing and make sure that you know you're good okay there's a lot of people that if it's illegal shoot if it's illegal shooting okay so nobody wants to be in this situation but there are some states where like if you if you kill someone in self-defense you go to it doesn't matter you know if they were trying to kill your entire family if you kill that person you were probably going to go to jail and you know there states like Georgia Florida a few other states around the country have Castle Doctrine so if you have someone in your house and they are trying to harm you or your family and you shoot them and they perish then the state can't touch you but you still have to have representation representation can cost several thousands or tens of thousands of dollars given what the case might be so the the insurance or the concealed carry insurance and stuff like that like us lost feel like self defense insurance kind of helps alleviate a lot of that cost because it's a giant pool it's just like any other type of insurance it's a big pool of members and they draw from the pool okay when someone is in one of those situations and you have a certain policy that you pay each year whatever the case is and you maintain your membership you keep a card in your wallet and you're pretty much good to go on that account yeah I mean at some point there it becomes an issue of articulation right now you'll have to articulate a story or an account to someone at some point and it's better to have legal representation to make sure that you're saying what you're supposed to be saying and that you're not incriminating yourself because the issue is its it what you say can and will be used against you in the court of law so their job is to try to make you criminal one way or the other they're trying to get criminals so they're what they're going to say whatever they can say to you and they're going to use it against you they're gonna try to get you they're gonna buddy up and oh man what happened I know that was scary and they're gonna try to get you to say something under duress that could get you in trouble so having proper representation is important to make sure that your story is articulated importantly and to make sure that all the facts and evidence and things that surround the nature of what happened are considered to its fullest extent in a way that helps you get out of this thing right no matter how cut and dry the situation might seem if if you are involved in something like that don't say anything I've been the victim of a crime that's what you say I have every Intendant intention to cooperate with your investigation but I've been the victim of a crime that's simple don't say I just shot somebody say I've been the victim of a crime there's a clear distinction okay all of those things right so a quick disclaimer we are not lawyers now not even legal I'm not giving legal advice but US law still is a good group yeah so I would probably consider some form of carry insurance it's out there it's certainly a cost to consider and it's not that expensive might be something worth doing now just look into it see what you think so the last thing that we were going to discuss was a support gear and this could be you know if you've got a rifle okay and you want to have kind of a go kit you might want to have a carrier you might wanna have some armor you might want to have some storage for your magazines you might want to have a thigh holster for your pistol you might want to have some medical gear I mean medical gear is one thing that we didn't even think a hydration to mean yeah so Medical is a big part of it as well the most important thing I believe to being a gun owner is yes if someone tries to hurt you or your family or someone around you you want to be able to do what you need to do to stop the threat but if you're able to stop a threat and you're able to cause harm you need to be able to also help people if they're hurt right and I believe that that's a double standard a lot of people ignore medical but the chances of you needing medical to help someone that's in need honestly vastly outweigh the chances that you're actually gonna have to draw a firearm to hurt someone that's trying to hurt you right so I think that ignoring medical is almost criminal I mean it's important to make sure you're staying on top of that medical a good blowout kit I know skinny medic over there at a medical gear Outfitters he's got a bunch of great blowout kits ranging from you know super uber fancy level all the way down to the real basic stuff to actually says it on the website to super uber fancy IFAC yes yeah that's not a thing if it's not a thing now should be okay I'm just gonna say that but it's important to be medically prepared because and look the chances of one getting hurt in general let's just say not even including firearms is much greater than you gonna you know have the chance I actually drawn your firearm and using it right so yeah you're gonna run into someone that might get hurt they might have just fallen and gotten a really bad cut or broke you know whatever right people get hurt in a wide variety of different ways that aren't gun related so having medical is important and that's almost a whole nother consideration besides this video but it is I believe being medically prepared is a cornerstone of being a gun owner as well and that's the cost that you need to consider now that support dear some people might want to you know go as far as getting like a good set of body armor we work with ar500 armor they're great the guys at Spartan armor make really good stuff the guys a safe life defense make really nice flexible armor that's really handy Hesco makes some really cutting edge ceramics and and other composite type armors that are lightweight and you know very very strong just go them up with Sandra no not that kind of very nice go Barry Tong Hesco arm same GPA but Hesco armor but there are tons of great armor companies out there that make really great armor and they all come in at very very different price points and they all come in at very different weights and threat levels so armor is a talking point that is completely out of the scope of this video because we don't have time to discuss all the different types of armor but just know that armor is a consideration you need to make in terms of cost that with the carrier and armor setup you're probably looking at anywhere from two hundred to twelve hundred dollars depending on what you buy yeah absolutely if you buy you know fancy lightweight level four plates and a fancy tactical tailor carrier and you get trauma pads and all of this stuff yeah you're probably looking on dollar side of body armor or more easily yeah some of those plates can rent three hundred fifty dollars per plate but you know given the situation which is very unlikely for you to be in it could save your life right an armor is also an extremely passive way to protect yourself body armor is something you can have without even needing to own a gun let's just say you want to have the protection you can have a medical kit and body armor and you don't even need to own a gun to that and that's a very passive way to protect yourself if you wish to do so now support gear will briefly discuss support gear he mentioned you know yeah you know to carry extra magazines medical maybe a hydration system like a Camelback they're the ones that I'm a big fan of I like camel backs you usually hold about a liter liter in half of water or more depending on the size so you might need to take the show on the road right you might need to physically move around with your armor magazines you know medical all of these things you might want to have a pistol mounted to your carrier or like in a drop leg all of those accoutrements and accessories cost additional money and if that's the level down the rabbit hole that you want to go you need to consider that that's an additional cost and many time like getting back to the training there are many training course courses where the trainer's are going to require certain types of gear in order to take the course you might need to be able to support a backup pistol in addition to your carbine you you might they might require at least a minimum of a good sling right certain things in the class are gonna require you to switch from a primary weapon to a secondary weapon or it may require you to sling the rifle and go over a barrier you know certain things like that they're gonna teach you require certain support gear in order to make sure you can perform the task in a safe manner okay so that's just something to consider moving around with your firearms is an important thing yeah and I suppose the last thing in that support gear be stuff like range bags cases you know a good padded case with extra spots for magazines accessories obviously keeping your firearm safe transport it to and from the range those are important considerations 511 makes an outstanding range bag I love their range bags Blackhawks range bags are outstanding I love them all I've been really digging their diversion line which is a very kind of plain-jane everyday looking set up from Blackhawk which I really like the stuff that Kenai is making is absolutely fantastic Kenai is making some of the best range bags and things like that you could possibly ever ask for so there's tons of great stuff out there in that regard hazard 4 does a great job with their stuff condor makes some really nice entry-level gear tactical taylor is one of my favorites for a support gear his stuffs a little pricey but he is a great dude and he makes wonderful wonderful products ok so that gives you a few things to look in there I'd say maybe circling back to the the medical aspect of it just one thought that I had was if you if you purchase a firearm you know to defend yourself defend your family the sort of thing whether it be pistol rifle shotgun one of the cases and you train for your training to take a life ultimately ok a lot of people don't like to think that but ultimately you are training to possibly take a life if it's necessary ok but it's to save a life to save a life okay but you should if you train to take life you should train to save life as well that's where the medical aspect comes in I think that every good gun owner you know worth their salt really needs to have a good basic trauma course and some medical supplies and know how to use them because like Eric said nine times out of ten probably ninety nine times out of a hundred you would need medical more than you would need that firearm for a given situation but if you're a gun owner and you've got that mindset that you want to own a gun you probably have this preparedness mindset like I just want to be ready for things when they go kind of crazy you know I want to have a gun for protection I mean a gun is the epitome of self-protection and self-preservation I mean it is a very useful tool for self-preservation it is one of the best tools for the job I mean it's a lot better than a sharp stick there's a feeling that can't be replaced no absolutely not once you become a gun owner and you realize that safety net that you feel in your everyday life it you feel naked without you then I know that's hard for people to consider especially if you're a new gun owner you haven't really gotten it yet but once it clicks you'll never want to be without your gun because it's a level of safety that you feel that you have and it's it's an empowerment that every person I believe that doesn't own a gun is missing out on like and it's not like a it's not a macho thing or it's not a complex thing like a lot of people make it out to be this complex oh well this guy just wants to get in a fight or hurt somebody it's not that it's not a complex thing it's just simply being safe right no one looks at a person that puts on their seat belt and goes huh you wearing that seat belt because you got some safety complex you're worried about you know Oh your safety Sally or they don't go oh well you have a vehicle that has airbags on them oh well you're just worried about getting in a wreck why do you need those airbags well if airbags and seatbelts and all these other safety measures and you buy car insurance I mean just in case right so you know the same type of thing a gun is literally in your own little insurance policy for your life that you can cash in right that moment it kind of goes back to the old adage of you know I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it I mean you can ultimately sum up gun ownership just like that all right so well in in this video by saying that the biggest cost to consider about being a gun owner beyond all of this is the cost of not being one indeed that that is the worst cost of all because if you don't have one no matter you money you can replace yourself you can't so not only one is the worst the biggest cost of all because at the time that you need it the worst and you have to have it and you don't have it it doesn't matter if that gun costs a million dollars if you ain't got it and it's and your life ends unfortunately because of it there's no amount of money that can replace you yeah so consider investing in your safety and your future and it's just something to consider so guys we hope you enjoyed today's presentation we hope that it didn't drag on too long but there were several bullet points that we had to discuss we hope you enjoyed it if you're a new gun owner welcome to the fold we wants you here trust me gun owners greatly greatly have a very big sense of personal responsibility we want to help other people we want to be assets to our community assets to each other we want to protect our families our communities and it's super important and we welcome you to that fold and we want all the new gun owners that are out there to understand what the lifestyle really means and in this case obviously we're talking about the hidden costs of that lifestyle but they are there so maybe take that information for what you will and go forth in Liberty and be happy and protect your people so thank you very much for watching many more videos on the way definitely want to take a moment to thank all the folks who purchased man cans over on the website those of you who purchased t-shirts over on ballistic ink and all of our patreon supporters you guys are amazing thank you so much for making these videos possible and being a part of what we do and seeing value in what we do it's super important and especially right now and thank you guys so much for the support and if you have any questions leave a comment below and we'll all you know all of us our viewers and us will try to answer any of the questions you might have so we'll be happy to help have a great day and we'll see you next time any more videos on the way take care guys [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 134,441
Rating: 4.9235473 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, hidden costs, gun ownership, gun safes, training, ammo, i bought a gun what now, firearms
Id: sHnpZUDDj_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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