Top Home Security Tips with John Lovell

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 today I've got a very special guest with me this is mr. John level warrior poet himself hey how you doing pal doing well man thanks today I thought it would be fun to have John discuss some different things going on with home security and we're going to talk about quite a few different things in this particular video but he's got a great mindset in terms of how he secures his home and a lot of these security measures are very passive all right you don't even necessarily have to be a gun owner okay to even take advantage of some of these security things we're going to talk about and securing your home can be done and a lot of very simple ways I think you'll see that a lot of these things are relatively cheap to employ okay very cheap and not to mention will really increase the overall security of your home I mean let's face it people break in houses there's there's robberies you know there's a peace of mind that you need when you're away from your home and there's a lot of really really simple things we're going to talk about in today's video I think you'll be very surprised at how many of you are guilty of these things that we're gonna discuss so party on party on we're gonna go take a little walk around and let's look at a few things all right so first thing folks is when we're talking about home security don't everyone just be like all right well what caliber you bring into the fight and that's fun I like the guns part yay for guns but really I want to keep people from ever even targeting your home the way that you do that is being smart and making little tiny lifestyle changes to make sure that your house doesn't become a target really this is where it pays to kind of keep up with the Joneses just a little bit if you have like a real unkempt yard for instance and stuffs falling off the house it looks like somebody's not taking care of it typically that communicates to a bad guy that this is a place that doesn't have heightened security you're less likely have alarm system that's wired into police so anyway that's one thing hey cut your yard clean up the clutter around your house that's something that can be really good as well another thing that I get onto folks about all the time is close your blinds at night that's a huge one bad guys and if you follow the criminal planning cycle it's always select a target and people select targets that are easier targets right they want their bat they're lazy they want easy target a low-risk high-reward it's generally what they're after so the very first thing is they've selected target the second thing is they gather intelligence this is true from all the way up to kind of the movies you've seen with kind of the white-collar crime all the way down to just a common pickpocket everyone selects the target and gathers intelligence so one really easy way to gather intelligence is you just stand out in the darkness and you stare in a house and the blinds are open and not a lot of time at all you can figure out exactly who's there and where their vulnerabilities are and they won't see you in the cover of darkness so those are a couple things other things like having dogs an overt presence of they see dogs security lighting which is different than decorative lighting decorative lighting will point toward the house as if to display your house on a silver platter saying look at this and I picture like Wiley coyote like um you know in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons where there's a hungry whatever in it the dude turns into like a steak that's right so anyway that's like serving your house up on a silver platter like here it is that's decorative lighting so you want lights that go out motion sensors are a really good thing signage that says hey this home is protected by XYZ security system all that stuff is really really good and so step one make sure that bad guys look at your house and be like no thanks not going to try there I'll pick somewhere else right the thing that I'll add to everything that John said from my personal experience and you know everybody has their own experiences it's layers of security is the biggest thing you want to look for you want to create layers of security if you have a long driveway for instance but that separates your home from like the main road having gates that open and close gates that have locks on them anything that can create a layer or a barrier between you and a potential thief is always a good thing you probably notice in the background here that we've got you know this grading that is bolted on to the framework over this window as well as a physical you know bars that are put over the frames of the windows as well so there's two layers of security you know so that can also come into play too you know layers of security some people even go as far as to add like you know windows that can't even break in your home like they make these windows that are super super tough you can throw a brick at it and it still won't break so that might be a layer of security some of you guys might want to go through that expense depending on the neighborhood that you live in now I personally don't like to keep that type that crazy of a scenario because I do want to be able to get out of my house if I need to you know you might need to break a window and get out like through this window well this is this is a separate building maniac yeah but but I like to create layers of security I want to create an instance where they are so inconvenienced by trying to get in that one they're going to be killing time valuable time that they need to get in and they're going to be deterred and they're just not going to want to do it you know for one they're gonna have to break open a very very considerable gate to get in and that's not gonna be fun and then you got the machine gun now you guys have had a frame right now but Eric's got a pretty sweet it's not awesome but it's really good machine gun nest right there at the yeah there is the Mongoose pointing down the driveway it's help it's more of a deterrent but uh right the big takeaway is layers of security you know whether it's you know even if you don't have a security system put a sign out in the yard anyway that says you do even if you don't because it creates the air of oh crap these people have a security system so you know even if you don't have a dog still put a beware of dog sign out in your yard or and your driveway or whatever cuz it'll make them realize oh well there's probably a dog here even if there's not okay so it's about creating the aura that even if you're not really prepared creating the aura that you are it's and it's about creating layers of security that will buy you time and I think that having cameras outside your home is certainly important especially if you have a feed that can go to your cell phone like we have a feed that we can pull it up and see what's going on at the house even when we're away from home that's a little bit more of an expensive option but you can you know use cameras that have Wi-Fi capabilities and they even have sound so let's say that you know your dogs are hanging out the house or something you've been away for a few hours you can check on your dog to make sure you're not tearing up the house or peeing on the floor whatever or just to check on your house make sure it's not on fire or whatever and then they also have like carbon monoxide and fire detection that would be sent to your phone as well so say you're not home and a fire breaks out you can actually pull up the app and go oh crap you know there's a fire or you know or they'll they'll call the the fire department for you yeah and then just notify you hate up by the way I know you're having dinner but your house is on fire thank you so we may want to finish up quick you might want to finish up and get home you know but so there's things like that you know like he said that the security lighting is a big part of it let's go over a couple of more things as we get kind of more inside the house okay so we're talking about layers the layers of security that exist outside of your home whether it's a deterrent or just a you know barrier that stops them from gaining access to the property okay so let's say they've gained access to the property now they want to get in your house what are some simple things you can do to keep them out I say we go look at that yeah let's do that let's do it welcome to my home John level you were inside my home I've been here for a while you have you have been here for a while okay so what have we discussed in the last segment yeah so Eric brought up layers of security that's a really good way to think about it the very first thing is don't be a target in the first place so prevent them from ever even picking you that the best stuff you could do in terms of home security the other thing is early warning and you can accomplish that with dogs cameras motion activated lights so that if somebody's coming down especially at night you have early warning the worst thing you could possibly think of is the scenario or somebody standing over your bed ready to do something terrible to you and you wake up this was right there so anyway somebody you wake up to the sip of your a guy's guns drop a mortar on you now he's gonna obviously but wouldn't he blow himself up in the process okay it's the classic mortarman over the bed your eye you're sleeping you're right you don't want mass more during that would be bad yes only no but anyway you don't want to wake up to that you idea we're rolling with it anyway it is what it is it's staying in them prevent them from ever getting their early warning so that your up alert now you have time to grab that gun get a position make sure family is already getting off The X in a hide or safe room something like that so that you can go ahead and deal with the threat and that brings you to what happens if they get the first two levels have failed and now they're actually coming through a window or they're coming through a door how do you prevent them from getting in the house in the first place yeah and there's a lot of ways that that can be accomplished probably one of the cheapest ways you can do it and I'm actually guilty of not taking my own advice I'm going to show you that here in a second is the screws that come with your door jambs and any of your hinges or your your strike plates that come with your door hardware usually come with little screws like this okay it's a very tiny screw it doesn't have a lot of meat and the power that this screw has in terms of the amount of weight it can hold is probably next to nothing one thing you can do is pre-drill your holes and especially you know these hinges should be attached to you know a stud in the wall you can take some of these deck screws these use Torx heads and honestly even if you have like a three and a half inch deck screws even better a good long deck screw that has the flanged head just like the the screw that comes with the hardware so it'll fit down in the recess of it and I'll give you a lot more power to hold that door in there okay you're going you're going from a screw this big a little teeny tiny screw to a big deck screw each of these deck screws I want to say is way rated for probably about 35 or 45 pounds so you're talking what that's twelve so that's pretty good bit of force required to knock the door in right and the weak point won't be the screw it'll actually be this weak piece of trim whether it's on either side typically if you're gonna replace screws and you don't have twelve for this side that's two that you've got to replace is put these deck screws in to where the deadbolt and our face is into this trim because what happens is the deadbolt will actually be quite fine it will well the deadbolt be fine it's not gonna break but what it'll do is when they kick this door right here is that deadbolt just blast this tiny little piece of trim out and so by taking those two screws and going through these different studs all the way deep into the wall that can buy you maybe a couple extra kick so yeah guys doors I've kicked open hundreds of doors in my day so people are like leaning in of like yeah you didn't find me at a library you know but anyway keep doing the lion I do I like libraries actually said that I'm at the library some time anyway doors are really easy to kick in even big doors that look nice it's this stuff is really really easy so maybe that'll buy you a couple kicks and that may be all the time you get but that's you can do a lot in those couple seconds that's right and you know that that loud kick could wake up the dogs it could wake you up might give you a little bit of extra time now all right let's say you want your door even more secured now this is something I actually learned from John I haven't actually instituted this yet but I'm going to tell us about those those little guys that mount to the floor yeah so isn't with replacing screws that's just buying you a couple kids and it's you the average man and it's chibi ferrets go ahead when I move every time I move into a different house that's like the very first day or second day I replace screws right that's just too easy too cheap there's other things as well that you can reinforce this with metal plates I don't like that quite as much as I like the night lock and we'll have links below and I think Chad's gonna throw some b-roll up right now while I'm talking but what basically this kick plate goes into the floor and then this other plate slides through so it's really quick and easy even my five and six-year-old boys are good about putting the night lock on at night that's just part of our routine so all my doors have night locks you cannot kick my doors open SWAT teams as I'm talking to some of my buddies doing four centurion warrants and whatnot when they encounter a night lock that usually means they have to solve the door and a half and fold it over you can't kick those open so enamine its cheat forty bucks if you can not kick that door open anymore so then then instead of buying two or three kicks now it's eighty kicks I mean I have time to like body armor nods down kill the breaker you giggle you get REME [ __ ] have the time and the real big thing with home invasions when you're home is time you're up against time given enough time man I can set that chessboard up that is called my house any old way so that you cannot win but uh well that's a wonderful option too if you're not home like if you're worried about somebody breaking in your home and stealing stuff or whatever they're gonna play a heck of a time getting in that dang door right but you the night lock is something you you have to be in the house to you oh you would slide it in place okay yeah uh yeah but you have to access your own home but well you can do is night lock all the other doors in your house so that the least likely door to be kicked open is still government then so you got neighbors houses facing your front door but nothing in the back door will keep the backdoor night locked up so you'll be good to go that's I am totally gonna buy some of those that acidity it's so easy to fix and every single door we have alright night loss I'm gonna tell a quick story alright I'm promise I'm gonna try to keep this really quick so recently one of my family members have the house broken into okay and I swear this going somewhere trust me home invasions happen all the time people get the house is broken into not going to go into too many details but let's just say the house got broken into and the reason it got broken into well I'm not gonna say that well the reason they want to steal stuff but what they did to break into the home is there was actually cinderblock laying outside and they took the cinder block and they beat the door and beat the door and beat the door and they beat the door open okay so beyond let's just say yes we're worried about the door worried about the injury point right now don't leave things laying around in your yard or on your porch or anywhere that can be used as a tool to gain entry to your house don't leave a sledgehammer out on the front porch guys don't leave blocks and bricks or big tools or pieces of wood or any anything that somebody can pick up and use as a tool to break in your home or to hurt you with ladders is another thing that she'd be secured somewhere else is a lot of bad guys I mean that that's a game for them that in the criminal mind of like they they want to mission impossible themselves up into the window you never thought would be that's fun that gets adrenaline go forum so don't underestimate with given the the most common entry points are going to be a front or back to work that's typically where they're coming from but anyway from making these layers and a few little improvements already bad guys have got to be pretty darn determined to get through all of this stuff when your neighbors down the street they're not doing any of this stuff so that's right and a lot of it also depends on like the demographic where you're at not necessarily demographic but let's just say where you live you know the security measures you have in place if you live in a giant neighborhood with a whole bunch of people might be a little bit different than if you live out in the middle of nowhere and you don't have a lot of neighbors so those two things you know it might fluctuate a little bit depending on your individual needs now talking about security we already talked about cameras let's talk a little bit about home security systems because we're at the point now in my mind all right bad guys kicked in the door okay well what's next well we're grabbing our guns we're doing what we got to do but there's also an alarm system going off so there's different alarms that you can get they have sensors that can go on the door and can detect if the doors even been kicked and the alarm will go off even just from the door being kicked because it is a sensor that senses a kick that's awesome which is also now I have that on my door so let's say that I've got your night lock thing on my door and some jerk a lot of times what they'll do is they'll come up your house and they'll do a press check like they'll tell just turn the knob and they'll push and see if it will open or not yeah and if it opens they'll just simply come in see they they're not gonna just kick it open and say Here I am they're gonna try to just do a little push right even if it's just a push it'll go off it done it hardly has to move and it'll go off that's awesome so even a press check that somebody does on the door it'll go off so I strongly recommend having those those door kick sensors put on and also I have a glass break sensor in every room I think that's important because if a guy there's a break through the window the alarm is immediately going to go off just from a brick being thrown through the window motion sensors are also really good it's kind of a fail-safe so those are set up in all the common areas and kind of like intersections within your hallways and whatnot the motion detection Zin case instead of breaking a window they're able to shimmy one open and so if I failed somewhere else motion sensors or myself fail safe again layers of security redundancies always a great thing to have you can never have enough redundancies when it comes to home security so all right so we've determined that if somebody wants in your house bad enough they're getting in we know that okay if they want him bad enough to get in what's next though it's yeah now it's time to fight maybe definitely but um before we did so I wanted to say one more thing go hot so when I'll teach code here yeah when I teach classes guys I'll typically ask students me all right guys close your eyes yeah I know it's a little sensationalistic little theatrical but I hate humor me close your eyes real quick all of the sudden someone breaks into your house it's a home invasion go and I let it play out first say oh my great open your eyes what time was it in every single time it's between you know midnight or 3:00 in the morning that's what it is you're always thinking the home invasions happening there and statistically man that that's not always so I mean some of the some of them happen during the middle of the day when they believe that everybody's off at work and so when they're after your stuff in the middle of the day maybe a home invasion if you get caught or maybe it's somebody who wants to rape or do something bad like that husband is gone and he believes that stay-at-home wife is with kids you know because some people in America do that and that's fantastic like my wife does anyway so uh keeping doors locked in the middle of the day is a really important thing typically we think about home security it's kind of like alright now the Sun is out a Sun is gone and the bad guys crawl out from under rocks and now they're ready to play so let's turn on the alarm right before we go to bed that's bad stuff you can have all the gizmos and gadgets but if you don't have good habits you are it's a false sense of security whenever my doors are closed day or night they are locked my little kids have been trained to come inside lock the door that's what they do and so anyway whenever we are in for the night alarm is on whenever we leave the house the alarm is set to a way in the middle of the day that's a big deal of like hey imagine you leave go do your thing then you come back and you don't realize hey the back door has been kicked in and somebody's waiting for you I mean that that can be really really devastating thing to walk into and you wouldn't know you can't have the peace of mind that they didn't do that if your alarm wasn't says so anytime you leave the house the alarm is on any time you're in for the night night locks on home security system on right whenever you're in the house or away from this all doors whenever they're shut they are locked deadbolt and that's at least how we do it maybe that doesn't work for your lifestyle but figure out a scalable version of that that does work because it's less about the gadgets or the gadgetry it's not going to help you if you're not actually have a lifestyle with good habits that uses them just trying to help that is a wonderful point and I'm so glad you mentioned that because I I forgot to mention earlier when I told my brief little story there my family member got broken into it was during the day yeah it was not at night it was during the middle of the day in broad daylight and another thing I'll mention about door locks and we're gonna move on because I don't want this to be too redundant do the types of dead bolts that use double Keys don't do the one that has the little little turning thing on it because if they can just crack a window and we can't open it that's kind of worthless always use the one that has a double key deadbolt that way you can lock it on the inside pull the key out they can't open it even if they try to break through you know especially if the door has some swarm window like this one does they can't break it and simply reach in and lock and lock it that's just one one thing I think would be of note something to consider so they've gained entrance to the home what now yeah well now hopefully you've laid out a good tactical plan for your house now it's game on for me if somebody's trying to gain access to my house so let's say hey it's real late at night there's a kicking at the door what I'll do is very quickly run to my fallback position one so where I'm going to basically go to achieve general dominance of my house and achieve fire superiority if I need to and I'm going to speak out and warned them if they come through I'm gonna end them and so that that's what I'll do Hey police are on their way or you could say police are on their way if they misunderstands them yeah just kidding anyway police are on their way if you come in I will shoot you I have a gun and basically keep them out once they get in though let's say that I believe there I hear the footsteps falling on crunch glass now it's different now for me personally and this is just me personally how they've ignored the warning yeah now they're in now because they have already breached that and and not as preventing a gunfight now it may be very well be a gunfight I don't want to call out anymore because now I give away my position so what I should be doing is hopefully by now because my early warning stuff has already let me know I've had ample time to grab firearm tell my wife give our little code word so she immediately initiates odd don't talk to us Ben don't speak um when I say skateboard she immediately goes to kids I cover her to do that and they're going to safe room stuff where she doesn't come looking for me I don't look to her never would you be fighting with kids at your feet or communicating with family it's not time to communicate with family no reason to communicate with family you shouldn't see them they shouldn't be anywhere around you so that you can be able to shoot and be shot at without having to worry about over penetrating rounds killing them they are gone and that's part of what your early warning stuff is about it's not just to grab a gun you if you want to be a good protector and defender you need to be able to take your mind off what the family is doing say they are safe and all I have to do is dance right and so that that's basically what I want to be able to do in my home defense plan so all of a sudden hey this isn't right skateboard and I'm immediately grabbing gun what I need to do extra mag any medical whenever I'm you grab your home defense kit whatever that is some people are gone and body armor and ear Pro whatever that means for you and you go to your fallback position one what you want to do is make sure that that position and you can set up your house however you want it's your chessboard fool if you don't go ahead and set up your house in an orientation so that you can win so what I want in that position that I'm going to go to is I want to be able to have clear line of sight to the most likely entry points of my house this is front and back door I can see both of those and I'm not backlit in any way I want lots of illumination in outside of the house so I can see people walking in front of windows I can also see them through a door and right when they come in they somehow receive light as well so I make sure that they can't see into the darkness well they're a little bit lit up and I'm not backlit that means no little LED lights anywhere no bathroom lights on down the hall I want it to be ink-black behind me so that's a good fallback position so I can see them they can't see me I have enough cover at least concealment that I'm able to get low and I have a long amount of time where I can see them silhouetted identify whether hey I have weapons be able to make a good long thought and decision before I open up because what you don't want to do is all of a sudden you we don't shoot at shadows it's a choir identifying gage your boy well if somebody comes in miles I'll just shoot them all like are you sure it's not some just drunken adolescent girl got in the wrong house I've done that when I was in a fraternity in college of like I wandered into someone's house I've met somebody else this wasn't too long ago where some drunken gal just found the key rock and came into his house and he had gun trained on her almost shot her and it's just some drunk girl that was got the wrong house other times dad will shoot the son who had snuck out and was sneaking back in and it kills him and so we don't shoot at shadows you gotta be able to quite identify engage and make that determination based on you know everything you possibly can but the big crux is is you need time and your position allows you to be able to do that i just talked a lot no that's great I have I have a good bit more to say yeah won't let me let you get in there well I think that you know beyond tactics I think it's it's very very important to discuss all of those things I think that we should talk a little bit as well about staging up guns like what your philosophy is on staging up guns in your home like I think and it's just me talking here guys I think it's important to carry when you're home you know I work from home a lot my wife is home a lot so when you're home it's important to have guns and either nearby or if not on your person because if somebody comes in the middle of the day and tries to rob you you need to be able to have your firearm on you at all times and I know a lot of my close friends and colleagues carry when they're at home so carrying while you're home is important to not just when you're out because you need to be able to defend your castle at all times sometimes let's face it we're in situations where we're maybe a little bit more vulnerable and I like to stage up guns all around my house I have these magnets all around the house and I hide guns all over the place because you never know if I'm nature calls and I'm in the bathroom and forever easin I took my gun off or I don't have my gun on well is there a gun nearby she better dang right bet there is yeah absolutely doesn't matter if I'm in the shower if I'm in the John if I'm in the kitchen I can show you a variety of places that have guns stay step all over the house because you never know when you might get caught off guard it's not getting caught off guard if you prepare for that your situation that's good so what's your thought on that do you like staging up guns all over the house ah let's see all over the house so as soon as you mix kids in them yeah if you as soon as you start thinking about kids things get a little bit dicey er because now you have a sacred responsibility to assume that your little kids want to look at and play with guns and you be like don't you touch that gun you're a fool if you think that that kid I know they're angels they would never disobey you but they're gonna disobey you and play with the gun it's like a cliche thing of like he found the gun and shot himself and oh my god I don't know how that happened it was unloaded sure we have a sacred responsibility to make sure our little kids or medium kids or even our bigger kids can't access that stuff of like friend comes over and they want to be cool and show daddy's gun and he knows he's not supposed to but he's trying to be cool and man that stuff happens all the time so yeah you know you're hard pressed between two bookends here one is you have a responsibility to secure your firearms so felons can't get them and your kids can't shoot themselves with them but then they also need quick access to them as well so there's your bookends figure it out what works for you when you got eight year old boys you can't get away with a lot you're gonna have to air probably on the side of security recognizing that I bet the bigger danger for you is your kid shooting themselves not a bad guy you're going in your door very good so yeah we're interested in home security but man I am more I'm just not so naive as to think hey I think the that is a greater danger so with that eight-year-old boys I'm going to err on the side of security and maybe that means I have to carry more on my person during certain times today I'm not so motivated that I want to I carry a gun everywhere I go when I'm in my house I want to be able to chill out live and though you know um live in a situation unaware thing it's movie snuggle time it's I can't be waiting for Charlie in the bushes at every moment you got to be able to chill out bro and sort of I'm not carrying at home I do have guns staged in other places so for instance my boys are upstairs in my house my little kids and so for up there I'm not comfortable staging guns upstairs but what happens I'm at work somebody comes in middle of the day starts trying to kick in open an our door and mrs. poet is upstairs well there's no guns upstairs so what we have is like a fire extinguisher of pepper spray she can hit the doorways from like the balcony on the other side of the house or just and we've got panic buttons for our alarm system all over the place as well Martin I didn't consider that's variation on the bed so my wife without getting out of bed she can go boom and hit the panic button and so panic buttons are everywhere where you can do that so it's going to set the alarm off which is grace if I did not consider that at all that's a great idea when you think about the tactical plan in a house it helps to be able to think in terms of zones so okay would if my wife is outside playing with kids and someone walks around the corner what's your plan what's she gonna do now typically what you have like a I staged this gun would she really run to the gun or would she run to the kids could you overcome that instinctual thing like if she's running with the kids where can you position a defensive tool or panic but whatever you you at least something on the way to the kids right and so you have to be able to think in terms of what is her most likely what's her motherly instinct and a drive to as well of like this the thing you wanted to do and then think she'll actually do and you got to be able to be real with that and so hey here's our plaintiff they're in the kitchen here's the plan if she's upstairs here's the plan when she's in the bedroom in the middle of the night here's the plan in the bedroom during the middle of the day and so and then there it becomes education sure and so then it's the real big difficulty is our you know if someone has my yeah I comes down to education and a lot of folks I mean we're living or normal people are not all like commandos out there and our wives maybe in varying levels of motivation in terms of preparing for home security especially when they are less inclined to believe that shredder and his Foot Clan is you know sneaking around in the bush is that nice wait wait a minute fine wait a minute they're not they're not we're not what no it's just the Foot Clan choice Ventura that has other people what anyway all right so typically my wife's been a lie typically where only is a secure is the weakest link you know and I'm thinking all this at World War two France is trying to keep the Germans out and so they built a big wall and then the Germans just drive around the wall it's kind of like well it was a great wall it's just you didn't finish it it's kind of like yeah make this big fortress and secure this door and the the back door is like a rickety screen it's sort of like you've got to find the weak links and what can be a weak link is bad habits or bad mindset is if somebody shows up at your door in the middle of the day they knock and they're holding some mail boy hey I'm new in the neighborhood and I got your mail and wife says oh thank you and she opens up the door and then they just step in I'm like well great now they own your wife you know if like hey so sorry I dig your car you know something like that or hey would you like to take a survey ram with the electrical company and he found a shirt it says Bob or whatever I've liked now they can gain entry to their house if like no no wife if you have any any reservation at all or I actually just don't open the door talk through the door fight thank you just leave it on the porch thanks so much and then she doesn't open the door for any man during the middle of the day and some people would be like what no like what she's a big girl she can decide whether she opens the door or not I'm just saying hey this how bad guys think this what happens all of United States is happening today somewhere right now and that's just a really easy way to gain entry to a house without any physical force so really complacency is a big part of it you know if people have bad habits and they're very complacent in terms of how they deal with situations then that's probably something that a criminal is gonna exploit because it seems like a lot of criminals are certainly looking for the lowest common denominator situation they they want little old lady who's vulnerable they want a situation when someone's being complacent and they're being ignorant and they're just not paying attention they want somebody walking down the street on their cell phone not paying attention where they can easily rip them off so thieves are opportunistic people that like to just seize an easy opportunity so I think the big takeaway from this video is as long as you're making efforts to have a very deliberate and layered security measure in terms of your layers of security and as long as everything is Stacia properly and you have a plan you're gonna make yourself probably more difficult to rob than ninety or ninety-five percent of the people that are out there you know and then that I guess that's the big takeaway is you know just not being complacent having a plan layers of security and you know do what's comfortable and safe for you and your family like you said about the staging of guns actually we're gonna go look at some of my stage guns I want to show you like where I've staged a few things sounds good let's do that oh alright John so we went around and we looked at some of the guns that I staged up here in the house what do you think yeah that's great I worry about two things one is people coming up to your doors whether it's electric guy checking a meter and maybe he's not the bad guy but he's gonna say hey I was at this house and crazy that's how guns everyone and then that guy passes along and before you know it of now you got a criminal tip and somebody's robbing here or something so I'm worried about Armen felons I don't want the internet guy who set up my internet or the guy who checked a meter or some hot UPS drop it I don't want anyone to know that I got guns in the house so the new potential mark and now I may be arming a felon so that's one thing and then the second consideration is if kids ever come to your house that can be really really scary so if you've thought through those two things and you like and you have you've already answered those whom you like so it works for you and Michael party on man if I could get away with it I'd do that but as it stands of like I'm erroring more on securing them and much deeper hiding so I'm gonna have to yeah anyway I had I almost gave away too much but anyway so I'm gonna err more on that side but I definitely have a very quick plan for every zone of my house the smart that's the idea I'm not as quick ready access everywhere you look of like men there it is right there of like yeah I mean you got more options that are quicker than I do but I'm lit I don't trust little kids free guns I yeah I'm gonna mention something I'm guilty of all right for the end of the video here and one thing is you know brandy and I you know we don't have small children or anything so we're at a little bit different opposite end of the spectrum than John is and I will admit sometimes I'm guilty of leaving guns laying around the house and it's just because you know I don't have to worry about children and it's just brandy and I so sometimes if we're just sitting around watching TV you know yeah I'll have an mp5 handy or you know a cz scorpion or an AR or something hands you have a mini good oh you know but I'll have it and I'm not talking I'm sitting it within my lap or whatever but I may have it just hanging out right it's a NATO for it's like whatever you know you need your 84 right but you gotta have any any tank gun I mean what if there's a tank it's a legitimate concern I suppose my concern the thing is though make sure you re secure those guns after a certain time if you're gonna leave the house and guys I've been guilty of it I don't do with NFA items now obviously if it's an NFA item like a suppressor or SBR SBS it always goes back in the safe under lock and key everything's good to go but make sure if you are going to stage up a long gun or something like that in your house put it somewhere safe before you leave you don't want to leave that out like he said you don't want to arm someone who's not supposed to be armed and I will say this another thing and we're guilty of this and this is something he pointed out I feel is very important for me to mention and I and I'll take the blame here I'll be the douchebag in this video all right so what I'll say is that sometimes I'm guilty of staging up too many guns all right one thing that John mentioned to me what something I learned from I think it's important takeaway is yeah I might yeah I have a shotgun and an AR by the bed and sometimes I'll have the mp5 by the bed too well okay here's a couple problems with that one problem is well am I gonna waste time thing about which gun I need to pick up use right so I need to simplify my strategy for home defense I need to have you know a shotgun with a light or whatever I'm gonna do and make sure that have a good light because positive identification of the target is important as well so a good weapons light is important and blinding power as well blinding power okay you heard it from John so I'm one a weapons with blinding power in terms of light but what if I become separated from where I staged up my guns what if somehow because you know warfare is chaos and chaos is unpredictable right what if bad guy winds up in my room and we're on the opposite into the house now he has access to the other guns and I staged up so we don't want if we have a weapon in play we want to be in control of that weapon at all times and we don't want to arm the bad guy you know because people are opportunistic he's going to go home there's a gun I didn't have a gun now I do so I learned from that not to stage up too many guns in a very very obvious place because we don't want to arm someone who's not supposed to be armed yeah somebody who wasn't armed now might have the potential to hurt me with my own gang weapon forgot the statistic I just read it but I think of those you know home invasion for sexual assault of the sexual assault predators I think only 11% were armed with firearms when they came in yeah anyway I think it's a lower percentage so anyway there's that the other thing I worried about for Eric is when you have multiple decisions maybe you may second-guess yourself you're like ooh Shaka you know AR if I'm in maybe their pistol and in a game where milliseconds kill you don't want Hicks law to bite your hips law is basically like if you have a bunch of options it's going to take you longer to sort through those options and what if you said no no I'm gonna be I'm gonna grab the shotgun but then you second-guess yourself and now while you're moving to point to defend you're like man I should have grabbed the other I should have grabbed the other you want to eliminate all of that extra psychological noise and any potential bottleneck you want one awesome solution just one I agree uh and so I had reduced hey three is two two is one one it's not no that doesn't work everywhere so I'd say uh take something but that was my finger that was my thinking was oh crap my shotgun messed up or went down throw the bastard down and get something else that was my thinking yeah I'd say you know did I'd say pick one or tape them all together to create mega defense gun so you just took the glory of God man you just you're ready you're like shotgun AR and then your pistols your backups I've got it I've got to pull a page out of Ripley's playbook from aliens and just tape everything together a duct tape you can't duct tape the light on there we solved that problem that's the teamwork right teamwork teamwork I like um Internet all right well guys we hope you learned something from today's video I want to definitely take a moment to thank John for hanging out with us here in this video today I hope you guys learned something and enjoyed yourselves maybe I made you think about we made you think about something that you haven't thought about in terms of your home defense maybe you'll take it more seriously maybe you gave yourself a health check-up in terms of home defense and maybe you're good to go maybe there's something you can teach us heck we don't know but sound off in the comments section below let us know what you think is there something we missed is there something that we're wrong about is there something that maybe you know we saved your life or maybe someone has saved their life using the advice that's similar to what we given let us know and we'll be happy to maybe revisit this video maybe a year or two down the road and maybe give it a rehash after we've had some more time sounds good alright thanks John Hemet sure guys make sure you go over there and subscribe to the warrior poet John Lovell he's a great dude and look he also does training classes you have got to get some training from John he's a great guy and I'm telling you can learn a lot from him he's a great dude if you're here in Georgia especially here in Georgia make sure you get one of his classes he's a great guy and he is totally not a douche bag you had yeah just alright guys have a great day we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 471,255
Rating: 4.9230242 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, john lovell, home defense, warrior poets, home security, protect your family, personal security, home invasion, warrior poet, best advice, iraqveteran8888 top 5, Top Home Security Tips with John Lovell, top home security tips
Id: sYS72a1LF1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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