GUN GRIPES #120: "Gun Store Experiences..."

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and chat with Iraq veteran 8888 today we have another gun gripe episode for you we are going to be talking about a subject that is probably a little bit sensitive of a subject considering probably where you know at least maybe not chat so much but where I've been in the past you know I've worked at malls and I've worked gun counters before and I know you know how it is to sell guns and how to you know be behind a counter and be a gun salesman everything but we're going to do a gun gripe today about gun salesman but we're not throwing anybody under the bus or anything like that we're certainly not but we're going to be discussing a few instances that we've had in terms of negative experiences with gun salesman and the whole point of this video what I think I really want to try to accomplish here is that maybe if somebody falls into any of these categories that's watching and maybe they work in retail and they sell guns for a living they can maybe fix a few of their minor mistakes and maybe improve their overall knowledge base as a as a salesman the biggest thing is education I mean in the big scheme of things it's like you know just educate yourself on what's new what's not I mean some people look for old guns and you just need to kind of read up on things and just frustrating sometimes you're going to shop you're looking for something specific and they don't have a clue which talking about yeah I mean we know a good example would you start looking at things like odd things like 32 okay you know whether somebody's got 32 with Smith and Wesson or 38 Smith & Wesson or a 38 special a 38 long or 32 short there's all these different obscure revolver cartridges that you have to have a little bit of knowledge about I mean if a person brings in a gun and wants to know what cartridge it shoots you've got to have a little bit of a knowledge base to kind of explain what's safe and and what they can and can't do there's so many instances that it's almost impossible to know all but there are different sides to that coin in terms of gun salesman and some of them try to be confident and they act confident and they speak confidently when they're you know having a discussion with you but they might actually really not know what they're talking and they could send somebody out the door with some ammo that will literally blow their gun up yeah or like a guy bringing in a 45 70 trapdoor and then saying yeah here's some buffalo boar 4570 ammo that's a 350 grand caste pill moving at some butt-naked speeds and when you shoot that trap to where it's going to blow it up you know there's a lot of little things like that it you know being a Salesman it's a knowledge base it doesn't matter if you're selling cars if you're selling guns if you're selling anything whatever you are selling if you're salesman part of your job is to be knowledgeable about the product so that when a potential customer asks you a question about something or need some some help in the knowledge area you're there to meet their needs and to make sure that they have what they need in the transaction no matter what it may be the gun industry in my opinion is a very very different world in terms of that type of knowledge base because if someone is coming in and let's say they're asking for advice on a carry handgun well if you give them crappy advice that could cost them their life good I mean the biggest thing like you know all we know is sales money I worked in Moss with air for a few days a week for about a year after I left home depot and you know it is a different world working in retail for 12 years you know at Home Depot it you know you learn things and you learn how to deal with people on a regular basis and how to interact with customers and such but it's all about like I said you know Eric said the knowledge okay if somebody needs information on like how to build a deck or something like that well guess what I'm a bit one before so I can give that information if I don't know it then I'm going to seek out that information I'm gonna find somebody who knows and you know while what we were most if I didn't know something my go-to guy was right right because ray is a walking encyclopedia of gun knowledge and you know he's a pretty much a master gunsmith and many many facets of the business and you know it's just if there was something I need to know and I didn't I went to Ray I found somebody who knew you know what I was looking for you know had the knowledge for whatever question I needed answered where I'd find somebody help I wouldn't just give a customer ill advice but I could give them my personal opinion on whatever gun that I personally carried so now whether it be a Glock 19 or a Glock 43 or you know well I don't really like to shield too much but there's other guys who like the shield I mean that kind of stuff people look for those kind of car they're able to offer an opinion on something is also there there's kind of an art to having a conversation with someone and there's an art to meeting someone's needs in a customer-service situation let's face it some people just aren't customer service people and I get that and not shoving something but it is frustrating to go into a shop and not know about something and then have somebody that doesn't know what they're talking about try to give you advice I mean imagine being a new shooter or a new gun owner and then going into a place and getting you know bad advice and then getting a bad taste in your mouth because somebody told you that the ideal handgun for you to get is a 500 Magnum of the 4-inch barrel I mean you went outside shooting guns is not that fun actually like you know and maybe they got some bad advice so there are instances like that and sometimes you see a bit of an issue in the technical side like let's say a guys coming in he's trying to look at reloading components or something like that and I've seen and heard so many just crazy stories about people getting really bad advice at gunshots I mean imagine a guy telling you oh yeah yeah you use this powder to load 357 Magnum and then you take his advice and maybe not research or follow up on the data properly and you just go what by what he said and then all of a sudden you've got a 357 magnums in pieces because you got some crappy advice about hand loading from somebody who took a you know a 15 minute familiarization class before we stepped down on the sales floor yeah I mean you know on the other end of the spectrum you know we are customers as well in a lot of cases I mean we travel around we've got all sorts of little local shops and if we're in a different state and we have some free time you better believe that we're going to be finding some little local gun shop we're on our phones going dumb stores like oh there's one hour let's go I'll check it out I mean all the time and you know we know quite a bit about guns you know everything there is to know about them but you know if we go into a shop and we're looking around and they ask us if we need some help whatever it's like oh well not right now just looking around that's fine you know we'll come and get me if you need something and you go and ask them a question about something you know you'd see a gun and it's like okay I want to see the Astra down there on the bottom like this one no this one no this one no this one no this one yeah that's frustrating is like no no it's fast even if you don't know about every gun you should at least make an effort to know what's in your counter I mean and and we're all guilty of that sometimes inventory if it's a high-volume gun shop inventory can change quickly and sometimes there might have been a gun that came in while you were out of work and then it sold before you even came back you didn't even know it was there you know a lot of that also imagine if a let's just say a customer calls or something and there's a guy on a phone call that you're trying to really give some advice to or some information about a gun you have you got to know how to properly describe things do people I mean if if a guy's asking a question about what threaded handguns you have in stock then you need to know that most nine-millimeters are probably half by 28 but you need to know if the guns half by twenty eight or nine it was this European oh yeah yeah but the thing is you know if a guy is calling up to get some technical information you got to be able to relay that technical information in a professional manner that makes it sound like you know half of what you're talking about and the problem and we're going to kind of double back to an issue that is definitely out there and this is something that is an issue you look at the internet and you look at how easy it is for somebody to go to an online retailer I'm not going to say who they may be but let's just say an online retailer of some sort a lot there's a lot of misconception about how guns online are purchased and people don't realize you know you don't buy the gun and have it shipped straight to your door it doesn't work like that it goes through an FF oh it's no different than buying a gun face-to-face at an FFL from a dealer it's just that you're initiating a transfer from another party who then sends it in and then they do the transfer for you and the gun is already sold before it arrives to the FFO that's really the only main difference you mean you can't buy a gun online without a background check all right but here and here's where it kind of relates to describe though is that so many folks now can just pick up a phone and research things on their own you know they may not necessarily need your help when you go into a place if you're a gun salesman and some guys look into something he might have already went and watched every hit [ __ ] video every Iraq veteran video every military arms Channel video every YouTube video he could possibly find he's already cleaned every bit of information he's already read every single article and he's proud we already developed a little bit of an opinion he might even know that he wants to buy it before even went in there he's just looking for verification well he's looking for his verification and you might be that the final step that he wants to pull the trigger to buy that gun that he's looking at or whatever so there there is a fine line there of you being able to deliver the goods there and folks you know information is much more readily available now than it was twenty thirty years ago so it is isn't it a lot of the things that we're talking about go back to a gripe that Eric and Barry did a long time ago called gun store etiquette you know not only on the the other side of the counter but also behind the counter as well you know how employees should treat their customers of gun shop and then how customers should come in and actually interact with those their employees you know and the biggest thing if you educate yourself make sure it's from liable sources you know not some foreign posts that people are getting an arguments about that's like 30 or 40 pages long over some trivial thing yeah I mean you know biggest thing is just you know go in there with a little bit of knowledge about what what you're looking for and you know hopefully get somebody who knows what the difference is between small pistol primers and 22 long rifle primers which totally not even a thing right I went into a shop recently I was just looking around for ammo and it's just a place that I normally stop at if I'm traveling certain area and I just drop in and I'm looking around looking at the guns and it's like okay yeah that prices going back up again this price has gone back up again they still got that same stuff hanging on the wall that's been here for five years or whatever and I'm looking for ammo and I found some 35 35 Remington ammo for pretty cheap so I picked up five boxes of that just add to my brass collection and there was one or two boxes of CCI number 500s which are small pistol primers and I said excuse me sir do y'all carry any other reloading equipment or supplies or you just have those primers up there so now we just got them 22 primers what like 20 at that point you should just walk up 22 primers well he didn't answer my question that was the thing it was like not really it's like 22 primers and I said I'm not following you those are small pistol primers oh yeah those are for 22s no sir I'm sorry but they're not I don't know who told you that but that that's wrong so those are four like nine millimeter 40 Smith & Wesson small pistol centerfire cartridges and you know he just finally like he was arguing with me a little bit I said sir I said I'm sure you could probably find somebody else in the store who could confirm what I'm telling you I'm trying to tell you that those are small pistol primers there's no such thing as the 22 long-rifle primer I mean that you can just go out and buy football I mean get that football it's like dude and finally he said man I didn't know that so well I was trying to tell you yeah you know but it's a little frustrating sometimes you know like I said before there there's an art to having a conversation I believe that it is definitely an art form it is a yes probably my phone making racket turn the leg though but there is there is an art form to having a conversation and for making sure that the other party in the conversation you know has what they need out of the conversation so if you're not knowledgeable then maybe you should become knowledgeable or if there's a guy who's trying to explain something to you and he's trying to help you he's trying to make you more knowledgeable about something hey I was looking for this gun uh it's the Ruger precision rifle but it's the chin - do you have any of the gentoos in stock gentoos gentoos you mean there was a gym won or something yeah yeah so so knowing knowing things like that can can really matter and you can't be a walking encyclopedia of knowledge all the time but but you can help people seek out the information they need and you can put them in a position where they can get the answer they need and that in turn makes you helpful it's all about being helpful I mean and there is a kind of a two-way street to the entire thing there's there's a way to go into a shop as a customer and and get a good positive experience out of it I mean I can't tell you how many times I've seen a customer go in and give the guy to counter a hard time just because he doesn't understand how to conduct himself in a polite fashion and there is an art to getting your way with people and getting things that you need out of people and it's definitely not hey uh you know all right you're at your the gun counter there's a gun gun salesman across the counter from you and me walking up going excuse me can I on ask about this right here like you know that crap gets old dude I can't tell you how many times we're up malls and I'm interacting with a customer and you know I'm answering questions whatever and just some guy just walks up says hey I need to see this gun on the counter I've been waiting and I just butt in line like yeah interrupt your conversation you know it if you know if you're in the right position it's okay to say well excuse me sir well I was helping this gentleman here I said I'm sure that somebody will be with you in just one moment or I will help you in just a moment as soon as I'm finished with this cut and honestly like what I did when I used to work in retail you know if you're dealing with a customer and and they're at the counter with you or something like that you know all right I'm talking to a customer right now a guy walks up sir it'd be just a moment let me finish up with him I'll be with you in just a second all right just give me a few minutes here I'll be right with you biggest thing is acknowledge them just acknowledge that they're there and and I think most people that's all they want is to just be acknowledged you know I pull my phone out turn the volume down the min ago and just made me think you know we're talking about how how there's so much stuff out there that's new with guns all the time it seems it almost mimics like the the new advancements in technology all the time like there's always a new smartphone now there's always new computers that are coming out yes and go for a gadget is just another there there's so many freaking guns and optics and accessories and all manner of stuff coming out which is awesome because it means that there's a huge market for firearms now and people are really interested in guns from the answer more as well exactly there's there's not like big monopolies like they're kind of used to be there are so many people in the market now but it almost gets overwhelming because there's so much to choose from if you're just job low consumer you don't really know and the COS the counter probably doesn't know about the brand-new gadget that was just announced yesterday because he went home from work and ate supper and went to sleep and said oh I gotta get him to do this crap again tomorrow yeah oh god increasing that knowledge base stuff you know another good good way to look at it is a lot of times when you go into a gun shop you know if it's a mom-and-pop gun shop or if it's if it's a big-box gun shop it's it's it's totally okay to say hey I'm really wanting to ask some questions about military rifles do you have a guy here who is knowledgeable in military rifles it's okay to ask that now some people might take offense to it or some people may go well I know everything there is to know about military rifles but every shop you go in chances are chances are there's going to be error there's gonna there's going to be the tactical Tet of the group who can tell you every single thing about every nut and bolt on an AR or some crap like that there's going to be a mill serp nut who can tell you what year something was made and well maybe you know what year something was made and whether or not this is a good gun or gun or whatever so you're you're probably going to have your mil cert nut your tactical Ted then you might have your foot of the group who he doesn't care nothing about nothing but F class bench rest shooting hunting and shotguns and shooting skeet I like that with all the space that you need to tap into and you need to know about there's probably somebody there that can help you so enlist the help of fellow employees if you work at a gun shop and there's people there that you know that guys the go-to guy for that it's ok to defer that question to somebody who has a better knowledge base because it's ultimately all about making sure the consumer gets what he needs and if the guy is coming in and he's asking about hand loading for a 1886 steyr corpus check then there's probably a chance that if your tactical Ted you're not going to know about that but you'll see that unless tactical dad hangs out with him all the time well you know but the thing is there there are knowledge bases that can be expanded amongst you and your peers if you work at a gun shop so it really is it's a knowledge thing but it's also an etiquette thing I think is one of the biggest things and the reason we want to make this video and why I felt it was important to make it because there are so many new firearms owners there's first-time firearms owners and guys look if you're watching this video and you work behind the counter of a gun shop you have to realize that you are the first person that that that guy that new gun owner is going to be in contact with ok you conduct yourself could could mean whether or not they're going to be a gun owner an hour from the time of that conversation you know came about especially women because I can't tell you how many women came into malls looking for their first gun and it was it was incredible you know this was awesome this was over a year ago and it even more so now there's just so many women shooters out there and you know they can you know I mean anybody can easily get like Spurs from you know guns by one bad encounter it can just put a bad taste in their mouth and say no but you know I'm kind of a different tangent you know going into gun shops and the employees not really knowing much about some guns it is beneficial in some cases you know I can't tell you I mean how many experiences I've had where I've gone into a local shop or even just one up and traveling through and I find a gun and I'm like I pretty much know relatively what gun should be valued at what should what I should pay for them what I want to pay for them and a lot of that I got from him because he's just like this military surplus guru and you know just talking to Ray and you know like hey ray I've got this gun here I was looking at I mean what should I wish I pay for it was like well I wouldn't do more than such-and-such and some stuff I've walked out of shops for him like you know you get out to your truck he's like I can't believe I just got this deal I mean it's just crazy you know but they do two-way street I don't really know but then you got the shops that you go in and they're like no I can't take less than $700 for that thing like dude that thing's only worth 500 bucks I can't take less than seven for it well thank you guys oh then it's not leaving the shelf mostly here's the thing though I guarantee you some Schmo eventually will walk in and pay that for it probably so it it's one of those things like well I don't know it it's alright work in a gun shop and you see a guy on his cell phone walking around chances are he's either gonna lose it he's either looking on gun broker trying to find a cheaper price or snatchers your prices in line with what most people in gun Brooker asking or - he's texting somebody who a buddy of his that's knowledgeable you know he's got a chat or Erik or somebody that he can call up and say hey uh I'm looking at such-and-such is that a good deal and then they can go yeah I'd probably do that they're seeking verification for something in terms of price availability or condition they're believe me if they're on a phone it's not that they're trying to be rude they're probably trying to validate the decision you're about to make that's all you know Enzo deal we we went to a local shop when John Patton was in town and you know I found a good price on 22 mm I was like wow okay I haven't seen that and forever so I picked a bunch of 22 ammo and the thing is you got to go into shops if you're looking for certain things or whatever just stuff that you look for all the time like if I go anywhere if I got 22 mo I'm leaving with ya you know I don't leave with it all I'm not going to be that guy but I'll leave with a couple thousand rounds maybe 3,000 rounds sometimes depend on the price but I've found a good price on 22 mo and you got to know what's good and what's not yep it's almost like it's in a way it's almost like kind of playing the stock market to some degree like guys that get in the stock market do you think for one second if they're going to buy high and so low well no they're going to find the deals and go wow that's a great deal on that stock and they're going to snatch it up and then hang on to it for a while maybe flip it or whatever they're going to do with it but got the gun culture and buying and selling gun related items is very much the same way because you might go to a place and like I have no intention of buying 22 mo but I see the deal and I see the the value and what I'm seeing there then then you may buy it just to just to have a little bit or to speculate on it but it depends you know unlike Chad I mean in some cases if I see a lot of 22 mo if I don't need any I generally won't buy it but if I go into a place and the price is too good to be true well then yeah any any reasonable person would probably buy the ammunition for a certain price but I suppose the vein that that that runs into is the fact that when you're in a gun shop and you're looking around as a consumer you need to kind of keep your head on swivel and really kind of think with an open mind as to what you're looking at and to be able to kind of see those deals when they're out there and then snatch them up I mean there are awesome deals out there to be had if you look hard enough and if you work in a gun shop getting back to the gun salesmen on the other side of the hill we've kind of gotten off a little bit of a tangent we've gotten off a little bit of a tangent but that's okay I think it's a good discussion but when you look at the guys on the other end the counter they're selling stuff it's also your job to be able to tell someone hey we've got a really awesome deal going on these right now maybe you should check it out it's probably not what I would want per se but it may work for you let me show you one it's a great deal you got to kind of sell what you got to some degree to so that there are two different sides of the coin and I think that there's you know to kind of close things out well got one more thing to talk about to know well run it big boxes Oh Bing Bob you mentioned big boxes just a little bit but right so you all right working at Home Depot okay you know you any of you guys who've worked in like big-box retail before no matter what it is guns home-improvement whatever okay or you know anything you know you have like product knowledge classes and stuff like that like literally okay if you're going to work in alright so you're going to work in the hardware department you're a new employee you're like fresh off the street okay they're going to put you down behind a computer and you're going to take like two or three days of product knowledge training and you're going to learn about basic products that are in hardware it's not going to teach you everything you need to know about using those products it's going to teach you you know just a general knowledge okay well they do the same thing folks at gunshot or a big-box stores like okay so you go into a big-box store and they've got a wall of guns thousands of guns in stock on the back wall and there's like three little employees walking walking around and I've talked to some of these guys and I'm like what you got to be kidding me I'm thinking to myself God you must have just gotten three hours of computer training and that's it and that's it they don't expand on those horizons at all that's the issue that I have yeah is they don't go home and just research things themselves like if somebody asked them a question that they don't know about during the day we'll take a note of it pull your smartphone out make a note and say I'm going to look that up when I get home so the next guy that asked me about that I can be a better employee but you know I don't speak for everybody but you know you got some folks out there that are just trying to scrape by they do the bare minimum at their job and I saw it at depot I mean folks would do the bare minimum I owe that ain't my job I don't need to know that I'm not going home and taking them taking my work home and well guess what that's how you move ahead in life right you know and then there's a guy in the gun section that goes oh well I'm a gun I'm a gun salesman I don't need to know about reloading equipment I've gotten that before people you know I don't know think about I don't know anything about that we don't have anybody here right now that can help you and they walk away and that pisses me off ya know well you know and then and then I guess on another end of that vein so to speak would be that you look at other big-box shops like I am going to mention Bass Pro here because I think it's this is important to mention it seems like some big box stores like that's program good people it's almost like they hire people that they know are Fudd's to some degree like I've gone in there and I've asked like hey ed you guys carry Daniel Defense ar-15s what do you need area 15 for those people excuse me what are you what only the Bell ar-15 for that's not what I asked you do I want to know if you carry Daniel but since you know Daniel defense also make ours right oh uh huh no uh we don't have nothing like that here well how do you say like whether or not I should own something based solely on what whether or not you have it I mean I get it a salesman needs to sell what he's got right like if your salesman what do you sell you sell what you have to sell if you don't carry Daniel defense well then guess what oh during the road offense isn't the greatest gun that there is well because we don't have it come on it there is a fine line there between you should be able to identify that guy when he comes into your shop or comes into where you're working if you're behind the gun counter you're behind that then you should know you should be able to identify that person and go alright this guy knows what he wants he's not full of crap he's not an idiot I should just tell him we don't have it and just grin and say here here's where they have it you you can't BS people that pun well you can't bring your personal opinions about whatever products you're selling them you may not agree that company sells ar-15s or whatever but you know what I find a different job I mean I'm sorry but you work for that company they sell ar-15 so that means you sell ar-15 that's right you know you leave your personal grudges and all that at home and you'd be professional about that urge but big time but like you know we've been to Bass Pro before and I've been down there and I've gotten in conversations for an hour with people behind the counter about reloading equipment and like mill surfs all kinds of crazy stuff and you know there's some folks that are just they just happen to you know be really passionate about firearms like we are and you know they're do anything to those time they're just easy people to talk to well so this this video could go on for a long time I'm going to give one more little story before I was just out so what one more little very quick story is I can't tell you how many times that I've been in big-box sporting goods store that carries you're loading equipment and then perusing the reloading equipment and have someone else a customer walk up to me and start asking me a bunch of questions because they can't get any help at the big-box on them so you know Here I am looking at powders you're looking at like things like lot numbers on the powder because I might be buying like more than one pound of powder and I want to make sure the lot numbers match and have some guy go hey uh what powder should I use for a 300 Win Mag and like what what bullet weights does a 300 Win Mag supposed to shoot I mean can I run 120 s can I run a 220 I mean what should I use and then you start getting all these questions and before you know it you didn't spent 45 minutes of your time I mean cuz you I'm a nice guy I'm gonna try to tell somebody what they need to know if they're looking to me for knowledge right but before you know it you're working for Bass Pro and you don't realize well not even tell you I mean I mean that that's literally what's happening like you are spending your time to help somebody that Bass Pro should build up you know it makes me think of like a couple of couple of quick things like we were at we were shot one year and we were wearing guys lis shirts and hanging out by the guys the booth and we started getting all kinds of questions about triggers and like oh well blah blah blah is like you work for guys like nope I don't get it I mean in that calm that comes down to passionate and loving what you do and ultimately I think to close this video out like we mentioned there's an art to a conversation there's an art to getting what you want in life and there's also I believe in art behind being passionate about what you do in life if you love guns and you want to work behind a gun counter and sell guns then do it get knowledgeable learn about them own them do like you can like be that guy if you want to be that knowledgeable guy and you love selling guns for a living then be that guy don't don't have to do anything I know that you know we've got a ton of questions through email on Facebook I get a ton of questions all the time on Instagram from folks who's like what's the best way to get into the gun business you know when Jon Patton over the gun collective has answered this a million times but go work in a gun store and hang out with gunsmiths real gunsmiths not the type that put together AR see your gun guy no but that's the thing be a gun guy you want to work in the gun business hang out and seek knowledge from folks who have in the gun business for a long time if there's an old time of the works of the local shop would ever go up there and hang out and this slow just soak it up you know but if you want to work in the gun industry or whatever go yeah get started you know whatever here's another thing that and we'll close this out you keep saying I know that but but this is important to mention I believe okay so you know a lot of times when a gun shop especially a mom-and-pop gun shop hire somebody it's generally somebody who hangs out in there all the time and they're well-known customer a lot of times you're generally going to be a well known customer and a well-known kind of gun store fly you know so to speak before you even start working for him and they're like hey this guy's in here soaking up knowledge all the time he's hanging out he knows the gunsmiths well he's doing his thing he's a likable guy he helps customers out when they're in here and he doesn't even work for it that's his story at most that's how I got so it anyway that's for what it's worth there's our opinion on that hopefully uh you know we weren't trying to throw anybody under the bus or anything like that I mean we certainly appreciate anybody that works in the gun industry because it takes an entire team of people to get that gun from the point where it's raw materials to being manufactured to being distributed to being put into a sales floor from being a 4473 filled out you taking it home and you're the proud new owner of a gun guys there is a humongous process and a huge chain of people that that gun has to go through for the times manufacturer to the time it ends up in your living room you know and guys we appreciate anybody that works in the firearms industry no I only wanted this to be constructive type thing we've seen that this video has gone off a little bit of tangent so we started with but you know we have seen like the inner workings of some of the distributorships and whatnot around the country and like we recently went to the new Brownells retail store so like if you were something for Brownells we've met all the people that handle that product getting it to your door and it is just incredible seeing how you know fires manufacture put through distributorships and then put out through all these gun shops and I tell you I mean be honest with you since I've been working in the gun industry this is in my opinion one of the best industries to be in I mean everybody we meet is always just top-notch and well except for a very few select you know folks but very few 99.9% of people in this industry are just awesome folks down-to-earth and I would have it anyway including you if you want in this new your salesman so you don't think we're trying to throw anybody under the bus this we have to be constructing we want to hear stories from gun salesman you guys who work behind the counter you know tell us some of the crazy stories about customers and then customers tell some of the crazy stories about gun shops because we don't die let's get a dialogue going we want to hear about these stories and maybe we will revisit this video at a future date and and include some of your stories in our video so thank you for watching today's gun gripe on it was a little bit long but we enjoy making them and we love it and we can kind of get a little bit yeah they're always long but we always like when we can get a bit of a conversation going and really kind of chomp at the bits of the given subject so there's gun salesman in a nutshell at least what we think about how gun salesmen are perceived thank you for watching today's video we appreciate it we have many more on the way we'll catch you next time later see ya bye [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 633,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gun gripes, iraqveteran8888, iv8888, gun gripe, gun store employees, gun store
Id: 3pNamvyuwZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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