Fudd Lore?

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first rule about fudge lord don't talk about Fudd lore today we're talking about Fudd lore what is Fudd lore Fudd lore alright so you ever go to a gun shop and you hear the most incredulous thing about a firearm or ammunition or just anything general in the gun world and you go what the hell is that guy talking about that's probably Fudd lore yep usually Fudd lore involves something that is almost mythical okay it's usually some type of myth that is usually perpetuated in a way that is told so many times by so many people that people just know that it has to be true and Fudd lore is also a bunch of like bullcrap that the Fudd's put out to basically I don't know I guess they want to they want to put their fudge superiority out on you or make you feel down about being you know a black rifle gun owner I mean so first before we get into Fudd lore people have to know what a foot is a Fudd is basically a gun owner who thinks that gun owners should only have hunting rifles and single-shot shotguns and and stuff like that and that gun owners have no business having a modern type of firearm such as an ar-15 or an aka or any type of auto loading gun heck some foods don't even want you to have a 1022 that's an autoloader much less some type of other they think semi automatics are just the scourge of the earth you know you don't need a semi-auto to hunt with right everything revolves around hunting or oh you don't need that go and shoot clay birds writing okay well it's not all about that I mean right like oh the Second Amendment was written at a time when these uh these moderate guns weren't around and that doesn't count in a lot of ways Fudd's are really are the most dangerous type of gun owner because they they want to have what they want to have for their food activities but they don't want you to have anything that they don't want you to have so that's very dangerous so a foot is is a type of anti gunner in a way they're they're a gun owner who owns a few guns but that they're not really a true gun owner and I a my opinion or not they don't represent a gun owner they don't and we've also talked about to where I mean a typical Fudd does not you know represent the entirety of the Second Amendment they want pick and choose like oh well I just want to be able to own what I want and they have no no idea or no plan whatsoever to defend against all gun owners when bad legislation comes up or anything like that and then like down the line like their their guns are at the bottom of the barrel okay so all these other guns will get taken away but then eventually they're gonna come for their guns everybody oh wait a minute these are just hunting rifles well we got to have them well by the time it's too late we've already done an episode on Fudd's today's episodes about folklore we're gonna talk about some common fuzzy work that gets put out there maybe you guys will quickly begin to understand where we're coming from here so go ahead yeah that's a bit of a list I found I found this cool reddit feed that has a bunch of really really good fun stuff on it all right that's great what's the most ridiculous folklore you've ever heard honey Exhibit A let's go I was at in a local gun shop a while ago I saw a blown-up 357 kunnen slide and Barrel sitting in a box next to all the reloading stuff when I asked what happened to the poor thing one employee shrugged and said must have been a bad round or something well oh man must have been a bad round than that gun it blew it up I don't know that's not fun lore but it does ring a little bit true like these guys have em loading and stuff okay these guys handle Odin and always comes out of this powder just substitute that's what I'm getting at ok so I don't have any more bullseye left so I'm just gonna load this I'm just gonna stuff it all in there I'll be alright boom like I must have been a bad round or something it wasn't the fact that he had a squib beforehand it didn't pay any attention to it look I'm telling it it might have been if I remember correctly it might have been gun geek Scottie yeah up in Canada gun geek that was telling me that yeah I think he told me the story that one of the guys came in to the shop with a blown up 300 Winchester Magnum rifle and they're like what in the heck is going on here well the guy had like one of those green totes would that holds 50 rounds of reloaded ammo and only one round was missing and it was around that blew up the gun he's like I don't know what happened blah blah blah well the guy had loaded a bunch of 300 Winchester Magnum ammo hand loaded his own ammo he's like oh well I ran out of rifle powder so I just stuff them full of bullseye Wow you could just substitute whatever powder so they pulled the bullets and sure enough the cases were full of bull's eye powder and blew the gun to smithereens but that's FUD lorries oh well you can just do this do that that that's maybe a little bit let's give some legitimate fuddler examples okay folklore is like Oh a lady needs a revolver she can't handle a semi-automatic huh you know ii mean like only only women should use a revolver because they're not you know they're not capable running a semi-auto or Oh a semi-auto is the slot for ladies to shoot because I don't know how to handle it I mean can see oh they can't pull the slide back on it you know some some women can't pull the slide back on some of those little small autos cuz the thing is kind of kind of tough you know some of them have heavy springs slide are the general general purpose it's probably all right oh man how about you just go outside you got somebody in the yard you don't want to be there just let a couple rounds rip out of your double-barrel shotgun Uncle Joe come on boy that'll scare them off oh yeah that's that straight-up fuzz Lord it's firing warning shots so let me tell you something about warning shots okay I don't know about other states but in the state of Georgia where we are giorgia if you fire a warning shot you might as well fire a shot at the person because a warning shot is just as treated the same exact way as trying to engage somebody so you would not fire a woman there's no such thing as a warning shot that's bullcrap that is just Fudd lore bullcrap to say that you fire warning shots at people you don't even brandish a firearm or point a firearm or present a firearm until you are ready to use it and you intend to use it that is such fuddler crap shoot double-barrel in the air to scare off somebody is like oh no bunnies neigh ar-15 because you shave one piece and make it full auto that's some Fudd lower crap I can't tell you how many times I have heard somebody say yeah well then their semi-automatics man you just shave a little bit of that firing pin off there and boy she just becomes a full automatic she know what iron um I need that yeah yeah save the firing pin down baby it's like the like the the masterpiece arms guns and stuff oh man you just have to shave one piece down and there put a rubber band in there and go fully automatic boy that's some fuzz lower crap that floats around and I think a lot of it really does come back to the whole thing of you know Fudd's think that people don't need to have ar-15s or any type of modern type of firearm that and the mentality that firearms are only used for hunting but then there's a whole lot of FUD lower things that actually take to provide one little bit of silver lining there are some fuddler examples that actually end up being a little bit true once you start looking at the science behind it okay so remember old grandpa Hershel back in the day this is a widely accepted Fudd lore things like well I'm gonna siding my deer rifle three inches I had a hundred so she's dead on it 250 whatever okay that actually has some validity ziering a rifle for a given distance and knowing your hold of the closer distance is a perfectly legitimate concept it's just the way that it gets explained is a little little crazy and they may not understand the what's going on behind it but it works okay you can dial in a gun a little bit higher at a longer range and then hold a little lower at close range or whatever or have a terminal zero that's a happy medium between the two whereby yeah the round might be an inch or two low at a hundred or inch or two high at three hundred and you just aim that on and know that what that round lands within the zone that you need to get in on a white-tailed deer to be in the kill zone for hunting purposes so there are some silver lining things that get passed around as wisdom that kind of art and then you look at the brush gun testing that we've done I can't tell you how many times I've heard thuds over the years talk about well I ain't got no knockdown power if I didn't got this and that and all the stuff and you hear this knock down our myth that gets thrown around and it knocks them down it does this there is a little bit of science to kind of back that stuff up you know when we look at brush guns and we've shown that heavier four caliber bullets do obviously penetrate through brush better if you were going to shoot through a piece of brush at a piece of game if you wanted to that yes larger slower moving heavier bullets for caliber do a better job of getting through this brush this is one I want to test old man that deer won't behind that big ole oak tree and I shot him 130 up six and I killed that deer deader than a doornail boy and I threw the tree right through the tree I've heard that so many times people said they shot through trees I mean you got to be really desperate to shoot a deer to go well there's a tree right yonder but you know I've got this here that already all six I'm just gonna shoot it through the trees there's got to be southern rednecks boy gentlemen well ar-15 timing and crotchety southern resume or 15s are too deadly they need to be banned because their weapons of war yeah but then a 3006 you know they take their yeah they take the winchester Model 7d chambered in 30 out six and they don't realize that Carlos Hathcock use all six model 70 to kill what 90 Viet Cong and the Vietnam War I seem to recall I seem to recall a time in place in history where thirty out six m1 ball was to go to around 30 calibers that go to around for weapons of war oh yeah God and I mean think about all the sport Erised military surplus rifles that these guys use when they were younger dog with are you kidding and they want to complain about ar-15 well they're too powerful the bullet tumbles in the air there's one that ar-15s are too deadly because the bullet tumbles in the air is it's going downrange oh you don't want that way to deadly now okay so so there is a silver lining that we do have a video plan we're gonna be testing some way we're gonna test this knockdown power myth we're still trying to figure you know it look it is a clear distinction that heavy and fast moving or even heavy and slow-moving projectiles yes they carry more energy which in theory yes will provide more energy on target I think that that knock down power thing can literally just sort of be summed up in terms of basically just foot-pounds of energy okay you know foot-pounds of energy as a calculation that we use to figure out you know the it's one thing for a small bullet to be moving fast and generating energy in that way but the way the energy is delivered from the projectiles it's very different you know a a 50 caliber round versus a high foot-pounds of energy coming from a small fast round those two bullets are going to do different things and what they're designed to do but energy is energy and it is a calculation it can be measured it can be witnessed it can be viewed it can be tested so you know there are a lot of these things to get thrown around maybe let's just say from a fuddler aspect in simpleton terms but they are right you know if you have a 3030 and you load it with a slightly heavier bullet it's moving slower it does have more mass and it does seem to really provide a nice wound okay I recently went on a hunt with my Norwegian comma water and I took a doe a few days ago and it's basically like shooting a rifled shotgun slug essentially and that doe went right down not a single problem and I've never watched a deer literally just drop like that so there is something to be said for those big heavy bullets going through the air at moderate to slow velocities and what we know how that power equates to energy downrange especially on animals anyway not to get off on a tangent but we are going to sort of test that it's the man then semi-automatic pistols without no safeties on faint safe you drop in that thing's gonna go off you just gotta get yourself a good old revolver make sure you look five rounds in it so that firing pin ain't ain't sitting on that primer you don't want that thing going off in your pocket now you hear yep yep yep or only a man only man carries a revolver oh yeah you gotta have a nine-millimeter won't hurt anybody yeah you know that that's that's a common folklore myth all this newfangled nine-millimeter oh you're not gonna hurt nobody with that you're just gonna wound them Oh or start talking about wound him oh I'm gonna shoot him in the kneecaps that's fun look I don't want to hurt him I just want to wound him or I just want a window yeah uh that's folklore yeah millimeter is a [ __ ] caliber it won't hurt anybody pistols chambered in 9 millimeters a woman's gun you're only a man if you carry a 45 ACP 1911 a man carries a 1911 ah that that 1911 ain't real it's just a Kimber or unless it's a Colt he ain't got a colt Ewing yep yeah oh yeah I'm telling you that's some straight-up blood lord what were some of the ones that we were coming up with the other day let me see that list from cattle see Oh Kevin doesn't have much of a list he's got he's got the other list he's got he's got a list yeah he's got some fuddler let's see what it would come up with oh here we go if you can't hit your target you need a bigger scope that yeah so we took down some of these fuddler we're ideas of our own that's such a common misconception you you see Joe Blow redneck and look I'm not saying we're Redlich so we could talk about it and talk about it talk about our own kind I can talk about my own kind that I'm a red date but you see rednecks show up near woods with the freakin 9 by 40 with a 60 millimeter listen I'd like big old huge long-range thing on a 300 Win Mag a huge scope zero 400 yards and it's like I got my big ol scope cuz I can shoot better I get you know whatever it's like man oh yeah yeah well how are you gonna be hunting man well I brought my 300 Winchester Magnum to make hundred yard shots on the food plot and I've got you know what's the lowest power setting on the scope non power dude come on man like overkill and and they think that oh well you know the bigger scope I have you know the rack you're gonna make me shoot better yeah the bigger scope I got the more accurate I'm gonna be fun Lord all right let's see what was one of those I think you guys see where we're getting uh oh well if you would have bought them expensive ring you would need to lap them that you know look I will say this about about that that's kind of modern fuddler kind of like if you if you compare that whole thing that really is almost a modern Fudd lower thing because they you know that there's this whole thing that gets thrown around oh well you don't need to lap quality rings other people say oh you do you need to lap all your rings and and there's this huge argument between people about whether lapping dreams is necessary oh well if you would have bought the $300 whatever amount you wouldn't need to lap the rings and lapping it you're actually you know harming the the the concentric the concentric constant ristic nature of the Rings by lapping them you're doing more harm than good because what's more precise you and your lap bar with a bunch of compound or a CNC machine that produces them to blah blah blah tolerance the thing is like we can go into a lot of detail on this but if you've got two separate rings okay they might be perfect right out of the gate all right that's awesome but you're putting them on a base okay how do you know what the quality control of that base was how you know how those picatinny or weaver slots were milled out in that thing and it's not sitting on there just right you're doing what's called tolerant stacking so you're adding tolerances to the ring setting all that and they might not be perfect anymore so it all comes down to like what's your use and then look tolerances on scope tubes how do you know that extrusion that your scope tube is made out of is truly truly the same like we're talking two points of contact right scope rings hold a scope in two areas usually - I've seen some fuddler stuff I've seen some Fudd lore gunsmith the kitchen Smith home kitchen gonna light a bear with that what was that lever gun with a single ring on he was like look at this timber toothpicks hemmed it with toothpicks but oh she's just fine man in theory you jewelley an optic is held in two locations and those two locations you know how do you know that the point of contact on the scope tube is concentric to each other how do you know the bases are concentric so like you said tolerance stacking yeah the Rings themselves are also but how do you know what you're putting them on is truly consistent and I guess the argument would be there and you end up hearing this and this is outside of the wheelhouse of FUD lore but I still want to talk about it is you you end up getting guys that build super precision rifles like you know they buy really really nice actions I mean we're talking guys that say a surgeon action sucks like we're talking these guys are so snobby about the rifles they build they're like oh I would a remington no way like they'll totally turn their nose up at a remington action they'll turn their nose up at a at a surgeon action we're talking only the best will do well in that case yes if you bought like the best action money could buy the best rings money could buy and then you're putting a loophole m8 on it or something or mark 8 okay it's probably safe to say you don't need to lab that anyway moving on let's see as one of just read mag I remember when we find it again I was thinking about like suppressors and try to think what the the thing is I've heard some guys say about suppressors before and crap it's just like well they all think they all think that suppressors make gun movie movie quiet guns you know that oh only you're only Ennis only assassin needs a suppressor nobody no no honest person needs a suppressor that's fun lore really like oh man then things are illegal but yeah I mean you can't buy some freshness and pressures are illegal but yeah you can tell your oza veldt teddy roosevelt hunted with a suppressor hmm i better you know the Fudd lore if they knew that they may not they may change their game a little bit if they knew how long suppressors have actually been around and helped Teddy Roosevelt hunted with a suppressor and then like you said the information that gets spread around that's another Fudd laura man you kids oh yeah you can't own that that's illegal no sir not actually it's as completely legal no it should be no it should be illegal I don't like that one bit I don't like that worries me that you've got that like alright we'll be seeing you that's right there's so much fun Laurie you know and and the thing is we could we could pick and look guys we're not trying to say that if you're a guy that likes old-school guns like say say you like your old-school hunting rifles what saying it's not okay to go out and do your thing and enjoy your guns all we're asking for is for the people who typically fall into the category being a Fudd have a dang open mind and understand that not all of us want the same things and that all of us guys that really like the modern guns too will never tell you that you can't go out and duck hunt with your whatever 30 inch long duck hunting right you shotgun it your you've got one of those you've got a 40 inch long goose gun you have a BF oh I do but that but the thing is what separates guys like I think you and I from a thud is that we love all guns to me the Second Amendment is an all-encompassing thing that is more than just what one basic need perceived need is oh well the need to go shoot skeet with my grandson or the need to go out and kill a deer once a year and that's my only exposure to guns or old grandpa Herschel's revolver that he passed down to me is old Smith & Wesson that's my bedside gun and I'm not gonna go buy a gun or someone who is just gifted guns or handed down guns and it's never even gone into a gun shop and actually bought a gun has never even bought a gun there was just passed down guns and their only exposure to guns is what they've been given by their grandparents or parents when they passed away or something so we're not saying it's not okay to be that guy but understand that guys like us are the barrier between bad legislation and that getting down to you do you not think that when there's some legislation that comes up related to conservation or hunting conservation or hunting lands or anything that's related to conservation that we don't fight for equally that we don't call our congressman and complain about that yes it's an we hunt ducks and deer and hogs and we hunt and do outdoor activities just like you do but we also want to have our ar-15 to protect our homes and go out and shoot and to have fun and you know there are many purposes and guess what we hunt with ar-15s so it's not like you know a hunting rifle is is this this term that gets put on to a given type of rifle it's just so dumb you know the ar-15 is a common use firearm that is a the modern equivalent of your fun guns mm-hmm so what when we switched all this electronic laser beams and bullcrap are we gonna be like oh wow them laser beams are just for all these newfangled whatever I just want my ar-15 nobody's that laser gun I mean although I needs a good old-fashioned ar-15 boy that's gonna be us in about 40 years think about it think about it I mean about it yeah but but you know that that's what it comes down to one day when we're shooting laser beams and crap like that phasers or whatever you know it's going to come there already work on electronic ignition systems for guns it's only a matter of time before there's like physical energy weapons that are developed and used they'll have energy weapons or whatever it's gonna it may be a long time from now but is that to say that guys like us are gonna be like oh all them energy weapons that's too dangerous nobody needs to have that I'll just say I'll just keep my good old standby air 15 guys there's gonna come a time when the ar-15 is an outdated gun it's look technology grows and develops new things but your rights don't change your rights or your rights regardless of the technology and that is that my big thing that I dislike about folks is everything got to be so political all the time yeah oh boy we constantly have to fight for our a reason to exist because there's so much there's so much more fun lore that is floating around in our brains you know just stuff you've heard and gun shops and stuff floating around and like you just heard people saying you go what like no that's not right you try to explain these like thanks to people who are just ignorant and they just want oh well you're just a young young gun you don't know nothing right come on okay what ridiculous folklore have you guys heard we want to hear your Fudd lore so sound off in the comments section below and I read all about we want to know every little do you wanna sound detail that you guys can possibly come up with for Fudd lore and guys this video is just a little fun it's kind of round hunting season right now I like to hunt usually around hunting season we start talking about Fudd's and all their bullcrap so it is kind of fun to poke a little fun at the Fudd's look on a serious note before I let you guys go I'll just mention one more thing that it's not good to create division within the gun community even us busting the feds chops a little bit in this video it's still division and one way or the other we don't need to divide each other over trivial things guys you have to try to get the Fudd's in your life to understand how important it is to accept and embrace all forms of gun ownership that's the only way that we're going to survive this this trainwreck is to band together and hold on for when the wreck occurs that we can come out all together we don't want the the FUD folks to not have what they want all we want is for them to understand where we're coming from and that's done through dialogue and by making them understand your your way of looking at it so on a serious note this video is light hearted we're poking a little fun but we don't want to create division within the community we want everybody to get together and fight for the same cause that's very important to us so keep that in mind but just the same sound awful low on your fuzz Lord and we'll get a good laugh so guys thank you for watching today's video we hope you enjoyed it have yourselves a great day thank you to all of our patreon supporters all the folks that purchased Mankins to help support the channel you guys are great thank you very much you give us the ability to move on and take on this type of content thank you so much for thinking of your other viewers and supporting the channel it means a lot to me my family you guys have a great day and if you come up with some Fudd lore let us know and maybe we'll do a revisit of this video and we'll share all of your fuddler stories so guys have a great day we'll see you next time see you guys bye [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 260,360
Rating: 4.8721795 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, fudds, fudd lore, fudd, what is a fudd, Fudd Lore?
Id: _4KhWqgGvek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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