Gun Gripes Episode 5: "Gun Slang Terms"

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all right Barry we're looking at gun gripe number five this one's called gun slang that is correct Caroline slang terms for common items in the gut firearms industry all right well once you get it started what do we got what are some coming guns on gun slang well the guy walks in and says I need a slang he really means this he needs a sling for his rifle not a slang guy comes in he says I need a case from my hand pistol you need this kind of case no no you don't need that okay oh oh you meant you needed a holster a hip holster is a case okay fine with that I need a strap from a hand pistol well this is a strap for your hand pistol the shoulder holster that's what they really mean when they say I need a strap for my pistol okay I need an extender for my 9-millimeter this is an extender 33 shot extendo for a Glock 9-millimeter now where are you Dillinger's a Dillinger John Dillinger oh you mean a Derringer oh I didn't know that this is a Dillinger well you choppers that well my choppers are in the mouth but this is what they're talking about this is the chopper or also an Uzi any good like this is an Uzi a tec-9 a masterpiece arms swd these are aziz where's that easy yet yeah what use is that well this is a chopper when I think of a chopper I think of a 45 tommy gun a chopper but they come in won't in the chopper that could be that could be a it could be a masterpiece arms it could be an ache a pistol it's really any gun with a bit mag in it as a chopping Maggie this is the chopper no good for chopping lettuce though shop for chopping stuff at the food court fella comes in I want a barrel from my ak-47 a barrel hmm this is a barrel this is a 75 shot barrel for an ak-47 right they're referring to a drum magnate really mean as a grown magazine course okay now we got that cleared up I need a cooler for my chopper this is a cooler for a chopper okay put it on the end of you gunner that's a cooter that that helps it cool it down so it won't overheat and Bend the barrel I need a magazine for my Luger well they're really talking about this they're talking about a high point it says 9-millimeter Luger on the side of it so this is a this is a Luger okay when they say Luger I think of a po8 German Luger but this is what this is what we're talking about when they want a magazine for a Lewbert right and they'll do the same thing for Smith & Wesson too they'll say I've got a 40 I got a 40 caliber Smith & Wesson pistol and they think it's a Smith & Wesson brand just because that's the color turns out to be a Taurus 24/7 this chambered for 40 Smith & Wesson correctly automatically assume it's a Smith & Wesson if it says 40 Smith & Wesson on the side what are a few other guns slang terms that really work our nerves are very well people call me and they say I need a magazine for an ak-47 so we sell it to them and they take it home and they say it doesn't fit what kind of a K do you have oh well it's a SK they shortened SKS to SK they really have this gun the SKS and that happens repeatedly they come in asking for a magazine for a specific gun and it turns out they don't have the gun they're asking for also we got people coming in no where are your m16 well I don't have any of sixteens where are your assault rifles I'm sorry I don't have you yeah they use all those you know terms at the media right there it's like that's all they've been tall you know they don't know any better they're really talking about something like this AR this Bushmaster this is not an assault rifle an assault rifle has to have full auto capability to fit the definition of an assault rifle this is a semi-automatic rifle this is no more dangerous or under the law it's no more different than a 22 Ruger 10/22 it's a semi-automatic rifle right and assault rifles really just one of those evil terms that the media has come up with to that started during the crime bill yeah 1894 they started calling these assault rifles and on the evening of in 2004 when it was going to sunset the news people were saying they were showing police officers on TV finds full automatic weapons saying this is the kind of gun you'll be able to buy tomorrow the media is the worst is the last place in the world to go and get information on firearms from the media we determine knowledge you have ammunition to some guy comes in where you foaf I I need a box of fo5 well they mean 45 Auto right and Barry we know I mean we're not done we know what they're talking about we know that but locked into the run and when you start dealing with someone and they call this a case it takes a long time to figure out the terminology and the language that's why we we're not going back to the magazine clip discussion anymore we all know what they mean when they mean when they say clip we all know what you know different terms like that but we have to translate this and you have to understand what when you buy a gun you're dealing with a blind person with a blind product they come in they don't know anything about guns if I worked at a car dealership let's say for word for instance and somebody walks in that door they already pretty well know what they want right they've already picked the car out they won't all we're going to talk about is the features and how much money they're going to pay for that's right we're dealing with well on that end - Barry we also you know we we do educate people I mean we're not we're not dicks when it comes to dealing with people I mean we'll spend 30 minutes explaining to somebody the proper thing of course they'll leave and ten minutes later forgot everything we told them anyway right but I spent as long as two hours with customers and I understand why a lot of gun dealers are rude to customers because they're tired of dealing with the ignorance that they have to deal with every day right it's an utter you know it's just an utter refusal to learn the proper terminology which is you know proper dealings with things not saying is there's no shame in not knowing the shame comes from not wanting to know right or not trying there are no stupid questions in the world unless you don't ask them that's correct we work with our customers more than anybody and gun slang and all this other kind of stuff but you do have to you do have to realize that we're not dealing with people that know anything about our product like said if you the car dealer you go in there they already know what kind of car they already know how to drive you don't have to show them how to drive before you sell in the car and it's an easy sale here you have to work hard sometime I've worked over two hours with just one person trying to select them a handgun and then they get up to the register and they get denied on the gun sale yeah and you just make you just had to get 35 bucks to spend two and a half hours that is correct yeah that's when a lot of gun dealers are disgruntled with this kind of stuff it's not that we're being rude to our customers or we hate our customers it's not that I mean we we like to you know this line of business we wouldn't be doing this if we didn't like dealing with guns and arm in the free world and that's what it comes down to that is correct God walks in says he wants some bullets for his gauge well I already know what he wants he wants shotgun shells for a shotgun this is what he lost those sts has also make a fine cut shell don't they Barry yes they do anyway these are my pet loans right here number 815 target loads yeah and of course you've got the 44 Magnum which is a fo fo-fo for yes as a foe foe a very very common mixup with the ammo that people come in to the gun shop and do is they'll say they need ammo for their 38 when they really mean a 380 and of course those two terms can get mixed up too they'll say I need ammo for a 38 and they've got a 380 but they're they're thinking you know we think 38 special right you just don't know I mean it comes down a lot of times we actually have to get them to bring the guns in well also to they'll ask for a box of 38 specials and you sell them to them they come back later well these don't fit my gun it turns out they've got granddaddy's old break top issues 38 sandw rounds yeah or they got like a 32 you know caliber you know Iver Johnson [ __ ] or something they think it's a 38 right right but another gun rock that I have about along the same lines if you get people who have a gun they want to sell us and they look it up on the Internet a man and woman brought in a Colt Python about a month ago that looked like it was going out of the silk of Katrina this was the most horrible looking gun we told him we buy it for parts for a couple of hundred bucks they said well we saw it on the internet for $1,600 well you're looking at a brand new gun in mint condition that you saw on the internet not something it was dug out of the mud here's a good example Barry hmm it's Loman right this cold lawman is a beautiful gun yes saw almost mint-condition Colt lawman 357 oh this is a great gun it's a Colt but that is one of those examples where someone came in and they thought they had a you know $1400 timepiece right and you know the Internet figures on guns can really mislead a lot of folks when they come in to sell their gun at a gun shop that's correct I mean a lot of gun shops you're not going to take a complete bath when it comes to your trade-in or selling a gun but you have to bear in mind that a brick-and-mortar store I mean we do have to make money on a gun when we sell it so I mean we gave them a fair price on that on that revolver you know but that's a good example of me and that's a really you know that revolvers in impeccable condition and it's one of those examples where the person of course you know wanted the moon and stars for it right to sum it up when you go in to buy a gun or anything like that from a gun show a new little homework first ask around and pretty well know what you want I will help somebody somebody come in here every day I want to buy a gun I do not know what I want or what I need I have to explain to them the different cinema revolvers semi-automatic I have to show them the different features of it and we do these things that's what we do for a living will we're all dependent on this job staying here and that's what we're going to do we're going to keep it here absolutely I mean if you don't know always seek the guidance and counsel of someone that is experienced I mean you know ask oh ask a local police officer or ask ask a good friend that shoots a lot or you know give us a call here at the shop if you don't know just because you don't live here you know if you want to give us a ring at the shop and ask a quick question that's fine too you know we encourage that but don't be embarrassed to call and ask yeah there's nothing wrong that only dumb questions the one you don't ask when it comes where has kind of stuff people that is correct and all the hype the contact details here on the screen for if you want to call so all right well next week we got a real good one coming so we have a real good one coming it's a good one oh yeah
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 1,227,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gun, gripes, slang
Id: LIlhiCQQ5Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2011
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