Bangkok Korea Town: $90 Pork BBQ

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this is the last place I expected mr. baldr to pop up.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_FlyingWhales 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
but after a long day of vlogging I sure could go for a Chinatown right now but uh whoa what's this Koreatown well well well I guess Koreatown will have to do but uh I don't know I see you don't see many Whitey's in here don't you think it's pretty racist to just culturally appropriate another people's food I don't know I think I need to maybe find a local hi there Korea man hey you want to come for dinner well you're already walking so alright I think I found the Korean ally and I can eat tear it out see you're not being well without being accused of all kinds of things all right do you have a favorite tear all right so if you want the barbecue this one I want Tennessee leads I could try this before yeah how does it work you order by the order let's say when you order for one person to person and thank you then you cook it yourself like your lifestyle barbecue yep oh there's so many here let's find one that's a little more quiet so I don't intimidate everyone with my with my camera they all the barbecue style well well I think we what's that a Viking Korean barbecue buffet like your Vikings in Korea the country authentic you know here I was feeling bad about culturally appropriating Korean food but here they are with a Viking sign and a Korean barbecue buffet that's because you guys are not using the Viking heritage no we're not we're shamed of it now it's not politically correct to to be proud of being a Viking well it's up it's up to you then my new friend that I just met and I have never seen before in my life well we're just gonna follow you well but this Viking buffet yeah Viking are you tired Korean your time okay they have Vikings in Korea yes yeah it's up to the other one all right I'm following my Korean guide well it seemed like a like a cheap knockoff you want or expensive and authentic that looks pretty good only 300 bucks per person let's find a pricey little bit more exclusive place is that a is that Japanese up there that text is that Korean yeah what so they have Japanese people have been invaded Korea time okay which one then this one the first one first one yeah you get the private booth maybe a private booth is better for filming so base a little bit over this twice to pay attention to other people when you are filming I think damn this looks good all right following noodles I'm excited you first Bogota [Music] yeah can we go please okay that's alright that's good you know I just come from Vietnam where they do not like to clean your baby so if you've seen my taco video good taco Wow what's happening here that's the back to suck up the smoke and then we get our ruler and everything here all right well let's check out the menu then hello [Music] we start with the unceasing one it was daunting with an unseasoned watch up tether buggy which is a remember that rule didn't slide speed okay and we've tried the unconcerned belly this and this is the two main one lot of cream people eat and lastly wheat they're creepy just pile on the meat gotcha will rise be ready to order yes each other boxes are me and mark waitress goodbye and thank you all right let's get ready to roll let's get ready to rumble we're not gonna have any any traditional Korean liquor we are turns out that this Korean man at his met for the very first time he's also an expert in in Korean liquor so yeah you said there's a lot of choice there there's soju these are regular sergey and these are flavor citizens its flavor strawberry what is the soldier so juiced a cream traditional to think it's like a korean pop they're like where's my strawberry this program all three soju I think we have board ok these are the traditional ones luckily which is our rice wine that's the real traditional training just just take it out something do you think we have to ask the plane yeah - see that's the strawberry and this is a Korean liquor generally quite strong or would this be like wine what these are like wine it's only twenty five plus twelve twelve even yeah but he sneaks up on you it sneaks up on you drink drink drink and you get up and you fall on your ass okay intriguing we'll see about that all right this might happen if you like sweet one babies are generally like sweet I there's no more I prefer the sweet all right shop class like a Viking fewer hello okay I forget it's not forty eight forty no no it's not so you can fill it up it tastes stronger than 12% is that's where he sneaks up on you okay okay is this 12 bodies 12 okay let's try that one so this one I'd like to to pile the booze before to it because then I it's your your veins faster stuff I'll double the food you just you can smell it already right it's still clear color no water feature combat media smells like strawberry bottoms up yeah very smooth but satan the strawberry one was better for taste I mean the flavor wise yeah but how he's so would you there we go you get wet here we go sounding guy backup VM this is someone I need light beer light here if you're gonna like this you're gonna mix to do with beer any light beer I'll take one slice beer step 2 we just older the beer here or actually this this man who i'm going to refer to noodles noodles 3 and i am s look at this is ordering the enemy's beer he went and got this for himself this is sorry japanese so you want a strong or just like my lease the different so when you add soju and beer together really good they don't have korean beer they do but i wasn't sure what they taste like I'm not familiar with that one so you know you gotta get you went with the beer of the enemy yes we gotta get the girl rageous you've only or through your brain change your grandfather who heads the shaking a little bit and mix it up make it good there you go Wow taste the difference now just Cheers you do a little better cuts the bitter taste of the beer immediately tastes much of the of the soldier at all that's why you see yourself on mainly the cameraman and they cook fast then you dip it into a sauce no again I can't tell the difference what Porky's weight beef is ready Iceman come in there and what are these things there that looks like potatoes it is that's potato relish pickle and that's kimchi what's the kimchi which is the traditional green food environment and how much cabbage yeah little bit spicy that's got a very strange smell to it can't believe that this table can be done at a private chef there with some as been more inclined to my all right so you get the point Wow look at this it's your salad what's going on over here you gotta mix your style you're getting a head start so these beef is good to go when you see these little they're cooked you know cuz they don't you don't have to cook them while done you could eat it tonight meet him meet him well but you get the point so this is good try boy let me just open so this is sesame oil and salt and pepper well this is there I get to in-house sauce dip the beep in so you take a strip traditionally this is a you know dip it with sesame oil and salt and pepper and boy like yeah these are done this company they have a private a private chat are you gonna cook all our heat incredible ok there we go deep inhale I want to try no salt or no just it tastes to me the meat is very good on its own yeah but it hasn't actually don't need much sauce but okay I'm gonna try them I'm gonna try them try the sesame oil for it might be this one to sell honey on alright there we go wait you gotta miss your thing these are thought is there I gotta mix it with the wheel yeah well the things the things you learn in the day with a random Korean man you dip it into into one yeah not so much it's gonna be all right the big reveal it's better home with the sauce Petronius and try the second one is there in a meatball what's it like I think it's like Soto's and vinegar all the thing they admit all right there we go the in-house sauce that it's hard to use not usually not used to maybe I need a cameraman yeah everything how is it our approach comes up for Korean food again I'm just amazed at the fact that we have a woman here cooking all the meals for us this would not happen at the time restaurant generally you could do it yourself further bigger I'll put some more some more so Julian it's okay cameraman nope on the soldier mm-hmm you can face it but it's gonna mess you up like the sound of that you know it's overdose um so there's no pleasing you heart first little pleasing me not too much I'm trying to be a critic here and not just say that everything is awesome although everything here is actually awesome but in all honesty yes bits I feel it already because the first rocks we had before the hoot maybe alright guys we're obviously about to get wasted here and overdose on Korean food so but before we do that whilst we have the expert here in a sober state let's get a little explanation of what all this is so here we have two two that's the kimchi that's also due to like a little bit different and the same as that one a little bit different and one so cabbage yeah the way they're made a little bit this one this is a fresh one that's affirm that one this one is like little pressure just a little bit for me and for this one beam spot hey hey yeah alright I'm gonna hold on I'm good I'm good okay I'm gonna try this egg before we an egg eat new Korean Steve egg like this with a nori to use whatever you like I'm gonna cut the egg in the Viking way here and then we're good to go I'm an amazing that an egg can look like this and some kind of space bean paste you eat that with a fish belly when it comes up you can eat it with this but I usually either the per fellas that's right you take the whole lot when dip it in the sauce and I dip it in this one too you could let's try that we eat it with our little sucker well I'm pretty impressed with the Korean kitchen my friends and I'm gonna give the camera a rest now and indulge are never gonna we're gonna make a little outro later on so far so good well salad sesame seed week and this is the regular cabbage so you're doing more with the pork belly but you can do it with some to take one of these put some of this on put in here like it like a taco yep put some of the bean paste right here and you just wrap that up and eat it incredible all right now next well you got oh man I did this in Vietnam last week and you're laughing in the comments section about Who I am about how I prepare the food all right let's see if I remember you do the meats in here come on it also meat in here first there we go and then some some of this in pick this one yeah you put yourself in hmm really yep there you go Wow Harold fast learner and then some salad you never even put some power tools when I fed up all right then we have a we have a Korean Korean taco oh that's for Tom now this is gonna be my thumbs up for the video but a concentrate on this one hold on okay put it all your mouth one hand yeah there you go wow what a host imagine just running into this guy randomly by chance will you hungry for Korean food amazing that's what I do I hang out waiting for random white people - yes common culturally-appropriate your kitchen yes all right I think that liquor just knock off on me which means it's time to have some more pork belly just arrived my favorite thank you nothing beats pork belly without death no elegy like a freaking you know the punch yeah nothing's better than a pretreat we speed like well I can think of maybe one thing that's better but it's not suitable dinner talking we keep it yeah this is a YouTube puddles channel is pg-13 not even no nudity yeah I don't know please want my game on that one listen little peril this feeling a little intoxicated so I'm sitting here waiting for the perfect piece and she's trying her best to make the perfect circle my eyes is on this one this is looking yeah I think it's ready it's time I'm going for it go for it with the lettuce or whichever one you like whichever one I like more music to my ears okay and then we're going for the perfect I'd say that to perfection we never tried any of this well you could that's a hot pepper and garlic is these varies sometimes it's fine sometimes just mildly hot okay let's try that for the next piece hmm one more of these one more of these you can put another piece of meat in there that's a little bit yeah you you keep saying that you got to put everything in your mouth at once yes so two pieces of pork would be over video such thing is an overdose or in this case there is wrap it up whatever happened to Vikings what happened to guys insulated by vegetables so you're not gonna burn your mouth let's wash it down it's so blue guys it's so good we got to drink the peach soju about you - oh my I booked you on the shelf behind I have a feeling that people gonna see us on the street just like sleeping on the sidewalk we're gonna be stumbling around just buying your own business people yes I know lipless nice now that's where we just lean down resting our eyes kind of white men have a rest when he's drunk on a pavement oh that's beautiful look at you making love to your food Kali ma Khanna kind of white man may make love to the pork belly of a delta don't play me man you're like licking it hey you're really in the mood okay silence come to Papa little pork belly wow it's so perfect I'm gonna have it right now a change of guerrilla parenting you're just trying to destroy me with this ax with this same soldier 13% yeah okay and I am not caring you see about that so this is peace right what of it it's not the peach it's pretty good tastes good too make peach like it this goodness what's your smell it smells fantastic in my face I just like it smells this Korean man is not blind me it does smell sublime all right come on another one on okay Pete like no damn you're playing with fire I get dangerous now I get drunk and you dis just arrived Arnie's what do you call it ribs ribs you see the rib bone for perfection okay bring it on MasterChef that's like a whole one people at your feet beautiful and this one's marinated so you don't have to keep anything in it be that as it is oh yeah I'm getting there I'm getting there it's beautiful yep although another play with me this is better than month alright I might have gotten ahead of myself a little bit there but all right it's still good it depends whose mom couldn't be on again oh wait we gotta keep it easy man all right sorry YouTube back back to pg-13 let's see it you can't pick it up use a spoon come on come to Papa just that we have to like 22 try things out to the camera they're trying to drive I'm a I'm an expert potato hunter in fact when I was young that was a revered potato hunter from my village where I come from what I think the liquors getting the better of me yeah you know Irish man I'm not Irish hold on let's let's try one of these up let's try the ribs did you film the room when you came up I sure did Nora and now we are going to no no just eat it just without the sauce first this one's marinated huh it's the best meat so far see I see some marinated one for the last I Celeste mm-hmm and firstly there's a strong flavor yeah you don't need salt in this Wow mister the greatest food guide ever not bad for a stranger not bad yeah wish it was this lucky every day apparently we've been drinking fake Korean stuff all along this is the real deal rice wine you got to shake it up cuz it settles on the bottle bottle yeah okay come on okay I'm a real man so I guess I have to drink it it looks like milk what would your Viking ancestor will say well they would not say much I'm psycho like a little bit like yogurt flavor and I'll give y'all good flavor so you'll display the glitter okay you know they settle it okay try it just a sip well do we get like a regular wine it's not bad I'm trying to describe the taste honey where you stuff I don't know I don't know fair warning I'm just gonna say taste like Trump won you fair warning you can get drunk on this it'll give you a major headache oh no doesn't bode well for that for that market toward tomorrow Wow you know it's just one bottle I think you know what you down below this is a neg now which is a pool noodle I'm not sure I'm gonna use this footage because I am pretty intoxicated but after all this food my Korean friends thank you have decided to order noodles corner cold noodles okay whatever that is and so for anyone who's wondering why I called him delicious give me other videos well now we oldest noodles after a big meal well now you know see the rest for noodles is insatiable usually it's puffy but this is the fact that rice no war so you use a scissors scissors this is incredible just round breaking footage we're capturing here guys so you take the balls actually it's kind of unique because uh you know all the noodles are hot this is one of the few noodles I started pole so you but it there you go Bon Appetit try some incredible look at this it's as if it was served by a French MasterChef why have to do this outside of my bowl it's the decoration okay Oh Mia we want to make it spicy there's a vinegar and this is a zombie sauce unreal west of asabi this one down yeah all right try it first throw some wasabi on try it first try the noodles and then if you want you could just chuck some bosavi in a little bit just a little bit yeah all right that's nothing all right there we go just like that I was gonna say Mexican unless wrong fasabi noodles all over again Wyatt typical wasabi new rules mix it in we just use the neck stiffness okay we have treatment the moment of truth wasabi news I must say I'm kind of unskilled eating do a little bit chopsticks okay best way to learn to do it [Music] keep chewing keep chewing they up I have to help you get up coming no spicy not special all right the moment of truth has arrived what's the damage not bad 2750 argue no no it's - - my god it's mine you take heart you take cod yeah because dude dude dude listen I said I'll take it I'll take it no mr. this man okay everytime I told you I think you get that other one I'll pay every meal I said get the other one expensive wow so this random dude I met but I don't know I've never seen before insists that he should pay alright so everything we have is two thousand seven hundred eight ninety dollars eighty five ninety dollars so pretty reasonable not too bad considering in America this would be we dranking yeah but like 250 300 all right all right thank you then no I'm not gonna fall no embarrassing Oh bye bye all right I guess that's the end of the dinner guys it's been an emotional journey to permeate town I love the food I love random Korean dude I just ran into yeah so thank you you're just gonna sit down here and yes wait for another lady to come back exactly all right well if you were Japanese I'd say sayonara but Korean and you and you need Conan bye-bye okay signing off guys from Koreatown Bangkok good night
Channel: undefined
Views: 806,722
Rating: 4.8499374 out of 5
Keywords: Korea Town Bangkok, Korean food in Bangkok, Korean restaurant bangkok, Korean food in Thailand, Korean BBQ
Id: y_1heSjjvpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 48sec (2268 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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