Stranded In Russia's Creepiest Village

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Benjamin is on turbo again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pinguin_on_the_run πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great episode! Im glad he went back to Russia

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HeThe3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am really love these videos he’s doing! He’s back to his Russia. Soviet Soviet Soviet. And also he was not on his a game in Bolivia. Very scary cause he was not himself when he was there. Totally scary totally omg

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kp6615 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The beer that he is given is a pretty decent euro lager. I had it when I travelled to Palestine. The bottles have a pull off cap instead of a normal bottle cap. It’s called Tuborg.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bierjager πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
good morning guys from the Russian city of Isfahan here on the northern banks of Caspian Sea I'm walking along the walls of the town's Kremlin Kremlin's were falsifications that the Russians built when they conquered the southern step land they built them because this place was populated by wild tribes and it's one of those wild tribes were going to visit today we're gonna make our way now to the Buddhist Republic of Kalmykia populated by the descendants of the Mongols let's go and check it out Oh spasiba oh yeah yeah oh yes fearless to save myself the hassle of what happened the other day marriage Carla finding the bastard not finding the bus station blah blah blah I'm taking a taxi straight from Astra Han to the border with Kalmykia let's just get to the border and then from there we'll find some more transport going on words this is the road to kalmykia he showed us threatened spicy one blush or a bluish interest that she not over that way bye-bye sexy Wow I've been drops off in the middle of nowhere on the border with Kalmykia check it out the old a word I'm determined not to say today but the old Soviet sign which welcomes you to the Republic of Kalmykia look up there as Lenin it still says something assr which stood for something and there's a couple of kalmyk people Wow let's touch it Wow check it out I love it Wow my god how bloody how bloody awesome is that alright I want you guys to be with me when I take my first step in the Republic of Kalmykia there's the sign beyond this sign is it are you ready let's go to kalmykia we're in cami here I think I'm in trouble with the old bill as soon as I got to count me here rusty too short to the procas he'll treat you killed new Chivo soccer Australian Pierre Vigo readily today of nearly Vashi Res Publica document blue the right these argue first mr. Costa I've been arrested already up here we cocktail requested a period Olivia Sorensen Calcutta Wow Calcutta Kolkata we're going to Kolkata okay J Bullock you know Ramona yes probiem near to problem spots even but receiver Wow stranded in kalmykia name in the film nothing that way nothing that way I'm stranded this video has not got off to the best the heart stranded on the bloody border of Kalmykia man there's literally nothing down that way coming in my direction could be a long wait I'm not giving up because I believe in the greatness of the Russian people and I know that the Russian people would not let a tourist be stranded on the road I guarantee you within the next three cars I will be picked up that's how much faith how much belief I have in the Russian people you watch next three cars car number one this guy's gonna pick me up yes okay car number one no that's ready for car number two there's a truck on the horizon this truck is gonna pick me up the Brotherhood of the open road don't let me down never leave never leave a man stranded come on please all right the final car come on car number three don't let me down Russian people prove to the world of YouTube how bloody nice you are like I'm always saying subsea infuse it's not sure what to do guys just hang out here or walk to the first village which is 40 kilometers away Calcutta then I suppose we just start walking right let's go back into Kalmykia together you ready and Roth bah the white converse of a ride clearly the revenue Kalmykia Res Publica brother its perceivable sure what spasiba welcome to Kolkata let's go and check it out first time in a kalmyk village walk in the road into Kolkata just like so many kalmyks before me just had to come and have a look at this abandoned larder in someone's back garden wow what a place and I get the feeling that people like to drink and kill me here it's a little bit Desilu I'll check it out an old abandoned an old abandoned house I'm not gonna say it was their kitchen wow I wonder why everything's abandoned here look the old truck the old random bit offense that's been left the rest has been Sophists crap probably wow what a place even the telegraph wires are just broken and where is everyone 1 o'clock in the afternoon and no one here just some dogs in the distance checking me out but they seem friendly let's carry on exploring I'm a little bit on each year to be honest with you it's just got this weird abandoned feed into it let the old abandon it's like something from Mad Max the old abandoned Soviet trucks that giant dog over there that fortunately is tied up oh what a rough part of Russia just feels like some post-apocalyptic world I've stumbled onto sorry if I'm not giving a very good banter right now but our minds go into survival mode I'm just thinking about how to get to the other side as a villager up getting either torn apart by a giant dog or maybe just kept it as a sex slave by some kalmyks this is the perfect place to keep its extra evil who would ever find you in a basement here Jesus is it abandoned I presume it is just imagine before there had been lard is parked up here and Volga's people from the regions where color parks up and gone to local shop and now look at the local shop let's get out of Russia's creepiest village bye-bye whole quarter you were absolutely delightful I see some kind of big old obelisk thing about two klicks and distance there's some let's go and check it out might be interesting might be something historical or it might just be an abandoned building I can't tell let's have a look the good thing about the wilds of Kalmykia is you don't worry about being run over when you cross the road no chance of that our here alright let's climb up to what is in fact I think a Soviet War Memorial let's go and check it before we time the steps to check that out let's have a look at this bus stop because it's a perfectly preserved example of a mosaic look at it Wow what is it okay look here the Bombers coming over and the tanks and here the dates of the battles in at least to the capital of the capital of Kalmykia kalmykia on the 13th of August in Kolkata where we are now where we just left on the 31st of August there was a battle and these are the front lines and these are surrounding lines and these are the arrows showing which way the soldiers would go in the armies Wow we're not far from Stalingrad from Volga grab now of course but so the Germans and the Soviet troops faced off across this steppe land in these villages I can only imagine I can only imagine the horrors that went on in these villages out here on the steppe during the battles okay so I would look up here it's a memorial to the people who died between 41 and 45 the war and up there if you can make it out I hope you can is our first piece of contact with the local language the kalmyk language which is so closely related to two Mongolian what this memorial isn't saying is what happened to the kalmyk people after the war in 1943 when the Germans were defeated in this region Stalin round up the comic people and he exiled them to Siberia to Kazakhstan and places like that out to the wilds the entire nation like so many people was in a former Soviet Union like the Chechens like the English were just sent thousands of miles from home many of them never made it there and even more of them never returned to the homeland I said oh sure my Seema got me desolate Olivia unless you're taken spasiba bumble sure do Daniel oh what a lovely gentleman he's dropped me off at the cafe smack smack my up smack my cafe up let's check it out the cafe smack in the middle of my way oh yes of course no debates over the right card sure if the ROI services that way that vehicle menu correctly cut letΓ­s put him hello Sean Richard sauce as I tuck into my food I'll tell you like I've got here Chacho soup to cutlets and mashed potato two bits of bread and a an aloe vera and he came to 400 rubles 400 rubles is about four pound fifty five dollars so not bad we will of course xrt in of course now it's possible this dunya back onto the open road of Kalmykia by by cafe smack we're gonna miss you whoo that was lucky I was picked up by a guy from a southern Republic called kabardino-balkaria and he just gave me a beer what an absolute legend well have been dropped off on the mean streets of El Easter on the outskirts anyway check out these apartment buildings Wow welcome to Al Easter at least on a Thursday night this is a little bit grim around here but the Oscars are always grim I'm sure the center is very nice but it is how people live in a least on the outskirts old Soviet apartments check it out still standing still going strong they've got air conditioning units because in the summer time here it gets up to 50 degrees or something so a lot of the apartments will have air conditioning units there's little tiny balconies little tiny balconies remind me of the balconies in my hotel instinctive car but almost collapse and I stood on it the rescue - that was a real cow McKean that old babushka someone told me there's a mushroom could I go straight to a hotel in the center so let's see God is cold it's cold these are the exciting things that you can have experience to you in the provinces of Russia waiting at marshrutka stops when it's bloody freezing for come on marshrutka [Music] it's Trump on a hotel just pass one up there the hotel ELISA hopefully a Soviet [Applause] what's this about me no me nothing toka lousiest I've done yes the effectual somebody Cheviot Oh checked in the poor lady has to scan literally every page of my passport some cities make you do that it's gonna take an hour fourth floor going up this room cost me 1,200 rubles a night which i think is fifteen quid so let's check out what you get for fifteen quid [Music] nice pink right rocks are rule number four one eight before one eight let's check it out what does fifteen quid get you in the capital of Kalmykia four one eight what's behind this wooden door my journey is finally over fifteen quid gets you in kalmykia Oh guess your TV gets you a fridge get you a nice single bed gets you a kettle little bedside lamp and a nice picture of a horse on the step let's check out the bathroom that's always important and it gets you a toilet and it gets you a shower come bath thing fifteen quid travel in the Russian provinces well guys I think I think that's it for today we've had mastered adventure I've enjoyed it it's been tough but enjoyed it hopefully you did too and we'll see what lies in store tomorrow in the capital of Kalmykia until next time cheerio fifteen quid bloody bargain
Channel: bald and bankrupt
Views: 3,291,862
Rating: 4.9283981 out of 5
Keywords: Russia, Hitchhiking, Kalmykia, Elista, Astrakhan, USSR, Buddhism, Creepy
Id: 6RQlQDp1uiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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