All about the S10 Respirator

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well I wanted to do another video about gas smell so talked about before but going into a bit more detail and today we're going to look at the s10 respirator as many of you know this is like one of the personal favorites of mine because it's such a good mask I've got two s10 so again again both the S tends out ones one from the 80s ones one from the late 2000 so you've kind of got one both ends of the S tens production run and then we can have a look at some of the features on them so in no particular order let's have a look I think this is my Rs 10 because it looks a bit sore more aged and Avon 1987 so yeah this is the old one and we're going to get a new one out and then we'll talk about both of them I also have some accessories for the s10 in here so we're going to talk about those as well so I'll put this back down here for now but this has 10 here and I'll hold them both up in a moment and here is my new Rs 10 this one as you can see Avon 2009 so this is really both ends of the production run of the s10 with both of these masks because both the s10 went into service I think supposedly around 1986 although I've seen some conflicting things in 1987 is pretty early into that there's not really a date when it officially left service because Britain swapped it for the GSR I don't think that was an overnight change I think supposedly it wasn't meant to be around 2009 and then GSI went into service but apparently stock can't make them fast enough or the government didn't buy him fast enough silly s10 lingered around for a bit longer but regardless you've kind of got two masks at both ends of the production run and as far as I can tell both of them are very similar they didn't actually make many changes you know during the production time they both kind of look identical so there's you know that but if you're wondering about the outsets those aren't actually red lenses they are outsourced on this because the s10 can fit out so it's around the rims so you'd normally if you were normally having it issued you have answers if you needed something where you might be using flashbang grenade sort of as a counterterrorism thing things like that you'd have mirrored out certs and the idea is that you know they kind of reduce light coming into the mask so if there's bright flashes and things they you know see stop your eyes from getting blinded they also are my finger meant to look a bit intimidating for example if the SAS is wearing it in storming the building it kind of goes to the intimidation factor of it then they did a couple of different colored out certs and as far as I'm aware because I cannot really read anything that's definite on these these are made kind of as laser designation things like for example USM 17 during the Gulf War had the green out so it's made for the laser designation you know like ground teams for lasers as I'm waiting for aircrafts right excess strikes I think there are similar thing to that the red ones as well if you're wearing it in the dark your pupils won't change sides because of how red light works so everything that goes through the mask ends up looking red and that's actually good for you know if you're in the dark and you're wearing it because you actually if you're in quite dark conditions than you wear so you can't make out color stuff does appear brighter for some reason the readout says on that there you go so what makes the s10 so good I'm going to put my new and down look at the old woman for a minute as I said they're both very similar very light weight facemask I haven't actually weighed this but this is gonna be under 500 grams I would imagine it's really light because there are some gas masks that weigh almost two kilos you've got a 40 millimeter NATO intake on left on the other side you've got your secondary sort of exhaled valve and voice diaphragm one thing I'll point out of these is that they did asked hens in both left and right handed shooter configuration so this bit you switched around some of the other Avon masks in the s10 family but not the s10 itself were designed so this could switch sides you know you take out a blanking plug my CT 12 does that with my FM trials the hemp rope doesn't so it doesn't seem to be like every mass they did it on anyway so that's what that is you've got you know a secondary voice tie from there and your primary in take me over there you've got a drinking tube in this mask that's kept with this so you basically pull this out unravel that then you connect that to your bottle hold the bottle vertically up you can move that lever to get the straw into your mouth and then you are you know simply use gravity to feed the mask of water I can't demonstrate that because I don't have the canteen with a bottle cap that accepts that but if I did I demonstrate at you so you get a good field of view of this mask on and obviously it's got your aural nasal cut on the inside so it's not gonna you know fog up too much when you're using it very comfortable mask it's got rubber straps but they are fairly comfortable you adjust them by unclipping and pulling them through as much as you want then clipping them so will keep your size they're also a bit stretchy as I'll just wrap some selves so it makes taking it on and off easier this is the one I've got kind of configured for use so I've cut the drinking tube in this one down a bit so it fits into my mouth better if I want to use it but again I don't have the cap what I'm gonna do is if I can pull this off you hear easily I will show you the underside of this there we go right so the cap that's on the front of the s10 is this thing this doesn't do much in itself but what we have here is I think they call it the voice trumpet your exhale valve is there but what this does is the shape of it means the basically your exhale valve acts as a bit of an amplifier because it comes out into this section which kind of increases the volume of it so that just literally clips back on the front every family has ten just clips and unclips is very easy saying when the out suits and these aren't the ones where you have to kind of stretch it out so the outsets bow on you can just literally pull it off and push it on with a bit of force and they come off and on I said the insides of the masks are fairly straightforward right I'm going to put this one on because only hair is short enough I said in other videos I can just pull masks I'll get me a good seal yeah it's airtight so yeah the mask is comfortable the mask is lightweight I have a very good field of view it does vibrate a little bit sometimes if there's not a filter in but max you hear that the vibration stop button that is very good yeah as I said it's very comfortable way ahead of its time in the 80s I guess I think yes six compared so yes can claim have had more leaps forward but the s10 is a really good design it does everything well so I just going to take this off now we're gonna have a look at some of the other accessories that this mask came with what I have here is the radio thing basically how this works is this an ends a microphone you clip this on I'll demonstrate this where you have that kind of secondary exhale of our voice diaphragm or if you want to call it there is clips on here there we go you can position it however you want to and then you would connect this to your radio and the idea is you have your radio on your arm sort of chest carrier or whatever you plug that in people can hear you really clearly because obviously the voice diaphragm is going straight into the microphone because people have complained the s10 yeah it doesn't have really big proper voice diaphragms like in the American masks it didn't really need it because you'd either be talking into a radio directly attached to the mask or if you're close enough people can hear you fairly well because both of the voice diaphragms together you know work Wow yes I suppose it would have been better of a big voice diaphragm on bit doesn't hurt the master I think in my opinion because it kind of worked around it so yeah you'd have that plugged into your radio and the other thing I have for it is the anti flash hood or whether you call this it's kind of like a balaclava for a gas mask and the idea of these is that you could have this I'm sure you've seen these worn by sort of Special Forces type guys you'd have this over the mask itself and what this does is it ends up you know if there's hot Sparks and things from breaching charges or flash bangs it stops the mass setting fire the mask shouldn't set fire anyway but what I understand is this is kind of a flame retardant material and that just helps as well it also kind of guards to the intimidation factor so I'm going to try and fit that to the mask and I can demonstrate it well I'm not that configured completely right because it's not all that comfortable then you can see I've got the filter on I don't think I quite got an airtight seal no probably gotten to part the cloth into the actual code unit again I'm sure if I wanted to I could take it off and try again but this is just to give you an idea but you have obviously the radio bit outside that goes through the hood you have a filter on that side that goes through the hood yeah this is visible there's a lot sticker so they don't get him away yeah everything works deal with the mask so I've seen what I've done wrong is probably putting the bits together in the wrong order but hopefully gives you an idea of how the parts fit together okay so I have my mask on again when an airtight seal but yeah as I said suddenly many times before the S Pen was got rid of basically the british army or government in something that was a bit dodgy said to Avon yes you've proposed lots of good ideas for the mask to replace this but we've probably had a backhander from somebody else in their way using an American mask that's basically one of your masks anyway I don't want to get too much into that because a lot of it speculation but you know it's a bit shift neither the British government had used any of our masks pretty much since World War one definitely since World War two and then all of a sudden in the late 2010 so they're you know say no we don't want your masks anymore actually so I'm yeah oh you've um did some successors to this that I've talked about before and I'm sure I'll talk about many times again the FM 12 and a CT 12 being two of them basically what they did is they took the yes pen and everything that worked of it and they kind of just reduced everything down in size the masks it's closer to your face but the eyes are smaller so you can see just as well but again it makes the mask lighter and smaller everything's just kind of size down the mask is just as comfortable if not more comfortable but it weighs less and it's even more compact the ridges around the mask is so NBC no to sit on the mask of it better that's not really a needed feature but there you go yes 10 definitely one of my favourite masks ever designed for when it came out in the 80s yes it was a very design it would take America quite a lot longer before they came out with something like the young 40 in their you know service to actually make it good mask but I'd say the Israelis probably beat it by reeds and redesigning the German m65 is the Israeli m15 and making that a really practical mask but had always fun I think yes Penn is one the most what really was ahead of its time for all the features at had and it still holds up today a lot of nations have has tenzin variants where they bought them from britain or bought them from other countries avon rubber the company erm abs ten designed and made it they've got lots of successful masters still selling funnily enough the avon m50 is used now in US service so avon kind of got the last laugh on the british government I think when they were screwed over by them because lots of our companies and sorry lots of other countries still buy Avon stuff so Avon you know is still existing thankfully they're still designing lots of good protective gear and yeah their masks still hold up pretty much all of them for the times they were designed and they are all very good masks the as far as I'm we're the s10 is definitely designed by Avon however the s6 I've heard conflicting reports um saying Avon designed it some saying Leyland rubber designed it and others saying that Porton Down and the Ministry of Defense designed it and as I said I've seen reports for each I don't know which is true but from what I can and son the s6 is more of a colab design job whereas the s10 as far as my I was all down to Avon rubber making their own sort of respirator and that's why I like the CT 12 and AFM 12 or sort of ended up looking like the s10 just improved so there we go the s10 what a great mask if you find one cheap on the surplus market buy it you'll not regret it these are really good masks you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 35,732
Rating: 4.9622641 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, All about the S10 Respirator, Avon S10, S10 respirator, S10 gas mask, British army gas mask, British S10
Id: dSPD35OlAdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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