Top Five Useful Knots for camping, survival, hiking, and more

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Now, that's more useful than the infographics that show 100 types of knots but don't tell you what they're for or even how to make them.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/markys 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

This is the first post in this sub I feel like I should genuinely know.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/playfulbanana 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

Great! now I can finally go hang myself.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/OmaeDattanda 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

A string walked into a bar and ordered a drink. The bartender said, "Sorry pal, we don't serve string here." The string walked outside all pissed off, tied himself into a knot, ruffled up his hair out of frustration, and stormed back in. "Hey, aren't you that string that just walked in here a minute ago," asked the bartender? "No," said the string. "I'm a frayed knot."

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/JihadDerp 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

This is great, because I'm always wondering where I should use which knot. I can't wait to try and fail at these knots at my next camping!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kRkthOr 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

The Siberian Hitch that Ray Mears uses is also really useful.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/oliwilton 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

No noose.....

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/rowshambow 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

I liked he demonstrated something different from the other videos I've seen. It's good since these 5 knots are useful and underrated.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

Is the knot in the thumnail (double figure 8) featured anywhere in the video?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies
everybody this cook got older director of nature lion school and today what I wanted to show you was about five of my favorite knots for camping and survival usefulness so if this is what looks like the best knot that you know how to tie you'll probably find something in here you can use and if you're already a seasoned outdoorsman then maybe the way I do it will help you do it as well so glad you joined us [Music] the first night I'm going to show you how to do is called a half hitch and the most common use that people seem to use a half hitch for is sitting up a Ridgeline or something of this nature so I'm gonna bring the camera in really close and I'll show you exactly what I did right here so the end that you're working from that's holding the load which is basically another tree in this case I'm it's called the standing in and the end that you're working with this end is called the working end and so I'm gonna take the working in around my tree pull that taut place it under the standing in and down through that hole and pull that through now again if I just let go that's gonna fall apart so what I do is I do the same thing again and then it's gonna hold itself that's two half hitches now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you two half hitches with a bite because this is really important so if I'm gonna do two half hitches of the bite I'll do the same thing for the first one just put it down through the hole and then when I bring this one up and over stick now through the hole instead of using the working in all the way through I just make a loop out of that stick it through the hole and then cinch it up that way and in that manner all I've got it this is tight but all I've got to do to pull it loose is just to pull that working in and now it's loose the next one I want to show you how to do is called a fisherman's knot and it is more often than not used for combining two pieces of string cordage rope together so I'm going to use an OD piece and a fluorescent orange piece so you can see and it makes it a little bit easier for you to see which rope is doing what first thing you wanna do is you're gonna take you two pieces of cordage and you want to lay them now next to each other parallel and then you want to take one end of one of them and double it back and so basically what's right here under my thumb is a loop and once I get that double back I will take that piece and wrap it around both pieces wrap it around both pieces again so I have that right there and then I take that in and put it back through the loop and I cinch that down so basically I have a knot that is sitting and sliding on top of the orange piece okay so that slides rather easily now I do the same exact thing over here double that back on top I make a loop with the working end I make another loop with the working end all the way around you know actually giving me my hands or coat its coat out here put that back through that loop and cinch that down make that pretty and now I have a knot on this side I have a knot on this side that slides on the green I have a knot on this side that slides on the orange and so I just pull those together once I pull those together and pull that tight I have a very very good bind between these two pieces of cordage you can either cut this off I don't recommend that you can also tie it down so that the extra is hanging off that's what a lot of climbers do for safety but for our purposes you can just leave it like that for survival and camping it's not I'm going to show you is called a prusik it's pru sik a prusik knot is a real useful knot if you have a ridge line or a taut line or something of this nature and you want to tie another rope to it such that it'll stay tight and also loosen whenever you want it to be so that's what we're going to show you next so best thing to do when you're doing a prusik knot is to have a diameter rope of one size like this one then have the next one's smaller and it'll work better but in this case I've got the same size it's gonna work it's just not gonna work as good so I lay my loop on top of my rope and I bring my other rope around and pull it through okay so once I do that I'm going on the thing you want to check for see it that you've got two parallel lines that these are not crossed over one another inside that loop so now I do the same thing again which is I pull the other end back through the center of that loop and pull all that through now again I want to make sure here that everything is not crossed over itself inside the knot so you'll see once I get that straightened up and you're looking down on your knot you can look underneath see all the lines are parallel they're not crossed see all the lines are parallel they're not cross that's what you're looking for so when you cinch this up it's going to look just like that all parallel lines now to make this even better let's do that again so I'll pull this back up through the center of my loop and my hands are code so I'm having a little bit of trouble but you just want to make sure again that all those lines are parallel so you can see parallel on this side everything is parallel on that side nothing's crossing up cinch all this together cool now what's cool about this knot is that this slides really easy but once I get it really cinched and again this is where it doesn't work as great with two ropes enter of same diameter pull this really tight then that does not slide along that rope it hangs on to it that's me putting up that's why I mean you need to have two ropes of different diameter now it's all tied on there and it won't slide particularly if this rope is of larger diameter all right so the next knot I'm going to show you is what's most commonly referred to as a trucker's hitch I usually refer to it as a good newman's hitch because I'm a canoe not a trucker what you can't see that's off-camera up here maybe you know you can't see it is this is tied to a tree and let's assume that that's tied to one side of the load or that's tied to the end of a canoe and we want to pull this really tight and cinch it down incredibly hard so we're basically what we're going to do is we're gonna create a pulley system along the rope and so we take our rope our cordage our paracord whatever it might be and we wrap it around another portion that we want to tie off to so basically all we do is we take the rope that we have in front of us and we double it back on itself now pull from the end that you're on where you're pulling from pull that back through your loop I'll do that again so there's the end that's tied to my canoe or whatever load that I want I create a loop and then I'm basically in this situation I pull from this end I pull that back through and create a loop okay if you do this right when you send your other rope back through and start to cinch it down this loop that you created in the rope will not collapse however if you pulled from here it will collapse so all I do here pull tight pinch it off tie my half hitch with a Bight that we looked at before and I've got a really tight pulley system then I've created with just one rope to get it undone pull it off and then just pull your knot out you're ready to go cool I'm going to show you one more and that's called the clove hitch and these are again four or five knots that I really use a lot in survival and camping and this has probably prompted me to do another video of 101 useful knots like I've got four paracord and bandanas but anyway clove hitch real simple basically take your rope make a loop take another end of the rope make another loop and the second loop from my perspective looking at it I put it in behind the other one and so I've got those two loops and I pull this hot this is what's called a clove hitch so basically what you'll see is you'll see that the knot gets tied basically upon itself and then you can use this as a this will not slide along that real easily pull this tight and it's tied into that rope and so I use this for trapping a lot I can put pegs when I put up the teepee put pegs in and tie the pegs down and help keep the teepee taut onto the poles and any number of things you use a clove hitch type bag off with it it's real simple so used to use this a lot in time feed sacks so there you go with five knots that I like to utilize in survival camping situations so appreciate your patience with me with my code hands now that I've got those done I'm gonna go back to the house get my hands warmed up those are five useful knots for survival on camping any number of uses they use basically every one of those on the farm all the time time downloads hey a ton of feed sacks any number of things they're real useful knots so if you like them please subscribe to our Channel give us a like give us a thumbs up here on YouTube share it on Facebook reddit Twitter wherever it is that you do social media and we appreciate you come on join in let's learn together [Music]
Channel: Nature Reliance
Views: 4,075,539
Rating: 4.9293432 out of 5
Id: ABIRlz-qxSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 18 2014
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