Keith Finds The Best Breakfast Burrito • Tailgate Debate

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(upbeat music) - I'm Keith and I eat everything. And because of all the travel I've done, I feel like I already know all of the best spots to grab a meal. But to put myself to the test, today I have invited a few of my food-loving friends to put my restaurant recommendations up against theirs. In the end, we'll see if I knew the best spot or if I find a new favorite place. This is "Tailgate Debate." And today we're eating breakfast burritos. Welcome to "Tailgate Debate." I am joined this week by two of my food-loving friends from different aspects of my life. Actually, both of these people I met when I worked at Buzzfeed. Kwesi, he is a producer in L.A., we worked together on a lot of shoots. And then I met Marissa. So I was shooting the first ever "Twitter Runs My Day" video that I ever did. Kwesi, give us, like, a little 30-second spiel of who is Kwesi. - Ah, man. Kwesi James. I'm a man of many, many tricks and traits. I'm from Brooklyn, New York. I'm a black man. And also I love Keith, man. Keith is a cool guy and I've loved working him. - Marissa, give us the 30-second spiel of who Marissa is. - Who, am I? I am. Hold on, I'm merging onto the highway! (Keith and Marissa laughing) I am a safe driver first and foremost. I love food, I'm excited to take you boys into my neighborhood and give your burritos a run for their money. - I have no idea where I'm going. This is the other side of town for me. - You're doing great, Kwesi. You're right behind me, I see you. - Hey. - Hey! - Yo, oh! - We're all in a row. That's incredible. Wow, we made it together. (Kwesi laughing) Even though Kwesi doesn't know how we're getting to where we're going, we are going to Kwesi's spot first. Kwesi, tell us a little bit about the restaurant, and the burrito that you're bringing to the table. - Oh, yeah, Keith. We're taking you guys to Dogtown Coffee Shop. All right, so we're having the Munchies burrito. You can take that how you want it. Usually I get that early in the morning, during, like, a nice morning walk to my fiance. So I have a question for you both Eastsiders, so, like, you moved to California. Obviously both of you guys are transplants, right? You guys are not from California, right? Got it, so you moved to California. So you don't want to move a place like Baywatch? Like near the beach and people, like, are running on the sand. - Here's the thing. As I said, I'm Puerto Rican. So, I'm sorry. Pacific ocean beaches are not as good as Caribbean ocean. - Wow. - You want that warm water. See, I'm the guy who lives by the beach that doesn't go into the water. I just want the vibes. I want to feel the water, but I don't want to feel the water. You dig me? (everyone laughing) - You want the water to feel you. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. (everyone laughing) - All right, Kwesi, introduce this bad boy to us. - If you take it open, take a look at it, take a smell. Just take in the smell. The Munchies is simple. It's exactly what you need to get you energized for your day. - Oh, it's actually, it's very beautiful when you open it up. - [Kwesi] Yeah. - The avocado is bright green. Got some nice cheese on the sides here. A nice Pico and potatoes, looks like, and maybe bacon, yeah. - Hell yeah. - Oh! Oh, it smells good, Kwesi. (Kwesi laughing) - [Keith] It smells really good. (Kwesi laughing) - This is a weird thing to say about a breakfast burrito, but I find it refreshing. - I can see that, yeah. I can see that. - And it's because of the Pico. It's very fresh. - Mm-hmm. - And the avocado. - It still tastes like comfort food, but the Pico really brightens it up and makes it feel like I could go for a walk. - Yeah. I feel like I can eat this and be in a bikini. You know? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, you got any hot sauce in your car there? - You know, I do! (indistinct) Why, I just happen to have three bottles right. Hold on, I'm coming. I'm coming for a special delivery. Oh, it smells good. (upbeat music) - Keith! Heck yeah, it's so good! - Okay, Keith! Okay, Hot Sauce Keith! - Okay, I'm doing one more drive-by, but this, so I have one and a half bottles of Keith's burger sauce with me. So I'm going to have to put a dab onto your burrito. - Yes! - Okay. - That's a little thicker, ooh! Mm! - That's really good. - Oh, that's like vinegary. Ooh, yeah. - Kwesi, I gotta tell ya. I was not expecting your burrito to be this slick. - Yeah. - Not because I don't think you could provide one. It's just like, how did I not know about something so delicious. - Right, right. (Marissa laughing) - All right, so next up we're going to my neighborhood, Los Feliz, to go to Cafe Los Feliz, which is an amazing little bakery that also has just my favorite breakfast burrito in all of L.A. And it's like a classic structure. It's just potatoes, bacon, eggs, cheese, tortilla. But it comes in this little Chipotle, mayo, aioli, whatever it is, that you dip it into. - Question about eggs. Randomly did some research. So chickens lay eggs every single day. Now eggs, unless it's fertilized by a male, it just comes out as an egg. So a male chicken is called, what, a rooster and a cock. So he has to have sex with the hen. (sexy jazzy music) A day before or something like that? - Well, I think there must be multiple eggs in different stages of development at one time when the rooster has sex with the chicken. (sexy jazzy music) What stage does the egg development need to be to become a fertilized egg? I don't know. - If you know, let us let us know in the comments down below. - I like also, Kwesi, you started this with "I've been doing research." And then you just asked a question. (Kwesi and Marissa laughing) What did your research yield, Kwesi? - I don't know. I think I got tired and gave up. - We have made it to Cafe Los Feliz. My favorite spot. I hope you're ready for the best breakfast burrito you've ever had in your life. - We'll see. - We got our burritos here. Let's open up our little boxes. - Oh, it smells so good. - Well, before I opened the box, I could smell it through the box, dude. That's something, that's a good thing for you. - Okay, good size. Ooh! Okay, okay, okay. I must say, visually when the tortilla is basically see-through, that's how you know it's going mean business. - Yeah, yeah. Even if, like, it looks like a perfect diner scramble going on in there. Like all the ingredients are already nicely interspersed together. - Mm. (upbeat music) Oh, that's good. - That's good. That is- - That's good. - Savory! - Oh, the tortilla's so good! Has moments of crispiness, but it's also chewy. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - I do think this is a Midwest breakfast burrito. (Kwesi and Marissa laughing) It's heavy, cheesy, delicious, eggy. - What's your favorite part of the burrito? Mine is the butt, I love... I love the butt. - The secret ingredient in this that I forgot about is that they have these little grilled caramelized red onions interspersed. - Where? - And that's giving you a little bit of extra savoriness. I found one of them in mine. I'll show you through the window. See? It's an onion. - Hello, onion! (Kwesi laughing) - All right, Marissa, we're headed to your spot. What is this restaurant even called? - It's called My Taco. - My Taco. - It's a Mexican restaurant, it's in Highland Park. It's been there for years, and we're going to have the chorizo breakfast burrito. - [Keith] Oh, damn. - It's so good. I love chorizo. It also has rice and re-fried beans in it. - Ooh. - Oh. We're taking a hard left. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - What are we having, dinner? (Marissa laughing) - Let's start with a little horchata. It's a hot day. - I've never had this before. (Marissa gasping) - What? Oh my gosh, Kwesi. - Kwesi! Get ready? - [Kwesi] Wow. - It's rice milk with cinnamon. And sometimes they add vanilla to it. - The horchata! Yeah. - [Marissa] Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Refreshing as shit. - Yeah! - Hold on. Our deliveries are coming as you're talking and they're huge. Marissa, this doesn't look like just a burrito. - It's not. These are the Carne Asada french fries. - Oh my goodness. Look at these, this side of fries. - Oh wow. We got a cheese pull. - The cheese is pulling! (intense music) - So that's what's up. - This burrito is so big and it's, like, hot. Like it's still on the grill hot. - Look at the grease coming through already. It's so greasy. - Oh my god, Marissa! (Marissa laughing) - This is- - [Kwesi] That's huge! - Crazy looking. - I think we need we need a moment of silence to pray, yo. - There's so much chorizo in this. This is not a breakfast burrito. What are you talking about? This is a burrito! - Wow. - There's eggs in it. - [Kwesi] This has eggs in it? - Yes! - Look at the grease! Look at the grease, yo! Look where we at! - Okay, I'm diving into this, finally. - Get in there. (suspenseful music) - Wow, that is a heavy mother (beep). (Kwesi laughing) - So this is good because it'll last you. Like almost the whole day. (Marissa laughing) - Yeah. This is dinner, dude. - This is like the 2:00 AM burrito. Like before you go to sleep, you have breakfast. - And also, this reheats really, really well. I love the re-fried beans in this. - I find myself enjoying the re-fried beans and cheese side just a little bit more than the full chorizo side. It's hard to get the whole bite all at once in your mouth. - Yeah. - [Kwesi] Mm-hmm. - Because it's enormous. - Yo, so when I put it on my passenger seat, the seatbelt alarm comes on. Because it's so heavy. It's like another human being. - Well, we have each gotten to present our burritos now. So now we have one more stop. We're going to get out of our cars. We're going to have our little tailgate debate, choose who actually brought the best burrito to table, to crown our winner. - Let's do it. - Ooh! - Let's start with Kwesi's spot, Dogtown Coffee. It was Kwesi's spot. I loved that the avocado and the Pico de Gallo it gave it this freshness. My only critique would be that the tortilla was not the most delicious tortilla of the day. - I... (dramatic music) (Marissa burps) Excuse me. I loved the avocado, so fresh. It's like the perfect beach burrito. What I didn't like is that it was so small. (Marissa laughing) I mean, I'm a small lady and that wouldn't fill me up. - Then we went to my spot, Cafe Los Feliz. - I loved the tortilla. The cheese ratio to everything was really good. What I didn't like is that there was like nothing special about it. And it was so expensive! - Whoa, whoa. - [Marissa] Like 13 bucks. - I've got no money like that, to spend all that money on a breakfast burrito. Next time I get my money back from my high yielding savings account, I'll probably invest into that burrito. - Cool, cool, cool. Well, then last up, of course, was My Taco, Marissa's choice. I will say that value, six bucks, that much food, easily the best value of the day. But I asked the question, was is it a breakfast burrito? It was a (beep) burrito! - I was gonna say the same thing! I was gonna say the same thing! Just because we eat in the AM, doesn't mean it's a breakfast burrito. (Marissa and Kwesi laughing) What I love about the spot, it was the mom and pop shop. It felt very homey, very down to earth. And this drink that we have, I know it doesn't have anything to do with the burrito, but it was fantastic. But other than that, that's where it stops. The burrito was heavy. I feel like going to sleep. I feel like waking up in 2021. - Don't we all, though? - Marissa, any last words for yours? - All right, here's the thing. (drum roll) Screw you two, it's delicious, all right? - And we came here today to all share our favorite spots in hopes that we will change one of our minds. Did anybody here today, of the three of us, and maybe don't look at each other, so you can't be swayed, change their mind their mind today? (suspenseful music) Did someone change their mind? - No. - No. - Me neither. Well, now we know. (everyone laughing) How could you not like mine the best? What's wrong with you? It's delicious! Oh, 12.75. So our first place is all the place we already chose. So we're going to have to go to the second place. My second place was Dogtown Coffee, Kwesi's spot. - My second place would be yours. Yeah. - Okay, so Marissa, unfortunately we both chose yours for third in our ranks, but you get to break the tie breaker of second, determining our winner today. Who do you think was the second best burrito you tried? - Drum roll, please. (drum roll) - It's Kwesi's! (fireworks exploding and celebratory music) Yeah, do a dance. Do a dance, Kwesi. - Yeah, thanks Keith! (slow motion cheering) (upbeat electronic music) - Let me know if you're in L.A., some of your favorite spots, and in general, wherever you are, use the comment section below to, you know, tout your favorite spot in your town. Give each other tips right now. You know, small businesses and restaurants alike are really struggling. We need to do everything we can to keep them afloat or else we won't have anywhere good left to eat. All right? It's up to us. You're not even that good at cooking, anyway. (energetic upbeat music) - Yeah. Eggs are weird.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 983,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, breakfast burrito, keith eats, keith and friends, eating show, competitive eating, cooking show, cooking challenge, eat the menu, best, worst, tailgate, debate, debatable, kwesi, mexican food, hispanic foods, latin foods, los angeles, los angeles food, food tour, best restaurants, small business
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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