What's The Most Expensive Item At Costco? (Mini Golf Game)

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I. Love. This. Game. The combination between sports and trivia is clever and unique, and we always see Rhett and Link acting very competitive and silly when they play it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett in GMMore: "What's your bread pin? I don't know, it changes every loaf. Hehehe..." πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When Rhett said "Let's Talk About Costco" I thought he was going to say "Let's Talk About That" I still miss it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CandidSplit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still hate the clips at the beginning.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kingXcazam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just like regular golf

Just like darts!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Novocaine96 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
(shouting) - He didn't change it. He did not change it. - Yes he did. - No he didn't. - Yes he did. (upbeat electronic music) - Good mythical morning. - Oh, Link, I see that you're admiring my very stylish and extremely comfortable winner's jacket. - I wasn't even looking at you. (laughs) You saw that I was admiring it through the back of my head? - I could feel it. I saw the way you've been looking at me this morning. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It definitely looks comfortable. - It fits so great. I can't wait to, I gotta take it off to play this game, but I can't wait to put it back on after I retain my title. - Oh don't speak too soon, man. 'Cause I can't wait to just nestle inside of that thing. - It's very comfortable. - I can tell. - Did I say that? - I could tell. - Did you see that? - Words don't do the comfort justice. - My posture looks comfortable, right? Let's talk about Costco. Okay, you can find Costcos all over the world, but primarily here in the good old US of A, where our motto is we love food. We love stuff in bulk! Now you got a lot of mouths to feed, you like shopping at Costco? (laughs) - Honestly, no, I don't like shopping from pallet racks. 'Cause it reminds me of my engineering job. I had a lot of pallet rack work. - Interesting. I was not expecting that answer. Costco has some crazy secrets hidden up their wholesale sleeves, and we about to have those secrets revealed. Put your hands together for the politest golf clap you ever did clap because it's time for Pick N Putt. Costco Edition. (upbeat music) - Welcome to the putting zone. - Caddy! - Oh right. - Thank you, Caddy. - You don't wanna play with that thing on? - No, it's a little restricted. (laughs) - I get it, all right. Just like last time and just like the average human, our putting green has three holes and we're going to be asked a question about Costco and we're going to indicate our answer by putting down the mythical fairway into one of those answer holes. - Once again, it's not a fairway, it's a green, but like regular golf, each hit we count, makes, make counts, it's a stroke. I think I had a stroke. - I hope not. - But unlike regular golf, putting into the wrong answer hole will give you two penalty strokes. And whoever has the lowest score at the end of the game wins possession of the coveted winner's jacket, which I've been sleeping in every night since the last time we played - And I've been coveting constantly. (upbeat music) - Okay. I've got the red ball, Link has the blue ball. - Sorry. - Whoa, goodness. Are you okay? - I was just going to show it to you, and I. - He is a little amped up. - Didn't feel my hand at all. - Stevie, what's the first question? - [Stevie] In 2013, a man and a woman met in a specific section of a Costco. Months later, the man proposed to the woman in that very same section. Then, in December 2014, they got married in that exact same spot. - This gets weirder and weirder - [Stevie] Which section of the Costco did these savings loving lovebirds meet, get engaged and eventually tie the knot? Was it the candy section, the frozen food section, or the baked goods section? - Okay. Rhett, you won last time, so you're going first. Go get on up there, in the tee box. - Okay. Well I'm thinking about single people. I haven't been one for quite some time. You got a single. - You think single people only go to certain areas of Costco? - Well, no, you got to think like a single person for a second. You're single, but you want to be married. So maybe here, maybe you're a little bit sad. And so where do sad people go? Definitely the candy section. Cause that's what would pick me up. But frozen food, ah, you know, you're on the move. You're trying to make things happen. - Of course we've not yet pointed out that Chase, - [Rhett] Oh, Chase is here. - [Link] is swinging a wedding cake. - [Rhett] He is. - [Link] A wedding pendulum. - We're going completely human power today. Great job Chase. I'm going for frozen food. Which means it's risky, cause I got to go right through the middle. (shouting) - He didn't change it. He did not change it - Yes he did. - No he didn't. - Yes he did. - No he didn't. - It was totally going that way and then he completely reversed it. - I'm sorry, Rhett, but you have to go from there. It was very close. - Are you going to do the same thing on Link? - The thing that. - I don't know what you're talking about, - Chase, I know you didn't do anything. - [Rhett] I'm going to have to, - [Link] You're just blocking it with your heel. Is that legal? I'll allow it. All right. So that's two strokes. Now you're down to three. - [Rhett] And, finally, three - Frozen food. I, see here's my thing with frozen food. If they met in the frozen food section, I don't think they would want to craft a ceremony there. It's just not the place that you want to hang out. So I think it's baked goods. I just feel the romance, the yeast rising the dough. You know what I'm saying? I'm going for baked goods and a little bit of a bank shot. (laughing) - So bad. - That was a little too hard. I don't know why I hit it so hard. - Well, cause you know Chase was going to try to hit your ball with his cake. - Yeah, I was trying to go through the cake. - Oh this is a risky shot. I mean, can you get across there and make it? - [Link] Cause fate would now say candy. - Well, but you didn't go with fate last time. - You did, and you won and that's just a hard putt anyway. So, I'm going with fate and candy. - [Rhett] Hey! - [Link] All right. - [Stevie] Okay. In December 2013, Robert and Meredith Bonilla met while shopping at a Costco in Santa Maria, California. Enraptured by Meredith's cowboy boots, Robert asked her out on the spot. Months later, Robert proposed to Meredith via post it note attached to a bag of shrimp. Before you know it, these two, were getting married atop a wooden pallet altar in Costco's frozen food section. - Shrimp! Shrimp aren't candy. - Or baked goods. (upbeat music) - Stevie, is this just a lunch break? We usually don't get those on this show. - [Stevie] This is a thematic tie-in to the question that I'm about to ask you. - I like it. - They got great pizza at Costco. - [Stevie] While you probably know all about the famous Costco food court hotdog, their food court pizza has a very dedicated, almost cult-like fan base as well. And did you know that every pepperoni pizza made at Costco has the exact same number of pepperonis. How many pepperonis are on a Costco pepperoni pizza? Is it 45, 60 or 75? - Now we've got some nice ramp-like pepperoni wedges here for you to navigate. - How many slices of pizza on a pizza? I think maybe eight. Man. So if there's eight slices, I don't know. I feel like there's about six or seven pieces of peepero, peeperoni (laughing) - Peeperoni. - You know, you got a little peeperoni. That's when it's just a little bit smaller than a regular pepperoni so a little bit more fits. Eight times six is 48. Eight times seven, what's that, 56? Shoo man. We got 45 and 60. It's definitely 45 or 60. - Alright. Make a putt. - The problem is you gotta be really, really, really slick to get to the 60. Cause you've got to go, oh man, you got to go behind that piece right there. And I've got to stay down here for that. - So you are going for 60. - I'm going for 60. - Oh man. That was good. I kind of wanted to see you hit one of those pizza slices, but in two strokes he has answered with 60. I counted seven slices on my slice. - You mean seven pieces of pepperoni. - Four times three is 12, times seven is 84. - Where are you getting 12 from? - I think it's 62. And I'm going to use these slices to my advantage. - You're going to try to hole in one it. - Heck yeah. - Of this and off that. - Heck yeah. - (shouting) Ah man! - So close. - So close. You know, I know what it feels like to get a hole in one. - Yeah. - Its exhilarating. - It's it makes us all run around in circles. Oh, you're going left-hand, careful. - [Link] Don't make me nervous. - Okay. All right. We both are in 60 and two. - [Stevie] Okay, though you might think there's no such thing as too many pepperonis Costco believes the perfect number of pepperonis on a full 18-inch pizza is no more and no less than 60. - Yeah. That's right. (upbeat music) - Quick reminder. If you want to grab our latest quarterly collectible item, it's the cloak of mythicality. You got to sign up for quarterly or annual third degree mythical society plans by September 30th. So end of this month, get on it to get that cozy cozy. - All right. Well we got here, Stevie? - [Stevie] Prepping for doomsday is no longer just a hobby for crazy uncle Ronnie or Rhett. - Yeah. - [Stevie] It's for soccer moms and dads now too. Which is the real Costco doomsday prep offering? An entire year's worth of canned food for up to four people with a shelf life of up to 25 years, a 70 gallon hydro pod emergency water storage kit that will provide a family of four with a 14 day supply of fresh water, or a department dedicated to custom home design, such as sheds, garages and even emergency panic rooms. - I feel like I am actually kind of ashamed that I don't know about what Costco offers in this area. The year of food thing. I mean, I could see them offering that. - It's a lot of bulk. - But it feels like a low hanging fruit kind of thing. "Let's just sell them a year of food! I mean, they could do it themselves, but let's just say that it's for a year." - It's a resale thing. - Hydro pod definitely is something that exists. I just don't think that they have a whole panic room section. - Okay. Throw your ball down there. And of course we've got this amazing ramp, which leads to a, like a reverse Plinko backside here. - Man, okay, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to kinda go for the middle like I'm going for hydro pod because I think that's a pretty good answer. And then if fate sends me to year of food, I'm going to take it. If fate sends me to panic room, I'm not taking it. I'm going back to the hydro pod. - [Link] Whoa. Okay, where's it going, close to the hydro pod. I will say about the panic room. They said that it was just like building sheds and stuff, but also they added, they could build you a panic room. - Going with hydro pod. - Alright. Two strokes. Boy, that Plinko board. That was, that was fun. - It was exciting. Wasn't it? The Plinko noise is also very exciting to me personally. - Don't want to be that guy that doesn't make it over. - Well. - I think it's hydro pod. I mean, it has to be. - Yeah. Don't go to soft. - Boy, it's dancing all around, come back. No! (shouting) - You almost went to the panic room. You would not have been able to do anything about it. - Yeah, I would have just had to take it. - Hey, take this. - That's the interesting thing about the hole in one. - But what about fate? Fate really wanted you to go to the panic room. Really wanted to take you to the panic room. - Yeah, it almost took me there. - Okay, we're both in the hydro pod. - [Stevie] However the world may end, Costco's got you and your family covered because for under five K, you can purchase an entire year's worth of food all at once. - [Link] Seriously? - [Stevie] This includes 600 cans of all-vegetarian supplies, such as Alfredo pasta, mac and cheese, cinnamon sugar oatmeal, beans and rice, and even chocolate pudding. - Bulk, man, we should've known! Freaking bulk! - I told you it was a good second choice, but it wasn't the first choice, and that's all that matters. (upbeat music) - Ooh, we got a loop de loop. - Oh, check that out. It's going to require some gusto. - Dangerous. All right, Stevie, what are we doing? - [Stevie] It all comes down to this. In addition to the 785 Costcos around the world, there's also an extensive online Costco shopping center. The most expensive item you can buy from Costco online is a 10 carat diamond engagement ring for $419,999 and 99 cents. - Half a million dollars. - Baby, I went all out, I went to Costco. I didn't go to Jared. - $400,000 ring. - [Stevie] And they only have one available. But what is the second most expensive Costco item? - Second most expensive, okay. - [Stevie] Is it an heirloom crystal grand chandelier featuring intricate cross stitching and hundreds of crystal pieces throughout? - Okay. - There it is, boy. - That's very intricate. - (Stevie) Is it an Oxford, 121 jet, seven person hot tub spa featuring neck shoulder jets and a UV dual water purification system? - That is a freaking dream. - Man, I'd like to get in that thing. Little step ladder. - I'd like to put some off-road wheels on it and just drive it around the forest. - Yeah, right? - [Stevie] Or, a Mario Andretti-signed 1969 Camaro pool table with real rims, tires and working lights, not to mention genuine leather pockets? - So speaking of putting tires on something, Mario Andretti put tires on to a pool table. - That's crazy that I premonitioned tires on something. - You did. Wow. All right. I'm not going to do a lot of thinking out loud here. - You normally do. You love hearing what it sounds like. - When I was just looking at chandelier, seven person spa and pool table, I was thinking seven person spa. But now that I see that chandelier and I see that pool table, I'm thinking the cheapest thing on that list is that spa. So I'm going for pool table. But the main thing I'm going for is just getting through the loop de loop and not embarrassing myself. - Ah huh. - I mean, you really gotta ram it in there, I guess. - Woo. Oh man, you almost didn't make it. You're going square for chandelier, but it stopped short. That was not a pleasing loop de loop. - It did not stay, so I'm going over to the pool table. - [Link] It's a long putt from McLaughlin. And he sinks it. Alright. I mean, I know the Andretti thing is one of a kind, but I'm feeling like it's the chandelier, but like you said, let me get through this loop de loop in one piece. That was nice. Oh. (shouting) It almost went into the pool table. - Boy, I would automatically won if you had a hit that. No, no. Cause it would've been one. Yeah, cause I got there in two, dang. Ah man, we would have tied. - See, so now if I sink this I just tie, and that's it. - You have to go for chandelier. - I've gotta go for chandelier. - Whoa, this is almost a mathematically impossible shot. Look at this. There is a tiny little sliver of hole there. - [Link] I mean, I might sink it into spa by accident. - Never before on national television has a man had to putt pass another hole to get to another hole. (laughing) He has a weird technique where he does something that most professional golfers do not do, which is he does three pumps. We've seen it a lot on putt. (laughs) Hold on. Hey, hey, hey. If you make that and it's right, I believe you can win. I don't know how math works. - I think I can tie. And if we tie you retain the jacket. So no matter what, I don't get the jacket, but I know I can get close if I tie. So what is it? - [Stevie] The second most expensive item for sale at Costco is the Mario Andretti signed 1969 Camaro pool table, which will run you just under $20,000. - $20,000. I actually think that's cheap. That's a big gap between the most expensive and the second most expensive item. - Oh gosh. - Well. - Hey Mario Andretti, I'll see ya on the weekend. - You won it fair and square Rhett. Thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Kat. - And I'm Kim. - And here in Burbank, California, we have the two newest mythical hairless beasts. - The skinny pigs, Scooter and Hopscotch. - [Both] And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - We could pet those little hairless things. They're right here in Burbank. - Skinny pigs? - Yeah. Click the top link to watch us try to guess if the Costco scandal is real or fake in Good Mythical More. - And if I know where the wheel of mythicality is going to land. The next mythical society, quarterly collectible item is the cloak of mythicality. Join third degree quarterly or annual plan by September 30th at mythicalsociety.com to get it.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,562,231
Rating: 4.9388814 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: vgLO61HdN10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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