GUESS THE MOM! *Emotional*

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this is my daughter Salish and one of these  five women is her mom if you've seen any of   our videos you know that my wife is camera shy  but today for the first time ever you're gonna   get to meet her Brent Rivera will be watching  us from his house the women will do a series   of challenges with Salish and Brent will attempt  to guess her true mom he'll eliminate one person   after every round and if he guesses wrong he will  get an extreme consequence yeah so if I don't pick   the right Mom Pearson's gonna dump this slime on  me time to meet the moms I am watching this entire challenge   live from my house I have never met salish's mom  so I don't know who any of these women are but   um I'm ready to guess let's see hi hi hi hi hi  I'm Lauren and I'm salish's Mom I'm Lauren and   I'm salicia's Mom I'm Lauren I'm salish's Mom  I'm Lauren and I'm salish's Mom I'm Lauren I'm   salish's Mom I'm a second grade teacher  and we love to shop together yep I did a   little shopping with my mom I'm a social  worker and we love volunteering together something about number two Salish literally  just laughed after she said that I don't know   I'm a veterinarian and we love to go to  Sephora together I guess this was my dad   that doesn't like me to wear makeup I'm a nurse  and one thing I love to do with Salish is go to   the teen disco and see how long it takes before  they kick me out I'd say it's pretty realistic   I like number four I'm a photographer and we  love to bake together and then eat it all yeah   I'm still in the process of learning I don't know  about number five I feel like Salish doesn't like   to bake I mean I could be wrong remember only  one of them is telling the truth question does   this need to be here the whole time yes okay  it's kind of scaring me a little bit okay okay no not like six no none okay right now I'm  looking at number one you know she has red hair   Jordan has what kind of hair does story map  strawberry blonde if they had both like light   strawberry blonde reddish hair I feel like Salish  would have had red hair right okay ready day two   I forgot already not quite that no  okay I already forgot I forgot okay did anyone catch that did she just call number two  mom or is she just messing with me and you're not   thing you're not a little Leprechaun Salish she's  actually really like bonding with number two   she laughed after number two said something the  first thing and then now she's like having fun   dancing with her so I don't know something about  number two number three nope um Mom number four okay that'll be good number five okay obviously I have some moves did I  get from her we'll see I feel like   salish's Mom would know how to kind of  dance because sandwich does gymnastics   you know I feel like she's like you know  pretty coordinated so I feel like her mom   would be coordinated as well  you guys are all a disaster we're gonna   do it one at a time and number one has  dimples too which Salish has dimples who's Charlie demilio oh my gosh mom  red flag salish's mom would know who   Charlie demilio is come on number two  you're not fooling me why are you still   I don't know you know what next one my mom's six  foot okay we're still doing the leprechaun dance I'm animated if you're my mom where did  I get my rhythm because it certainly wasn't from   Dad next all right honey let's kill this sick oh  we're also going what is with moms these days six   foot seven foot six foot cut oh number four is  not a bad dancer at all and I know Jordan is a   terrible dancer so it has to come from someone  you're really gonna let me down if you   don't okay and you know I hate letting it down  but do slow okay slow six foot seven no six foot number five would be a good TV  mom if they ever had a TV show   a scripted show I think it would  be number five would be your mom this is actually really awesome to be working  with my wife like you don't know who the wife   is but I know who it is and I love it  definitely the best one so far proud of   you Mom I'm kind of proud of you moms too in  case you're wondering where our other kid is   right now Hudson is actually filming his own  video but he had something very important to   say Mom happy Mother's Day I'm so proud of you  I'm really sorry I couldn't be there with you   but Brent I do have a hint for you my mom has  her oh no what you can't just start with my mom   has him and then drop your phone oh shoot uh did  I really just want my food Brett are you ready to   eliminate someone yet ah we have one more test  before the first elimination Salish is going to   hug each mom as you know she loves to hug people  look okay ow Salish loves to hug her mother more   than she loves dog me so watch closely the body  language and you might be able to figure it out here we go let's see the way her head  turned when she came into hug number one   was a little not as loving as you  would when you would hug your mom she patted number two on the back  seems a little too friend-like   what kind of how does that say he's  right what kind of hug is that a pat on the back for number three as well the mom is giving sandwich a nice hug but  Salish isn't necessarily like doing the same   she's like that she's like I don't know what  that means this hug is lasting a long time   that was a little long Lauren  does like giving long hugs   number five perfect TV mom she closed her eyes  good luck Salish coming out next month   it is now time for Brent to make his first  decision he can see and hear us but we can't   see and hear him so he's called in and he's  about to tell us who he's eliminating If you   eliminate the actual Lauren on the first round  you're going to hate your consequence so take   a minute and think about it you know he might  just pick Mom right now you say a number they   are going to step forward and then we'll  tell you if that's actually salish's mom   I do think I know who I want to eliminate first  this was a tough decision I I mean all these moms   are so mom-like there was a really long hug  with number four I don't know it just was a   little awkward it didn't feel authentic  I'm gonna have to eliminate number four   okay Brent you are about to find out if you get  a consequence three two one oh my gosh please   please please not be your mom is that state  this is Mom Salish it is I'm not Lauren I'm   Marlene I'm a dancer Brett you got off this time  on to the next challenge I am so happy that I got   that one right I'm down to four I just have to  be very very careful with who I eliminate next   one of these moms is her real mom if I eliminate  her then that's going on me we are at mall  for the second second shift each month instead of  me we love to shop together we love volunteering   together we love to go to Sephora together we love  to bake together and then eat it all so gonna do   it right now Mom number one and I are now gonna go  shopping and I'm gonna find an outfit for you just   like mine come on let's go just like yours wait  but you know what I like does she know what she   likes okay I think I could like these no do you  remember those pants that I had that I wore at New   Years something like that I would love yeah okay  what about these they match the color oh yeah we   would be kind of matching I like that okay we've  been doing YouTube videos for over five years so   you might be wondering why today are we revealing  my wife and it's because she's been reading your   comments she saw how many of you wanted to  meet her so she said to me let's do it it's   hard you know being on camera in front of a ton of  people but this is great you know everyone's gonna   finally see salish's mom for the first time this  is crazy these look perfect I'm intentionally not   interacting with any of the moms so I don't  give it away get over it I love it I love that people are so sweet to her too I'm  really proud of her I think Mom number one in   Salish had good chemistry is a little bit thank  you you get along really well it's like kind of   too perfect I don't know maybe she's not her mom I  don't know oh my gosh she looks awesome I like it   Mom number one you look amazing I mean obviously  thanks to me on to Mom number two I feel like Mom   number one we're gonna keep around for a little  bit this is awesome because off camera Lauren is   with us and that never happens it's so much fun  mom number two says she like to volunteer with   Salish so we are going to play a trending game  here is a plushie and play the take it or double   it Trend go get him let's go over there what's  the trend oh my gosh so you're a stranger I stay   here do you want to take this or double and give  it to the next person I just don't know if this   mom is in their world I mean Salish and Jordan  are always probably you know they're gonna be   filming a lot they're gonna be you know talking  about the trends a lot and I think the mom would   know a little bit about that unless they're  tricking me but I don't know I know you're   you got it hi excuse me I'm sorry to interrupt  you but we're doing a trend here um would you   like to take this plushie or would you prefer that  I double it and give two plushies to somebody else yeah thank you so much excuse me so um we're doing a trend my heart is  pounding okay what do you think their relationship   is mother and daughter we'll find out but you have  to relax because like I was shy and now I can do   this super easy this mom seems really shy and I  know Salish is really shy so they relate in that   level and we have to remember you know salish's  Mom has not been on camera because she is camera   shy and so I don't know I mean number two this  could be her mom okay we need another plushie   though thank you okay you're good just go let's  go come on hi sorry to bother you you would want   these two would you like me to double them and  give four to somebody else thank you thank you   so much have a good day you're so cringy very  cringy what do you think their relationship   is I don't know colleagues working together you  didn't get mother daughter Vibe hi I'm sorry to   interrupt you if we're doing a trend so you could  have four or we could give eight to somebody else   that's it I say double it yeah yeah thank you  so much my mother daughter would be what I would   assume mother daughter okay how am I doing I mean  you're a little cringe but okay I feel like Salish   is being upfront with her you know and I think  that's like a sign that she is her mom he's like   you know you're just honest with your mom if your  mom's being cringed she's being cringed you don't   start off by saying okay so we're doing a trend  jump right into it take it or double it come on   you got it okay I know it's what you always say to  me so let's go take these or double them and I'll   give them to the next person double them give them  to the next person okay thank you that was better   okay but I can't carry anymore if you had to guess  would you say their mother daughter sure if I had   to guess let's go let's go I hope they take them  I hope they take them I cannot help anyone would   you like all of these plushies or do you want us  to give twice as many to somebody else yeah it is you think that's salish's Mom you  think it is yeah okay Brent what do you think   I mean if the twins say that they're her  mom then maybe they're her mom okay Mom   okay Mom number three I'm gonna pick out three  things for you okay and you're gonna pick out   three things for me okay I support okay okay  let's go okay come on come on oh my God I'm so   excited to be here okay Mom trust me you  need this it's basically like a skincare   cream she didn't hesitate when she said mom  with the other moms where it's more just like   oh you're not doing that well Mom but like with  this it was like no Mom stop oh wait wait say   this is your band I feel like salish's Mom would  be a little more shy I don't know if she hasn't   seen that shot okay that was a good choice yes  I know okay I know it was a good choice thank   you though mom look dad so needs this lip yes  let's get that I feel like she didn't mention   Dad in any of the other moms but the way  she kind of said like yo dad needs this like it's Mom this is what Meredith is too overwhelming no no no  no no we don't walk away from things that scare us   I don't know where you learned that but I love  it I think their conversations are really good   I feel like they've known each other for a little  bit you know I'm thinking the glossy lip balm wait   why are you smirking I don't know about that Mom  I mainly like lip oil okay drunk elephant I know   you love them yes she knows she likes that  certain brand you know Mom would know what   brands that you know her daughter likes and she  knows that she likes drunk elephants okay those   look good is this yeah and then we can share it I  love jungko we got tatcha dewy skin summer Friday   bomb and we got this highlighter that Mom really  wanted because you can use it highlighter blush   and Contour eyeshadow and lift this is the total  find of the day the drunk elephant Rosie drops   that I get to use too Brett you're gonna have to  make a decision soon so what do you think we got   shopping giving things away and now makeup what  seems most like the thing mom would do with Salish   she didn't seem camera shy at all number three  I just don't know if like sandwiches mom would   be that comfortable especially filming like in a  busy store like that you know when you're filming   in a store like you have to have some some guts  we are at Mercy's cakes and cups mom number five   said she'd like to bake with Salish and then eat  it all so that's what they're about to do we are   gonna make buttercream frosting just like they  do here at Mercy that's good enough you remember   that time what have you made does she remember  that time does she that was so funny everyone yes okay whatever we should do no it's fine  rent your elimination decision is just   minutes away ladies you have five  more minutes to make all this and   eat it go hurry are you okay hurry hurry  hurry you're about to run out of time way better than our recipe what's the next time  we bake this is looking really mother-daughter   to me Brent what do you think I do agree I  think it's it's a very like wholesome moment   of cooking but I don't feel like they click the  mom's too perfect I know you like chocolate okay   wow I think see which isn't like chocolate  I remember we were at Starbucks and we were   getting cake pops my sister said like do you  want the chocolate vanilla or birthday cake   and she picked birthday cake over chocolate  so I don't know I don't I don't think she   likes chocolate that much every time you do  this you get better and better I know you   don't like sprinkles oh whoa oh a lot  of sprinkles she goes that every time ah this is tough one I have  to eliminate one here oh man man we have Brent on for the second elimination what do you think Brett out of all the moms here  I have to eliminate one I'm gonna have to go with   I'm gonna have to eliminate number five if Salish ever had a TV show number  five would be her mom but she's just   too perfect of a mom sorry number five  now it's time for the big question is   salish's mother and the answer is yes yes that's  what I'm talking about my name is actually Laura   and I am a photographer Brett you avoided the  consequence again but there's still three moms   left wow three moms left okay next challenge  is one of our favorite places to film the Santa   Monica Pier run for this first round you're gonna  have to watch body language chemistry energy here   comes the roller coaster yeah let's see the body  language I think that's something lookable here honey they even got Jordan involved there I feel   like they just like they're one big happy  family Jordan called her honey was that a   slip up or are they faking it I don't  know but that seemed pretty natural so it's interesting number one she has her arms  up and she's not holding Salish okay number two   they're she's holding her she's holding her  which is kind of what you expect as a mom   this this is more like it I feel like are you  okay I'm still scared every time I'm scared   out of everyone Jordan is the most scared  on the roller coaster why does he keep on   going on it oh and look number three is holding  Salish as well so okay this kit kind of gives   me a clear picture I feel like a mom would hold  her daughter on a roller coaster are you scared no never is always scary why are you keep  on going on at that soon Brent you're gonna   eliminate another mom but you guys have five  minutes to go find the meal Salish will like   the most right now go what is she like here I'm  trying to remember the last time we were here   Dippin Dots Burger definitely not funnel cake  there's so much junk here my mom would say dad   there's so much junk here what do I get her you  know coffee drink iced coffee they don't have   pink drinks though she knows she likes pink drinks  she does I think like pink drinks Pizza yeah Pizza   definitely all right so I'm gonna order for Salish  and I'm gonna get the sea salt caramel that's her   favorite but for me it just reminds me of the  trip we took when she was two years old at the   Jersey Shore and she has the sea salt caramel ice  cream and she was eating it all over her face and   it's just like a Priceless memory for me that was  a very detailed story thank you so much for that   she could either be her mom or a great actress  you know hi um can I get a cheese pizza please   they wish and I always get pizza together but  we never get pepperoni it only don't seem like   it was just like oh she doesn't like pepperoni  does she know that she's a vegetarian number one Salish loves fresh fruit when we go to the  farmer's market it's all fruit a good mom   would get her daughter fruit you know a  healthy snack you know number two that   is what a mama do all right don't tell Salish  but I gotta try it you know make sure it's safe   all right got the fruit say he's  gonna know it's for me thank you   the moms have all made their selections and  they are out of order Salish pick whichever   meal you like the best and then Brent  see if that gives you a hint help Dad is it like caramel or something okay looks  like she likes that and I will be eating   that one that's actually pretty good I like  that caramela is one of my favorite flavors   There You Go the mom was right  Nick is it in front of me is that watermelon I'm not a big fan of watermelon she doesn't like watermelon or pineapple if the  mom didn't know that good try not Mom number   whatever that was she loves fruit for she hates  pineapple I asked for coconut they didn't have   coconut she knew she liked the fruit she liked  which is coconut but they didn't have it and next I don't know say it's not meat   not me is it pizza yeah that's pretty good  friend she's going to pick her favorite   and then you're going to have to eliminate  one of the moms say which is your favorite drink I don't know I don't know this is  so tough and we've got Brent again drum   roll please ladies yeah Brett what are you  gonna tell us all right oh my gosh this is   tough I want to eliminate number one and now  the Moment of Truth Salish is that your mom   yes that's what I'm talking about oh my gosh  I was so scared there literally my heart is   beating so fast I adore Salish but I'm not her  mom I'm Lydia Donaldson I am an actor and a   answer oh it comes down to this one of these  ladies is salish's Mom and the other one is   totally lying to you okay I am so close I have  one more round to make it through I do not want   piercing to pour this slime on me focus focus  for the final round the two remaining moms have   something very important to say to Salish and then  Brent you have a huge decision to make the hardest   thing for a parent is when a kid grows up and so  it's really hard for me to see you get older but   today was really special because actually I was  so proud of you thank you it helped me not fear   you growing up so much I really had a good time  thank you I love you babe that was awesome oh that   was adorable what a daughter would do is she kind  of like be like come on Mom like you know you're   being cheesy right now but then there was that  like wholesome moment at the end where it was like   you know I love you and we all know that Salish is  not emotional so this is probably really awkward   for her so say you know how a couple months ago  dad was like okay we want to do a mom reveal on   our Channel ever since then I've been really  really anxious about today you know this isn't   really my thing this is a thing that you and Dad  do I just want you to know that getting to have   this day with you has been so much fun thank you  I just love seeing you in your element and being   funny and adventurous and generous and really  sweet and it's just been like the very best day   thank you really truly I love you say I love you  too that would hit home right now right there that   one was a little more powerful for the first one  number two she had good things to say but number   three wow this is a hard one I think I know who  it is for the final time we have Brent Rivera   on the phone Brent this is it who is salish's  Mom okay so now I'm picking who salish's mom is   ah man okay so I'm gonna have to  go with oh man this is really tough number three okay Brent it's time to find out  if you get a consequence Salish hug your mom come on come on hugger number three number three   come on Salish come on you got this hug your mom  no no no no no no no oh yes yes [Music] this is   my real mom I was right oh my gosh no way my name  is Fiona I am not salish's Mom but I am Lauren's   best friend it's great to finally meet all of you  happy birthday thanks
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 27,159,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, brent rivera, amp squad, amp house, mothers day, mom, love, challenge, guess the mom, plushies, sephora, drunk elephant, pierson, hudson matter
Id: F16odXHkjd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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