Questions ONLY TEENS Know! 🤣

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what's up wonders today I'm here with s shle it's guys it's wonders okay guys we're not going to argue about this it's wonders today so basically we're at Sky now so make sure to check out the video that Jordan did where he built a secret room and I just realized this is the first time sish and all are together as teens yeah but I'm 14 he's only 13 he's still a baby yeah but we're still both teens he's still a baby tlor you're only like 6 months older no I'm a year and a month older excuse me my bad the I am oh yeah she is you still your six all right anyways so I decided to take this opportunity to ask them some questions only teens would know so since you guys are both teens this should be easy right sure I've been a seen for two years actually that's actually true and I know you both are competitive so I decided to make this a little interesting whoever gets the most questions wrong gets a consequence so make sure you stick around to the end to find out who gets the consequence let stick like tape okay let's start off with the easy questions who is the most famous gamer girl on YouTube Pokemon H girl what SN wait what's her name what's her name what's her name Sniper Wolf no no no I don't watch gaming hold hold on hold on wait wait what's her name Sniper Wolf no no no hold on I'm not going to answer till he get his it starts with a p hold on go what are you thinking of just get the answer it's Pokémon H okay Pokemon and Sniper Wolf who's Pokémon you don't know her okay s got that point it was Sniper Wolf let's go what it actually is Pokemon oh is it actually never mind I knew I got it right need actually got that woo bro I don't want I actually second question is who is the most famous male YouTuber Mr re Mr Reese okay okay let's get to the harder questions now that only teens are supposed to be able to answer okay let's hear it first one is who is so far I think a kid could answer who their favorite YouTuber is those are easy questions F that's why we start off easy and we get harder okay who are the top five most streamed artists what's a streamed artist I like the music the music okay Kanye Taylor Swift um the weekend okay and uh Drake Travis Scott ye Kanye and L uer no you're actually so off I don't even think L uzer is the top 10 okay guys according to my Google search today the top five are the weekend Bad Bunny Drake Grande I just nameing people I listen to okay so saor actually won that round because she was closer I got three they don't name for okay guys who's the most popular male artist like a painter why are music people called painters why can't they be called musician people oh oh Bob Ross wait who's the famous person that painted that Vincent mango star night person that one person oh wait Kanye or Drake uh Kanye no Drake Drake yeah Drake you guys are both right it is Drake actually okay these are some questions that everybody wants to know okay and you guys have to answer this is together bro okay who had their first do you have a crush do you have a crush do you ship na yeah we've heard it no we don't do love each other nope who had their first kiss first me yeah probably him why do you think that she hasn't no because when we were like when we were like eight he was like you know I kissed this person this person this person this person I was like I don't really care but sure I ate okay that's crazy whenever I met him he was like you know S I kissed her her her oh yeah and then I really liked her and she kissed me oh yeah her G knows this one like that's the only one I only knew one and when I would and when you would be like s ask me who you kissed I would be like ask um okay who have you kissed me go this everybody wants to know this question but who's stronger who do you think okay I think that one was pretty equal y okay guys who's your Valentine this year I don't know yeah I don't know you should know this one whoever picks me I'm not picking them what if it was me I would decline that wow okay okay sure you would say say's already blushing her now she's saying Valentin need wait when's Valentine again okay none of you have a valentine so you both don't get a point okay now we're going to see how well you both know each other oh my Sor this question is for you how old was needle when he landed his first flip oh why would I know that his girlfriend said that's all I don't really care okay um like six nope five nope four nope okay stop guessing your guesses are out he was three so saor should not get a point for that yeah this question is going to be what's s's favorite color and I have when did he L's first flips out of the millions of flips he's done is needle better at singing or dancing oh he actually he's not bad at singing probably singing he's better at he's not going at either at dancing I'm not good at singing he's bad at both I'm good at dancing doesn't get a point cuz he's bad at I'm get a dance that's embarrassing never do again the fornite ever don't ever okay now it's need's turn ne how old was s when she first started gymnastics oh I know this I don't know six I don't know this two you Wen two two why are you two why not one what cuz I could walk I was one you what level gymnastics is Salish six no eight between that seven yeah I see count how did you go she's been six since like last year yeah I've been six I'd be like a level 11 I was six last year is sish a good kid at school yeah no wrong loser what you're so bad at this you anything what could she do That's Not Innocent no I am they are ti y guys what we going to do with the consequence I don't know I vote you all gets a consequence what no I vote out too vote you all gets a consequence okay guys we both tied so no one gets the consequence wait did she just take Jan's line yeah I did yeah she did okay bye wonders bye guys wonders oh sorry bye wonders all right wait say can you spit out the gum pretty please okay oh no no okay s it that works to is that a joke I know that you're not eating that later okay let's hear it and I totally won't be stop laughing you chewing gum again no we use some ala for for those lips yeah I know they're really annoying like s i swe okay K guys everybody oh yeah you're right everybody Shing want to know it's true you know sit that's today we're at Sky Zone I can't wait because obviously new doll is the loser one w
Channel: Nidal Wonder Official
Views: 3,857,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nidal and Salish, Salish matter, Salish boyfriend, Nidal wonder, Nidal girlfriend, Nalish, Nailish, No Nalish, Jordan matter daughter, Trivia, Teen trivia, Answering questions, Nalish trivia
Id: 4vXe0jxQqRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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