She's Not My Little Girl Anymore *Emotional*

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today my daughter Salish transforms herself  from my little girl to a young woman for   her first Hollywood red carpet tonight I  have my first and I only have three hours   to get ready I have a lot to do some of the  rules get out of my room anyways okay let's   get ready while say is getting ready I'm gonna  get her a really nice surprise for her outfit   okay guys I'm actually in a big movie It's  called Ruby Gilman teenage Kraken and I'm kind   of nervous I can't I believe they're actually  inviting me to the premiere because wait until   you see what I actually do in the move I'll  show you after the red carpet it's so funny   you will not believe what it is first thing  I have to make sure that my curling iron is   still good I am so excited and freaked out to  see Sailors transformation today because she's   becoming a young woman before our eyes wrap it  around because my hair is going too long uh-oh   it doesn't work anymore my little girl's growing  up up my little girl's calling me she's growing   up and she's gone Dad hey little girl I need a  new curling iron at Ulta right now mine's broke   okay all right I'll come back I was just going uh  just going for a drive anyway I'll be right back I   mean I was going to pick up some coffee oh okay  all right say I'll be home in a couple minutes [Music] we're gonna get a curling iron then I'm gonna  go get her this surprise for her outfit and   then I have something that scares totally shock  her before the premiere so there's a lot to do   today oh there she is okay get out of the middle  of the street little girl where are we going   to get a new iron okay I got you I got it got  it yeah but why did we do it I was going to get   coffee why I could have made it for you no we ran  out of coffee no we didn't dude you are so Snoopy   I was going to our favorite coffee shop camera  whatever actually whatever just forget about it   come on I already can't keep up with her I do know  which one I want I want the bio on it because that   one's like the long barrel or something I don't  know I've heard really good things about it no no   no no straightening iron no too thick that is  very small oh sure okay yes they have it okay   this one is the longer one and I have longer hair  so it helps wrap it around all of that the one I   have is like that big so all of this hair cannot  get around it can I curl my hair a little which   one should I use do they have like an extra  small one okay I have so much to do let's go   check out oh this might come in handy later you  wearing makeup today why are you wearing makeup   I got it a lot of energy she's getting coffee she needs more  energy now I'm gonna show you the   coffee that my dad and me always make and  it's pretty new where are you never mind   okay salish just so excited about this movie but  just wait until you see what she actually does in   the movie it is hysterical and they're invited her  into the premiere and everything we'll show you   at the end it's it's just just wait you'll see  you make your Espresso shot you should go like   that boom so now it's gonna make a shot by taking  Nutella it makes it like prettier peppermint oil   barely any my dad was totally lying we have tons  of coffee last week's they made me this really   special bracelet that I will never take off so  right now I'm gonna get her something equally   special next sugar hi that I use this thingy I  just pour that in a little water make it Americana   milk put in a cup please hurry up I have so much  to do I haven't even started getting ready I have   to do hair skin care and makeup and I have to get  dressed and I don't even know what I'm gonna wear   perfect it's called a Nutella peppermint latte  Americana got my coffee now it's time to go get   ready I'll take a nap thank you very much Hudson  is as always filming a video for his YouTube   channel and my wife is actually in Baltimore  so it's just me and say tonight I want to get   say it was something really special for her  outfit but I don't know the dress she's gonna   pick and she's picky so I don't really know what  to get but I hope she'll love it okay so I just   got the curling iron but I do want to start with  skincare and makeup so that the curls will hold   longer I'm gonna go into my parents bathroom to  do that because it's bigger I'll start off with   cleansing my face and I use this I got it from  Paris they have a lot of skincare that you can't   get in America and it's half the price I like a  touch now I'm gonna rinse off I just washed my   face to get all of the makeup I was just wearing  off so I'm about to get this big surprise but I'm   realized I actually have no idea about her taste  I want to get Salish a piece of jewelry for her   outfit but I don't know if I should get her a  necklace or earrings or a bracelet and I don't   know if she likes gold or silver or what so  I'm just gonna wing it oh this is really nice   Next Step I'm just gonna use this it's basically  just a serum stick and it feels really good it's   like cooling next thing is this I do really like  junk elephant it's kind of just like an eye balm   it works really well I have these two products I  love glow recipe it's one of my favorite skincare   Brands I kind of want to use the blur drop they  both smell really good the blow drops are kind   of like more matte oh wait wait I forgot to do  something oh whatever I'm not starting over I   usually would use a toner but I forgot anyways the  last thing I actually use in my skincare routine   is that it's like a priming moisturizer glossier  how do you pronounce that glossier glossier tell   me in the comments but now I get started on makeup  do I just do a regular chain do I do a pendant I   don't know what to do her eyes are the color of  this I think she likes gold one silver I think   I have no idea what to do they have birthstones  zodiac alphabet I'm lost a heart would be nice but   it's heavy I think I might need to ask somebody  for help oh my God she's FaceTiming me [Music]   I'm just running around doing things what  are you doing just things I have my own life   you know tell me you always tell me I can't  you're breaking up no I'm not I know I know I'm sorry I can't hear you  I can't I can't hear you she totally knows something is up this is the  next thing I use I mix them with my moisturizer   Sunshine drops things make you want to look  like more tan and glowy I can't tan I wish I   could tan all I do is burn Dad I am blaming you  for that next thing I use I just go to Hampton   I do hand sanitizer I just use it to make sure  my hands are clean when I'm touching my face   it smells really good usually I would use  this but it's not sunny right now I'm just   gonna use it's an under eye brightener  kind of makes your skin pop I don't know   how to explain it make sure you clean your  beauty blenders and your brushes it will   hold a lot of bacteria next I use this  I use all my brows and then I swoop hold I just use that to get off any  other Branch out of their eyebrow   ing my brows aren't browing when I do like my  makeup or anything I usually FaceTime my friends   that's kind of when I get all my face time again  because then the rest of the day I'm usually kind   of busy next I use one of these two blushes one  of these two blushes I'm gonna use the purple   one I really like these blushes I don't know if  you can see it but it has a hidden part the nice   like that I'm taking my hair down  much better that is Blended oh I would point you in the direction of the  solid gold just because that's something   she can literally wear for a lifetime and I'll  show you let me grab a key I can open it wow   that got me today is the first day she's going to  dress up and look like a young woman and I'm like   freaking out a little bit about it but I figure I  should I should go with it because it's happening   anyway maybe something that's I think that this  necklace is kind of like a big deal so since   it's like such a big deal for her this would be a  really meaningful gift most of my makeup where is   it from Sephora Ulta and Target Target's really  good especially for makeup brushes and Beauty   blenders so I'm not really gonna do a color for  my eyes I'm not really living in the 2008s right   now no beds if you do it just not my thing so I'm  just gonna do a little bit of this on my eyes it's   kind of like a blush this is the product I always  take this with me because look there's the blush   and then oh wait for it there's a brush inside  of it and a mirror see comment down below what   your makeup routine is if you wear makeup makeup  it's just like fun to do I know no one needs it   but it's just fun I know I could be using a brush  right now but I'm too lazy to go back in my room   and get it remember when I got my black eye I  still have a bump then I will use one of these   two this might go terribly wrong oh my gosh I  put way too much this is the part that's gonna   take the longest so buckle your seatbelt Sandy  I think we need some classical music [Music]   whatever I'm just gonna go okay how does that look  it kind of looks like nothing happened whatever   mascara or clear mascara I don't go too hard on  this I don't want my eyelashes to literally rip   out when I was like really little when I was like  three I was watching my mom do this and I thought   it was cutting your eyelashes and I got really  scared but it's just girls though no mascara Whatever by the way where is my dad let's  decide if we're gonna go for solid gold   it's more expensive but like you said this is  she could wear for her lifetime for sure do   you think like a bracelet with an s on it that  would be super cute whether I do the s or the   heart is the big decision and she wears earrings  regularly do you have something that would be   nice for a big night these are really cool oh  what do you guys think since you liked hearts   oh oh actually oh okay now I'm stuck this is  more makeup than I normally do but it's a red   carpet I wonder why my dad is getting  I think when he's it's not really that   noticeable it's kind of natural one of  my favorite things it's so good trust me   right there right there right there highlighter  is done the last two things this and I'm gonna   for Rosy lips whatever that means it's very  silent right now I think we need hip-hop music I don't know what A hip-hop dance is  the last thing my favorite lip gloss   I love my makeup also ask my dad for makeup I've  finished now how does it look I have no idea how   he's gonna react when he sees this look salish's favorite song this is a sign we can't play it   because the copyright issues just know the  sailors favorite song just came on and I'm   holding these earrings I'm gonna do both okay hope  she likes it I return the next day to surprise my   wife with beautiful earrings so go to Hudson's  video to see what I got her my dad and I got   in the new movie and it's animated so we had  to speak instead of like being it which I feel   like was a lot less scary I don't even know  where my dad is he was being really suspicious   before now let's try and call him and see what  happens FaceTime Daddy why is he not answering   something is definitely going on and I need  to find out I think she'll love it I hope   look this is the movie sales assistant this is  what we're going to see tonight how random I   was really nervous to do this movie but you guys  just have to wait to the end to see what I do it   it's just really fun okay I just finished this  is the final look now it's time to do my hair   my hair is all fresh I'm trying this new curling  iron today my hair is like literally every single   hair type there's some straight there's some  pretty curly there's some wavy to keep my hair   so that it doesn't get heat damaged I use this  I don't want my hair to get damaged because I   like it and that smells wow oh wow it's very  slippery and slidy I like it hold down oh   good I always leave the end straight I know  a lot of people don't like when the ends are   straight but I really like it the next surprise  is we are going to transform this whole space   into a practice red carpet so she's ready when  she actually walks the red carpet later tonight   Kelly's gonna help me okay the trick is to get  all this done before sales actually looks over   the balcony right now I think she's doing her hair  that could take hours one time I burned my eyelid   when I was first learning how to curl my hair I  was probably like 10 about to start an 11 but I   didn't want to tell my mom or my dad because I  didn't want them to take it away but it hurts   don't burn your eyelids does your hair hold a curl  my hair doesn't hold curls too well my mom doesn't   ever curl her hair usually I curl her hair for  her sometimes when I'm bored my dad his hair could   never curl I've tried my brother I burned him  I think I've tried curling literally everyone's   hair even my grandmas if you're watching this hi  Grandma I'm trying this I have no idea what I'm   gonna wear I have two dresses that I could try  one green one with flowers on it it's the one I   wore at Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards or I have  a silver one that I've never worn there's this   dress it's really pretty it has like sparkles on  it I don't know what would you guys wear okay ow   it's Pro tip don't burn yourself  then I should take this Hairspray   that has a smell doors ringing yet  another surprise Naomi I'm Jordan   Naomi is one of the best stylists in all of  Los Angeles Salish has no idea she's here yay brush them out this curling iron did a really  good job I curl them really tight and then I   brush them out so it ends up being wavy and  holds all day do they look even whatever   let's try out the glitter hairspray I'm scared  well I think there might have been a glitter   fail do you see any glitter I'm gonna let Kelly  take over because I gotta check on the stylist   we're running late lots to do you can't be  late for Premiere so sales has no idea that   Naomi and her assistant Casey are here right now  but look they brought all these awesome clothes   I know this is over the top she's just going to  her first premiere ever and I wanted to make sure   that she had a really pretty dress and I know she  doesn't really like the clothes she has it's 50   50. she says she doesn't want to wear any of this  and she goes with a dress she's got in her closet   for a year but we'll see what happens okay just  finished my hair now I need to figure out my dress   yeah I need help I need to pick up my dress before  you pick out your dress I have a little surprise   for you I hate surprise don't forget it's  gonna be fun it's actually gonna be you know   it's gonna be helpful it's gonna help you just  come on it's gonna help you it's gonna be good [Applause] okay okay look look we are  recreating your experience you're gonna   have on the red carpet in a couple of hours  so you can practice and get ready okay there's   gonna be an interview maybe there's gonna be  photography there's gonna be lots of stuff oh   Jordan matter how do you feel being the  principal and teenage Falcon this is my   energy no it's mine it's my interview it's  my interview it's a problem everybody in   Hollywood is talking about Salish matter  in teenage cracking what do you think oh you guys have to wait to the end  and see what I do kind of like okay   the thing is usually when you're being  interviewed you don't take the mic right   we don't take the mic from the interviewer  so let's try that again and beep let's be   professional about this okay I am professional  also she looks really pretty like light makeup   I like her hair like she did nice hair okay  sales matter everybody's talking about how you   have taken over your father's YouTube channel  what do you have to say yeah I definitely have   I mean it's my YouTube channel it's still  under his name so therefore technically   it's his channel look at all videos look  at the thumbnails moving on Jordan matter   how do you feel that you're in the red carpet  you know what we're never going to get invited everybody wants to know who are you wearing  I haven't picked my dress yet Mike out   say you still have to learn how to  walk the carpet Marcus has celebrated   red carpet photographer for over 20  years he is about to teach Sailors   how to walk the red carpet go again you  gotta strike your moment yes yes okay you want to hit these photographers right here  these are the most important ones you strike   it give them this little shoulder a little  back over here yes and if you're not ready   for those poses yet keep your head down they  won't take the shot until you look up boom   are you ready go girlfriend whoa yeah working  playing Queen nice nice yes oh yes my girl's   gonna be a star wait until you see her raw that  was too much right was that too much stop it get   some help that was a lot an hour she's gonna have  to do this for real and that's gonna freak me out   but right now we're having fun final thing okay do  you know the dress you've picked no can you please   cover your eyes okay one two three open [Music]  I got you a stylist dad and now we have this is   Naomi she's a stylist she's like honestly one of  the best stylists in all of La I know you just   wanted to wear a simple dress but I thought maybe  you'd want some other options she's worked with a   lot of people on red carpets before so just take a  look if you don't want to use it you don't have to   I'm in trouble I'm in trouble I know I'm in  trouble we're kind of in a hurry so you have   to pick one kind of quick okay I need your help my  help Naomi's a stylist okay I barely have any time   let's go through them it's a little bright but I  love these things it's really pretty I think the   back might be too low this one is so pretty I love  the rose with the back I'm not sure would that   look good on me that might be my favorite because  I think that color matches your eyes exactly it's   so Chic and simple with some accessories I love  that okay if I go to the Barbie Premiere maybe I   could read it by the way thank you so much these  are all so pretty you're welcome oh say I love   this too this might be my favorite oh my gosh  I love this color this one is so pretty I feel   for me it would be so low but it's really pretty  soon go with my silver dress oh I actually really   like this I like the shape of it okay these are  all my babies and these are all my notes Salish   had lots of fun trying on all her maybe choices  and then it was time to make a final decision foreign they sent for us and salish's final dress  selection is in the back we're about to get to the   premiere but first say have a present for you okay  why remember when I said I was getting coffee yeah   I wasn't getting coffee well yeah obviously  I was getting this thank you okay [Music]   okay it's another van is there another bag okay   that's so cute it's like a heart yeah it's a  heart necklace that's so cute for real that's   adorable thank you I did it thank you that's so  cute I had a lot of things that I wanted to get   and I couldn't decide so I also thank you Dad  those are so cute I'm putting them on right now thank you Dad you're welcome you guys ready to see  her dress yeah when the day began Salish was still   my little girl but by the time she arrived on the  red carpet she had become a beautiful young woman even though it's scary to see your child grow  up I am so excited to watch her journey into   adulthood and today was a big step in that  direction and now let's go back three months   to see Salish record her big scene for Ruby  Gilman I think you got this okay do you need   me right here yeah okay okay I believe in you all  right Salish you got this big moment in the movie   everything hinges on this performance she  walked into the recording studio ready to   kill her scene and take Hollywood by storm but  the twist is she only had two words hi baby [Applause]
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 20,161,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, say say matter, saysay matter, grwm, get ready with me, beauty makeover, beauty transformation, makeup, hair styling, teenage kracken, ruby gillman, movie premiere, hollywood, jewelry, hudson matter
Id: SF-E7MvzuDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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