Daughter Walks for First Time *emotional*

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my daughter zadie just had her first birthday and the doctor said she should be walking at any point but she's too scared I have tried everything and nothing has worked but my husband Matt says he has a three-step program and by the end of this zadie will be walking by herself for the first time there are three levels each level will help zadie learn how to safely walk and help you understand the challenges she is facing but Rebecca yours will be extreme I really hope we can do this this is level one if Sandy wants to walk she needs to learn that when she falls she gets back up she has to climb up on 10 items starting with this rocking horse zadie can do this oh oh oh no when this happens she has to keep on going can you climb up good girl climber oh I'm a red donkey can you climb up Rebecca looks like she didn't make that one you missed the last one but I oh it's up here you're gonna have to climb to get it okay Zid oh Boy Crush Rebecca if zadie has her first word before she walks I might have a problem oh oh the doctor was saying she was ready look she's basically walking she just doesn't know it oh good girl Sadie you're walking now let me let go of a hand oh okay zadie here's some more items if you fall you have to get back up you gotta climb back up she just gave up she didn't go back on the one she fell on oh but you got up on this one let's try this one again you can do it [Music] stop yes they oh now you're climbing that's a little more advanced than we're gonna do today okay okay zadie climb Z loves food I knew she'd like this one oh okay zamfam honestly she loves remotes maybe we can use that later as an incentive to walk Hey where's she going say it now it's time for her 10th item the pink Jeep she's never climbed on something this high before she can do it Sadie look seems like it's so easy for her oh you're not gonna drive yet zadie we'll skip that one and go right to walking Kazam fam zadie is going to try walking before she does make sure that you are subscribed you have notifications on and you click all okay zadie are you ready climbed up 10 items you can do this hey baby one more time you can do it see Matt she's still scared of walking this isn't gonna work just stick to the program it's gonna work out but now it's your turn and Sadie's gonna be watching I don't have to get my hair wet do I are you serious this is Extreme guess the YouTuber challenge zadie is watching so you have to show her if her mom Falls she gets back up this seems a little extreme it is you have to get three in a row correct in order to pass which Youtuber sang fire alarm fire alarm ah Piper account it's Sophie dust Rebecca you need to show your daughter that you can get back up since you got that one wrong we're adding handcuffs our handcuffs really necessary I told you this was going to get extreme which family transformed their daughter into the president on a solid family correct which Youtuber is always getting trapped in 100 layers Preston correct that means if I get this next one right then I pass which Youtuber exposed strangers in public I'm gonna make an educated guess there is a YouTuber that always does things in public Ryan Trahan fault it's Eric [Music] okay I'm okay but this cannot get everything not only am I falling into a pool but I am handcuffed and now blind this is way too extreme well your daughter's watching so stay strong and make sure to get back up or just get the answers right that too on which channel was a YouTuber shamed for their English accent royalty family oh no no it was on car man's channel the royalty family was in it correct oh thank God who is the oldest member of am Squad you okay you okay Rebecca okay over here what turn around there you go Sadie if you're watching this mom's gonna get back at dad but right now I'm showing you that with handcuffs in a blindfold I'm still gonna get out of the pool always get s level I am so confident that you can pass this that if you get all three correct in a row I'll switch places with you I'm the stream which YouTube daughter overcame her fear of stage fright Jordan Matter's daughter Salish correct which Youtuber family just got their baby's ears pierced that LeBron correct hey God which Merrell twin is not married I content one of their weddings is the one that's not married is Vanessa oh you just passed it wait you said you'd switch me are you kidding me what is unspeakable's real name it's Nathan too bad that's bad [Music] if you think that's difficult I'm making level two way harder level one was extreme but I am willing to do whatever it takes to get Sadie to walk for the first time today I just hope she does level two is balanced but before we do the balancing challenge Daddy needs to copy everything that you do as imitation is the best way to learn new things up down up down good girl straddle close all zadie can you go oh she did it high five zadie did a good job copying you but now it's time to move on to balance high five high five [Music] this is a line of pillows for balance zadie needs to get across all of these pillows but you can help her okay zadie at the end of this is your land that you love to lay on oh she thinks it's crawling no no this is walking good girl here we go oh wow you can do this walking on the floor will be easy yeah it's now time for you to walk if you can do that on pillows are you gonna walk right now I think she's got it look Sadie you're gonna walk to Liam good girl good girl oh you don't want to she can copy me she has balance but she still isn't walking why isn't this working it's a three-step program just trust the process but now Rebecca it's time for your turn this is Extreme twister dare you need to maintain your balance in order to pass this level last person standing wins and don't forget Sadie's watching I guess Sparkles aren't so bad Rebecca you're up first do you see yourself having another kid in the next year I don't see why not does that mean you're pregnant right now that's not even the question Maddie left hand red that's your right hand there you're alive left hand yellow I'm not I'm not ready Truth or Dare obviously true who's your crush Javier oh wait are you sure it's someone right next to you no no come on we're just friends we even did a movie date on Sunday just as friends right yeah now it's time to get more extreme this round you're gonna do two body parts Rebecca you up first right hand green this is not bad at all right foot red okay okay here we go truth or dare dare balloon pop what is that is right foot blue nice left foot green wow okay Truth or Dare Isaac there out of face oh God right foot red watch out okay right hand yellow what Twisted there do whatever you got in there Truth or Dare Manny pickle juice Rebecca left hand green oh thank God right foot yellow come on join us in the party truth or dare dare smelly gym socks of the face oh oh God okay okay left foot red do not what do not right hand green Truth or Dare give me the truth do you prefer Amanda with blonde or brown hair better with brown hair all the blondes I know are kind of dumb and ditzy.com ready right foot blue okay there left hand green you have to be kidding me yep okay Freedom Truth or Dare Maddie dare no no no no no oh my God all of her punishments were my punishments right hand blue maintain your balance oh it's about it doesn't fall like you can fall at any point Maddie Matt said he'd give me a hundred dollars if I win so good luck really really right foot red don't fall choose the day Rebecca I am not going with truth why are you frustrated that zadie isn't walking yet all the other babies and moms that I know their babies were before they were one and I just want Sadie to do the same can we just move on left foot green making my way good to see the front of you for a change right hand bread this is way more extreme Maddie Truth or Dare truth when's the last time you kissed someone Sunday wait didn't you say you're with someone Sunday no I think it's Rebecca's turn left hand red balance remember balance Rebecca okay left foot yellow oh truth or dare will you stop doing YouTube after baby number two no I want to be the oldest YouTuber ever and Jordan is one up on me so I gotta beat him with that right foot red 100 box remember yeah I want the hundred bucks left foot blue I am stretching in areas that have not been stretched in a while like since I gave birth she was or dare dare me okay here we go why what is it I can't see damn family oh we're one step closer to ZD walking for the first time but what if she doesn't this is level three and zadie's gonna have to learn how to face her fears first we're gonna start with this coffee table she has to go all the way around she's never done that she can do it I think I have an idea she loves this remote zamfam I'm gonna see if I can use this remote and get her all the way around it's right here come on you can do it come here oh really good job good girl oh come on difficult she's never done this before you can do it you gotta face your fears Dave sometimes facing your fear means you're scared of it can you get it you got this oh she did it well now it's time for her to face her next beer and this is gonna be super difficult I think she's ready this should see these last and final fear that she has to face before she walks for the first time Sadie has to get all of her puppets off of this jungle gym you went around that whole big thing all by yourself you can get your puppets let's see if she can do it which one are you gonna grab oh one can you get that pig moo good girl oh you fell but that's okay you get back up she's got two down only three left Sam fam look ribbit ribbit I'm a Frog [Applause] these are the two hardest this is a boy and a lamb you can do it Sadie he's holding all her puppets in room this is so cute can you get this one she's going she's going you can do it you can do it yeah you did it good girl you faced two fears and now it's time for you to walk look you can walk like your other baby friends just one more time okay welcome to Mama she's almost there come on Sadie I'll be right back I'm just gonna use the bathroom real quick it's fine no I'm just gonna go back foreign [Music] I don't know how she's going to walk I don't know what I am doing wrong I mean she seems ready but every time I try to get her to walk she refuses to do it I'm just worried that zadie's never going to learn how to walk and that I am a bad mom because I can't get her to do it for zadie what you were watching her no no I had to step out I said I needed you to watch her I just needed a moment first she's not here what she's not here what she's got you you left her Sadie you're supposed to be watching her now you're watching her now she's missing daddy where is she dating she's not in a room do you think she went downstairs there's a baby gate but she can stand out do you think she oh no Sadie where does she where is she or is she she's missing did you hear that zadie where is she Sadie Sadie Sadie oh my gosh missing it was like freaking out really Matt Yep this next challenge is you facing five of your biggest fears and you just face one with zadie Missy zany will be watching you face each fear from her monitor this thingy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no bye yeah bye was that a buy this is about walking but I'm pretty sure you guys that sounded like by comment below if you thought that too this is the fear of small faces and this one will continue to shrink until you answer five riddles correctly there are spikes on these walls what can never be seen but it's always in front of you a road nope a teacher what goes up but never comes back down below no uh airplane no bird no you're you're in the world but never leave the corner what am I a street corner a stamp the corner of a letter yes what can you break even if you never pick it up or touch it I promise yes which question can you never answer yes to what's the opposite no answer but no see if there might need your help baby you want her to sit and see what affects if I get this wrong are you a slurry yes seriously Maddie good luck getting out of there of being buried alive you have to find your key inside there to unlock your handcuffs and Escape more dirt okay okay I get the boy good luck time starts now damn I have to find the key maybe oh it's a glove David do you see anything hot oh I can barely see it I made a handcuffs another coin this is not the key wait are these kids chocolate oh yeah oh it could have dirt in it what is that what is that it's something alive in there there's what is that what is that what is that are you serious it's like some type of massager piece of paper the key can be found in something made with activator and glue but this one is edible and it's sticky I'm coming with that in activator glue slime hold on there's something by my foot sour slime the case at the bottom this is so sticky I have the key I have to get myself out of here I got I got it that was disgusting why did you eat the Slime no but oh no oh they started that this is a fear of drowning you have to guess the YouTuber using only their voices and get five correct to pass YouTuber number one you challenge us to make giant food and check out this pizza we can't leave a single singles well I have a feeling you're gonna really like this next YouTuber what's up guys we're about to jump off this crazy Bridge it sounds like someone from the amp squad one of the girls definitely a girly boys I'm going with Lexi Rivera okay what what do you mean a girly voice I'm so sorry subscribe well you didn't get that one right so have fun in there I'm just kidding the water is getting higher you have to get three more YouTubers correctly to get out of this water chamber next YouTuber reacts you okay what you do when you on your reaction too okay you know what next YouTubers hold on hold on I can figure this out though nope it's the honestly family here we go cost over 30 000 each correct three down two to go all right I hope you don't drown next we are going to be eating one color food unspeakable no but okay well then you better get the YouTubers Rebecca I have been cheerleading since I was 10 years old I recognize that voicemail when I transformed into a dancer for my daughter it's anime yeah it's okay you only need one more runny or else this is my drones magic eight balls this video gonna go viral hyper rock out no that was Sophie dossi Rebecca oh my gosh is this what I think it is yeah you just completed favorite doll is locked in a lock box and you have to face your fear to get it you have two minutes time starts now why I hope I can do this okay Sadie mom's facing our fears oh my gosh we want the 3D code for the lock box I'll give it to you if you dance with me dance with you I'm just gonna dance I'm dancing wait I know that dance it's the one thing Adam danced remember when once [Music] what is this damn fam three the first digit is three head to the next room it's gonna be even creepier I need the code this locket contains the last two digits to the lock box I need that switch this is for my daughter I got it one four three one four that's it now all I have to do is find the lock box it's right here but if you want it you have to get in the coffin with me I don't bite I have to do this for zadie this is her favorite doll three I'm losing time two I'm just scared this is my biggest fear one time's up Rebecca no as much as I'm scared of clowns I'm going in oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my God leave me alone I did that get back I got the lock box three one four and zadie's favorite fortunately you didn't do it in time but zadie is watching and I wanted her to see that her mom faced her biggest fear for her if only you had more time would you say if only you have more time because you went past the two minutes I went past the time you gave me yeah but I did it I just did it on my own terms Maddie I've been pushing zadie to walk by the time she's one years old but even if she's ready what if it's just not her time what if I need to let her do it on her own time why do I need her to walk at one years old and why am I competing with all the other moms congratulations Rebecca you passed level three now it's time for zadie to walk okay baby it is time to walk for the first time okay come get it you can do it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my God [Music] she didn't walk but she just stood baby I know that you are ready to walk but I'm gonna let you walk on your own time okay for now I'm just gonna enjoy you crawling and when you are ready to walk you're gonna walk but Sam fam she stood for the first time all by herself that was crazy and I'm so proud of her did you say Mom okay Sadie I think you're finally ready to walk okay zadie come here [Music] [Applause] you did you do to you she did it on her time not mine zadie wasn't worried about what anyone else thought she walked when she was ready and I'm so proud of her [Music]
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 10,016,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daughter, walks, first, time, emotional, zadie, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, preston, brianna
Id: 74HF6jxxexc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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