I Built a SECRET ROOM to Hide From My Dad!

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this is a random storage closet in our new  house but today I'm going to transform it   into a s room where I can hide from  my dad where in the world would she   be okay let's look at the space yeah this  is going to take some work so let's get started what even is this stuff I'm going to build  a wall right there that's going to be so crazy and   then I'm going to put a door so that nobody knows  that it exists there we go fellow fight thank you   Kelly my dad and husand went to New York to film a  video so they have no idea I'm doing this we have   just arrived in New York City and we are going to  spend the entire day going to our very favorite   locations but there's a Twist at every location  we go to we have to give each other a dare and   the first person to say no has to buy dinner I'm  not buying dinner neither am I you're going down   good luck let's go there's more Jamie my mom is  also out of town which means I need a babysitter   which obviously I don't need but that's why  Jamie's here if you didn't see last last week's   video what are we doing what we're making this a  secret room my mom said I could do it as long as   I don't buring the house down okay so what are we  actually putting in here well we got to go like   T we got to go everywhere you just have to wait  and see it's going to be so cool don't worry I'm   putting all this stuff in the garage okay I don't  think my dad's ever been in this closet so maybe   he won't even notice ever since Hudson was 2 years  old we would come to Joe coffee in New York City   but today I've got a dare for you you have to go  to the Barista and ask them to let you make a cup   of coffee for one of the customers wait I don't  make coffee you can say no and byy dinner wait a   real customer yes is there any chance I could  come and make a coffee for someone I'm really   good coffee maker like insanely good like I can  make better coffee than the actual coffee maker   the closet is all clean and the room is all done  I mean look at this guys it's so perfect and clean   and it's a really good hiding spot for like hide  and seek you know but we're not getting there yet   I cannot wait to show you guys how we we going  to make this a secret room it's going to be so   cool oh this interesting I'm kind of nervous what  can I get for you half C it's the half calf extra   foam okay um this is so awkward what does half  CF mean half decaf you want half decaf he has no   idea what he's doing oh oh half CF boom baby what  Hudson doesn't know is that later I have a very   emotional surprise for him he misses New York city  so much but he especially misses his childhood   home so later today I'm going to take him back to  his childhood home which he has hasn't seen since   we moved to Los Angeles the secret room is going  to be right under here and when my dad and Hudson   get back they're not going to know that I'm there  half calf are you like a little bit tired but you   usually drink decaf got it oh I've always wanted  to do this part all right ready wow look at that   how are they letting him do this wow okay I  think right um yeah it's going well smells good   oh I'm not supposed to do that thank you Cheers my  friend he did it he doesn't have to buy dinner yet   I'll come up with some better ones later let's go  let's go Joe coffee Joe coffee Joe coffee Joe Joe   all right all right I'm going to leave that was  so awkward on to the next dare let's do it Jamie   we're going to Target yes I love Target now it's  time to get everything that we need for the room   come on Jamie let's go woo hon surprised me with  a secret room in our last house and we spent a   lot of time hanging out there but now we don't  have that room anymore so today I'm building a   new room just for us and I can't wait to surprise  him with it this is the thing I'm most excited   about a projector so that I can play movies and do  Nintendo with Hudson a week ago I FaceTime Matthew   beam who started this trend Kelly roll tape hey  hey I just are you on your brother's phone yeah   I just stole it he's in the shower but I have a  question so I saw your video where you hid from   your parents in a secret room and I want to do  a similar thing for Hudson so like what should I   get for it for a secret room you're need tons of  snacks there a long time okay snack you're need   some you're need crazy LED lighting it has to look  incredible crazy LL and got it the important thing   is it's not a secret room without a hidden door  so you have to hide this wait that's like a lot   of work I don't know if I can get that done in  time I'll send you a list of everything you need   let me know if you need any help okay okay thank  you so much a hidden doorway how am I supposed   to do that so right now I feel like one of like  these shelves could go in oh I'm meting a car hey   missed you terribly so we had to call you miss  us no well nice to see you oh I'm at Target I   needed some more pillows for my bed I'll send you  a picture of it later we're having so much fun you   no surprises or anything nothing you want to show  me around oh no I'm okay thank you I love you bye   okay all done I don't think that was suspicious  because I come to Target a lot next spot the New   York City subway which literally Hudson has been  riding since he was this big I've got a great deer   plan he's not ready for this at all you know all  the subway performers in the station yeah you're   going to have to be one right now or you could  buy me dinner I'm I'm happy with that too but   we're going to nice oh boy are you going to  do it I just want to let you know if you do   this I don't know you I don't going to be awful  I need this a grill don't worry I'm just going to   get veggie dogs because I don't eat meat next we  need a popcorn makers oh it's right there that's   actually so cute okay cool next a mini fridge  do we like this color yeah yeah yeah I'm going   to get a Nintendo switch I hope he loves this but  little has to know he's paying forab this because   I mean we're both going to get to enjoy the room  we're going to split half and half so I really hope   he likes it this one looks like it's going to  be a winner oh yeah okay can you hold it thank   you now we're going to get some LED lights okay  there we go that's enough I'm getting in the car   work getting all my PL I know should stop but I  can't this is I hope Hudson reacts when he sees   the room oh my gosh sish you did not but actually  hon surprises me so many times I really hope he   enjoys this the only reason I'm saying this is  okay is because salish's Mom said this is okay   but say it has to look really good like you can't  ruin the house or I'm going to be in trouble okay   yeah yeah yeah obviously like of course promise  yeah of course good thing Hudson's paying for half   of it right after this one you have to go crazy  I'm talking like you have to go crazy all right   little bro you got this no oh man okay I'll do  it after the just do it just do it what do I say   what do people usually say oh my God bro I don't  know him I don't want to do this just do it just   do it we just got back from Target and there's  a lot of decorating to do but first I have to   introduce you to Frenchie fries yo you ready to  make a hidden room oh yeah safety first you got   to wear all this oh I have to wear that hard hat  glasses visor and there you go I'm not sure my color   is green it okay okay let's get the building T  can you bring the 2x4s oh yeah you got it uhhuh   it don't hit any I mean I'll try you guys didn't  think I could do this all by myself did you freny   fries the YouTuber and he makes awesome room  makeover videos he's also Hudson's friend so   last week I stole Hudson's phone and texted him  to make this happen got to do this I'm so sorry   everybody I have to do this I have a lot of  respect for Subway performers here we go push   it push it this is my one move is Dad dancing and  then I'm going to do this and then whack my leg   dude no way how am I doing is it can oh yes can  you please help me out it's so embarrassing no way   thank you for helping me out that was so sweet of  her can we please to the next dare thank you that   was horrible I'm going to get Hudson back for that  this is Polo and she's going to pay a Mural for Hudson   And I think it's going to be his favorite part  of the entire room I'm so excited is a family   family friend who painted this mural 17 years ago  in Hudson's old room now she's going to paint the   same exact mural to make this secret room extra  special for him let's do this let's do this this   is my favorite place in the world I love New York  City we are in Time Square here's your dare you   have to sing just sing for the public until you  earn $1 dude I can't sing first we got to get   your outfit outfit where's yours oh I don't have  to wear it looking good these are like the pin   this is like the painting stuff and this is like  the Brushy stuff more Brushy stuff more Brushy   stuff Clorox wipe tape direction oh and then the  paper thingy What's this called a canvas oh yes a   canvas got to stay nice and organized and there's  that so basically what you do put these thingies   on that thingy and you take this brush thingy  and you put it in the paint you put like that   and this has to be perfect in special because I  really need Hudson to like it thank you Hudson   going love it is that sailor's helping you need  to get a dollar put in this hat by a stranger   before you can stop okay you guys want to hear me  sing you know Shawn Mendes I'm better than Shawn   Mendes okay ready here here how me up why did I  give him this dare all right you ready for this   singing I can buy myself flow wait I Wrong too  I'm going to show you guys how to prank my dad   with these cameras I'm setting these cameras up so  that I can watch where my dad and my brother are   while I'm hiding in the secret room it actually  looks like really cool like hey people my first   idea is to put it right there let's see if I can  see all my R I think that looks really good so I'm   just going to set it to the perfect position and  then I'm going to hide the cord somehow wait I can   actually talk through the camera I'm going to get  to prank my dad so much that's so cool now let's   go figure out where to put the second camera I  can buy myself flowers why my name in the sand all   right that's all I know is anybody's birthday it's  your birthday yeah Sal Sal let's get it going guys   come on Happy Birthday to You does anybody want  to give me a dollar can I get a dollar $2 oh dude   let's oh jeez let's go W maybe they're going to  look for me in Hudson's room guys prepare yourself   for this mess it smells bad but yes I know it  looks like a mess let's put it right here let's   present to be Hudson B where are you let's check  under the bed let's make shag can s nope not under   the bed okay let's check back the chair nope not  over the chair now that those cameras are in the   perfect spots I have a couple more so that I know  where they are when I'm hiding in the secret room   let's go after this dare I am bringing Hudson to  a very special surprise now we're in Grand Central   this is one of my favorite places in the whole  city I spent so much time growing up here do you   remember the photo shoot you did here in Grand  Central with Charlie demilio yes you're going   to have to recreate the photo you took over there  you're going to have to be her oh the hinge yeah   you're the to be Charlie you got you got good no  I don't three well who's taking the photo me I got   my phone oh boy this is going to be I I apologize  this is going to be embarrassing this is the best   dancer in all New York guys guys he's the best  dancer in all of New York do you want to watch him   why does he have to do guys guys guys best dancer  of all of New York Hudson you're going to get us   kicked out these are the LEDs you got right yeah  oh wow you can see every single little LED in here   yeah it looks way better if we do this we stick  the LEDs in there we'll take this plasticky thing   slap it in we turn on the lights wo it's like all  diffus so much better so it's like you don't see   all the little dots that looks amazing you keep  working on that I'm going to go decorate thank   you now it's time for a wallpaper how do I even  put this up you ever done this before just out   of curiosity a lot of times we have enough for the  entire wall or I guess we'll see look I'm actually   like doing it beautiful okay just 100 more to  go I got this oh great and this actually has to   look good because I mean I don't want to ruin this  house my mom would probably not be happy with me   pretty much almost done okay go you get you want  to watch ready he's really good this is a bad look   three okay two I'm no Charlie do it okay go  3 2 1 okay not bad I nailed it I'll give   it to you all right what's the next dare I've got  a surprise for you oh boy so when I was at Target   I got all the room decorations and then I forgot  I need snacks so let's go get some snacks lately   Hudson has been loving these so I'm going to get  those and I'm going to get these cuz I like these   I know he likes these I love these Milk Duds M&M's  Hudson has been saying he really likes these and   I don't get it but okay I think my dad likes these  cuz they're like from the olden days Cheers Cheers   thank you cor cor I think these are disgusting  but I me okay coconut waters are the best cuz   vit waters are also the best you just cracked all  of our chips okay these are the energy drinks and   Hudson needs no more energy I think that's enough  snacks to the check out Hudson is going to love   these snacks have you ever built anything before  I mean yeah like what Ikea B you know Amazon oh   so I mean this is going to be easy right yeah  all righty oh there we go construction let's go   so we only got six pieces to cut like could I cut  I um I mean I'm pretty good with scissors you got   to make this uh piece of wood 52 in Long there  you go perfect that was pretty easy so far it's   like building Ikea furniture oh wow so I get to  do it next no taking you back to your childhood   home really I knew it that's cool that's really  cool I'm I haven't seen it in years I know oh   my goodness wow I'm excited what do you think  it's going to be like I don't know I hope it's   the same when was the last time you were there uh  like 3 years ago it's kind of crazy it's been a   while okay let's check on a mural oh my gosh this  look like it's going so well do you like need any   help Polo said I had to clean these brushes  so I guess I'll figure this out with you guys   okay let's try it my hands are getting a little  painy but I guess that's okay the mural is really   coming along it looks so good that's how you clean  paint brushes with say oh my gosh Polo thank you   so much for your help he's going to love it can  you tell who's doing most of the painting what high five nice I'm nervous hav seen it in a while  I have to say this is weird you grew up in this   house for like the first 14 years of your life are  you ready for your next dare I had to do a dare   yes you do go knock on the door see if they'll let  you in and give you a tour of the house okay all   right uh I feel good with that I they should right  all right okay knock on the door I'm so nervous I   wonder if any anybody's here like you were raised  here I know this is this is your home yeah yeah   yeah my God someone's coming is somebody's coming  hello hello hi hi um my name's Hudson we used to   live here oh come on in can we just zip through  is it okay wo it's still here we paint did   this they kept the mural wow this weird  this is crazy I love that they kept this though   I'm so glad I was hoping they would cuz this  is like I like spent my whole childhood in this house okay okay oh wow when we lived here this was  basically sales's gym so we just had gymnastics   equipment in here I miss it I really do they were  very nice I can't believe they let us in thank you   again thank you Polo just finished the mural and  it's the final part of the room transformation   once we put this mural in I'll show you the  secret door but I want to show you guys the   mural in three 2 1 15 years ago Polo painted the  exact same thing on Hudson's ceiling so when he   sees it he's going to be reminded of home and  I think he's really going to love it seeing   the house was crazy I had to go on a walk and  like process it it's kind of sad that we don't   live any here anymore the Mural was very cool I  was glad they kept it cuz I've honestly missed   it a lot I missed having that in my room a lot  so you got anything that could distract me yes   I do you want to go to the next thing let's do  it the wallpaper is all done it looks so good   you know it's supposed to be like the concrete  in New York these are going to go in the ceiling   from there and there and there we got a lot of  work to do Kelly come back in like an hour and   now we're in Madison Square Garden where we've  been coming since I was a kid are you ready for   your dare yes yes okay as soon as your favorite  artist Billy Joel is playing you have to run on   stage well no actually no yeah I mean we're  pretty close like I could get on stage it's   right there what would happen if I go on stage  you'll be ejected I'll be ejected I'll be ejected   ejected or arrested uh possibly both Sandy show  how many people are here wow here's the path to   Billy Joel right there I'm that close I could do  it you got it yeah time to install the Secret   Door do you think your parents are going to  notice anything no you trust me yeah okay I   appreciate that oh gosh does it fit okay so we're  just going to slap this wall in pretty much I got   to finish the wall and then we're going to cut  a giant hole put a mirror with a door and then   we'll paint it and no one's going to know thank  you so much you picture let's do a picture thank   you you're welcome they think I'm sting rockand  anyway back to the D okay go go no no go go go   go going to go stage that didn't work anyway  they're not all hits some of them are album tracks can I go on stage 1978 all right forget   it I can't do it I can't do it  I can't do it I can't do it I can't dinner baby wo dinner time I'm not  messing around no he's not okay running   late running late but looks like we  made it just in time here we come oh look it's finally  done and it actually works watch it's a   real wall and the best part look  nobody will ever know I'm here [Music] I have to hurry up with this tour because  they're going to be back any minute the   coolest part of this entire thing the Mir all  the polo painted it looks so good and it looks   exactly like what Hudson had in New York I love  this room so much and I hope Hudson likes it too   he's coming soon I got to go get ready now I  have to make this look like the normal closet   again okay it looks pretty good final thing have  my nanny cams all set up I'm going to go prank them say say we're home they're home okay  you guys have to play hide and seek with   me what Hudson did you hear that I just  heard an intercom where she said we're   playing hideand-seek oh my gosh they're  right there oh she yes elevator obviously   uh okay guys that didn't work that was kind  of embarrassing nice try I was sure she was   in the elevator all right why don't you check  the living room where in the world would she be [Music] closet no I don't think my dad's ever  been in this closet so maybe he won't even   notice not in the closet all right I'm going  to find you little girl uhuh sure you are they   looked in the closet but they didn't figure out  it to end I like a good game of hideand-seek   but wait what is that what is that oh my God  no way dude she set up a camera wait it just   moved it moved are you watching us shake  your head up and down if you're watching me oh that's so find you okay okay Dad you guys  are really cold right now she's playing hot and   cold okay what am I say am I hot or cold right  now you're like kind of warm but also kind of   cold you go upstairs I'm going to go in the  garage okay whaton is going upstairs right now Hudson's in the room right now she might be  in this closet we built for Boomer ah there's a   camera I found you I'm going to find you Salish  if it's the last thing I do but but I can't find   you yet so good job she's not upstairs she's  also not in the garage she's got camera set   up everywhere saish this is really really good  I'm going to go upstairs and look oh right here oh check in here maybe in here no yes it's okay looks thing wait wait wait that oh the mirror that camer  that's a camera say you're watching me through   that oh it's wait oh wait camer wait I've  seen these like secret secret room wait   surprise what the heck is this I made you  a secret room so that we could hang out are   you being serious wait come here can I show  you the best part say okay I give up I don't   know where you are wait what the heck it's  from your old room wow it's literally the   same thing dude I'm like actually emotional  this like exactly the same just saw at the   old at the old house saish this is incredible  genuinely this is the coolest thing we could   possibly have in this house so do you like it  I love it I'm glad because you have to pay for   half of it I tell you that oh my gosh should  we tell Dad where we are let's let him keep looking find
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 18,184,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, say say matter, frenchie fries, secret room, gaming room, hidden room, secret door, hudson matter, jordan matter, new york city, matthew beem, polo tate, target
Id: dVa22qAX6Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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