Extreme Hide & Seek in Boxes Challenge *DON’T GET HIT*

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today my daughter Salish and I play an extreme  game of hide and seek we put 60 boxes all over   this Mansion 10 YouTubers will be hiding  in those boxes while Salish and I seek   them every round we will get something  crazy to hit a box with and if there's   someone inside they better watch out we  get 13 attempts to find everyone or we   get a brutal punishment YouTubers you have 10  minutes and then we're gonna come get you go here we go here we go go go go  go go go go holy cow the last   person to get down gets to stay in  the Mansion for the entire night leave me alone you're ruining it for me   married for five years why would  you leave me now I will always love I really have 10 minutes dude no it's too  small don't break the boxes I don't worry   they're yelling counting down for 10 minutes  and now salish should I will just look out over   the horizon and enjoy nature yeah I'll go make  a tick tock yeah okay can I do that with you   technically you can move the bus so early I was  taking things out I found this little house over   here and the door is unlocked there's no way  he's ever gonna think to look in here see ya I'll go in this one you're going that one okay   all right I'm gonna put it underneath this  box and then I'm gonna hide in a different box there's something in there he literally  just tried to set me up hey I'm treating   a Decoy for you as if that's me underneath  it two minutes left everyone I actually   brought my fart machine I'm gonna put it  right here to make them think that there's   an actual person hiding in this box it  should work now if I press this button   I'm gonna go right next to them it's so  risky should I do it okay I'm gonna do it I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm gonna take  off my shirt and hide it in one of the   boxes but it should be far from me wait  is that believable yeah 30 seconds left   here goes nothing that was a workout Jordan  said that the winner can spend the night in   this house this is a sick Mansion it's literally  in the middle of the Malibu mountains we can have   a beautiful time barbecue have a picnic I  don't think this is gonna fit both of us stay here you wanna stay here alone five four three two one here we go  each time we're pulling something   from this box let's see the first round  glitter oh glitter dude it ruins your day I really don't want to get glitter I  hope Jordan doesn't find me you hear   something I heard something right would  anybody be stupid enough to be right here it's gonna be fun it says we get three boxes okay this box I think I just heard Jordan I  don't want it power washed not today Zach is   right next to me Zach are you there  I can hear him vlogging we gotta be   is it gonna get me I'm going to start um editing  on my computer I need to post a video by this   afternoon so that's what I do I can hear you  vlogging would somebody be stupid enough to   be right next to the pool and the power washer  we're about to find out ready one two three go you're going down we get one more yeah oh geez okay okay one two three you're going down oh man  all right let's move on to the next   round by the way Dad you've got a little  glitter what oh God no no get away no   next Thor hammer do you know how heavy Thor's  hammer is hey I've seen the Thor hammer it looks   like it'll hurt I have to go in a thor costume no  how about you do it no it's too small let's see   are you kidding me I'm almost 13. Halloween's  right around the corner I say we go in here   it's hot out people might be in here there  are four boxes but I can only choose one tag on me living make sure the inside by this I would hide  in this one I don't think so no you'll be super cool so that's my box this is my box what are you   doing you going for this one  yeah I think this one awesome okay this is actually very heavy This is Gonna  Hurt hello anybody here okay let's look over here you're in this box right now  you are in a lot of trouble three two one down oh oh that was  a fake shoe what is going on over   there is that a solid shoe fell for  my shoe trick that was pretty smart she threw your shoe over the edge of asala it's  not that bad y'all know I'm not leaving here   without getting a tik tok guess the dance  next one switch boxes that's gonna be fun we have to switch this is the  perfect spot real quick all   right we're gonna find a new spot right  now seconds I found this door over here wait where are we switching are we switching I  swear to God we switch did they say switchbox I think this one was already knocked down so  they're not gonna expect it oh they're so little   you know what I'm gonna go all the  way over there I'm gonna hide I need   a new box I left the apartment right  here so I gotta hide somewhere close for myself dining all pink TV we're gonna find this little challenge challenge next one howl for 10 seconds  when I say go you have to howl like a   dog at the top of your lung if you  hear somebody Point Ready Set Go oh this one no this one it's this one  rock paper scissors scissors you better watch out in  there you're going down what we almost lost sorry about the Mansion buddy  we are tracking Mila's location and now it's   time to get her out of the box am I sorry to smell  that she's so sweaty now we have to take a shower   does anybody 's want strawberry ice cream this is Mila's  favorite ice cream somebody needs strawberry oh my God okay wow yum got her you get 15 seconds to find  a box right now oh my God all right here we go next round  football player two boxes I am   sorry but I did Thor you can go change  into your costume go get him buddy who should I tackle say I don't know  I am a small human being I should not   be attacked by a football player what  about this no I'm gonna go on this one wait daddy there's one in the water look there's  Splash marks right here I actually don't want the   consequence so I will jump in because the  consequence is absolutely perfect stupid   dude you're in the bus you let the splash  Mark now yeah guys it's gone three two one all right I'm gonna make it look like I'm hiding in the  Box by just splashing water all over now I'm   gonna hide in this box over here hopefully they'll  never see that bye is anyone in there no oopsies   wow I get one more box though I don't know what  box do you guys think my dad is right over there do you want me to tackle your dad  yeah should I tackle him really hard   yeah okay okay never actually calculated before shut up oh my gosh I just heard Anas being  tackled I'm so glad that's not me he   just tackled someone I hope they're all  right because that sounds like it hurts after I got wet I had to take a shower and then  we chilled out and we had a snack oh we just   let everybody wait in their boxes and see if  anybody got bored and quit anybody fell asleep   in there time for another round it's literally  been probably five hours bump her bubbles those   are really fun you know what those are no bumper  bubbles well these things sound so dangerous   oh we get 10 seconds Rowan Mr glitter  man is gonna time us one two three go oh my God she got her brother  oh my god oh that sounds way   worse than I thought it was dude that hurt bro God holy cow that was crazy oh what is  that I can hear the fart there's nobody we have gotten seven people we have four more  left and we only have a few rounds and man I   do not want that consequence let me see if we  can get everybody before it gets dark and avoid   the consequence next one I don't want to say  it she didn't want to say fart spray one box   is about to get some fat spray are you ready  they're probably not ready fart spray are you oh oh wow I think it's bad out here but it would  be worse inside don't we think I've smelled pork   spray before and trust me it's deadly you do  not want to be sprayed by fart spray it is   disgusting okay we haven't looked in the kitchen  yet and this would be a pretty epic place to hide what is this about I think this  is fake I don't think anybody's   under there but I think that means that  somebody's in one of these boxes I could   oh God I just I think that's fake I don't  think that's real I'm gonna go with in here   okay if somebody is in here you are  about to get a really big fart spray yes yes stay in there who is that oh my God that's bad oh God get me out  of here oh my God that was so bad I'm   so sorry follow Mark Telling  Tik Tok please he's amazing three left we have been waiting even longer  to see if anybody will give up at these last   three contestants are sticking it out it  is now almost pitch black look at this   boxing boxing gloves we have oh okay  okay ow I'm not in a box they listen gets 10 seconds with huge  boxing gloves starting right now okay there's nobody there oh go you got five seconds left say three two one nobody can actually cut no seriously actually  could cut and here's where the losers have landed   what's the next round Mentos when I think of huge  explosions you know what I think of Collins Key do   you want to do this one for us please don't be me  I just washed my hair this mansion cost us a lot   for this video and one of the remain three people  might end up winning it if we don't find them all   we have knocked over pretty much every box outside  except this one oh yeah oh I don't know I just   heard somebody vlogging in there okay here we  go all right so bottles underneath three two one oh my God it's just me and Devin it is time  for the final round only Asala and Devin are   left if we don't find them both we have to get  a terrible consequence and they get the mansion the air horn hurts from all the way over  here I can only imagine where it's like   next little box we're gonna put this up to  the boxes and see if somebody makes a noise   hiders you have 30 seconds inside and  a noose but inside downstairs oh my gosh it's dark out where I point my  hoodie there's never gonna suspect it here I guess I'll just go here I don't have time what am I doing here what are you  doing there I have all the places   yeah but I bought my hoodie they're  my room where my hoodies at you left   it I used it as big they have to get both  of us to not do the consequences foreign obviously I'm in here everybody I haven't  heard anybody make a peep I'm pretty sure   she's there in here are they he or she we have  to pick both rights or we get a consequence   one of these I'm gonna push over one of these three you got this tiger thanks for watching the video
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 47,119,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, challenge, zhc, collins key, hide and seek, devan key, hudson matter, salish matter, say say matter, boxes challenge, anasala, mila, asala, anas, anazala
Id: Zgyq-5yzoEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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