I Built a Waterpark In My House!

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hello Anala family hello Anala family okay so listen listen listen listen so our neighbors they have a really nice pool both neighbors both neighbors have really nice pools and we don't have a pool so today we thought up a great idea now we're going to make one that we're going to have like a really big pool right here it's going to be as big as my cartwheel so there's a really big pool that Liam showed me that we're about to go pick upup yeah actually a huge one you know the big out of ground ones like they actually are yeah I'm going to be swimming for the whole day even in the night baby are we making one stuck on the ground are we going to make construction people or are we going to do it ourselves no we're going to do it ourselves yes mean we're not building a real pool no we're making a big big a giant one are you going to use like the floaty ones no she even doesn't believe in you you she doesn't know what I'm talking about okay let me show you let me show you like this see this oh yeah look at this guys like B you know how long it's going to take you to fill it up yeah but this is for the whole summer that's ugly this is for the whole summer D we're going to have so much fun you don't want it you don't want your kids to be happy I do but don't you want this I'd rather just take them to a water park that's just one day don't you want it every day okay what's going to happen how are you going to build this we're going to build it right Liam yeah you can just buy them they come in hole right no but we actually have to put them together we have to put like filters and whatever hours and hours I want this to be for the whole entire summer here we go our neighbors are going to be like Daddy wow guys I don't think you understand how nice how nice show wait wait come come wait for me Daddy we're going to show you the neighbor pools in comparison to the one we're about to make that's if it worked so look at this pool oh wow it's like a proper pool that's so nice look at this other pool here that's better than our I could literally turn the whole backyard into a full water park for I want it to be stuck to the ground like how there that's going to take 6 months to make 6 months 6 months to make I can do this in one day okay so ronan's with us now and he's showing us all the options so Ronan is the only guy we actually trust to do anything yes Liam come on Ma it's actually legit look at this look at this look at this look at this it's a full circle and then it has like filters that's 18 that's crazy yeah that's cool that's going to be big no way that's my height crazy huh but then we won't have room to run and stuff babbe that's the whole point I wanted I wanted to put who agrees we should put a swing set here rather than a pool guys guys we put a pool and then we got a slide from there what that's St slide into the pool yeah right I swear hey I bet I bet like $1,000 okay I bet you $1,000 we're going to make this not going to let's go you know what's going to happen fall from okay here we go slide incoming okay so Ronan I need you for something so want tell me something there's $1,000 on the line you get $2000 on the line okay so we just got to Walmart y Sal stayed home with Noah are we excited guys Mission we're on a mission let's go Walmart better tget straight up no dude you just said the worst guys guys hit him the comments what are you talking about Liam do you think Walmart is better than Target I don't need the female population love targets my favorite store Ran's about to be killed in the comments want any part of that bro the target has a cult okay where are we going now that right daddy is scrunchies oh yeah scrunchies is here dude I don't know what's up with Mila and scrunchies but she's been in love okay M I need do you want to get the pool or no I need this pool or this oh my God okay now now she's wasting time okay bye bye brother got everything that we need no we need my lip gloss my look is cool and my nails let's go she reminds me of her mom thank God we didn't get a Sal with us here I'm sorry Mom about what Dad saying to you just ignore him on the comments Ronan bro are you sure there's a pool here they have everything like but a pool like we went the whole store where's it at you said you checked online there's a little map it's a little map wait wait hold on Walmart has a map yeah look I got the Walmart app that's how you know I'm like locked in okay wait the WiFi is not the best he's making fun of us hey Liam don't worry I'll keep looking you guys just stand there yeah okay so yo ma gave up on us bro f8 f8 okay where's f8 I SG where's f8 wait that's goldol right there right the blue ones wow Ronin nice nice okay nice I think this is good right that's the pool we're trying to hit like man thank you Ron thank you for us to Walmart here we go here we go here we go this is really close okay wait wait wait wait let's make a real decision 18 ft 16 ft or 12 ft for real bigger go home I think 8 is the best 18 that's actually pretty big that's really really big look how many people in there okay who's carrying yeah that's you Daddy I'll help you daddy is it going to fit in the car this is really big big boy muscle Big Boy Daddy can I get this I can breathe under water yeah you can actually who's paying for this you nice I'm going to use your credit card daddy sorry I hope it doesn't go over $100 I'm pretty sure it will mil you have to promise me something if I get you the pool here I think you promise you're going to learn how to swim this time you promise you go in the pool and teach me right yes but you promise you're going to actually do it yes okay okay jobab Dad you want to get something for now I'm going to give no D and then this one's for you this one's for me this one's for Noah let me get one for Mom now we all have let's go daddy she never forgets her brother how much do you think this is going to be yeah 450 how much you think six I think it's going to be 300 this one yes yeah hold on yep 600 exactly with taxes dude Ronin was on point 600 you kids they learn how to swim in the swimming oh no way that's so cool yeah that's what I'm trying to do we're trying to have Mila learn how to swim in this so you like it yes I really really do you have it up permanently uh I had few years this one oh you leave it up for a few years that's so cool if me let Noah learn how to swim here I'll cry all right here we have Dumbo one and Dumbo two you just call us Dumbo trying to move the thing again oh my God okay this is going to so good Ronan are you good bro is that going to fit through the Gap come on Ronan oh yeah is Ronan going to fit through the Gap I kind gain weight okay here you go yay look what we got a p i put my baby suit on yeah but this is time to build maybe in 2 hours okay okay I put my baby suit to the was C where's that Sal cook in some shrimp scampy actually I decided to make this last minute okay it's um a shrimp scampy cajan shrimp scampa this looks so good actually that does yeah look at that o guys no you can't okay this one but you're going to burn your mouth it's straight yeah Noah Ro still sizzling oh my God good I wish I could do not AAL is like the best cook on Earth okay let's put Daddy I'm filing you now sorry guys if I'm a bad at F you're not bad at filming you're the best one ever no I know how big this oh my God oh my M you're really good at filming huh I don't know what I'm doing bro I wonder if it has all the parts like with it it's going to be like hours to this going to be really tough no are we going to do the slide after that'd be the coolest thing ever do you see how H all the way here into the pool that'd be actually fun let's go on First Step Ronin okay so here's a pool manual so first it looks like we uh we get uh looks like um we should call someone okay let's see how big this is oh my god dude this is going to be so big no watch out no where are you bro you see how big this is a come check this out yeah that's the whole backyard come on come on quick quick quick oh my why does it look like that no it's a circle it's like brown so it looks like paper you're talking about the outside here yeah no that's it's like a design is it big feel yeah it's supposed to be so no water gets out you're going to do this in like how long 2 hours 2 hours you're not getting done today good luck do you know how long it takes just to fill up this size with water but it's cool though right no have fun um when you guys get tired and hungry I prepped you know the food Okay so we've been going at this so look we have to connect these from every angle look at this this is actually really exciting it's actually going way faster than than I expected and asala here is cooking for us oh my God look at that hey guys food come on come on come on come on this looks really cool let's go okay we're going to try food hey so guys if you don't give a really good reaction to us she's going to be mad at us so we have to give like the perfect wow reaction I've been training I I I that's what give me give me a wild face hold on hold on okay okay what are you doing Sol this is the best meal you've made yes we're training him to make sure that like he's giving good reactions you guys by the way guys something you should know I always get upset when I cook cuz none of you guys give good reaction no no no no we do we do we've been training we've been all training we've been all training Ron what's your reaction 1 2 3 go wow bro he's taking us down he's taking us down you guys are fake friends no we're not what are you talking about my real reaction I get every time okay here by the way I don't try I don't know if it's good we'll tell you the truth don't worry we're going to try the food Noah you're hungry okay we're going to give you food now all right Ronan what do you think Ronin we need louder reactions bro I it's the best thing I've ever had the best thing he's ever had better than his girlfriend's food all right I thought we were friends man I thought we were friends we're taking him down we'll never see Ronin again okay Liam I'm going to try your reaction okay where's the spaghetti bro you don't know how to eat wow it was so good that was such a YouTube face so now we're going to eat and then you guys are going to finish the pool and I'm going to go to bed good night good ni po almost there guys look at the view look how beautiful La is wow give it a couple hours though and police cars police helicopter hey Liam Liam Liam what did I tell you come go check Che police helicopter look at the police helicopter it's coming right over us welcome to Los Angeles okay so now we have to connect them all together I smell Fire by the way is that why the police helicopter did you smell that okay look here we go so now we connected now we just need to put all the what do they call all the all the poles all the states and then it'll be done do you see the hel dude there is something there's a fire I smell it y this Vlog is crazy there's like I don't know I thought I heard it oh it's right there oh my God yeah yeah we just filmed it dude the helicopter's right here it's turning above the the area I kid you not it's fire where's my phone it's probably the citizen app I swear to God so we have the citizen app that tells us what's going on okay so this is the citizen app it tells us what's going on dude what's going on no there's nothing on the citizen app dude the plane's literally turning around the house there's another one oh he here oh my God you think if we wave no no no don't don't honey honey he's he's going to come arrest you okay okay okay no no what if they're actually what if they're actually looking for something and you're jumping around okay we'll keep you posted on this this is crazy this is freaky this vlog's got everything from the beginning from food Smiles chaos pools police broken out and yeah one big happy family okay so now we're going to make this pool and get back to you [Music] guys oh my God from here dude this is going to be a big pool okay up up oh my god look how huge oh my God I is it your height yeah here yes yes yes yes 100 kids can in here are you ready to see it okay bye come here Daddy take me out cfor where the sun is always High where the streets are p [Music] with you guys are crazy okay so now it's time to fill it up hey y know can you turn it on yeah use your muscles come on come on come on okay there go oh let's go oh nice job bro [Music] yeah we wait till tomorrow I think it's going probably take overnight right I honestly think it's going to take like couple hours couple hours actually I would say like 3 hours really so it says to fill up an advertised pool it's going to take about 24 to 48 hours are you kidding me yeah bro 24 24 to 48 hours you said 3 this going to take 3 I'm not the numbers man you know what I'm saying I'm I'm the guy who does stuff I'm the guy who does stuff oh my God okay but I feel this is like a higher pressure than normal oh that's coping it's coping okay guys we're going to let this fill up and then we'll check back in with you guys when it is full okay here we go that's going to be excited okay so it's around 1: p.m. right now this thing looks like it's going to take hours to fill up oh my God at least the kids will be having a lot of fun tomorrow I want to figure out how to make a slide from here to here but we'll see everyone's asleep right now and I'm the only one awake making sure the water doesn't flood okay day number two okay guys look at the water it's actually really really really cool so cold I'm not letting the kids in here no it's actually good it's normal a bro this like this is like the water you drink that's cold it is no this is fine it's 105° out here okay go in go in okay he goes in the kids go in so being a party pooper you're keeping this temporarily right no we're keeping it full on it's nice but temporarily because look at this you're going to have this here forever for the summer for the summer for the summer look at the cable look I almost tripped and the neighbors they could see like they all have nice pools and we have this Walmart knockoff she talking about at Walmart Walmart's better than Target straight up straight up that's what he was saying oh my I I bet that's C 100% you're just trying to start beef he's bored everybody knows Target is the happy place and Walmart is the freaky place whatever happens there stays there be like Mommy come on please come on please Liam goes in you let the kids go in yeah no why is Li the standard dude you look really good really really good honey I really want to teach Noah how to swim really teach him how to swim but like Noah Noah has never been in the water without a floaty and we're going to do that today right we at the floaty wait no don't you think it's too cold no are you sure if you go in the water we let the kids in the water it is a little cold I just want I just need to feel her first I'm always right what if I just get in without jumping like I don't do my the upper half of my body well bro you need to get in so the kids get in Liam are you going to get in bro I'm thinking about it bro she's literally not going to let us get in if it's too cold we could get a heater what's happening bro I'm St okay ready Liam Che let's Che okay Liam Liam Liam Li are you going to jump give me a 3 2 1 give me a 3 2 okay okay okay okay ready all right three okay two one W you okay is it cold it's actually really cold here here oh my God okay y it's cold okay okay okay I think you can buy heaters right yeah we can go pick bu new house at this point you bought like really Negative Nancy can you just chill Negative Nancy just get out of here you're really boring okay okay guys we're going to go get heaters he started with buying a new pool and then buying a filter and then buying a ladder and then buying I don't know what you got built a pool at this point do you guys have a towels and I'm going to try to get in okay and then and then I'll see how cold it is and if it's that cold yeah if it's that cold I'll get the K you're going to handle it I told you yesterday I told you turn the water and then go in the pool okay go to the pool hold on let's not okay wait wait wait is actually it's bad can to get me shorts I'll just go wear my shorts one second okay I'm back okay listen I'm going to check it if it's good I swear I'll let you [Music] in oh my God well it doesn't look that bad Liam you're a baby bro I see come here babies come here kids it's actually not bad come on jump in good oh wait I can t around she's not even worried about how cold it is she's just worried that she's in there are you ready water don't let me go because I drown no guys Noah has never went in the water without a floaty ever in his life are you ready baby I'm never going to let you down are you [Music] ready I won I will never let go is it good is it [Music] good the water I'm CH they me you're not trying to move but it's hard I'm out of job bro here here all right guys this is it for today let us know if you want us to make the slide in the next video to get it all ready that will happen BS it's not going to happen it is going to happen com below and I'll give you 500 of the Thousand if I'm right you're not right comment below P team Masala we love you guys so much and don't forget to subscribe and join the journey I really enjoyed doing this with you guys even though like I was making fun here and there but it's actually really really fun this is a day in our life thank you for watching an aala family and love you all from Liam from Ronan from Noah from Mimi from all of us we love you and we'll see you in the next video thank you now it's all wet
Channel: Anazala Family Vlogs
Views: 5,052,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MeQ7t1eEozo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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