Granblue Fantasy Relink - Vaseraga Character Guide

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basaga may be a bit slow but he is also the heaviest hitter in Grand blue relink which makes him appealing as a character for all damage enthusiasts the amount of damage this character can output is pretty crazy if you can actually get all of your attacks to connect and he can be a very tanky and difficult character to kill at the same time thanks to basically always having Stout hard up and the ability to survive one HP for a long period of time the general play style of the character usually involves looking for Windows to attack and charging up your heavy-hitting attack so you can unleash them on enemies which can be a little difficult against highly mobile foes but if you're able to master his timings and understand boss Windows you can get a lot of benefit from vaseraga in any fight in this video I want to discuss vaseraga discuss General play style and setup talk about some strengths and weaknesses and showcase some practical use in harder raid fights I want to cover every character in the future so if you do enjoy guide content like this on relink RPGs in general and especially Xenoblade and are interested in seeing more please be sure to subscribe to the channel because it does help me out so much also apologies my voice sounds bad today I am sick but I did still want to get this out let's get into into it so believe it or not the most optimal play style for vaseraga damage wise actually relies on running either one or no damaging skills because you can get significantly higher DPS without using most skills meaning a lot of skills are just for utility since his main source of damage comes from his charged normal attacks essentially vaseraga has a few different combos he can do and vaseraga players typically refer to these as light and heavy attacks his light attacks are bound to the x button or whatever your normal attack combination is and his heavy attacks are bound to y or whatever is usually the combo finisher button essentially vasara has three different ground combinations based on how many light attacks you use before your charged heavy attacks by using one light attack and then going into heavy attacks Bosa will charge at the enemy and the Damage will increase depending on how long you charge the attack with full damage being when he gloves using a charge attack again immediately after this will do another similar type of attack typically this combo is only used when you want to close the gap between yourself and the enemy since the damage is low compared to his other options combo B is going to be your main combo use for damage so essentially using two light attacks into your heavy attacks each heavy attack here has two slices that can both do tremendous damage when fully charged capping out over 1.5 million meaning potentially over 3 million from each of these two charged attacks this is more valuable than using combo C because combo C only does one slice each so even if the damage ratio is higher the fact that they have the exact same damage cap makes combo b or the double slices significantly better when you're actually reaching these damage caps since you can potentially get twice as much damage it is also worth noting that you can dodge cancel out of his light attacks meaning you can get to your much stronger heavy attacks faster while also having some Mobility before charging your heavy attacks so you can reposition if an enemy has moved further away and if theyve moved far away you can quickly use combo a to Gap close you do not need to fully charge combo a if you're just using it to Gap close and if you only use one of the heavy attacks you're able to immediately go into another light attack which will lead into your combo B heavy attacks which can allow you to both close the gap and start a high damage combo a little bit easier ideally with vasura you're going to want to be getting off as many combo bees as possible to maximize your damage just because of how much it can potentially do it can be a little difficult to hit caps on everything so you may want to be running more damage than usual as well for this setup and make sure you're fully charging it to get the most benefit out of it looking at his support skills vasara also gets bonuses from Landing these charged heavy attacks with his unique mechanic the gral gauge which fills every time you land one of these attacks you will gain Stout Hearts so the ability not to be interrupted when taking damage defense up so taking less damage and then attack up depending on how much of the gauge is filled which is actually kind of useful on bosera since like I said it can be a little bit more difficult to hit some of the caps on his spinning attack as or his double slice these are pretty much just free bonuses and not too difficult to maintain which is really nice and can make him fairly tanky as a character his other support skill melis Unleashed simply allows him to give himself Stout heart if he doesn't already have it without having to perform any heavy attacks so something nice to use during downtime if you have no gauge dying will remove the bonuses but won't remove the gauge giving you a little bit of time to get your bonuses back with another charged heavy attack upon Revival all in all vaseraga is a more straightforward character than others but does require smart positioning and understanding he the most out of his high damage heavy hitting attacks since it can't be very enemy easy for enemies to move out of the way while you're charging your attack given how long they can take let's take a look at the setup now so I know I say this every single time and I'm going to say it one more time the best weapon you can possibly have is the Terminus weapon mostly because of the catastrophe bonus effect giving you a 50% attack boost and 100% boost to your damage cap when your maximum health is below 45,000 meaning you're going to be do a lot of additional damage with this weapon compared to every other weapon in the game and Soo booster is a really good effect to have as well just to boost all your trait levels to get a little bit extra benefit out of all of your sigils you have equipped which is really awesome as far as the imbued trait this is the first time I'm not running crit R up I'm running weak point damage this time around and the main reason for that is twofold one I have 96% critical hit rate without it already thanks to uh over masteries and the two critical hit rate Five pluses I'm running and two because vaseraga needs a little bit more to hit damage cap sometimes compared to some other characters and this can be one of the easiest ways to do that just by kind of standing behind an enemy if you're able to position yourself in such a weight where you're able to do that this is also how I'm getting my source of guts and I'm also getting a boost of my attack a little bit here along with a couple other traits to boost my attack as well to give myself a bit more attack just in general which is pretty nice to have as well guts of course allows you to at one HP one time and that's just a really nice effect to have in any fight it also will not trigger on his undying effect which is something from one of his skills so you do not have to worry about that as far as the sigils I'm running an obligatory four damage cap five pluses two of these have attack up on them so because of the Bosa setup I'm running where I don't really have many skills or I only have one skill equipped right now and sometimes you might not even want to run any the the sub traits that are like quick cool down and stuff like that are not as valuable here so I'm just not running them I'm running two damage caps with attack on them just to boost my attack as much as possible I'm getting the full 2,000 attack value here with the current setup that I have which is really nice I have egis just this kind of balances out one of the Tyranny effects I have and gives me a decent amount of maximum health around 41,000 or so which is pretty nice to make sure that I'm able to live attacks especially with the defense buff especially with Stout hard and able to keep attacking a lot of times without having to worry too much so that's really nice to have then potion hoarder is a really good trait not only on him but basically on everyone especially on him though because there's a lot of things that'll be lowering your own maximum health depending on what setup you're running and uh if you're running the undying ability you'll always be uh you'll be going low on health if you're planning to use that optimally and uh you'll also be going to one HP no matter what and when that effect ends so you're definitely going to want potion hoarder to kind of counteract the effects of that I'm also running War Elemental as you might imagine this is a really good effect free way to bypass the damage cap you get an additional 20% damage against basically every enemy so really really fantastic sigle to have just basically on anyone especially for someone like vaseraga then I have my two supplementary damage fives with two of these equipped I get a 74% chance of dealing additional 20% damage which is always pretty nice to have uh helps a lot when you're hitting really hard with Oar even the supplementary damage procs are easily over 300,000 which is really nice then I have less is more so this is one of the only cars I would recommend running this on one of the only two right now I would say so with just one of these equipped you get a 48% attack boost with one skill assign 64% with zero assigned now you could go all the way to level 30 with this depending on how the how you can fit it into your setup but usually stacking different sources of attack increase is going to be better since a lot of them are not tied to the same multiplier but I running two lust more might not be bad just because how beneficial it can be with the uh high high attack attack additive it can give you so yeah I'm only running one skill on the setup that I'm going to be showing off in this right now so L more has pretty nice benefit for the free 48% attack boost and then we have Quick Charge I would say at least running one level of this is pretty much required because vasar has a really slow charge speed on his heavy attack so just running one of these can basically turn into an effective DPS increase because you're able to charge your your heavy attacks a lot quicker the minus 21% means you're effectively to be charging at at least 20% faster which is always really nice to have and it also boost your attack power even further as well so there's just a lot of benefit to running one of these which is really nice then we have charge attack damage five plus so this is going to basically be increasing the damage of your charge attack which is pretty much the only real source of your damage anyway so this doesn't really matter too much that it's only boosting that effect it's just a really nice free attack boost to have which is really awesome and then finally I've got my two critical hit rate Five pluses hit as much critical hit rate as possible I'm at 96% with the current setup that I have and uh stamina and tyrany or the sub traits on these just just gives really nice attack boost 36% with Tyne another 51% with stamina if I'm maximum health and even if I'm not at maximum health the uh ability on the undying ability does at least give an attack boost as well so I shouldn't have too many issues hitting the caps on a lot of these abilities you could say all these attack increases can be Overkill especially because the second uh hit of the uh Scythe attack that of the charge combo B is probably going to be hitting cap mostly time anyway and uh it's mainly just the first hit you're trying to cap out on the first attack but even besides that it's still nice to uh be able to do that because you can do a lot of damage if you're able to kind of optimize and maximize his damage with this kind of setup and if you're wondering why I'm not running these effects his unique sigils it's because the traits are just not very useful at all so the first one just makes your grino gauge deplete slower this is not really necessary with vog at all I would say it's actually pretty easy to keep up most of the time unless the boss is in a downtime phase and if he is that's not really a big deal I would say most of the time this is never really going to be beneficial and then eanes Poise the other one is uh really really bad with the optimal Baga damage setup because it just makes your skill coold Downs a lot lower and we're not really running skills because it's just a DPS loss to run skills most of the time outside of a couple utility options so this is just not really a good one to run either which is a little unfortunate and final things to mention is I forgot to mention sub traits on these improved healing is here cuz the only less is more plus that I had improved healing is not really a good subtrate but we just have it anyway quick charge has more attack on it to make sure I'm hitting the attack cap and then charge attack has improved Dodge improved Dodge just a really good ability to have in general so this is going to be a bit of an awkward section to talk about for obvious reasons but I did want to talk about the skills that he has anyway just so you understand what he has access to and if especially maybe if you're earlier on in the game and can't damage cap some of his heavy attacks it mightbe more useful or you can understand some of the utility options could be worth bringing depending on team compositions or if you're in coordinated team play so first up we have Immortal pain this is the one skill I sometimes do like bringing depending on the situation I actually do like this skill a lot it gives Diva imunity and undying which allows you to basically live at 1 HP no matter what while the skill remains active and it has a pretty long active time window which is pretty nice I do really really like the skill on dying also has an attack boost attached to it which is really nice and uh it's one of the things that allows vasara to be really really tanky also and just basically not die which is also really nice as an effect to have then of of course we have his other abilities battalions of fear this is just a lunge for this acts kind of as a gap closer but of course your combo one already kind of or combo a already kind of acts as a gap closer anyway so this isn't really something that uh really is needed to be used especially because the damage isn't really that high compared to your actual heavy hitting uh normal attacks violent Shadows this is a circle attack that will basically always constantly damage foes as long as you keep it active and will restore your own health this is is like all right is just kind of a self-healing option but with stuff like potion hoarder it's also not really needed and then once again the damage is just not super high so you don't really needed as a damaging ability either then we have great Scythe grino the main benefit of this is that it deals a high amount of stun damage Because the actual damage isn't really that impressive but I don't really think stun damage really matters much on basaga because link attacks aren't something you're going to be doing very often with him because most of the time it's going to be a big DPS loss unless you can activate link time or something like that or if it's right at the end of one of your combination attacks but that's usually pretty rare in uh especially with randoms online it can be chained into a y attack but it's not going to be chaining into your best y attacks that's the other kind of negative part of that and then we have forgotten Tails this grants hostility and drain this makes him more likely to be targeted by foes and you get to recover HP upon dealing damage once again this is okay but it doesn't really synergize super well with uh just going for the maximum amount of damage with your charged attacks and uh kind of trying to stay at full HP most of the time anyway and mortal Pain's already good enough just to kind of bring as a way to live with one HP no matter what so you don't really need I don't I don't really think you need this as an ability at all and then we have damnation this will consume 30% of aar's Max HP and grants jammed so this might be good with like an enity set or something like that because you'll be cutting your own HP and also get a pretty big attack boost based on how low your health is which can be fine but generally it's better to just kind of uh if you don't have a mortal pain act it's better to kind of stay near full HP what CU you don't want to be in a situation where you're going to die at a low health value but I guess if you don't want to run less as more this could be something to run along theide moral pain maybe run it with alongside forgotten Tails as well so you have like three kind of options here as like a Buffs to yourself to um kind of live at low HP and get a lot of benefit out of it but the problem is when these skills are on their downtime phase or low cool down you're not going to get much benefit out of that and if you're not running that unique sigle that lowers his cool down turn not going to be able to have it up super often and once again I don't really think it's going to be super beneficial around that stuff cuz your most of your damage is still just going to be coming out of using your heavy attacks so just kind of spamming the combo B is just going to be the best option for maximum damage even above this cuz the attack boost doesn't matter if you're already hitting caps anyway we have umbral eclipse this inflicts a slow on nearby foes slow can be pretty useful as a status effect so this could be another skill you might end up running depending on what kind of team composition you're with or what kind of setup you're with or anything like that so this could be something that could be actually be kind of useful just because slow can be a pretty nice effect to have not something that is absolutely necessary especially if you're not in coordinated team play but it is something that can be nice as a skill compared to these other his other options at least and then the final skill we have is nether wrath this basically allows him while it is active to take damage in place of his allies and to defend allies more it's going to be okay if you're trying to run them as a tank I guess especially since with undying you can live with one HP basically no matter what but most of the time I don't really recommend running this either because most allies are going to be able to keep themselves healed they'll probably have potion hoarder as well to keep them self safe uh as far as maximum health also so uh this just isn't really a super necessary skill to run right now so let's briefly take a look at masteries so the main things you're looking out for here are normal attack damage cap up critical hit rate up and um attack up probably in that order I do find it hilarious this is the character I finally got skill cap up 20% on and I wasn't even looking for that I was just looking for attack up and crit rate up but uh the world works in mysterious ways I suppose but um yeah noral attack damage cap up is going to be the most important thing to get as much damage as possible out of your heavy attacks uh critical hit rate up is always really nice make sure you're hitting that 100% value if you can and get all the damage out of your Critical Hits and then attack up just nice to make sure you're capping everything when you need to and maybe you can ditch one of the attack boosters on your Sitel it really depends but um yeah those are probably going to be the main things um skybound art damage kept up could be okay but he kind of has a really bad Sky bout AR anyway and it's not going to be your main focus outside of just kind of stunning the enemy temporarily but um um yeah those are the main things to look out for here skill damage cap up does not really matter on him at all to ignore the fact that I got 20% on him anyway but you know just it's it is kind of funny at least all right let's take a look at more practical combat application now here's the very quick spoiler warning on a later game raids if you're a little worried about that I feel like this is a pretty good fight for showcasing a lot of the benefits of bosun especially on dying just because of the creative ways you can use it in this fight so starting things off because I know the kind of the boss pattern and help paa likes to move I'm able to immediately uh cancel my two light attacks and the heavy attacks I know he's going to dodge to the right there after his initial attack which is really nice I'm also able to kind of time my charge attack to uh get the link attack afterwards which normally you're not going to be able to do because normally you'll ignore link attacks make sure you get your charge attacks off because they're more important and do a lot more damage but in that specific case it was really nice for me to be able to do that we've already got to 70% really quickly here I kind of misplay a little bit by not being able to cancel perfectly um on one of my rules in this specific fight which is a little bad on me my part especially because the overdrive wind box kind of cancels my attacks there and then he immediately kind of goes into this kind of phase where you do a lot less damage to him that's not really a big deal though because this is where I'm going to be able to take a lot of benefit of undying and as you can check my SBA bar in the top of the uh screen it goes up incredibly quickly because of this constant damage field so I'm going to be able to get SBA up extremely quickly which is going to allow us in this fight really fast so I'm going to wait and I get a lot of damage out of that last charge attack there now that his um damage reduction is gone and now at this point I'm going to ignore the link attack so I get a bunch of damage out of this the 1.6 million on both those attacks which is over 3 million and now I'm just going to be uh using my attacks even more I go ahead and use my uh special move because I think uh one of my allies can get their meter up in time if I do they don't quite get it up but it doesn't really matter I do still stun the bar delay the elemental shift a little bit and uh it doesn't end up mattering too much cuz we're still able in the fight incredibly fast and uh from this point I'm just going to be spamming my heavy attacks here and it's really just going to be a pretty easy fight in general and we're going to end it before he gets to Firefly phase before the element [ __ ] even goes off I remember correctly or might be very close I'm not can't quite remember yeah I think Naya and uh oan here just kind of stun lock him the rest of the time here and I don't think he gets the elemental Shi off which is pretty pretty crazy here just in general and you'd be surprised at how insanely repeatable this can be like I'm just going to show the same fight again all right I accident used my charge attack there but it wasn't really a big deal the combo a I just immediately go into another light attack into combo B at that point and I was able to kind of go into my combo B charge attack of course now he's starting to move some which is a little annoying so I immediately goes into the uh enrage which is fine doesn't really matter at this point cuz uh we got plenty of damage to kill him at this point so just one more charge attack just kind of gets the job done here and like I said you'd be very surprised at how insanely repeatable this is I'm just going to show up one more fight I had the same group of people with me cuz we kind of just were farming it for a while because of just how easy and quick all of these fights were going I open up basically the exact same way this fight goes on a little bit longer cuz our timings were not as good as we would or were not as good this time around unfortunately not really huge deal I do take some damage there but thanks to the benefits of stout hard and defense buff doesn't really matter too much that was that I took some damage from the start of that otherwise this General strategy is the same just light light heavy heavy sometimes can't see your lights with rolls if uh you think you can see properly to do that uh otherwise just make sure that you are being careful once again I'm going to activate undying here and uh go into the middle of this little circle here so I get SBA like immediately and get a damage boost when I'm low on health so I don't or just get another damage boost so the lack of stamina helping me here doesn't really matter basically I'm just going to hold on to my second set of heavy attacks here just to make sure that was actually an accident I mean it did not mean to use a light attack there that's okay though do get at least one damage cap hit there and now I ignore the link attack one more time cuz I want to get these uh attacks off he gets moved out of the way of one of the attacks unfortunately which is a little unfortunate that's one of the things about Mobility which can be a little Annoying here and element shift is kind of ticking up pretty fast this time I'm trying to save my SBA for my allies to get as much SBA meter as they can here once my a dying wears off I make sure to heal myself cuz I don't want to be low on health when I don't have any protection section and now the elemental shift is almost fully up I go ahead and use my SBA to try to delay this and hopefully oan is able to get his in time he was not able to unfortunately he got to like 99 which was a little sad but uh not the biggest deal in the world we just have to deal with a little bit of an extra phase here which isn't really too bad but overall still a pretty simple and easy fight regardless like I said though you'd be surprised how insanely repeatable this ends up being I go ahead and back out instead of worrying about the second combo cuz I don't have on dying anymore and it's pretty easy to uh just kind of evade most things here I'm just farming invincibility off of this for no reason other than it looks cool and then end up failing that time CU I'm bad at the game that's okay not a big deal and now the phase is over the fight's just going to basically be over at this point uh oan did try to get his attack off by the way it looks like he was a little bit too late uh before the special phase one off but now at this point now that EO has activated this and Naya and oan both have their 100% gauges up the fight should just be over at this point so I'm just going to spam heavy attacks and that's going to be it so your combo B windmill double slice heavy attacks are easily your best bet for doing a lot of damage in this game uh some of the easily the hardest hitting attacks basically consistently in this game which is really really nice it gives him probably the high consistent damage output in the game except maybe persal and maybe melee rocken but if you're running melee Rockin you're cringe but regardless he's easily easily up there in the top three and uh even if he has some mobility issues or enemies can move away while he's trying to charge his attacks you can still output a lot of damage with them especially if you know how enemies moveing especially if you can uh take advantage of downtime segments as well you can do a lot with vaseraga and INF fights incredibly quickly if you know what you're doing which is really nice I think that's going to cover it for this guide video video I hope I wasn't uh too out of it since I am sick but I do appreciate you guys for watching and I hope you do did learn something from watching and um if you did please be sure to like comment subscribe and uh please give me any feedback in the comments on how I can improve this any further or if I left something out that's really important or anything like that please look forward to all of my future guides on the game I've still got nine more characters that are currently out to cover I'll definitely be covering the new characters when they come out as well I'll probably be covering new raids as they come out also at this point so please look forward to that and once again thank you all so much for watching have a wonderful and blessed day and hopefully I'll see you back here soon
Channel: Enel
Views: 14,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _fev1OxPDI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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