5 Fixes I Need to See in Granblue Fantasy Relink

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so let me go and start for a little disclaimer here cuz this might turn a little bit ranty but I do want to emphasize that I really like this game the combat especially is some of the best fun I've had in a while the momentto moment gameplay is super satisfying and I love the emphasis on team play I had to give it a score at 10 I've given this a solid very strong firm eight it's a great game but I do feel like there is I would be more inclined to give it a higher score if you were for some of the issues I do have with the game which I'm going to talk about here so hey if you do like the video by the end of this if I could earn your subscription and your like I'd really mean a lot to me so I'm going to go ahead and give you guys a quick question did we really need War Elemental there's no question about the power of this sigil my brothers and I were talking one time and we pretty much were discussing how it kind of felt like one of those drops that would come from at the from a final boss of at the end of The Game's content Lipan kind of like Fatalis gear back in mon our world kind have to Signal your Mastery over the game and right now now being this early into the game's lifespan of grand blue fantasy it feels like unnecessary trivialization of the elemental system within the game necessarily any future content regarding elements won't matter as most people probably will have the sigil on them that means that any elements the bosses will have don't matter because you're going to have War elements will counter it and in care in care future characters out there coming through well their element is not going to matter cuz you're just going to put War Elemental on them so with that in mind I'm actually kind of curious why they even bother putting elements in the game game in the first place now let me say this I'm not trying to sit here and hype up the elements of thisis in the game it's not really that crazy but it was a boon when you were that Elemental weakness to that enemy in fact there's a fight with p a where you can destroy this generators and leave one that switches him to the we to element that you're weak against that he's weak against right it's an interesting mechanic that allows a player to have some kind of strategy in the middle of a fight if they so choose they could have they could have built upon the system in some kind of away for future fights and found some way to well I guess I'm not sure why I'm even like bothering to continue on it's not going to really matter anymore it's no longer an option right cuz what people got War Elemental they're going to have to start making these bosses with war Elemental in mind right there's also the thing about war Elemental that is that it's basically extra damage for free unlike tyranny stamina eminy all that stuff Etc this right here doesn't really have any downsides to put it on in fact even goes past a damage cap there is there's actually no real decision- making and whether or not you equip it so it takes away that agency from the player and narrowing down how much control you have over the build of your character then damage cap already does and like I said it bypasses that damage cap by virtue of how Elemental weakness works so with that in mind making the decision to not equip this sigil is basically just making a decision to deal less damage there's no no two ways about it that's really all you're doing and worst of all about this thing I feel like is that it literally solves nothing right I honestly would much have prefer that they bring in some kind of they have some kind of C that if you equipped it it changed how you played the character right but was like some kind of interesting way to do that instead of just well just more raw damage as it stands is literally just a better attack Sig that boost you past the damage cap it's literally there's no reason for you to equip it not not equip it but what here I can keep going on on and on about that thing but let's go and move on to the next deal these characters in this game are freaking let's start with fairy for example damage appears to be oddly scaled all throughout her move set based on how the game presents her you think you were supposed to fight around medium range trying to deal damage with the tip of her whip which is what the game tells you in fact only well this is what you're actually doing because of how oddly her damage has been CA throughout her moose set she's actually doing a lot more just spamming those two attacks the launch and the smash back down two attacks all day every day the other tools she has going for her aren't doing nearly as much especially since this combo generates her SBA gauge way faster than anyone else it's the point where I think everyone is on the same page and saying this is obviously unintended balancing personally I don't really play like this as it honestly it's it's even more boring than it sounds to play at least for me I don't know how everyone else feels though I be be real I do feel like kind of an ass when I play online and I think people are expecting me to play that meta style and I and generate all the SBA for them and tribalize the fight only to then realize I'm not really doing all that much more than them there are other examples with other characters such as peral and his skill cancel into his charge attack this makes him do way more damage than obviously intended as he's getting his main attack for free infinitely hopefully they've looked into at least some of this stuff it willon get this stuff fixed ASAP cuz honestly this game kind of needs it there you can already get so absurdly powerful and some of the exploits you can do with these characters because of how bug they are definitely isn't really intended for the balancing and honestly I don't know if they're even really like you like what is it word for it taking this kind of stuff into account when it comes to Future bosses the next thing is something I hope they can expand on and that's the non-boss missions and what I mean by that is I mean the missions where you're basically fighting bunch of mobs in a single area often times in waves this kind of content is their weakest and I think they understood that since by the time you get to Maniac difficulty bosses make up the overwhelming majority of what you'll be doing in the game I think the introduction of dungeons similar to what they did with the story would prove to be a great addition to break up the boss spam these can be like differing scenarios as you run through with a mid boss and a final boss they could bring in a mission similar to that one where you get into dog fights with other airships and board each other of course with heighten difficulty in new encounters I think that'd be pretty cool to see translate into multiplayer Mission with the mid boss and final boss of course of course this goes without saying they have to you know equalize rewards for that kind of stuff make it worthwhile now this next thing though this is something that has to happen man it's it's so annoying at least for Me Maybe everyone else disagrees but this for me is something I I wish they can freaking fix up and that's when it comes the damage cap they need to rebalance that now honestly the damage cap by itself is a fine idea the issue mainly lies in this implementation it is far too easy to hit that cap on your damage by doing the bare minimum and that bare minimum is leveling your masteries and your weapon it was pretty often I'd find out a character was being camped in their damage even when I had only their weapon we equip no sigils damage buff from allies and yourself as well as defense down debuffs on enemies end up nearly useless at a certain point since they can't push you past that low damage cap this leads into a requirement of you having to increase your damage cap through sigils and other means removing any of that agency from the player of determining their build and even removes much of diversity between different characters themselves in terms of how you build them as you'll be having the same core sigils for each with only a few to fit your own style yeah that one right there short and sweep hopefully they can fix it to some kind of extent give us some more freedom and how we like play the game and things it's kind of annoying to kind of have all these choices of sigils and everything but then it's like oh well you're not really going to get any value in much of those sigils unless you invest in the damage cap and Max that out but for this next one oh boy this one right here is going to be a freaking doozy I feel like I'm going to get some heat but I think it has to be said you can fight me on this one I'll debate you in the comments even potions in this game are unnecessarily powerful way too powerful as it stands there is no reason to have healing spells in the game due to how reliable they are you get ones that heal you almost to full which is the Mega potions I believe ones that heal you to full which is the green potions ones that heal the whole party and increase your link gauge while doing it which the blue potions and you get the one that instantly revives you when you're down there's also there's even a Sigil that boosts the number of all these I think like even triples how many revive Poes you get you get like three of them now just instantly revive yourself three times don't even touch your critical gauge bar it's already super generous right also they they replenish before every Mission you don't have to buy them or anything like that just you just get them you don't have to worry about them you always have them also there's no real risk or decision making to using them they're instant so you can take hard hit that takes away 90% of your HP and sends you flying but heal yourself back to fool before you even touch the ground you can pretty much Pro Force a lot of the content in this game this actually reminds me of this another game Dragon's Dogma back in the day that game allowed you to instantaneously heal through your menus and everything and it also had healing spells in the game as well thing is though game is that thing about that game is that they kind of Balan it out the potions took up a lot of your weight so you had kind of kind of had to balance around that and then healing spells well healing spells couldn't couldn't heal you past your fatigue limit so it was always worth it to have po on you and it was also worth it to have SE A Healer with you that way you're not taking up all your weight with a bunch of potions but this game right here doesn't really have anything like that it's just you just use your potion and it's free I don't know if they should tone them down yet but they definitely make healing in the game Obsolete and useless in comparison now that's not to say that healing is unviable I've actually gone through the entire game with offline without using any potions and built my team around working together to take down the content I've only had maybe three failures before hitting Proto Bahamut and getting s++ my first run on it and those two failures were because I didn't know a boss had a DPS check which was solved by the SBA but honestly why would you even bother doing any of that just use your potions replace all those healing spells with actual damage you're not risking anything doing that and combine that with all the damage boosting abilities in the game that pretty much become useless because of the damage cap and now you have some characters where almost half of their abilities aren't worth using but like I said I do want to see how they handle future content before I kind of delve into hey let's just get rid of potions or ber nerfed them and things like that but if I had to freaking lay my foot down a lot I would go ahead and say that I think they should tone them down and boost the reliability of healing spells punish the player in some way for taking enough damage to Warrant the use of a potion with the breath animation possibly just enough to make the player make that decision of whether or not they want to hold hold back to heal while the team covers them or keep dealing damage this is well balanced in Monster Hunter having a Healer in that game is straight up a boom but you w't punished for not having one and with it done this way in this game having healing spells becomes a bit more of a boom as you can then be more confident to deal that damage out because you got a Healer cover in your back now let me go and just stop right there those are just some of my thoughts on everything I do have a lot more want to say but I don't want to make this video too long for you guys but hey is there anything you wanted to add or maybe there's some stuff you guys disagree with like I said I freaking debate you I'm just kidding it's all in good fun let's have a discussion about it and stuff like that right so hey go ahead and leave anything you guys have to say down in the comment section hey and I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Endeavor
Views: 878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jGvnHr2UMns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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