Granblue Fantasy Relink - Siegfried Character Guide

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sck freed is a character who relies on perfectly timing button presses in order to change stronger attacks together shortly after the attacks connect and if you know anything about me you should know this kind of play style resonated with me very hard when I first tried it since it reminded me of AR cancelling in Xenoblade and needless to say I got very excited by that fact to really bring out his potential as a character you need to be very good at timing these and while his damage isn't the most impressive in the game he does have a lot of very valuable utility and defensive options for teams with very high stun damage and party wide damage reduction and debuff immun this makes him a pretty valuable asset to team composition if other characters can carry the damage load and in this video I want to discuss Sig freed discuss General play style and setup talk about some strengths and weaknesses and showcase some practical use in harder raid fights if you enjoy guide content on this game RPGs in general and especially Xenoblade and are interested in seeing more please be sure to subscribe to the channel because it does help me out so much and I will love you forever let's get into it as a character Sig fre isn't too overly complex with a ton of hypers specific Tech more more so being a character about timing his first support skill Deliverance allows him to enhance his normal attacks if they are chained perfectly essentially much of Sig fr's damage will come from using perfect execution a combo finisher attack that is obtained from timing the normal attack button perfectly four times in a row after hits the timing is slightly after the attack connects not at the moment the attack connects this can be a little awkward to get used to but once you understand the general principle it isn't too hard to get the timing if you land all of your combo attacks in a row perfectly you have the ability to press the combo finisher button and use perfect execution which is why in my case this is a very high damage finisher attack if you uses normal attacks without perfectly chaining you will not be able to perform this combo finisher and your normal attacks will do reduced damage as well so nailing the timing is going to be very important his second support skill is dren blood this gives you Stout heart or the ability to not be interrupted while performing your combo finisher attacks so essentially your perfect execution and your lunge the lunge attack is pretty nice because it can act as an effective Gap closer but should never be used for damage purposes Sig freed also has built-in Stout heart while executing perfectly timed attacks meaning you usually are not going to be getting interrupted by enemies even if you are taking damage which can be very nice especially combined with his defensive Buffs you can also Dodge cancel out of perfectly chained attacks and continue the combo you were doing before which can't be nice to reposition or Dodge an attack while in the middle of a combo link attacks will also allow you to continue your combo afterwards and if used during an attack within the combo can allow you to skip the animation for that attack and move to the next attack immed medely which can be really nice for the last attack before the finisher and if you're lucky enough to get the timing right you can also link attack during a perfect execution and if you time it before you hit the ground you'll be able to use another perfect fixed finisher again immediately after the link attack which can maximize the damage you have which can be really nice his aerial attacks are pretty worthless so I don't really recommend using them ever it is also worth mentioning you can combo out of lunge or one of his skills that Gap close to immediately start the perfect execution combo meaning he can be one of the best characters for sticking on bosses and L can even be used mid- combo while not interrupting perfect execution allowing you to continue combos even if bosses run away if they don't jump too far that you can't close the gap if this happens after the final perfect attack though you'll be stuck with the perfect execution that might whiff which is really unfortunate as a general gameplay Loop you want to land as many perfect executions as you can since for the most part they are your highest source of damage after landing one of these you can cancel it into a skill or Dodge out of it to cancel the ending lag of the move if needed as a character Sig freed has a really high stun damage compared to most the cast so even if his actual damage isn't high he can still often fill the stun meter really fast even by himself sometimes allowing for quicker link attacks which can stop the enemy attacks and sometimes even help you skip phases of combat which can be one of his strongest uses as a character he also has great defensive utility as mentioned earlier with built-in Stoute heart and the ability to stick to enemies as a melee easier than other characters along with great defensive skills so while on the surface he might seem outclassed by higher DPS characters what he offers to the team is still valuable and he's still a really fun character to use as well that should cover most of the basic information of the character any additional gameplay info will be in the skills and gameplay section so let's get into setup so my setup for the score attack run at the beginning of the video is very slightly different than what you see here just replace the stun power and the egis with another supplementary damage five and with glass cannon in order to do as much damage as possible for the general setup that I would recommend in most normal play and against actual Proud Mode raids I am once again running the Terminus weapon because it is simply the best weapon in the game to have if you do not have the terminus weapon the crit rate weapon or the ascended weapon will work just fine however obviously the Terminus weapon is going to be the best option though because it has the catastrophe bonus effect which increases your damage cap by 100% and attack plus 50% when you're below 45,000 Health making it just easily the best option you have and sigil booster is a very good trait as well when you have uh fully awakened the Terminus weapon because it increases all of your sigil traits by one level giving you even more benefit out of your sigils which is really awesome to have dragon slayer Ingenuity is one of his unique traits this will shorten his skill coold Downs when you land a perfect execution which is really nice when you land a combo finisher you get a 3% reduction on your skill cool down and upon using perfect execution you get another 5% reduction on your skill coold Downs meaning you can use all of your skills a lot faster when you're able to land more perty executions this is a really really good skill for Sig freed to have because you're able to use your skills a lot more often if you're able to land perfect executions which is very very nice as you might imagine now you might notice that you do not see the other unique subtrate that Sig fre has that is because that unique subtrate is not actually useful for practical purposes because all it really does is offer Stout heart to Sig freed while he is doing combos which you already have innately so essentially what this does is give you a 20% defense buff and makes it so you cannot be interrupted by faux attacks for 10 seconds now once again if you are using your Perfect combo attacks and using perfect execution you already have Stout heart you already can't be interrupted by enemy attacks which is what you should be doing anyway so that part is not very beneficial the 20% def defense buff can be nice but if you are able to use a bunch of perfect executions you also have a defense skill which should have almost 100% uptime for the most part so you'll be able to take advantage of that anyway so it doesn't really matter to run this in most practical situations so if you have a dragon slayer's Ingenuity with a good subtrate it's going to be better to just run that it's better to run that than to run dominance it's better to run that than to run the Awakening even so that's just the uh logic behind that as far as the subtrate I have on Dragon Slayer Ingenuity I have linked together this is just a really useful party support ability that I just like running on every single set myself gives you more link attack damage allows you to get more link gauge gain meaning you get to link time sooner gives you more damage on Sky bound arts and chain attacks as well which is really nice and then I have a couple critical hit rate Five pluses these are not in the correct order here but this just gives me uh more critical hit rate even with two of these I'm not hitting 100% because I don't have a overmy effect with critical hit rate up with the character right now so that's a little unfortunate but I have stamina and tyranny as the subtrate on these these uh boost Bo my attack a pretty significant amount for both of these tyranny is a 36% boost at the cost of 20% of your max health and then stamina as long as I remain at 100% Health it's a 51% attack boost so just two very nice attack boosts to ensure that I am uh basically hitting damage cap on pretty much every move that I have essentially along with uh the sub traits on my weapon which I forgot to explain so let me go back and do that so I'm running critical hit rate uh imbu trait here to reach as much critical rate as I can I have a guts on this as well because I couldn't really fit it as a Sigil subtrate conveniently into my current set like I wanted to and then I have life on the line because uh SRE just has so much defense and he has the ability to drain with one of his skills as well and uh with potion hoarder as well you shouldn't really be needing any healing from your teammates so doesn't really matter that I'm running life on the line that's just the last little bit of extra damage there to make sure I'm hitting caps a free 15% uh attack boost which is pretty nice and guts is really really nice to uh basically on it's since it's not level 15 I'm not getting a huge benefit out of it but basically every uh 5 and a half minutes if fight somehow lasts that long long you get at least one freebie so at least one freebie per fight you live with one HP no matter what really nice uh sub trit to have and then I'm running War Elemental this is also a uh almost required sub trit just for giving you a free 20% damage boost that ignores damage Cap all attacks count as Superior element very good effect to have run it on basically everyone if you got the ability to and then I've got my obligatory uh four damage cap five pluses two of these have quick cool down on them damage cap obviously you want to be hitting the maximum for damage cap to make sure you're doing as much damage as you can quick cool down is great on Sig free just having all those ways to reduce your cool Downs even further along with dragon slayer Ingenuity is awesome one level of cascade gives you most of the benefit out of that as well meaning you're able to use your important skills more often you're able to use your Buffs more often for your party you're able to use your Gap closer more often and you're able to use your really high stun attack more often which we'll talk about a little bit later because we're not even at the skills section yet but sick fre and skill cooldown reduction is a very good combination at the very least and then I am running a stun power I normally would not run one of these just Raw on a character but I think it's very very efficient on sigree just because he has extremely high stun damage already you're able to basically fill stun meters by yourself and this can actually be more useful than you think just from my experience playing him because it allows you to kind of skip some phases stop attacks when enemies are doing them and it's just really nice to be able to kind of instantly go into link attacks as soon as stun bar is available if you know how to time your stunt damage right so really really nice uh sigil to have actually simple Nimble on slot is the other trait that I have attached to this cuz I didn't really have anything better to put here this gives with one level 2 seconds of invincibility additional 2 seconds of invincibility after uh dodging in attack with a perfect Dodge and also gives you even more skill coold down so I figured why not it might be a good way to uh increase your skill coold Downs even further also gives you even more SBA gauge which is one of the things Sig free struggles to build compared to some other characters so can be pretty nice to have that gauge gain for SBA as well also worth mentioning I have potion hoard on one of my damage caps since I didn't mention it before obviously just run this on everyone really really good effect to have gives you a ton of additional potions gives you a lot of selfhealing pretty nice to have on Sig fre especially if you're running life on the line I have uh two supplementary damage fives this is just additional 20% damage whenever it procs and it has a 34% or three4 chance to proc essentially almost so 75 74% of the time technically you'll be uh laning this and uh getting additional 20% damage so that's pretty nice to have just as a general effect if you can fit three on your set with some better subtrate positions that can be nice as well at the very least and then finally I'm just running an egis 5 plus this gives me the last levels of quick cooldown I need and also allows me to reach 41,000 Health which is pretty nice because it gives you a little bit more safety on the character to make sure you're not dying in one hit when you don't have your defense buff up which is really nice so let's talk about Sig Freed's skills now now I'm going to intentionally not pronounce the name of this first skill because if I say how I think it's pronounced I'm going to give voice clips to people that do not deserve those voice clips so I'm just going to say this is a very good skill to have it is a multi slash lunge which can be used as a very effective Gap closer from across the field that is chainable into your perfect execution combo this is very very nice for not only starting your combo but for just Gap closing on enemies you also gain Stout heart while you're using it absolutely run this at all times if you're able to uh go into your perfect execution combo afterwards you also have Stout Heart during that meaning you are able to just kind of go in on an enemy and not being interrupted by anything they are doing which is very very nice nanov is his next skill I also recommend running this pretty much at all time because this is one of his highest stun damage attacks in the game now depending on how you use this move and how you are spaced from the enemy when you use it this can potentially hit twice if you are perfectly spaced from the enemy the projectile in the edge of the sword will also hit the enemy meaning you'll get two hits out of this attack which can be really really nice and it can do an absolutely crazy amount of stun damage which can fill the meter of a lot of large enemies by itself almost and if you're able to chain into your combo afterwards you can almost single-handedly fill the stun gauge this is a very very good damaging ability it's also probably His Highest damaging ability if you're able to land both hits of it which is very nice if you're too close you will not get it and if you're too far you'll not get it so you want to be perfectly spaced if an enemy is really big you'll probably be able to land both hits regardless though so that's pretty nice also next up we have Salvatore for General use I also recommend running this this grants a debuff immunity and drain to the entire party while it is active debuff immunity is great it can nullify all status elements very nice for some of the really annoying status elements like a glaciate sandb and stuff like that it's probably going to be really nice in future raids where status El is going to be more important as well so there's a really nice party support ability also grants drain which is a little bit less useful because of how prominent potion hoarder is and just how easy it is to heal in general right now but still decently nice and goes along pretty well with his last ability that I recommend running for more General use which is Mirage dra is a lot more valuable with Mirage because uh Mirage is a nice just flat 70% defense boost the entire party which is pretty insane damage mitigation and uh when you have that much damage mitigation drain becomes more of a valuable because you're healing a higher percentage of the damage that you are taking so that is really nice to have as well I definitely recommend running Mirage it's one of the best Party Support utility defensive abilities in the entire game second probably only the veins bubble just because you're able to continuously move and attack outside of this while keeping this defense boost and uh if you have enough cooldown reduction you're able to land a decent amount of perfect execution you'll be able to keep this up almost the entire fight it really depends on how enemy phases work and uh how many you can fit in but this is still a very very nice boost to the entire part very very good party support ability and uh in most General playthroughs I would recommend using this as far as his other four skills we got Lombre de here I do not know if I'm pronouncing that right I'm probably not uh this is just a parry and counter attack this can be okay if you are just doing solo play but most of the time I would not recommend running this but uh it's not necessarily a bad ability just outclass by his other very very good abilities that we've already seen manigance this is a self buff that boosts attack and defense of sigf freed Now sigree does not have a hard time hitting damage caps you only need a couple boosters on his uh sigils to hit that so the attack boost is not really that useful and the defense boost is outclassed by your other defense boost so uh you don't really need the skill in most practical play especially because it's not party wide you're not offering nearly as much benefit to the team when you're using this so I don't really recommend running this either ver Dragon I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right either this is actually an okay ability to run sometimes uh depending on who you are playing with and what fights you are doing this can be a nice effect to have if you're not worried about enemy debuffs don't think you'll need drain this can be a pretty good skill to have because it's just a nice shock wave lowers enemy defense when it hits does a decent amount of damage as well has a nice cool down that you can use this to cancel out of your perfect execution also so another pretty nice skill to have it's not something that is required by any means i' generally recommend running the four skills that I recommended earlier most of the time but this can be nice depending on the enemy and then we have dronic release uh I don't really recommend re using this at all it's just a attack boost every time you land a perfectly Ed combo attack and combo finisher it's like okay but when you miss time an attack you completely lose it and even then you're probably hitting caps without this anyway so you don't really need this it's don't don't run this even even men against is probably going to be more useful if you want to run an attack boost if you're not hitting damage caps yet so that should cover his skills let's take a look at over masteries now now my over masteries for this character aren't really that good and I didn't really have uh time to save scum and try to get some better over masteries here so I just took some that seemed good enough normal attack damage cap UPS really I do have some stun power only six but I do have Sun stun power so you even have have even more stun power with the character allowing you to stun enemies even easier so that's pretty nice to have and then skill damage cap up is another really good one obviously you want normal attack cap up and skill damage cap up to get the most benefit out of uh all of these over masteries for the most part because it allows you to deal more damage which is always really nice the skybound art damage up is okay since that's usually the hardest thing to cap but it's not really the most impactful thing to have ideally you'll have a full skill damage cap Up full don't World damage cap up and you'll have some critical hit rate I don't have any critical hit rate so even though I'm running two critical hit rate sigils I'm still only at 95% critical hit rate I would need at least 6% to hit 100% And if you have 20% that you can get from overmaster you only you can actually hit 100% while only running one crit rate schedule which can be really nice but unfortunately I don't not have those as my over Mastery bonuses right now but for the uh general purposes of this video and for the general setup that I have I think the setup is fine now obviously if you got some better over masteries and better sub traits on your sigils you can have even better setup than I do but I think this is fine for now so I think that covers it for any information related to setup and any kind of basic info regarding the character let's take a look at more practical gameplay application now once again there will probably be a couple Proud Mode rage spoilers here so if you are concerned about that just be Please be aware of that so I'm going to Showcase two different fights because they' ended extremely quickly mostly because of the amount of utility and party support we had in kind of one package here I usually like starting these battles off with a quick Mirage while the enem is kind of guaranteed to attack here and then uh we get a very very easy link attack to start the fight there allows me to get an easy perfect execution off and then I'm going to go into my uh nelan and uh other ability there he jumps away so I'm going to just uh use my debuff immunity now which uh isn't really necessary at the current moment in time it does apply a drain but we're going to get it back anyway by the time it's going to be like relevant again well the good thing is we're doing a massive amount of damage here and once link attack gaug is up again I'm going to be able to do a lot of uh stun damage just right like right there we're able to get these stun really easily here get another perfect execution off which uh means Mirage is already back up and fery just being the amazing SBA bot she is already has a SBA fully charged which is really funny cuz I'm only at 50% myself but oh well it happens so uh at this point we're just kind of comboing him in such an insane degree the break meter's already been broken I think stun power affects that as well so that's another kind of benefit of Sig freed which can be really nice I think I might be wrong about that but I think it does so uh we're just going to now combo him with more SBA at this point uh all our other three characters finally have their SBA up I'm going to get mine right after this going to try to get my uh perfect execution off before unleashing mine and I'm able to so this fight's just kind kind of a combo luck almost he's barely been able to do anything to us at this point but I still have defensive utility in my back pocket in case I need it but I'm just kind of holding on to it for now and uh I'm trying to save uh usually I'll save nellan off for if we need the stun damage but at this point in the fight he's so low on health I end up just using it anyway cuz he finally gets to jump to the middle here and use this attack we he still hasn't even triggered the Firefly flas yet and he's not even going to be able to I just get some quick extra damage there and I'm like okay I'm just going to pop my two uh defense ups at this point cuz there's both debuffs that can be applied with the freeze effect and uh damage that he can deal so I might as well just pop these just to help the party and uh I don't even think actually Yara does end up getting hit he actually does end up dying guess he got hit by the big blast of the defense buff didn't help him there unfortunately not a huge deal now I try to use nellan there to pop the stun gauge but uh fairy kind of canceled it out by using the SBA which means the stun gauge kind of disappeared while that was active but it's going to come back right after this and we pretty much immediately activate it with the last attack of perfect execution there and uh go into to link time which is very unnecessary he doesn't even get to trigger the Firefly phase we absolutely annihilate him in less than uh 2 minutes here this was a very unintended speed kill which I thought was just really funny we even get another break here as well so uh really really fast and effective fight and uh I don't know if that was thanks to Sig freed but I do think I contributed at least in the way that Sig freed can in order to uh make these fights faster so that's just kind of one example of how strong he is there was another fight I did where it was similar pretty fast in-game timer wise now the fight itself was a little bit longer cuz one of the phases kind of freezes the timer that's not really a huge deal it's going to show off against one of the Nilla fights here and uh General strategy is still much the same I activate defense at the start of this fight and I used the nelon to kind of instantly get the link attack gauge up get a link attack off and uh now I just kind of try to use my perfect executions here so I'm able to kind of uh invol a lot of his damage as you saw there like even though I took some damage there didn't even matter because of the uh Stout heart and the fact that I had the defense buff up that is one of the biggest benefits of Sig freed now my uh defense did expire there before that big attack there but luckily with the amount of Health I have and just general defensive utility it doesn't really matter too much and uh we're able to get uh a nice uh fight able to get another link attack off really fast able to break the break gauge again really really quickly thanks to the stun damage and all the damage that we are outputting and uh this fight is going really South for this enemy really quickly so I do unfortunately do not get that perfect execution off because it uses a special attack at the exact moment I would have used the perfect execution or that I was using the perfect execution which is unfortunate but not really the biggest deal in the world I have my defense buff ready for this phase so I go ahead and activate it to help my allies here since uh this just kind of a S phase we're going to be getting attacked so might as well pop that to make sure that we are okay in the phase for the most part even if they take some damage they should be just fine with that 70% defense buff so uh even if my allies do get hit there you can see they are not taking much damage at all which is one of the biggest benefits of this buff now the Buff's about to expire and Naya doesn't get to safety average an armaya player but not really huge deal they they have all to revive so they're able to get to a safe spot afterwards and we're just fine I go ahead and pop Salvatore after this since I might as well and I give those debuff immunity during this next part of the fight here we get another link attack off really quickly unfortunately we did so much damage to him earlier we're not able to get the uh or eio doesn't at least use her link attack or sorry her SBA attack here which she probably could have I feel like that probably would have better so we could have skipped this part of the fight but the general strategy here is the same just activate my defense buff for the team and uh just help them survive this attack since it's kind of a big enemy attack phase where we can't do much of the actual enemy and just make sure we're not getting hit ourselves so the defense Buff's about to come back up couldn't get many perfect executions off during that window to make it come up faster but not really a huge deal so I'm trying to get to a point where uh see if I had it up there I would have been able to save the Arma from dying again but uh not a huge deal I'm able to get up here and we're just fine I accidentally get glaciated cuz I didn't roll over the attack in time but uh with the defense buff it doesn't even end up mattering I don't even take enough damage for it to matter at all so another benefit up the defense buff and if I had salvator up I wouldn't have even gotten glaciated so you can just see here how the party utility is is super nice to have with Sig freed how even if he doesn't do the absolute most damage the fact that he can just do so much stun damage like did you see that I just F almost the entire stun gauge that one attack by myself almost which is absurd so a lot of stun damage a lot of great defensive utility he's just really awesome character to have even if he doesn't do the most damage and I think that's actually really nice and it probably going to be really valuable as harder raids come out so I do actually find this character to be a lot of fun now this is the most unnecessary Overkill ever we would have absolutely killed him without this but you know might as well just have everyone use their SBA for a Full Burst just for fun right so all in all Sig fre is a really fun character has a lot of great utility value has a lot of uh ways to reduce his cool Downs if you can land the perfect executions as well so you can use your utility more often can fill up stun gauge massively fast is a pretty fun character to use as I've already mentioned probably multiple times I really like the character I think that's going to cover for this guide so if you did enjoy please be sure to like comment and subscribe I do hope you've learned something uh if you want to support me please look forward to all the future content and uh feel free to join my Discord if you want to be alerted when I release videos and stuff like that I follow me on Twitter as well any other way you want to support me I would greatly appreciate it so once again thank you guys so much for watching I do appreciate all support have a wonderful and blessed day and hopefully I'll see you back here soon for future guides
Channel: Enel
Views: 18,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S560ayqJTmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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