Granblue Fantasy Relink - Eugen Character Guide

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as I'll be honest I've never been very good at shooter games so I can't say I resonated super well with oan play style the first time around but luckily as you get closer to endgame your aiming ability matters a lot less as many enemies are very big and usually your ability to aim is secondary to your decision- making with the character Oran as a character I would say is all about versatility he can do a lot of different things and has multiple different ways of dealing consistent damage depending on the enemy you are fighting with unmatched range allowing him to always consistently contribute against anything in the game often from very safe locations making him one of the harder characters to die with also many even consider him one of the best characters in the game and yes I promise you spamming grenades isn't typically optimal like you see on the dummy in this video I want to discuss oan discuss General play style and setup talk about some strengths and weaknesses and showcase some practical use in harder raid fights this guide should be releasing a few hours before the lucilius patch so I cannot wait to be instantly outdated gear wise but in the meantime if you enjoy guide content on this game RPGs in general and especially Xenoblade and are interested in seeing more please be sure to sub subbe to the channel because it does help me out so much let's get into it so ogan's kit isn't too terribly difficult to understand usually you'll just want to be doing different things depending on the enemy and enemy positioning essentially aan has a singular normal attack that is just shooting his shotgun at the enemy his first support skill allows you to hold down the x button to enter sniper mode which allows you to manually aim your shots for more damage and also allows you to charge your shots for more hits maxing out at three on every enemy bigger than the floating eyeball enemy his second support skill allows him to melee attack at close range with this button but honestly melee attacking with a wig sucks both damage wise and for the fact you should never be in melee range with a character so this skill is effectively useless you'll pretty much always just want to be using your sniper shots and grenade with the character to get the most damage and benefit out of him which means 99% of the time you'll be entering sniper mode to get damage out of his normal attacks his other form of damage outside of skills is his grenades which have a bit more Tech involved than his snipe shots essentially just by pressing y outside of sniper mode or whatever your combo finisher button is normally you'll throw grenade in front of you and at the enemy if you're locked onto the enemy the range on this isn't amazing but if you're close or at Mid distance from the enemy it can be used to quickly set up a grenade AOE you'll roll backward every time you use a grenade in this method which means the more you use it the further you'll get from the enemy and eventually you'll be out of range The Only Exception is if there is a wall behind you to prevent you from Rolling backwards you can also guard cancel your grenade by pressing the guard button or right after throwing a grenade which can be used to allow you to act sooner or immediately throw another grenade much faster than waiting if your back is to a wall and you can consistently use grenades on the enemy this is your highest form of DPS as you probably saw in the dummy test at the start however this is only if you can place your back against a wall making it impractical in a lot of fights especially when enemies are moving around often as well the other ways of using the grenade is if you hold the button down you can use grenade plus which essentially throws much further and will plant a Grenade on the targeted enemy plant a grenades and grenades in general can be detonated by hitting them with your attacks or skills you can also throw grenades and sniper mode which can toss a grenade long range and also has this planting on enemy effect only three grenades can be thrown out at a time however so make sure to detonate these planed grenades after throwing three to get the most benefit out of them detonating three grenades at once is your quickest way to build a stun meter quickly if you need to for Oregon in particular if you can manage to remain stationary in Sniper mode your highest DPS against larger enemies is just charging snipe shot especially if you have Quick Charge to deal a lot of damage against smaller enemies it's going to be planting three grenades in Sniper mode and detonating with snipe shot over and over if you cannot remain stationary and need to move around a lot that's usually an ideal time to use skills and use uncharged snip shots for quick damage and during downtime sections where bosses take less damage placing snipe grenades and readily readying big skills will likely be your best bet you can also do quick grenade cancels if you need to dodge and attack at that very moment this makes oan a character where there isn't really a strict form of damage that is best in every single fight as you will likely change how you play based on what is happening in the fight understanding oran's kit and when to use these options will be the key to getting the most out of the character as well as when to use your supportive and damaging skills that should cover the very basics of oan Kit other gameplay related info is going to be in the other sections let's get into setup now so once again if this is instantly outdated by the new schs being added in the raid today I do apologize but outside of that the general principles of what you're going to want to go for are probably still going to apply for now the best weapon in the game is the Terminus weapon this is just extremely good weapon thanks to the catastrophe bonus effect it's likely going to remain that way since I don't think thing is going to be dropping a new weapon this gives damage cap plus 100% and attack plus 50% when you're below 45,000 Health very very good effect to have as you might imagine and the cenal booster is also a very nice effect to have to boost the traits of all of your equipped cenal one level so oan is a character where it's not too difficult to hit damage caps on so you don't need as many damage boosters but you do want to make sure you're running all the actual damage caps to make sure you're getting the maximum amount of damage there as well I'm running the veterans Awakening sigil cuz I didn't really have a way to run uh two additional orange traits here and you don't really need the orange traits as badly since it's easier to hit damage cap on the character I would say more than anything but these are both pretty good effects to have the damage boost to the grenades power that's one of the harder things to hit cap for is just really nice to have because it basically ensures that you'll be able to easily hit damage cap on the grenade if you have this equipped and then veterans vision is just really nice for increasing the amount you can attack when in Sniper mode so you can get even more attacks out making this a really easy way to increase your DPS very much required on AW again to get the most benefit out of the character very very good schedule uh Awakening is fine to run like I said you can run both separately with a different orange sub trade or something like that to get more benefit out of the character if you need it but I think it doesn't really matter as much for Wigan since it's usually pretty easy to hit its damage caps I would say more than anything the sub trits that I have on my damage cap include ages to uh get as much health as I can I'm at 43,000 with my current setup I have a quick coold down on here I would say that quick cool down it matters a little bit less on oan compared to some other characters but I do have some forms of cool down reduction on him I went ahead and maxed out Cascade CU it was pretty easy to do that's the other subtrate that I have in one of my damage caps here and then I have Nimble Onslaught this is just a way when you dodge attacks you get some extra invincibility which can be nice since you're remaining stationary with the character more often than not when you're trying to get the most damage out of him so having that extra invincibility can be pretty nice to allow yourself to remain in Sniper mode more often so I I do like nimble Onslaught for that reason alone I have Quick Charge Quick Charge is very very beneficial on o to charge your sniper mode shots faster and get more damage out of the character something you're definitely going to want to be running to uh get uh as much damage out as possible I would say say it also comes with a pretty free damage boost on your snipe shots if you really need it as well the sub trade on it is potion hoarder one of the best sub trats in the entire game to get more healing get more revives very very good subra that I'm basically running on every single character so I got the really good um overmy role where I only have to run run one critical hit rate five plus hit a Max critical hit rate here so that's pretty nice to have I have stamina on it as the subtrate just to uh give myself a nice damage boost here and then I also have a tyranny as well which gives the final damage I need to basically ensure that I'm hitting damage cap on everything that really matters on the character at the cost of 20% Max HP it's usually pretty easy to stay at Max HP for stamina just uh make sure you're checking those potions if you ever do take damage as long as you got potion hoarded it's usually pretty easy to remain that way guts is the sub trade on tyranny this is just another way to stay alive stay at 1 HP a really good defensive trait just really good on the character as you might imagine and then I have three supplementary damage fives cuz I didn't really uh need to equip anything else to hit damage caps and I didn't really value other sub traits that highly there are other defensive sub traits you could consider running like improve Dodge I don't really think it's as necessary at or against are usually pretty far away from the enemy anyway so you probably don't need to be dodging super often and just in general you probably don't need uh a bunch of quick cool down or anything like that either so it's probably less important now I do not currently have a link together on Wan that is something you can consider running over a supplementary damage five here to uh get more team supportive options there as far as increasing link level gain and extra damage on link attacks and chain burst but I don't really think matters all that much if you want to just run the full supplementary damage value that's a free 20% damage boost 100% of the time and speaking of free 20% damage boost that is also what war Elemental is it just bypasses the damage cap for another 20% damage boost pretty much a requirement on every single character as things stand currently now I don't know what the new sigils are going to be or what effects they are going to have after the lucilius raid but I would not be surprised if they're going to be optimal in every single character and how that might end up changing how sigils are uh ordered and organized so if this ends up being outdated I do apolog oliz once again as I said the sub traits I just have on under quick cool down and Cascade mostly this is just here for the level 10 critical hit rate to ensure I hit 100% critical hit rate but those are just some extra levels of those effects to uh give me some additional cool down reductions since you do want to use some skills fairly often like your uh paralyzed skills speaking of which we're going to talk about that now so the four skills I currently have equipped are intercept paralyzing bullet Venom grenade and armor piercing round although I would say that you can easily replace intercept with uh two of his other skills depending on the situation and accept is is kind of a quality of life skill that's a very short cool down and uh grants Stout heart when you're using it and also allows you to dodge backward it's also really fast allowing it to be one of your best way to quickly detonate your grenades even over snipe shot if you just want to kind of use it really really quickly and you also can get uh the ability to get extra attack power if you were able to dodge with perfect timing with it which is uh something pretty cool at the very least although not necessarily required but being able to Dodge with a skill is something I do like with this ability at the very least so it is something to keep in mind and something to consider using paralyzing bullet is something I would say is basically required on oan at all times paralyzes a really good status effect to stop the enemy from moving for a period of time and just kind of interrupting enemy phases to uh kind of allow you to maybe skip phases even in fights skip some of their uh super armor attacks or something like that if you're able to paralyze it a good time and chain it into other forms of just kind of stun locking the enemy like SBA chains or something like that so absolutely run this at all times it's just a very very useful effect Venom grenade is a really nice effect as well it lowers defense and also applies a poison debuff to the enemy so the way poison works is that basically it caps out at two times your actual attack power so it'll be up a little over 50,000 for organ in particular with the current setup I have but you can raise it higher by increasing your total attack that is what the damage overtime effect is going to be it does a pretty high amount of ticks as well so you can get a lot of just overtime damage with uh the poison effect and as long as you're reapplying it basically on cool down and you can can usually get a lot of benefit out of this ability on any enemy that's not immune to poison and then we have armor piercing ground this can be a very high damage ability if all the attacks hit now the attacks are not likely to hit all on a small enemy but if you're able to use it at a downtime on a large enemy you'll likely get most the attacks to hit it's uh if you're able to hold while activating it you will be able to aim it better but ideally you'll just be able to kind of activate it quickly and get the full benefit out of it if you on a much larger enemy but holding it for just a little bit of time can still be pretty beneficial to get the most benefit out of it but ideally this is going to be one of your highest damaging abilities if you're able to get the full benefit out of it making it one of the better abilities to run on the character as far as his other abilities Sunrock this is something that I think is more beneficial if you're fighting multiple enemies at once CU you're able to hit multiple enemies with this uh piercing beam effect it does a decent amount of damage and can be pretty nice if you are uh even against singular enemies as a damage ability but there are other options that can allow you to do more damage such as Detonator even so Detonator is one of your highest D abilities if you choose to run it this can definitely be run over intercept if you really want to this basically switches the sniper Vision Vision allows you to charge the shot and if you charge it for a really long period of time and can get the full uh damage benefit out of it you will get a lot of damage out of Detonator this is something you can charge during downtime enemy fights like on Proto Baja or when enemies are in like a super armor phase or something like that where they take much reduced damage it's going to be something to charge near the end of that to get a lot of damage especially if you've already set up your uh grenades on the enemy beforehand then we have healing bullet uh don't don't really recommend running this you don't really need to heal aan especially with everyone running uh potion hoarder right now everyone just has ways to heal themselves pretty easily so healing abilities and skills aren't really that useful right now especially over other things disruptor this is probably much only useful against enemies where you really really need to cleanse debuffs easily since it's just a debuff cleansing spell something that's very situationally useful but not useful in most fights so not something you should be bringing on a general setup but maybe if you're fighting the light dragon this can be a consideration so that is probably the uh discussion of a skills like I said I really like this setup myself but you can definitely replace intercept with something else depending on what you need Detonator probably the most likely replacement option here let's talk briefly about masteries now the most important are going to be critical hit rate up and normal attack damage cap up skill damage cap up matters a little bit less on oan it's not the biggest source of his damage since a lot of his skills are more utility based to uh add more team support like the paralyzing bullet and the defense down and poison damage which doesn't really rely a ton on your skill damage at all such poison damage ticket based on your total attack power so that's just something to keep in mind here critical hit rate up 20% it's really nice to have normal attack damage cap up 20% really nice to have the health up is pretty decent as an effect as well just for a little bit of extra survivability uh other things you consider running are SBA damage cap up if you're able to hit the cap on your SBA stun power is always pretty nice to have to make sure you can stun enemies faster and activate link time faster but other than that I would say these are probably the most important effects just the normal attack damage cap up critical hit damage and critical hit rate up and skill damage cap up is still useful even if it's not as useful as normal attack up and critical hit rate up so that is probably the main three traits you're going to want to look out for I think that is going to cover it for General setup and information about that let's look at a couple practical gameplay applications now uh here is your spoiler warning on late game raid fights if you are worried about that let's get into it all right going to show a couple fights here so first pet just because everyone does pet everyone knows pet so for the first time ever I don't have to dodge to the left and try to get close to him because I get to play a ranged character which is really nice so I can just kind of Dodge completely away stand on the left side instead since he always Dodges to the right and ideally I'm going to set up my my poison bullet early and I use the uh other skills I have before going into sniper mode here and just kind of spamming my sniper attacks here for the maximum benefit of damage I was worried this was going to hit me so that's when I kind of Dodge out of the way there to try to avoid that and I'm saving my paralyzed bullet for a very specific time here I am going to specifically wait until around 70% cuz that's when he would normally jump to the middle so I use my paralyzing bullet to uh kind of stun lock him a little bit longer here so we get a little bit of extra damage on him doesn't end up mattering too much but that was kind of my thought process there at the very least so I tried to place some grenades here but I think the way the field works here is that it doesn't really let you uh place the grenades directly on top of him during this section of the fight so I just go ahead and detonate those early there cuz they were going to blow up anyway and at this point because of the uh AOE lasers is hard to really set myself up into sniper mode here I do go ahead and reapply the poison here during this downtime section here at the very least and now that we are back in this section I can kind of uh go into sniper mode here again so that's going to be my general strategy here uh the stun meter still getting built up fast so I didn't worry about using grenades there maybe I should have cuz he kind of jumps away here even outside of my range but I do get the link attack off here and uh go back to just sniping here cuz there's more damage than the stun meter on larger on on than stun grenades on large enemies so charge snipe shots going to be your main form of damage against most larger afid fights in the game but otherwise placing three grenades and then detonating is going to be your damage against smaller enemies like human enemies probably and just general enemies you can't hit more than uh twice or more than once even depending so now that he's in the middle here once again he's kind of in a state where I can't actually Place their grenades on him that was my kind of thought process during the section where you do less damage to him to kind of set those up but unfortunately can't do that doesn't matter too much though just kind of wait for him to come back down and then I use Venom bullet one more time lower the defense and uh get him in this situation here and now at this point I'm going to wait to see what my allies do to see if they're going to do the two two Strat or the full team Strat since I'm kind of far away to use SBA though I do kind of want to kind of run closer here and since Catalina goes for it here I'm like okay I got to use my SBA now so I want to make sure I'm close enough to do that I try to get a few shots off before doing it almost roll out of range but I am able to get it off in time all know we get a very safe character I've been able to stay completely out of melee range of pet the entire time which means the only things that really been affecting me are the long range lasers but besides that it doesn't really matter and at this point I'm going to wait till he stands up and then use paralyzing bullet to uh basically ensure that we are able to get this uh this uh link time off without him going into Firefly mode at all in the fight and it's pretty easy from there we we can completely face skip Firefly entirely with how we were able to approach the fight which is really nice in general so fairly simple just really really safe and nice to use especially against just kind of any enemy where you really need range I thought I thought this would be a good fight to show off as well just because of a fight where you can really benefit from the range of the character now unfortunately I had to do this fight with the AI cuz the Q system no no one likes this fight apparently no one was queuing up for it which you know you know makes sense cuz this fight is really really annoying with Melee character but when you're playing a character like oan it's a lot easier cuz you can just sit back here and just kind of attack from safety most of the fight which is really really nice General strategy kind of Remains the Same I use my uh poison bullet pretty early I use paralyzed bullet to kind of stop him from attacking for a little bit there and uh use armor intercept when I can since the fight's a little bit slower I figured using the paralyzing bullet early wouldn't matter too much although my allies do a little more damage than I expect I do have a full damage caps on them so uh we do kind of into this phase a little bit faster than nice thought I'm going to skip around in this fight since it's a fight with AI party members and the fight's a little long but uh just in general the strategy kind of Remains the Same I'm going to skip some of the phases where you can't do as much damage to him so as soon as that phase ends where you can actually damage him again I apply Venom and grenade one more time and uh try to use armor Pierce but doesn't end up really working cuz he kind of moves out of the way in time so that was just a mistake on my part here so I try to get the link attack there before uh getting kind of interrupted with that damage there and causes me to accidentally cancel the uh link attack with the roll there so that wasn't very good either he's going to go into his kind of other special move here which is basically where he has his three body parts across the field and Doan as a range character is actually pretty good to this phase as well because you're able to basically attack these phases from really far away so as long as you just get a little close enough to hit him with your shotgun it's pretty much just that simple here and uh that phase is pretty simple because of that as well I won't skip any other sections of the fight here since the rest of it pretty straightforward and easy we get the break here so a good time to just kind of uh go ham on him I go ahead and set up some grenades here just just kind of see or showcase what the damage is going to be like if you do that instead it's a little bit less damage than just using charge shots like I said on larger enemies especially on an enemy like this where there's multiple hit boxes sometimes or with the hands and the head if you're able to hit either part of those but not really a huge deal here I go ahead and apply a paralyzing bullet as well just to kind of uh stun locking before I go into my SBA which I'm planning to do in a second here I apply Venom grenade right before going into the SBA chain here so the dot can be ticking during this as well for some additional damage and uh my allies my AI is going to use their SBA now and should be the end of the fight here cuz we got enough damage here and I'm just going to keep attacking with charge snipe shots now and the fight's basically over so I so the fight went a little long with AI and I didn't want this video to last forever so that was kind of the reason I skipped ahead at a couple parts but uh not a huge deal not too hard of a fight very very easy with a ranged character like oan all in all I say the main benefit of oan is just that safety is just really nice to have the ability to do any kind of damage against any kind of enemy is just really nice being able to use grenades if you need it being able to use the charge shots if you need it it's just really nice to have that level of Versatility and the utility he offers with the poison and the paralyze is really nice as well so I can definitely see why a lot of people consider him one of the better characters in the game he can definitely do a pretty decent and sizable amount of damage if you are in the right circumstances and that is always nice to have so I think that going to cover it for this guide I do hope you have learned something from watching and if you did please be sure to like comment and subscribe hope you guys are looking forward to the Luc ilious patch just as much as I am in a couple hours and uh hopefully you'll come and see my guides if there's any guides I make on that raid fight if it's hard enough to necess NE necessitate that I'll probably make a guide about patch notes especially if there's balance patch changes as well so uh please look forward to that with all that being said thank you guys so much for the support thank you so much for watching have a wonderful and blessed day and hopefully I'll see you back here soon
Channel: Enel
Views: 6,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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