PERCIVAL PERFECTED Best Build Guide - Optimal Sigils Weapons & Combos | Granblue Fantasy Relink

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paral is by far one of the strongest damage dealers in the entire game capable of easily dealing millions of damage in an instant while at the same time being able to Parry opponents and through the use of a couple of new tags never stopped doing damage as soon as I saw him I knew he was going to be a strong character in this game but he actually turned out to be much more powerful than I first anticipated and so in today's video I will be going over an optimized build for Bal as well as a couple of tricks that have recently been found that will make his damage output go through the roof with that being said hello everyone my name is darker and welcome back to another build perfected video this time for personal I hope you're all enjoying the videos and let's get started now before I show you my optimized build let me show you these two new tricks that I'm talking about so as I'm sure most of you already know by now first of all's gameplay is all about using his schlat his charged attack and using skills beforehand to be able to charge it up even faster to deal as much damage as possible so the first trick I'm going to show you and it's something that I have shown with other characters before is that you can use one of these skills and before the skill comes out you dodge it like there and by canceling it with this dodge you still retain the skill coold down but you're able to charge up your schlot much faster you can do this with a bunch of different skills but it's going to be harder with some of them in my opinion I found that maxed which is the gap closer that gives you Stout heart as well as Royal Authority are the ones that are the easiest to pull off with this and because I like using mag so often as a gap closer that also grants me Stout heart and also deals plenty of damage I personally find it best to save Royal Authority as your cancel skill to be able to use your schlat much more often now the next trick is a little bit of a bug that is somewhat hard to explain so I'm going to outright show the comparison here so that you can see the bug in action so we're going to go ahead and buff ourselves use the flame wheel and I'm going to wait for the duration of it to end and once it finishes I'm going to follow it up with a fully powered schlot like so as you can see that dealt just under 3.5 million now let me show you how this is going to change with the bug once again we're going to buff ourselves beforehand that part isn't mandatory by the way we're going to use the flame wheel and we're going to right after charge the schlat we're going to use it and not touch the controller anymore and as you saw the damage shot up to almost 9.5 million damage and if you were just a bit faster you would be able to hit 10 million damage so the idea here is that whenever you place down the flame wheel and you immediately go into the schlat and you let go of the controller the game will actually modify the damage cap of your flame wheel and I believe it is going to associate the damage cap of your schlot which is why your damage output is going to scale so exponentially it is a huge difference but again it is a bug so if you don't like using this you don't have to but this is the secret sauce that allows peral to deal upwards of 55 million damage in the 60c damage test even without the bug or the skill cancel I would argue that Bal is still one of the strongest characters in the game simply because of his insane and low commitment damage output and also because how easy of a character he is to use now let's take a look at my endgame build for persal that I really do believe has been optimized to deal as much damage with him as possible of course for the weapon you'll want to go with the Terminus weapon and if you don't have access to it the crit rate is going to be a nice cheap alternative as for my over masteries as you can see I have skill damage cap up and skill damage up both at 20% as well as normal attack damage cap up at 16% ideally the normal attack damage cap up would also be plus 20% sadly I haven't been that lucky but of course raising your damage cap is going to be your number one priority and now let's take a look at my personal sigils I am of course running the Lord's procession signature sigil which is going to to boost the damage cap of my schlat by 50% this sigil is pretty much mandatory on peral so try to get one as soon as possible and it also has the benefit of raising your movement speed by 20% whenever you are charging up your schlat as you can see mine came with damage cap which is ideal as I am able to remove one of these damage cap sigils and speaking of which this one comes with improved Dodge just a nice quality of life sigil that is going to allow me to dodge up to seven times and have more eye frames on my Dodge and these two come with quick cooldown just for me to have the flame wheel as well as my personal buff available as much as possible as these are going to be huge sources of my damage especially when using the flame wheel bug I am also using a quick charge sigil and one tyy sigil quite frankly I am able to hit the damage cap without the use of the Quick Charge sigil but I do appreciate having the faster charge time which is why I run it but you could totally replace this with a more defensive or utility cedal and my tyranny comes with tyranny and Ages which is going to round up my health pool so I still gain the benefits of tyranny without lowering my HP and potion harder is just a nice quality of life addition to make myself more sustainable I then have a couple of critical hit rate sigils because I don't have critical hit rate on my over masteries and these two come with both critical hit rate and stamina so I am able to max out my stamina which in combination with tyranny is going to allow me to hit the damage Gap and the final four sedes are of course the ones that come from the CUO boxes the war Elemental which is quite simply one of the best in the game which is going to boost your damage output by 20% by making it so that your attacks all have Superior element against any enemy and the three supplementary damage sigils are going to guarantee that I am able to trigger the supplementary damage which you can think of it as an extra hit that is going to deal 20% of the original's damage and in case you were wondering yes it does stack with the supplementary damage that you get from this skill right here the only supplementary damage damage five plus that I have comes with improved healing which is nothing too good but you already need to have a lot of RNG to be able to have all four of these so if you don't get as lucky don't be discouraged you can totally substitute them with more utility skills like guts or Auto revive just to be able to be even tankier with this exact setup you'll be able to hit the damage cap on pretty much everything in your kit except for your aerial attacks and your skybound art and of course we're not going to be focusing on those our biggest priority are going to be the SCH and the flame wheel and we'll be able to deal as much damage as possible with those two I'm not even running glass cannon on my build but you can see from the gameplay in the background the insane damage output that peral can have and as I said before you can totally replace the Quick Charge sigil and if you get lucky you can even replace the critical hit trate sigil with more General traits that are going to be more beneficial for you now let me showcase some clips that I have recorded to show this build in action while playing Solo in proud difficulty quests we're up against the black drag Dron let's start off by buffing ourselves here he's going to use the breath attack going to put that down and just look at the damage output of that thing we have to be careful of the slows cuz they are going to affect us and make the schlatts charge slower H we got a Parry there dodge deep breath attack and again we're using Royal Authority just for the cancels here going to try to get him to get away from the pools [Music] there I had to dodge that attack sadly but we did put that down in a good place he goes into overdrive I think he's going to go into blood thirst did mean to throw it there not yet going to take this time to buff myself going to try to bury that there we go beautiful this is why I like first of all so much he's able to keep on dealing damage relentlessly and having such an easy Berry to do is very nice going to try to put down the flame wheel here there we go ah he moves sadly goes into blood thirst that's fine you can also bury these waves that come from here like so but personally I prefer to dodge them like this well going to try to Parry that there we go again first of all SP is such a good tool oh nice we dodg that breath attack pop the supplementary damage going to try to place down the flame wheel here okay we get a a good Dodge there as well and just look at the damage output of that thing we do bury the second hit there there I was trying to get away from him to not get hit cuz I didn't expect myself to actually time it properly there but I was stuck because of his tail but we actually managed to bury that so that was nice nice big damage going to throw this or Adam nice we dodged that going to put this down here I don't think it's hitting him yeah that's unfortunate I should have aimed it a little bit better oh camera please why is the camera the worst enemy in this game he's going to do the breath attack and try to bury nope I did bury one of the dark orbs big damage cancel the Royal Authority really trying to see if I can get a link attack here probably won't be able to yeah especially with the slows we get a break which is quite nice so we're going to be able to deal a lot of damage here and I will be triggering the link attack nice already halfway through his HP but try to Parry that nice love to see it I do get hit by the followup slows it's the annoying part about the Parry it doesn't make you immune to any CC he's doing the sweeping breath attack nice that's a little bit tricky to deal with so I usually like to get up close whenever he's doing that we do lose guts but things worked out I am running out of potion so I do need to be careful here we're getting a lot of eye frames and berries so that's nice actually got to go ahead and use Royal Authority here actually spend the skill just to get rid of all of these we bury that beautiful and then I'm going to put this down and we bury the sweeping attack as well you'll love to see it and we have Royal Authority back up again if I was playing solo I would not have used Royal Authority there but since I am playing solo I do feel like it was worth it to use it there to get rid of all of these obstacles okay we're going to go ahead and Dodge that very nice use Ma as a gap closer he's going to do that so I'm going to try to bury that let's go very nice put the flame wheel down I don't think he's going to move right away and we Parry that as well beautiful I don't have a Charged attack to Perry so let me try to get out of these nice we have guts back up again very nice we actually buried the orb that was spawning there accidentally that was nice repair the claw attack very nice that being said this is how I found Bal to work best in the end game of gramble fantasy reink and if we end up finding some new tech or if these endgame builds end up being updated with the lucilia raid I will be sure to update them in more videos so look forward to all of that with that being said let me know which character I should cover next my name is dark hero thank you all so much for watching and as always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2 (DarkHero2)
Views: 37,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wGUpYt0C5bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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