VASERAGA PERFECTED Best Build Guide - Optimal Sigils Weapons & Combos | Granblue Fantasy Relink

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the more I play with vaseraga in the end game the more I see how powerful this character is being able to easily do over 2 million damage with a single hit while at the same time being able to maintain his undying buff which as the name implies makes it so that he can simply not die there's even a really cool play style that you can do with vaseraga where you only use a single button to destroy bosses and Shred through their HP like it's nobody's business I really do feel like vag is one of those cases where he just breaks the game and so in today's video I will be sharing with you a couple of tricks that I have learned that have truly turned vaseraga into an unkillable damage machine as well as my perfected build for him with that being said my name is dark hero hope you are all having a good day and let's get started so Vaga basic gameplay Loop is all about using his skills to then follow up with a powerful charged attack that is going to deal tons of damage like so and as you do this you'll be filling up your gauge which will give you Stout heart defense up and attack buff whenever you fill up that gauge and so with this you can straight up be in boss's faces and thanks to your Immortal pain as well making it so that you can never go down below 1 HP and also granting you debuff immunity so you never get frozen slowed or anything like that you can simply keep on dealing as much damage as possible nonstop doing your charged attacks and just destroying any boss that comes your way however there are a couple of very important things that you can do with vaseraga to maximize his damage output now a very cool trick that I didn't know when I made my first vaseraga guide that will actually help you improve your vaseraga build potential is that if your Battalion sphere which is this Gap closer is on cool down you can actually do a light attack and follow it up with a charged havy to have a gap closer which you then can follow up with a combo finisher like so and the trick here is that if you dodge after finishing that combo finisher you can then keep on charging these infinitely and these are of course Gap closers that allow you to quickly close the gap between yion and the enemy they cover a lot of range as you can see and they also deal tons of damage now that charged attack is not going to deal as much damage as this one right here but it's still a very powerful tool that you can take advantage and is going to help level up your vaseraga gameplay now there are a couple other cancels that you can do with vaseraga which are what turns him into such a powerful monster where by doing a couple of basic attacks and then going into your charge heavy attack you are able to perform this powerful strike that can then combo into another combo finisher like so this deals a ton of damage and there's a cancel to make it come out faster so what you want to do is basically do one of these basic attacks and just before you finish it you want to dodge out of the way to cancel it and immediately after you want to do a second basic attack and also cancel it so I'm going going to be doing it faster here so you can see it it's going to basically look like this you train those two together and then you follow up with your charged attack and you are essentially skipping those two steps being able to reach that big powerful charged attack much quicker and this is actually the best DPS parts for vaseraga with a specific build which I will be showing in a moment but there are some caveats to that build so let's go over what I believe to be the optimal build first as I said before the idea with vaseraga is using a skill and following it up with a heavy charged attack however a very cool thing that you can do with vaseraga is use one of these skills like so cancel it by dodging and then going into your big combo finisher and as you saw I still have the cool down for the great side greno which is the one that I used to cancel and so you can infinitely keep on doing this using the great side cancelling it into the charged combo finisher and then doing the same thing over over and over again and because you simply deal more damage with the combo finishers this is going to be a much more powerful option Additionally you can actually Parry incoming damage with vaseraga if you perform this at the right time however in my opinion you don't actually need to worry about that because of the immortal pains and dying buff which makes it so that you can never go below 1 HP now you might be asking don't you have to worry about the long cooldown of this skill and frankly the answer to that is quite simple I'm going to use Immortal pain to demonstrate the skill cool down coming up and as I'm doing this combo cancel with the great sight into the combo finisher you'll see that the skill cool down for the immortal pain skill is replenishing very very quickly so much so that by the time Immortal plane Immortal pain is finished I will I will be able to use it right away and just like that after four charged attacks I was able to get Immortal pain back just in time before the buff ran out and there is a very simple explanation as to how I was able to achieve this and this is when we talk about my specific gear what I am calling the perfected build for vaseraga and of course as usual the Terminus weapon is going to be the best option as it provides you with a ton of stats you get five free levels of damage cap sigil booster to help all of your sigils and catastrophe which is going to raise your attack by 50% and raise your damage cap by 100% however the most important thing here for the build and the reason why I was able to get Immortal pain back up so quickly is this sigil right here ebony Poise which is one of vaseraga signature sigil this will shorten vaseraga skill cooldowns whenever he lands a Charged attack going up to an 8% skill coold down whenever you use a fully charged attack that may not sound like much however the very cool thing here is that it actually Stacks with supplementary damage which causes me to trigger an extra instance of damage whenever I hit an enemy and those extra hits are going to contribute to a shorter skill coold down every single time additionally having skill cool down maxed out as well as having some Cascade is going to help along the way and so the build that I am running that is able to hit damage cap and deal tons of damage and have dying up every single time includes a couple of tyranny sedes both with quick cooldown four different damage cap sigils one of these with quick cool down another one with Cascade this one comes with Garrison which is going to boost my defense by 36% based on how low my Max health is and this other damage cap comes with guts which is quite simply going to allow me to survive a hit that would kill me with only one HP remaining and these two are used as a little bit of insurance for if some reason I am not able to get the undying buff and these two sigils are used mostly for insurance in those cases where maybe the boss runs away and you cannot deal as much damage as you otherwise would and so you cannot get the cool down reduction from ebony Boise so having these two is going to be very beneficial and a good alternative would be to go with potion hoarder instead which will give me a lot more potions to recover my health with and since I will be dropping to 1 HP as soon as my immortal buff runs out having the ability to quickly restore my health or just having more blue potions to be able to fill up the link gauge faster can also be quite benefit special and of course I am running a war Elemental sigle which is going to make it so that all of my attacks count as if they were of a superior element which means that I will simply be dealing 20% more damage and this goes above the damage cap so it is by far one of the best ways to boost your damage and this critical hit rate sigil I originally had it with enity or stamina I tried with both to see if there would be a difference but as it turns out my damage output is actually the same I still hit the damage cap even without enmity or stamina and and so I simply opted to go with link together which is a more utility focused skill as it's going to make it easier for me to fill up the link gauge increase the damage of the chain burst and the SBA it's just a very nice quality of life sigil although sigils like nimble Onslaught could also be potentially very good as for my over masteries by far the thing you want the most is going to be normal attack damage cap up and if possible getting critical hit rate up as well is going to be fantastic but if you cannot get both getting skill damage cap up as a secondary bonus is going to be very beneficial as well as for my skills I always go with battalions of fear it's a very nice Gap closer that deals plenty of damage and leads into the powerful charged attack great Scythe of Groth is the skill that we use for the cancel attack so it is very much a required skill in my opinion and Immortal pain is what makes vaseraga such a powerful character being able to stay in front of the boss no matter what happens and you don't die so again it is a mandatory skill in my opinion and this one I do believe that it is a bit of a filler slots I don't think any of these other skills are mandatory damnation could be a very good tool to be able to boost your damage but since I already hit the damage cap without this there is no need to run this and so I often go with either umbrella Eclipse to slow the enemies which just means I'll have more windows to deal more damage and because of the ebony sigil I will be able to maintain a very big slow up time so being able to nearly permanently slow the enemy is going to have great benefits and nether wrath is a very powerful tool if you're playing in multi player where you can hold this skill and all of your allies will take no damage they will not be affected by any status effects so you combine this with Immortal pain and you're able to stay within the area of anything that would One-Shot you and nobody would take damage they could simply focus on dealing damage so if you are trying to speedrun with a group this is essential in my opinion what you are seeing right now is the absolutely insane damage output that you can get out of doing that to basic attack into combo finisher cancel that I showed you earlier where you you dodge twice and then do a couple of combo finishers with this stch you are able to reach very easily upwards of 40 million damage and if you manage to successfully Master the timing and do it as soon as you can you are able to even reach within the 45 to 50 million range that is absolutely crazy damage numbers and there is a very simple reason that explains why we are able to hit those numbers and that is these two sigils right here less is more by using these you are essentially trading not being able to use any of your skills but at the same time you are able to raise your attack by 120% this will allow you to deal much more damage than you would have been able to before but of course the downside is that you will no longer have access to all of these powerful skills that vaseraga has but because vaseraga is such a powerful character that has access to Stout heart you are actually still able to fill up some of these slots with more utility Focus skills and as you can see I'm not even running my signature sigil because there is no need for for it I am not going to be reducing any skill coold down since I have no skill active and so with this build I opt to go with more utility focused skills like I have a couple of garrisons here I have potion hoarder and Nimble Onslaught as well on top of improved guard and guts as well Nimble Onslaught is going to extend my invincibility after a perfect Dodge by 2 seconds at level 16 and will also boost my SBA gauge it's just a nice skill to have although it's not mandatory potion hoarder Garrison and guts we already talked about why I like them so much and improved guard is just there in case I need to block some mechanics because I will no longer have the undying buff being able to block more things from those mechanics will make things a lot easier for me now for this slot there are many things that you could go with I could go for example with this one that comes with link together and Garrison or I could go with another critical hit rate sigils that also comes with drain as I will need to regen my health to not get one shot with this build but with these two builds you are able to absolutely destroy anything the game throws at you and so do let me know which play style you prefer I personally prefer to go with the first one since I don't enjoy not using my skills on my character and it also feels like you're breaking the game by doing the combo cancels with the second build but even so you're still able to reach crazy damage numbers very easily dealing 2 million damage with vaseraga in a single hit so if you try out this build let me know how you feel about it is there anything that you would like to see changed and let me know how you guys feel about these videos where I go over characters that I had already covered but I tried to perfect their builds and also add some extra tips that we didn't know about when the game first launched with that being said my name is dark hero thank you all so much for watching and as always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2 (DarkHero2)
Views: 38,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aj-OQDge79E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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