Granblue Fantasy Relink - Gran/Djeeta Character Guide

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finally John Grand blue fantasy you know on the surface gr and jeta seem like a fairly simple and straightforward protagonist character with an easy to understand kit and in some ways that is true but I'll be honest this is probably the most cursed character in the entire game between some weird glitches that might end up being irrelevant by the next patch and the fact that it is unironically optimal to play on 30 FPS Brad and jeta are extremely cursed characters that said they can be very fast-paced spamming skills faster than every other character in the game to Output some pretty decent damage but also offering a variety of supportive abilities between their 16 total skills to truly fit any play style or mold you might need of them in this video we're going to be discussing the captain discussing General play style and setup talking about some strengths and weaknesses and showcasing some practical use in harder raid fights as per usual if you enjoy guide content on this game RPGs in general and especially Xenoblade and are interested in seeing more please be sure to subscribe to the channel because it does help me out so much let's get into it so Captain is a the character all about using skills as much as possible I'm convinced they're just trying to confuse me at this point because the unique mechanic they have is called Adept Arts which of course is one of their support skills which enhances your skills based on your Arts level which you think would meanly be called Arts but what do I know essentially all of Captain's normal attacks and combos are basically designed towards building up this Arts level to enhance your skills Arts level will cap out at level four you have a couple different ways of raising the Arts level any combo finisher will raise it the fourth normal attack and a will raise it before a combo finisher a partially or fully charged power raise will raise the Arts level and any link attack and also inter link time will automatically set your heart level to level four for the entire duration of it Captain's other support skill is adrenaline rush which lets you charge power raise much quicker after a combo finisher power raise just being your strong charge attack tied to your y button when you aren't currently performing a combo while you have a multitude of different potential Combos and combo finishers based on if you use one to four normal attacks into a finisher most most of the time you're going to be performing a full combo with four normal attacks into a combo finisher as this is the only method of raising your ARS two stages with just one combo and after the combo finisher you will likely be using power Rays most of the time to get the last Arts level this is the easiest way to get from Level 1 to four quickly as long as you land all the attacks and once you're at level four that's when you're going to want to use your skills since they will typically be enhanced with higher damage more hits and stronger support of effects when using any skill from Arch level two onward the current Arch level will begin to fade and after a short time it will reset to level one this means ideally you unleash all or most of your skills during this window of time before your Arts level resets to level one to get the most benefit out of it this timer can be a bit tricky to get used to as it's possible to want to build up your Arts level to the next set of skills but the level hasn't reset yet meaning you end up wasting potential combo finishers that would raise the ARs level normally meaning you may need to do another combo finish to get back to level four and this might be the major benefit of the faster combo finishers most of your non-skill damage will come from combo finishers and charged power raises as well so if you don't have any skills up these are still going to be your best options for damage as well as raising Arts level the general gameplay Loop isn't too difficult to understand basically performing combo finishers and power raises to raise your Arts level to Unleash Your powerful skills then repeating the cycle to get the most benefit out of the character so let's talk about why the captain is so cursed now so for one Captain has a unique sigil called Fearless drive that lowers your skill coold Downs each time you gain ARS level which means using your skills at Max Art Level then benefiting from this kill down as you build your Arts level back up again but this has some interesting interactions with frame rate of the game essentially the effect of the sigil is doubled at 30 FPS and no I am unfortunately not kidding you can see how crazy the cool down is when Arts level are gained meaning you get Arts cool Downs much faster when you play at 30 FPS which means most of the time you catch your important damaging skills immediately upon getting back to level four when combined with quick coold down and Cascades meaning you can really spam skills easily at 30 FPS your Arts level will also fade sooner so you can cycle skills easier from the level fading faster as well the downside to this is that you have to play the game at 30 FPS which is extremely cursed as I've mentioned additionally Captain also has a bug related to damage caps transferring similar to the personal rotor bug where essentially using either decimate or rean leave and then overdrive surge right after will raise the damage cap of these two skills to the same cap that overdrive surge has which is much higher making them do drastically more damage than they would otherwise if you were able to have enough damage to hit these caps for practical application this is probably only really useful for decimate since you had to be very far away from the enemy for it to work properly with Regan leave which likely means you're losing DPS on anything but the dummy pretty much just immediately Dodge after decimate connects then use OverDrive for a lot of additional damage if you can hit the much higher damage cap this is definitely less cursed than 30 FPS Tech overall but it's also definitely not intended so I would not be surprised these are not relevant in a week from now but it is worth mentioning and who knows it may not even get patched so it might still be relevant even without these glitches the general game plan does remain the same but Captain is a character that does rely very heavily on skill damage to have respectable DPS so it is also worth mentioning if you plan to run Captain more supportive or use less damaging skills since Captain does have a lot of those you will likely be using a character with the worst DPS in the entire game if you have only one or two damaging skills so do keep that in mind I think that covers most the basics so we'll talk about everything else gameplay related in relevant sections let's get into setup as you may expect at this point I am running the Terminus weapon because it is simply the best weapon in the entire game because of the re bonus effect 50% additional attack 100% extra damage cap when you're below 45,000 Health it's simply the best weapon in the entire game especially cuz Cal boosters is a really nice bonus effect trade as well to boost the effect of all your sigils even further if you do not have it you can run the critical hit rate weapon or you could run the max ascended weapon those are still pretty good options as well to consider Fearless Drive is going to be your pretty much required sigil this is just extremely good right now especially because currently the effect seems to be doubled at 30 FPS so you get a lot a benefit out of the cool down from this and uh combined with quick cool down and Cascade you can kind of cycle your Arts very very easily or skills very very easily sorry so absolutely run this if you have it the bonus trait I have on this is combo booster which is also one of the best ways to boost your attack in the entire game up to a maximum 72% especially if you can continuously hit the enemy and get this bonus stacked up so I do really like this effect a lot the other unique SLE trait that the captain has is not quite as useful it can be useful sometimes but it only offers a attack boost based on your ARS level and it caps out at 20% attack boost and 20% defense boost when you're at ARS level four and considering usually when you're ARS level four you're going to immediately be using your skills and go back down to level one you're not likely to get the benefit of this super super often but it can be okay the defense boost in particular can be a way to reduce the damage you take even further which can be pretty nice to have but otherwise you probably don't really need the attack boost other over other forms of boosting your damage especially since uh hitting the damage caps outside of uh certain skills and with a damage cap transfer is not super difficult with uh the damage boosters that I'm running right now I'm also running the two critical hit rate five plus that have stamina and tyranny attached to them just to reach those damage caps a little bit easier and stamina and tyranny just two of the best Universal damage boosts in the game that pretty much every character is running so uh pretty easy decisions here the two critical hit rate Five pluses assure that with my current over masteries I hit 100% critical hit rate which is really nice to ensure that I'm hitting the maximum for that if I did not have this I think I'd only hit 91% critical hit rate which is fine but you know you want to hit 100% if you can just to make you're always getting the maximum benefit from critical hit rate I'm also running three supplementary damage fives you do not necessarily have to run three uh with only two you hit 74% uh chance to trigger this which is a free 20% damage boost 74% of the time but if you're running three you can hit that 100% of the time to get that 20% damage boost all the time which can be pretty nice but uh you definitely lose some support of sigil subtr trade effects when you do have three of them and I'll talk about a couple things you could replace this with after I talk about the rest of this so I'm running the obligatory four damage cap five pluses as well this is to make sure that we're hitting the maximum damage cap the sub traits on these are a mix of us defensive and supportive abilities here I've got quick cool down and Cascade to uh get even more skill coold down to uh make sure that they come back up off coold down when I hit that ARS level four more often so I'm able to use even more skills and get even more damage and benefit out of that and then I have potion hoarder potion hoarder is one of the best sub traits in the entire game just to give yourself more healing in three revives total which is really nice as an effect to have and then egis this is just to ensure that we buy the uh offset tyranny and get 41,000 Health make sure we're staying below that 45,000 Health threshold while still having a decent amount of tankiness to uh tank damage from uh singular hits and the like to make sure we're not dying immediately so pretty nice effects to have War Elemental is just a really easy way to bypass the damage cap and get a free 20% damage boost on basically every single character so definitely run this if you have it one of the best sedal effects in the entire game and then finally I have a link together five to round out the kit here this is is just to basically ensure that we are uh getting those link levels a little bit easier cuz you get a lot of benefit out of Link time with Captain uh link level gain just really good as an effect for the entire party you get more chain burst damage more SBA damage as well which can be pretty nice so you definitely don't had to run all the support supplementary damage fives that I have uh I could fit a uh guts in here with a uh another quick cool down attach to it to make hit maximum cool down reduction and also just to have the gut support effect to make sure I'm able to stay alive at 1 HP no matter what which can be definitely be really really nice especially uh if you are taking damage pretty often with the character having that extra life line could be really nice to have Nimble onslot could also be a really nice support effect to have as well so that's something to consider also so Captain has a lot of skills let's talk about those now ideally you will be running uh at least three damage skills now you have a lot of useful support skills with the captain although a lot of them are just effects you could find on other characters and those other characters might have better versions of these but you can still have a lot of decent support effects but the problem is if you are running all these support effects you are drastically cutting into your damage cuz Captain relies a lot on skill damage to do DPS as I've mentioned before so you're definitely going to be running want to be running some damage regardless Regan leave is just a really nice short coold down uh projectile attack that does a lot of hits based on your Arts level and it also can take advantage of the overdrive surge damage cap transfer glitch although with Regan leave you had to be pretty far from the enemy for it to work properly since you'd want to uh use OverDrive surge immediately afterwards you can also roll out of overdrive surge to save the cool down of it and still get the damage cap transfer but you have to be pretty far away from the enemy so you're probably going to want a gap closer like armor Pierce or something to uh really take advantage of that if you want to use the glitch with rean leave but I don't really recommend it for practical application compared to just using decimate and overdrive surge which is a lot easier to just immediately Dodge out of decimate and go into overdrive Surge and get the absolute benefit out of that decimate even without the glitch does a decent amount of damage one your best it's one of your best damaging skills so absolutely be running this pretty much no matter what I do like ability a lot has a pretty short cool down especially with uh Fearless drive right now and overdrive sge is pretty much the same cool down almost and uh really easy to kind of combo these two skills into each other with the current cooldowns of the character the third or the fourth skill that I am running here is just my general supportive ability that I think is the best supportive ability Captain has is just a general damage cut especially with the reduced cooldown you have from Fearless Drive you're able to have pretty good uptime on this and this can affect the entire party as long as they are in range of you 70% damage cut means you're taking 70% reduced damage which I think is one of the best supportive abilities in the game to just reduce the damage you are taken much more useful than just general healing or stuff like that since everyone's running potion hoarder anyway the ability to have damage reduction means you aren't getting one shot uh means that you're using less potions overall when you do get hit just a really nice supportive effect in general something I do like running myself so Captain has six damage abilities total the other three are not quite as uh much damage as the current setup I would say but they can be pretty useful regardless armor is just a lunge attack that uh does a little bit of damage but also lowers the defense of the enemy useful as a gap closer as well because it's really fast uh the main benefit is lowering defense is that you can hit damage caps easier on your glitch skills but otherwise it's probably not the most beneficial like it also can make it a little bit easier to hit the damage caps for your uh Ally characters if you really need it so definitely something that can be useful not something that's necessarily required to run but a decent support effect at the very least Panacea is just a general healing ability uh can be nice if you really really need healing although you're not likely to need it since everyone's running potion hoarder I don't really recommend running this in most situations but it is an option if you just really need the Healing Rain of arrows this lowers attack another way to indirectly reduce the damage that you take can be pretty nice although 20 25% attack reduction is not likely to have the biggest effect compared to something like failinks but since it does damage it can be an option to run to just have a more damaging ability that also offers some support so because of that it can be a pretty good skill skill and depending on the fight and depending on how the patches shake out this could be something that you might want to replace overdrive surge with miserable miss this just kind of combines the effects of armor break and Rain of arrows into one except without doing damage so if you want to have both effects at one time but you don't really care about the damage if you want to kind of support your team more this could be something to run rage I don't really recommend ever running this over just running armor breakes since it's just kind of inferior in the form of way of increasing the damage of the party since both kind of accomplish the same kind of thing and armor break is likely going to be more useful just as a way to deal additional damage have a gap closer and uh ideally it's going to be your better option for increasing the damage of your team and since most people are hting damage caps anyway rage is probably not going to be the most useful as an effect regardless Clarity this is a regen effect that also removes debuffs now the only real application of this is removing debuffs since regen kind of sucks right now since everyone running potion hoarder as a way of immediate healing and uh reging in general is just not the most useful as an ability to restore your health so I don't really recommend running this pretty much ever as of right now unless you just really need debuff removal but why would you run that when Captain has a way to just kind of prevent debuffs in the first place with a different skill stall this is a slow effect where lowers action speed uh just kind of hor of status uh pretty decent effect I do think slow can be really useful to kind of stop enemies from what they are currently doing and give you more time to wail on enemies give more time to kind of go into other forms of stun locking enemies so can be okay depending on the fight not like they the most useful increases the duration based on Arts level so you cast to level four get the most benefit out of it and with Fearless drive you could have pretty decent uh or a lot of uptime on this compared to other characters that have slows because you're able to use it more often so that can be pretty nice as well revive if everyone wasn't running potion hoarder this could be more useful to kind of save on critical meter but as it stands right now not the most useful effect although revive just has an ability can be pretty nice not many characters have a revive skill so something to consider in the future potion hoarder doesn't become meta or people are dying more more often or if there's just really hard fights where it does actually end up mattering Veil this grants debuff immunity to the entire party pretty decent effect if there's an enemy that cast a lot of debuffs could be useful in future raids if there is an enemy that does that not the most useful right now I would say but something to consider at the very least could be okay and then we have dispel this is a decent effect I would say uh lowers buff or removes a buff from a foe if an enemy has a buff could be something to consider especially if it's like the White Worm or the dark worm which rely on their Buffs pretty heavily although those fights currently have ways to dispel Buffs from other methods so not the most required ability but depend once again depending on the fight could be a good ability to run conduction never run this redistributing SBA gauge is not a good effect some other characters have this I think it's tux on them too not something I'd recommend running substitute this is a way to kind of make yourself more of a tank boost your defense uh covers allies and prevents damage taken from them and uh kind of takes damage in place of the allies so uh pretty decent effect I would say although I just think the damage cut is going to be better as a form of damage mitigation compared to this ability so uh probably going to run want to run that instead as mentioned Captain has a lot of General support abilities you can find a lot of these on different characters as well just these are kind of weaker more general effects and Captain just kind of has them as a jack of all trades I would say but as I've already mentioned if you really want to get damage out of the character you're probably going to want to stick with more damaging abilities just because uh you're not likely to get much damage otherwise since you were like a lot on skill damage to get DPS out of the character but just having the options can be nice and uh having the versatility is pretty nice as well just depending on the fight you can kind of change your skills around to get some benefit out of certain abilities if you really need access to those so that can be pretty nice at the very least although in general this is the setup I'm running and the setup that I really like to run it has three damaging skills and just failinks has a general support ability for the damage cut which is really really nice so let's briefly talk about over masteries uh skill damage cap up is probably going to be the most important thing since you're using skills a lot as the character critical hit rate up as well to uh get that maximum amount of critical hit rate and do the most damage you can normal attack damage cap up is still important on the character although not as important as skill damage cap up in my opinion just because you're using skills so often getting a lot of damage out of skills especially with the current glitches in the game on this current patch normal attack damage cap up still is useful though because you still do a lot of normal damage to uh build up your Arts level I currently have Sky art damage cap up so that's okay as an effect as well to get more damage out of that stun power up is pretty useful as well to stun enemies a little bit easier so those are not too bad as over Mastery effects but ideally skill damage cap up critical rate up are going to be the most important things and if you are really trying to take advantage of the glitch especially on Regan leave you might want scill damage up flat as well to increase the damage of your skills even further a little bit easier and hit that damage cap on uh rean leave after transferring the damage cap to overdrive search a little bit easier as well I think that's going to cover it for a general setup here so let's go ahead and get into practical gameplay application now so as per usual here's your spoiler warning if you are worried about that for postgame raid fights let's get into it ordinarily I may have tried to get a slightly better fight but I'll be honest I don't really like playing at 30 FPS that much so uh you know this fight was I think good enough to Showcase how to play the character more than anything so starting thing off against white worm you want to make sure you cleanse the uh damage cut debuff and hopefully your allies will help cleanse the other debuffs that or Buffs that it has and then uh ideally this point I'm just building up Arts level once you build up Arts level I uh immediately activate failinks forever once they have damage cut and and then I cancel my decimate into uh a Dodge so I can use OverDrive surge afterwards and get extra damage on that and then immediately use Regan leave afterwards to get the uh full damage from that and now every level of art that I gain I'm going to uh reduce my coold Downs further and immediately be able to cancel into my Arts again decimate into uh overdrive surge into reg and leave which is generally kind of the main strategy you're going to be doing here more than anything in these fights so in this section I'm just going to be just kind of running and dodging and gaining invincibility off the uh arrows here or the spiral AOE here not really too difficult and by the time this is done my uh damage cut should be off coold down so once I get Arts level four I'm going to be able to activate that again now unfortunately I do get hit there which was not ideal but I do have a potion to immediately recover if I had guts there I wouldn't have died there but it doesn't really matter thanks to potion hoarder uh make sure you're using link attacks when those are available once you have Arts level four you can activate your Arts do the same thing I just activate all four of my Arts again because uh I might as well I'll get the cool down for it anyway I do get paralyzed there cuz guarding the attack there does not prevent the paralysis not really a huge deal though unfortunately when you do Miss attacks uh you will not get the Arts level for it so even if you fully charge the combo if you miss like the last hit of the uh combo attack you won't get an Arts level so I had to do another combo there to build the Arts level but ideally the general strategy here does remain the same build Arts level use your use your skills and then uh repeat more than anything it's not really too difficult to have a play style more than anything just kind of taking advantage of the bugs and you have to play on 30 FPS if you really want to get the full benefit of it right now at least but other than that once I get my uh SBA built up I go ahead and activate it here to prevent getting hit I kind of uh want to make sure I didn't get hit there so that's why I kind of activated it a little bit early there before Overdrive I should have waited until after overdrive to activate that SBA but uh like I said I was about to get hit so I just activated it for the ey frames and to uh kind of stop him here now ideally our team would have done a two and two to uh stun him for a bit longer and so we could skip the next part of this a little bit but not really a huge deal he does have the uh damage cut by the way and uh that is uh making us do less damage to him right now I didn't even pay attention to notice that either which was kind of bad it does disappear during this phase but here which doesn't really matter and then I end up getting kind of stunned locked by the lightning for a little bit here trying to farm invincibility and then I finally get the invincibility there cuz I finally get better at the game but I don't really think this warrant another fight one cuz this video is too long already and two cuz the play style is actually fairly straightforward like I said the main thing to remember is just kind of canceling your decimates into a Dodge into overdrive surge to get the most benefit out of the character as stands right now but uh not really huge deal and mainly just using everything at Arts level for we do get link time here which automatically sets everything to level four you can get a lot of skill uses just out during link time because of the drastically reduced art cool down even with everything so uh ideally you just Spam your skills even more there and get even more benefit out of it and that would be kind of the main way that you would approach the fight in that sense I think that is going to cover it for this character guide though like I said I don't really feel the need to show off another fight just because the video is a bit long already and the captain's play sty is fairly straightforward more than anything just a little bit cursed with the current 30 FPS Tech and the Damage cap transfer glitch this stuff might not be relevant by the next patch I don't know if it will be but if it's not the general pled sprs will still apply as far as how to play the character building your Arts level and then using skills once you have them built up and is kind of repeating that process more than anything so Captain's a pretty decent Jack of all trade characters I would say there's a lot of cool things they have access to I do hope you learned something from watching this video and if you did please be sure to like comment subscribe please support my future content I do plan to the remaining three characters I have not covered I'll be covering future patches future characters that come out and any kind of balance changes anything like that I'll probably even make a tier list so please look forward to that with all that being said thank you guys so much for watching have a wonderful and blessed day and hopefully I'll see you back here soon
Channel: Enel
Views: 11,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m4tSRVrgSEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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