BIG DPS Vaseraga Guide | Granblue Fantasy Relink

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if you don't slow walk menacingly are you actually playing vaseraga correctly I don't think so I think there's a part of it you got to get in the mindset you know me you get in the mindset you got to do a little slow walk hey guys leave it here with a guide on vaseraga so let's get right into his skills vaseraga has a lot of bugs I'm just going to say lot of bugs but so to a lot of the other characters so we'll go right into his skills so the skills that you really really want are you want battalions of fear he dashes forward and he does a little spin slash and that gives you charged attack vas's main mechanic is that after he does certain actions he gets a charged y attack has it takes a long time to charge but it does insane damage I'll actually just show it to you right now his main mechanic is being able to land these these charge attacks and as you can see they do Insane damage like look at that like almost 2 million it does a lot of damage yeah I mean that's his mechanic is that when you do certain things it activates your triangle ability which is the upper button why which gives you those like really heavy heavy smashes the big big smash big dick smash you definitely want have the abilities that give you the charge attack so battalions if is one of them on top of being a gap closer so you definitely want that and you definitely want great Scythe of Groth which has the same effect of giving you the special charge and it has a high amount of stun so it's like the main difference between the two Balian Z feere gives you a dash dash in really good for closing in and it's also incredibly fast so it's really good at just like kind of dishing out some really quick damage great size of gnoth it's really really slow but it does have a high amount of stun so if you need a stun you can just pop this thing his bread and butter ability this is like his special thing is Immortal pain and so you definitely want these three abilities and Immortal pain gives you debuff immunity for the duration and it also gives you undying so you have an attack boost and you also cannot die you cannot enter critical condition and this is the one ability that truly means it so there's a lot of other abilities that are like oh you're Invincible during this and you're not but this ability you actually are you actually are undying so you can actually tank things like the Beth from Proto mamut you can actually just just tank it straight up a lot of insta kills you can just tank it with this ability it's it's that strong so you actually do have a flex slot here and that's going to be this last slot here we'll go through some of the abilities that you could get here damnation is it's kind of a skill dump it gives you jammed which is a it gives you more attack it gives you enmity an enmity boost basically gives you more attack based on how low your HP is this actually has three charges so you can cast it three times it actually makes you lose 30% of your HP and since enmity is so good on vaseraga because of immortal pain because you can't die you'll be at one HP for like a really long time it makes damnation kind of a good starter before you pop your Immortal pain so you can like damnation a bit to like get you a little bit lower Health to increase your damage and then you can pop Immortal pain to be immortal on top of giving you the buff so it's it's a pretty good choice other choices are there's violent Shadows which is really good when you're surrounded when you're up against multiple targets uh deals damage around you as well as healing you so it has a little follow-up slash you can also take umbrell Eclipse which slows all the targets around you um slow is is pretty good so you could take that as well and nether Roth which is really good for speedrunning content and doing kind of difficult content because you can pop this along with Immortal pain so what this does is it makes you take damage in place of your allies but if you run Immortal pain you can't die so you pop this so then you're taking you're taking damage for your allies and then they can just get full combos off and not really care as far as forgotten tals farming ability it gives you hostility more likely to be attacked so it's kind of like a taunt and it drains so it's really good to get multi bosses when you're fighting like uh those like three three boss combos you can make them all like kind of gather up on top of you so that you can get some AOE damage off I'm not I'm not really going to go too much into build because we already have guides for that if you want to check those out out there on our YouTube channel we've got the endgame build guide as well as how to progress which are both build guides but I mean we'll take a look at it real quick one thing uh here's some special vaseraga things one is ebony's poised is really really good actually his Awakening is pretty good but I don't have it because CR car hates me eon's Poise is really good ability and what this does is reduces your skill cooldowns every time you land a Charged hit with the amount that you recover based on how high of the charge that you did and the reason why this is so good is because this ability is triggered by supplementary damage so if you trigger supplementary damage on a Charged hit you basically double up on this and like each trunk is like 16% cool down it's really crazy when you have supplementary damage so like if you have like the three supplementary damage going then you definitely want Poise in order to uh get your coold downs and I'm going to go into that a little bit later so other than that basic stuff you don't want stamina on Vaga specifically because he gets pretty low with his undying ability so enmity is a better choice over that and uh you can run you can run charged attack damage as well um I in fact I recommend charge attack damage because uh it synergizes with the damage mods it doesn't increase your attack it increases damage charge attack damage so it's really good it's really good for that and you know again War Elemental damage cap so I'm not going to go like too much into that actually a couple more things things I really like on vasara again quick cooldown really strong on vasara because of eanes poise with supplementary damage and so I got like a bunch of quick cool down there and Nimble Onslaught cuz I think it's op honestly I I I I really think that Nimble Onslaught is sleeper op and potion ho because you want to heal yourself because after you come out of the undying you will have one HP so you want to pop your potions after the effect ends otherwise you will be drained to 1 HP so at the end of the undying buff you always end with one HP so you want to hold your potion and the instant that buff drops you heal yourself so you don't instant die uh and again I'm not going to go into masteries cuz it's about the same for every character vaseraga is ability is his uh G the [ __ ] grenth g grenth gauge is that it's called grenth Groth gauge and uh grenth gauge is like this little what the hell where did they go where did my Gro gauge go what the hell oh there it is okay there's my Gro gauge Gro gauge fills up this scthe and then when you're not attacking it drains out slowly and it gives you three Buffs the first buff is Stout heart he does have just a built-in Stout heart if you just press the button you press his special ability Mel Unleashed he just gets that Stout heart buff but then you need to like get in there and start doing charge attacks otherwise it it falls off uh his second buff is defense up and his third buff is attack up so as you can see when you pop it and then you start doing like some charge you start doing some attacks also link attack by the way gives you a lot so you can see it starts like filling up this gauge and by the way boss rog's other personal sigil not the Poise one I was showing you the other one makes the gauge dep deplete slower again wide Awakening is pretty good on them so you can see there and then boom now I have the uh three Buffs down there on my S and you want to like kind of be really aggro and keep attacking while I have this up ability usages so first we'll go into the general ability us usages before we go into crazy [ __ ] which there's a lot of crazy [ __ ] on this guy first off some of his abilities so there's there's a battalions of fear afterwards you can follow it up with a special attack charge attack does huge damage and again same thing with this one and it's got the stun what are your basic combos on vaseraga he's got a couple he's a he has a built-in Gap closer actually so if your battalion's are fear is down you can actually do a normal attack into special attack which will charge and it's pretty good it goes pretty far and if you want you can even cancel this if you want to go like straight into it so again that's just a uh regular attack cancel into special to get that to get that that charge in and that charge in actually does activate your stat heart which is kind of nice other combos he has is he's got the one combo one into this attack here and that is not super great but there is a cave using some tech that can make that good against targets that are running away from you his main big dick DPS is going to be the two slash into charge into another charge and we actually also if you link attack he also gets charged as well uh just like his skills we actually tried out his last combo which is the three 1 2 three into that and then this and actually it's dog water I don't understand it but it's actually worse than the easier one the one that's faster is actually more damage it doesn't make any sense so you basically want to use the one combo which is this to get in and you want to use this combo as your main DPS combo at least without using tricks okay so now we're going to get into like some of the the crazy tricks with him again when you use a skill he's able to use his his charge attack right but what but if you cast a spell if you look at his skills they're really slow so you can actually roll cancel them and the cool down doesn't get go off right but now you can still do the charge attack after and this adds a lot of ridiculousness to this guy so you can also do that with the two slash the one two into double slash which is your really uh High DPS combo and you can omit the first two slashes by Dodge cancelling since these two hits don't really do much you really want the big meaty hits at the end of the combo which is going to be this hit into this hit and because of that what you're going to do is you're going to attack roll cancel attack roll cancel and now you're in this state for the two hits so you can also do this with one attack into charge combo this right here so you go one and then you charge this and then and then after after the Scythe hits you hear the hit hit once you hear the second hit you immediately roll cancel and you can do it again you do one tap and it will give you this charge and then you hit two hits you charge immediately and you can do it again two hits roll cancel and you can do this indefinitely so if a Target is running away from you you can just do this over and over again so those are like his main pretty good Tech combos there that's really all you need to play this guy one other thing of note is if you cancel this ability which is great Scythe of gnoth this particular hit has an insane amount of recovery with supplemental damage so if you have supplemental damage the cooldown recovery from your uh Poise sigil is insanely high so just to illustrate that I will show you using the immortal pain and you can actually see the coold downs and you can see how much it recovers in fact it recovers so fast with a little bit of cool down reduction that you can indefinitely have your Immortal pain up so your invincibility you can cast it again before the effect wears out so I'm going to pop it I'm going to roll cancel it and I'm only going to use these charge attacks after cancelling GR and you can see every hit trunks my cool down look at how high it comes up every time it hits for and you can see I can cast it again as long as you can attack the target You Are Forever unkillable on this guy and I mean you can run some Cascade if you want it to be even more ridiculous I feel like sigil slots are pretty out a premium on vaseraga compared to other characters so it's really hard there's so many things you want on him that cascade's a little rough to justify slotting in but again the way that you do that is you cast this scythe and you roll cancel it and then start your charge and there you go go you can just indefinitely do this hit pass the spell roll cancel and then immediately start charging so you can use this on a lot of fights to be like incredibly Immortal again does less damage than this combo but that's the price you pay for immortality right guys and you do have the jam thing that you could just like kind of pop that for like bonus damage cuz it it kind of sets you down so there's like basic vasura stuff there remember uh remember things of note remember you can use this to charge in on them and you can actually just skill cancel that so you go really fast and you can use this infinitely so that's the main stuff on vasara coming up next we're going to do we'll show you a little bit of combat do I plan to just for every character I'm trying and I really want to like know the characters before I do it uh you know in this fight it's going to be really hard for me to get optimal combo cuz there's so much [ __ ] going on that I'm really just going to try to optimize my undying so I'm going to start off with this so I can get that heart going to pop my undying and start my rotations here and just keep this going and you can throw like these uppercuts in every now and then cuz they chase you're just kind of like a freaking Beast honestly like but you have to keep an eye on your on your buff bar so that you know when is about to run out which is very soon so now I'm kind of weak and then oh see I died there and that's again why you want to have potion hoer so you can pop that potion right when right when it runs out so I'm going to play a little bit full health now and just kind of just get some pokes in and again this is why Nimble Onslaught comes in so clutch you actually don't have to full charge this if you don't have time you can just go like the the Quick Charge there all right now I can pop my undying again and I can go like kind of ham on this guy and here we go the and it does have a lot of range actually it has a lot more range than it looks like I don't know why I I I my Scout heart drops all the time like that it's so annoying if that happens you can just pop uh you can just pop triangle real quick to just like rebu and as you can see like my cool down is pretty much almost done I give it like One Tap boom it's really annoying when you lose that Stout heart and you just kind of tank it you know I see that my my cool Down's coming up so I'm just going to pop that pot get myself back up to full and again with potion hoarder you have so many pots just run pots for days but you can you can drop your alt kind of to just like buy more time for your cool down so basara's charge attack does have a a Parry that you can use if it's fully charged I try not to rely on those because they're not really up all the time and if you actually want you can actually let go of it if you actually want to get that stun off which sometimes I do when I'm kind of towards the end of rotation so like we'll just like do it here just to show these big chunky cooldowns are actually like really good for getting your dash back up as well which is just like a really nice poke after you get a Dodge utilizing that Dash to get in I'm actually just going to ult this guy and I know that right after this ult actually my skill is up so I'm actually going to hit him with the with the jam right here for the buff pre buff hit that hit him there going we do the cancel there and again my set heart went down so I'm just going to pop that get that back up there's a question from chat if you're eating damage do you need damnation the damnation provides a further buff and it's really hard to get vasus caps so it's actually not too bad you can actually get some free Dodges like perfect Dodges on this which uh if you have a Nimble Onslaught we'll get you some of your cool Downs back we'll pop a pot just to stay up all right now we're back with our undying now we take our DPS window here we try to get as much as we can here so we keep up that undying I'm actually just going to hit him with the S because he's going to run anyway like a [ __ ] it's the beauty of onslaught there is that you can do that oh I forgot to pop my skill oops my bad remember the Press Your undying ability otherwise you die people die when they are killed when they don't have undying so I'm just going to keep charging here again we're undying right now so boom undying running out soon get this last hit hopefully oh make sure I pop that pot there so I don't die still pretty good damage on those uh on those like no charge all right we're back in business again here we go wait for him to come down and then he [ __ ] out again with his girlfriend all right pop my undying Here We Go Again look at this he does not appreciate this ow that was a mistake yeah immortal's almost up again but I made a mistake there I missed a Parry I wanted the Stout heart first boom he's so low I'm just going to hit him with that just pop this right here and just smash him right over the head good night ganza I'm the real Chad and now I'm going to beat up on this girlfriend so I didn't really show much against ganza but this combo is really great against uh the potato who's the potato this girl in the ball she like a super potato ball or something a mashed potato ball just hit so hard remember you can do this Chase and then you can just keep doing it over and over again all you got to do is land at that hit and then you dash cancel and you can just keep chasing with this my I'm dying now I'm ready for business also are you really playing vaseraga if you don't slow walk menacingly if you don't slow walk menacingly are you actually playing vaseraga correctly I don't think so I think there a part of it you to get in the mindset you know you get in the mindset you got to do a little slow walk towards the enemy sometimes I just like the hit her I'm waiting for all my cool Downs before I I pop uh crazy Daddy Mode I probably shouldn't have called it that that was probably not uh not a good thing to call it it was a little SLS did you did you see how how good the range is on it it's so high and as you can see look my my ability is up [Music] again that's what you get that's what you get stupid all right all right guys thanks for watching my vasara guide uh for more tips and trips uh trips for more tips and tricks check me out on Twitch leaflet I as I I am fine with you asking questions I try to answer them to the best of my abilities and uh more videos up on YouTube as well uh really appreciate a like a sub and a hit on the Bell it helps with the algorithm helps so much I really appreciate it thank you see you guys later peace out
Channel: Leaflit & Asari
Views: 10,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, MMORPG, Co-Op Gaming, Co-Op RPG, Granblue Fantasy, GBF, VTuber, Slime Vtuber, EnVTuber, Relink Gameplay, granblue fantasy relink multiplayer, jrpg, Gameplay, Gaming, Epic, Tutorial, Guide, clip, english vtuber, vtuber tutorial, virtual youtuber, 3d vtuber, Asian, Viral, funnygameplay, entertaining, Tech, Multiplayer, Build, Insane, Best, Streamer, Leaflit, Educational, Education, Game, Tips, Tricks, Vaseraga, Vaseraga Guide, Vaseraga Build, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, GBFR, Combat
Id: wYLzwDoL2wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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