Granblue Fantasy Relink - Narmaya Character Guide

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narmaya is one of the most popular characters in relink For Better or For Worse and if you played online at all you probably ran into a lot of them you might even M her yourself and if you do I cannot blame you because she is definitely a really fun character who is able to put out some of the highest damage in the game with her ability to shift stances and use finishers if you are able to time everything correctly not to mention the butterfly mechanic can increase the damage of her ability significantly as well not too many characters can reach north of 40 million and even 45 million with really good RNG in the DPS tests here in this video I want to discuss Nora talk about her strengths and weaknesses discuss General play style and set up and showcase some practical use of the character if you enjoy guide content like this for relink or RPGs in general and especially Xenoblade and would like to see more please be sure to subscribe to the channel because it does help me out so much there is also my Discord and Twitter in the description where I'll be posting these videos when they are alive if you'd like to be notified sooner so let's get into this so Nora is another primarily melee DPS character with a big focus on outputting as much damage as she can her main gimmick is the ability to swap between two different forms which affect her normal attacks and some of her skills you have The dafly Stance which is the default form and gives her attacks a pink flare this stance has higher damage per individual hit and also Cleaves in front of her to have a bit of area of effect damage and the finisher in this form is a very wide cleave however the hits are a bit slow compared to other form the free flutter form which is more focused on single Target damage and very fast rapid fire attacks your attacks in this form will gain a blue flare in general you can swap forms by pressing the Y button on certain controllers like mine which is just the combo finisher button on most other layouts this is also briefly explained in the first of her support skills butterfly effect the second of these support skills is take flight which says that you gain Butterflies by Landing certain attacks which enhance your skills you can have up to six of these butterflies total and the major benefit is being able to gain a lot of damage from the addition of these butterflies while typically the free flutter stance is designed to do more damage to single Target so you may be tempted to stick to it in most fights this is not actually the ideal way to play the character because of this butterfly mechanic so by Landing combo attacks in your different forms then performing a stance shift finisher by switching forms at the perfect time you'll be able to perform a strong finisher attack while switching forms at the same time instead of just normally swapping and doing drastically less damage the combo will also Grant a butterfly for performed correctly and The Stance shift finisher will grant an additional butterfly meaning you can get a lot of additional Butterflies from doing this correctly and that also means you'll get more damage and benefit out of all of your skills The dafly Finisher involves holding a normal attack fully charging it then pressing the stance change button to perform a finisher afterward this hold attack will charge faster depending on what actions were taken before it typically three normal attacks into the hold attack is the fastest way to charge the attack and what you're going to be doing more often than not the hold attack charges much slower if you try to charge it immediately upon getting into the dafly stance that is something to keep in mind for the free flutter stance it's a bit easier since you just need to match the attack button over and over until you do a little wind maill attack which leads into the stance change finisher while swapping is a good thing ideally you do want to limit your time in dafly stance since free flutter does do a lot of damage and also benefits one skill that is used greatly so there are a couple tricks you can do to perform this the first is a link attack will always allow you to stance change finisher afterwards so if you can time your stance shifts well you can quickly get a finisher off after a link attack to get back into free flutter form quicker while still building up butterfly since link attacks also Grant a butterfly the second is using one of your skills such as the kyokat sugu skill and I apologize if I pronounced that wrong and then going immediately into a hold attack since this will give you the fastest possible charge speed for the ho attack to allow you to stance shift sooner and still giving you the two butterflies these are both used in the 42 million run I got at certain points in score attack so while she can output a lot of damage you can't just be mindlessly mashing you do need to pay attention to what's going on and know when to swap form optimally to get the most use out of the character you can also Dodge out of your normal attack Combos and continue them immediately afterwards so if you have good timing against bosses you can still Dodge their attacks without having your combo interrupted which is probably the most optimal way to play the character even if it can be dangerous butterflies will add a not insignificant amount of damage to certain skills she has with full butterflies capable of outputting millions of additional damage easily so gaining butterflies is really important to using the character effectively so learning her timings is going to be very important I'll talk a bit more about it when we get there but nmia also has a unique sigil that has a 50% chance not to consume her butterflies on skill use so with good RNG you can out put some really incredible damage with her which is how I was able to reach this 42 million with the character in score attack however with really really good luck you can even go above 45 million especially if you have better overmy bonuses than I did but on average you'll definitely get lower because unfortunately this is still based on RNG Naya is a character who isn't too terribly difficult to understand but does take some practice to really get used to that should cover the basics so any additional combat information will be included in the gameplay section of the video let's get into setup so this is what I was running for my score attack run I would not recommend this for a general play because even though it can output a lot of damage you are missing a lot of defensive utility except for the guts that saw my glass Cannon because that just naturally came with that so I might as well just have it there but otherwise there is no defensive utility no team support or anything on this kit otherwise that can really benefit you outside of just doing as much damage as possible and you will very quickly die if you get hit even once because you have no recourse for the Dizzy from glass Cannon so as a more General setup what I would recommend running is something more like this now the actual weapon is going to be the Terminus weapon as per usual this is a really really good weapon it has catastrophe on it one of the best effects in the game gives you a huge attack boost a big bonus to your damage cap as well when below 45,000 Health it gives you sigil booster really good effect as well to increase all the effects of your traits and also gives you a bit of additional damage cap as well which allows you to hit a lot higher damage numbers when you have that maxed out so definitely run the catastro weapon if you have it if you've gotten that drop if not the crit rate weapon is probably going to be be your best bet for the most part and you'll be able to save some crit rate siges that I have equipped at least the imbu traits give me just enough critical hit rate to which 100% with my two crit rate sigils and overmy bonus so that is why I'm using the critical hit rate there I like having 100% critical hit rate for the consistency skilled assault is really nice because this is a very nice damage boost to your skills even at level six it offers a 35% damage boost and there is one skill Naya has which has trouble reaching cap just because of how the skill works but with this it kind of bridges the damage gap of that a lot which is very helpful and then finally blight resistance is the other imbued skill this reduces the damage you take from Blight this is just kind of a filler skill more than anything but it does help against some of the later Proud Mode raids because a lot of them do have blight damage attached to them and some of the fights since you're fighting the nil hillas and everything like that so as far as the actual sigil traits I have I've got critical hit rate Five and stamina this is a really good sigil because it gives two things you want stamina is like a 15 50% attack boost to level 15 which is really nice and critical hit rat just really nice in general because critical hits do a lot more damage I am also running tyranny that has the bonus effect Cascade on it tyranny also increases your damage by a pretty large amount when you by in exchange for lowering your maximum health now if you do have an egis that you can conveniently slot into one of your slots then that can be nice to kind of offset the health penalty here I couldn't really conveniently fit one into this but if you have something that allows you to fit egis it could be something that might be nice to fit in if you wanted to get rid of one of your quick cool Downs or even the Cascade you can probably fit it in a little bit easier though but I do like the shorter cool Downs at least for maximizing damage and optimizing a bit further myself I have my obligatory three damage cap five pluses these increase the damage cap allow you to hit higher damage two of these have quick cooldown just to increase your uh cool down so you can use more skills and then potion hoarder is on the last one potion hoarder is one of the best effects in the game gives you a lot of potions allows you to heal yourself allows you to revive yourself three times fantastic sigil effect so definitely recommend having that her two unique sigils are some of the strongest Sig effects you can possibly have you have butterflies Grace and butterflies of Valor butterflies Grace will grant you an additional butterfly every time you land a combo finisher or link attack which gives you a lot more additional butterflies which increases the damage of your skills even further and it goes really well with butterflies Valor which gives you a chance not to consume butterflies on skill and that's a 50% chance as I mentioned earlier which means that 50% of the time you'll get the benefit of your butterflies while still keeping all of your butterflies so if you have six butterflies you will get a ton of benefit when this triggers because your next skill will also take advantage of your butterflies which is very very nice to do a lot of additional damage since you can proc a lot of additional damage from using your butterflies and obviously butterflies Grace definitely have this as well because getting an additional butterfly per skill means that when you don't get this 50% roll you still get butterflies a lot faster just by being able to stack them up a lot sooner so these are very very nice effects definitely recommend running these if you have the awaken version you can run these both on the same set however I have two really good traits on the normal version of these so I'm not really losing out by not running the awakened version in fact sometimes running the two versions by themselves like this is better because you can stack an extra red trait since you can get one on each of these I have a damage cap five plus on butterflyes Grace which is really nice and critical hit rate on butterflies Valor which allows me to reach that 100% critical hit rate so very nice bonus effects on those two supplementary damages these are kind of uh you do not have to run these if you want to be a little bit more defensive you can definitely kind of fit in and eaches there maybe fit in another defensive utility ability here as well but I like doing some damage so that is why I'm just running these this gives me about 70% supplementary damage I believe with both of these let me see the exact amount here so yeah 74% chance really nice that is basically three4 of the time you're triggering supplementary damage with a free extra 20% damage every time it does trigger so about 15% extra damage total with these two slots here again you can be more defensive running only one of these still gives you about a 40% chance to trigger it which is still really nice linked together I do feel is just a really viable uh Team support sigil which allows you to build Link level faster which means that you can use Link time sooner and it also has another quick cool down attached to it as well so two really nice useful effects there improved Dodge is more of my defensive utility sigil it has both improved Dodge and guts on it which are two really really nice tra guts allows you to Sur lethal hits with one HP on a short coold down of 2 minutes and 40 seconds which is really nice and improved Dodge gives you dodge count plus four meaning you can dodge seven times in a row without any negative benefit and it also gives you more time to dodge attack so I really like running this in general it's really useful on nayia who wants to stay in the enemy's face really often so as long as you're paying attention to when the enem is about to attack you'll have a pretty good chance of dodging it and being allowed to continue your combo and using your stance change finishes and everything so I do really like this ability on Naya War Elemental is pretty much a required sigil on most characters because it allows you to ignore damage cap on most enemies that have any kind of element and do an additional 20% damage to them which is really really nice to have so definitely recommend running this if you have it so once again you can definitely get some better sub traits and better locations if you get a supplementary damage 5 plus with a really good sub trait that can help as well egis is another really good ability the ability that gives you more invincibility when you dodge is also pretty nice for defensive utility so there are definitely some other things you can run auto revive is another option even so plenty of things you can run you can get some sub traits in better locations you can still do a lot of additional damage you can even fit another supplementary damage if you get lucky enough so definitely a lot of things you can do you can even cut out a critical hit rate if you get really really good overmy bonuses so a lot of things you can do this is just the setup I'm running and that I've had a lot of success with myself so something similar to this will give you a lot of success so let's talk about skills really quickly so for her skills the four standard skills you're probably going to be running most of the time are these four this will give you the most damage possible kyokat sugu this is a lunge attack it doesn't do too much damage unless you have a lot of butterflies which will do a lot of additional damage and you can kind of see the damage difference when you do have a lot of butterflies but the most important utility it has is it's a really low coold down and it also allows you kind of lunch the enemy immediately which is really good as a gap closer effect so I definitely recommend running this pretty much all the time transient is one of your strongest attacks that you have access to it does a lot more damage when you are in free flutter form though so you do not want to use it if you are in uh dafly stance because you will get more damage out of it in free flutter stance which is very beneficial so make sure you're using this in free flutter stance when you have it so kind of save the cool down if you're not in free flutter stance setsuna this is a chargeable attack this is the one skill that doesn't always reach the damage cap with my current setup but that's not really a big deal that's one of the reasons I have skilled assault as just a level six effect as my imbu trait because it allows me to get closer to that if you charge it fully you will easily hit damage cap however if you don't want to waste too much time you're probably going to want to do a minimal charge or no charge so you just kind of tap the button and you'll still get a lot of damage out of it that's kind of near the cap if you've got enough damage boosters at the very Le releast now it is worth noting you can accidentally cancel the effect early you do want to remain still for a second after using it because when she sheaths her sword there is another slash that will come out and if you cancel that early you will not get that bonus damage from that so do keep that in mind and dance of pink pedals is her best buff ability this is a 30% attack boost while it is active which is really nice a grant Stout heart meaning you cannot be interrupted while it is active which is also really nice if you accidentally do take any damage you could also combo this with the sigil that lowers the damage you take while Stout hard is active so that's something to keep in mind if you want even more defensive utility and you don't trust your ability to dodge and it also adds additional supplementary damage that Stacks with these sigils that Grant supplementary damage so you will not lose any benefit out of that if you are running this ability so very very good buff definitely recommend running that pretty much all the time her other four skills are a little less useful compared to her main four the first is Apex of nothingness this is a Parry so if she gets hit while this is active you will be able to inflict slow and remove one buff from the Foe on hit I believe even if she does not hit a foe after a certain amount of time it does activate anyway and does a little bit of damage and the amount of damage you deal can be increased based on the amount of butterflies that you have and the effect can also be increase based on the amount of butterflies you have which is also pretty nice the slow can be nice as well for certain strategies but I wouldn't recommend running this most of the time crescent moon will unleash a long slash while jumping back and the skill strength is based on your butterfly count now this doesn't actually do all that much damage so most of the time I do not recommend running this but you can be nice to have a jump back effect but most of the time you're going to want to be in the enemy's face anyway so you're probably not going to be running this too often dance of blue pedals is a more defensive utility based ability that grants defense and restores health to our Armada narmaya and she also gains three Butterflies from it so her defense is boosted by 40% which is actually a pretty significant amount and just like dance of pink pedals it also grants three butterflies I think I forgot to mention that on the pink pedals section but it only boosts your defense as opposed to all the Buffs that the attack buff offers you so definitely going to be the less useful buff most of the time especially when you want to Output as much damage as possible still if you want to run a tank setup maybe you can consider running this and then finally we have utter devotion this grants hostility to Naya and inflicts defense down on pose meaning that all of your allies will do more damage to them if they aren't already hitting their damage caps and you also gain three butterflies and you have hostility which means you're more likely to be attacked so this is kind of an aggro ability maybe it combos really well with dance of blue pedals it's also kind of a buff effect that grants you three butterflies instantly so maybe if you are trying to uh be a really good tank and try to save your allies Maybe you could run this with dance of blue pedals but then you lose Idol on a lot of damage from not having your other skills so I don't really think I would really run her a more defensive way like this and I would only run hostility if you really trust your ability to dodge or uh not get hit by attacks so definitely kind of stick with the damage setup for most setups here but if you want to try something different her other skills aren't terrible at the very least and then finally we have masteries so once again you do want to ma max out her masteries if you want to be perfectly optimal with her offense defense tree collection tree and then over Mastery bonuses most of the time this is going to be the same as everything else normal damage cap up is probably going to be the most important thing since a lot of her damage comes from that skill damage cap up I only have 10% on mine so you can definitely get even more damage than me if you want to beat my 42 million time and I also only have critical hit rate up 6% this is just enough for me to hit 100% with the uh equipment I have so that's not really a big deal for me as long as I just got a little bit there so normal attack damage cap up skill damage cap up is usually going to be the most important things no matter what and critical hit rate up after that if you get 20 % on critical hit rate you can save a critical hit rate sigil by the way and still hit 100% so that is something to keep in mind as well Sky skybound art damage cap up could be useful and attack up can be useful to maybe hit the uh damage limit on that one skill that doesn't always hit damage cap so those are some things to keep in mind as well that was a lot of information so let's go ahead and finally get into the combat section so once again maybe final raid spoilers here if you do not want to be spoiled on that so just uh be aware of that before we get into it so video is kind of long already so I'm just going to Showcase one fight that I did against brob Baja ironically this is the one time I would actually recommend doing the slower charge of your hold attack when you're in dafly form just because well you want to be able to make sure you build up those butterflies and these enemies don't have a ton of health so if you end up slashing them you might end up killing them especially if your allies are attacking them too so sometimes just charging the attack before the uh spars appear can be really nice just to guarantee you get those butterflies so I was able to get uh two butterflies out of that move there which was really nice then I go destroy some orbs most of the time though you'll definitely want to do the three attacks into your charge attack in order to uh get the faster charge time and cancel into your free flutter faster so sometimes it can be beneficial just to hold a charge in this section cuz the orbs will continuously appear like I was able to hit an orb there even though I couldn't even see it just because I waited a little bit for releasing it uh the targeting is really weird in this game sometimes so it can be a little Annoying to actually do everything properly like even there it kind of got confused for a second I tried to dodge out of the attack here but I end up running right back into it at the last moment I thought the AOE had gone off but I'm just bad at the game so not a big deal while he's coming down I go ahead and activate my buff since there's some there's uh cast time on activating the buff and then I go in and use my uh I use my Dash attack so I get the fastest possible charge on the uh hold attack which allows me to quickly cancel into free flutter form which allows me to do a lot of damage with that and then I do my combo with that and then use transient with that which does a lot of damage and gets him to that 80% threshold where he just runs away I hold on to the cool down for satsuna the uh sword slash attack so I can just have that for later there's no reason to just use it now and I'll also have my buff art back about a little after the next time he comes back down so using it early is not really a huge deal here so at this point I just go ahead and charge up and attack again cuz he's coming back so I just want to be able to get that quick cancel here and uh get more attacks off and then we get the link attack off so I'm going to be able to cancel out of that as well into the uh combo finisher The Stance change finisher and get another butterfly out of that I think I end up whiffing my attacks because of the hit box issues that's one thing that can be a little Annoying in this fight when you're running melee characters I go ahead and guard the claw attack instead of trying to dodge that since uh you can't hit him after that anyway cuz he moves too far away from the ship and then I go ahead and dash to one of the crystals use the charge hold attack to hit both Crystals at the same time uh the combo finisher doesn't end up hitting anyone unfortunately because the crystals are dead at that point not really huge deal though I do end up getting hit by the claw swipe cuz I thought they'd kill the crystals on the other side a little bit faster but not really a huge deal either just had guts that's one of the reasons you run defensive utility options just in case that happens and now I just kind of do the Standard General combo you saw against the dummy where I'm uh trying to stay in free flutter as much as possible but I'm also kind of swapping and using combo finishers to make sure I can build up butterflies and do damage with my skills so as soon as uh I get back into Dawn fly here I know I had my Dash move up so I go ahead and uh immediately Dash you the hold attack so I can get right back into free flutter quicker so this just kind of the combos you want to do against most enemies especially when you have free moments now unfortunately we did not build up our uh gauge a little bit fast here so all of us do not have quite 100% here besides the rock gun which uh got it easily probably cuz I was charging attack so I didn't build up as fast in the beginning stages of the fight so that's probably my fault but regardless we'll have it next time he comes back down so once we survive this phase the fight is basically over so one thing we never get to do in this because of that is link time uh link time with Nara you are able to spam your skills much more actively so that is one really nice benefit to that and you can basically always have your buff art up during link time and you can just Spam your really high damage attacks in a free flutter form with a transient and setsa so that's probably the best thing to do during link time so during this part it's just a lot of dodging waiting till we get a chance to attack him you can't really hit him during this section he does have the claw move that comes down over on the other side of the ship there but it's a very brief moment so there's not really enough time to really do much of anything and he does the laser attack where he's stilled a little bit too far away from the ship to hit him with a short-range Melee character you can probably hit him with a charge attack here but it's probably better to just sit in the corner and guard here just to make sure the laser attack is not going to kill you so it's really easy to guard not take damage from it at least so not too hard there then make sure if you're doing this fight you destroy your orb get to a Canon destroy the orb closest to you and if the person on the other side is not destroying their or make sure to destroy that one too just to make sure there's no issues we get the uh crystal in the middle here so I fail my Dodge timing here and end up getting hit by that unfortunately but I do uh get the second Dodge timing at the very least so I dodged the second AOE on the ground now he comes back down and this is where the fight's basically over I'm going to activate my buffart and just kind of go to town on him with the same rotations you have already seen here so in dafly I try to get out of that by dashing into it and canceling immediately since there was link attack up I could actually use that to get back into free flutter as well I use uh setsuna there to get a lot of additional damage since that does a lot of damage especially while the buffard is active my targeting was a little off there it end up targeting his claw I couldn't hit for a little bit unfortunately because of the targeting system is a little whack in this game but fortunately not a huge deal as soon as he gets back up I use spba and uh this should basically end the fight where we'll be able to combo him from here and and everything pretty simply so now I'm just going to do my maximum damage rotation here until the fight is over it's all in all really fun character to use just kind of understanding how the uh principles of her attack Supply is going to be the key to victory for some reason the Sig free did not follow us up there but he does use it here at the one% Mark for some reason which is really funny so since the fight's over at this point I just Spam a couple blue potions so I can increase my honor so I can pretend I'm much better at the game than I am regardless though pretty easy fight a lot of the general principles will apply in other fights in other fights you'll have more windows to dodge attacks and continue your combo because this one has a little bit of a lot of downtime when you uh can't attack him because of how the fight is structured but regardless though that was kind of how I would probably approach this type of fight with naraya all that being said I hope you guys learned something from watching this video and you have learned a little bit more about how to play the character and understanding how her rotation Works to maximize her DPS if you did enjoy the video please be sure to like comment subscribe and uh support me any other way you can please look forward to all my future guides on the game as as well and any other future characters I cover I plan to make a guide on everyone if I can with all that being said thank you guys so much for watching please look forward to future videos as I said and have a wonderful and blessed day and hopefully I'll see you back here soon
Channel: Enel
Views: 50,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x0N4zILJDzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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