The Graham Norton Show (FULL) S20E20: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, James Blunt.

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hi I'm Hugh Jackman hon I'm Patrick Stewart welcome to the Graham lawn show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] Wow oh yes Hugh Jackman Abbasid shorter here how exciting is that they're the stars of Logan Logan the new x-men movie and it's an elderly ailing Professor X he's been cared for by Wolverine ah remind you of anyone yeah you know I'm not sure Wolverine caring for prez Rex is a great idea I mean wouldn't want those hands wiping your bummy could you no don't worry yeah hey did everyone watch non-league sutton play are still in the FA Cup really I didn't Hey much carnivores ago basically the Sun publish official odds on some United reserve goalie Wayne Shaw eating a pie on camera before the end of the game even wonder why I see the reserve goalie oh yes I see suspiciously once that was official Wayne was still eating eating a pie and it raises a lot of questions meaning who let him be in a football team I mean in the end for Wayne was forced to resign from the team oh he said it's left the club with a heavy heart Adams all the cholesterol as we've got a great show for you with some surprises along the way later we'll have the new single for the marvelous James Blunt yeah [Applause] like life knight of the realm please look at the razor buzzing [Applause] a great event for keeping the divers these kicks off speed welcome Wolverine himself in surviving a huge [Applause] 1pp vote with me mom my mom's out there tonight where's my Oh [Applause] under your mother at all good welcome to our shores what do you mean welcome to your Shores literally like a second into the show welcome to the show I say don't get into it it's to calm people your mother anyway lovely to have you here thank you thank you for yourself well we both asked not using all the show futile I didn't know who to nickname which one do you know which one do you have one beginning with G Oh crying runs up poppy a guppy yeah yeah because when I sleep I move around and someone saw me on a plane who I know well and I was sleeping on the planet that had a great set that when really you are like a guppy out of water like a fish out of what it was flip-flopping around so go have you seen him be a puppy sleeping yeah all right all right I'm not hiding him my mom say hi mama restlessly it's quite adorable really it's adorable little cubby do you have nicknames growing up ginger yeah I did stewpot was one of my nicknames Stewie was another one of course it's different now I'm now well a social media set that to and acts a passive night class nah no seamless followers Dima and there is another one to beef stew which I rather like holy beast user the show casey ferrand afterward big movie tonight is Logan Logan is out what is a first a mark like the way you said like you should you should be doing the voices oh right let's name it again I do it up for a whole trailer though I drop a beat Logan love it Logan Wednesday the first March and it's one of those because whenever one of these x-men films comes out this huge excitement but this one it's exciting to an audience but it must become tinged with sadness for for both of you well it is my last outing I'm not saying it's not it's not your last outing this is only here you're not allowed to tell you I know I'll tell you about it in the moment should the opportunity arise I think it's a rhythm this is well no challenge go here agree no records for some time this is his last appearance as Logan as Wolverine I never thought about that whether it was mine it was another great opportunity to be in this franchise but on Friday night we were in Berlin at the Film Festival and it's screened there you and I was sitting side by side although the other way around and when it got into the facing the screen right [Applause] no it wasn't like that at all at all we got into the last five or six minutes of the movie and it's it's a very emotional ending and I saw you just do this a little bit and I suddenly realize oh Lord I need to do the same thing and then this is what I felt oh I swear that was what happened that cue held my hand and of course I was done I was finished at just weeping and sobbing but then we had to wait for the credits to roll before we could go up on stage would be introduced and while the credits were rolling because they are long in these movies I realize if this is the end there is no more perfect a beautiful way to say Ottawa goodbye adios then what has just happened so I think it's the end for me too wow really why would I want to do another go at this after what we've done in this movie because this movie is really really good and it is too risky Oh show something wrong so don't worry we'll get something no it's an old sort yeah yeah I'm prepared I don't know I understood that isn't a very emotional film it is yeah and I think as we made it as we prepared a James Mangold the the filmmaker who wrote it as well so two and a half years and Patrick was there there was a small band of real believers I thought the studio would say no I could be honest but they didn't Emer and Steve said yes and it was we made this film there was deeply personal and a very different kind of x-men film I kind of want people to go and see that have never seen an accident I've never seen a comic-book movie we wanted to make a movie that was true to that character as I sat there in Berlin I did I reached I grabbed Patrick's had a because it was 17 years since we first started playing in I mean you got to school for 12 years that's a long time at school right this is 17 years and I couldn't quite believe that there I was sitting next to one of my heroes and I'm not just saying that to be nice I was a drama school watching the John Barton how to play Shakespeare tapes with with Patrick playing and after one day I want to work with them and there I was it was a dream come true and it was a very I realized how lucky I am and and will forever be grateful to be in this movie and it was very emotional why why know them because you could have Wolverine such a popular character don't you feel just got it if they reek are some bring someone else's them over I think I'll be fine I mean look if I wake up one day and I find out Daniel day-lewis who's playing the party wins the Oscar and getting me a little bit anyone says Wow now that okay what let go this a taste of what to expect in a class you're in it you love it you love it and you Oh I she's uh I would find a way Logan you still have time [Music] life isn't like a normal kind of you know Marvel trailer it's from captive he's not it's very different and I remember being there when they first played a set troll you remember and we do that Johnny Cash in order to seem so perfect and of course our director did walk the line so he was he didn't know that we can use that Johnny Cash song but it's it is perfect we very proud of it and yeah so tell us about what the last film is that taste of what happened well they've even added given a date for this one it's 2029 so it's 12 years ahead of now we are a little older in my case only a little older I'm Charles is 1990 ish there abouts he's frail weak defenseless troubled aggressive hostile confused and more importantly Oh funny again yeah yeah funny okay thank you Mon I add sexy thank you don't look at me that way now the last adjective I was going to hide was okay very very dangerous his he has lost control of this power that he has in his brain and so this guy has got a daytime and nighttime job trying to make a little bit of money living in this little part of desert northern Mexico in order to pay for my medications is that familiar to anybody at all that's the kind of movie this is with storylines like that and I'll order when you see a film a film stars in the film look even better than they would ever like not being rude this bit rough around the edges in this film yeah I mean Patrick ender said it was quite shocking because you'd lost 21 pounds and I remember you telling me you were this like you were at 14 the same weight you've been your entire life and I've spent about six hours every morning and makeup you know to get enough physical every six seconds get out of the car said I'll go to make up there like you're good no we've got to say though it just gets people are worried right when when Wolverine take the shirt off it's you're still in quite the condition where people are going oh yeah I'll go to the gym I'll look like that it described like the lead-up to a day when you know you're filming a shirt off see well yeah there's a thing called dehydration so do not try this at home but you can lose up to 10 pounds of which is four kilos of weight on your surface like so all of this under here is water so you drink a lot of water for a week getting up to maybe 10 liters a day and then you stop about 30 hours before you film and so for the next 10 hours you pee you just peeing constantly because you've been drinking so your body's used to it and then all this water is going as you start you have like a half a baked potato and a few other things that get stuck water from the inside and then it's kind of not fun but the results end up being pretty good again do not shine I was getting married next year for the final push for the DRAM yeah massive a headache we go out the entire wedding don't you just feel awful you might feel bad you feel then you have a headache tell my bug about the the meals you know you standing on the set you eat every two hours and be like six and a half thousand calories a day so for me it was a lot and mum not your cooking eat it like steamed chicken and steamed broccoli and unlike your beautiful stuff but then so that's how you did it yeah Patrick how did you you're not even in a film in this picture this is just you hanging out all the fun no sir I do not I just think clean thoughts I'm embarrassed about that photograph the whole purpose of the photograph was the pink motif the shoes the shorts with cocktail dozen go would be skewered sorry Evernote you were fantastic addition Zangler yeah no I would you know it I was vomiting thank you my mother and father they gave me great skin and they gave me this and he did the aground maybe over the years you know no no I tried it it was not for me right it hurt and this is weird and don't answer this question if you don't want to much but I have to why you brought this up but I didn't hear you discuss you had an extraordinary disagreement with your wife about yourself do you know what I'm talking about by myself you mean yeah yeah yeah listen and you know the story hunan listened with interest I won't one night as you do we were talking about stuff I just have no vision and of course being circumcised I said he was heading there Larry America allowed and she said she said you're not circumcised I said what do you mean and you only love me a few I all my life I remember my mother telling me why because it was fashionable at the time she said you know circumcise I think that's ridiculous I should know if I'm gonna any conversation but the next day I happen to be seeing my doctor are you okay I was seeing my daughter on my annual physicals course so what he was down there by the way that's my little disagreement I am circumcised on high because she says I'm not and he goes nah it's not possible so he look down again and he said hey I'm Jewish I know the difference that is a bizarre q Roger grandchildren you can have to change your facebook status animal did you do more bees do [Applause] here now what is lovely because acting is a kind of transient thing you meet people than you don't but one of the lovely things that came out of these films is your friendship with Ian Cameron nice yeah you know add you but you must have known in the kind of affordable oh yes since I was a teenager he's two years older than me he said something the other day really along with what he was just said one of the nicest things ever he said yeah Patrick Stewart and I I really feel that laughs I have a brother Oh torille he might have said father you I could have a theory about the way he see the way in McKellen speaks what we did an animated movie together as well as he you did yeah it was called flushed away I really love my son often says why was there no sequel to that night because I lost a lot of money by maybe he played the tow route or a loser and I was always like he can get like consonants where there's not like he can make a one syllable word into 20 okay but it is a test for you video that's for you if you shut your eyes yes I tried okay is this the real voice it is the kalam or is it somebody doing in mechanik okay Graham is there room for another mutant on that sofa of yours well the real him then Julia yeah come on [Applause] I suggest explain why I'm just as I am I've just come down from Scotland and it took longer to get from City Airport to up make sure to go from Edinburgh here so I'm still in the clothes I was wearing up there very well that I am wearing absolutely recognize really yes I this is Magneto's coke it's really yeah they gave it to me in regimen the red look at it now yeah come on wash man second help me look there you take the wrong my mum can do it she's very good with that you guys yeah not working I know you're not working tonight I refuse I'll take me there I'll take them there yeah sit down sounded as does them because you're very welcome you're very welcome I don't bore to tell you about my clothes I was with Kobe high school telling them to be nice to each other I go around schools doing them Gordon Ramsay No yeah he'd been at that script and they gave him their school toy and I said well I'm going on the Gundams about where the time so I had to wear it so there that's for cooking knives they also gave me these new leader chili but but they're rainbow the rainbow can he are they football around borders who approve of gay people coming out and being honest about themselves where these to show their reports guys are talking about this movie Logan which is part of the excellent I've never heard of it attorney how come you don't in it no you know I think when you get to my a you want to leave a side those tired of being fresh I'm trying myself don't know how I don't I don't know why nothing it when could you not do another one you didn't die in one of them oh yeah I really vaporized resurrect yes nothing it's honey it was only at the level of DNA that he was vaporized I mean of course come on yeah yeah I remember coming to say because I wanted to say thank you to you all these years I'm sure I have I hope I have I was very nervous on that first film I started three weeks in it was my first movie and there was a lot going on and there was a lot of people and I remember you pulling me aside and saying this at times is going to feel uncomfortable it's going to feel overwhelming but you're in good hands and everything's going to be okay and you both of you was such heroes of mine I was a little star-struck but you it's the first day I met you and you saying that of it I never ever forgot it I think I was in love with you but I choose you at the National Theatre the musical what was it you will Oklahoma oh what a beautiful Monument I don't look your dressing room straight after you did you I took a photo yeah I did anything behind neither Brazil very salty show but that's why passing is talking before you come out about that you'd be sort of known each other over the year but were you were you got a rival in your career or not no only recently I've never thought of having rivals I've everyone gets on with what they can do and this plenty of room for everybody but sometimes I think I am Patrick Stewart accept that he's Yorkshire I'm sorry about that but you are bathroom yes I'm from Lancashire but our interests are the same and as far as a careers concerned which we started with the RSC we wanted to draw shapes become they want to do shapes we wanted to be taken seriously as active but given the chance of another sort of work are very popular sort of work of course we let that in look like Bolivar like that we'd be in a snap or in your case asked back again oh you're so bitter but I were you talking about it in I'm talking about how you were intimidated by his beauty yes of a world yeah you have a father has a long time ago gorgeous I think we delivered about we've got a photograph of in as Coriolanus er look at that come on my lawn watering eg aha having said that you do look great there in but check out Patrick short yeah yeah I never know what you've got to look forward to you have been hearing about this amazing body it is absolutely amazing the privilege to be so close but you know Magneto the character I used to play in this hide of franchise was also a pretty a muscular wasn't it and there you can see but the trick is that I am wearing underneath my costume a suit which is sculpted to look as if I'd put all the effort as he has interview that I did you know work out it McKellen's working man I just put on the suit and I'll tell you what I've still got it at home I'll give you two got drinks and I don't give it we've got red wine red one red one look at that like it Oh Walter and red wine [Applause] what we're doing I'm doing nothing to see you other people and what's all this about you being circumcised you work together you work together all on board well you did see play together abroad it's all a brilliant oh yeah you know that there are not many plays where there are two wonderful parts for actors of the same age so you can go through your life never working with the people you admire and the people who you should have an awful lot in common with Shakespeare is not bad it to that extent but there are a few plays and one of them is make you forgot oh there are two wonderful parts for people of the same age and another one is no management by how to enter and we done them both and we've just finished doing no-man's land in in London so don't despair if you missed it you can catch it on NT live as they record a performance all the cinemas behind us and I have just had an idea but this is awesome for for some time now I have been teasing Hugh but getting more and more serious about a suitable job we might do together I have been saying to this man for a long time he should play Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd it is if the role might have been written for him and I add a rider that if he plays Sweeney Todd I will for a limited run played the judge which is the two scene role that with two numbers including a duet between the two of them who should play mrs. Lovett [Applause] not June our fathers Eddie Redmayne played in the movie I play a high every flea must mention a beauty and beast Ian's new film it's in cinemas from 17 to March and it's not just huge fabulous people Emma Watson Dan Stevens and Thompson young McGregor and who are you in look in the world beauty Lisa welcome my view that the film should be called beauty and the clock I give you a I play Cogsworth two o'clock than in farook's jump sixes there we go he is a great song and dance man I mean that's how I first saw you on stage of the National see that singing his heart out and then he did a show on Broadway but hasn't yet come to Kingdom the Boy From Oz yeah and you've got a one-man show when you sing a dance hmm now Patrick does a bit of singing you don't even made a lovely record of your version of some standard since you would with Sonny and I thought it was time that I got into the musicals now the outside of their business I sing well yeah I've been a lot of things that there is visited you yes that's me voice that clock yeah and at the end I'm not giving you a to see because I think when the when the Prince saw this being a style thing I come back as myself and that's when you see me got it very brief okay okay that we do have a little taster this features your clock in action oh and do that work of two hands on it the jokes write themselves please come to my father cleans the light look girl who said that hello but you can't teleport it's all unit does hello lovely tonight your acquaintance what if you go drink the last packing for the mat there we meant a big forever and we become antiques that's one of my first shows my first CD show is Judy show guess don't got there is no dream you leave all your life hoping scheming one team will you be my wall yeah I think you are getting into the animation world as well it's something announced your exciting new casting who you're playing why are you laughing because I know what the absolute well there is to be an emoji movie among the top three most popular emojis of all time is one that I will play and his name is completed a professor extra money what the voice for a to PA if he sounds all like this is quite grand and very well-spoken very very very English which i think is a clever idea not mine but the producers that should be very humid hey we're about to add music but very quickly it is Oscars weekend this weekend and in would you wanna hear the story about when you were nominated for ganzel come and you had the the be well there won't be the in New Zealand where we filmed Mobile rings if you're lucky when you leave you're given a piece of green stone card and you wear it often enough and your chances out you'll get back to New Zealand that's the idea and it'll bring you a bit of luck so when those films were nominated with something like 20 Oscars on that night everybody from New Zealand was wearing the green stone that punar me echo and when we're on the red carpet going into the certainly I met Maggie Smith you know what do you what are you here for well Lord of the Rings Cowell yes she said what's that around your neck and I searched my Poonam vehicle maybe I only owe Poonam me once that I said well if I wear it it will bring me luck and and we went our separate ways and you'll at last for three and a half or four hours you know dad said that and at the end of course everyone else wins the Oscar apart from you and a bit dejected you're coming out looking for a drink and you bump into Maggie Smith and she points out using didn't work okay inside the music and since his breakthrough single your beautiful website number one he sold over 20 million albums worldwide performing his new single lovely better it's James Blunt everybody [Applause] [Music] they the meanest thing you haven't called a dick 7 called so menacing and I know I've done some that I'll lick still of disgust that I don't mean it's everything it's all you standing outside a ball would have said you're beautiful but I use that line fall not in my share of shallow night that I was get to get it right so I was hanging this whoever the bather them [Music] [Applause] [Music] there been times I gave myself to someone else to someone lesser than you [Music] love me [Music] love me when I miss you I would shred and watch baby I know you know I've got a nice wander but right now in this car like we're driving to your sisters all I'm looking for is something that forever the baby and you love love love me love me better love love love me love me better there been people that I loved before but they want something lesser call you love love love me [Music] love me [Music] not me [Music] you say new things yeah the truth be told I don't care what they think I got someone who is lying in my bed right next to me yeah love love love me love me love me bad [Music] not me [Music] I gave myself to someone else to someone lesser than you love love love me love me bad Hey [Applause] there you go have a seat yeah well Don you knock off your new album the after love which is released on the 24th of March yes thank you for the mug yeah well you know that's why you're here so that song is about kind of some of the hate you received over the years yes it has a little bit of us yeah I have a deeply unpopular I am but it doesn't matter because my wife loves me oh they offer me tail for her poor no you have turned it to a strength the wait people are kind of rude about you yeah I mess around don't I I met online on Twitter abusing myself before were people yeah have you guys do you follow him on Twitter no you should be very good there's lots of examples of James's treat because we all take a moment to remember just how terrible James Blunt was no need I have a new album coming soon sans go to the scissor what would even tweet about boning your mom good one a James Blunt a solapur calabria would have died they said Hitler I'm guessing this is not little bit of James what never hurt anybody depends where I put it this is a journey to the CJS but when I'm menstruating useful feedback our passes onto my marketing Dave run space fully aggravates me then sit on something else [Applause] you Jacqueline yes you share something with James Bond in that you've both done one of the most difficult jobs in show business you have both performed at an Australian sporting event Wow oh yes you did woody was at the AFL Grand Final I did the State of Origin Star Wars yeah go sir which is 40,000 of the drunk Ozzy man very very aggressive Matt show men and for the mid-game entertainment some guy some comedian put James Blunt thankful he's having people heal beautiful alive did it turn ugly I had I wore I wore the kind of home team's top justice well done time yeah which I things like a shield what did you do you I did the Bledisloe Cup so Australia New Zealand rugby that was the first thing I did yeah singing the national anthem and I did the Rugby League grand final but both terrifying absolutely - I remember the first I'd done one I remember being introduced at the Bledisloe Cup as a star of stage and screen I'd done one stage show on one TV show I'm jealous I said mr. Hugh Jackman I realize I'm standing in front of the Great Southern stand with 30,000 New Zealanders booing me and it's raining captaincy next we goes you better bloody show em oh yeah but you went for it I so went for it it's imperative you ever see the tape modern I finish singing they actually I'm still singing they cut off the tape finish and I'm still singing like I've never been monitored you're right Ernest trained incredibly take it very seriously I mean meatloaf isn't allowed back in the country after his performance I have to ask Ian have you ever sung before the national sporting event not yet no I did perform at in front of 50,000 people at the Gay Games in New York do you think but I didn't sing now I had a very good line I said my name's Sir Ian McKellen but you can call me Serena that one's out very well I think that would go down in Australia yeah oh yeah give it a whirl I mean I said a medigap was a little too the king of game this is a month now he's going on tour he was all thank me later why are you going cellebrite I'm going on tour around the UK in November tickets on sale now gran but I'll get you a Phoebe oh very good and can we just say changed on working on his birthday happy birthday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's merely where we go just time for a visit to the big red chair who's there oh hi what's read Jenny Jenny lovely as ever what do you do Jenny I'm a wildlife veterinarian well now we've never had one of those on the show before so you just go and look for sick animals yes okay great with animals very different where you based at the moment at London Zoo all right so they're quite easy to catch there I was about to see any animals today all right I'll be over you story I had just started working at a chimpanzee sanctuary in Sierra Leone and an old hand was showing me around and introduced me to tippy a young male chimp and he said tippy loves rubber boots whinnies and I was wearing some beautiful flowered willies that very day so I kind of put them towards the change and then expression of delight came on tippy face and he rushed over and I was like he really does like wellies and he crouched down and immediately started masturbating himself on the school everything about that service hilarious get me the chips thinking Rudy you're running a sign tree that's all you can come up with isn't the only one you've got okay we have one more one more here we go hello hi hi what's your name at play please yeah terrible name was Alice right okay but it flits is your actual name i was felicity okay were you want to sleep okay all right first up to go through story so me my sister were driving Scotland and I needed the toilets we stopped at service stations I ran in I went into the first cubicle and there was a massive big floating in the toilet right here that angle because I walked right out went into the next cubicle and went for away and then I stood washing my hands and a lady walks in wash my hands I kind of caught her eye in the reflection and she walks into thirds cubicle obviously saw big following that oh my head what out that kind of casually went to like I did that meaning is walked in and walked out even walk [Applause] Gary [Applause] [Music] back in April I did go to Mexico for a look back at some of the highlights problem this series I'll see them alive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have some laughter with one of Edinburgh most successful Fringe debut comedians Louisa Oh Merlin and a hit show what would beyoncé do catch it online now at BBC three and more from Graham tomorrow night he's back to host the grand final of let it shine on BBC one don't miss it at 6:45
Channel: Shadow Heart
Views: 2,170,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, James Blunt, sir
Id: JuJIKJqIn8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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