Google Deep Mind AI Alpha Zero Devours Stockfish

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He's just done one for game 10 as well.

Edit: Tony Rotella has uploaded a nice analysis for game 9. Best one so far.

agadmator has now added one for game 6.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/alexbarrett 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

What a game... It reminds me of Kasparov vs Deep Blue after his first loss - crushing the computer in position while allowing it to satisfy it's materialistic desire for pawns. Such cool positional sacrifices.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/TommyTheTiger 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

I think this game is actually a good example of why stockfish really needs that opening book that it's supposed to have.

11....Bf6 is a departure from the nearly always played standard book move of 11...d5 in order to free up space for Black's queenside development.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/respekmynameplz 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

I think he's wrong - it would be very fascinating seeing what happens in an AlphaZero-Human Super GM match.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Bifrons 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Where to download the pgns?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

pgn of the whole match would be nice. Should be 100 games.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Shandrax 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone before I get started with this I'm just gonna say it amazing game I have a small announcement to make as you can see in the top left corner of your screen as of today all of my videos will be available on roku TV so if any of you use roku TV I would ask you a small favor of checking it out you can find it just by writing a got motto in the in the search bar in Roku and try out the app is the buffering okay you know is the interface okay so far it's a pretty basic stuff you know you can just watch the videos but which time there will be some improvements and additions so that being said I hope those of you who are using Roku will will be able to give me some feedback let's get back to this game and it seems like Skynet scenario from terminator is closer than we think this game here it was played between google the google deepmind running the alpha 0 algorithm against stockfish and ok this isn't the latest version of stockfish i think this is a last year's the version of stockfish but it doesn't really matter I think like last year's stockfish was rated around 23 30 and maybe this year stockfish is rated around 2,400 so it's another big of a difference what's interesting is that deepmind only had like 4 hours of training and what does alpha 0 mean alpha 0 means that deep mine was only given the rules of chess it wasn't given any databases or any previous games played or anything that could help it it just had to teach itself by playing against itself so after 4 hours of running this office 0 algorithm deepmind is now facing stockfish and you know if any of you ever played against stockfish you know how powerful stockfish is and here is it's pretty amazing I've seen a couple of games I chose this one because I don't know it's just beautiful it's like watching me cut out play only me kowtow that's 10 times as strong as me Kyle it's pretty amazing I mean deep mind makes stockfish look like like a little kid trying to trying to move the pieces around but you'll see what I mean after I show you the game so deep mine has the white pieces and d4 was played stockfish replies with Knight to f6 we have c4 and c6 Knight to f3 and now b6 we have the Queen's Indian defense g3 Bishop to b7 Bishop to g2 Bishop to e7 we have castles and castles b5 now it captures on d5 and night to h4 by google's deepmind c6 c capture son d5 Knight captures on d5 and now Knight to f5 threatening to capture the dark square bishop here and also this is one hell of a square for a knight Knight the c7 now it's very hard for stock fissure to develop this Knight can get into the game the pawns are blocking it you can't develop the rook before you develop the knight you can't play a move like c5 to develop the knight on c6 because the knight on d5 is hanging so stockfish plays Knight to c7 and we have E for Bishop to f6 and now Knight to d6 going for that Bishop and b7 stockfish replies with Bishop to a6 and okay this does come with temple on the rook on f1 but after rook to e1 now this Bishop is also blocking the knife from entering the game via night to a6 so stock fish is so blocked in this is I mean this is stock fish night to e8 trying to you know free up some pieces and and get at least some development b5 now Knight captures and e6e captures on f6 and King captures on f6 and we have Knight to c3 so deepmind is now down to pawns but it doesn't matter look at starfish pieces they simply can't be developed nice to be 7 now this night is still in the way you can't really do anything with the Queen because the knight would be hanging and while the knight isn't easy doctors still can't push d5 so night the b7 first and now comes Knight to e4 with a tempo on the Queen Queen to g6 and now h4 we have h6 by stockfish making room for the Queen on h7 h5 Queen to h7 and now Queen to g4 and already this comes with a terrible threat of Knight to f6 check winning the Queen as the g7 pawn is pinned came to h8 stopping this threat and the Bishop to g5 this is a this is one hell of a move such an active square for the bishop but stockfish doesn't capture it stock fishplates f5 if you were to capture the bishop okay hg after sun g5 night Caterson g5 would attempt on the Queen Queen to g8 and after something like Queen to h4 and Bishop to d3 getting the bishop back to the defense h6 rook to e8 and something like H captures and g7 would check King captures and after Queen to g4 with you know some threatening discoveries Bishop to g6 and it's a pretty equal position but this is only what my analyzing software came up with it's it's hard to imagine what google's deepmind was thinking about after he offered this night so after Bishop to g5 f5 by stockfish now Queen to f4 this pawn is pinned if you capture the night you lose the rook on f8 night to c5 and the Bishop to e7 this night finally got into the game but now Bishop e7 attacks the knight and the rook we have Knight captures a story nights to d3 and this comes with a tempo on the Queen and also with an attack on the rook on e1 Queen to d6 now with a double attack on the rookin f8 also getting the Queen out of the way stockfish captures the rook Knight captures anyone we have rook captures on e1 and now F captures on e4 and stockfish is now up so much material but it doesn't matter deep deep mind plays Bishop captures Ani for now attacking the Queen and you don't really you don't really have any good options here I mean if you play something like Queen g8 Bishop captures rook so stockfish tries rook to f8 now at least if Bishop captures rook Queen captures Bishop but Bishop to h4 now we have Bishop to c4 and this Bishop to c4 is pretty much the only move stockfish can play there is no other move stockfish can play this position is so so dominating for for deep mind that it's it's hard to believe once again that stockfish is playing this with the black pieces so Bishop to c4 trying to get the bishop into the game and now g4 pinning the rook I mean attacking the rook as it's been from the bishop if you move the rock you lose the Queen but Rock the d5 starfish now attacks deepmind's Queen and we have Bishop capture Sun d5 Bishop captures on d5 and now rook to e8 check you don't really have any options here you do have to block it you don't want to block it with the Queen so Bishop the g8 blocking and now comes Bishop to g3 c5 now black is trying to either play Knight to c6 or or something it's very hard to develop since the rook will be captured either way now comes clean to d5 attacking this Bishop twice the bishop is pinned of course from the rook and also attacking the rook on a8 and there is nothing stockfish can do about this this is a this is one ugly position for stockfish d6 now Queen captures rockin a8 and Knight to d7 okay now the night isn't in the game but now Queenie for again what's the idea here and the idea is of course now deepmind wants to trade Queens I see he is up the exchange Knight to f6 now attacking the Queen and the rook but deepmind simply plays Queen captures on h7 we have King captures on h7 and this is moved 35 the game lasts for like let me just check the game lasts 4 a hundred and seventeen moves but the first 35 are the ones that will matter to you guys because now this is a winning end game for white black is black is up upon but why does up the exchange he has a rock for a night and this is completely winning even for to humans playing but of course I mean a computer like deep mind and artificial intelligence like the mind doesn't have a problem winning this endgame I will just show it you know just for just for fun Ruki 7 was played in IG for now rock captures on a 7 the Rope will now gobble up all the pawns Knight f6 Bishop captures and d6 Bishop e6 Bishop e5 97 Bishop c3 g6 Bishop d2 G captures on h5 a3 and it's you know I'll just show you the moves it's a pretty standard and endgame and I mean who knows who knows what deep mines rating is it would be pointless to analyze this it could be rated for a 4000 for as far as I know h3 Rock h8 simply it's it's a matter of time but it's interesting that you know how often have you played the game and you had you've been up the exchange in the endgame and it probably took you like max 20 or 30 moves to win the game but stockfish manages to drag it out for for over 80 moves so you know when you're playing the best moves this is what it takes to win the endgame even when you're up the exchange so whenever you win win and then game when you're up the exchange and like I don't know 20 moves it's it's because your opponent didn't play very well but you know it's it's pretty scary and I've seen I've seen some other games I don't think stockfish want even one game I think all the games were won by deepmind and all the games were beautiful I'm not really that impressed by the surprised by the result but by the by the way deep mind is playing and yeah okay this is like this is like taking forever but I mean I will put the PG end so if you're interested you can really study the same game this could be the greatest end game ever played in the history of chess we have no idea how strong deep mind is and you know probably deep mind is currently the the the strongest chess player the strongest chess entity in the world so after up to D 3 in this position stockfish resigned to the game and I mean it's pretty amazing I will put a link in the description below where you can check out it's a link to the PDF regarding google's deepmind and you can read a bit more about it about it playing chess about it playing go deep mind is actually dig man was also using alpha 0 algorithm and it it's the first program let's say that defeated the world champion in a game of go so naturally of next step was attested in chess and you know there wouldn't be any point in testing it against humans since humans are pretty useless against engines for growth for like two decades now but testing it against the strongest chess engine in the world that's something else and google's deepmind demolished stockfish i'm pretty sure you can simply just google it you'll find all the other games I didn't really find a link to all the other games I've seen people post them online so yeah this is one game and yeah like I said the part of the game that interests you is till moved 35 where the exchange of Queen happens and it's I mean it's a stunning game so yeah that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it and what do you think about google deepmind artificial intelligence and the alpha 0 algorithm in general yeah that's it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank all for watching and I will see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 977,050
Rating: 4.9256091 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, deep mind, deepmind ai, google ai, deepmind chess, deepmind vs stockfish, deepmind go, deepmind, google deepmind, google agadmator, deepmind destroys stockfish, chessgames google deepmind, chessgames deep mind, skynet chess, terminator google, google skynet, best chess engine, strongest chess engine
Id: lb3_eRNoH_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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