Magnus Carlsen vs Ian Nepomniachtchi || World Chess Championship (2021) || Game 2

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hello everyone and welcome to game two of the 2021 world chess championship match between magnus carlsen and yanipanishi yeah it's a great game you guys are going to enjoy it and before we check it out i would just like to mention uh about the time format as there seems to be a confusion in my previous video or rather i misspoke so the time format is um 120 minutes for the first 40 moves so each player gets two hours for the first 40 moves then you get an additional hour for the next 20 moves and then uh upon reaching move 60 you get an additional 15 minutes plus it's only as of move 61 that the the increment is being put into action so there is no time increment before move 61. so just uh wanted to get that out of the way and also you guys requested that i added the rating so these are their classical ratings you can see that magnus is 28 55 and nipple here 2782 and that you would also enjoy some photos so i i decided to throw in a few of them we're gonna throw in uh a few uh every game so i hope you guys enjoyed that as well so here is a nice photo of gary kasparov uh he he joined them at the the world championship venue um here having a good time with sheikh nayan mabarak i have no idea who that is but uh they seem to be having a good time if you guys know to do sharing the comments uh and here is a is a good moment of nipple arriving at the game magnus arrived early today nippo is now joining him uh there's the hanching you can see it's a very firm handshake and there's no eye contact as usual it's very very rare that you will see eye contact when players shake hands before the game maurice of course looking at jan he's not uh looking at magnus he doesn't want to upset him as he is one of the peop a few people that managed to upset magnus quite a lot uh during that one interview if you remember and you know as usual if you check if you you know uh find anything weird with any of the photos do do mention uh in the comments you can see that magnus does not have any corporate logos on his jacket which is not true they're just on the other side of the jacket something also uh in interesting uh and here is the moment where the first move was made the first move was made by fide president arkadie vorkovich and he played the move e4 which is not the move that magnus wanted to play uh but that's uh you know uh normal because the person that makes the move they they just make any move and then the player either leaves that move or he makes another move but you can see that here carlson is enjoying himself he's uh you know smiling as of course he knows he he will not play the e4 move but nepo doesn't know that so nepo uh looks at d4 and already he's probably deep uh into the game you know what if magnus plays e4 would i well you know uh you can see the the difference in posture in in you know just just everything uh so that's a little bit you know about the scene so you guys can get more into the mood of the game so now let's get oh and one more thing uh of course uh i was planning on replacing their profile photos here so i found a beautiful photo of magnus by nikiriga from the opening gala of the of the world championship match uh but i did not find a better photo of nipple than this one because you you cannot find a good photo of nepal any any any time a photographer approaches him he will make faces like this like i i'm not even kidding like you can check any photo it's like that or he has all you know both of his hands in his face so it's very hard to find a good photo or nip or nipple that's why i'm always using this one but you guys are more than welcome to correct me if you find a good photo uh from the uh 2021 world championship match do send it to me i will of course very very happily replace it but at some point i will also find one and and replace it as a lot of you were requesting uh you know uh uh updated photos uh so that being said uh let's check out the game uh magnus now with the white pieces uh retreats uh with this e4 pawn back to e2 that arcade vorkovich played and uh he plays pawn to d4 and this is where our game really starts uh we have knight to f6 by nipple uh c4 we have e6 knight to f3 uh sort of um not interested in going for the names of indian if you play knight to the c3 then maybe this would be too sharp uh for for a world championship match even though you know uh in the talbot phoenix wheelchair championship match we did enjoy a nice name so indian but here we have knight to f3 sort of the anti-names of indian uh and now striking in the center with the d5 transposing into the queen's gambit declined we have g3 by magnus he goes for the catalan opening and the bishop to e7 now with bishop to g2 castles by nepal castles by magnus and now d captures on c4 so this is uh the sharpest line but the one would expect no less from a world championship match uh queen to c2 uh preparing to take back the pawn and now there are a couple of ideas here the the most often played one is just a6 a6 preparing b5 and a6 is usually met with a4 stopping b5 and at some point white just uh grabs the pawn but here nepo shows uh his preparation and he plays b5 he defends the pawn right away and he says i don't care about this knight the e5 does not represent any any you know anything of interest because if this was good you know people would people would play it and indeed no one plays knight to e5 here so after b5 as this is a known move people just play a4 i mean why wouldn't you black over extend it here you just want to attack his pawn structure and you can't really defend it if you play c6 we can just capture for example captures calculus knight to g5 and it's well close to winning for white because you're going to lose this rook and of course you can play knight to d5 which is your main defensive resource against ideas like this because you're gonna get checkmated with queen to h7 so this is the idea so probably uh most likely after a4 we would see bishop to b7 and the white wins back the pawn with a capture and b5 leaving black with a weak pawn here on c4 so this is what what usually happens but magnus says nope after b5 he just goes knight to e5 even though no one plays this or rather almost no one uh now the rook is attacked and how do you defend this uh there are a couple of ways you can do this and it's not all that easy to choose between them for example you could go knight to d5 and then we uh go into something similar for example a4c6 and and the game continues uh another interesting idea after knight to e5 is what about the d4 pawn maybe we can just grab this pawn well if queen captures and d4 happens then we have this very interesting knight captures an f7 idea uh just saying uh because by playing queen captures on d4 uh you're offering this this rook for the knight on e5 but white will say i'm just going to grab a pawn uh you know while i'm at it we're going to play c6 now we're going to defend the rook and now the knight goes back knight to g5 and the white can be very happy here black has you know a messed up pawn structure that e6 pawn is very weak and he shouldn't have any problems but nepo continues in a most solid way after knight ae5 he just plays c6 uh now his structure is even more defended and uh you cannot play bishop characters on a8 uh magnus of course uh could continue uh in a variety of ways for example the c6 pawn is hanging now you could capture it with knight captures and c6 knight captures and bishop captures but it isn't um much to look at we're going to play rook to b8 we're going to defend our b5 pawn and if anything this only helps the black develop another thing you could do after this c6 move is maybe just further undermined the spawn chain with b3 uh as it was played in the game ahmed ali versus masks maxim matlakov in the in the grand swiss this year uh the game ended in a draw but the game continued with queen captures on d4 attacking the rook bishop to b2 and now queen back to b6 so it's a very active way to play but uh maybe a bit too active for a world change championship game so instead after c6 uh magnus just goes for a4 and this is now a new move uh already as of move nine uh so let's see how niapa deals with this he goes knight to d5 and this is uh the most solid way to to play this if you try something like b4 which of course uh is uh always an option uh it's not uh it's not much because the the c4 pawn will hang and uh well you want to you want to keep this tension for for as long as possible so here knight the d5 and the knight here is very very useful as it controls before it controls c3 you can play maybe c5 at some point so the rook on a8 will not be hanging and now magnus just continues with knight to c3 he attacks the knight here and now b4 is definitely something to consider because if it works uh you know could be could be very interesting uh for example if b4 knight to e4 we could play bishop to a6 now get to the bishop on this diagonal we're gonna capture the pawn on c4 but now uh knight to d7 for example and after let's say rook to d1 we're gonna play b3 with black and it's uh it's a completely crazy position queen captures on b3 rook b8 we get our rook away from this nasty diagonal attack the queen on b3 after the queen moves we can even play knight to b4 attack the queen and after queen to b3 well who knows we might even see a repetition knight e5 queen d3 knights to b4 queen to b3 so even ideas like these are possible so we don't see b4 here and nipple goes for the absolute sharpest and the quite quite uh possibly strongest idea and that is f6 he chases away the knight from e5 and now uh what does magnus play uh he of course goes uh knight back to f3 uh and now if you guys are interested about the situation on the clock nipple is um uh uh some one one hour and 28 minutes uh uh some one hour and 28 minutes on the clock whereas magnus is some one hour and 50 minutes on the clock uh so not really uh wasting all that much time in here uh nipple has to decide how to how to play here and he plays queen to d7 but here was another moment where one could consider b4 and b4 in this position is an extremely dangerous move i'm just going to show you one line that could occur for example b4 uh we're going to play knight to e4 and now we're going to play bishop to a6 uh so what do you play here knight to c5 we pressure the bishop bishop captures on c5 d captures on c5 and now even knight to d7 going after the c5 pawn uh we're gonna chase away the knight with e4 and now there's this very nasty b3 idea by black queen can move uh for example if you play queen to d2 uh we can even play c3 so there are ideas like this attacking the queen also this now exposes the rook to the bishop so if you want to avoid this you're going to have to play some like queen to d1 now comes knight to b4 and i'll look at all of these squares that are available for for yon's knights so this is only one one thing that could happen but nipple's time is uh running uh out very very quickly so he doesn't want to spend all that much time considering this b4 move but interestingly a b4 move seems to be the crucial idea in every game with black or white so here nipple goes queen to d7 uh also a fine way to continue developing your pieces he wants to develop and you know his pieces can just stay like this forever he has to bring this knight to a6 to c7 and get some pieces into the game now magnus plays e4 chases away this knight from d5 we have knight to be for attacking the queen and the queen to e2 now so what do you play here well you could continue with your plan for example knight a6 knight to c7 then you bring the bishop into the game but nepo places the knights to d3 right away and you could say that okay maybe the threat is stronger than the execution maybe leave the knight on b4 so you can play at the d3 at some point but he chooses to do it right away and now there are some very very interesting choices here and you have to really uh you know it's hard to pick for example eight captures and b5 can be played uh that's always an an interesting choice after you capture this then you go after the pawn chain with b3 so that's something that you can go for you could play bishop to h3 also very interesting just going after that e6 pawn making d5 a thread but then queen to b7 comes and it's not all that impressive anymore so uh here magnus goes for the absolute sharpest idea after knight to d3 he plays e5 and now he invites ian to play b4 as he just freed up this e4 square for his knight but not only that he also opens up this diagonal once again and now a captures and b5 is a threat yet again so here the situation on the clock is uh an hour and 28 minutes for magnus and an hour for 12 minutes for nipple uh here we have bishop to be seven by nipple the again the the absolute sharpest here is just f5 not allowing e captures and f6 which is also kind of a threat uh but it i believe it would require just too much time to calculate this for example a characteristic b5 now you can't capture because your rook would hang you would have to go bishop to b7 and now there's this bishop to g5 idea and now after we move the bishop now we're going to play knight to e1 we have to get this knight away from d3 it's just a menace here so c captures on b5 we're going to play bishop captures on b7 queen captures on b7 knight characters on d3 c captures queen captures and now this bishop captures and c3 move saying that if you capture with the pawn which is you know something everyone would do then you create a past a pawn for black and it can be very dangerous you're gonna have to play queen captures probably rook the c8 and the game continues so this is what uh uh something that could happen if you know uh you play uh the the absolute best with black or you know according to our good uh silicon friend uh so after e5 we have bishop to b7 by nipple right away as we already mentioned after captures you're going to have to play bishop to b7 you're not going to have time to recapture here so e captures on f6 we have bishop captures on f6 and now what do you play here well magnus definitely made some progress here uh he's still leading on time it's an hour and 17 minutes for magnus whereas nipple is down to one hour and six minutes and of course knight to e4 we have to go for this uh nipple has to start developing his pieces he goes knight to a6 with the idea of bringing the knight to c7 but also uh knight to b3 now now looks very interesting uh it's not you know exclusive that the knight has to go to c7 and this is one of the moments where you really have to consider what to play i mean you have to do it in every position because it's a very important game but for example bishop the e3 here is very very interesting and the point is uh if uh white if black plays the uh knight a to b for move which was which was planned we're going to play knight to e5 now and after bishop captures an e5 d captures on e5 we're gonna uh see this c5 move and yes this frees up black's bishop which is very important this is uh uh terrible for black to have his bishop so uh so hemmed in we're gonna play eight captures on b5 and now it's uh you know it's a complete mess of a position uh for example bishop to d5 and now we're going to play bishop captures on c5 attack the rook knight captures on c5 knight captures attacks the queen and now queen captures on b5 we're gonna see bishop captures on d5 e captures and now this is one of the possibilities that could happen with magnus ending up with a past e pawn where nipple would have a past deep on and it's it's a crazy position for for example uh but after this knight to a6 move magnus did not go for bishop to e3 he said uh there's no need to prepare knights to e5 we're just going to play knight to e5 right away but there is a big difference at knight to e5 was played here and there's even a moment a nice moment caught on camera of nippo when magnus played this so we can check it out just for a second so this is the moment when anipo came back to the table and saw that magnus played knight to e5 as you see uh he he doesn't see the point and you know he doesn't think much of it yeah he's going to look at the move then he's going to write down the move and then he's going to contemplate on on what he's going to do next so uh now that we've seen this we're going to uh you know enjoy nipple's move uh a little bit more uh and here nipple just captured the knight the point is uh if if you go for queen captures on d4 which of course is a possibility there's the problem of knight captures on f6 rook captures and now a captures on b5 attacking the knight here so there really isn't anything better queen captures on e5 queen captures knight captures we're going to play b captures on a6 and yes black is still up upon but look at this terrible bishop here you can no longer remain on this diagonal you will not be playing c5 and trying to trade off a white excellent light square bishop you're gonna have to play some sort of a passive move like bishop to c8 and now white with the bishop pair with this beautiful pawn on a6 will have all the advantage here plus black's c pawns are doubled uh it's uh you know it it would be hard to say that this is not lost for black uh let alone that it's uh you know a little bit harder to play this so this is what magnus was kind of going for but he completely missed nipple's idea or maybe he didn't uh we will have to ask magnus and c uh bishop captures an e5 was played by nipple as you've seen in the gif with d captures on e5 and now knight eight to c5 and now you can see this knight is coming to b3 actually via the c5 square and this will attack not only the rook but also put a double attack on this bishop on c1 and here both players regarding clocks are around the one hour mark so they've burned half of their time and what do you play here uh the problem is if you just trade let's say knight characters knight captures and play bishop to e3 knight captures an a4 comes and now you really don't have compensation black spawns are just much much stronger on the queen side uh you really don't don't have anything here so instead magnus spent his time here and he played knight to d6 and while this is an excellent square for the knight it also means you have to sacrifice the exchange and nipple goes for it knights to b3 then the bishop is attacked twice the rook on a1 is attacked so you will have to give up the exchange whatever you play uh but the problem is there is a good way to give up the exchange and that there is uh well a a lesser way to give up the exchange and magnus i believe chose the lesser way but it's not all that easy to uh to see this or maybe he didn't maybe he saw it and he decided that that was the way to go uh point is magnus played rook to b1 and he forced nipple to capture on c1 and he wanted the trade to occur on c1 but there is a very interesting variation of bishop to e3 now point is after the uh knight captures rook for example in rook captures on a1 uh there's the problem of this uh a7 pawn and the bishop on e3 really nicely uh forces this rook to remain here so at some point black will play something like a6 and now we're gonna play f4 uh so the point is black is up the exchange but white has the bishop pair and there's no way to get rid of this knight and another thing there's no way to play c5 for the moment uh as the bishop on b7 would be hanging both the bishop and the knight are attacking it so black's only idea here would be to play rook a to b8 but now our bishop on e3 can play go to a7 we can attack the rook and now it doesn't really matter if you go to d8 we're just going to keep harassing this rook and if you go back then we repeat bishop to e3 so this is never any risk for white so in order for for the game to continue black will have to choose something else uh but uh you know if this was played nipple also could be happy with a draw so well this is a very impressive way to play uh unless uh black wants to push for something there's no way to play anything else then go for a repetition here so it would be very dangerous for magnus to accept such a draw so instead after knight to b3 he played rook to b1 and he decided to give up his dark square bishop which uh nipple of course very happily takes and he took his time and magnus is down some uh to some 48 minutes on the clock nip was still a full hour on the clock and he captures the the bishop uh we have knight uh b captures on c1 rook b captures on c1 knight captures rook captures and now very happily played rook 8 to b8 you don't have to worry about that bishop that no longer exists attacking your a7 pawn and now you are uh well you are ready to push that c5 move and once we trade the bishops then it's hard for white to claim any advantage here and here again magnus uh uh has to figure out what to play he played rook to d1 uh for example say the norwegian supercomputer uh suggested queen to g4 with the idea of h4h5 but that's you know super computer ideas so instead we have rook to d1 here and now comes the bishop to a8 by nippo and again this was the moment where uh you could really uh seize the advantage with black but it's uh it's such a crazy position for those of you okay we can even make this a pause the video moment for those of you who have not seen the game yet uh feel free to pause the video and try to find the uh well an idea for black here while i give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on spotting this uh soul of silicon idea and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's b captures an a4 it looks looks crazy you know just weakening your structure like this but the point is after queen captures on c4 we just play c5 now that's the idea and the thing is yes our e6 pawn is weak so white will go after it threatening to win the queen we're gonna play bishop the c8 and of course we cannot capture the bishop because our rook on d1 is hanging so we're gonna move the rook and now of course the black will play king to h8 get out of this nasty diagonal we're going to play queen captures on c5 and now bishop to a6 and black is definitely now into the game you no longer have to worry about the developing and after let's say queen to c2 because we have to defend this b2 pawn we're going to play rook to b3 and black's position is beautiful all of a sudden uh both of the rooks are now definitely into the game uh the the the rook on f8 to very nicely placed bishop on a6 very nicely placed so this is the way to go however it's a very difficult move to not only to make it some difficult move to consider because why would you allow this you you you have this position you're you're thinking i want white to capture here so i can undouble my pawns and you know enjoy this position and interestingly uh after this bishop to a8 move uh he allows magnus to go for this knight captures and b5 idea that's the only capture you can make because okay the rook and the queen are aligned on the d file uh but he's not all that impressed uh and the the the reason is after ninth captures on b2 on b5 attacking the queen you're just going to move the queen there are some crazy lines here like rook captures on f2 also just attacking white's queen if queen captures you're going to capture the rook here and then after something like king captures uh on f2 we're going to play queen to f7 check and only now recapture the knight on b5 for example king g1 c captures on b5 and now let's say bishop captures an a8 rook after say captures on b5 but there's not much to to do here this would be um uh it would be a droish end game uh so that was in the position definitely but magnus now starts creating uh attacking chances and he plays bishop to e4 now the situation on the clock it's very important uh 33 minutes for magnus against uh some 47 minutes for nipple and you can see that already uh there could be trouble here because niepo has been spending all of his time trying to you know get his bishop on the queen side into the game you know trying to keep that queen side intact but now look at this the knight guarding f7 bishop attacking h7 queen ready to come to h5 in the future rook to d for rook to h4 those are all very good resources and the black has to be very careful on how to uh how to advance here and while there are many ways to to go about this position for example the the norwegian just says g6 here but who would play this i mean it's it's completely crazy and now for example a5 also a weird move because you want this pawn to be able to capture on b5 but the reason is there there's no reason to do it if black ever pushes c5 we're going to capture on a8 rook will capture and then the b5 pawn will be undefended we'll always be able to capture this b5 pawn and now let's say queen e7 getting away from the rook we're just going to play f for now and this is how uh how the game probably is supposed to go but you know those are not those are not human moves uh also very interesting is just asics but a6 is uh is uh uh is just a craftsman move uh the point is uh you're saying but what about bishop captures an h7 and it would be very interesting because if bishop captures king captures queen captures on h5 king the g8 and now rook to d4 going for this rook h for queen to h8 checkmate the knight still covering the f7 square there's the very unpleasant queen to a7 that's why a6 is so unpleasant uh the rook cannot move because of queen captures on f2 so even this is in the position and the magnus can't just go attacking you know without checking stuff uh so like i said instead after bishop to e4 nipple did not defend nipple did not uh the defense slash attack with a6 nipple plate c3 and this is now very very interesting uh he wants magnus to capture with b captures on c3 so he can play b characters on a4 and have a pass bond that's very uh well already across half of the board and the magnus doesn't capture capturing here while possible uh he he he first goes after the h7 pawn but it's pretty much the same idea only capturing right away would be better for magnus if b captures an a4 queen c2 we attack the h7 pawn let's see g6 and now queen captures an a4 that's uh well it seems much better than what actually happened in the game because after c3 magnus played queen to c2 first attacking the the h7 pawn and now uh nipple just defended it with the g6 uh we have b captures on c3 and now comes the b captures on a4 but this b captures an a4 now which transposes into the position that we've already discussed uh is not necessary here nipple can play queen to g7 and this queen to g7 move is uh is an uh is a resource that nepo's been missing uh for the better part of the second half of the game as it's always in the position it just attacks the e5 pawn and it forces white to play this f4 move and it's it's just very useful for black uh that white plays this move because after f4 uh the king is now wide open and you no longer have to worry about any rook lifts in the future and it's just something that that should be done uh but okay nipple played b captures on a4 instead and now queen captures on a4 we've transposed into the exact same position that we've discussed a situation on the clock as i know you guys are interested 23 minutes for magnus and 33 minutes for nipple this is only move 27 so 13 more moves have to be made at reach time control and for each player to be given an additional hour uh we have rook after d8 now the knight cannot move as even though the queen defends the rook the queen and rook will be attacking that d1 square so magnus just goes rook to a1 now he wants to grab this a7 pawn uh and here uh basically forcing c5 there's no other way to defend it because you're just going to lose the pawn so here nipple plays c5 and it also comes with a tactic you can't just grab the a7 pawn now because if you grab it now then we're going to capture and after rook captures there's this incredibly unpleasant rook captures on d6 move uh and it doesn't matter now if you capture on d6 we're just going to play bishop captures on e4 leaving us up a bishop and it also doesn't help if we play bishop captures an a8 we're just going to play move the rook rook to d2 and it's still a completely winning position for black there's not much white can do here so after c5 magnus goes queen to c4 he still wants to keep the pressure completely he still wants to put pressure on the e6 pawn but now of course bishop captures an e for his played knight captures on e4 and now uh he doesn't want uh his king to remain on this diagonal nipple plays king to h8 although queen to e7 was also uh very interestingly regarding this pawn guarding this bomb preventing knight to g5 in the future uh nipple prefers to move out of the way we have king to h8 and now magnus just repeats knight to d6 uh knight captures on c5 while possible it doesn't really give all that much after queen to d5 you would struggle you know holding this position with white so instead just knight back to d6 and now we have rook to b6 now uh nipple is already uh thinking about giving up a rook for that knight because it's just a monster uh there there's no way black will be getting any counter play as long as that knight is on d6 plus you always have to be very very careful about knight to f7 check about 94 knight coming to f6 so it's um there's just so much this knight can do we have queen captures on c5 and now we have rook d to b8 now with some ideas of rook to b1 check so king to g2 by magnus and now a6 now the rook guards the pawn on a6 very nicely and magnus uh also brings the king to h3 so it looks very dangerous but with the pawn on e6 there's really no way to threaten the white king on h3 since black only has the rooks you do not have a knight or a bishop that could threaten the king on h3 uh 10 minutes magnus 16 minutes for nipple here and rook to c6 attacking the queen magnus centralizes queen to d4 and now again nepo will be going for rook captures on d6 at some point and he doesn't like his king on this diagonal now because if pawn captures it then the king will be uh in danger so king back to g8 and now magnus just plays c4 so now queen defends the e5 pawn e5 pawn defends the knight knight defends the c4 pawn the rooks are absolutely useless against this but it took magnus even more time now it's six minutes for magnus and 12 minutes for nipple and we have queen to c7 now the knight can uh well uh now the queen is no longer on on this very very nasty square uh uh eyeing the the white queen so here we have queen the g for by magnus uh again queen to g4 is a move that uh that has a lot of pressure but it's uh then again it's much easier for black to to equalize and you know completely uh get any uh irregularities from the position because here if you want to keep the pressure and if you want to keep that knight defended not allowing rook captures on d6 you have to play something like rook to a3 and hope to get rook to f3 and then to do some damage uh but even though this kind of keeps the tension it also doesn't because you can bring the rook back to you can play rook to f8 to prevent rook f3 for example and now if you play rook b3 to go rook b7 we can just go back we're going to play rook to b8 and now with rook to f3 we're going to play rook to f8 and this doesn't really give white all that much so the only thing you could do after rook to f8 is play f4 to continue the game somehow if you are interested in pushing this but then just rook back to b8 and you no longer have to worry about the f file so again another reason why it's important for black to force the whites to do this f4 move which nipple did not do the entire game but then again it seems to have worked out very nicely so after queen to c7 magnus went queen to g4 he goes after the e6 pawn and now nepo doesn't think twice he just gives up the rook for this monster knight on d6 with e captures queen captures and now even c5 offering this pawn for this pawn but nipple knows his end games very well and he knows that this is not a problem queen captures in c5 was played queen captures on e6 and now king to g7 and by playing king to g7 move 40 has been reached by both players and they have now reached time control and have been given additional time magnus grabs the a6 pawn and now he's up upon all of a sudden so you can see that the magnet sacrificed material to get that monster knight on d6 uh controlling the entire position and then for nipple to get back into the game to gain some activity he had to be down material so this is how you know material kind of kind of works in chess you will give up material for activity and trade activity for material and now of course you don't want to capture on f2 right away if you do this then you run into something like queen to e5 check and you lose the rook so you know you have to be very careful so rook to f8 this is a a very a very important move and now finally we get this f4 move uh we have queen f5 offering a queen trade uh not really offering you're kind of forcing it we have queen captures on f5 rook characters on f5 and now rook to a7 check we have king g8 king to g4 by magnus so the king is very active but it will not be all that easy to cross this fifth rank so rook to b5 and magnus goes rook to e7 he wants to play rook to e5 to cut off this rook's defense of the fifth rank so his king can come up the board now we have rook a5 rook to e5 and now of course you cannot trade if you trade the king and pawn and game is winning for white you guys of course know that very well so after rook to a7 magnus continues pushing with h4 we have king to g7 and even h5 now hoping for this trade for example if captures captures then it can be a little more dangerous as now white has a pass pawn so nepo just plays king to h6 he wants magnus to capture which of course magnus does not he plays king to h4 and now rook back to a1 so still waiting for for magnus to make a move with g4 and only now rook to h1 check king g3 and now g captures an h5 saying that okay now if you capture i don't really care for example rook captures we're going to play rook captures g captures king captures and now the king and pawnee game is is a dead draw so after g captures on h5 rook the e6 check was played we have to go back king g7 now comes g5 this is how magnus gets his pawns up the board and nippon now has a past h pawn but uh it is not a problem rook g1 check king f2 now comes rook to a1 and now rook to h6 going after the h5 pawn and now rook a4 attacking this pawn here so king of three defending it rook to a3 with check and now magnus has to go back king to f2 it seems like you can grab more space with the king here if you go forward but the black rook will just keep checking your king e5 rook a5 check and now it doesn't matter what you do rook to e6 rook to a6 check king to e7 of course the black doesn't even capture here black continues rook to a7 check and there's no way to get out of checks so after rook day three a check king to f2 was played now comes rook to a4 attacking this uh pawn here uh and it was uh in this position on 58 that the players agreed to a draw as there is simply no way to push this for anything more than a draw so really really uh exciting stuff uh and uh it was a very intense struggle so magnus definitely uh surprised nipple with that uh knight captures an e5 move in the beginning of the game we can just whoops we can just uh quickly uh skip to that so this e5 was a it wasn't like a really huge surprise i'm sure nepal knew about the move at some point but then he uh really really had to remember what what the correct way to play this was and there were a lot of very unpleasant and very unnatural moves to play for black here uh but nepo just uh continued with all the human replies he played them very well and uh you know it wasn't possible for magnus to get anything more out of this and then magnus again made some uh choices maybe could have gone better uh like this for example we mentioned that bishop to e3 well it seems very strong it doesn't give you all that much uh and then you know it was just uh it was just a very very enjoyable game and uh well yeah i did not i did not think that we will have a game this enjoyable in world championship match even though a lot of you guys don't enjoy when the games end in the draw because it's not another interesting game but you always have to think of it like imagine if the game lasted up until this point and then a player blundered the rook and you know would it be an interesting game because one of the players won it would be the exact same game only without the blunder in the end but there are games where you know it's a complete draw and then a player makes a blunder and then it's an interesting game but you know it's i don't think it's a good way to look at things you know this is a this is an incredible game and it's um incredible that the the players handled it so well especially since uh they're playing without uh uh an increment on time before move 60. so that's a very important so if you're not careful magnus was below 10 minutes uh you know you're gonna run out of time and that's it you're not gonna get that extra 30 seconds that you you're used to when you're playing classical chess so this is very exciting their seconds will have a lot of a lot of work to do covering all of these lines if it will be repeated in game four but now tomorrow we get uh game three and we'll see if we will have a repetition from game one and who will deviate first or or maybe we will have a completely new and on uh you know unexplored territory uh we we can only imagine such things but yeah that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it i would like to thank happy birthday rabaya uh mark hobert uh alvin goodrich mikhail verolinen and michael kennedy for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the world chess championship uh until it ends uh thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day and sorry for a bit of a longer video this time uh see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 340,538
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, carlsen vs ian, carlsen vs nepo, watcch world chess c hampionship, watch world chess championship
Id: 7VIRc-L7bug
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Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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