How is This Possible? | AlphaZero Shows Us the Way

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hello everyone I hope you're all having a wonderful Sunday I'm feeling a little bit better so I decided to show you another game it's a very nice attacking game and the difference between these games at this game and other games between alpha 0 and stockfish is that the ones we've seen so far have been played without opening books and this one it's played using opening books and positions that were used in the 2016 TCC so the top chess engine competition so the first the first 12 moves are book based and the day and the Alpha and stockfish take it from them so let's check out this very nice game it's really a wonderful attacking him and alpha just shows us how how things are done and how one one is supposed to push pawns to win games so let's check it out we have d4 by alpha the 5 c4 c6 so the Slav defense knight to have three Knights to have six nights the c3 in Mount Isa so this is all standard theory East III Knight B to d7 Queen to c2 and the Bishop to d6 and here we have g4 it seems like a like a pawn sacrifice but not really this is the main line of this of this stalls line of the Slav where black if black captures then we go into room g1 and black they don't really win a pawn or anything simply after h5h three night goes back a white will win back the pawn on g7 and while you have some tricks here for example black and gold Knight to g4 and let's say after H captures on g4 you could go Queen to f6 wouldn't attack on the rook and also on the knight on f3 so after okay seven as the Queen is protecting him captures captures and after Queen captures on f3 White will capture on h5 and the White will always be better here so black didn't really achieve anything by grabbing this pawn so instead Bishop to b4 and this is still everything from the book Bishop to d2 we have Queen e7 rook to g1 now supporting the g4 pawn Bishop captures on c3 better captures on c3 and the Knights to e4 we have queenside castle Kings at castle and up up until this point this was all moves from the book and it's interesting there exists a game between Nakamura and Lu Chen from 2004 where Nakamura played Bishop to d3 and the game continues knife captured Queen captures and the Nakamura was able to win this game but it took him some a hundred and eighty two moves so instead after this castles alpha zero does not agree with Nakamura as Bishop to d3 but alpha zero decides to keep the Bishop so Bishop to e1 and as of this point this is moved 12 so the first up until this point the moves were familiar but already the first move off a place in this position we have a completely new game on the board and okay we have alpha preserves the bishop pair but stockfish also preserves a very strong right on e4 so it's a kind of a trade off b6 preparing to develop the light square bishop we have h4 my alpha pushing those pawns they're up to b7 and now the only way to start an attack and eliminate blacks from knight on e4 is nice to g5 this comes with a pawn sacrifice but alpha doesn't mind that we have Knight captures pawn captures Queen captures and now f4 so you've sacrificed the pawn but you've started an attack on the King side you have a semi-open H file for your rook and the Queen at some point I moved like rook to h1 Queen to h2 perhaps will be possible with a with a nice attack against the black King Queen to e7 and now comes King to be one you don't want to start an attack against the King said before this very nice prophylactic King to be won at some point you know that the rook will come to c8 and perhaps the C file will open so you don't want your king and queen to be occupying the same file c5 by stockfish Bishop to d3 the threat is to capture on h7 so uh stockfish defenses we have g6 and now c captures on d5 now if you reply e captures on d5 you've closed the bishop you're no longer controlling h1 and now Queen to H 2 followed by rook to h1 could be very unpleasant so we have C captures on d4 and now this same idea of Queen h2 can be met with Russia seventy-five we're now h1 is controlled and afteri for rush up the b7 rock h1 going after the h7 pawn black can defend with f6 and now the Queen is defending the h7 pawn black is up material and we will most likely defend and enjoy a better game so this will be too slow so instead a four by alpha and here if you play pawn captures then you get a five nothing to be done here so stock which simply develops the rook rook a to ca to put an attack on the Queen and only now Queen to h2 we have f6 a pre-emptive defensive move as the Queen is now already guarding the h7 pawn and here D captures only six will be too slow because now black will not recapture immediately first night to c5 and now after Bishop to b4 pinning the night Queen can capture on e6 and now after f5 25 stock which will offer a trade of Queens and the whites attack is happening too slow so after f6 alpha doesn't waste time f5 immediately and okay we have Eve capture Sun d5 but now F captures on g 6h captures on g6 and rook to h1 already threatening Queen to h8 and even though a stock fish did create an escape route for his king it will not help him all that much you don't have time for something like Punk after Sonny for a queen h8 checking of 7 and now the rook will check the king and win the Queen it's a game over for black so after rook to h1 we have Queen to g7 not allowing the Queen to land on h8 and now how do you continue this attack with white you've already given up some of your pawns you have to try something if you try this release your Bishop Bishop captures on d5 already it comes with an attack on the rope it's very hard to see how this attack continues for white so alpha finds a very nice continuation of this attack Bishop to c2 and now you are directly preventing black from doing D captures on e4 because of Bishop to b3 check and now after rook to f7 blocking there really isn't anything else you can block with the Queen due to Queen to a shade checkmate so I have to look to f7 rook captures on d4 even making room for this Bishop to come to c3 now and after Knight to e5 g5 you're now threatening to open up for this diagonal and after something like knife to have three attacking the Queen and the rook white will easily win with Bishop captures and now either Queen captures and queen to HH checkmate or you can capture with the king and then rugby 7 check will win after King moves Queen d6 and you will lose the Queen and the game and there is one tricky idea after g5 that stockfish good to try the the sneaky Knight the d3 but of course alpha would not fall for this you could only fall for fall for this if you go for the same line Bishop captures King captures rook d7 check King moves and now if you just capture the Queen you will get rook the c1 checkmate but of course I mean it's highly unlikely that alpha would fall for this after night d3 you could simply move the bishop and then no made threats are available now but a nice thing to show so after a bishop to see - we have Knight to e5 and now Bishop to b3 just the same and it's very hard for black this h-file is completely in control of white you cannot you can never capture here and white will at some point capture and play the six so black will struggle here g5 and not allowing White's to put g5 himself and now bush up to g3 and now what do you play here that's right is sorry about that the threat is Bishop captures on e5 if you try Knight f3 then you get a queen to f2 attacking the knight and now if you go back it captures on d5 with east six to follow so after Bishop the g3 you have knife captures on g4 and now Queen to h3 attacking the knight on g4 and now you can no longer go back if you go 95 and then you get under sub captures pawn captures and now Queen to e6 check Queen f7 Queen captures on e5 threatening rook - ehh checkmate after Queen to f6 you get Bishop captures on d5 with check captures captures with check Queen below King moves and now Queen to d7 you cannot block check with the rug because Queen captures rook you would have to block with the Queen and then Queen captures on e5 white is just all over the place Queen blocks again Queen d7 check Queen blocks and now Queen to g4 with the threat of rook to this winning the Queen and also Queen to g5 a terrible threat after Queen g6 broke this rugged e7 check King moves and now after Queen to h3 there is no way to stop Queen H a checkmate you can give one check but still there's no defense against Queen to h8 now so after this Queen to h3 you cannot go back you have to go III so night to e3 comes with an attack on the rook rook captures on d4 and now comes King / 7 now stockfish is trying to escape with the king also an interesting move might be nice to see for simply to diminish the bishops influence over this diagonal but it won't it won't work after Queen e6 check Queen is Queen f7 Queen to f5 now now you've forced the Queen to come on this same diagonal is the king and he captures here and d6 is a terrible threat after something like rook C to e8 e capture Sun d5 Knight to e3 attacking the Queen but then Queen to d3 and the d6 is coming ooh black will be lost here so after rook captures on d4 we have killed the d7 trying to escape but now Bishop to have to with a double attack against the night and here you can't really do anything with the night the pawn is controlling 5-point is controlling g4 we've already seen that Knight to c4 doesn't work so black tries a rope to h8 and here of course you don't want to capture on a lot of rope captures on h1 black would of course be winning here but you can play the very nice Queen to d7 check and this is what alpha played and now everything falls into place King to g6 Queen captures this comes with check King captures rook captures with captures and loud the knight allies undefended on e3 Bishop captures and now rook to e8 we have looked to a for going after the a7 pawn we have a six and now Bishop captures and b6 but now pawn captures on e3 and as you can see alpha is up a piece but stockfish has three connected passed pawns if you can push one of these pawns really quickly then surely that will be compensation enough for the piece but alpha doesn't allow it rook to d4 the thread is rook to d7 check winning the bishop and let's see just what happens if stockfish ignores alpha l simply pushes the pawn then room d7 checker King moves rook captures on b7 and now after e to wife will simply prevent the pawn you will bring a queen into the game but she captures rook captures and after work the c2 White will very quickly win the a6 pawn but then the rook and Bishop and King will be more than capable of stopping the two pawns and the white will then also have to pass pawns on the Queen side with a winning game so stockfish goes rook to c8 sorry bishop the c8 but now alpha does it differently and we have King the c1 brings the King into the game III pushes the past pawn but now rook the d8 alpha forces a trade of rooks and finds that this is winning for him you have to trade rooks as the bishop will fall Sohrab captures Bishop captures and now King to g6 but now as the e3 pawn is pushed so far away there is no way to protect him with anything so Bishop to b6 we have brush up to be seven and now better to see to check we have King to f7 and Bishop captures on e3 King to e6 we have King to d2 we have King to d6 and now Bishop to d3 and it was in this position that stockfish resigned the game one pawn is no compensation for the piece and however white plays this this will be a winning endgame so yeah that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it and really do hoping you're having a better Sunday than me I'm still under under the influence of my my flu but yeah I'm really really happy about this game and have really satisfied in how alpha just pushes pushes pushes blocks everything you know constricts any movement by stockfish and then it seems a starfish position simply deteriorate deteriorates upon itself and at some point you just have to give up a piece I mean and move 34 alpha is already up a piece and you know being able to calculate out everything precisely has a very nicely winning game and it always reminds me for example my father-in-law he would always play against stockfish and he would always play attacking moves he would always just attack attack attack everyone would always tell him you can't beat stockfish like that but you know no no it seems that he was right all along that this is in fact a way to play against dogfish so yeah I really found that very funny but yeah like I said I do hope you enjoyed the game I would like to think code works Angus McCloud Alexandra leper and and Ronald Wagner for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thankful for watching and I will see you soon hopefully with some more interesting videos and without the the crackling voice and this so yeah yeah thank you all and I will see you soon [Music]
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 627,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, deep mind, deepmind ai, google ai, deepmind chess, deepmind vs stockfish, deepmind go, deepmind, google deepmind, google agadmator, deepmind destroys stockfish, chessgames google deepmind, chessgames deep mind, skynet chess, terminator google, google skynet, best chess engine, strongest chess engine, agadmator alpha zero, agadmator ai
Id: p393G67bfNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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