The Prison Break | AlphaZero's Master Escape as Black

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hello everyone I seem to be coming down with the flu which couldn't happen in the worst time since there are so many games between alpha zero and stocked fish I am very eager to show you but then again it's never a good time to come down with the flu so let's just check another not a very nice game it's a it's a her name which features a very old opening and the position reached in the game was only once reached before in in tournament chess which we're gonna discuss when we get to that position but since well if you're following any chest news on the Internet you probably already read the the academic report the academic paper from deep mind regarding deep blue and the updated version of alpha zero and another metric in stock fish out of a thousand games you will also be able to see the result of that match in the description below where alpha zero lost only six games and it is said in that paper that alpha zero also faced the newest version of stock fish that was only in development and it also defeated that version of stock fish with similar results and also they tried pairing alpha 0 against stock fish where stock fish had more time like 10 to 1 and also alpha was able to prevail the only time alpha was struggling when stock fish was allowed the use of opening books their stock fish one a couple some games with white but still offers you a warm the match so that being said do check it out in the description below there's really a lot of data I'm sure you're you're all going to enjoy it so let's get back to this game so like we said this is out of the games I received this is a game number 9 I believe where alpha actually has the black pieces so let's see how it went we have E for buy stock fish e5 Knight to f3 Knight to c6 and Bishop to c4 so the Italian game is on the board we have brought up the c5 and here a stock field goes for B for the Evans gambit I was trying to make that into into a nicer joke but I'm just I'm just feeling to the tool d3 was of course played we have a six and now stock fish immediately goes for the weak f7 pawn Knight the g5 the threat is of course now Bishop captures and the night captures on f7 and we have night to h6 alpha defense D f7 pawn and there's no immediate way of taking advantage of anything here and this is what I was talking about if you look at this position it seems like something that you would expect out of a two Knights defense where White was Knight g5 and then black tries to defend with Knight to h6 I would the difference of a six and in the d3 being played and this night Evan never actually came to have sex but okay regardless this disposition was only once before reached and it was in in 1999 in a game between Michael Palmer and Eckhart Burke so as you can see it was a it was a game played between these two gentlemen and they are rated around 1000 so it's interestingly that stockfish would white and offer zero with black go for the same line as these two gentlemen and this is the only such game available in database so it's also important to the next time you see two gentlemen playing chess you know you might disregard that again because they you know that might be overrated players but who knows they might be playing out a masterpiece such as this one and they even though in that game weiter continued with Queen to f3 allowing night to d4 but white started a very nice attack and in the end they won the game here stockfish goes for castle we have d6 by alpha zero making room for this light square bishop to be developed a for a very nice move taking taking more space on the Queen side preventing b5 also a5 will be an idea in the future and now Bishop to g4 this Knight and h6 now actually comes very handy as it gives protection to the bishop on g4 you cannot play F 3 because alphas bishop is pinning the f2 pawn so Knight back to f3 and here it seems awkward this bishop is threatening to capture the night so and there's really no good way to move the knight but alpha doesn't mind he simply castles and Bishop captures and h6 is definitely a possibility but neither alpha nor stockfish are really considering this first stock this goes h3 takes away the butter to h5 and now c3 our nice move at in the future before will be an idea d4 will be an idea and also it takes away to be Foursquare from the night and here King to h8 a very nice move that I don't know I would I will often play a move like this in blitz games so when Bishop captures is eventually played then I will already have a semi-open file for the rook and here it seems that alpha 0 does exactly that also we done pins and now the f7 pawn can be played and while this Knight is an h6 it actually supports the pawn to be pushed to f5 so in this moment stock Fischer decides to capture it we have better captures on h6g captures on h6 and now Knight bTW to stock fish continues his development now d4 as we mentioned will be an idea in the future before will be an idea Knight b3 could be an idea so first Alpha retreats with the bishop not allowing this Bishop on c5 to stay a target - up to d5 now with ideas of either pinning the night as the b7 pawn is a target or even capturing then black will have a ruined phone structure on the Queen side as well as on the King side and here alpha decides to make the game more interesting night east 7 attacking the bishop on d5 but also offering the b7 pawn so stop fish snatches at the Bishop captures on b7 we have rook to b8 and now even Bishop captures on a 6 so if you look at this position stock fish has 8 points alpha 0 has 6 points he just sacrificed two pawns on the Queen side and his King set is completely shattered so without worrying about material without considering ideas like rook capture some B to buy meat surely alpha considered it but f5 a very nice idea while you're you know you just sacrifice 2 points you want to go for the attack King to h1 stock fish does a similar idea as the bishop here is pinning the f2 pawn so we don't want to move the King and it's at one point if the G pawn disappears then rook will be able to come to g1 the counter alphas rooks on the G file Knight to g6 and now comes a captors on f5 and here Knight to f4 not again not caring for material but here would be a very complicated game if we captured ng4 is coming the the rook and Bishop are under attack and here okay you are losing maybe a piece but why it would be under tremendous pressure here but offer things Knight to f4 is better so Knight to f4 and now d4 closing off the bishops influence along this diagonal we have rook captures on f5 now and now Queen to c2 here alpha a stock which doesn't even want to go for g4 if g4 here and then we have this very nice rook captures on b2 and now if you capture on f5 then we get rook captures here you can capture with the night because the bishop will capture the Queen so Queen captures and now Bishop captures with check King h2 and after Queen to h4 white is getting checkmate it and it doesn't matter much after look after some b2 if you capture the bishop if you capture the bishop then this Queen to a8 is deadly you will move this Knight then there will be a double attack here and whatever whatever white plays it will simply not be enough if you try to defend it with Bishop to e2 then rook captures on h5 another threat is the rook captures and h3 followed by Queen - Queen to g8 and it's actually a foursome 1811 here but okay after rook captures on f5 we have Queen to c2 now getting the Queen out of this diagonal g4 becomes a threat once again so now route back to f8 by alpha we have rook a to e 1 and now Queen to f6 alpha wants to go Queen Queen g7 and then checkmates not fish on G to rock to e3 a very nice rook lifts introduces the rook into the defense and now Queen to g7 the threat is now Queen captures on g2 with checkmate rook to g1 defending this was one of the ideas when stock stock which played King to h1 we have Knight to d5 and now comes the trip to b5 if you move the rook for example rook e t1 then black will simply open lines ecaps or some before and after pawn captures now Knight to before attacking the Queen and also the bishop on e6 so this is one of the problems and if you want to keep defending the bishop for example Queen c4 you will get the d5 and now the Queen will have to go all the way back to keep defense of the bishop on e6 it will be a very passive position to play and stockfish doesn't like it so after 95 Bishop to b5 and now comes Bishop to g6 with an attack on the Queen Queen c1 and now stock alpha decides to capture the rook we have Knight captures on e3 and now comes F captures on e3 we have Bishop to f7 sorry about that Bishop to f7 and now rook to f1 Bishop to d5 now comes the ship to see for countering alphas Bishop and now a bunch of 2:8 and now as you can see alpha has a bishop on a7 a bishop on e8 and as you can see the bishop pair is simply a monstrosity here a5 we have E for this efore seems like a very weird decision but alpha has a very nice plan it seems seems counter intuitive to block your own bishop on it like this by pushing e4 but alphas ad has to push efore even d5 and then attack the base of the pawn chain either by making sure this rook at some point captures on b2 or after this Knight moves the Queen will somehow attack the base of the pawn chain here on e3 so we have e for nice to h2 and now comes Queen to g5 so now the e3 pawn is attacked and here stockfish allows alpha to capture it b4 if you defend it with Queen e1 then Queen captures on a5 first is an idea I first you eliminate this pawn so white will not have a protected to pass pawn on a 5-1 stock which pushes before and after before Queen comes back the g5 white really doesn't have all that many moves Bishop b3 black will exchange here row capture screen captures and now after this rook comes into the game and the bishops come alive wife will have a very difficult position to play so after Queen g5 b for immediately protecting the a5 pawn and rather giving up the e3 pawn so Queen captures on e3 and now comes Knight to g4 trying to activate the knight would an attack on the Queen also on the h6 pawn queen to g5 and now Queen to e1 and now comes h5 with - III and now even h4 alpha isn't worried about night back to g4s he does have another H point to pull back the night so after h4 we have Bishop to e6 with some ideas of controlling the f5 square so perhaps the bishop to f5 will be an idea here but after office Bishop to c6 stockfish doesn't go Bishop to a5 rather he goes back Bishop to c4 and now after d5 stockfish goes for B 5 B 5 is a very nice move because you cannot capture the pond rook captures will simply remove the defender and then stop fish will grab the bishop on b5 so after be five who have rush up to b7 and now Fischer back to b3 rook beat the c8 and now comes a six brush up to a eight and now rush up to a four and here if you try and play something like c5 which does seem to make sense you know opening up lines and make your bishops come alive this will actually be a very nice draw after capturing on c6 and pass on row capture screen captures and now after Bishop captures Bishop captures rook captures you will have Queen to f8 check and our black will have a very hard time getting out of this check well it will not be possible after a queen to f5 attacking the d5 and threatening Queen e5 check you can parry everything after real capture so you will simply continue checking the black king so here I move like c5 would be and of a draw offer so Bishop to b6 clink the g1 and now Queen to g3 here alpha decide stall for a queen trade as you've seen an active idea I like c5 does not give off opportunities to go for a win so Queen captures H captures and now rook back to a1 we have looked to f2 attacking the knight and e2 and now comes Knight to f1 rook to e2 and now Knight back to f5 and here the g3 pawn is under attack and there is really no good way for you to defend it we have looked the g8 the Knight captures on g3 and now rook to d2 making room for this point to be pushed at some point we have looked to f1 and now comes Bishop to a5 going after the c3 pawn rook to have to recapture skin captures and Bishop captures on c3 it's very interesting but as long as this pawn is on d5 and Alpha's Bishop is on a 8 it doesn't seem like this Bishop is coming alive anytime soon but this was an office plan all along he will eliminate these pawns and then it will be possible and once again to reactivate this vision we have h4 by stockfish group - f8 King - III but now Bishop to e1 attacking the knight and g3 you cannot move it anywhere since the night and g3 is also protecting the night on f5 and here alpha makes just a brilliant sequence of moves kingi - Bishop captures Knight captures and now route back to g8 you have to play King to f2 to protect the night otherwise you're gonna lose the G to pawn so King f2 and now comes Luke to g4 and this is how alpha releases this light squared bishop from his prison alphas play this III with check and there's no way to stop this Bishop the d1 stockfish attacks alphas rook but now III would check you cannot capture because you're gonna lose the night so first king of three and now rook captures on d4 and you still can't capture the pawn because your Bishop is hanging on d1 so Bishop to e2 and now comes work to be for going after the pawns at some point rugby 3 is coming this point will be pushed to D to block the bishop and then this rope will pick up the pawns King captures on e3 we have d4 with check King moves and now Rock the beat you check King to e1 you can't go up for example King D 3 because rook here checks and the wins the night so after rugby to check King e1 we have a rook to b3 attacking the knight Knight to h5 and now finally d3 eliminating the defender of the b5 point not eliminating it but it's no longer defending the b5 point Bishop to d1 rook captures on b5 with Knight to f4 and now rope to a5 g 3 rook captures on a6 we have Knight captures on d3 and now you can see that this is a both alpha and stockfish have two pawns but alpha has a rope the shrimp against a bishop in the night so this is by all means winning and alpha has no problem proving this proving why this is winning so this is move already moved 64 and the game lasts for a hundred moves so as you can see it's often the case where when two humans play then the game will often last much less when one of the players reaches a winning advantage but here stockfish defends properly so it will take alpha sometime we have King King D - Bishop f7 g4 and now alpha starts activating his King night f2 we have rook to e8 Bishop to e2 and the rook to a4 now going after the pawns Bishop to d1 we have looked to d4 check King III and now after a couple of more moves where alpha is going all around trying to trying to trick stop there stop fish defense properly but at one point you can see that slowly slowly but surely stop fish is making concessions and now after h5 has been played now stock fish has a light square bishop and both of his pawns are on light squares and now sooner or later this King will make his trip all the way to g5 threatened to capture the g4 point and as alpha also has a light square Bishop alpha will assist the King in capturing the g4 pawn so 91 we have Bishop 287 Knight be to kingi 794 rope to a six-night e5 King to f6 97 check King to g5 now the King is in position and now all that's left is for this Bishop to to join the attack against the g4 pawn snatch the pawn and then it's a winning game Bishop e2 we have grouped to e6 check King to f2 and after rook to e7 it was in this position actually unmoved 97 I missed when I said 100 is when stockfish resigned the game why the stock is resigned well after the knight moves the plan is simple you will simply kick away the night then prepare to prepare a move with the bishop and then after one more move you will play something like much of the d5 Bishop is coming to e6 and then you will at some point capture here and then it's a completely winning game so yeah I have to look to his seven stockfish to resign the game and I really do hope you enjoyed this is it almost featured an Evans gambit have a nice Italian game and like I said after this knife to h6 I was a game only once played in chess history between mr. Michael Palmer and Eckhart Burke gentlemen rated 1000 so like I said whenever you see someone playing a chess game they could be playing out a masterpiece I swear now I would like to thank Bruce Cummings Purvis Katya seventh day on footage johannes broad wall and the mick grammatical for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot - really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here I think all for watching and I was you soon with another very nice alpha verse to stop this game thank you all and I will see soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 599,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, deep mind, deepmind ai, google ai, deepmind chess, deepmind vs stockfish, deepmind go, deepmind, google deepmind, google agadmator, deepmind destroys stockfish, chessgames google deepmind, chessgames deep mind, skynet chess, terminator google, google skynet, best chess engine, strongest chess engine, agadmator alpha zero, agadmator ai, youtube chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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