Google Deep Mind Alpha Zero Sacs a Piece Without "Thinking" Twice

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hello everyone I don't really show games between two engines on my channel but i don't i don't consider alpha zero to be an engine that uses route force you know it's thought itself to play chess in four hours so i'm sure very soon he will be a valuable member of the chess community so this is a one of the games played between deepmind and stock fish and people are saying that you know it's not the latest version of stock fishing that alpha zero was run on a much more powerful computer but still you know it had four hours maybe maybe give it like two days and then you know organize a match would be all-knowing and all-powerful top tier stock fish so that would be an interesting event as well and you know putin is the probably already writing a big check to deepmind to acquire this alpha zero thingy to prepare Kerrigan for the candidates that's you know it would be amazing you know what what chess players could do having alpha zero to prepare them you know it would probably completely change the way chess is played but you know we can only speculate for now we'll just we'll just see where this goes so this is a one other game I chose it's it's the same variation as in the previous game but with one different move from stock fish that changes the course of the game so let's see it we have Knight to f3 Knight f6 b4e 6 + c4 and b6 again we have the Queen's Indian defense g3 Bishop to b7 Bishop to g2 all the same as in the previous game there should be seven of 0 Castle starfish castles d5 eat after Sun d5 and now Knight to h4 again the same as in the previous game c6 see capture Sun d5 Knight capture son d5 and ninth to f5 nice to see 7 now getting that night out of the way all the same as in the previous game and E 4 and here stockfish takes a different approach instead of playing to have six like in the previous game after Knight to d6 and attacking this Bishop on b7 stockfish really got into a terrible position so after E 4 D 5 now and does the seem like more it seems like a more human move to me but you know it's better than keep your pawn stranded on b7 so in chapters on d5 Knight captures on d5 and Knight to c3 stockfish captures the knight Knight captures on c3 and not be captures on c3 but Queen to g4 by alpha zero already threatening checkmate on g7 g6 night to h6 with Czech king to H then it came to g7 and the only now B captures unsee to me stalkerish plays better to c8 would attempt on the Queen Queen to f4 now and Queen to d6 wanting to exchange Queens now Queen to a4 g5 and here stockfish is now threatening to capture the night as the bishop is no longer protecting it and white I mean alpha 0 could go for something like Knight g4 and after f5 93 but you know it's it seems ok for black from my perspective but instead after g5 it doesn't retreat the night instead alpha zero plays rook to e1 it gives up the night on h6 King captures on h6 and h4 and already you can see a lot of similarities from the previous game I've shown you this rook and the night are not getting into the game as alpha zero is not allowing it f6 now and the Bishop to e3 Bishop to f5 and now rotate to the one would attempt on the Queen Queen to a3 stockfish again wants to exchange Queens Queen to see for now and b5 we have 8 crackers on g5 would check F captures on g5 and Queen to h4 check now as the g5 pawn is pinned king to g6 and here have a great move alpha zero plays Queen - h1 and what's the idea here the idea here is that it's very hard to find a move for black you can't really improve on the position and you can't develop any of these pieces if you try and get the night into the game for example with Knight to d7 you don't capture the pawn here or or anything like that but you play g4 and now if Bishop captures on g4 then you have Bishop to g4 check Bishop blocks and now rook captures on d7 you just lost the piece and I mean and you're still getting attacked so alpha zero wins the piece back so after g4 you'd have to go for probably something like Bishop to e6 but now you're getting checkmated and now Bishop to g4 you have to block this or you get Queen captures on h7 so I have to rip the f5 captures captures captures and something like King to f7 Queen captures on h7 check King g8 and Bishop captures and g5 the rook to Bishop to Queen are all eyeing that East 7 Bishop there is no defense against this you're getting checkmated so after Queen to h1 King to g7 I was now played we have Bishop to e4 better back to g6 Bishop captures H captures and now Queen to h3 with some ideas of bringing the Queen 3-6 also the queen is adding more pressure to d7 square and if you play something like knife to a6 to try and develop again you lose the roof to d7 now this Bishop is being Bishop to b4 is coming and this will be terrible this will be also black is getting checkmated so after Queen to h3 Bishop to f6 getting the Bishop out of the way and King to g2 now making room for this rook to come to h1 Queen captures on a - and now rook to h1 we have Queen to g8 going back to the defense the threat was Queen to h7 checkmate c4 now if black captures it would only ruin it's a bone structure so rook to e8 instead we have Bishop to d4 Bishop captures rook captures and rook to d8 starfish wants to exchange works but capture sandy 18 capture sandy eight and we have Queen to e6 and it's again Europe piece but like in the previous game starfish can't develop even neither this rook or the night and maybe maybe the alpha zero is telling us something here about the Queen's Indian defense so here Knight to d7 was played by stockfish and this is met with rook to d1 but it doesn't matter if Knight to a6 is played then Queen to e5 wins the game immediately if you play Queen f6 and then Rock to h7 wins the Queen and if play something like King to g8 then rotate rate check King f7 work h7 check King f8 and between h8 this is checkmate so after Queen to e6 Knight to d7 was played rook to d1 now pinning the knife there's nothing I can do here tonight the c5 now with the temple on White Queen but rook captures Knight captures and the rook captures rook and now stock fish is up two pawns but again he's down the exchange like in the previous game and this is easily winning for white so we'll just show how the endgame went I mean it's a and and hey I accidentally said in my previous video that stock fish was probably rated somewhere around 2400 of course I meant the 3400 not 2400 so g4 and f3 we have here in 9f 7 the rook is simply too powerful he's gonna gobble up all of the pawns and here after this King to d4 move and it's very satisfying to say this next sentence in this position stockfish resigned the game this is something you probably never hear I mean whenever you've heard something like this you should try saying it it's it's very satisfying so yeah that's the game that that's alpha zero for you and I'm very happy I'm very you know looking forward to seeing where this goes and will will they continue you know feeding alpha zero not feeding him but allowing him to learn even more okay now he's learning chess but you know using this algorithm I'm sure he can learn pretty much anything maybe even and maybe it can even teach Matt and Max Deutsch how to defeat Magnus Carlsen in one month so yeah I would like to thank alone and Alan Barrett for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot - really appreciate it as usual you can check - on my previous videos here the upper left game will be the other game played by alpha zero and yeah thank you for watching I will see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 871,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, google ai, deepmind chess, deepmind vs stockfish, deepmind go, deepmind, google deepmind, google agadmator, deepmind destroys stockfish, chessgames google deepmind, chessgames deep mind, alphabet google
Id: NaMs2dBouoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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