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so suspicious oh it's women's too maybe Lulu Lemon I hope there's more on there all right let's go see we'll update if we find anything okay all right so it was somewhat of a successful rack uh we got a few things here so this is a really cool vintage starter jacket this is really cool yeah I don't know if if I've seen one that just says like starter on the front like that but yeah let's see made in Taiwan yeah definitely older and these are going to be like five I think 59 or something yeah somewhere around there so we'll grab that we didn't even look that up but I think it's just cool enough to grab very cool uh you pulled this one off there this is a really cool cat uh like canvas work vest yeah looks brand new yeah so I'm wondering something I just noticed so this one has the string on here where they would normally do like an expensive price in started that one so I wonder if they had these marked up and just marked them down or something yeah either that or maybe like a boutique store just got rid of their stuff and put it on there but yeah that's that's nice I'd say that's probably like 3040 yeah and then this is my favorite piece this is like a vintage Gap denim jacket it's got like Paisley accents there on the on the cuff there I like the buttons the buttons are really cool yeah and that's just like classic denim style right there mhm and the back is just plain so I don't know I I'd say that's probably like 40 bucks there like at least so three nice pieces right in the door yeah all right let's keep going love it let's do it this dude has a cool jacket go forward a little bit hang on look at that jacket it's cool all right so Kayla just found these really cool boots these are some spares right mhm and super stylish they got the leather laces um you looked them up and yeah I did a yeah they're Quay SP Quay boots very quaz so there's a sold comp there 42 and we are going to be pay P up on them they are $9.99 but I think this is just a style that's going to sell right now yeah and and condition yeah excellent condition nice little find like big baskets big old baskets and stuff yeah and a big old horse what the heck it's a big old horse cool little tote bag made in China nothing we need I want to show you these two cool sweaters I got though oh yeah first of all how is that with the like rainbow logo that's like super clean yeah vintage Disney World oh wow but my favorite thing is this sweater wow okay now that's beautiful isn't that amazing it's so I've never heard of this oh gosh caught it with Disney to okay so Marissa Christina but it's knitted by hand which is why I looked it up okay so this is probably like a $40 sweater no way yeah okay isn't that really nice that is very nice I mean there's other ones with trees that sold for around that price I personally think this one's cooler yeah but cab on there you got everything 40 to be safe two cool Little finds yeah I don't know about that one what do you think like 30 bucks or something yeah I think for it being white it's super clean and crispy yeah got the embroidery on there at least 2530 okay awesome so and it goes good finds you got me a kitty cat well yeah it's a wood handcarved cat I don't know I don't think you could pass up on something like that right9 no way it's so cool little W carved mhm I like them I like them too let me see what kind of wood could be that light I don't know we need to find out because I say that far too often I know it's like the mystery wood yeah the rooster we just got is made out of this same kind of stuff I think yeah oh it is so yeah you guys know what a light wood is that is commonly carved let us know all right so I just found what I think to be a pretty valuable item so this is a like a dog collar setup or like a dog fence oh you know I'm say like a like a security F yeah um this thing is $23 but is that a new car Cod no we're good no cart okay we're we're trying to like keep an eye on that door um so yeah it's used it's $23 but let me show you what we're looking at here okay so let me get your phone open real quick so shut every by my password no I'm just oh jeez um so this little piece right here uhhm there's three of them in here oh my gosh so they sell for $50 each so there's one I just want to double check cuz I thought I saw three before one two there was another one oh these are like the things that actually attach to the collars yeah so this would be like the piece that would yeah the collar would go on there so there's three of those so that's like 150 there and then like the rest of the stuff like that probably comes with with one of those but I'm assuming we could probably sell the rest of the stuff like the base of the thing like the computer part probably for another 50 to 100 so it's about like $200 worth of stuff for 23 sounds like a good deal yeah so I think we're just going to grab these okay and oh look let's go do it yep you ready I'm going to let you go first cuz you like to get all up in there like super super fast and stuff hit it okay we're doing this all right so we found a couple things yeah a couple cool ones no home runs or anything you would think this would be yeah but this is not the 1993 version of this great full dead parachute t-shirt it is still so cool though yeah so this is like a a remake of it but the original version sells for 250 I think we could at least get like 15 20 bucks out of the out of this one right yeah it's kind of crazy that one is still made by liquid blue yeah so yeah it's a remake but it's still cool very cool and then and you found this one this is love this shirt probably my favorite out of the two oh really well yeah I guess we personally it's an actual like ytk vintage shirt yeah says Pita Costa Rica and then it has like the really cool got a cool little tag there yeah with a little frog yeah empty back but uh we like the front yep so we're officially done with this SE star now yes we're out of here let's head over that good all right we're not going to be picking these up but that's pretty cool you don't really see pogs too much any day every day right I haven't seen some in a long time yeah it's been a long time but yeah they want close to $40 for that set see there's so many cool ones in there though yeah I would have had fun going through there those collars were probably uh perfect cherry on the the Sunday heck yeah for that little thrift store we just got so lucky with those new carts again yeah shows you timing this place right here is going to be our new favorite spot for a while until we ruin it but uh yeah let's head on to the next thft store pretty much Subs it up you think I can make it um yes let's go oh that's probably the worst case scenario did it go between it went behind it yeah oh at least you were close all right this has made it way harder than it should have been oh jeez okay $4.99 yeah is that for both of them or each it looks like it's each cuz this one's priced on the back oh okay but I'm still thinking about it those are gorgeous it's not a bad deal at all yeah I found this little thing it's like one of those uh what do you call the Shell capes shells cap shell tree topper yeah brass and capes I know we found like a a dony version of this that had Soul comps for like 20 yeah like not too long ago and this one seems much nicer yeah I like it I like how it doesn't have the light yeah cuz you don't have the cord hanging out mhm only thing is there's no price so we'll have to oh jeez we'll have to see hopefully since it's Christmas it'll be cheap but hopefully we'll see all right not bad only been in here for like 30 seconds I already got a couple things on the cart is this the Space Needle no oh I think it is oh no Tulsa Oklahoma I didn't know they had their own little copy there's like little copies everywhere there's one in Gatlinburg too oh okay cool all right so I found this had in the Hat section it's a cool little uh vintage Green Bay Packers hat that is cool sports Specialties and then Prine okay I think something like this will go for about 25 that's very cool yeah you find anything while I was away well I was looking into this purse it's hobo International brand which I'm not familiar with but it's made in Maryland and I'm seeing some turquoise around like the 30 not bad okay but I did find something this right here you'll probably like yeah show me ooh that's nice Isn't that cool has large too older Levis yeah yeah that's uh is that the Big E I think it is it's hard to tell it looks like the biggie I thought it was and the back looks good too it's like perfectly distressed I feel that is so nice isn't that nice was this on their specialty Rack or just you snag it right I was looking for the new color chunks always look for the right colors yeah so that's all I got so far these are pretty nice so I normally don't pick up this brand they're hush puppies but since these were booties and really cute style I looked them up and they last sold for $40 in the navy color that's not bad without the bow without the bow maybe the bow I'm still thinking 30 to 40 and they're $5.99 so the bow might even make it better it could or it could make it worse but found M9 there worth getting okay cool based on the style yeah nice little find yes sir these look like older Cole Haun oh those are nice the little T tassels Tel T those are dusty inside Dusty Rusty crusty no the outside looks good I just meant you can tell they've been in the closet they've been in the closet for a while if those were bigger size I would say we should get those yeah they're not bad for six bucks I I would say they're probably Max 40 I don't see us oh they're an eight they're an eight okay let's do a little research maybe I can find a good cop on them little tiny bit of research and it looks like they're selling for about 3540 so okay maybe should get them I think you you think those should separate like that from is that normal or is that the glue coming off it's probably just the glue coming off right there okay yeah I think they're supposed to actually be glued let's actually pass on them okay right I mean it could be easily glued down I guess if they're just 35ish maybe not 35 we're not going to be do doing any gluing how does one stand up in these kind of shoes over here I could not I could use those inches that's like straight up like stripper shoes I don't know with a little poies on there or like if somebody was a squirrel for Halloween oh yeah that' be a good squirrel outfit yikes I would break my neck oh man okay interesting fine honey definitely interesting ooh two bags we got the SE not bad $28 for everything 28 yeah the star was only $1.99 okay that's not bad no I'm excited during the holidays that would have been $6.99 yeah that's what she said she's like I'd rather tell you $1.99 and you take it then me say $3.99 and you put it back and it goes in the trash yep yeah okay well not bad nope I think we're going to take a little break get some lunch yes and then uh hit some more thrift stores keep on going y good old Boston Goodwill we always seem to find like a couple things out of here never any crazy right I'm never excited walking into this one we'll just say that but we always find like one or two things so we always got to try thank you sir let let's see what they got there's that chair oh my goodness oo that's nice it's a nice piece right there it is looks newer though doesn't it newer a little more looks like a copy of the goodies yeah oh it's kind of like flimsy too yeah should have a good bounce to it yeah all right let's go look around okay they got a couple cool things in their specialty section like this little teddy rumpkin how much is $30 30 bucks on them got got Funko Pops that sld for six bucks going for six here those are kind of cool too but nice merils the V Souls but $17.99 though H what is that that might be like little look into think okay okay we got dolls is she I don't even know what kind of doll that is yeah what do you know that we doing it's an American Girl doll oh the little version uh what are they called midpoint itsy itsy bitsies something like that itty Bitties Maybe something like that all right I say we look into those merils real quick right okay yeah all right cool all right so on these morels what's that how you say it merel merils merils um used condition they're sell for like 60 to 70 okay and but the bonus thing they're I could fit into them they're not exactly my size but they're a size 13 okay so you can maybe fit them yeah I usually wear a 14 but I could I don't know those are really nice I might want to get them just to try them out for a little B a little bit yeah and if they don't work out we'll just throw them on eBay what do you think yeah sounds like a good idea all right cool let's do that are you on anything special I was trying to find this little that seems like a very reasonable price for that that looks like one of those things that would go into it is a bag that's not marked right that's exactly remember the reversible it goes in these reversible bags yeah okay but I'm trying to find just this by itself and I haven't had that for six bucks that's what I'm thinking seems like a deal yeah I don't see any I'm just going to grab it yeah that's all right was there something else we were going to look at over here uh I don't think so okay everything else was kind of like too too much too much yeah okay let's check it out all right couple fresh carts out here what what do we got got some uh zero goggies never heard of them need another rack heard they're going to bring another rack out soon too that's cool these plates are really nice you like uh pure one plates I don't know I've never sold any of their plates they're like three bucks each though okay maybe a little high there's a whole set in there okay these are kind of cool look at these what you got I haven't looked them up or anything but just little like drink glasses things you're telling me that any anything with likeing or anything like that usually does well it does and this is everyone's different like look at that Pheasant yeah that's cool these are neat I'm going to look into them it stins they're price $199 each but it looks like there's a big set yeah that is a nice big set you just sold those uh Kentucky bourbon ones yesterday for 50 bucks yeah that's a nice one too uh I wish they had the whole set of those I've looked I think I've looked those up before Oh okay these uh that's only $1.99 too it's too bad they don't have more of them I know okay those I think sell for $10 a piece I'm not sure about these okay cool this is cool too it is right just a unique kind of yeah all right I'll give you a second to look into this okay okay so quick update on these little they're called Rock glasses for the record Rock glasses Rock glasses like on the rocks on the Rocks yeah little bar glasses so I didn't find the same exact ones but these are very similar in the set of eight they sold for 75 and then there's a set of four that sold for 54 I found two of these and they sold for $20 so again just average of $10 a piece okay that's not bad at all and I found a second one of these also awesome now we got two of those and I found a bonus one of these so we have a full of 10 so I'm just going to list all 10 of these for 100 bucks and then we'll list those two for 20 that's awesome yeah not too bad good find yeah these tall ones are my favorite yeah they're really cool I wish I wish we had a whole set of those I know right okay they're awesome these are made by Libby all right well we're by the plush you want to look through yes let's dig in let's do it all right what do you got a Dream works camel what do you think that's for I have no idea this uh temper Pedic bear looked pretty cool uh you picked it up first and it felt very very it feels like the actual B material right that's cool uh and we have a comp on this one let's see uh yeah $22 to $31 this one's the exact same one sold for 31 62 just for everybody else's reference there's some that sell for even more like this little brown guy oh no not more okay you're maxed out at about 30 bucks but not bad for $.99 though for yeah or it might even be 99 Cents oh yeah Plushies are 99 Yeah couple more I was looking at let me uh pull up the comps real quick that a new cart they're going they're bringing it in so we're going to be get this done real quick so we can uh be ready for the catch the one coming out okay so first one is this so the this is like a vintage caterpillar guy so cool yeah and what was his name again lots of lot of legs lots and lots of legs he's so cool with the rainbow socks all the way around like every sock is different he's cool he's very cool so I hope I found the pink one okay with the same amount of legs for 28 oh so a different amount of legs yeah looks like the shorter leg ones are worth more okay cool I don't you'd think more legs would be more money but right it's the opposite that's not the case and then this little bee right here oh he's like one of the older Pillow Pets um looks like small one of that does she oh then look there's a small one this this guy sold them together for 33 Okay but like he sells by himself for 30 35 yeah that's so for 99 cents we'll just grab him too so what we go about 25 55 plus another 30 85 85 bucks in Plus for $3 yeah 99 each there was another one here just stay right there okay I shall stay this thing here is another one we're thinking about he is cool I like him he's he's older right it's a window cing he has a cool little vintage Kentucky anybody from Kentucky that likes plush in their car is going to want that thing and he has like the original wild cat green nice I think it's cool so for 99 even if it's only 10 bucks I would rather save it from yeah put it in we throw them in it all right let's keep on looking around okay check out these bad babies oh those are nice they're so clean they're $5.99 right yeah $5.99 they're trail running shoes they're called Vapor gloves okay anyways all of the comps used comps are between 40 and 50 yeah these are the women's the men's go for more okay nice little snag yeah surpris those didn't make it to the specialty section but I'm not complaining with other merils that we just found yeah uh I thought about these well I looked at the good one first the hey dudes oh yeah but then I picked up this one and it has like a nasty toe look like oil or something okay so but anyways at least we got one out of the shoes yeah it's always nice to find a nice pair of shoes that they didn't catch all right getting harder and harder to do it really is oh did you show your this amazing oh I have not shown that yet this okay if I can get Kinsley to possibly wear this it's it's going to stay but if not San Diego Zoo with the booty on the back from 1999 that's so cool it you said it was probably a baby panda I'm think like in 1999 that's when this Little Panda was born and she went to the San Diego Zoo I love it yeah that's a cool little piece might not make it to the store but it might how much are the kids clothing items I think everything's $1.99 kids okay yeah so that's a steal awesome did I just hear you found a Lulu at what the heck it looks like I staged it right on the end here I'm just walking by and it's just hanging right there for me that's crazy it's an older shirt but I feel like this is still going to be like t-shirt price so I feel like we should still pick it up that's awesome nice little Lulu can't beat that yeah um I saw these over there oh little SP wedges spes so I've stopped picking up SP boots like you know the the booty Boots the boot the water boots what they water boots okay I can't think of what I'm trying to say waterproof These are nice they kind of remind me of the shoes you have on right now yeah um what are those cells yeah a little nicer no they're both equally as nice I mean retail wise these are probably $100 plus yeah so for six bucks duck boots thank you myself Duck Boots the Duck Boots don't sell very well anymore that was my point oh those are outplayed yes but these I think are still pieces might still be worth picking up yes okay good find babe sweet I did it look at these guest jeans like I can't think of a single guest item that I've ever sold but these are like very vintage and fabulous oh dang made in USA yeah and the green like aren't those cool yeah those I feel like those have to be good they have to be let me see the The Butt Tag that's like the classic vintage exactly and just the color in general too I'm like in love with these pants yeah I think them being green is probably going to make them more that's what I'm thinking too yeah that's cool let's uh let's look those up real quick yeah that's cool we said that we found them right away yes that's awesome look at those 47 and 45 yeah that's cool yeah so we're thinking you found these on The Clothing Rack where people are trying them on yes I always look outside of the dressing room for the putbacks I always find goodies there there's a couple boys over here and they're saying they were looking for drip so they probably tried them on they didn't fit honestly that's probably what happened to the Lulu that's probably why it was right on the end somebody probably tried it on cuz she's putting everything back right now so I caught that rack just in time always check the the fitting room Raa always found a ver wang dang that's nice well it's simply ver Wang for Kohl's says it was $78 oh for Kohls yeah okay it's really nice style-wise though that's not bad at all I'll look it up just to be safe yeah we can look it up I just found this thing right here okay this like an Adidas's Chelsea Football Club that's awesome it sells for 40 okay it's in really really really nice condition it is really nice yeah I like that and then you found this thing I don't know if you want to show that off oh yeah I do the Nike ACG like what was it Therma fit jacket Therma fit Therma fit Therma yeah just a really nice fleece comps on the conservative end on this one our 50 yeah they are two days in a row we found ACG which is nice yeah that is very nice and then we're still on the fence on this one right that's the North Face oh yeah I I mean that's like perfect condition so it's very nice yeah it's like a women's right yeah Women's small I feel like it should be like 24 is probably what we would get out of it 24 okay we're going to spend like five on it yeah is maybe six maybe six I think we'll just grab it grab it okay and then this is probably too basic right it's not vintage it's just a WT Disney World yeah I would say that's probably basic that I'm going to look up just because I like the style but I can't imagine it's probably not worth looking up well we could always look it up for closure and we'll see where we go there you go all right closure on the very WI yeah so this one is new similar that sold for $30 and then this one used for 18 so I'm just going to leave it going to pass on it yeah okay we did see this thing so this is a vintage90s chaps pullover fleece sweatshirt here let's pull our car forward a little bit sorry um exact comp on that sold for 30 plus shipping so I like it yeah pretty cool little piece there yes so I'm not familiar with you know clothes very much but I do remember hearing about torid okay and so it's like a 2XL dress yeah I'm just looking at all these little floral ones that are comparable and it looks like they're all right around the $40 Mark yeah that's not bad and this one appears to be like brand new it's in really nice condition yeah so I think we're going to get a dress today okay waiting for the cart paid off yeah the cart by itself was not that great but I'm happy about this though like I thought go look at the dresses cuz I've never look at them all right full cart club that is a full cart right there it's officially full it's so cold too there's a wind advisory oh yeah I'm excited to uh try on those merils later oh yeah those are super nice it's nice to know if they don't fit we can probably sell them for 70 60 70 bucks H exactly that's a win-win situation this cool vintage starter jacket this is really cool yeah I don't know if if I've seen one pull this one off there this is a really cool cat uh like canvas work vest and then this is my favorite piece this is like a vintage Gap denim jacket uh it's got like so Kayla just found these really cool boots these are some spares right [Music] mm how cool is that with the like rainbow logo like Super C yeah vintage Disney [Music] World is this isn't that amazing it's [Music] so oh my9 no way it's so cool little wood carved [Music] mhm this thing is $23 but is that a new car no we're [Music] good would be yeah but this is not the 1993 version of this Greatful Dead you found this one I love this shirt probably my favorite out of the two oh really well [Music] yeah it looks like it's each cuz this one's priced on the back okay but I'm still thinking about it those are gorgeous [Music] it's like one of those uh what do you call the Shell cap shells cap shell tree topper it's a cool little uh vintage creen Bay Packer set that is [Music] cool older Levis yeah yeah that's uh is that the Big E I think it is so I normally don't pick up this brand they hush puppies but since these were booties and really little that seems like a very reasonable price for that that looks like one of those things I would go [Music] on these are kind of cool look at these I haven't looked them up or anything but just little like okay that's not bad at all and I found a second one of these also awesome now we got two of [Music] those uh you picked it up first and it felt very it feels like the actual bed [Music] material the rainbow socks all the way around like every sock is different he's cool he's very cool so he's like one of the older PS um looks like he's this thing here is another one we're thinking about he's cool I he's he's [Music] old babies those are nice they're so clean they're $5.99 right yeah [Music] 5.99 show this okay if I can get K to Poss to wear this it's going to stay but [Music] okay it looks like I staged it right on the end here I'm just walking by and it's just hanging right there for me [Music] that's I saw these over there oh little SP wedges [Music] spes a GU jeans like I can't think of a single guest item that I've ever sold look like an Adidas's Chelsea Football Club that's [Music] awesome you want to show that yeah I do the NCG like what was it [Music] Theros that's the North Face oh yeah I I me that's like the condition so it's very nice yeah it's like a okay you did see this [Music] thing remember about Ford and so it's like a 2XL [Music] dress this
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 197,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: jB-TNmsLyAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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