Trash Picking for Gold

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very first stop I get a flag down by a homeowner saying that he has a mower deck for a riding lawn mower out they're going to give me the riding lawnmower part two not part two but part as well have a riding lawnmower in the back of the truck what a nice first start stop he was saying the neighbor was pulling something out as we were loading yeah that's metal right there too good stuff all right I'll show you here so he was just telling me that it's been sitting outside for years I don't know I don't know what is that a mini fridge bro thank you what a first stop yeah I'm might have to make some room here I think I just want this to fall out yeah I'm going have to make some room for that mini phase to get pulled up here all right dude don't fall out of the truck stay oh yeah h yeah mini for it yeah that's better is this a air conditioner or a fridge be an air conditioner I don't know what you are I have no idea [Applause] it's an evaporative cooler all right what's going on over here aluminum just a mystery scrap to me dude stainless steel pans no way this is good stuff seriously all right oh all right real quick I'm going to take some pictures of this to see if my mower man wants it you might not you trying to get my scrap I think not ooh that's a bad day yeah you would think the the uh breaker would have blown or in the kitchen it's a GFCI circuit so it's even more sensitive to high current situations something happened I got a text from my Budd he said come pick up a mailbox so I was just talking to my buddy he said that there was three other scrap trucks and I saw one I saw the white scrap truck he said there was another a truck with a trailer with scrap so and I told him I said this area is Sycamore it's uh it's kind of booming all right I just got a text from the mower man and uh he says sure I'll I'll take it he doesn't know you know what its value is he repairs him hey hey what's going on for you okay thanks I don't know who that is but hey I'll take it but yeah he uh he wants it but I don't know what do you think a good offer would be 80 bucks thank you a couple other things right on thanks for flag stand at one point I was going to do some woodwork here but I had to drop that idea so I picked up a uh I start ideas all the time and I just give up on I've been following me for about four years okay okay and uh so I picked up on the right over here in the neighborhood a little stand that had a grinder on the top I'm not going to use it if you want to take that with you yeah yeah sure thanks I I'll come help you if you want [Applause] I don't know what's a good price 100 bucks it's already like 50 bucks in scrap value so got this old I don't know what it is actually I will take this wire this things those are heavy oh it's part of a lock interesting good stuff thanks again all right I just heard from the mower man and he said he'll take it and 75 bucks so I'm going to drop it off I was going to drop it off but I saw a bicycle over here am I still clear I am clear I saw a B I think it was a bicycle I don't know it it could be kids out playing right now but I'm going to O I can actually see it right through there I think it's a pile of scrap that is going to fit nicely into my truck was that hallucinating nope that is a scrap bicycle woohoo get into my truck please those look like nice like bar stool things kitchen stools I don't know who it's got a Schwin thanks for whoever oh this is one of those bike uh Hood things oh you're rusted up yeah you're scrap it's super light too so it's probably aluminum you can't put aluminum into the shred pile Paul oh yeah hey you are you going with me there we go all right that was quick $75 landed in my PayPal account already man I can use it [Applause] too we'll just put this up front I guess for now do some rearranging here man I made a mess already the mail boox oh yeah the transmission okay uh-oh little plastic piece of course it's stuck it's actually it's part of it so this is going with eighty chill I don't want to rip the front end off of it though I think this will work if I go quick enough okay see did kind of disent a great on [Applause] me and the mow deck hey C wow I don't know if I can okay good I think I ruined it all [Music] right get this stuff back on the truck and let's go find some more stuff snap a quick picture just as proof is there a bicycle on the other side of this truck yes there is of course the garage is open that gets nervous are you getting ready your bike yeah getting of it all right thank you need some work okay all right thanks yeah this is going to the bike couple for sure is it going to stay up no no it won't just have to hang on to it you know what I can just do this yeah this is going to the bike couple yeah definitely oh they have their trees covered yeah three of them interesting a picker yeah I need one piece of drain tile for my house and it's going to be this one cuz it will fit onto uh my down spout I think don't break don't break don't break don't [Applause] break up here has been Wheeling ever since way back there look at this this kid that's amazing seriously check this out what he's still going he's still going Beyond awesome this guy gave me a chair I don't know two weeks ago 3 weeks ago pla you're packing is a backing true true oh I took apart a hard drive the other night it's kind of bored I got a new neodymium magnet I even took a grinder I made it flat yeah that's a nice mag it it's where the discs uh for the hard drive yeah that thing's a serious magnet I don't know probably 30 lbs of force on it you doing just fine sir how are you very good yeah did you put the scrap out no actually my neighbor looking at man this is kind of nice but could you use it no you can take it okay you can take it yeah maybe I can and do something but it's really light so okay yeah and it's thin and so and and it'll rust pretty easily right here yeah all right thanks you canow yes sir any help no I'm good thank you yeah thanks very much though y I have the snap tool yeah watch this hey that's the way snap tool 2025 beta even though there's several Scrappers out running around stuff is constantly being brought out to the curb so yeah this is Rusted well worn so definitely don't want to give this to a person uh that's already has disabilities get some give them something that's going to be broken that's just not cool not cool man hey what's going on here oh you're kind of jammed in there oh I see what's going on you were stuck in that other bicycle that's still not going to work out is it nope H oh this has the the anti fallback mechanism on it but still that chair is kind of in the way I'm just going backwards here stay all right thank you sir have a good day yes sir right home I think it's metal oh yeah actually looks like some clippers too yeah there's some issues there all right the sun just went down I don't know if the camera quite picks up just how it's like turquoise and like this pink sky all right let's go a and pick up this operation in the morning whoa those clouds morning Ralph morning Sam good morning it's the next day I saw these signs yesterday but they're all by themselves so I didn't want to grab them cuz I couldn't tell if they were garbage but now I can tell yeah is that more metal yes oh that's plastic I got tricked I don't know how to remove that but I do know it is scrap got to be quiet it's early in the morning I think these are steel signs could be aluminum but I think it's a steel let's check it on the magnet no that's aluminum excuse me pardon me for almost passed it up I think it's aluminum yeah you can tell it's aluminum oh old school there's metal in there isn't there I think so that's way heavier than it looks it's definitely old school [Applause] it's turning out to be nice very nice I'm not really a Furniture guy but that's real leather you can tell that's not pleather not at all man cuz real leather when you sit on it it's not going to get you if this was plastic and I'm sitting on on a warm day you're going to start sweating cuz it's plastic that's not man some people are pro dandelion some people are against dandelion I'm definitely Pro dandelion but this this is ridiculous what that's the house that I found the Bas guitar about a year and a half ago it was an acoustic base that's metal that's all recycle that might be keepable you can't keep everything plaw oh yeah watch me those birds what's [Music] up yes yes yes [Music] H that might be better than what I have no I don't really do the Christmas tree thing I will do this man so before I forget the truck um with the Trans transmission problem it wasn't a transmission problem on the selector you know to go from Park to drive a bushing broke on the cable so it turned out to be a $24 part if you didn't see my uh Community post yeah that was it what or at all yes please man this a pots and pants kind of day so yeah I think I'm keeping a few of those um cast no not cast uh stainless steel pots and pans yeah I bet that was a a gift that kept on giving let me see oh I was just listening to a song on the radio oh my goodness it really got me choked up Cats in the Cradle wow man I got me what is all this uh yes I think that's aluminum that's cute anything else here strainer you know what I could use one of those another one at the one in my house I um I used it up that's all metal isn't it and oh don't fall out yeah yeah I'm keeping that see if I can do this without spilling it yeah that'll work let's clean it up a little bit all right one last peek we good we good all right let's get out of here tell me I don't have the best homeowners ever y'all are awesome [Music] seriously Beyond cool uhoh I hear people uh-oh people good stuff man it's starting to warm up we I'm not blocking the driveway what are you talking about H this is scrap right okay yeah it's missing some parts think it starts no not at all all right where you going Mr Man right [Music] there that's a ninja six horsepower Snapper ninja all right what where' that come from that's a break or something yeah got a lawnmower with brakes [Applause] I'm going to guess 7,100 lb cuz I have a full tank of gas so I don't know 500 lb of scrap what do you think I think that's Fair statement so that truck weighs 8,920 with the trailer empty so they're both empty the bed and the trailer all right 71 or more I'm okay with more more Is My Jam and the survey says 7,400 lb really all right what what weighs so oh yeah that dehumidifier that's like the size of a tiny house bro I can't get in there all right he thinks he thinks I can all right let's try it I don't know if that the forklift is gonna move oh he might move that um the dumpster he is right on dude many many thanks good stuff I don't quite know where they want me to dump though how bet where the forklift is right now is where he wants me to dump yeah he's moving that other dumpster you probably can't see can you all right so as they're out of the way 7,100 lb have I been gaining weight have I been going the wrong direction car barbs no he honked at me I'm not quite sure where he's saying to go want me to take that scrap and put it into that dumpster I don't think that's going to work but hey this is your scrapyard I can't see you dude oh there you go hey what's going on do you want everything in here even like lawn mower and stuff all right [Applause] Precision scrapping way uh-oh it opened up on me all right what minut how you doing Paul hey what's going on man how are you good all right what was your name again Logan Logan that's right how you doing doing good keeping busy trailer yeah we had to upgrade dude that's the biggest trailer I've ever seen I've brought in about four or five loads wow last week this was one from just the weekend okay so it's of a dry but it's worth it okay and I like doing it so I think you were scrapping like before you even had your license didn't you I was yeah yeah doing aluminum cans and just little that I got license it took off yeah right on man seriously congratulations on the trailer have a good man see you later yeah I remember him from a long time [Applause] ago trying to pack this best that sign's huge wonder where they're taking this scrap but I get it maybe the crane the craw isn't working so once it gets hits the ground you know what do you do with it if you don't have a claw to Pi it up this yeah yeah so that's a dehumidified high efficiency dehumidifier [Applause] no that doesn't quite fit but I think it's about full man it's just about full all right more [Music] [Music] you [Music] hey all right I can do that thank you sir I think that's it oh one more piece all right let's go get paid Bad Day right there my tail gets still down cuz I couldn't Fold It Up with the scrap sticking out should I go the wrong way yeah why not so 8T plus I don't know what's that four more feet 12T bed I like it all right Logan I'll see you around morning hey hey good morning how are you today I'm good what's going on with you all right cool thanks Katie thank you problem y [Music] thank you God thanks for a great day thank you for energy thank you for fun thank you for doing big things lately God still need your help with the little things in the name of Jesus Amen thank you thank you thank you all right so I got $2 one two wait a minute $63 even for 700 lb what what that's crazy thanks for hanging out with me you are awesome
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 45,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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