Why Would I NOT? | Goodwill Thrift With Me | Reselling

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for $449 why would I not pick that up all right well today we are in Middletown Maryland and we are sitting outside of the Goodwill I decided uh this trip to Maryland I was going to go in reverse order so uh we're going to head in and see what we can find to buy and flip for a profit here we go this is really pretty unfortunately there's a bunch of chips and cracks on that so we're not going to take it with us I like the bunny rabbit on that um I really like this box I don't see any markings on it I like the frost the lid it's 9 I can't go wrong with a 99 cent trinket box so I'm going to grab that um this kind of reminds me of the anthropology with the applied flour on it it's probably not and unfortunately the flour does have a chip there's a book end kind of neat but there's chipping to that elephant is really cute but his trunk is broken and check out the sculpture I feel like that's one of those plaster kits that you can get in immortalize your love for one another oh hey Peggy car almost missed that down on the bottom shelf we'll grab that for $5.49 $349 on that this is really pretty made in Thailand kind of like the shape of that for 9.49 hello Carnival Glass 1449 but I think it's worth grabbing for that price I really love the blue it's cobalt blue base little heavy iridescent so I'm going to pay up on that there's a nice cadon vase for $5.49 kind of like the looks that so I think I'll pick it up for $5.49 749 that's really pretty I can't tell if that's um impy or not but I think that might sell well in my booth so I might pick that up for $749 I really love the long shape of it there is a nice uh hot naal dish kind of looks like it wants to be Moonstone there's a little opalescence there but I don't think there's enough opalescence here's some bbp for $2.49 this looks like a little creamer I don't see a sugar to go with it though oh and hey check this out $4.49 I sold one of these recently in yellow doesn't have a super high resale value but um I like the blue so I'm going to grab that stick both of those in there what is this oh Plymouth Rock a souvenir piece um down here they have these really neat canisters I think these are usually out of Germany or Czechoslovakia these ones are in English though a Czechoslovakia there you go um these have a tendency to chip up and you can see there is some chipping on those so I'm going to leave them behind but I am going to grab this because it looks like it's from Italy for 0 this vintage table is super cool it looks like the whole set is only 5479 I love that and it comes with two leaves even that's definitely vintage for $5.49 here's some chipping on the base though I don't know I think I still might grab it definitely has the Vintage look to it look pretty with a candle in it I like the flowers on that but I think it's probably mass produced and contemporary these are fun little midcentury shaped ashtrays I believe kind of boomerang shaped um $24 9 each I'm wondering if this goes with them it's kind of awkward it's more of like a shell shape I think that these definitely go together so I'm going to grab those okay so I just dug out this dish because it just had a clarity about it that I liked um it's also slightly frosted it does appear that there might be a little bit of a fracture there like a bruise on the outside um but for the most part it's in good condition it's is marked knockman it has an etched signature on there so I think I'm going to grab this It just strikes me as being good quality um Crystal so let's stick that in here also looks like a nice piece of cut crystal and there's no markings on it I I just I know a lot of people are like you should just pick it up but also it's harder to sell without being able to put a name to it at least I have a hard time selling it without a name so that's why I like to look for the signatures come here you I want to get a closer look at the bottom of this one no no markings on that I just like the combination of the Frosted let set that here o very carefully and um last but not least I was kind of curious about this one on the bottom but it looks like it might be just reverse painted so um not really seeing much else maybe we'll go check out the artwork and then possibly get out here I was walking by and noticed these ROM canisters oh sweet they're the oh is this the full set it is the full set that is worth picking up they' sold these before and they sold super quick I know a lot of people say that rayen is dead but some of them still sell and they so quickly and for good money so I'm going to pick up this set here's a full set there here is a Thunderbird ashtray I suspect it might go with those so I'm going to grab that they just kind of have the same form and the same color scheme and check this out I just noticed this on the back of the shelf that is kind of a cool sculpture I to get a closer look at that before I take off what is this that was made in China never mind it really wasn't that exciting all right well Christmas is over but they still have some Christmas stuff out so I'm going to take a peek it's a shame that's damaged it's art glass present I've seen pieces similar to this at the art glass show well the glass show not the art glass but the glass show in carile um and they're actually kind of spend [Music] here are a bunch of things still in the box it has a kind of cool box mug and puzzle set must be a really small mug to fit in that box it's literally just the puzzle all right well our total spend there at the Middletown Goodwill was a whopping $96 I guess it added up pretty fast but I feel like we got some pretty decent stuff and um I'm excited to get it sold to move it into my booth and list it online and make a profit um so I'm going to move on to the next Goodwill now and I will see you there oh my gosh look at this this is so delightful for $449 why would I not pick that up there is an elephant I think that's made of wood he seems to be missing his ears there so we're going to leave that behind this year is clear glass it's $949 but it does have a Royal Copenhagen sticker um so that is a nice piece of glass for $9.49 I think it's worth picking up and I'm going to stick it in here with my stunk here are some art glass swans that seem to be in decent condition for $349 um those don't have a super high resale value but they might be worth picking up they're pretty blue glass there is a little um Rose Medallion well this isn't even Rose medall and this is like a fanal rose uh for $1 $1 it's $1 uh for $11.50 this is a cute little dish now it's decorated in Hong Kong I feel like that might date it to the' 60s or 7s I think I'm going to grab that I kind of like it stick it in there here is a teacup this is a handleless teacup um It's $249 I forget the name of the style of teacup we've actually um we have some listed on eBay right now and they've been selling pretty well now this has some Char this this has some characters on it though um that I cannot translate so um for that reason I think I'm probably going to leave it behind that's pretty I kind of like that with the fairy on it so I'm going to pick that up $349 I'm not sure if that would be German or if it's just made to look like old um bisque porcelain I believe that the term Jasper wear is trademarked by Wedgewood so I don't think that's what you would call it but um it is marked with a number on there I think I'm going to picked that up just because of the the fairy on that I am kind of obsessed with this giant Bowl do I want to ship it no but I really love the glaze on this and it's signed on the bottom this is actually signed King York Springs PA and it's wild because I actually know somebody with the last name King whose first name is is D um from York Springs PA so I almost wonder if this is I didn't know she did Pottery so that's kind of wild I wonder if this is hers I oh know I'm going to grab it just found this in the wood section somebody stashed it I kind of like it it's marked on the bottom I don't know if this is for saki that would be my guess possibly saki um but there's no cups to go with it I guess it could be used as a vase I do love that glaze I don't know do I want to pick it up just to pick it up I don't think so I think I'm going to leave it no I'm going to take it no I'm going to take it yeah I'm going to take it I can't make up my mind these days well I decided to look over here in the bags thinking that maybe the cups that go with that saki bottle might have been stuck in [Music] baggies but I'm not really seeing anything here's some napkin rings if you ever need napkin rings for a formal party I'm telling you go to the Goodwill because I find napkin rings every single visit and you have all sorts of kinds of napkin rings you could have a party of like 18 people or like 50 people all the napkin rings you could ever want I'll tell you what I'm not finding not finding those saki cups CU I'm still going to buy the bottle though because it would it would make for a nice vase this looks like it is Bake Light so I think I might grab that it's kind of awkward the way it's set in there I'm not really sure what's happening and it does appear to be marked um electroplated nickel silver I think that's what the marking is but of course they don't have a loop or anything so I'm thinking that's what it says it's pretty faint but I really just love the bite so we're going to grab it get a closer look at that vase looks like it could be fan see but don't see anything on the bottom there's also a vase in the back let's make sure that doesn't fall through the cracks this has a nice blue swirl I don't know might have had a stopper it looks like it might be ground on the inside all right well I saw this through the other side of the Shelf I really love the glaze of it there's no markings on it it's a buck 49 I think I'm going to grab it just for the glaze and I think I'm going to get out of here so I'll get back back to you in the cart with a total in the car not in the cart I'm not getting into the cart I'm getting into the car and then I'll get back to you with a total all right well our total spend here at Walkersville today was $43 I'm pretty excited about that Royal Copenhagen Bowl um it is a nice Crystal Bowl um but anyway I'm going to move on now to the next Goodwill and I'm going to take you guys with me we're going see what we can find there hopefully hopefully third time to charm right well I decided to start in the vases here today I usually start in the figurines but why not start in the vases I like that yellow but does have a chip on the corner so I'm going to leave that behind feel like I've looked at this a few times I'm going to leave it again it's a nice looking B nice polished base I would kind of expect that to be or Force I don't see any more things on it it's $4.49 might pick that up because of the butterfly design and that nice polished bottom and without a marking on it they have $4.49 on it so I think I'm going to grab it there is a swan dish that is K's collection I'm try not to pick up K's collection it has to be really special that is resin I expected that to be a lot heavy heavier but picked it up it's really lightweight all right we're going to scoot down into the figurines see if there's anything here for us lots of piggies I did not donate those pigs oo hi that is nice I really o it's signed who is it signed by oh it's Oleg Cassini it's also 2449 ooh um I don't remember Olive Cassini cing out that high but I will look it up I will look it up just to see if it's worthwhile I really love the facets on it and if it's worth it I'll definitely pick it up there's a nice piece of water f for $349 and it is signed right there on the edge just the clarity of it you can kind of tell it's a nice piece of Crystal um I am noticing now though that there is a chip on the side so I try to buy um when I buy water for it I try to buy it without chips so I'm going to leave that one behind so here we are looking at the sold listings on eBay and here is the old leg Cassini 8 in vase with the box that sold for $32 so um with the box if it Stills with 32 I don't think that this is a good pickup I'm going to put it back on the Shelf but I'm also going to put it back on the Shelf in the vase section where it belongs maybe somebody else will buy it for themselves there is a longa Burger picture for 20 $24.49 again um okay so this one I'm going to have to look up usually when things are above 12 bucks um that's when I am more tempted to look them up before I commit so we're going to look that up real quick that child is not happy all right so here we are back in those sold listings it looks like this longer burger sells for about $20 so at $24.95 I'm going to put it back I actually have one at the shop in a different color scheme and I think I only paid a few bucks for it so I don't need it there is the matching utensil Croc but that is $949 oh hey look there's a tidbit tray um California Valley Vista is $549 vintage headbed with the little uh little holder there taped to it that's fantastic oh wait nope we got a chip back you [Music] go this is kind of a wild piece of glass it has um its case you see the interior is white and clear and it's cut away to form these ribs it's really kind of interesting um as far as value I'm not really sure if there would be much value there so I'm not going to take it with me this is I see this kind of looks German it's a bug 49 a little clock I don't know if that's worth picking up probably not here is $449 it looks to me like it could be Zanesville potery zville potery Croc possibly for $449 um I think I'm going to pick it up definitely has some age to it um and the bottom does kind of look like Zanesville so we'll grab that just noticing the Goldfish design on this tea oh maybe it's a coffee pot and I really like it but then I realized that the handle is in fact broken off of that kind of a bummer cuz I would have grab that even though it is probably contemporary I really just kind of like the Goldfish this is a really neat brutalist manora for $12.49 I don't see any markings on it so I'm not sure who maker is of that um but it is mounted on Stone I feel like that's decent quality so I think I'm going to stick out of my cart for 12:49 what in the world is this I can't tell if that's wood or resin it feels kind of like resin also are those like little B I don't know I don't know what's happening here that's a vintage piggy bank but I don't want any more of those all right well on that note I think I'm probably going to head to the car didn't find a whole lot here today but there's always next time um I'll get back to you guys in the car with a total all right well our spend was a little bit less here at Frederick West Patrick Street Goodwill um we spent $22 um but we got a few things three things we got three things um so the manora is really cool I might do an Google image search to see if I can pinpoint that to a specific maker because that will increase the value um that uh Croc I think might be Zanesville um the bottom looks right but the Zanesville that I've had in the past has a St stamped number on the bottom so I will have to look that up um other than that it's just it's a cool vintage Croc so anyway we're going to get out of here now I'm going to move on down the road but you guys are going to have to wait for that video and uh I guess I'll see all you tomorrow so a
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 100,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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