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ooh look at this this one's glowing look at this is that like a jellyfish inside sourced for $10 sold for $225 sourced for $10 sold for $280 welcome to the estate sale of a lifetime all right everyone the estate sale we are headed to is supposed to be loaded now I am going to sign up right now on the sign up sheet the day before the sale because the sale is not supposed to last that many hours so it's a one-day chance at this stuff and it's supposed to be raining even more tomorrow so uh better chance to get some good visuals uh approaching the house so oh my gosh this the day before and people are already lined up to get onto the signup sheet you could see right over there there's the dumpster look at the line of cars already folks oh my gosh so there's the house I mean there is a lot of square footage in there and wait till you see all the stuff that's packed inside of there all right we are back 24 hours later cars are lined up on the street as you can see it is Rainer than yesterday that's actually an advantage for me because fewer people come out in the cold rain to estate sales it is December so it's pretty chilly out there's our house right there all right just to show you the prep for going into the sale I have four boxes here as you can see I have one box nested within this one and one box nested within this one and this box is going to fit in here so I could carry all four at once also you will see that I have a towel here this is my money towel and I'm going to take it today to protect some of the items and you could see I have a lot of newspaper and you will also see here that I have a black light hint hint and since this house is loaded I also have an extra Long Tall box that I could come out and get later if needed all right so we've got some sori Crystal items here on the table U some of them are you know priced at 50 bucks or more uh but I love this one here uh cuz it has some color on it these are four baby love birds it comes with a case which helps me carry it around it's 20 bucks so I'm going to pick this one up as the first item and we're going to do four double Taps for each bird to start off so one two three four five six seven eight okay so moving on from that table over here this is an incredible piece this is a porcelain and bronze lided ear and it looks to be in great shape I don't see or feel any chips and if we look on the bottom here I got to be careful with this but you can see here we've got a label it's matland Smith this is a great brand to look out for these litted earns could go for hundreds of dollars so for 10 bucks we definitely got to get this listed for $225 sold for $225 [Music] and while we're at it we're going to grab these these look like cuff links and it was in this little bag for three bucks and there's some small ones in here too so very neat we'll just throw them inside the all right so this is where I'm keeping some of the items because some of the stuff's just impossible to carry around so I have sold stickers on it this one actually doesn't have a price on it but I'm confident I could settle up on this one and check out good price plus what I'm getting the ear for I mean it duts just a great deal in of itself and this is an amazing toy so for those of you who like toys we even have some of that here too this house is incredible so far these are some nice vintage Asian pieces they don't have prices on them but I'll settle up on it at check out the plane I was just told is six bucks so uh anything that doesn't have a price it's going to be um you know not too much so we're going to grab these two one of the things that helps with these pieces if you look under the lid you'll sometimes see uh some information about origin so you could see this comes from the kutani or kaga Province you can also see here I have some newspaper here I'm going to wrap these items up so they don't uh get broken as I'm walking around we've got this nice uh solid uh container here for just $2 uh it's really sturdy and strong so uh I think someone's going to like it I don't think it can miss on this for two bucks now this is interesting how many of you have seen a glass pen before this is made in Italy Francesco ruado comes with the case just $2 we're going to pick this one up so over here what we're looking at here is a maxi Flower by sori Crystal it's not in the Box we've got a great price on it uh just 15 bucks not only that but uh there's another one right over here I'm going to grab you thank you so much all right so we actually have two of them so could sell them as a set or individually we're definitely going to wrap this up cuz it's got a lot of pointed edges and stuff we don't want it to chip up along the [Music] way so I think this piece in here I think it's a Japanese piece and I think that it's made of ivory so I want to avoid it on eBay especially if it's made of ivory I'm going to leave it here I just don't want to take the chance with Ivory pieces okay let's take a look in here open this up looks like we've got like might be like an old Barber kit or something but it looks like it's missing some pieces as well so yeah and this case is kind of really beaten up I think I'm going to leave this here all right so what we've got here are some small flowers these are svorski flowers this is a rocking flower right here um they're all under 10 bucks or 10 bucks or less so I'm going to pick this one up cuz this one goes for good [Music] money this is another one right here and then we've got this one here and then we've got this one sorry we've got this one as well over here and they come with little [Music] stands so um we're going to get anything that's colorful that's on a stand so we'll get this one as [Music] well and you know what we might as well just get this one too so we'll just load up and you know what I guess I'll get this one as well uh is there a chip on it think [Music] so I think these are good to pick up so we're going to just snag them all all right I'm actually going to pick this one up this is a sari habiscus and this one goes for hundreds so um we're going to grab it for 10 bucks this is crazy sure listed for $300 sold for [Music] $280 we just grab this one to give it all the deals this is insane just seven bucks you know the more I look at this piece and feel it and it's so solid we're going to grab this for the 20 bucks I mean this is insane I'm literally sweating look at that glimmer oh my God as you can see this uh technique of just wrapping everything as I'm going in multiple layers of paper is really helping me with stacking and being able to move around all right that's the checkout line over there but uh I'm going to focus over here there's some deals in here look at this look at all this Asian art this is amazing all these little sculptures the Buddha sculptures I super well on Buddha sculptures so look at the prices three bucks three bucks uh two bucks two bucks two bucks two bucks are you kidding me I'm grabbing every single one of these and then there's something else up here this is made out of wood and I'm going to get this too wow just so you know this isn't some like cheap little resin sculpture this thing is super super solid I mean it's really really really heavy very very high quality piece all right I'm still going to look at those pieces but I caught this out of the corner of my eyes and oh my gosh this thing is absolutely amazing for 10 bucks this thing is super solid what an incredible piece I love animal items look at this no chips no cracks oh my gosh let's see the bottom if there's anything here back in the day it says tanuk it was $45 originally right now 10 bucks but this thing is old I've never seen a piece like this wow we're going to grab this for the [Music] 10 do you we'll grab this little container it's cool it has this little triangular part where it helps it lock in it's got you know bird on it and so I'll shout out to Crazy lamp lady on this one CU that's one of her famous saying it's got a bird on it so I know people will like this all right speaking of things that have a bird on it we've got this duck here that you could open up and put like some jewelry in or whatever we're going to grab this just for $3 it's uh nice strong solid ceramic piece Made in India all right I'm still looking around in here but this really caught my eye uh looks like it has like a cat like creature on top and then this is very interesting um I'm going to have to do some research on it it's really solidly constructed oh look at that how that opens up that this covers the hole here when it closes this is like this is solid like cast iron for 10 bucks I don't think we can miss on this we're going to grab this [Music] all right just a buck for this little fish display it stands right here very cool made out of wood and then metal just a dollar can't beat that this kind of reminds me of a sea urchin given a lot of the Asian art that's here and so this is probably just a couple bucks so why don't we just grab this and also this this is easy to carry around um you could put like V of candle in there so that's what it is this one's priced five so we'll get both of these all right some of you probably saw these on top but let me give you a closer look I don't see any chips on them or cracks these Little Flower figures that's definitely the lady looks like we have a guy here though wearing two flowers so we have a couple uh we don't have any chips that I can see or feel and I don't see a maker mark on it but I don't think I could pass on it for these prices $3 a piece is crazy and um yeah we're just going to grab both of these and just wrap them up okay this here is a Japanese ginger jar nice pretty flowers on it it's probably worth about 20 bucks and we're going to leave it here for someone else for the three all right this one here is a nice Japanese porcelain floral plate uh two bucks only uh there's something over here let's see what this is that's just a piece of like sticker residue so for $2 yeah I'm not going to pass on this cuz we could definitely get some nice value out of this one nice and colorful too all right now similarly I'm going to grab this uh Japanese Asian platter and then this little Dish as well it's got some nice um gilded elements to it so we'll stack those together the prices are just they're irresistible all right this piece here I really like it I like how there's a different figure as you rotate it around it's a Japanese rice bowl but uh it's probably like a $20 piece they've got three on it wonder what this is oh yeah look even says rice dish Rice Bowl on8 buck so okay we'll just leave it right here right now I moved this over here you probably saw it on the lower level on the first uh shelf that we went to before but you know I love things with dragons on it and this is a super solidly strong glass Crystal orb on top for $6 that's a great deal I think minimum we could get like 45 out of it maybe more who is the fairest treasure hunter of them all you proud time all right we're going to grab this for six [Music] bucks all right so this piece over here is part of a katani Yaki wear Japanese tea set so there's supposed to be more than just this piece but this piece is so cool with this dragon on it for $3 I got to pick this up like someone would want this just for themselves look at that you have like a almost looks like a filtration system or something right there that's really neat so we're going to grab this for free all I think this is the last thing over in this area um this lid is stained up and stuff and it doesn't feel as well constructed as the a piece that you just saw me get so I'm going to leave this one here and uh I think I pretty much um knocked out all of the stuff here this I'm going to leave cuz it just looks like a big piece of cut glass I don't see any maker Mark or anything on it price is five bucks on it it's just a heavy cut glass piece all right so next to this glass case over here we've got uh this piece here you could see here that uh it's broken which is really unfortunate cuz this is just such a gorgeous piece but uh it's too bad all right and some of these other pieces we're going to leave because you can see that cat which is so cute has a base on it but this one doesn't so it falls over that one probably had another pedal on the other side so that's why this one is still here um not sure about the Unicorn let's see is there something wrong with it is there a reason why people left it here for 15 bucks H I think we're going to leave it here because it really has a cheap feel to it so it's definitely not sori I could tell you that for sure and uh yeah we'll leave it here for the 15 all right this piece is really cool I think we're going to grab this one because if you move it around you could see that the color changes and that's a very desirable feature amongst glass collectors again I don't feel or see any chips on this one so yeah let's pick this up for the 15 I think that's really neat this snowman is cute but he's pretty light also 10 bucks on him I think we're going going to leave this guy here as well that's the area we just came from and then we swing over here in the kitchen this is a prime time first I believe folks if I'm correct and those of you in the chat could let me know but this I believe is a Morano piece this is one of the most highly collected types of glass it's not the name of a company it's a place in Italy where they actually make that type of glass now it's highly faked so you have to be careful but uh this cockadoo piece I believe is Morano so now sometimes they have a label on it this one doesn't you saw there was like a rooster item here but that one was made in China this one is not so I think I actually found my first ever Morano item wow this is awesome and oh my gosh it feels so sturdy so solid all right so moving over from that area over here we have some hand blown glass vegetables the price are great I them three bucks a piece but these aren really worth that much like 15 bucks you know for example for the zucchini so we'll just leave these here especially with all the other stuff there you know I mean if if we were mov that would be one thing all right now moving over from here uh this is a hand blown glass SBO piece uh price on it is 10 bucks it's probably like a $30 piece so we'll leave this one here now over here we have some hand blown Swan glass bowls I really like this one it's got the cobalt blue on it it's nice and big no chips it doesn't have a price on it but I checked and it's $10 uh so it's pretty big I'm going have to put it on the bottom of the box there um I'm going to leave this one here it's not quite as big and I'm still learning this area so this will be my one that I'll learn with and then we'll see what happens with it so if ever come across it again I don't know if I should pick up two of them but we're definitely going to get this one this one looks like the best piece look at this thing it's amazing wow you know I just wrap this up I'm going to leave it at checkout where my other big sold items are cuz I just don't want to take a chance of some piece here snapping off even though I have it protected we'll put a sold sticker on it with my name on it all right so we were right in that area and then turning around uh this jumped out at me look at the size of this blue and black vase $10 on it I mean it's super strong there's no chips it does have a maker sticker on it so it's a more modern piece it says LSA on on it um I'm not sure of the value but it's so strong and sturdy I don't think you can miss on it for 10 bucks so yeah let's let's grab it for the [Music] tent Beth is here watching and she saw me pick this up she watches the channel and she asked if I gave it a double tap so I'm going to dedicate this double tap to Beth so here we go Beth double tap for you all right so I was putting that vase in my checkout area and as I was walking back someone had put this back I can't see anything wrong with this uh I don't see any chips or cracks or anything it's a gorgeous goldfish look at this piece I mean it's amazing I mean wow look at the colors I mean really pops for $5 like even if there was a flaw on it I just think that's such a great price let's look on the bottom here and see I just don't see anything wrong with it this is actually one of my favorite pieces uh so far I love love these type of fish so yeah let's grab this one for five bucks all right back on the other side this piece was over here I moved it to the side but then I came back and looked on the bottom of it and it says handmade I don't recognize the maker mark on it um maybe one of you do this is the proper orientation looks like some guy blowing an instrument or something trying to get it clear for you I'm sure we see again so it's just a dollar so just a little bud vase but I like it can't pass it up for a dollar so that's where we were and then we're moving over here uh there's a cool bird piece here but it has some kind of crack on it this is advantage of being tall I could literally stand over refrigerators and see what's up here um but this looks cool I'm not sure if this is like I think they call it tortoise shell glass I mean let me know if um correct on that uh I'm not certain on the value of it but you could let me know in that comments um sometimes they say you pay to learn so it's only $6 so no chips cracks I'm going to take a shot at this for six and let me know what you think would you have picked this up what do you think the value is oh look at the bottom plus you know what drew me to it of course uh fellas and ladies it's uh it reminds me of a cheetah print so how could I pass out okay I still want your comments on it if you would have picked it up or not but this is why and I think many people who were writing in in the comment section talking about not just using your eyes but also feeling it cuz as I ran my finger around the edge right over here and it's very difficult to actually see it but there is a chip right there so let me bring it closer so there maybe you can see it there so I'm going to pass on it for that reason it's not a huge chip but given all the stuff I have I you know I don't need to take this piece so we'll just leave it here someone else could could take it all right I have totally filled this box up it's overflowing it weighs hundreds of pounds I have more rooms to explore out that way but I don't want to Lug this around with me so I'm going to bring this up front with my other stuff and then I can move around more freely with these items so you have to have a plan or strategy um most people just came barehanded so it really limits what you can get all right so we just came from that area and now we're moving over here I put my boxes here already but just to show you there's so many paper weights here uh something I'm trying to get into so we're going to look around you know one of the things you look for is trying to figure out if you know who made it obviously this one on the tag says maton studio um I don't think this one is actually worth that much uh you could correct me if I'm wrong on that but 15 I think I'm going to leave it there um some of them might be more modern pieces but um you know we're going to just look around and see what we could find all right so another thing to look for is if the piece is signed and this is an Orient and Flume piece it's also numbered um the price on it though is 30 it's probably worth about 60 it's I think meant to be an apple but uh I'm going to leave it here for the $30 Buy in all right so this piece here Drew my eye because it says Morano on it that doesn't mean that it is even if it has an actual Morano sticker on it that doesn't mean it's Morano cuz sometimes they're faked and that people put fake stickers on them they do it a lot in China but this guy as you could tell was a legit collector so they want 15 bucks on this it's got this lattice element this uh like these pink ribbons and stuff on it so so we're going to pick this one up for 15 um you know getting into paper weights this is probably a good actually this would be my first glass one the other one I picked up at the uh two videos before was uh or three videos before maybe that was a loose site paper weight but uh we're going to get this one this be my first glass [Music] one this is awesome I actually have a big tall paper weight in the prime time restroom down in my basement and um it has fish in it and I love this it's you like I really like it looks like it has like a almost like water inside of it so it's only six bucks we'll grab it all right so I showed you that I brought my black light with me and this could be helpful to scan for anything that glows because that's a desirable aspect if you can find anything like that ooh look at this this one's glowing I'm going to get anything that glows 20 bucks I'm just going to grab it just because it glows it's such a desirable look at this is it like a jellyfish inside look at that that's eight bucks oh my gosh it's so cool so yeah there's our two glowing ones right there that's awesome this is why it's real helpful to bring this with you you get it really cheap on Amazon it's just it's just invaluable in situations like this I'll put a link to it in my description section by the way just on the black [Music] lights now one of the things I want to tell you about this piece besides the really cool glow that it has when we apply a black light to it has to do with this Mark that you see on the bottom of the glass this scar in the glass is referred to as a pontel mark now I've talked about pontil marks in a prior video when I was referring to glass bottles and basically what they are is an area of the glass that represents where a rod had been formerly placed into it to blow the molten glass into uh its form and so uh I actually had not realized about pontel marks being on other items besides bottles until many of you actually pointed that out in the comment section so uh very good to point that out and uh it's not a defect actually if you see that and you could also see these on vases you could see them on uh paper weights even so uh definitely good information to know thanks all of you in the comments and just want to make sure I passed that all along to you all right so there's this Asian vase that really jumps out to me I love the facial features of this guy I think having this kind of visual imagery with multiple people on it really helps and also this gilded aspect to it looks really cool you could tell it's vintage with the label on the bottom I think it's called the set suuma vase um correct me if I'm wrong on that and definitely check out the comments uh there probably going to be a lot of great information in there I don't see or feel any chips the price on it is 40 so all you got to do is pull this sticker off and or not sticker but this bottom piece and that means it's yours just got to go retrieve it later but I'll probably just wrap it up and bring it up front Okay okay so 40 may or may not seem like a lot to you if you're watching this but given the other deals that I'm getting I mean I like I said you got to pay to learn sometimes and I don't think I'm going to lose on on it so it's definitely worth taking a shot sometimes you got to go with your gut folks this is my money towel I've never shown it to you on video fully unwrapped I've been using this since I started reselling on eBay and 99 2000 and I'm going to actually use it this time to wrap this vase up in it and protect it I'm pretty sure this is Carnival Glass because it has this iridescent element to it it's 75 bucks though so I'm going to p GL on it but uh I'm trying to find a carnival glass piece to pick up so I'm sure we'll find one soon all right now I'm not going to buy all of the things on the table so if there's something here that you see and you think I should have picked it up 100% definitely let me know in the comment section cuz I'm going to be learning from you as well as the other way around but this one I can't pass up because look at these pink bubbles inside this ashtray and it says Morano on it I don't know if it actually is Morano but we'll research it it definitely feels like it's made of very strong sturdy quality and it's absolutely gorgeous all right so with that I'm going to move on from this section I think I've got what I need from here and uh let's go ahead and explore the other rooms all right so we just came from over there into this room and once again we see Morano Birds on a branch gorgeous piece nice and solid $45 Buy in um I like the ice like structure on the bottom to you know be the branch yeah we're going to grab this wrap this up all right here's another one uh this one also says Morano on it dove 15 bucks said number one on it so there might have been a second one not seeing any chips or anything so I'm going to pick it up for the 15 while I was looking at that I looked over here to the left look at this piece that also says Morano bird on it I know all the Morano bird fans are going to love this it says Lucio zaretti licio Z on it price is $3.95 someone bought it wow I just thought you'd like to see the piece really cool all right now you may have seen this one up here it's uh Morano uh at least according to the sticker and I'm not an expert in this yet so I don't know if I ever will be but uh it's 20 bucks and you know I figured this would appeal to someone who likes you know circus and uh who likes clowns and likes uh even musical instrument cuz this is some gigantic Bongo he's playing so U 20 bucks man look at the colors on it I got to get this one so we're going to add this to the to the Box all right we're going to pay to learn folks so anything that says Morano on it I'm just going to grab it so we've got this Morano green glass piece for 25 we've got this here it looks like a I don't know if it's a cornucopia maybe but uh price on that is 20 it says shell on it so maybe it's a shell um this blue piece here it's really deep right there you've got this stem to it right there it's nice and solid that's 25 I think that's a great deal $20 on the horn and then down here we have some more colorful pieces which is this shell for 35 and looks like we have two more clowns this one here in the orange and this one here in the yellow and they are 20 bucks a piece this is not a Morano right here we'll leave this fish down here I'm not sure what this is actually pretty light we're going to leave it here for the eight so that means we're going to get 1 2 3 4 5 6 s so while I was packing things up look what I found Dove number two so we'll get this one also for 15 and then we've got this one here there's another I mean this is real look at the bubbles inside 15 bucks so we'll take this one also all right now you probably saw it but we're going to pass on the Morano clowns because um yeah look there's cracks and shatters in I'm right there so that's why they were probably turned backwards cuz someone was looking at them and saw them so we will leave those two pieces here that's a shame and look at this look at the Shell you've got a chip right here right in the Shell so yeah I've been double and triple checking looking and feeling and if there's anything else that has chips in it I'll let you know otherwise I did not feel or detect a chip all right so the room we just came from was over there now we're over here and there is an interesting religious piece here uh it's just $3 so I'm going to grab this there's not much else in this room and there's a basement to explore as well so uh let's pick this one up and um see what else we could grab all right so that's where we were and then right over here looks to be another Morano piece and the price on it is 10 bucks and this could be like a $100 piece or so so we're going to grab this for the 10 really cool looking all right so there's some old clothes here but that's about it for this room so we're going to wrap things up in here here and head downstairs all right that's where we were and we are going to head down these stairs down that way all right let's head down these stairs and into this area and oh God this place it just never ends I seen it too late this I fin got is this is solid two bucks late see anything wrong with it this will be our first pick up in this room this thing is amazing wow it's uh it's Asian guy at first I thought it might be donkey H or something [Music] but okay ships I am going to pass on because this is just too much of a nightmare there to ship no pun intended oh man all right here's a different uh Oriental vase this one's marked $10 as is always pay attention to that cuz that always means that there's some kind of damage to it um and if you can see here it's got a hairline crack on it so we'll pass on this one all right next to this one is a nice Japanese face uh really cool it has a bird on it so always look for those things with Birds on it I'm not really sure how much this is worth I don't think it's worth a ton but for $5 it's worth me investing in it and learning about this piece really cool tell me what you think all right so while we're going to pass on this piece this piece is awesome I'm looking to see that there haven't been any fingers chopped off or anything I mean this is amazing look at this Warrior I mean this is a nice old piece looking to see I mean there's a few oh look at that you see that right back there darn it darn it that's a bummer cuz I really like it but I'm going to leave it here given how much I already have all right I have to make an executive prime time decision as much as I like the gishes and um other Asian sculptures inside of these cases I'm not going to pick up these cases it's just too much bulk for me to pick up just too much space with all the cases and stuff so um we're going to leave these items here plus they're priced 50 bucks and pretty much across the board all 50 so this piece is cool but it does have a crack in the back or chip out of it I should say so we're going to leave that there this is neat this looks like a Japanese ashtray uh five bucks on it don't see any chips or cracks this looks like it actually goes in it which doesn't really make sense to me if it is an ashtray maybe it's separate let's see is that a hair yeah that's a hair that's not a crack so but made in Japan well we'll just grab it and look into it more later let me know if you have any ideas do you think this should have went in there or not it's a little bit wobbly so I'm not 100% sure it might actually be separate but uh yeah let's let's get this it's pretty cool I me it does have divots in it that make it feel like it's an ashtray so very neat so these are some more of the figures if you wanted to see um these actually are more modern pieces I actually have one of these I lost the fishing pole and the fish but I have this in my Prime Time bathroom as well but again they're more modern figures so I'm going to leave them these probably more vintage but the ones with the fish are modern um that's a really cool Asian dollhouse look at that 50 bucks that thing is amazing W that's really cool um these are some mudmen mudmen are very popular um you could sell mud men for a lot of money I can't believe this is actually still sitting here for $16 that's a great deal oh my gosh I'm going to grab all the mud men now this one we'll leave here cuz see that broke off but if you could find these M now they're very coarse feeling but they're very very popular people love them and I've done very well selling them and looks like there's just a ton of them in here I'm telling you $16 is a steal for this it's just such a great price some of them join together others don't they have intricate little elements to it they're really neat for the 16 so yeah let's pick pick these up I'm kind of wondering if there're they were still sitting here cuz people might have thought they were sold cuz it had the tape on it so make sure you read the uh tape because doesn't say sold it's uh fair game all right so moving on from that area um this piece here is a modern one so we're going to leave that there but then over here there are two more Mudman figures so I'm going to pick these up and then there's a little bit of stuff still left over here uh so you know we'll take a look but uh let's grab these two for now right so I got the black light out just to see if anything glows and this one does a little bit as you could see there that's going to be my criteria really for getting another paper weight at this point is to see if there's anything else glowing those aren't those aren't so yeah let's get this one look at that that really looks nice uh price on it six bucks and highlight the glowing element of it when you list it cuz it really helps sell it all right so now we're going to head out of this area and into this room over here okay so over here says unmarked items priced at checkout so I think these are more like cheaper items um nothing is lighting up with the black light and we look here you see like this has a UPC Cod on it so I think we're dealing with more modern pieces you you can kind of feel that when I'm feeling the quality of them and stuff so I think that we're going to pass on the items over here I don't really see anything that's jumping out to me except the cheetah print but I've had my cheetah print fixed for the day got some clears over here nothing really jumping out to me uh in fact it actually says not for sale so I think that might refer to this thing though not the items I think the items are for sale all right then over here I might as well just pick this up this will probably just be a buck another one of these Japanese dishes so we'll throw that here the bottom box is all filled um and then I like little Miniatures so we'll pick this one up it's got all these like little miniature bowls I think someone will like that to display it it's pretty light but looks vintage to me so pretty cool let's pick this up I like the colors too all right so that's going to be it for this room which means I think there's only one more left to check out which is actually the garage so just check out what's in there oh and if you're wondering what's in here here're just like little bare figurines nothing of much value all right pretty much just modern random tool pieces for the most part nothing I'm really interested in so now it's time to pay the piper folks we check out and see what this total is I think it's going to be high but I think it's going to be worth it let's go find out all right everyone before we get to the total price two post- production edits one has to do with that plane you saw me Source in the beginning a price on it was six bucks I unfortunately was not able to get that I had tried to put it into my box but it was just too big and awkward with the wings and everything so one of the estate sale workers at the checkout offered to hold on to it for me so I said all right I had given it to the person and U my fault for not checking to see if it was put over in the area where I had the ear and some other items that I'm going to show you in a moment uh so by the time I got done with the sale I mean there was so much stuff there I went to check out I totally forgot about the plane and so when I got back I contacted the state sale dealer to see if the plane was still up there but unfortunately it had sold to somebody else so um if you're going to put stuff at the front by the checkout make sure that it's all condensed into a one spot uh but uh good news is that there were three items that I didn't get to show you uh completely in the video if you go back and look you'll see some images of some of these things like this was against the wall where I had the earn and if you go back in the beginning you'll see this hanging on the wall I couldn't pass up on this the price was just $4 on it so this is not something I'm going to ship on eBay but I would sell it locally on Facebook Marketplace or in a garage sale or something and uh the fun thing about this is now I could joke and say that it's black and white ducks so uh anyway so really cool nice old uh velvet uh frame by the way just a velvet frame uh is worth it really looks nice I couldn't believe it $4 I was I had to like do a double take on that that's why I say this was a state sale of a lifetime with the prices on it um there were two other pieces that I picked up these were like two or three bucks each uh as you saw there were a lot of Japanese items there and this is uh it actually says on the back it's called fireworks by utamaro it's Japanese wood block you could see that right here so uh that's a nice item you know just for a few bucks the frame alone again is is awesome and here's another um smaller frame looks like some Japanese art as well there's a little uh picture on the back which um talks a little bit about some artists I'm not sure if it it must be I'm guessing related to this but I'll have to do some more research on it but that was just a couple bucks as well so yeah uh those three items are going to factor into the price that you're going to see now and subtract the the plane from it all right let's get to that total price all right everyone here we go the total price for everything you see here and this is loaded from front to back is $582 that is the most money I have ever spent at an estate sale for sure sure but when you consider the value of these pieces I definitely think we got a terrific [Music] deal all right everyone well I have never been to an estate sale quite like that one with that many high quality glass items at those excellent prices was a lot of money yes total but when you consider how much I got I mean that was absolutely incredible I mean the whole house was pretty much wiped out by the time that I left so uh definitely glad that I got there early and got it in that first wave because there were people waiting outside for up to an hour trying to get in so you know every house definitely requires its own strategy for an estate sale and this one really paid off with me bringing all that newspaper and um bringing all those boxes it was absolutely essential for me to do that and it really helped me navigate that sale and get the types of items that I uh was able to get now if you're curious how much some of these things are going to sell for you know sometimes I work that stuff into a into a video I used to do what sold videos but the people generally weren't interested in them so uh what I do now is you know for a lot of the pieces I sell I'll put a little screenshot and tell you a little bit about it on Instagram so if you're not following me over there Prime _ treasure and um I also give people like a heads up about the shows that are coming up so follow me over there on Instagram if you want to see some of the W sold stuff I suspect you're going to see a lot of these glass pieces show up over there now uh I am by no means a glass expert but I hope that this gives inspiration to people who are interested in getting into new niches whether it's glass or something else you know as I've said previously I've been studying this area for the last last three years or so by watching other content creators and just by doing my own readings and stuff and it's uh been paying off and you've seen me you know experimenting here and there at different sales recently picking up some more glass items so it really helped me feel more confident going into this sale I am by no means an expert in the glass area for sure and many of you watching this know way more about glass than I do and maybe ever will uh so definitely look in the comment section to see some of the tips by some of our expert glass um followers here on the channel there's lots of useful information there I'm sure there's things I missed and people are going to point that out and that's totally fine I'm going to learn from people watching and hopefully you pick up some good nuggets from me as well uh but I'm starving I mean that sale was intense I mean I was literally sweating during that sale I mean it was absolutely uh it just just crazy so I'm going to get some pizza some Prime Time Pizza and uh we're going to head back to Prime Time treasur headquarters I have a lot of stuff to process and uh figure out what I'm going to list first we'll check in on how Daisy's doing but uh wow what could I say what a sale I'm tempted to say best estate sale ever I don't use that term lightly I know we have one that has that title but this one this one might surpass it I don't know let me know if you saw both videos If you think this was the best estate sale ever or the other one that's highlighted on my channel both of which by the way run by the same dealer incredible all right crazy crazy amazing day Daisy hey we're here your fan club is here wow look at the Tail Wag we're getting today oh my gosh you must be loving all of the compliments you have been getting from your fans look at that tail go you stop wagging it as soon as I start petting you what's going on Daisy how are you you got anything to report anything to let us know how's the Treasure Garden going what's going on back here we need a we need an update on your on your stuffed animal uh your toys your toy selection what we got over here we got a cupcake down there let's see what else we got um looks like you got like uh what do we got here Daisy what else we got oh there an our wall and then you've got I don't know I think this is a donkey it's definitely not a loon I know that now right Daisy we need to get you a stuffed loon so you could tear that thing up oh my gosh we got to open this window here Mommy never leaves this uh window open for you so we got to leave this one open so you could guard the treasures better that way so let's let's do that for you let's move this one up and there we go now you can look outside better now you can look outside better all right well you're still wagging that tail all right everyone well I just wanted to uh give you a little closeup of what Daisy's doing right here hanging out in her perch as many of you like to call it we call it that too cuz Daisy is part bird part dog part Cat part squirrel part rabbit uh Park crocodile sometimes the way she LS and of course she's a little lion which is what shitsu means so thanks everyone for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it this one certainly was epic for sure let uh Daisy and I know your favorite item overall and of course send any belly scratches or tummy tickles Daisy's way and we'll see you back the next one everyone take take [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] care [Music]
Channel: Prime Time Treasure Hunter
Views: 346,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: estate sale finds, estate sale haul, estate sale shopping, shop with me, reselling, big money finds
Id: qdkLiC1YECA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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