A Little THRIFT ENVY | GOODWILL Thrift With Me | Reselling

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you're always winning look at you oh my go these oh my [Music] goodness all right well we are here today in line Pennsylvania and we are sitting outside the Goodwill once again we were just here a few days ago um but I didn't really have time to make any big trips and all the other Goodwills are 45 minutes an hour and 30 minutes away so I figured we'd just come l and see what we could find buy and flip for a profit so here we go okay what are we going to find today that's kind of pretty don't see any markings on it though cute gardening tools oh my gosh look at that think a Chia Pet poppy lots of figurines today oh my gosh that's plastic at first I thought that was going to be glass you imagine how fragile that would have been it's really pretty love the colors on that it's $1.99 it's probably not worth very much but you guys know I'm attracted to things that are colorful most stick that in there all right shakers were here the other day looks like they haven't gone anywhere there is a vintage vase it's kind of cute I don't think it's got much value though it doesn't excite me sometimes I'll make an exception for things that don't have much value but that's not very exciting look at that fella he looks like he's pondering something something very deep all right well there's a fresh cart down here let's see what we got on the cart hey there how are you doing good $2.99 here's a cute little uh Chinese uh jar for $2.99 see that doesn't have very much value but that's cute so I'll grab it I like the looks of that bird I don't even know what's going on here what is that Joy exclamation I don't even know what that is is that a planter brings me joy boy stick it in here okay well I'm going to make my way over to the vases we'll see what we can find over there that's a fancy cut glass bowl wow $6.99 is fancy you can tell that it's cut too because when you feel it it's sharp it's got that sharp texture to it $6.99 I might pick that up for $6.99 I like the cut more than the Pressed because you can really see the sparkle it's like faceted the last one I tried to pick up if you remember it was broken I had to leave it it was kind of disappointing oh we've got things clanking you're going to have some you're going to have some Envy here oh really am I going to get Thrift Envy you're yeah well at least it was you oh my God I honest to God I like I thought I was going to have I had a little bit of heart po really and I was like oh my God oh my God it's those are the best moments aren't they oh it's stunning hang on oh my gosh that's so pretty okay no way oh wow that's gorgeous see if there's anything good over here here's a cute little ghost hobbyist ghost from 1987 oo that looks like it's a Hagar it's got a chip on the base let's take it down and take a peek oh it was probably a lamp yes that was a lamp oh my gosh that's so fun that's another one of those things I picked up the other day that scientific instrument it's kind of fun there a cute little uh cup wonder if that still rotates music box maybe let's see if it works does not work it could probably be tinkered with but it's not something I really want to huts with so we're just GNA leave it that's a fun piece of cruel those usually sell pretty well for me I think I'll grab that stick it in there all right check this out this is pretty cool it's like a liar l y r e I think 390 oh it's does it collapse oh look at that it folds up that's kind of fancy I like the oxidation on it I don't think it's intentional but it's kind of like a ver degree kind of neat I think it might be vintage We'll add that in there you're always winning look at you oh my go these oh my goodness look you're in a blue mood aren't you well you said Cobalt's your new color I'm I'm I don't know why I'm a freak I am a freak but look at this that's beautiful it is beautiful it matches your dress popery probably yeah old there's another one over there is there what is that oh this is my camera yeah look shut the front door and then look watch what it does ready isn't that wild there and then watch this ready when I turn it like when you move yeah that's really Co it'll follow you yeah that's that's kind of scary that's fun so you don't know what this is um no I think it's for propery that would be my guess or like scented oils or something yeah oh there were some that matched this in the other shelf did you see them I saw I just that's sharp yeah yeah all right there we have a brandy sniff it looks like kind of like a wine goet size Brandy sniffer it's $1.99 that might be something to put in our booth make a few bucks on that stick it in here all right and then I'm going to make my way back down the vase aisle I did grab that one vase which is really nice let see if there we can find anything else down here looks like a lot of that scientific stuff is still hanging around around these weird little vials those would be really cute for crafting I just don't know if it would be worth picking them up I feel like those are things that would need to be lotted like lotted [Music] together there's a case to facee probably made in China though [Music] that's F [Music] graph oh my goodness look at all these teacups wow oh those are so cute never really been a teacup person but they're really cute all together like that that is remembrance series andr my gosh look at the vase oh man all right I think we'll take it okay I have to think about all of these things over here this is German a sugar I think maybe I'll grab a few of these because they are really really pretty they might do well in the booze now that it's getting warmer out I do like these two I'll take those two they're pretty oh what is that bloom glass teacup in the back that thing's kind of wild it's like a is it glass yeah I did they used to be I don't think so actually it's porcelain leave it there oh look at all these little things never seen the miniature ones before I've never seen the little miniature blocks this one's a fox which are those 1999 each I'll put those in my cart those really [Music] nice there a salt Celler cobalt blue salt Celler a that's Ikea it's stained blue so you can actually see that the stain is wearing off there's a few salt cellers I've actually had people asking me recently for salt cellers that thing's kind of crazy it's big I just realized I should probably grab the little lighted stands that go with those I think I'm going to leave those two behind and take the lighted stands they're actually priced separately but then I can have the lighted stands that go with the ones that I picked up that makes the most sense there's some D back there looks like actual Del yes not made in Japan Del the real stuff um look like it may have some age there's a chip on the UND side but it's $2.99 you know I think I'm going to leave it behind oh that's a shame there's a giant bruise on it it's a pretty paper weight I don't think I can grab it with the bruise so we will leave it and we're going to venture this way magnets this is like the crafting section oh wow that's really fun how cool is that that is adorable it's a shame that it's stretched in the center I don't know if that could be um R it probably could be R stretched I like that so much you can almost like pull it and then staple it that is so colorful and funny just going to be like why are you bringing back more hard work is it priced $6.99 I feel like I need to take that with me that is so fun [Music] what you're selling for crazy money what is it you take this like this and you turn this upside and E6000 and put a candle on it wait what do you do you make it into a candle holder and like on the on the table Yeah like arts and [Laughter] crafts yeah E6000 and then put a candle but then you don't get to see the beautiful te what peacock the teac oh well that one's lame anyway yeah like something like that even like I saw this one like two of those on a table the black and white with a white candle yeah yeah I know what you're saying yeah when it's boring on the inside it makes sense yeah but so yeah so you know that's so crazy I like like it though yeah I can see that being a thing and it's really pretty like as a like a tablescape for like dinners you know especially like something like that or even the blue with the cup and saucer did you see all the little cups and saucers over I did I grabbed two of them did you want them you okay I don't it you don't need it turn it you could still see it through there you don't need it I don't need it walk away I don't need it somebody else will like right just walk away just walk okay I'm going to walk away just away I don't need it just say I'm like this is a project I don't need I have enough okay I'm walking away don't even circle around okay I'm not coming back this way I'm going to just walk away she's right I don't need it I told her I'm try to talk myself out of it I just don't need it somebody will come along and they'll uh they'll pick it up okay well since we found that U Mexican Nativity the other day I figured it would be worth at least Le checking if anything's over here I always thought these were really cute I think these were Hallmark it's kind of interesting looks like somebody may have picked up the Nativity from Mexico those look fun and colorful look at those wonder if those are place mats they must be place mats they would make really nice wall hangings though with the color okay I see a little Shelf here sometimes the full sets of shelf sitters are worth picking up but I don't usually pick up one offs unless they're super cute and that one doesn't have the super cute Factor here's the baskets [Music] looks like it's made in south or Central America maybe look at these two kitchy people they're adorable [Music] $3.99 they're not broken maybe I'll grab them stick them in my carts you got a nice little cart I'm pretty pleased with everything we have in here I do kind of want to look up that uh that bird planter I know that's contemporary I don't know what the worth would be on that so I do want to look that up seeing is it is contemporary this looks like might be a hall or Hall no it's Baker Baker right maybe I don't know what the first letter is it's interesting though all right I think this is like the one aisle that I have not yet investigated it's pretty needs a cup what is this something mop family go for a walk oh Mouse family Dong Yang Product of China that's really adorable I think those are probably um child plates those are very sweet Laurel would throw them right off for a high chair and that would be the end of them PR okay just want to look a little bit closer here and then I'm probably going to take off just make sure there's nothing that I missed that's pretty intense that's a vase pin wheel pattern vase I may have picked this up a previous week there is chip on it which is a shame and um it's not actually priced which means even if I wanted to take it with me I could not buy it where are you finding this stuff you just pull it out of nowhere hey look at you what is this it's a dish with a swan head I know but you know what it is what is it it's really cool yes $4.99 look at you no it's you all day what you oh I don't know it's merked m I've had this stuff merked M before and I can't remember what it's Morano no it's something else are you sure yeah I only know because the last time I had it the view viewers told me what it stood for and I just can't remember um is it um it's something it's not Moser or a Mosser it's something else it's like hold that's it's beautiful isn't it nice yeah let me see let me see if it'll come up on my Google thing that's a weird one and I can never remember it oh well it looks like it's Moran to me M for Morano all right well I feel like that was a pretty successful trip to the Goodwill I filled a bag got some cool stuff got to hang out with Bonnie she's a regular here she always finds the greatest stuff and then she decides not to take it and leaves it on the shelf and then I come along and I'm like oh look at this beautiful thing um anyway I got to remember this is a new camera I have to remember to look at the lens um but anyway I think I'm going to get out of here now um my total spend was exactly $85 which is crazy I didn't have to round up didn't round down just at 85 so um I'm going to head over to the shop now I have a sale today it is Wednesday and I got to get going um but I hope you guys enjoyed this video this trip to Goodwill and uh I guess I'll see all you tomorrow so a
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 66,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Id: knFUK3UxPqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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