This is why we thrift...

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so we're going to do a little bit of thrifting today we decided to hit a Goodwill first right indeed and what's the goal we're trying to buy low sell High indeed is it going to be my word of the day again oh no it might be we'll see I need to wake up okay you're good you're good hey we're going to find we're in it to win it we got this yep all right let's go Goodwill number one oh that's kind of cool oh my God that's l oh that's beautiful the trains oh it's a tea has a spot for like a tealight candle right there oh wow that's awesome that is nice they W on that thing $4.99 $4.99 that's probably worth it I would assume yeah can't be too bad huh I love that it has a train on there that's definitely going to appeal to a lot of people yeah we need to look it up should we look it up real quick let's do it 95 here hold on Focus there you go $29.95 so I think we for five bucks we can probably get that yeah I think so awesome let's keep on looking this is kind of cool Little Cricket chair Cricket what the heck is cricket a doll I don't know for some reason I like I remember her okay but anyways well I guess this is her right here so it looks like she Stills kind of decent but there's her chair for 20 bucks no that's not bad I need to see what she looks like so I know for next time okay no to self Cricket is good stuff crazy ass okay so this was 20 20 bucks but doesn't have oh $1.99 $1.99 it's kind of big though for 20 bucks I wonder if it folds up I don't think I mean if you I don't know kind of looks like it wants to but probably doesn't I don't think it does okay I think I'm going to pass on that for 20 bucks pass a little too big yeah all right cool so I know you like glass and stuff so oh these are so cool yeah I want you to look at these I love these they're pretty cool how often do you see the purple oh these are from Pier One made in Spain those might actually be good Spain okay I hope the resell is not that great because I want these you want to keep them yes I want is that a new cart oh it's a new clothing rack oh let's just go look real quick go ahead I'll start yeah okay we got C going oh find something good in there moving it and finished barbing that all right we'll see you in a little bit false alarm long black coat on the end oh I don't know he's just going to finish barring them and then a little bar yeah he missed a couple okay all right we got a little distracted by a new cart but uh we got some updates on the the glasses well I just looked up really quickly and I found a set of used ones that sold for the best offer on $17 okay and that's used yeah used and that's I don't think I have any the best keywords so just me or does that packaging look a little bit older too it is it's like vintage pure one yeah yeah get your mind though I'm keeping them you're keeping those things how much were they um $5.99 okay def definitely worth it heck yeah all right I got summoned over well this looks like a ler okay it's $4.99 oh this one is Lily fter okay I don't know if that's a good enough for $4.99 though yeah it seems a little pricey for five little headbands I think I'll pass on that but what do you think something like that would go for I don't know I would think 20 bucks 20 bucks maybe but that's like if it's even a saw after headband I don't know we have to look it up pattern I think I will look it up actually you going to look it up okay all right we got sidetracked looking up at comp she found something else I did okay let's finish off this first so I did find like one headband that was selling for like $25 used some of them with little pearls on there we're selling for like $45 this one there's absolutely none sold so we're going to leave that for $4.99 okay cool but I did get sidetracked by this it's a beautiful piece it is just like crazy quality yeah and it's like a vintage planner that's really cool diary organizer I haven't found a brand which is what you just caught me looking for but it just seems so nice yeah like full leather with the like the basket weave style exactly and mat too like that really nice quality for $3.99 yeah okay you go for that c carts out go go go go go go let's see if she finds anything okay someone else is driving there's a white on the side okay there nor place it's pretty nice it's your size look at that oh wow what is that I don't know what brand this is but I'm going to looking to it very nice all right let's finish this rack and then we'll update a sensy nativity plugin o Sensi Nativity and there was like the small one it's like a little light huh oh look a skull ciny oh no way that's really cool oh man the box is that box for that or that would have been nice to have that oh is it empty Co is this not a Cy it's got to be I don't see it on there but how cool is that that one's in the Box though cool yeah little uh skull light switch thing yeah very cool be okay I think that's okay well we got uh this is like a double side track yeah we're going to have to see if these are worth $3.99 okay let's go these are both really cool on so hopefully they are but they're the wall plug in so they normally don't sell PR much let's go back to the cart and show them what we found on the clothing let's do that all right so let's show off these clothing items that we found real quick yes okay first of all this amazing North Face yeah that's nice it is really nice especially where it's white and in perfect condition cuz sometimes these are a little bit harder to sell but this is like perfect mhm and the pullover style this one I'm not sure about it's made well I didn't even see you grab that one yeah like it looks brand new and I don't know it's really expensive retail but resale can be hit or miss so I'm not 100% sure about that one but look at this this was my favorite right here it's from Walt Disney Gallery I don't think I've ever oops o to there you go there we go but it's got a little CR years yeah I just think that's really cool house like I like that a lot out of all the denim Disney that's my favorite that I've ever seen oh really that's awesome might be the best find though is this down parka okay I'm not familiar with that brand at all yeah I've never seen walk spw walk and Suns yeah anyways I just did a quick look up and the cheapest one that I saw sold for like $45 and it was not down and it was not a Parker do you want to go over some prices on what things cost here I think the coats are $6.99 I think they'll probably count that as a coat too cuz it'ser $6.99 on those these being will probably be shirts which I'm not sure I think $3.99 for long sleeve okay cool standard price perfect do you want to grab out those two ceny things real quick I got some updates on those so if you had to guess which one's better here if I had to guess I'm going to say oh man I'm going to go with skull okay so you're right okay the skull sells for about 25 to 30 okay and the Nativity is like 12 to 20 12 to 20 yeah okay so we're getting the skull and putting the Nativity back I think that's what I thought you were going to say yeah well they're 3.99 each so that's worth it for shipping that not worth it for that yeah and the $30 one was open box so that's probably what we're going to be looking at nice all right cool awesome and you go and the other school I don't know I could find it okay I'm going to look that up though cuz it is lit and it looks kind of older too yeah and I think that was the wax warmer on top right yeah I'm going to go put this one back really quick cool all right so we you already put it back but uh we found it and it sold for $18 on Posh por that's not pric though oh they don't even sell it if it's not Priced Right I think they just make somebody the I can ask though okay excuse me this doesn't have a price on it uh 3.99$ 3.99 okay thank you let them know up front Okay Pam said 3 yeah what do you think probably not probably not yeah cool guy though yeah all right what' you find there okay are you ready for this I don't know how cool are these guys they're like iron candle holders and I found a comp pretty comparable to these a setad of two sold for $142 Wow folk art rabbit candle holders who would have thought these are actually kind of cooler like cuz they're more colorful than that one I definitely like the paint on these one this a little more than one yeah the faces are a little bit cooler too yeah and these are $3.99 whoever did it did a good job yeah but okay so are we looking at $3.99 per set for set to yeah okay no no no I think they're charging $3.99 each that would be eight bucks for us still yeah even if it's 8 to 100 totally cool score oh yeah it's co score the day so every once in a while you find these kind of things where you scan them and they're pretty good so this looks like something that i' would probably scan but unfortunately I'm recording on my phone uh you got something good how convenient convenient do you need me I needed you you go first do you have a phone yeah I have you mind scanning this thing no what is that this is I have no idea I think it's hairay okay a root touchup you and your scanny surprises are always fun no guarantees this could be worth like a dollar or 500 let's see what it is nice so listed for 15 to 25 the listings look good okay and this is 0 so oh heck yeah okay $18 free shipping probably cost about four to five bucks to ship this proba four bucks cuz it's 1.8 o conveniently right in the description for easy money so I think that's easy 10 bucks yeah I pick up right okay let me get to my screenshot on mine I found this really cool like little dragon oh wow oh that's abl yeah and their stuff is like super expensive and some of them sell for good money so I looked this one up but I have to find the comps at one second okay oh there we go 35 bucks used no way yeah okay and mine is priced at $2.99 perfect so two more little 10x deal right there yeah good find yours is better than mine hey they're both cool no yours is easier to ship that so you might win yours will take like 20 seconds mine will take like 5 minutes still a win though it's all everybody's winning oh yeah what about these shoes here these cool little merils we actually got two shoes guys so these little 27 Nike Air shoes yeah the kids version of these sell for what like 30ish probably I'd say about like 30 to 40 yeah they're super the men's version though if you get those like over 100 they're ridiculous I'm so glad my kid does not like these y'all because they're like 100 bucks for the kid size yeah they're pry and then Matt found these cool merils these are probably the coolest sandals I've ever found so we haven't looked up these yet no so we got to maybe check into those real quick and then we're pretty much done here right I think we should get these either way cuz they're going to be at least $20 okay what's standard price the standard for adults is $4.99 and kids is $1.99 so cheap I don't even know how they do it yeah we need to just get both of them without even looking up okay well you saw on the screen yeah oh and then also Matt found this cool vintage B shirt for myself yeah you were just saying that you want to go there one of these days yeah and he remembered and pulled off the shirt yeah so I'm pretty excited about that too so it's going to be a nice little house shirt yeah all right all right let's go is that another new one sh something's coming out something's coming out oh it oh it's a doggy oh there's golf clubs let's go check them out nice shoes too you might throw this in there real quick oh the golf clubs look a little bit older okay I'll let you go first those vans those vans are really nice I need to the got a heavy one oops excuse me yeah those are super clean they're $15 though oh dang okay full special on yeah got some Hill figure down there I if I can get over there just yet oh there we go there we go this club is a bust or the okay part the clubs are a bust okay nothing else you B those are 15 I know I don't think so would have been a cool cool pick up for the standard price yeah excuse me sorry it's going to make someone's day all right I think we oversay our holy cow red RAW full cart club full cart club like that's really a good full cart it's like too easy You' say right yeah that's awesome I'm so excited let's go all right let's get out of here all right we were trying to make it out of here but we walked by this little cart and there's like a at least 500 Disney Store shirts in here huh what that is cool how did these even make it on the thing I don't know I was trying to see how much the shirts were uhar 529 oh the Footwear went up they're not $4.99 anymore oh they're not oh 529 30 cents more that one's a cool one like the Lin these are all vintage too yeah we need the Poo the whole whole set oh that's my favorite that is cool that is very cool someone donated their whole collection I love how it has all the small Min bers on there really should we get all of these I think so far what I saw I want to get oh that's a nice vest with theia all the different Micky yeah um what's that one beanock Green Giant beanock what are those coach what are those little Coach flats what the heck I thought that was Mickey at first yeah you got Mickey on your brain okay so well we got one two three four five little pickups here this is my favorite is that snowflakes I think it's magic fairy dust you know the wand I was cuz I was confused with the short sleeves and snowlakes mhm my brain wasn't working okay did we find them all yeah all right those are so cool little pickups okay shall we even leave yet if we're still fine I don't know I wasn't expecting to find a clothing item on the rack with how many CS they've pulled out while we've been here that's why I'm like hesitant yeah I just heard the things opening right now what are those Navy ones right there these navies oh these look nice very very very nice yeah uh Allan Edmond okay if you want to look it up they're called uh Mari time marit time Mari time yeah they're heavy leather I thought those are good I don't know is we need boats 30 kind of like those $48 ones yeah oh yeah right there mhm I mean 75 bucks for the brown one five for the Browns yeah these are navy $45 for the red I think you should grab those all right five 529 right yeah those black sold for 50529 into 50 bucks yeah at the least at the very least I would say 40 so yeah easy 50 it looks like oh there's another Navy for 48 yeah yeah and that's in a size n so we're good all right cool keep on Amazing me oh when you were doing that I was looking at these uh Nike cleats these look like the Vintage um what's it called kangari Juniors I don't know if they still make them anymore let's see 2012 so these might actually have some value too just put go go go go cart cart we'll come back to those kns sorry excuse me sir that'd be cool to uh that maybe organize little items with right like I that's like ornaments perhaps they feel know better those little cups are cool too yeah no what just no one wants to shipped cups that is cool though I say no one wants to Shi cups but then we just shipped out like three different sets of glass tumblers lots of Cups yeah yeah um also trying to thought again how much the cup sold for oh yeah $65 for a set of four and $75 for a set of five isn't that crazy yeah and we had multi quantity yeah let's check while you're in line I'm going to check into those K griffy Jun is is that a popcorn oh yeah that's shag it I don't think it is actually or is it no it's not darn it I wish it was looks is it vintage I don't know I can't tell yeah okay let going go look into those K Griffies real quick P your in line okay okay sounds good all right sorry I didn't even listen to you talking about them what the heck are those I don't know some KDs maybe all right so for the k griffy then sold but the only one PA listed for 60 but I think baseball season's kind of already over yeah so we'll skip on them for today okay good all right let's check out all right so you just found this thing right here well lady behind us just put it back yeah she had a little baby that was crying so she had to go but a little polish mug yeah super cool isn't it I have one at home that I decided not to resell but I kept and it sold for like 30 bucks so I'm guessing this probably like $20 maybe ni hopefully two bucks into 20 in the line all right so you see something that we're going to ask for in the back yes so I was just looking up these Tommy sheets while we were checking out the whale set there's that set that sold for 55 and this one that sold for 50 bucks and there's n listed it's right there behind the counter yeah how much did you say I think it says $12.98 or something $12.98 yeah okay that's worth it so we're going to get the little sheet set thank you oh holy cow look what look at this sale too hang on let's see if it pops up that's a nice sale all right in line come on there it is a 225 oh yeah look at those bad babies that's nice the internet must be really bad cuz the photos are even blurry in here and one of your band shirts just sold too yeah we got that in uh Georgia right oh The Bu oh those yeah we did okay all right we're all checked out so you saw some purses coming off well yeah I saw him hanging up a stack of purses and so I don't know this one's not marked the Tag's cut out that's super cool though very vintage let me feel it oh yeah it's nice nice soft leather it's got the spot for the noia phone yeah right that's how you know it's old right yeah I don't want to check out again the line's heck along so we're going to leave it but say that looks like a $25 person probably yeah just based on style Al yeah but you guys can't see the line but it's all the way in the back all the way back we took forever yeah hang on I'm going to look at more thing sorry oh yeah check it out okay I thought it might have been like wool or something okay it's not little chist BS okay cool little equestrian exactly item there all right let's get out of here I've got to get out of here it's the smallest store is cluster pic and there's like 800 people in here look pant to all the people please oh my God and we've been standing in line amongst all this yeah it's pretty cool yay we're free almost free almost free so I think the total was like 138 or something 138 so if we get close to that comp of those candlesticks those faart rabbit candlesticks would pay for pay for all of it yeah and that last minute addition of the Tommy things I feel like there's a ton sold and they're all like right at 50 bucks so this one's a queen size sell super fast easy money heck yeah full cart club I'm excited s cart club free bagging all right are we going to another one I think so all right cool let's do it all right she already did this once but I told her to redo it for the camera going to go the wrong way you wrecking you can't be doing cute stuff off camera okay you're not allowed to do that stuff oh je going to return in the cart all the way into the store all right so I think this is my favorite looking Goodwill yeah always want to get a thumbnail right here but uh it's not my favorite ever used one it's not my favorite but we do find some good stuff in here oh not your favorite good willll not my favorite it's okay well let's try to make it your favorite today let's go got a nice mongoose yeah to that's not a vintage one and it's 50 bucks so this is the last of the Halloween decor looks like it jeez okay let's go find the Christmas what' you find here look at this beauty that thing is cool isn't it nice it's a hand painted oh sorry Candace and the artist is Kelly Rell wow so I was looking up comps there's none of these sold on eBay but there's one listed this L for $90 oh wow I believe it yeah it's priced at $8.99 so I'm thinking even if we sold this one for like 50 or 60 it would be completely worth it oh for and it's like stunning yeah the framing is like on point yeah real nice condition too like I just like all the little bugs like all little closeups in the moon yeah so cool little piece yeah first find in the cart perfect okay it's not Christmas yet what are you doing listen it's never chly for Christmas and it's close enough but look these are only $259 oh a whole box of pyramid M USA ornaments I mean it's probably nothing amazing but like 20 bucks yeah for sure that's a $20 bill all day I love that old Christmas like just the standard bulbs me too and the box is in really nice condition too which will help for sure yeah all right cool and the C it goes good fine check out that bad baby that is a nice one fiber optic scarecrow and look his little what is that broom little broom lights up and inside here we need to plug them up oh yeah we definitely got we definitely got to make sure come outside I can grab one for if he works he's going to be really good hang on I've been looking at some comps if we found just the little head like just the little head by itself sells for like 45 plus I think I'm furthest away right now I found him for like $45 though and 50 okay so he sells for about 45 to 50 yeah not bad maybe not oh oh we're in the way again kept going oh and then you should show them those cards you just found too oh yeah so these uh water Lantern Festival cards uh just did a quick search on them and they sell for about n bucks a piece yeah and there's three packs for 99 cents each 99 cents each you think we should just grab them yeah easy and ship perfect there's another one that's so for a best offer on 60 bucks oh little scarecrow yeah I saw a cool Skull it was just a skull like this big and he sld for like 50 something okay well let's go find a plug and see if he works I think there's one I know there's one back here somewhere okay let's go find it all right coming to plug in the stuff and you find a little Kipling yeah look at that little cutie it's like an older one too it does I've never seen one like that yeah that's a cool little one that that'd be perfect for like a garage sale day I love that style that yeah let's see how to get out okay looks like the bags are 529 sheesh they went up too then okay unfortunate probably not much right this thing's cool isn't that neat see anything else in there you like um I don't think so no where did you say the plug was yeah plug's right over here do we want this I don't know it's a little bit dirty if it wasn't dirty I would say 100% yes I'm going to look into it though because it does look in the C for now yeah okay oh there it is all right the Moment of Truth does it work let's see is that a Wii backpack what the heck do it say we on the pack it does say we we got to look into that too okay what the heck we oh we bowling what that might be it's Brunswick too that's cool wi sports edition okay we got to look into that okay anything video game related okay sorry I'm distracted in the purses let me get this plug yeah the thing's not long enough oh yeah I see it nice nice that's perfect oh he's glowing on his thing on his face down all the way to his ankles to his ankles yeah to his ankles from the tip of his hat to his ankles that's right oh yeah the tip does I didn't notice that mhm this is nice we need find the exact comp cuz I feel like this should be more like 50ish yeah he's going to be on the higher end right yeah okay well let's uh put him in the cart and then we'll look into this little we bag first weag doesn't it make sense all right we got some live comping going on here there's lots of cool Reds yeah we're thinking that maybe this is a vintage bag huh I think so yeah based on the and the style too this like I've never seen one with that has on the side yeah good details I wonder if you put that through the wash if it would clean up I would think so okay they clean up really easily well you saw one on there that was what like 40 something yeah okay so I think I want to get it and clean it up I kind of like it myself to be honest yeah if it wasn't red yeah that's really cool I think we got to get it yeah we'll get that and then I looked up this wi Sports bowling ball thing uh and it looks like it's going for like 25 all day okay but there's comps all the way up to 54 this is like perfect condition yeah I didn't really see the pink one either so okay it's 5 529 what do you think try to throw it up there for like 30 yeah I think so I think it's too easy cuz it's so clean Perfect all right let's keep on looking around all right we got a new rack I'm on cart Duty I think I already see something H have you ever heard of hely Hansen no so I just felt it and it felt super nice quality it says some stuff about Odin on here in Greek mythology okay which is not important but um they last s for 60 bucks in that same jacket which that's a ginormous size okay but that's pretty cool it is really nice so this is a high quality brand here though yeah this has got to be a women's cuz the cut though yeah that cut is definitely a women's okay so crazy brand what is it called again hel Hansen okay straight off the cart yeah so you see on the sleeve it's from the broadcasting team of the Olympics is that what that is look it on the it says right here okay oh I was wondering that broadcasting services so maybe they held like a microphone at a Olympics or something I kind of like it for myself but I don't know how I like the Olympic thing on there I don't know it's probably really warm yeah we're going to grab this then yeah for sure do you want to show off these few things I don't know if any of those are good but I just grabbed them they're all older uh do you see that green thing in his hand what he's got a cool green vintage glass thing in his hand you see it no he just said it right there I think it was a toy so it was a toy okay let's show your cool so these are all vintage steel shirts cool with the stripes on the sleeve yeah so and then an older Jersey Pittsburgh sportsware I don't know how authentic that is but it just says Pittsburgh on the back so we'll probably not get that and then this is like a Y2K made in Mexico Steeler shirt and their t-shirts are only $1.99 here yeah so maybe we'll get those two we'll OT them together okay and call it a day all right sounds good awesome all right just a little closure on the green thing it was a T-Rex from afar it looked like a nice little glass though right yeah it did all right so we found a few more things yes okay so this adorable actually that's not adorable what's the better word for that I don't know stunning amazing gorgeous trinket box really cool yeah it is $2.99 it definitely looks better in person it does like the the way they painting it they painted it is just crazy and that color copper and then it has like that thick coating over top mhm that's gorgeous okay then I got this amazing Vintage Santa plate which I don't know if you can even tell it looks like it's drawn like pencil drawn yeah Real Fine Art and then it's got some kind of signature there too yeah and it's priced at $1.99 so we're going to snag this too that's like a perfect milk and cookie s oh I like that idea yeah and then this little guy has sold comps for like $18 to $20 just a little ribbed Smokey glass yeah super cool yeah and it's only 99 cent so easy peasy all right I think that's it yeah I think we're done looking around Let's uh head over there and see if we can check out before we find anything else right all right I'm trying to get situated but we're found a new cart yeah she's found at that guy that guy is cool isn't he amazing that we're going to ignore because I kind of want him you want way so amazing we could touch him up there's all kinds of little Trinkets and stuff up under these book yeah all kinds of goodies we need to get up under there okay well I'll move some books around all right so you found another cool little creature in there so let's show this one cuz I don't know how well I got it okay but he is like an alligator crocodile right yeah little mini guy and I'm not sure if they put something over no okay so he's not marked on the bottom but this one is heavily marked and they are clearly made by the same artist oh yeah but first of all how amazing is this little armadillo he is cool like I don't have armadillo so I don't like I feel like this is definitely coming home with me yeah but he has a lot of markings on the bottom I just can't make it out yeah yeah I tried to read it too and it was just a little bit I can see handcrafted oh yeah I think you're right Sao poo poo or something but then that top thing we need to figure out what that is what top thing the words on the top oh I know yeah for sure but we're going to get it either way so we'll just pop some comps up here for this cuz he's mine yeah or if you don't see comps it's uh you're keeping it yeah we didn't find any sometimes we just can't and I would have thought I would have already found it yeah now how the heck you reckon you open this I think you just slide it so this doesn't do anything oh that's the bottom GH okay like that oh that's cool that's interesting little uh scenery okay I'm going to put it back it was just in the cart and I wanted to see what it was intrig you okay y two Goodwills down success you ready for another yes one more kind of kind of I'm pretending I really don't want to go to one more but we'll go to one more all right we'll do it for you guys one more guys let's do it that's good whe of the day this is it last good of the day this is all you get this is all yall get all right let's go see if they got anything I like that little pumpkin oh that is a cool pumpkin I can't painted oh it's got oh WX je what in the world okay so it's a candle holder okay we're not getting that what the heck is going on oh my gosh what's wrong with his eyes that is one creepy Santa oh my goodness okay you want the Santa no creepy all right so these uh PlayStation 4 controllers usually do pretty good but they want $9 on this one and they sell for about 30 bucks so we probably pass on that right 30 okay I'm trying to take mental notes to the video game stuff yeah yeah those are about 30 look at that little cutie oh wow is that a little tree topper or something oh or yeah no well maybe a tree topper or it could just be like a standalone display yeah she's cute her head's kind of conflicting me there but she is really cute and very old yeah I like that I don't know I think we kind of have to get her yeah I think she's cool enough for the cart I think so too those lashes and her arms are the little pipe cleaners girl yeah yeah we're getting her girl all right let's keep on looking around this is interesting too did you see this little thing a little uh Tora that's an actual brand of thingy so really oh oh yeah not for us I'm just showing you cuz it's funky this globe's pretty cool looks like maybe like a paper weight or something what's that say United Nations Nations United for $1.99 oh hey what do you think about this thing I'm trying to look at that for you right now oh okay pretty cool little paper peep in there behind me yeah sorry snap right in okay that one's pretty similar right there oh yeah just a slightly shape sold for 30 that's surprising yeah I think it's older right it looks kind of vintage yeah that is really cool yeah all right well no I saw a country and was going say made in Argentina but it was just Argentina on the actual map yeah I'm tired leave me alone okay all right I Leave myself alone well we'll we'll grab that one yeah oh and I are you still recording oh yeah I found these re sandals a second ago too okay um I've never seen any like this so I looked them up and and I found a black comp exactly like these that sold for $25 okay so since they're $5 and super easy to ship and already clean I'm going to add these to the C awesome good little fun oh gosh oh goodness you're funny where do you think goes there on those little Miss spots maybe like salt and pep oh yeah a little salt and pep with the napkins in the middle yeah that's pretty cool little piece there this is really pretty cute hand painted sign mhm Rus sticky on the end exposed Woods yeah very 99 new just came out okay let's go check it out all right it's a clothing wreck okay it's okay all right let's do this oh my goodness we're on the run I'll meet you oh it's right here oh yeah we got this kind of vintage goodies are in here kind of hard to see with one hand but we're doing it heyy hola chaps that's nice oh with that I think I've sold this before for like 50 you you know little elbow weather yeah PR cool not sure I think $6.99 maybe $6.99 on the blazes okay we we'll grab that and we'll keep on looking yeah awesome all right so you found a comp on the what is that thing called again it's a napkin holder it's missing or I don't know if it's missing a salt pepper shaker if you just put your own there but yeah I found a comp for2 $8 28 buaron and it's $3.99 all right I think that's good enough yeah I think I'm going to put cool little vintage piece we could a list on eBay that's right all right uh so we're getting that jacket right yeah what about this Shir yeah so we found this this is like a probably a game Day Giveaway probably back in like 2002 or something but uh yeah little Kentucky Wild Cats the cool part though is that he has I love coold tattoo yeah so and he has a little Co minor hat mhm we'll Pi the right person but I think the back's got a little hit on there too $1.99 is that what there yeah $199 okay I think that's worth a $1.99 yeah cool all right little pair of uh berkys here these are in pretty good condition the brown ones usually do really well looks like someone was just trying to sell them at a garage sale for seven bucks and today I don't know how much shoes are I think they're like five yeah 529 cool I just heard someone say 529 over here I'm sure you guys heard her loud and clear I forgot I had the mic on sorry no you're just trying to be helpful what do you think oh nice dang those look pretty good they're clean right yeah they are really clean I mean they're worn but they're clean still the outside looks good which is most important $529 they usually sell for like 40 bucks right yeah sounds good all right we'll put her in the cart hey hey hi what you got oh well oh those are cool I was looking at the gym Shore um Santa figure down there I've just typed it in let me head to souls oh he's cool yeah and then also show them those cool penguins right there those little Crystal ice ice Penguins yeah we got to check those out too okay so it looks like Sant selling for about 70 there's 50ish as we're going closer to Christmas I would think it might be closer to these for sure cuz all the ones listed were closer to $100 okay so it's probably priced expensive since it's behind here but we can look and see yeah okay and I might with the Penguins for myself the penguins are cool yeah all right updates to come he's priced at 16.99 so I'm going to pull up the comps real quick and just see what the cheapest one listed is and then decide okay I think it was $100 but I'm going to be sure yeah yeah he had some really good sold comps on those and this little guy I kind of wanted for myself but I think I'm going to pass because he's $7.99 and he only sells for how much uh like the comp was like $8 oh $8 there you go so him 57 78 60 80 those are the lowest yeah you think those might have issues 65 I don't know this one is pretty perfect I know it is and there's only 31 listed also I think we might just take him okay what do you think I think he's cool yeah I think someone's going to love him it's going to be a pain to ship though well 17 into what's it say 69 mhm I think you can do it yeah I think it's worth it to make the fish go over him with the fine Toth comb and make sure he's all good especially those antlers yeah those are surprisingly still on there any any fixes or cracks or anything I see anything wrong and the trees's all good looks pretty Perfect all right heading out okay so I got one more thing while I was checking out okay what do we got we got this nice little Kate Spade that's pretty New York toat yeah so I did pay up for it it was $20 20 bucks but I only found one sold comp for $75 and there's none listed of this bag so we can probably list it for around 100ish I've sold one like this before that was blue that had these this pattern so I know it was pretty decent good pattern huh yeah all right awesome so that's going to be it for us today huh yeah cart full of Goodwill stuff we did really well today we killed it at the thrift and uh yeah when can they watch you again oh I got some gross natural lip balm for free that's amazing sorry you guys can catch us again on either Monday or Thursday cuz I don't know what video coming out we'll see you guys again in a couple days soon
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 294,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: ZNjr1ATK2Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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