Can’t believe it was only $6 😱

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with the r it's starting to get bright out here huh it is I think I might have to put on my Sunny soon there it go I'll hold have some I know we got sunnies for days all right so we got some bags down here some what honey some bags okay this kind of looks like that lucky we picked up the other day that was actually a really good bag was it yeah it's like a that's not it h no here's torid new tags we have really good luck with all of our Tor but we've been buying just like dresses I don't know if a shirt would p w $10 for that it's a little too much right much what are you doing just Taco suit for $3 yeah um why is that even tempting me I wish there was a dare I know that you would take why or something like you would win or lose cuz I know You' look in that thing wait if I win or oh like if I lose I have to put on the T you lose you got to wear the tacos yeah that's you isn't that is it me I think it's cute yeah he's trying to convince me that it is that would be cute I mean a nice pair of tight like so yeah I am really hungry right now we it the rest of the day said Taco suit and I'm like what there's tacos where's a taco where Tac suit oh yeah you have a whole oh Jesus everybody's on your side about the taco suit that mean I have to buy the taco suit Taco suit's pretty cool okay I'll get it you're going to get it I mean if you want me to get it I'll get it all right yeah I should try it on at least wear it down to the car right take pictures oh my gosh oh you're going all right I mean it does fit me good right yeah you good appreciate it all right what the heck why did I just buy Taco suit I think you got peer pressured into it what what' you say since you are it all throw it on next are you serious yeah I'll throw it on that's that's only fair yes so Matt just tried on the taco suit little small for me this is about as small as I can get we tried to get his arm through there but this little thing right here is saying don't do it I I feel like that should just un Velcro so I can put I thought it did I it would have just un velcro You' been good to go well I was going to wear this to a garage sale but this is as good as it's going to get yeah it doesn't fit yeah and then look we're at Burger King we're going to get a burger and I'm gonna pee okay let's go do that and then we got to get back on these sales have to all right let's go okay I know it's only been like 10 minutes since I said Kinsley doesn't need another game but I succumb to the pressure and I bought another game but this is really cool it was only three bucks it's like a little balancing game you know use your brain a little bit nothing else at the sale though oh so on to the next one probably heard me crunching that whole time on fries yep look he's munching fries he do you want to tell them what you told me well we're cheating on McDonald's and we've learned that Burger King has amazing cheeseburgers that are far superior to to McDonald's burgers and he had a fish sandwich which he also said is excellent excellente yeah McDonald's you need to step your gam up all right so we got cash after Burgers so we're loaded and ready to go on to some more sales see if we can find some scraps got to pel up look at that cutie it is a cutie it's probably a dollar yeah these are and it's see what's that brand yeah that's what I was saying right there the oh gosh M pittis what I don't even know what I'm saying metal land to me I'm seeing like fiddle arric fiddle artric fiddle artric I have no idea but these are two like really nice Sac roots pures that are five bucks for both of them is that a good I mean it's not that great they're probably like $25 each but they're so cheap so we're going to snag them that's cool this one might be a little bit more just cuz the Styles cool I think I've sold this exact same one I don't normally pick them up unless they're like that's a new one to me yeah they're not like amazing but they do they cost a lot retail all right let me show you one thing on this one though okay oh no is it messed up just this one so we still got the little one oh God go let's over this one better quick thank you I'm my quality control is not the best until I get home to slow down that one looks pretty good oh no this one actually has an isy right here too oh no it's okay I'm glad you pointed that out dang it I'm going to take this back okay cool is your pillow what do you think about the pillow though I mean it's pretty cool I yeah it's like it kind of looks like the wood hand painted ones that we bought yeah it does Co we can grab that right yeah for a bucker Ro buo are all your pillows a dollar mhm okay cool a dollar awesome another Christmas one with the hand oh yeah that's a nice one too I left my wallet in the car in the car okay so I shall be right back okay okay this might be a big up to this a Vintage DC hat oh that's cool the skateboard brand and it's all embroidered like those are stitches guys that's super cool for a buck so two two singles you got them okay cool truck money has been acquired we have no one we have no ones but we have one five and then we all 20s sounds good do you have change sorry all right cool so just yeah thank you I don't I don't want to step in on your buy but we did notice that one had a little rip in it did you see it oh no I didn't yeah I'll just show you there's two rips right [Music] here I almost bought it t yeah no problem thank you so much no problem all right thank you yeah have a good day have a good one you too thanks all right cool all right you ready you just saved us all from buying the day look at you it's it's hard when the pattern's so thick like that to see the bishes but yeah glad I saw it too all right cool let's keep on moving all right let's go so just for perspective this is how far I have to stay stand away from you right here to St right there to be fully on get your head yeah just to get the head so like following behind you it's like there's all this extra stuff that I'm trying to figure out cannot be close together cuz if I have your face then you can't see the stuff see my problem I'm so short it's a hard situation but someone's got to do it yeah he can just do this and I'm like 2 feet tall so I on the camera here this is what I do no not at all and it's perfect but I can't do that because look guys if I hold it down there where does look what you see angle up angle up you got to angle it up but I can't see it now to know if I can see you or not I never look at it I know but I can't do that okay my brain is like a jumbled up mess I have to stare like I have to hold it by my face where I can see you because if not my ADHD goes and I forget that I'm filing okay how many yard SS do you think we've been to today oh man at least like 30 40 right hello how we doing awesome let's see what we got I don't even think we're exaggerating at 30 to 40 30 to 40 at least yeah we' probably only driven by like three yeah a lot of them have been pretty good or at least look good yeah I feel like we got at least one thing at the majority of every sell mhm okay this might be the one where we don't find some though all right got to be some of those thrown in the mix all right okay here we go we'll have some as long as the prices are decent this is a nice Men's Fossil basket weave oh nice it's not called basket weave right um just weave all right I'll look at the rest of these real quick what do you want these I was going to take some out your hands all right cool all right let's see what else they got and I can also ask her how much are your belt sir uh $2 a piece two bucks a piece okay thank you all right not that one genuine leather made in China uh no I think we just want the one actually here's another little belt down here I was just going to take little Pixies out I think that's just the same deal just nice leather nice leather yeah okay let's see what we got here no oh yeah we got it $2 all right so we're going to grab one belt okay thank you so much thank you a great day yeah you too thank you oh man let's see how many times I cut off your sale at that or head at that sale it's okay I cut you off all the time I have to be far away to get you it's not easy this is It's Not Easy work guys all right so I just found this Abu fishing reil so this thing is basically $75 okay instantly there's ones that sell for about a 100 bucks okay not instantly but they do sell for 100 bucks also but yeah this is a 5600 model and they do want $28 for it but I feel like if we listed it today we could probably list it in the car and it'll send sell by the end of the day Okay cool so we're going to do 28 into 75 and that'll buy us dinner tonight maybe huh sounds good to me all right all I found was this cute little Santa ornament little painted guy I think it's like a little bottle what the heck cute he's got a little uh thing in his hands I don't know what but he's cute yeah could be like some kind of fairy wand or something maybe but yeah I like him for two bucks too all right we both kind of like our neck snapped on this thing it's a really cool little Lantern are you going to pull it down for us uh I don't know if I want to cuz I saw the price okay uh but yeah look at that for the top I've never seen one like that with it's really cool yeah yeah this is what we're working with here oh no it's a little bit pricey what's it say oh just railroad Lantern 185 okay it's exactly what I thought it was it's a little too big for like a Miner's Lantern yeah but definitely a railroad but that's the nicest one I've ever seen buff far I like it all right we're going up to pay yeah we're going to go pay we're pretty much done okay all right let's go do it that sign's bigger than you I know another bonus sign yeah bonus sign huge moving so let's go see what they got what are these guys walking out with I don't no oh no is that a they were just at the other cell with us okay how we doing I'm on the bathroom think you got a coffee maker Dam okay you in the market for one hello hello hey how we doing doing well how are you doing great thank you good moving out yep it's the time has come there you go that's a big old oh no trampoline Tower huh that's huge I've never seen a set that big 1999 they got all the all the pieces 50 bucks okay did you want to see them and it comes with a carrier uh I could check it out real quick I think that's what he put him on for I can look okay there's this game and then this is the carrier and there the other four games are in it or Game Boy Advance SP okay do you know when he listed it uh just recently in the last couple days couple days okay so that's one game and then these you got Harry Potter Spyro and this okay H Wonder was this one 2001 is this one 10 bucks yeah okay we'll grab this one okay and then I'll probably pass on those but thank you for showing me okay all right I just need a do you got the wallet or yeah I just set it down real quick oh it's right here okay yeah for the switch all righty I don't know if this is a good deal it's okay it's pretty rare to find them in the box right I got to fix my hat you're fine it's getting hot out here here it is started out at 40 and now we're almost 70 do you by chance have change yes okay we also have that pool in the back and then one of those um oh you got a pool huh thank you I need one of those and one of those cement cement mixer little seats no that's just the you know how the the two ends and then the little seat go around okay is the pool like fully pulled up or oh it's wonderful it's actually it was a trough and it comes these in with it too plus the cover but it was a trough and it's wonderful because it's very sturdy it doesn't break down you don't have to buy a pool every year that'll never break yeah so yeah it's a beautiful backyard thank you all right well thank you for pulling this out that's awesome you're welcome I'll let you know that I did that awesome thank you so much uhhuh all right let me have your phone I'm going to search it up see if it's good bad boy yeah let's search up this bad boy real quick I feel like I did a couple 360s in there trying yeah you get everybody motion sickness maybe sorry guys yeah it happens I do it too okay so yeah I mean it's like a $25 game it looks like okay with the box maybe 45 here's complete in box for 140 and 109 does that one have the papers in it um yeah everything looked like it was in there oh nice so maybe 100 bucks pretty good not bad for $10 on the flly purchas yeah asking and yeah is that what happened you asked had video games yeah if she had video games she she said that she had them on Market Place and 50 bucks for five or something and we got this one so ni who knows if the other ones were good I just I don't really know much about video games so you'll be looking them up when we make this video yeah for sure all right let's go hey where you going where you going I'm right here okay so our our mics are about to die oh so we don't even know if this is going to last through this sale they're down to like half of a percent oh no but yeah let's go see what they have in here this is a little estate sale and I don't know we skipped this one in the morning right yeah we weren't really filling it but no we just had all those neighborhood sales yeah we just had other things going on okay so hopefully this one hasn't been like too over yeah okay let's see what they have hello hi how we doing hi there's there's rooms rooms on rooms okay great all right we like rooms we like rooms this is kind of cool huh oh I think I have one of those you one of those I can't see it cuz your hand though my hand's all messing it up sorry see what's happened is you guys it was 40° and I thought oh all my stuff will fit in my pocket that's why we're holding stuff right now does he have a price I have him you already have him I have him yeah some so someone else might like him if I like him somebody else let me just ask real quick I got all the oh you okay how much is your little bird thing um a dollar a dollar on that okay cool he's really awesome did I got his brother oh you do yeah yeah it's super cool on my man he he's got some style for sure yeah you got another bird you like yeah that one's that's carved on the bottom it was made by their Uncle says 1989 by their Uncle isn't that really cool yeah 1989 that's pretty old pretty cool right yeah how much is this one it's not price not price okay another bird question yes how much is that one um a dollar a dollar okay Bird that's a nice one too sorry about that Al so it says made by the uncle is your uncle or oh let's see Uncle Bill yeah Uncle Bill okay wow yeah wow it's from 1989 yeah that's cool you sure you want to get rid of it sure okay all right we'll keep on looking around thank you okay some cool bird F yeah dang we got Birds I'm glad that you wanted to come to this one cuz these are probably my favorite two things of the day nice that's awesome little birds come on I love it okay what else can we find though I don't know we're going to find something oh jeez just keeps on going o is this what is that a zebra is it is that like that Rick Rick and it's kind of like that style we've bought a lot of you remember that I know it's called Rick oh yeah R something I can't ever pronounce it but that that guy's cool I don't think he's the same but he's oh no he's definitely in their style though very similar and that's like a Terra Cotta version all the other ones are clay I think there's signature right there yeah what is that thing I don't know it kind of looks like a is it a hippo horse oh it's a horse okay oh that carpet these old trays are pretty cool huh maybe a little not the best painting they got the right idea going there yeah they're beautiful how about this shag Green carpet I know this is about the shaggi carpet I've ever seen that's awesome it's nice it is is that's like the standard grain that you see in every 70s house yeah covering up beautiful hardwood floor yeah might as well right a oh jeez I just heard the biggest xhl in my life what H what are you doing what happen I have to show them this pink bathroom man it even has like the toilet paper holder in pink it's making me cough it's so cute with the basket wallpaper up top I'm surprised they don't have the pink toilet in here they probably did that's an upgrade all right here we go okay last last couple rooms here they definitely like pink and Sh oh there's some bubble wrap you want to see if they'll sell it o the big one too oh yeah we're always going to want Bubble Wrap I wonder if it's for the rest of their stuff with their boxes okay there's peanuts up there too and packing paper that's no what I got all kinds of stuff we could use in there oh that's the ones we like too the kind we buy Matt the sheets oh the sheets yeah that's the only way to go I wonder if that that's probably their whole setup cuz that's like all together we could ask yeah we could always ask they're not going to want to sell it I would think so either yeah these are nice huh they are 20 bucks a pop though oh this one's five what one this one this one right here I wonder if has something wrong with it I don't knowz May that one's like the same style but 20 hang on let's try to open up that's beautiful colors sorry here let me set these down and I can open it upik is oh it just pops off your K oh I caught it with my foot there you go dang sorry Uncle Bill ninja jeez good thing we're buying it okay there he goes went straight back down nice sorry it's okay take your time put all this stuff away okay you ready for the reveil yes oh it's tiny it is small but it's beautiful it's definitely not damaged the colors are gorgeous do you see any stains I know this I don't see any stands on my side how about yours no yeah we're good to go I like that that for five bucks five bucks don't youold it the other way so I can see the price tag Buton oh yeah it's on the middle of this side right here you see it yeah just folded yeah you can fold in half either way oh so they could see the poster I thought you meant the people watching the video sorry okay go there do that I'll fold those guys you me to hold those I think you'll be good with those I'll drop this guy once okay I think we seen it all there's one little room over here we could peek out real quick okay but I think it's pretty bare yeah there's not much going on in here nothing else in here okay so we got seven bucks is that what we got yeah's got the wall you yeah me all right so we know we got seven so far yep we still got to ask about this terra cotta horse okay but uh yeah we're going to go see right now all right are we ready you ready for this I think so let's go all right I think you still Double Take on the pink oh it's beautiful yeah, though okay so we have seven bucks there and then we added this I don't know what you'd want on the dollar a dollar okay it's a dollar deal there we go 8 thank you thank you oh it's beautiful I love the col are those is this stuff already sold down here guy said he was he wanted me to hold it he was coming back down so oh yeah how long ago is that a while it's been a while man those are cool see that beautiful isn't that nice it is very nice okay well what time are you closing well we'll be probably be here till 4 till 4: okay we'll check back a little later if he hasn't come back he said he was coming back around 3 so okay we'll give him some time I think it's not even three yet yeah all right thank you all right now that was a good stop but the best part is is that there is a yard sale like three houses down oh is there nice yeah well if they're still open they didn't have a closing time so it might be gone but it could be there getting close to 2:00 now hopefully they're still open but I mean this is a cool sign that we found two really cool Birds I I really like that it's not like the Hobby Lobby ones that try to copy this like this is what they copy this real deal you know yeah that's a real deal right there I love it okay let me get that door for you okay at this point or we got room in the back still uh yeah we got a couple couple inches of space in here oh my little gosh oh man this is a mess we're racing what is that on yeah I don't even think you could see the car and it get some b-roll like of the car itself look how far it went down this thing is the coolest RC car in the world it is really cool it's adorable that you're playing this outside of this estate so man it's just too much fun all right I just had to get a little bit in I was feeling a little bit tired now we can go hit the last garage s of a day let's do it let's go do it all right so that garage cell was already closed down yes but we were super close to this Goodwill so we're just going to do a quick run through we should be able to do it extremely fast cuz we were literally just here yesterday yeah we were shouldn't be too bad oo brand new carts out nice and a clothing rack which one you want to look at oh I think we've already looked at that one right maybe there's your chair SK still still there the chair okay putting it away right now so we got to be fast all right I think I'm already done looking in a yeah this is a lot of kiddos clothes to lot of kid stuff okay all right well we can we can just go peek the peek the aisles on H yeah look for new stuff let's do it all right I'm empty-handed oh you didn't find anything no what do you think about this pillow oh my gosh is that really cool love owl it's gorgeous it's really nice I like it's double-sided too yeah I just looked it up and this is called throw by uh Marlo Loren okay and I didn't see any of these owls sold but there was a peacock one same size that sold for 35 plus shipping dang yeah that cool aome yeah I think the owl would sell just as good as a peacock the owls well I don't know I like owls so I'm probably partial probably be a little better but even I mean the what are the pills here a dollar Buck a dollar yeah so even if it sells for 20 we'll be happy right yeah awesome and we're not empty-handed we left here yesterday with nothing okay I can't tell if someone's talking to me over here I didn't hear what you heard I can peek him through there they're talking to each other sorry I don't even know what I said okay but whatever yesterday empty-handed so I'm happy we at least found one thing we got something look at that okay let's go uh I don't know I haven't looked through these pillows okay but yeah let's get out of here I think we're done right um I can look at one more row of stuff while you look at this okay cool let's do that real quick all right we're going to check out the plush a little bit what is that this looks like one of those uh sleeping Disney plush things they want three bucks for it okay Matt maybe when Kayla gets over here we can search this and maybe just get up out of here o a brand new cart no way I was just coming to find you and you got a brand new cart he said he's brought the other guy a cart so we only have a second to look oh no she's cool cool no T squish meow but she's $5.99 $5.99 for that one okay that is pretty cute I see a bongo I wish it was out so you can play it no way he can't right now he's going to come right back we love the Bongos I know I just found this over there let's look it up real quick okay do you mind doing a Google image on there let's do it we just like quickly find it real quick let's see man this guy's cool right he got a lot of weight to it for Squish M okay yeah Disney park cuddle cuz it feels like a squishmallow right okay it's very squishy 22 in boom sold on eBay for $32 sold for 32 okay that's worth three yeah $2.99 all right see this what is that it's a trash can it's a ceramic trash can okay ceramic trash can I like it 1978 dang it's old it looks way newer than that doesn't it yeah I like that how gorgeous I only see one little teeny tiny chippy okay I was it on one of the flowers this one right here right there but like it almost is just seems like a chip to the paint yeah I it's not bad it's $5.99 $5.99 okay I feel like it's glorious right it's glorious okay I've so some mushroom planters that was made by arnell's or that mold I think it's just the mold but they were really good okay awesome I don't know if this is good but it's got to be at least DEC it's got to be something right it's heavy it's heavy it's perfect okay well well that's probably going to be our last one of the day right yes all right guys thanks for watching thanks guys bye bye cutie it is a cutie probably a dollar yeah these [Music] are okay this might be a big up too this a Vintage DC hat oh that's cool the skateboard brand and it's all price is are decent this is a nice Men's Fossil basket weave oh nice it's not a call basket weave right but yeah this is a 5600 model and they do want $28 for [Music] it found this this cute little Santa ornament little painted guy I think it's like a little [Music] bottle is this one 10 bucks yeah okay we'll grab this one okay [Music] he cute does he have a price I have him you already have [Music] them oh you do yeah yeah super cool he's he he's got some style it's kind of like that style we bought a lot of I know it's called like a it is small but it's beautiful it's definitely not [Music] damaged what you have this owl [Music] gorgeous this looks like one of those uh sleeping Disney blush things [Music] [Applause] n
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 106,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: BrnUY78VHuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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