Braving the Bins on Half-Price Day...

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what is up you guys Josh and Haley here back again at the Goodwill bends today's half off day you guys know we don't uh really like half off day I mean it's obviously cheap everything in here is going to be 95 cents a pound uh I think electronics are like 50 cents a pound or something like that so we find some cheap stuff it's pretty chaotic in here usually more people than usual but hey let's go see what we can find good morning I know don't you have enough turmoil in your life that you got to do this right we're addicted this is kind of a cool bag feels nice I don't see a brand throw it in there why not look around for a few minutes the only thing I've found so far is this little grass uh calabra I know it's called it's a little loose but I think these little balls just kind of screw in tighten it up a little bit I get that found this little Nintendo DS XL case just in case unfortunately I'll still grab that got a squishmallow here always get a plush they're so cheap at our location here got a little Ninecraft guy yep we've got a Pokemon yes always been that a golf something oh it's got like te's te's and a little I don't know what that is cutter holder in there we got a some kind of training tool grab that is this one of these bug guns no way I got this to a jop look at this book of my black edition sticker book it's a bunch of stickers from Pokémon black and it looks like they're all in there how cool is that definitely going to get that cute little lunch box I think Pioneer Woman shes anything good some Sam Edelman flip flops here some Jack Rogers but they're not in good condition Mikes are okay see aing box down here oh it's a popcorn bucket told me it was kind of in better condition pass on that beach these are rone and they are with their tag definitely going to grab those could be a better time I this is a if I'm not mistaken the entire bag this B over here has a lot of single shoes like I found this Hoka it's really nice vium sole good condition I just cannot find the match I guess the toe is a little peely but just like a lot of single good shoes I got this little Echo golf shoe but again I can only find one I just find this putter it's the axelon 77 adjustable Sweet Spot cter it's got this little thing right here I guess you can use a flat head screwdriver in like a Justice Street spot that's kind of cool grab that I got a little re Bradley definitely worth a couple bucks cool Superman turis little up soup container got some kind of car heart something here I think actually I think that's fake yeah it's a it's a fake car heart they put it little car heart logo logo there but there's no tag in the back just says 3XL and it doesn't feel like car H go got a skateboard here I don't know what brand the deck is the deck looks to be in kind of almost looks like a blank independent trucks is a good sign uh independent bearings the wheels spin freely all of them spin freely like that so it's definitely a good quality skateboard I just don't need the exact brand but I'll still get it so this just found this I think I took me minute to figure out what it is I think it's one of those like um things you use to like enrich your dog so you put it on the floor and then you hide little treats in the flaps and then your dog has to like sniff out the treats and like use its nose or Paws to like move the flaps out of the way and get to the stuff so I think we'll get this for Mo thean K like a quality backpack oh it's a hiking backpack too yeah definitely get that let's see if there's any balls in here or anything you can we got some sleeves of precepts although I'll probably take them just like they're not great balls but I can use them for whenever I hit them into the water log bag log camper think it's in pretty good condition straps are good and that Pi that up a relic wet what bag it's also Rel yeah gra that this is cute it's got a bir stack from TJ Maxx on it I don't see it's actual brand anywhere it's still got it strap and everything take a chance on that I forgot I have something to show you look at this look what I found wow oh does it work is that the same gun that you have it's a buck assol this is the don't shoot it don't want to get kicked out of here just salt if it works yeah it works it's like 50 bucks pretty good these boots right here feel super nice they are I don't know what brand and they are like there's a um BP in there but it does say another upper 7 and2 just the leather just feels super nice I mean there is a fres side on here for 19 original price BB Bella so take a chance okay I just found a very good shoe John Barbados USA in amazing condition got plenty of them just found this really pretty boot it is a Freebird by Steven it seems to be in really really nice condition now the problem would be trying to find the other one in this m but we'll try John barvas yeah I cannot find it I found it in here but I've been looking I don't know if you can somebody else has I don't I don't know um it's kind of like a silvery yeah almost like a suede I call this boot I don't know if it's good but it feels really nice it's a free bird by Steven free bird yes free birds are good one of these free birds are really good found a free bird in that b right there okay I'll go look for the Free Bird I've been looking for the free bird and the John Barbados I just found this um as6 gel Venture it's pretty good good condition uh the other one is down here at the end I don't know if somebody put it down here I moved it there we go not worth a ton but a this toes peeling late you finally find a decent match to something and the other one isn't in good condition can you pass me that long gray one right there thank you so much you found it yes found that one Johan Barbados in excellent condition yeah abscent marks on it but like I kind of feel like I think it's just like the leather yeah I think the leather's supposed to look like that still looking for this one still haven't found the Free Birds but I did find this pair of RA Floren uh Polo boots leather Polo boots look be in good shape got bottoms no laces but that's not a huge issue kind of a cool plaid interior and they're an 11 and 1/2 good size think we get these cleaned up a little bit and some new laces it should be an easy maybe like 40 50 bucks on those somebody found the extra hook I was looking for earlier and then left them here the only issue is like this that toe portion is peeling a little bit but it's not anything major other than that I mean the inside heels um often get holes like in there and I would not buy them if they have holes in this in the back but those are good the bottoms have plenty of tread they get vibrant sols yeah I'm definitely going to grab those I would really like to find this pair of free bird boots boots boots I'm not sure exactly how much they're worth but I've seen some of the taller pairs like that sell for like over $200 like2 $250 let's look it up and see exactly which model it is okay hold it up Freebird by Steven CLI that's new new they're like 280 probably like 150 Used well you guys Josh and I have been looking for literally like 30 minutes for this one shoe and we have literally searched this entire row all of these shoes all the way down the road and we can't find it unfortunately which was probably going to be the shoe find of the day but I think we're giving up right this isn't Golden Goose is it no it's like a Golden Goose knockof I was like the chances of us find Golden Goose and Free Bird we've never found we didn't find free bird I think actually found it a couple times hustled home mom but it's always like expensive like even used for like 50 to 75 maybe even $100 part of me just like can't give up so I think we're getting ready to wrap up here I the only other thing I found while I was looking for the Free Birds was this almost just as good T the season Mickey and Minnie Mouse oven almost just as good almost just so that's huge we're going to go get a plush bag separate our plush and then we probably won't be able to film the checkout process the manager is up there and she doesn't like being on camera so we'll meet you guys in the parking lot so we got 36 lb of items at 95 cents a pound uh meaning we paid $34.71 that was listed for like 275 so used is probably like 150 bucks or something so which is still crazy Sho we still found a lot of but I'm glad I also found the John barados too which I don't know exactly what that style is or what that style would go for but that's also a really good brand to look account for almost as cool as the bud gun is is very he's very ready to see what this is this is the enrichment mat but first I just want to thank you guys for I know he sneezes when he's excited just want to thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you could hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done that that would be super dup okay dope okay Mo we have to I'll show you this but you have to can you guys even see here let me just put the put the camera down here a little bit sorry if there's dust on the floor we have a dog okay now hold on I got to put wait can you sit okay now wait okay I've got some I got some dog food now we just have to put it in the flaps spread it generously you seem a little confused you get that there's food in there how do you feel do you feel enriched I think he's just eaten all the ones I put on top he hasn't really figured out how to move the flaps yet oh he's sniffing see how that sniff I I think it really works he'll probably be here for 15 20 minutes just trying to eat all these little morsels of dog food I think it would work really really well if your dog gets bored easily or if your dog eats his food too fast used to have a problem with Mo's eating too fast and we got one of those like maze food bowls but this seems to be like another solid op option so goodwi bins for the wind thank you guys again for watching you're the best and we will catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 53,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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