Took 10 YEARS to thrift it!!!

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so we just pulled up to a Goodwill and we saw them rolling out a fresh cart so we're going to go check it out first thing uh hopefully nobody's on it already yeah we're in Tennessee right now and we're thrifting trying to make some money so let's go see oh no one's at it let's go let's go I saw her put some stuff away though oh no it's okay okay well could be a false alarm it's all woman's clothing it looks like I don't even know if I can even identify anything out of this Lulu you could identify are you kidding me you found one no I you said you don't know if you could identify it I'm saying you definitely could yeah maybe a couple things but all right false alarm it's okay let's go to the hard Goods there my go oh what I heard a gasp oh my goodness do you see this I see it oh it has the remote I see it I don't know what it is this is a Young Living diffuser and it's like the top of the line their best one like it's like really good like this sells for over $100 used to no way that's so awesome and it has the remote wow oh I have never found this one before the best thing living diffuser I ever found was like a volcano dinosaur for kids room and it was like 50 bucks oh dang okay this one though oh my gosh like I think this retails for like 300 something no way this thing here yeah but the only thing is I don't see a doesn't have a cord oh no cord let me see it real quick well that looks like just a standard cord we can probably get a replacement pretty easily Oh goodie yeah ultrasonic oil diffuser okay look at all these oh dang that's good not bad at all I'm super excited yeah I'm wondering if we can maybe find the cord somewhere else or maybe so the reason I'm so excited is because I have a couple diffusers but they're like the cheapest plasticky ones like this is the only one that's that pretty that's really nice you think you might keep that no because it sells for that much but picture it like the it diffuses out this little thing so it looks Prett goes up the glove and around exactly that's really cool gorgeous all right well let's go try to find the cord and some other stuff I just saw these I don't know if they're cool I know are they trivets I think they're trivets yeah and you just got one of these right I think we just sold one actually silver this one's actually brass okay for $1.99 this is prob cool and then they got the swan too you have luck selling like anything with ducks or swans uh I mean I've sold a lot of duck stuff but it always takes forever okay but yeah I like the the butterfly yeah you want to get that for two bucks get the other one we can get both no no no this I've sold duck stuff but the only duck stuff that I've had sell is like Hunter thing you know like hunting oh that's what I've decoys and stuff like that exactly yeah um not so much of like brass figures is kind of what I was talking about more like yeah okay well all right well the diffuser saved this trip yeah that's a that's a nice find right there I would have never guessed that this was worth anything yeah I just walk right by it all right that was a crazy find for our first stop no duck through all the cords at the front and I couldn't find it in there but I'm still very very happy yeah that's a that's a find right there I've been doing a little happy dance all throughout the store that was a long drive it's literally what like half of a minute yeah Goodwill's that white building right there basically just enough time for me to search like the replacement pieces for this little diffuser look at this like just the glass piece sell for yeah 58 then look just the remotes 35 I was curious about the cord so one somebody sold for less than 17 bucks okay so somebody else can just buy one to go with it or we can part it out and be good to go yeah we're going to be all good parting that thing out I'm so excited awesome let's hope we walk in here and find another something amazing exactly let's go do it oh it goes 75% off on 26 is this a three piece set oh cuz this is the third piece okay so this thing is nice it's $3.99 for the whole set it goes 25% off in a few days that's actually not a bad deal oh my gosh this is so nice you look good in there it's actually comfy I got it all decorated with a little plant for you too is this like an outdoor set or like a sun room uh this one looks like it would be so maybe that one is too yeah I wish we had a sun room we be putting that in the truck yeah give me a sun room so I can get those please all right looks like a nice big store yeah I like the fact that it has sales on there maybe it's just their bigger items though I think they're I've seen on other stores like their specialty Things Are discounted okay dang Chocos for 17 nice we're definitely back at Karm yeah it's crazy to find some place more expensive but we have done it we found it over and over oh that's nice I'm guessing $ 13.99 H you're off by $10 it's 23 yeah oh that is yeah remember that hat that I found that had the trout on it it sold within like 30 seconds for like $90 so we might actually want to look into that okay let's check it out yeah some of their like tournaments they do the specialty ones are limited so yeah it actually might be something and this is one of the organic cotton tops too oh okay I'll look into this one yeah that's that's nice all right how we looking well I found this one that is short sleeve that is the same exact on the front that sold for 50 bucks okay that's not bad and then look at this one that's long sleeve 110 for another world tour and that one's 53 I haven't seen this exact T in long sleeve and it gets lower I've got it filtered high to low right now okay so I mean it's probably worth 50 bucks that's what I was thinking especially the only long sleeve but um that back's the coolest one on out of all them it's actually I mean I'm pretty sure we could probably get it in listed for 100 it probably still would sell well what do you think it's up to you I think it probably would try as soon as I saw it the first thing I thought of was that hat yeah oh good we were on the same wavelength same W that's crazy that was like a while ago nice $23.99 we'll think about it we're going to hold on to it for now all right so we looked into the Patagonia a little bit and I think this model right here is not one of the better ones so there's one listed for less than $40 like $36.99 okay so for 24 we're going to put it back and I'll put it back over there in a second but uh Kayla found this really cool shirt so this is a Nike ACG the gold tag version which is a little bit more hard to find uh it's got the embroidered dude on there look though the Nike checks on his shoes got that's really cool and the back is even just as cool yeah it's like this dude over and over and over yeah makes the ACG so we looked into these and like one's very similar like 40 to 50 okay so we're going to grab it and I don't know how much it is though yeah don't look why does this have to be $12 I know but I still I love it it's still worth it so much I think we should get it I think it's better than the $50 ones yeah I love that one yeah so we're going to stack that cool shirt hope hope we can find something else in this thore I know good luck I really never thought we'd find somewhere more expensive than Goodwill yeah this is this is ridiculous but hey we have something so that's okay yeah it makes it so we could find cool stuff like this cuz we're willing to pay up some people aren't so that's right you know you got to pay to play okay please I'm really hoping I haven't seen the price yet but I'm hoping the this club is less than $10 cuz if it is I'm probably going to get it okay this is a really nice eastn uh baseball infielders met okay very heavy duty so what do we think I I'm guess starts with a one oh no it's a four the next number is a four okay so I could live with that I might I'm going to look into this one okay and see if it's worth it but yeah this is this personal or for eBay uh it would be for eBay yeah Jack already has his glove but all right yeah it's a nice glove let's look into it real quick okay so we're going to end up passing on this glove because someone listed it on eBay for $16 and took an offer on it which is silly I I have all the confidence that I could sell this for at least 50 on eBay but because the sales history is just not looking the best I'm not going to spend $115 on it okay all right so this is the only thing we found in here one little shirt yeah there there's other stuff but like everything we find is way too high so yeah I think uh from this point on all the karms are going to be just quick run throughs right agree like five minutes max yeah all right so everything's individually priced no standard prices at all like Goodwill we can look through t-shirts and know they're $1.99 each every single time yeah not here never thought I'd be so happy to see another Goodwill I know those karms are they're going to be in my nightmares Jes we found a few good things but man yeah got to struggle yeah this Goodwill looks nice and big yeah hopefully uh it's really this big cuz we went to one the other day and it was like only a little tiny piece of a building so all right let's go in here and see we can find it looks actually really big how you doing after you excuse us lot of people in line too what the heck okay oh dang there's a big line the deals are here oh no she has pots and pans and oh jeez oh no they got all the best stuff they got all the best stuff jeez jeez going go straight for that hard kids all the way in the back okay you go do that I'm going to grab a cart and I'll see you over there okay this is pretty cool that is cool fishing hook ORV this and it has a little Le strap on the back that's nice it's got a cool style yeah $2.99 so back in the day I sold I think it was a Columbia hat that has a very similar thing to that that did pretty good so yeah I feel like a lot of that old fishing stuff in general that's really cool uhhuh yeah that's definitely worth a look up and the Patagonia trout stuff is really good too yeah this little hat looks cool SEC Champions SEC Champions yeah new with tags $7 that's kind of rough jeez this one's $2.99 okay but this one's slightly dirty it's the only thing it's not bad we could uh put it through a little wash or something maybe yeah little scrubby scub some of their best on ones are the fishing hats like those have the trout there another trout one that's not bad at all yeah I mean this one might not be that great but it's probably somewhere close it's got to be I mean it's basically the same thing just a fishing hook instead of a trap all right so for $22.99 I'll CLE it yeah let's grab it this is really cool a beaded what what is this oh is it like a lamp a lamp shade maybe or you could put like a little battery operated B up in there maybe how much is this though I do not see a price sorry oh did you find something else uh yeah well these are personal items we got a t-shirt for my son jack oh love with the banana come another one you got the running banana on the back too that's awesome and then uh this for some reason he really likes Vanderbilt I guess they have a really good baseball team yeah so I'm going to get him that hat also okay so yeah we're hooking him up okay what do you think about this um needed Dome object I think it's really cool is this like uh you put a candle in it or maybe that's what I'm guessing or a lamp but do you see price in there cuz I was trying to find one with my hand and was not I don't see a price what are the chances it's reasonable enough oh we're in good World we're not in K so could be could be reasonable you think it's cool enough to get I think so I feel like it's really cool and I like how it has multiple different size beads like in the center part yeah it's got weight to it it's feels like it's probably from a high-end Place yeah I don't know or maybe like Pier One yeah I like it it's like two bucks or something right yeah okay let's go check and everything else we've already looked there so yeah so we're done yeah let's go ask them how much that thing's going to be okay okay so unfortunately our next thrift stop is another Karm wrong way for me but we have a 10-minute timer ready on the 10-minute timer so we're going to turn into a 10-minute challenge y this is the only way we can get it in and out of the store in the amount of time that we want to that's right so we're going to start it when we hit the door see if we can find anything at all worth picking up and then at the 5minute Mark you want to meet up yeah sounds good okay imediately split up ony Mark get set go go timer started here we go okay so I kind of really like these right off the bat uh they're priced at $11.99 each and they are like professionally framed birdie prints I'm assuming that's a print made by Bennett Gallery see with this 10 minute timer I don't have much time to decide all right let's go back on the wall back on the wall okay I'm going to think about those guys it's not bad let see so I'm going to pause it real quick here okay pause pause okay pausing okay all right I'm looking at this okay so it says sterling silver with gold plate on it okay the only thing I'm seeing they got 14k and Sterling eted in there and er that is a wild ring isn't it it's only $34 that is very unique I feel like that kind of name your price kind of a deal what do you mean oh for us yeah I mean if you yeah for someone it's cuz it's a custom piece like that that's really pretty you think it's worth grabbing though I don't know maybe we'll do a little research okay the style yeah okay okay did you find anything yet no nothing well nothing really nothing that's Priced Right no I don't think so thank you sir we might be back for it all right good okay we're going to start the time again okay boom five minutes you said you're going to go look into something I'm look into the ring okay and keep in Rolling okay go the time's ticking we have 1 minute and 18 seconds oh okay okay I thought we were for sure done I found that it's a satin trim New Old Stock blanket it's cool it's new yeah it's uh made by Beacon okay so this is a twin size the queen one of the same quilt sold for 60 okay so I think a twin might sell for 30 to 40 maybe 50 and pink makes sense for twin kze yeah so we'll we'll grab that right yeah all right cool so we need let's make a decision on that ring before that timer comes up oh well you have to sign the ring oh stri now I have to strike out I found few cool things but everything's six okay I personally think that ring can sell for like a 100 bucks easily yeah is um if I was going to list it I'd list it for 135 okay well then let's get it you think so yeah I think we chck your G always okay cool let's go do that good okay yeah not bad making it for me oh no the speaker go that way oh yeah let's go this way let's go and I think we're going to be like right on time perfect we got to get up here and hit the alarm right when the timer goes off yep wait we're almost we're almost in the line at least oh jeez did you look at all the other jewelry already uh not very closely that's the only one that really caught my eye really yeah right there got yeah I don't am I crazy no I think it's really beautiful how come we don't have all right well that was a productive 10 minutes I guess better than like still looking yeah exactly but it is kind of disappointing they W stop are we getting the ring you said yes we're getting the ring okay all right we'll see you guys outside Nostalgia huh yeah where are you going oh I was what are you doing I was getting in in uh I thought this would be a good good little intro spot so I was already filming oh okay go you start you can start now so we uh this is a like a bonus place so when I plan this day I wanted to go to a couple cool like antique East type places so yeah I thought this one you would like the best okay it looks really cool kind of regretting coming up here at this point but all right he climbed in the bush for that shot you guys that was good appreciate the work okay there's a little cat right here a what oh a cat a real cat yeah oh he's sing he looks like security that's a big old cat that is UN intimidating security all right let's go see what they got say Christmas shoplifters will be prosecuted watch out the cat will get you jeez here we go all right after you thank you sir lots of Christmasy stuff still hey hi okay what do we got what are these Harmony Kingdom oh I've sold some of these they're all little tiny trinket boxes careful oh my God almost lost the Li yeah I sold some pop bellies out from these and they sell for like 25 each okay looks like they're one in about 20 18 18 to 28 okay out of our resell yeah couch is cool too that is a cool couch I got Jesus up in the corner that's a big one or is that Joseph that's Jesus right that's Jesus no it's not Jesus it's Joseph having Jesus that's him in the Nativity oh so he's Jesus is the baby okay what is going on right now I got you look at these little cards though in the back which ones they have like Silk string for her dresses you see those little I think it says vintage grease silk embroidered cards for $12 each with the little ladies I've never seen anything like that I haven't either that's cool they're very cool that's the cool thing about coming to these shops is you see a lot of stuff that you wouldn't see and then you kind of find Value too yeah you know they're probably pretty close to eBay probably so much look at all the cats oh cats for days that's a lot of kitty cat jewelry these people definitely like their cats yeah I guess it's a theme everywhere cats oh feral fine friends so this person much specialized in cats they've got a lot of cool little vintage bres yeah for five bucks each I like that one that's great reminds me of that one we sold that you picked up it's actually Mark I I think some kind of pet pet thing paw there okay I wonder if it's the same lady's or person's shop I don't know it says my cat oh maybe maybe she just added it on there well it says it helps but unwanted so I'm sure maybe all the proceeds go to nice we helmed kitties you want to help some kitties today get a brch is that a trick question okay let's help some Cas I think oh man I loveth the Shelf Bape oh that's beautiful I was rubbing what is it that one's cool the like the half circle oh shoot was close that was very close all right this place is definitely uh have those antique store prices these lucite grapes which I will say this is the biggest bundle I've seen size-wise like the diameter of each one but uh it was $150 and now it's $82 which is oh goodness which is still a little bit higher than what we'd be able to get on eBay for it that might be the biggest gym Shore figure I've seen look at that compared to my hand I think is this a moose or no it's an elk and it's priced at $110 I'm going to insert a comp now I'm not even going to look it up I'm going to assume theyve got it I so a bunch of these recently oh those are priced at $18 a piece all these prices are reasonable for this kind of shop just not for what we do it's still fun to take a peek in there every now and then look at that beautiful stash of Loosey candles but $25 to $30 a piece that orange is like an Amber orange color those are beautiful never seen those before is that a shark I think so or maybe it's a sturgeon sturgeon sturgeon and then you said there's another guy at there yeah little questionable fox skull boxes have I don't know the big long side tooth there throw me off big ins sizers who knows but this is definitely a interesting Booth here oh oh I didn't realize there's like tax arm all behind you too oh jeez so they probably know what kind of skull it is then we'll trust their thing yeah they know what's up okay how did I not realize we're surrounded by skulls skull day this black teer is really beautiful I've never seen anything like that has bronze uhlers oh yeah they painted them yeah oh is that what they did did they just color his fur oh maybe I don't know it says black deer head and I'm like what is a black deer the I don't know who knows no clue this is interesting though is that poop I think so what the heck from 2020 poop with googly eyes oh is that one of those cush balls but whatam call it Cookie Monster Cookie Monster cush cookie cookie cookie cookie okay are we going to go find another thrift store I think so yeah yeah I mean they have cool stuff but it's not like our kind of prices yeah well just grab this little broch and cut out of here all right sounds good all right all right what are these couple Al Birds wow clean too what do you think about these have you ever sold Al Birds oh I have those Al Birds yeah oh my gosh those look like brand new they're in like perfect condition $5.99 too that's awesome awesome I think the last time I sold them they were selling between like 40 to 60 okay I've only sold flats and they were both for 50 bucks yeah that's a big boy right there yeah it's a squish mellow but look at that oh no that sucks seen better days wasn't Kinsley saying she wants to jumbo oh yeah and his tail yeah want a big the family golden retriever got to that guy that's a good start baby yeah all breaks for the win yeah all right I might have found the coolest shirt in here did you just find something at the very second I found something ooh what do you got I got a really nice fossil backpack oh dang I haven't looked at the price get though so bear with me isn't that nice though that is super nice that's clean I know it looks brand new I love $7.99 that's not bad no that's probably like a $40 backpack that's awesome sweet it looks good I had to check the straps yeah I think we're perfect oh my gosh I'm glad that thing looks like it was never worn I love it okay show me yours but what about the bies I don't think there's any resale value here but since we just went I think I should bring it back and yeah Parker got his little thing now you can have that for Jack yeah Jack got a little little Bucky shirt that thing is so I can't believe how clean this thing is it looks like it hasn't been carried the Le that's I know I say things like this all the time but this is like the coolest leather I've seen like that color is it's like the conac I think what they call it dang it's not even scratched on here either I can't believe it's 799 I think someone bought that and never used it and then Ed it yeah yeah all right it looks like it's the Claire backpack CLA okay so it goes from 40 40 55 not bad no and ours is again like perfect condition so yeah hour be at the top of that definitely almost $60 yeah sweet for $7.99 can't beat it all right so as soon as we grab those Al birds like a minute or two later I saw her bring out these and put them right where those were so are nice yeah these to me these look like vintage Nikes yeah but who knows they are very clean so let's just look into them so on Nikes these tags tell you everything so these are size 11 okay and if you look right right underneath that 11 you see the date that's when they were made 10 blurry oh there it goes yeah you're good all right 10516 okay and then to the right of that we're going to look up that model number real quick okay and try 80869 okay you got that I'm going to use uh just go into the eBay app and check it out real quick here we go oh all right these are all but let's go condition used so they're listed for 90 210 967 89 let's see what they're selling for so we're going to filter it we're going to go down to sold all right so pre-own for 150 took off around 80 86 85 okay this don't do that don't put them on auction okay here's another one 130 okay and these are a size 11 so they're going to be pretty desirable okay and they're how much they're $9.99 so not too bad that's your lucky spot yeah these are super cool yeah like the more I look at them the cooler they get I don't know anything about Nike shoes really but you know enough about Nike sh I know enough to look up the ones that are I think might be good but after show just the breakdown on the tag he knows nothing El I know a little bit I still know what's cool right now yeah yeah and it has the remote wow oh I have never found this one [Music] before Kayla found this really cool shirt so this is a Nike ACG the gold tag [Music] version that is cool fishing NE for this and it [Music] has what this oh is it like [Music] a so it says sterling silver with gold PL on [Music] it I found that it's a satin trim new old suck [Music] buet have you ever sold Al Birds oh I have off oh my [Music] gosh I haven't looked at the price yet though so bear with me isn't that nice though that is super nice that's clean who knows they are very clean so let's just look into them so on Nikes these tags tell you [Music]
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 178,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: lgGElcRb8kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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